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Eric Hellman edited this page 2021-09-30 15:23:40 -04:00

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Q: If it is a PDF, do we link directly to the PDF or to a website that has a link to the PDF? When there are multiple formats, but they are all available from the same website as the main one, do we just not provide a URL?

A: If there's a web page specifically about the book, that has a link to the PDF, link to the page. if not, link to the pdf.

Q: What do we do when there are three or more formats (e.g. HTML, PDF and EPUB), and there are three different URL's, how do we indicate this?

A: If there's a web page that links to multiple formats, link to that page. title - Author Name (format1) (format2) (format3)

Q: Is it preferred to use the direct link (i.e. no 301 redirects) or the shorter link?

A: we don't want link shortener links, or cloaked links, but redirects are ok if they make sense. Links that resolve to "file sharing sites" are not generally permitted.