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2016-01-04 16:33:20 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# build.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-2014, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
2014-01-28 14:07:19 +01:00
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import shutil
import glob
import subprocess
import posixpath
import re
import resource
import sys
import tarfile
import threading
import traceback
2013-05-15 19:18:24 +02:00
import time
import requests
import tempfile
import argparse
2016-01-04 17:43:13 +01:00
from configparser import ConfigParser
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
import logging
2017-09-13 17:33:57 +02:00
from gettext import ngettext
from . import _
2016-01-04 17:37:35 +01:00
from . import common
from . import net
from . import metadata
from . import scanner
from . import vmtools
from .common import FDroidPopen
from .exception import FDroidException, BuildException, VCSException
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
import paramiko
except ImportError:
# Note that 'force' here also implies test mode.
def build_server(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir, force):
"""Do a build on the builder vm.
:param app: app metadata dict
:param build:
:param vcs: version control system controller object
:param build_dir: local source-code checkout of app
:param output_dir: target folder for the build result
:param force:
global buildserverid
except NameError as e:
raise BuildException("Paramiko is required to use the buildserver") from e
if options.verbose:
sshinfo = vmtools.get_clean_builder('builder', options.reset_server)
output = None
if not buildserverid:
buildserverid = subprocess.check_output(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c',
'cat /home/vagrant/buildserverid'],
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
status_output['buildserverid'] = buildserverid
logging.debug(_('Fetched buildserverid from VM: {buildserverid}')
except Exception as e:
if type(buildserverid) is not str or not re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', buildserverid):
logging.info(subprocess.check_output(['vagrant', 'status'], cwd="builder"))
raise FDroidException("Could not obtain buildserverid from buldserver VM. "
"(stored inside the buildserver VM at '/home/vagrant/buildserverid') "
"Please reset your buildserver, the setup VM is broken.") from e
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Open SSH connection...
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Connecting to virtual machine...")
sshs = paramiko.SSHClient()
sshs.connect(sshinfo['hostname'], username=sshinfo['user'],
port=sshinfo['port'], timeout=300,
look_for_keys=False, key_filename=sshinfo['idfile'])
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
homedir = posixpath.join('/home', sshinfo['user'])
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Get an SFTP connection...
ftp = sshs.open_sftp()
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Put all the necessary files in place...
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Helper to copy the contents of a directory to the server...
def send_dir(path):
logging.debug("rsyncing " + path + " to " + ftp.getcwd())
# TODO this should move to `vagrant rsync` from >= v1.5
subprocess.check_output(['rsync', '--recursive', '--perms', '--links', '--quiet', '--rsh='
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
+ ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'
+ ' -o LogLevel=FATAL'
+ ' -o IdentitiesOnly=yes'
+ ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no'
+ ' -p ' + str(sshinfo['port'])
+ ' -i ' + sshinfo['idfile'],
sshinfo['user'] + "@" + sshinfo['hostname'] + ":" + ftp.getcwd()],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise FDroidException(str(e), e.output.decode())
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Preparing server for build...")
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
serverpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'fdroid'), 'fdroid')
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'gradlew-fdroid'), 'gradlew-fdroid')
ftp.chmod('fdroid', 0o755) # nosec B103 permissions are appropriate
ftp.chmod('gradlew-fdroid', 0o755) # nosec B103 permissions are appropriate
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'buildserver',
'config.buildserver.py'), 'config.py')
ftp.chmod('config.py', 0o600)
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Copy over the ID (head commit hash) of the fdroidserver in use...
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tmp', 'fdroidserverid'), 'wb') as fp:
fp.write(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
ftp.put('tmp/fdroidserverid', 'fdroidserverid')
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Copy the metadata - just the file for this app...
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
ftp.put(app.metadatapath, os.path.basename(app.metadatapath))
# And patches if there are any...
if os.path.exists(os.path.join('metadata', app.id)):
send_dir(os.path.join('metadata', app.id))
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Create the build directory...
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Copy any extlibs that are required...
if build.extlibs:
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'build', 'extlib'))
for lib in build.extlibs:
lib = lib.strip()
libsrc = os.path.join('build/extlib', lib)
if not os.path.exists(libsrc):
raise BuildException("Missing extlib {0}".format(libsrc))
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
lp = lib.split('/')
for d in lp[:-1]:
if d not in ftp.listdir():
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
ftp.put(libsrc, lp[-1])
for _ignored in lp[:-1]:
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Copy any srclibs that are required...
srclibpaths = []
if build.srclibs:
for lib in build.srclibs:
common.getsrclib(lib, 'build/srclib', basepath=True, prepare=False))
2013-11-18 10:24:02 +01:00
# If one was used for the main source, add that too.
basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib()
if basesrclib:
2013-11-16 22:49:37 +01:00
for name, number, lib in srclibpaths:
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Sending srclib '%s'" % lib)
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'build', 'srclib'))
if not os.path.exists(lib):
raise BuildException("Missing srclib directory '" + lib + "'")
fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + name
ftp.put(os.path.join('build/srclib', fv), fv)
# Copy the metadata file too...
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'srclibs'))
srclibsfile = os.path.join('srclibs', name + '.yml')
if os.path.isfile(srclibsfile):
ftp.put(srclibsfile, os.path.basename(srclibsfile))
raise BuildException(_('cannot find required srclibs: "{path}"')
# Copy the main app source code
# (no need if it's a srclib)
if (not basesrclib) and os.path.exists(build_dir):
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'build'))
fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + app.id
ftp.put(os.path.join('build', fv), fv)
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Execute the build script...
