44 GlobalConfig
Andrew Dolgov edited this page 2023-10-30 09:04:01 +00:00

% Global configuration

All settings (see _DEFAULTS[] for default values) are listed here:

It is preferred to adjust tt-rss global configuration through the environment, i.e. defined in .env when using docker-compose setup:

# Copy this file to .env before building the container.
# Put any local modifications here.


Alternatively, you can create config.php in tt-rss root directory (copied from config.php-dist), using the following syntax:

  • Note lack of quotes around values.
  • Options should be always prefixed by TTRSS_.
  • Don't modify classes/config.php.
  • You don't need to put everything to config.php, only the options which you've changed from the defaults.

Legacy plugin-required constants also go to config.php, using define():

define('LEGACY_CONSTANT', 'value');

To set computed values via putenv() you have to get them evaluated by PHP, this would work:


However, these won't give you expected results:

# => 0, because '2592000' is an invalid number

# => 86400, right side expression is not evaluated, instead you're casting string literal "86400*30" to integer

Note that all values should be precomputed when setting via .env because they are not evaluated by PHP and used as-is.

Minimal config.php for a non-Docker setup

Should have at least these options defined:


putenv('TTRSS_DB_TYPE=pgsql'); # or mysql
putenv('TTRSS_DB_PORT=5432'); # or 3306
putenv('TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH=http://example.com/tt-rss/'); # fully-qualified URL of your tt-rss install
putenv('TTRSS_PHP_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/php-cli-binary'); # normally something like /usr/bin/php

Migrating from old-style config.php

For any config.php settings you have changed from the defaults (normally this is the DB_ group of settings and SELF_URL_PATH, replace as follows, using the rules above:

define('DB_PORT', 'xxx')putenv('TTRSS_DB_PORT=xxx').

You can safely omit any settings that were at default values.

This thread has relevant discussion and many examples.