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# How-To at a glance
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* [About pull requests](
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* [GitHub Hello World](
* [YouTube - GitHub Tutorial For Beginners](
* [YouTube - How To Fork A GitHub Repo and Submit A Pull Request](
* [YouTube - Markdown Crash Course](
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Even if you're an experienced open source contributor, there are things that might trip you up. Once you've submitted your PR, ***GitHub Actions* will run a *linter*, often finding little issues with spacing or alphabetization**. If you get a green button, everything is ready for review; but if not, click "Details" under the check that failed to find out what the linter didn't like, and fix the problem adding a new commit to the branch from which your PR was opened.
Finally, if you're not sure that the resource you want to add is appropriate for `Free-Programming-Books`, read through the guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING]( *([translations]( also available)*.