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Starting build...")
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
chan = sshs.get_transport().open_session()
cmdline = posixpath.join(homedir, 'fdroidserver', 'fdroid')
cmdline += ' build --on-server'
if force:
cmdline += ' --force --test'
if options.verbose:
cmdline += ' --verbose'
if options.skipscan:
cmdline += ' --skip-scan'
if options.notarball:
cmdline += ' --no-tarball'
cmdline += " %s:%s" % (app.id, build.versionCode)
chan.exec_command('bash --login -c "' + cmdline + '"') # nosec B601 inputs are sanitized
# Fetch build process output ...
cmd_stdout = chan.makefile('rb', 1024)
output = bytes()
output += common.get_android_tools_version_log(build.ndk_path()).encode()
while not chan.exit_status_ready():
line = cmd_stdout.readline()
if line:
if options.verbose:
logging.debug("buildserver > " + str(line, 'utf-8').rstrip())
output += line
for line in cmd_stdout.readlines():
if options.verbose:
logging.debug("buildserver > " + str(line, 'utf-8').rstrip())
output += line
# Check build process exit status ...
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("...getting exit status")
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
returncode = chan.recv_exit_status()
if returncode != 0:
2018-01-20 22:16:39 +01:00
if timeout_event.is_set():
message = "Timeout exceeded! Build VM force-stopped for {0}:{1}"
message = "Build.py failed on server for {0}:{1}"
raise BuildException(message.format(app.id, build.versionName),
None if options.verbose else str(output, 'utf-8'))
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Retreive logs...
toolsversion_log = common.get_toolsversion_logname(app, build)
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, log_dir))
ftp.get(toolsversion_log, os.path.join(log_dir, toolsversion_log))
logging.debug('retrieved %s', toolsversion_log)
2017-03-22 14:01:32 +01:00
except Exception as e:
logging.warning('could not get %s from builder vm: %s' % (toolsversion_log, e))
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Retrieve the built files...
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Retrieving build output...")
2013-01-22 10:49:33 +01:00
if force:
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'tmp'))
ftp.chdir(posixpath.join(homedir, 'unsigned'))
apkfile = common.get_release_filename(app, build)
tarball = common.getsrcname(app, build)
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
ftp.get(apkfile, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfile))
2014-01-28 22:13:18 +01:00
if not options.notarball:
ftp.get(tarball, os.path.join(output_dir, tarball))
2017-03-22 14:01:32 +01:00
except Exception:
raise BuildException(
"Build failed for {0}:{1} - missing output files".format(
app.id, build.versionName), None if options.verbose else str(output, 'utf-8'))
2012-09-06 19:36:34 +02:00
# Suspend the build server.
2017-04-14 15:58:16 +02:00
vm = vmtools.get_build_vm('builder')
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# deploy logfile to repository web server
if output:
2018-06-23 23:26:42 +02:00
common.deploy_build_log_with_rsync(app.id, build.versionCode, output)
logging.debug('skip publishing full build logs: '
'no output present')
def force_gradle_build_tools(build_dir, build_tools):
2014-01-11 13:05:02 +01:00
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
for filename in files:
if not filename.endswith('.gradle'):
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
logging.debug("Forcing build-tools %s in %s" % (build_tools, path))
r"""\1buildToolsVersion\2'%s'""" % build_tools,
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
def transform_first_char(string, method):
"""Uses method() on the first character of string."""
if len(string) == 0:
return string
if len(string) == 1:
return method(string)
return method(string[0]) + string[1:]
def add_failed_builds_entry(failed_builds, appid, build, entry):
failed_builds.append([appid, int(build.versionCode), str(entry)])
2017-04-13 14:18:48 +02:00
def get_metadata_from_apk(app, build, apkfile):
"""get the required metadata from the built APK
2017-04-13 14:18:48 +02:00
versionName is allowed to be a blank string, i.e. ''
2017-04-13 14:18:48 +02:00
appid, versionCode, versionName = common.get_apk_id(apkfile)
native_code = common.get_native_code(apkfile)
if build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no'] and not native_code:
raise BuildException("Native code should have been built but none was packaged")
if build.novcheck:
versionCode = build.versionCode
versionName = build.versionName
if not versionCode or versionName is None:
raise BuildException("Could not find version information in build in output")
if not appid:
raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output")
if appid != app.id:
raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + appid + " but expected " + app.id)
return versionCode, versionName
def build_local(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, force, onserver, refresh):
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
"""Do a build locally."""
