scanner: fix regex for matching URLs in gradle maven{} blocks

closes #465

This script generated gradle-maven-blocks.yaml:
import os
import re
import yaml

pat = re.compile(r'\smaven\s*{[^}]+}')

finds = set()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
    for f in files:
        if '.gradle' in f:
            with open(os.path.join(root, f), errors='surrogateescape') as fp:
                contents =
            for m in pat.findall(contents):

with open('finds.yaml', 'w') as fp:
    yaml.dump(sorted(finds), fp, default_flow_style=False)

This commit is contained in:
Hans-Christoph Steiner 2020-06-03 23:40:01 +02:00
parent 6590f3869e
commit 0837289935
3 changed files with 819 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ options = None
DEFAULT_JSON_PER_BUILD = {'errors': [], 'warnings': [], 'infos': []} DEFAULT_JSON_PER_BUILD = {'errors': [], 'warnings': [], 'infos': []}
json_per_build = DEFAULT_JSON_PER_BUILD json_per_build = DEFAULT_JSON_PER_BUILD
MAVEN_URL_REGEX = re.compile(r"""\smaven\s*{.*?(?:setUrl|url)\s*=?\s*(?:uri)?\(?\s*["']?([^\s"']+)["']?[^}]*}""",
def get_gradle_compile_commands(build): def get_gradle_compile_commands(build):
compileCommands = ['compile', compileCommands = ['compile',
@ -101,8 +104,6 @@ def scan_source(build_dir, build=metadata.Build()):
if r.match(s) and not is_whitelisted(s): if r.match(s) and not is_whitelisted(s):
yield n yield n
gradle_mavenrepo = re.compile(r'maven *{ *(url)? *[\'"]?([^ \'"]*)[\'"]?')
allowed_repos = [re.compile(r'^https://' + re.escape(repo) + r'/*') for repo in [ allowed_repos = [re.compile(r'^https://' + re.escape(repo) + r'/*') for repo in [
'', # mavenCentral() '', # mavenCentral()
'', # jcenter() '', # jcenter()
@ -278,9 +279,8 @@ def scan_source(build_dir, build=metadata.Build()):
count += handleproblem("usual suspect \'%s\'" % (name), count += handleproblem("usual suspect \'%s\'" % (name),
path_in_build_dir, filepath) path_in_build_dir, filepath)
noncomment_lines = [line for line in lines if not common.gradle_comment.match(line)] noncomment_lines = [line for line in lines if not common.gradle_comment.match(line)]
joined = re.sub(r'[\n\r\s]+', ' ', ' '.join(noncomment_lines)) no_comments = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', ''.join(noncomment_lines), flags=re.DOTALL)
for m in gradle_mavenrepo.finditer(joined): for url in MAVEN_URL_REGEX.findall(no_comments):
url =
if not any(r.match(url) for r in allowed_repos): if not any(r.match(url) for r in allowed_repos):
count += handleproblem('unknown maven repo \'%s\'' % url, path_in_build_dir, filepath) count += handleproblem('unknown maven repo \'%s\'' % url, path_in_build_dir, filepath)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-background-fetch/android/libs\"\
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl \"\"\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl ''\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl ''\n\t\t\tname 'Google'\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl \"file://$pwd/.m2repo\"\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl \"\"\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl ''\n\t\tname 'Google'\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t url ''\n\t}"
- "\tmaven { url \"\" }"
- "\tmaven { url \"\" }"
- "\tmaven { url \"\" }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url MAVEN_REPO }"
- " maven {\n\t url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url rootProject.ext.mavenRepo\n \
\ if (!rootProject.ext.mavenRepo.startsWith(\"file\")) {\n \
\ credentials {\n username rootProject.ext.mavenUser\n\
\ password rootProject.ext.mavenPassword\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url \"$rootDir/libs/gutenberg-mobile/node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"file:~/.m2/\"\n artifactUrls \"\
file:~/.m2/\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n content {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Android binaries) is installed\
\ from npm\n url \"$rootDir/react/node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n // url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n\n // Replace AAR from original RN with AAR from react-native-v8\n\
\ url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-v8/dist\")\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n // Android JSC is installed from npm\n url(\"\
$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\")\n }"
- " maven {\n // Android JSC is installed from npm\n url(\"\
$rootDir/react/node_modules/jsc-android/dist\")\n }"
- " maven {\n // Local Maven repo containing AARs with JSC library built\
\ for Android\n // url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\"\n\
\n // prebuilt\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/v8-android/dist\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n // Local Maven repo containing AARs with JSC library built\
\ for Android\n url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck\n url\
\ ''\n }"
- " maven {\n //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck\n url\
\ ''\n }"
- " maven {\n //url ''\n url ''\n\
\ name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n name 'glide-snapshot'\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n name 'glide-snapshot'\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n name = \"sonatype\"\n\n def releasesRepoUrl =\
\ \"\"\n \
\ def snapshotsRepoUrl = \"\"\
\n url = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') ? snapshotsRepoUrl : releasesRepoUrl\n\
\n credentials {\n username ossrhUsername\n \
\ password ossrhPassword\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content\
\ {\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.piasy\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ content {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content\
\ {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ content {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content {\n \
\ // For some reason gradle attempts to get bugsnag from here, which returns\
\ 522\n // after which gradle just drops jitpack. Exclude so it doesn't\
\ bother trying.\n excludeGroupByRegex \".*bugsnag.*\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content {\n \
\ excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content\
\ {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n name 'Google'\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n jcenter()\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url '${mavenUrl}"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name\
\ 'IDEScout, Inc.'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ content {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n content {\n \
