Commit Graph

6382 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Justin M. Keyes 5b8255e251 NVIM v0.1.5
    c7d84c5550 PR #4980 Full `:ruby` support!
    c74ce334f2 PR #4624 timers: timer_start(), timer_stop()
    b8e6f04e69 PR #5205 `:CheckHealth` command

    47a15d0256 PR #4865 file: Add buffered reading and writing
        *Much* faster shada file reading (important for startup time).

    71b3e20d0f PR #4723 jobstart() learned 'rpc'
        jobs and RPC channel IDs share the same "namespace".
        jobstart() can starts RPC channels, which allows scripts to handle
        'stderr' on a RPC channel, like a typical non-RPC job.
        jobpid()/jobstop() work on RPC "jobs".
        Deprecates rpcstart().

    4dc4efc36f PR #4449 man.vim rewrite
        `:Man` command is enabled by default.
        New features: completion, window handling, better parsing, and more.

    8a4e5b4bc2 PR #4697 capture() function (renamed to execute())
        Supports nesting, including nested :redir.

    ae6db26b09 PR #5050 'rplugin manifest: default to XDG dir'
    a1682281f4 PR #5214 Restore ":browse oldfiles".
    1f7304b846 Better handling of mouse-clicks on concealed chars.
    5ea4d58a1b PR #5026 terminal: Ensure b:term_title always has a value
    c002310787 tui: Assume 256 colors in most cases.
    a2ecbc2cc0 PR #4929 Always resize the :terminal
    a59330d6fc PR #4925 api_info()
    a160590e40 PR #4813 allow setting cwd in jobstart(), termopen()
    74f6460181 PR #4633: support "special" highlight (undercurl)
    5a5ef1c222 PR #3450 mouse: Implement horizontal scroll.

Windows support:
    All PRs now build on Appveyor targeting win32 and win64!
    Numerous fixes!

    e9061117a5 PR #4646 Prevent data loss for process output streams
    7fa1baf44e PR #4798 'process.c: Fix block in teardown'
    c10fe010f1 Prevent endless loop in printdigraph(). (#5215)
    add41dca98 PR #5192 timers: Avoid crash after processing events
    006f9c0c9c PR #5195 Set the default value for 'packpath'
    6da7d6890c PR #5025 Restore double click
    d622e9c416 readfile(): Less-disruptive readonly check.
        Fixes an issue where nvim unnecessarily "touched" open files.
    fe6ec75725 PR #4964 Handle very long $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
    895f712df8 option: Do not expand options in XDG vars.
    1d8a076157 server_init: Handle server_address_new() failure.
    be531aba77 PR #5042 Fix v:register for clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus
    204f557a11 PR #4984 'Trigger TabNewEntered with <CTRL-W>T'
    1e93e24f5e PR #4851 synIDattr(): Return RRGGBB value for `fg#`.

    acc5d08b37 PR #4690 'termguicolors' option enables "true color".
        NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR is now ignored.
2016-08-21 22:14:28 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes b8e6f04e69 Merge #5205 'CheckHealth' 2016-08-21 22:04:15 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes 297677ecf4 remote/host.vim: Avoid "No matching autocommands".
:silent does not silence this message, even :redir does not consume it.
But execute() _does_ consume it, which interferes with the current
implementation of health.vim. It's prudent to avoid it in any case, even
if the implementation of health.vim changes in the future.
2016-08-21 22:03:28 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes 45cc14d9a5 CheckHealth: Remove "disable"/"enable" concept
We can add this later if it is proven necessary, but it should not be

1. User can run a subset of checkers via `:CheckHealth plugin1, ...,`
2. Healthcheck is a very rare operation. Optimizing it is not worth the
   code/API complexity.
2016-08-21 22:03:28 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes ed49d9d866 CheckHealth: Accept [plugin1 [, plugin2 [, ...]]] args.
To healthcheck the "foo" plugin:
    :CheckHealth foo
To healthcheck the "foo" and "bar" plugins:
    :CheckHealth foo bar
To run all auto-discovered healthchecks:
2016-08-21 22:03:28 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes 545e7a4163 CheckHealth
- Overlay markdown syntax/filetype, don't invent new filetypes/syntaxes.
- migrate s:check_ruby()
- s:indent_after_line1
- Less-verbose output
2016-08-21 21:25:33 -04:00
TJ DeVries 2cc523c3af CheckHealth
- Use execute() instead of redir
- Fixed logic on suboptimal pyenv/virtualenv checks.
- Move system calls from strings to lists. Fixes #5218
- Add highlighting
- Automatically discover health checkers
- Add tests