ndk_path = build.ndk_path()
if build.ndk or (build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no']):
if not ndk_path:
2016-08-02 11:09:32 +02:00
logging.critical("Android NDK version '%s' could not be found!" % build.ndk or 'r12b')
logging.critical("Configured versions:")
2016-01-04 17:02:28 +01:00
for k, v in config['ndk_paths'].items():
if k.endswith("_orig"):
logging.critical(" %s: %s" % (k, v))
raise FDroidException()
elif not os.path.isdir(ndk_path):
logging.critical("Android NDK '%s' is not a directory!" % ndk_path)
raise FDroidException()
# create ..._toolsversion.log when running in builder vm
if onserver:
# before doing anything, run the sudo commands to setup the VM
if build.sudo:
logging.info("Running 'sudo' commands in %s" % os.getcwd())
p = FDroidPopen(['sudo', 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive',
'bash', '-x', '-c', build.sudo])
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error running sudo command for %s:%s" %
(app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
build: force purging of sudo, ignore error message Fixes bb758d3f, spotted by @bubu: DEBUG: buildserver > DEBUG: > sudo apt-get -y purge sudo DEBUG: buildserver > Reading package lists... DEBUG: buildserver > Building dependency tree... DEBUG: buildserver > Reading state information... DEBUG: buildserver > The following packages will be REMOVED: DEBUG: buildserver > sudo* DEBUG: buildserver > 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. DEBUG: buildserver > After this operation, 2,391 kB disk space will be freed. (Reading database ... 68491 files and directories currently installed.) DEBUG: buildserver > Removing sudo (1.8.10p3-1+deb8u4) ... DEBUG: buildserver > You have asked that the sudo package be removed, DEBUG: buildserver > but no root password has been set. DEBUG: buildserver > Without sudo, you may not be able to gain administrative privileges. DEBUG: buildserver > DEBUG: buildserver > If you would prefer to access the root account with su(1) DEBUG: buildserver > or by logging in directly, DEBUG: buildserver > you must set a root password with "sudo passwd". DEBUG: buildserver > DEBUG: buildserver > If you have arranged other means to access the root account, DEBUG: buildserver > and you are sure this is what you want, DEBUG: buildserver > you may bypass this check by setting an environment variable DEBUG: buildserver > (export SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes). DEBUG: buildserver > DEBUG: buildserver > Refusing to remove sudo. DEBUG: buildserver > dpkg: error processing package sudo (--purge): DEBUG: buildserver > subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 DEBUG: buildserver > Errors were encountered while processing: DEBUG: buildserver > sudo DEBUG: buildserver > E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
2017-12-14 14:42:09 +01:00
p = FDroidPopen(['sudo', 'passwd', '--lock', 'root'])
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error locking root account for %s:%s" %
(app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
build: use dpkg to purge sudo, for less spammy debug logs apt is quite verbose: DEBUG: buildserver > DEBUG: > sudo SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes apt-get -y purge sudo DEBUG: buildserver > Reading package lists... DEBUG: buildserver > Building dependency tree... DEBUG: buildserver > Reading state information... DEBUG: buildserver > The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: DEBUG: buildserver > libasprintf0c2 DEBUG: buildserver > Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. DEBUG: buildserver > The following packages will be REMOVED: DEBUG: buildserver > sudo* DEBUG: buildserver > 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. DEBUG: buildserver > After this operation, 2,391 kB disk space will be freed. DEBUG: buildserver > (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 73055 files and directories currently installed.) DEBUG: buildserver > Removing sudo (1.8.10p3-1+deb8u5) ... DEBUG: buildserver > Purging configuration files for sudo (1.8.10p3-1+deb8u5) ... DEBUG: buildserver > Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
2017-12-18 10:02:19 +01:00
p = FDroidPopen(['sudo', 'SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes', 'dpkg', '--purge', 'sudo'])
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error removing sudo for %s:%s" %
(app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
log_path = os.path.join(log_dir,
common.get_toolsversion_logname(app, build))
with open(log_path, 'w') as f:
if build.sudo:
logging.warning('%s:%s runs this on the buildserver with sudo:\n\t%s\nThese commands were skipped because fdroid build is not running on a dedicated build server.'
% (app.id, build.versionName, build.sudo))
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# Prepare the source code...
root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, build,
build_dir, srclib_dir,
extlib_dir, onserver, refresh)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are
# different from the default ones
p = None
gradletasks = []
bmethod = build.build_method()
if bmethod == 'maven':
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Cleaning Maven project...")
cmd = [config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']]
if '@' in build.maven:
maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, build.maven.split('@', 1)[1])
2013-12-07 13:15:51 +01:00
maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir)
2013-10-23 19:52:17 +02:00
maven_dir = root_dir
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir)
2014-01-10 20:39:39 +01:00
elif bmethod == 'gradle':
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Cleaning Gradle project...")
if build.preassemble:
gradletasks += build.preassemble
flavours = build.gradle
if flavours == ['yes']:
flavours = []
flavours_cmd = ''.join([transform_first_char(flav, str.upper) for flav in flavours])
gradletasks += ['assemble' + flavours_cmd + 'Release']
cmd = [config['gradle']]
if build.gradleprops:
cmd += ['-P' + kv for kv in build.gradleprops]
cmd += ['clean']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir, envs={"GRADLE_VERSION_DIR": config['gradle_version_dir'], "CACHEDIR": config['cachedir']})
2014-01-10 20:39:39 +01:00
elif bmethod == 'buildozer':
elif bmethod == 'ant':
2014-01-27 16:45:30 +01:00
logging.info("Cleaning Ant project...")