\ // Use this repo only for matrix SDK library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"com\\\\.github\\\\.Bubu\"\n // Also add subgroups, due to SDK\
\ split into modules\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.Bubu\\\
\\.matrix-android-sdk\"\n // And Olm library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"org\\\\.matrix\\\\.gitlab\\\\.matrix-org\"\n // And PhotoView\n\
\ includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.chrisbanes\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n content {\n \
\ // Use this repo only for olm library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"org\\\\.matrix\\\\.gitlab\\\\.matrix-org\"\n // And also for\
\ FilePicker\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.jaiselrahman\"\
\n // And monarchy\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\\
.github\\\\.Zhuinden\"\n // And ucrop\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"com\\\\.github\\\\.yalantis\"\n // JsonViewer\n \
\ includeGroupByRegex 'com\\\\.github\\\\.BillCarsonFr'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ name 'replace google()'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ name 'replace jcenter()'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ name 'replace jcenter() and mavenCentral()'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n // Alternative\
\ URL is ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name 'Google'\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ content {\n excludeGroup(\"Kotlin/Native\")\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url rootProject.ext.mavenRepo\n if (!rootProject.ext.mavenRepo.startsWith(\"\
file\")) {\n credentials {\n username rootProject.ext.mavenUser\n\
\ password rootProject.ext.mavenPassword\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n credentials {\n username System.env.ANDVIANE_USERNAME\n password System.env.ANDVIANE_PASSWORD\n }\n //url ''\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n // CUTR Releases\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // Git project library as local library project (ucrop) - see\
\\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n // Need manual cleanup for new SNAPSHOT update if same name with\
\ date change only:\n // Smack official SNAPSHOT repository accepted by F-Droid\n\
\ url ''\n\n \
\ // Smack custom library for org.igniterealtime - not recognize by F-Droid\n\
\ // url ''\n\n // Custom library\
\ for org.jitsi - maven-metadata.xml not compatible\n // Unable to load Maven\
\ meta-data from\n\
\ // org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 44; columnNumber: 91; Attribute\
\ name \"data-pjax-transient\" associated with an element type \"meta\" must be\
\ followed by the ' = ' character.\n // url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n // OBA Releases - for comparator to sort alphanumeric routes\n\
\ url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // TODO: Remove this after support library v24 public release.\n\
\ url \"$rootDir/prebuilts/fullsdk/extras/android/m2repository\"\n }"
- " maven {\n // This maven repo contains artifacts for Flutter's Android embedding.\n\
\ url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n // This maven repo is created when you run `flutter build aar`.\
\ It contains compiled code\n // and resources for flutter_module itself.\n\
\ url '../../flutter_module/build/host/outputs/repo'\n }"
- " maven {\n // Used only for PhotoView\n url \"\"\
\n name 'JitPack Github wrapper'\n }"
- " maven {\n // for Amazon Maps\n url uri('../.m2/repository')\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n // for testlib\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n //url ''\n url ''\n\
\ name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ credentials {\n username maven_user\n password maven_password\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url '../..'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n // Alternative URL is\
\ ''\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url 'third_party/m2'\n }"
- " maven {\n url xwalkMavenRepo\n }"
- " maven {\n url(\"\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url(\"\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"$buildDir/repo\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n setUrl(\"\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- ' maven {
// url ""
// url ""
// url ""
// }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { setUrl("") }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android" }'
- ' maven { url "file:///home/snowdream/workspace/git/mvn-repo/releases/" }'
- ' maven { url "file:///home/snowdream/workspace/git/mvn-repo/snapshots/" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""
- ' maven { url "" }'
- " maven { url \"\"\n }"
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""
- ' maven { url "" }'
- " maven { url \"\"\n }"
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url ""
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ''file:///usr/share/maven-repo'' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''''
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''''}'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''''
- ' maven { url ''''
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''libs'' }'
- ' maven { url = "" }'
- ' maven { url = uri("") }'
- ' maven { url = uri("") }'
- ' maven { url MAVEN_REPO_CACHE }'
- ' maven { url('''') }'
- ' maven {url "" }'
- ' maven {url ""}'
- ' maven {url ''''}'
- " maven{\n url ''\n }"
- " maven{\n url''\n }"
- " maven{\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven{\n url ''\n }"
- ' maven{ url "" }'
- ' maven{ url "" }'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url '''' }'
- ' maven{ url '''' }'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url '''' }'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{url ""}'
- ' maven{url ''''}'
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\t\turl \"\"\
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-background-fetch/android/libs\"\
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl \"\"\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl \"\"\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl ''\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl ''\n\t\t\tname 'Google'\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\t\turl ''\n\t\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl \"file://$pwd/.m2repo\"\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl \"\"\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n\t\turl ''\n\t\tname 'Google'\n\t}"