Helped-by: Shougo Matsushita <>
Helped-by: Tommy Allen <>

Closes #4932
2016-08-21 21:25:33 -04:00
James McCoy a26d52ea32 Merge pull request #5231 from jamessan/vim-7.4.1700
2016-08-21 15:06:58 -04:00
James McCoy c317fc20b0
ex_cmds: Factor pieces of functionality out of do_sub
* sub_joining_lines: Optimization for :%s/\n//
* sub_grow_buf: Allocation of buffer to contain replacement text
* sub_parse_flags: Parse {flags} from :s command into subflags_T

Although this doesn't reduce do_sub's size enough to satisfy lint, it
covers the more straightforward pieces.
2016-08-20 23:55:26 -04:00
James McCoy d9ab9160b8
lint 2016-08-20 23:55:26 -04:00
James McCoy c7e6b58012
Problem:    Recursive call to substitute gets stuck in sandbox. (Nikolai
Solution:   Handle the recursive call. (Christian Brabandt, closes vim/vim#950)
            Add a test.


Closes #5118
2016-08-20 23:55:11 -04:00
James McCoy 35ddcc5bb4
Problem:    Equivalence classes are not properly tested.
Solution:   Add tests for multi-byte and latin1. Fix an error. (Owen Leibman)


src/regexp.c changes weren't applied because they're specific to EBCDIC
handling, which has been dropped from nvim.

The latin1-specific tests were also removed since neovim intends to
remove the ability to have 'encoding' set to anything other than utf8.
2016-08-20 23:54:43 -04:00
Björn Linse 71b3e20d0f Merge pull request #4723 from bfredl/rpcstderr
allow stderr handler for rpc jobs and use it to display python/ruby startup error
2016-08-20 12:58:37 +02:00
Björn Linse 2d60a15e25 job control: reuse common job code for rpc jobs
This makes stderr and exit callbacks work for rpc jobs
2016-08-20 12:55:35 +02:00
Björn Linse 215922120c stream: set data together with callback 2016-08-20 10:25:33 +02:00
Justin M. Keyes 1b825a9ada man.vim: Avoid error in legacy vimrcs.
The old man.vim ftplugin advises users to add this to vimrc:

    runtime ftplugin/man.vim

Make this a no-op to avoid sending users on a debugging quest.
2016-08-19 22:57:24 -04:00
Matt Fowles Kulukundis 12b5c846ba build: initialize variable (#5194) 2016-08-19 17:41:42 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes 6f0f8e7f4a Merge #5198 from equalsraf/windows-path-is-absolute
Windows: path_is_absolute()
2016-08-18 18:53:03 -04:00
Rui Abreu Ferreira ccb6af064f path.c: Avoid code duplication for path separator checks 2016-08-18 09:41:09 +01:00
Rui Abreu Ferreira 6b94d4d14f Windows: Check drive letter in absolute paths
Check if drive letter is alphabetic character in
2016-08-18 09:41:09 +01:00
Rui Abreu Ferreira 22e9c51b0f Add Windows support to path_is_absolute()
2016-08-18 09:41:08 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes ae6db26b09 Merge #5050 'rplugin manifest: default to XDG dir'
Closes #5152
Closes #5090
2016-08-17 18:39:25 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes f9aa029a8b host.vim: s:GetManifestPath(): octal permissions 2016-08-17 18:30:09 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes acaf480bdc host.vim: s:GetManifestPath(): Create base directory if needed.
If the base directory does not exist, let mkdir(...,'p') create it.
2016-08-17 18:29:45 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes 4b0b391f9f host.vim: s:GetManifestPath(): Remove for-loop.
Without the for-loop it is easier to follow, more explicit, and fewer
2016-08-17 17:43:26 -04:00
Tommy Allen 966f1abd8b tests: Set env variables in RunTests.cmake
2016-08-17 16:22:21 -04:00
Tommy Allen 01e33e1c74 runtime: rplugin manifest written to $XDG_DATA_HOME
Uses $NVIM_RPLUGIN_MANIFEST if available
2016-08-17 16:22:15 -04:00
Shougo dfb6a5133b vim-patch:7.4.2112 (#5175)
Problem:    getcompletion(.., 'dir') returns a match with trailing "*" when
            there are no matches. (Chdiza)
Solution:   Return an empty list when there are no matches.  Add a trailing
            slash to directories. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)  Add tests for no
            matches. (closes vim/vim#947)