2014-01-10 20:39:39 +01:00
p = FDroidPopen(['ant', 'clean'], cwd=root_dir)
if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error cleaning %s:%s" %
(app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
2013-10-10 17:52:17 +02:00
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
def del_dirs(dl):
for d in dl:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d), ignore_errors=True)
def del_files(fl):
for f in fl:
if f in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))
if any(f in files for f in ['build.gradle', 'build.gradle.kts', 'settings.gradle', 'settings.gradle.kts']):
# Even when running clean, gradle stores task/artifact caches in
# .gradle/ as binary files. To avoid overcomplicating the scanner,
# manually delete them, just like `gradle clean` should have removed
# the build/* dirs.
del_dirs([os.path.join('build', 'android-profile'),
os.path.join('build', 'generated'),
os.path.join('build', 'intermediates'),
os.path.join('build', 'outputs'),
os.path.join('build', 'reports'),
os.path.join('build', 'tmp'),
os.path.join('buildSrc', 'build'),
del_files(['gradlew', 'gradlew.bat'])
if 'pom.xml' in files:
if any(f in files for f in ['ant.properties', 'project.properties', 'build.xml']):
del_dirs(['bin', 'gen'])
if 'jni' in dirs:
if options.skipscan:
if build.scandelete:
raise BuildException("Refusing to skip source scan since scandelete is present")
# Scan before building...
logging.info("Scanning source for common problems...")
scanner.options = options # pass verbose through
2017-05-25 20:11:14 +02:00
count = scanner.scan_source(build_dir, build)
if count > 0:
if force:
2017-09-13 17:33:57 +02:00
logging.warning(ngettext('Scanner found {} problem',
'Scanner found {} problems', count).format(count))
2017-09-13 17:33:57 +02:00
raise BuildException(ngettext(
"Can't build due to {} error while scanning",
"Can't build due to {} errors while scanning", count).format(count))
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
2014-01-28 22:13:18 +01:00
if not options.notarball:
# Build the source tarball right before we build the release...
logging.info("Creating source tarball...")
tarname = common.getsrcname(app, build)
2014-01-28 22:13:18 +01:00
tarball = tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), "w:gz")
def tarexc(t):
return None if any(t.name.endswith(s) for s in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']) else t
tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, filter=tarexc)
2014-01-28 22:13:18 +01:00
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# Run a build command if one is required...
if build.build:
logging.info("Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir)
cmd = common.replace_config_vars(build.build, build)
2013-06-15 19:21:28 +02:00
# Substitute source library paths into commands...
2013-11-16 22:49:37 +01:00
for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths:
cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), libpath))
p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir)
2013-12-30 17:04:16 +01:00
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error running build command for %s:%s" %
(app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# Build native stuff if required...
if build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no']:
logging.info("Building the native code")
jni_components = build.buildjni
if jni_components == ['yes']:
jni_components = ['']
cmd = [os.path.join(ndk_path, "ndk-build"), "-j1"]
for d in jni_components:
2014-04-03 16:10:54 +02:00
if d:
logging.info("Building native code in '%s'" % d)
logging.info("Building native code in the main project")
manifest = os.path.join(root_dir, d, 'AndroidManifest.xml')
if os.path.exists(manifest):
# Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid
# the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this
# under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like
# dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will
# work in non-unix systems.
manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read()
open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text)
# In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory
del manifest_text
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(root_dir, d))
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
p = None
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# Build the release...
if bmethod == 'maven':
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Building Maven project...")
2013-10-23 19:52:17 +02:00
if '@' in build.maven:
maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, build.maven.split('@', 1)[1])
2013-10-23 19:52:17 +02:00
maven_dir = root_dir
mvncmd = [config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path'],
'-Dmaven.jar.sign.skip=true', '-Dmaven.test.skip=true',
'-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true',
if build.target:
target = build.target.split('-')[1]
r'<platform>%s</platform>' % target,
os.path.join(root_dir, 'pom.xml'))
if '@' in build.maven:
r'<platform>%s</platform>' % target,
os.path.join(maven_dir, 'pom.xml'))
2013-06-10 22:50:15 +02:00
p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir)
bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target')
elif bmethod == 'buildozer':
logging.info("Building Kivy project using buildozer...")
# parse buildozer.spez
spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec')
if not os.path.exists(spec):
raise BuildException("Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}"
defaults = {'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '',
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
'permissions': '', 'android.api': "19"}
bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True)
# update spec with sdk and ndk locations to prevent buildozer from
# downloading.
loc_ndk = common.env['ANDROID_NDK']
loc_sdk = common.env['ANDROID_SDK']
if loc_ndk == '$ANDROID_NDK':
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
loc_ndk = loc_sdk + '/ndk-bundle'
bc_ndk = None
bc_sdk = None
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
bc_ndk = bconfig.get('app', 'android.sdk_path')
except Exception:
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
bc_sdk = bconfig.get('app', 'android.ndk_path')
except Exception:
if bc_sdk is None:
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
bconfig.set('app', 'android.sdk_path', loc_sdk)
if bc_ndk is None:
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
bconfig.set('app', 'android.ndk_path', loc_ndk)
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
fspec = open(spec, 'w')
logging.info("sdk_path = %s" % loc_sdk)
logging.info("ndk_path = %s" % loc_ndk)
p = None
# execute buildozer
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
cmd = ['buildozer', 'android', 'release']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
except Exception:
# buidozer not installed ? clone repo and run
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
if (p is None or p.returncode != 0):
cmd = ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/kivy/buildozer.git']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=root_dir, shell=False)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Distribute build failed")
2017-06-20 15:56:15 +02:00
cmd = ['python', 'buildozer/buildozer/scripts/client.py', 'android', 'release']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)
# expected to fail.
# Signing will fail if not set by environnment vars (cf. p4a docs).
# But the unsigned apk will be ok.
p.returncode = 0
elif bmethod == 'gradle':
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Building Gradle project...")