- "\tmaven {\n // Google Maven Repository\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- "\tmaven { url \"\" }"
- "\tmaven { url \"\" }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url '' }"
- "\tmaven { url MAVEN_REPO }"
- ' maven { url "" }'
- " maven {\n\t url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n\t url System.getenv()['ANDROID_HOME'] + \"/extras/android/m2repository\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"$buildDir/repo\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"file:~/.m2/\"\n artifactUrls \"\
file:~/.m2/\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url repository\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n // url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n\n // Replace AAR from original RN with AAR from react-native-v8\n\
\ url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-v8/dist\")\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url \"$projectDir/../../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url \"$projectDir/../../tests/react-test-app/node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries)\
\ is installed from npm\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n // Android JSC is installed from npm\n url(\"\
$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\")\n }"
- " maven {\n // Local Maven repo containing AARs with JSC library built\
\ for Android\n // url \"$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\"\n\
\n // prebuilt\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/v8-android/dist\"\
)\n }"
- " maven {\n //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck\n url\
\ ''\n }"
- " maven {\n //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck\n url\
\ ''\n }"
- " maven {\n //url ''\n url ''\n\
\ name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n name 'glide-snapshot'\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"./maven_repository/\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n content {\n \
\ // For some reason gradle attempts to get bugsnag from here, which returns\
\ 522\n // after which gradle just drops jitpack. Exclude so it doesn't\
\ bother trying.\n excludeGroupByRegex \".*bugsnag.*\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n name 'Google'\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n name 'Google'\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n jcenter()\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name\
\ 'IDEScout, Inc.'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n content {\n \
\ // Use this repo only for matrix SDK library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"com\\\\.github\\\\.Bubu\"\n // Also add subgroups, due to SDK\
\ split into modules\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.Bubu\\\
\\.matrix-android-sdk\"\n // And Olm library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"org\\\\.matrix\\\\.gitlab\\\\.matrix-org\"\n // And PhotoView\n\
\ includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\\.chrisbanes\"\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n content {\n \
\ // Use this repo only for matrix SDK library\n includeGroupByRegex\
\ \"com\\\\.github\\\\.matrix-org\"\n // Also add subgroups, due\
\ to SDK split into modules\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\.github\\\
\\.matrix-org\\\\.matrix-android-sdk\"\n // And Olm library\n \
\ includeGroupByRegex \"org\\\\.matrix\\\\.gitlab\\\\.matrix-org\"\n\
\ // And PhotoView\n includeGroupByRegex \"com\\\\\
.github\\\\.chrisbanes\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name 'Google'\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url = \"${project.buildDir}"
- " maven {\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist\")\n \
\ }"
- " maven {\n url(\"$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android\")\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n // For the latest version of GeckoView (moving target!) use:\n\
\ //\n\
\ //\n // For discovering available versions go to:\n // \
\\n\n \
\ // ARM GeckoView builds\n url \"\"\
\ +\n \".${geckoview_nightly_date}"
- " maven {\n // Replace snapshots by releases for releases !\n url\
\ \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n // Switch to release for releases !\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n // TODO: Remove this after support library v24 public release.\n\
\ url \"$rootDir/prebuilts/fullsdk/extras/android/m2repository\"\n }"
- " maven {\n // Used only for PhotoView\n url \"\"\
\n name 'JitPack Github wrapper'\n }"
- " maven {\n // aarch64 builds\n url \"\"\
\ +\n \".${geckoview_nightly_date}"
- " maven {\n // x86 GeckoView builds\n url \"\"\
\ +\n \".${geckoview_nightly_date}"
- " maven {\n //url ''\n url ''\n\
\ name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n // Alternative URL is\
\ ''\n url \"\"\
\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n\
\ }"
- " maven {\n url xwalkMavenRepo\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url \"\"\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n name 'Google'\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- " maven {\n setUrl(\"\")\n }"
- " maven {\n url ''\n }"
- ' maven {
// url ""
// url ""
// url ""
// }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { setUrl("") }'
- ' maven { setUrl("") }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android" }'
- ' maven { url "file:${rootProject.projectDir}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""
- ' maven { url "" }'
- " maven { url \"\"\n }"
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- " maven { url \"\"\n }"
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ""}'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url "" }'
- ' maven { url ''../../prebuilts/gradle-plugin'' }'
- ' maven { url ''../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/internal'' }'
- ' maven { url ''../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository'' }'
- ' maven { url ''file:///usr/share/maven-repo'' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''''}'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' /*maven-central with HTTPS*/}'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''''
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url '''' }'
- ' maven { url ''libs'' }'
- ' maven { url = uri("") }'
- ' maven { url = uri("") }'
- ' maven { url MAVEN_REPO_CACHE }'
- ' maven { url('''') }'
- ' maven {url "" }'
- ' maven {url ""}'
- ' maven {url ""}'
- " maven{\n url ''\n }"
- " maven{\n url''\n }"
- " maven{\n url \"\"\n }"
- ' maven{ url "" }'
- ' maven{ url "" }'
- ' maven{ url '''' }'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{ url ''''}'
- ' maven{url ""}'
- ' maven{url ""}'