2016-08-17 09:24:20 -04:00
Björn Linse 6b48d25cbf Merge pull request #5228 from bfredl/nullbufhl
api: handle null string in buffer_add_highlight
2016-08-17 11:09:42 +02:00
Björn Linse 57ac9b0934 api: handle null string in buffer_add_highlight 2016-08-17 09:34:01 +02:00
John Szakmeister c9b29d3884 Merge pull request #5224 from jszakmeister/force-penlight-version
Fix busted tests due to changes in penlight...
2016-08-15 11:59:09 -04:00
John Szakmeister 1d4506ee17 third-party: force the use of penlight 1.3.2-2 until busted is fixed
penlight 1.4.0 changed how files are being globbed and busted hasn't
been updated accordingly yet.  See Olivine-Labs/busted#528 for more
2016-08-15 05:55:12 -04:00
John Szakmeister 6647f3c047 third-party: don't build busted in parallel with anything
luarocks has had trouble in the past with multiple build/install
commands running at the same time.
2016-08-15 05:43:25 -04:00
Björn Linse e57988a9fb Merge pull request #5197 from bfredl/screenfix
cleanup of screen tests: remove unnecessary hl_group and ignores of highlights
2016-08-14 22:57:37 +02:00
Björn Linse 725074aafc tests: add note to expect() message about snapshot_util() 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse f332eba16c tests: don't ignore highlights in terminal tests 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 4de10d43aa tests: don't ignore highlights in completion_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse f282b8ecac tests: don't ignore highlights in various tests 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 0a882b4818 tests: don't ignore highlights in screen_basic_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 82b434dd51 tests: don't ignore highlights in mouse_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse a63f770bcb tests: don't ignore highlights in syntax_conceal_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse cc657951a9 tests: don't ignore highlights in highlight_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 7b29fdd200 tests: don't ignore highlights in searchhl_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 35b47890dd tests: don't ignore highlights in bufhl_spec 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Björn Linse 9c4a94f964 tests: remove deprecated hl_colors 2016-08-14 21:53:02 +02:00
Daniel Hahler 884b37fd2a scripts/ fix typo (#5221)
[ci skip]
2016-08-14 08:19:46 -04:00
Rui Abreu Ferreira fb98145aa2 Windows: get_past_head() (#5199)
Reported in #4955, get_past_head() is supposed to return a pointer
after the head of the path (/ in UNIX, c:\ in Windows) but the windows
case was removed.

Removed the Mac reference in the comment, since there no special
handling for Mac.

2016-08-13 09:08:31 -04:00
Anmol Sethi 79ef4b72d7 man.vim: doc fixes #5171
- Weird tab+space combination used for alignment. All spaces now
- Added back <C-T> mapping (somehow we missed that completely)
- Fixed mistake that <Plug>(Man) opens in a new tab. Also added note at
  top on how the window is chosen/opened.
- Clarified q local mapping
- Removed section that shows an example autocmd to add desired folding
- Removed random line in `usr_12.txt` about `<Leader>` and backslash.
- :Man supports completion, not auto-completion.

Closes #5171
2016-08-13 08:58:21 -04:00
oni-link c10fe010f1 Prevent endless loop in printdigraph(). (#5215)
Calling printdiagraph() with msg_silent != 0 can result in an endless
loop because the loop condition never changes, if msg_col is never

To fix this, calculate the number of iterations before the loop, which
is always smaller than list_width.
2016-08-11 19:10:32 -04:00
Justin M. Keyes a1682281f4 Merge #5214 from jamessan/browse-modifier
Re-add ":browse" command modifier and use it with ":oldfiles"
2016-08-11 18:58:26 -04:00