cmd = [config['gradle']]
if build.gradleprops:
cmd += ['-P' + kv for kv in build.gradleprops]
cmd += gradletasks
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir, envs={"GRADLE_VERSION_DIR": config['gradle_version_dir'], "CACHEDIR": config['cachedir']})
elif bmethod == 'ant':
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Building Ant project...")
cmd = ['ant']
if build.antcommands:
cmd += build.antcommands
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
cmd += ['release']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)
bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')
if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s" % (app.id, build.versionName), p.output)
logging.info("Successfully built version " + build.versionName + ' of ' + app.id)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
omethod = build.output_method()
if omethod == 'maven':
stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
line for line in p.output.splitlines() if any(
a in line for a in ('.apk', '.ap_', '.jar'))])
2012-06-28 13:52:35 +02:00
m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk",
stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
2012-06-28 13:52:35 +02:00
if not m:
m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]",
stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
2012-08-13 11:16:25 +02:00
if not m:
2013-11-08 18:56:28 +01:00
m = re.match(r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]',
stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
if not m:
m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Building jar: .*/" + bindir + r"/(.+)\.jar",
stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
2012-06-28 13:52:35 +02:00
if not m:
2012-06-25 10:22:11 +02:00
raise BuildException('Failed to find output')
2012-06-28 13:52:35 +02:00
src = m.group(1)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk'
elif omethod == 'buildozer':
src = None
for apks_dir in [
os.path.join(root_dir, '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'build', 'dists', bconfig.get('app', 'title'), 'bin'),
for apkglob in ['*-release-unsigned.apk', '*-unsigned.apk', '*.apk']:
apks = glob.glob(os.path.join(apks_dir, apkglob))
if len(apks) > 1:
raise BuildException('More than one resulting apks found in %s' % apks_dir,
if len(apks) == 1:
src = apks[0]
if src is not None:
if src is None:
raise BuildException('Failed to find any output apks')
elif omethod == 'gradle':
src = None
apk_dirs = [
# gradle plugin >= 3.0
os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'release'),
# gradle plugin < 3.0 and >= 0.11
os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk'),
# really old path
os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'apk'),
# If we build with gradle flavours with gradle plugin >= 3.0 the apk will be in
# a subdirectory corresponding to the flavour command used, but with different
# capitalization.
if flavours_cmd:
apk_dirs.append(os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', transform_first_char(flavours_cmd, str.lower), 'release'))
for apks_dir in apk_dirs:
for apkglob in ['*-release-unsigned.apk', '*-unsigned.apk', '*.apk']:
apks = glob.glob(os.path.join(apks_dir, apkglob))
if len(apks) > 1:
raise BuildException('More than one resulting apks found in %s' % apks_dir,
if len(apks) == 1:
src = apks[0]
if src is not None:
if src is None:
raise BuildException('Failed to find any output apks')
elif omethod == 'ant':
stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
line for line in p.output.splitlines() if '.apk' in line])
src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk,
re.S | re.M).group(1)
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
src = os.path.join(bindir, src)
elif omethod == 'raw':
output_path = common.replace_build_vars(build.output, build)
globpath = os.path.join(root_dir, output_path)
apks = glob.glob(globpath)
if len(apks) > 1:
raise BuildException('Multiple apks match %s' % globpath, '\n'.join(apks))
if len(apks) < 1:
raise BuildException('No apks match %s' % globpath)
src = os.path.normpath(apks[0])
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
2013-04-15 14:04:28 +02:00
# Make sure it's not debuggable...
if common.is_apk_and_debuggable(src):
2013-04-15 14:04:28 +02:00
raise BuildException("APK is debuggable")
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version
# code in our new apk match what we expect...
2014-07-05 15:29:12 +02:00
logging.debug("Checking " + src)
2012-06-28 13:52:35 +02:00
if not os.path.exists(src):
raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src)
if common.get_file_extension(src) == 'apk':
vercode, version = get_metadata_from_apk(app, build, src)
if version != build.versionName or vercode != build.versionCode:
raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;"
" APK: '%s' / '%s', "
" Expected: '%s' / '%s'")
% (version, str(vercode), build.versionName,
if (options.scan_binary or config.get('scan_binary')) and not options.skipscan:
if scanner.scan_binary(src):
raise BuildException("Found blacklisted packages in final apk!")
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
# Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further
# processing (by publish.py)...
dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.get_release_filename(app, build))
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
# Move the source tarball into the output directory...
2014-01-28 22:13:18 +01:00
if output_dir != tmp_dir and not options.notarball:
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname),
os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
2012-02-21 01:01:07 +01:00
def trybuild(app, build, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir, also_check_dir,
srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, repo_dir, vcs, test,
server, force, onserver, refresh):
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
Build a particular version of an application, if it needs building.
:param output_dir: The directory where the build output will go. Usually
this is the 'unsigned' directory.