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import tempfile
import textwrap import textwrap
import unittest import unittest
import uuid import uuid
import yaml
from unittest import mock from unittest import mock
localmodule = os.path.realpath( localmodule = os.path.realpath(
@ -82,6 +83,27 @@ class ScannerTest(unittest.TestCase):
i += 1 i += 1
self.assertEqual(count, i) self.assertEqual(count, i)
def test_scan_source_files_sneaky_maven(self):
"""Check for sneaking in banned maven repos"""
testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dir=self.tmpdir)
fdroidserver.scanner.config = None
fdroidserver.scanner.options = mock.Mock()
fdroidserver.scanner.options.json = True
with open('build.gradle', 'w') as fp:
maven {
url ''
maven {
count = fdroidserver.scanner.scan_source(testdir)
self.assertEqual(2, count, 'there should be this many errors')
def test_scan_source_file_types(self): def test_scan_source_file_types(self):
"""Build product files are not allowed, test they are detected""" """Build product files are not allowed, test they are detected"""
testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dir=self.tmpdir) testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dir=self.tmpdir)
@ -221,6 +243,20 @@ class ScannerTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.aar')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.aar'))
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('gradle-wrapper.jar')) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('gradle-wrapper.jar'))
def test_gradle_maven_url_regex(self):
"""Check the regex can find all the cases"""
with open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'gradle-maven-blocks.yaml')) as fp:
data = yaml.safe_load(fp)
urls = []
for entry in data:
found = False
for m in fdroidserver.scanner.MAVEN_URL_REGEX.findall(entry):
found = True
self.assertTrue(found, 'this block should produce a URL:\n' + entry)
self.assertEqual(len(data), len(urls), 'each data example should produce a URL')
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))