:param repo_dir: The repo directory - used for checking if the build is
:param also_check_dir: An additional location for checking if the build
is necessary (usually the archive repo)
:param test: True if building in test mode, in which case the build will
always happen, even if the output already exists. In test mode, the
output directory should be a temporary location, not any of the real
:returns: True if the build was done, False if it wasn't necessary.
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
dest_file = common.get_release_filename(app, build)
dest = os.path.join(output_dir, dest_file)
dest_repo = os.path.join(repo_dir, dest_file)
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if not test:
if os.path.exists(dest) or os.path.exists(dest_repo):
return False
if also_check_dir:
dest_also = os.path.join(also_check_dir, dest_file)
if os.path.exists(dest_also):
return False
if build.disable and not options.force:
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
return False
logging.info("Building version %s (%s) of %s" % (
build.versionName, build.versionCode, app.id))
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if server:
# When using server mode, still keep a local cache of the repo, by
# grabbing the source now.
vcs.gotorevision(build.commit, refresh)
build_server(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir, force)
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
build_local(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, force, onserver, refresh)
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
return True
def force_halt_build(timeout):
"""Halt the currently running Vagrant VM, to be called from a Timer"""
logging.error(_('Force halting build after {0} sec timeout!').format(timeout))
2018-01-20 22:16:39 +01:00
vm = vmtools.get_build_vm('builder')
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
def parse_commandline():
"""Parse the command line. Returns options, parser."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s [options] [APPID[:VERCODE] [APPID[:VERCODE] ...]]")
2015-09-12 08:42:50 +02:00
parser.add_argument("appid", nargs='*', help=_("applicationId with optional versionCode in the form APPID[:VERCODE]"))
parser.add_argument("-l", "--latest", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Build only the latest version of each package"))
parser.add_argument("-s", "--stop", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Make the build stop on exceptions"))
parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Test mode - put output in the tmp directory only, and always build, even if the output already exists."))
parser.add_argument("--server", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Use build server"))
parser.add_argument("--reset-server", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Reset and create a brand new build server, even if the existing one appears to be ok."))
# this option is internal API for telling fdroid that
# it's running inside a buildserver vm.
parser.add_argument("--on-server", dest="onserver", action="store_true", default=False,
parser.add_argument("--skip-scan", dest="skipscan", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Skip scanning the source code for binaries and other problems"))
parser.add_argument("--scan-binary", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Scan the resulting APK(s) for known non-free classes."))
parser.add_argument("--no-tarball", dest="notarball", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"))
parser.add_argument("--no-refresh", dest="refresh", action="store_false", default=True,
help=_("Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"))
parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Force build of disabled apps, and carries on regardless of scan problems. Only allowed in test mode."))
parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Build all applications available"))
parser.add_argument("-w", "--wiki", default=False, action="store_true",
help=_("Update the wiki"))
options = parser.parse_args()
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
2014-03-05 00:36:32 +01:00
# Force --stop with --on-server to get correct exit code
if options.onserver:
options.stop = True
if options.force and not options.test:
parser.error("option %s: Force is only allowed in test mode" % "force")
return options, parser
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
options = None
config = None
buildserverid = None
fdroidserverid = None
start_timestamp = time.gmtime()
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
status_output = None
2018-01-20 22:16:39 +01:00
timeout_event = threading.Event()
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
def main():
global options, config, buildserverid, fdroidserverid
options, parser = parse_commandline()
# The defaults for .fdroid.* metadata that is included in a git repo are
# different than for the standard metadata/ layout because expectations
# are different. In this case, the most common user will be the app
# developer working on the latest update of the app on their own machine.
2016-03-27 21:36:16 +02:00
local_metadata_files = common.get_local_metadata_files()
if len(local_metadata_files) == 1: # there is local metadata in an app's source
config = dict(common.default_config)
# `fdroid build` should build only the latest version by default since
# most of the time the user will be building the most recent update
if not options.all:
options.latest = True
elif len(local_metadata_files) > 1:
raise FDroidException("Only one local metadata file allowed! Found: "
+ " ".join(local_metadata_files))
if not os.path.isdir('metadata') and len(local_metadata_files) == 0:
raise FDroidException("No app metadata found, nothing to process!")
if not options.appid and not options.all:
parser.error("option %s: If you really want to build all the apps, use --all" % "all")
config = common.read_config(options)
if config['build_server_always']:
options.server = True
if options.reset_server and not options.server:
parser.error("option %s: Using --reset-server without --server makes no sense" % "reset-server")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if options.onserver or not options.server:
for d in ['build-tools', 'platform-tools', 'tools']:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(config['sdk_path'], d)):
raise FDroidException(_("Android SDK '{path}' does not have '{dirname}' installed!")
.format(path=config['sdk_path'], dirname=d))
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
log_dir = 'logs'
if not os.path.isdir(log_dir):
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Creating log directory")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
tmp_dir = 'tmp'
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Creating temporary directory")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if options.test:
output_dir = tmp_dir
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
output_dir = 'unsigned'
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Creating output directory")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
binaries_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'binaries')
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if config['archive_older'] != 0:
also_check_dir = 'archive'
also_check_dir = None
if options.onserver:
status_output = dict() # HACK dummy placeholder
status_output = common.setup_status_output(start_timestamp)
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
repo_dir = 'repo'
build_dir = 'build'
if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
2014-01-27 17:04:22 +01:00
logging.info("Creating build directory")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
srclib_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'srclib')
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
extlib_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'extlib')
# Read all app and srclib metadata
pkgs = common.read_pkg_args(options.appid, True)
allapps = metadata.read_metadata(not options.onserver, pkgs, options.refresh, sort_by_time=True)
apps = common.read_app_args(options.appid, allapps, True)
2016-03-14 23:23:19 +01:00
for appid, app in list(apps.items()):
if (app.Disabled and not options.force) or not app.RepoType or not app.builds:
del apps[appid]
if not apps:
raise FDroidException("No apps to process.")
# make sure enough open files are allowed to process everything
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
if len(apps) > soft:
soft = len(apps) * 2
if soft > hard:
soft = hard
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (soft, hard))
logging.debug(_('Set open file limit to {integer}')
except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
logging.warning(_('Setting open file limit failed: ') + str(e))
if options.latest:
2016-01-04 17:43:22 +01:00
for app in apps.values():
for build in reversed(app.builds):
if build.disable and not options.force:
app.builds = [build]
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if options.wiki:
import mwclient
site = mwclient.Site((config['wiki_protocol'], config['wiki_server']),
site.login(config['wiki_user'], config['wiki_password'])
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
# Build applications...
failed_builds = []
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
build_succeeded = []
status_output['failedBuilds'] = failed_builds
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
status_output['successfulBuilds'] = build_succeeded
# Only build for 36 hours, then stop gracefully.
endtime = time.time() + 36 * 60 * 60
max_build_time_reached = False
2016-01-04 17:02:28 +01:00
for appid, app in apps.items():
first = True
2013-04-23 14:29:00 +02:00
for build in app.builds:
if time.time() > endtime:
max_build_time_reached = True
# Enable watchdog timer (2 hours by default).
if build.timeout is None:
timeout = 7200
timeout = int(build.timeout)
if options.server and timeout > 0:
logging.debug(_('Setting {0} sec timeout for this build').format(timeout))
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, force_halt_build, [timeout])
timer = None
2013-05-04 11:10:12 +02:00
wikilog = None
build_starttime = common.get_wiki_timestamp()
tools_version_log = ''
if not options.onserver:
tools_version_log = common.get_android_tools_version_log(build.ndk_path())
2012-01-02 15:09:20 +01:00
# For the first build of a particular app, we need to set up
# the source repo. We can reuse it on subsequent builds, if
# there are any.
if first:
vcs, build_dir = common.setup_vcs(app)
first = False
logging.info("Using %s" % vcs.clientversion())
logging.debug("Checking " + build.versionName)
if trybuild(app, build, build_dir, output_dir, log_dir,
also_check_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir,
tmp_dir, repo_dir, vcs, options.test,
options.server, options.force,
options.onserver, options.refresh):
toolslog = os.path.join(log_dir,
common.get_toolsversion_logname(app, build))
if not options.onserver and os.path.exists(toolslog):
with open(toolslog, 'r') as f:
tools_version_log = ''.join(f.readlines())
2015-01-31 16:36:26 +01:00
if app.Binaries is not None:
2015-01-31 16:36:26 +01:00
# This is an app where we build from source, and
# verify the apk contents against a developer's
# binary. We get that binary now, and save it
# alongside our built one in the 'unsigend'
# directory.
if not os.path.isdir(binaries_dir):
logging.info("Created directory for storing "
2018-07-12 23:43:19 +02:00
"developer supplied reference "
"binaries: '{path}'"
url = app.Binaries
url = url.replace('%v', build.versionName)
url = url.replace('%c', str(build.versionCode))
2015-01-31 16:36:26 +01:00
logging.info("...retrieving " + url)
of = re.sub(r'.apk$', '.binary.apk', common.get_release_filename(app, build))
of = os.path.join(binaries_dir, of)
net.download_file(url, local_filename=of)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
raise FDroidException(
'Downloading Binaries from %s failed.' % url) from e
2015-01-31 16:36:26 +01:00
# Now we check whether the build can be verified to
# match the supplied binary or not. Should the
# comparison fail, we mark this build as a failure
# and remove everything from the unsigend folder.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
unsigned_apk = \
2017-04-22 12:04:32 +02:00
common.get_release_filename(app, build)
unsigned_apk = \
os.path.join(output_dir, unsigned_apk)
compare_result = \
2017-04-20 12:44:22 +02:00
common.verify_apks(of, unsigned_apk, tmpdir)
if compare_result:
logging.debug('removing %s', unsigned_apk)
logging.debug('removing %s', of)
compare_result = compare_result.split('\n')
line_count = len(compare_result)
compare_result = compare_result[:299]
if line_count > len(compare_result):
line_difference = \
line_count - len(compare_result)
compare_result.append('%d more lines ...' %
compare_result = '\n'.join(compare_result)
raise FDroidException('compared built binary '
'to supplied reference '
'binary but failed',
logging.info('compared built binary to '
'supplied reference binary '
2012-01-06 13:21:06 +01:00
wikilog = "Build succeeded"
2012-01-02 15:09:20 +01:00
except VCSException as vcse:
reason = str(vcse).split('\n', 1)[0] if options.verbose else str(vcse)
logging.error("VCS error while building app %s: %s" % (
appid, reason))
if options.stop:
logging.debug("Error encoutered, stopping by user request.")
add_failed_builds_entry(failed_builds, appid, build, vcse)
wikilog = str(vcse)
except FDroidException as e:
with open(os.path.join(log_dir, appid + '.log'), 'a+') as f:
f.write('versionCode: %s\nversionName: %s\ncommit: %s\n' %
(build.versionCode, build.versionName, build.commit))
f.write('Build completed at '
+ common.get_wiki_timestamp() + '\n')
f.write('\n' + tools_version_log + '\n')
logging.error("Could not build app %s: %s" % (appid, e))
if options.stop:
logging.debug("Error encoutered, stopping by user request.")
add_failed_builds_entry(failed_builds, appid, build, e)
wikilog = e.get_wikitext()
2012-01-02 15:09:20 +01:00
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Could not build app %s due to unknown error: %s" % (
appid, traceback.format_exc()))
if options.stop:
logging.debug("Error encoutered, stopping by user request.")
add_failed_builds_entry(failed_builds, appid, build, e)
wikilog = str(e)
2013-05-04 11:10:12 +02:00
if options.wiki and wikilog:
# Write a page with the last build log for this version code
lastbuildpage = appid + '/lastbuild_' + build.versionCode
newpage = site.Pages[lastbuildpage]
with open(os.path.join('tmp', 'fdroidserverid')) as fp:
fdroidserverid = fp.read().rstrip()
txt = "* build session started at " + common.get_wiki_timestamp(start_timestamp) + '\n' \
+ "* this build started at " + build_starttime + '\n' \
+ "* this build completed at " + common.get_wiki_timestamp() + '\n' \
+ common.get_git_describe_link() \
+ '* fdroidserverid: [https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/commit/' \
+ fdroidserverid + ' ' + fdroidserverid + ']\n\n'
if buildserverid:
txt += '* buildserverid: [https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/commit/' \
+ buildserverid + ' ' + buildserverid + ']\n\n'
txt += tools_version_log + '\n\n'
txt += '== Build Log ==\n\n' + wikilog
newpage.save(txt, summary='Build log')
# Redirect from /lastbuild to the most recent build log
newpage = site.Pages[appid + '/lastbuild']
newpage.save('#REDIRECT [[' + lastbuildpage + ']]', summary='Update redirect')
2017-03-22 14:01:32 +01:00
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Error while attempting to publish build log: %s" % e)
if timer:
timer.cancel() # kill the watchdog timer
if max_build_time_reached:
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
status_output['maxBuildTimeReached'] = True
logging.info("Stopping after global build timeout...")
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
for app in build_succeeded:
logging.info("success: %s" % (app.id))
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if not options.verbose:
for fb in failed_builds:
logging.info('Build for app {}:{} failed:\n{}'.format(*fb))
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if len(build_succeeded) > 0:
2017-09-13 17:33:57 +02:00
logging.info(ngettext("{} build succeeded",
"{} builds succeeded", len(build_succeeded)).format(len(build_succeeded)))
if len(failed_builds) > 0:
2017-09-13 17:33:57 +02:00
logging.info(ngettext("{} build failed",
"{} builds failed", len(failed_builds)).format(len(failed_builds)))
2011-01-04 22:44:14 +01:00
if options.wiki:
wiki_page_path = 'build_' + time.strftime('%s', start_timestamp)
newpage = site.Pages[wiki_page_path]
txt = ''
txt += "* command line: <code>%s</code>\n" % ' '.join(sys.argv)
txt += "* started at %s\n" % common.get_wiki_timestamp(start_timestamp)
txt += "* completed at %s\n" % common.get_wiki_timestamp()
if buildserverid:
txt += ('* buildserverid: [https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/commit/{id} {id}]\n'
if fdroidserverid:
txt += ('* fdroidserverid: [https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/commit/{id} {id}]\n'
if os.cpu_count():
txt += "* host processors: %d\n" % os.cpu_count()
if os.path.isfile('/proc/meminfo') and os.access('/proc/meminfo', os.R_OK):
with open('/proc/meminfo') as fp:
for line in fp:
m = re.search(r'MemTotal:\s*([0-9].*)', line)
if m:
txt += "* host RAM: %s\n" % m.group(1)
2019-02-07 19:48:03 +01:00
fdroid_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
buildserver_config = os.path.join(fdroid_path, 'makebuildserver.config.py')
if os.path.isfile(buildserver_config) and os.access(buildserver_config, os.R_OK):
with open(buildserver_config) as configfile:
for line in configfile:
m = re.search(r'cpus\s*=\s*([0-9].*)', line)
if m:
txt += "* guest processors: %s\n" % m.group(1)
m = re.search(r'memory\s*=\s*([0-9].*)', line)
if m:
txt += "* guest RAM: %s MB\n" % m.group(1)
txt += "* successful builds: %d\n" % len(build_succeeded)
txt += "* failed builds: %d\n" % len(failed_builds)
txt += "\n\n"
newpage.save(txt, summary='Run log')
newpage = site.Pages['build']
newpage.save('#REDIRECT [[' + wiki_page_path + ']]', summary='Update redirect')
if not options.onserver:
2020-02-18 23:16:18 +01:00
# hack to ensure this exits, even is some threads are still running
2012-02-26 15:09:25 +01:00
if __name__ == "__main__":