51 Data Export Import Merging Processing
José Rebelo edited this page 2023-12-22 17:35:40 +00:00
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⚠ The wiki has been replaced by the new website - this page has been moved: https://gadgetbridge.org/internals/development/data-management/

Data Management

The Data Management screen (available from the main menu) provides overall user data import, export, delete, view functions, allowing complete ownership of all data Gadgetbridge created or collected.


The Gadgetbridge activity database is exported as an SQLite file called Gadgetbridge and can be used for further analysis or visualization.

Export/Import folder

When exporting/importing data from/to Gadgetbridge, a dedicated folder called files is used.

The exact location of this folder might depend on the phone and Android version and therefore the Export/Import location is listed in the Data Management screen.

Very often, the folder path is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget/files/

Do note that if you use the Bangle.js or Nightly or any other product flavor of Gadgetbridge, the path will be slightly different, based on the name of that variant.

Some Android versions might not have yet created the /storage/emulated/0, resulting in Gadgetbridge error saying, 'Cannot find export path'. This was probably because there was no /storage/sdcard0/ directory. After inserting external storage and tried exporting, Android probably created the /storage/sdcard0/ directory. /storage/sdcard0/ is still in local storage.

Accessing the Export/Import folder

The Export/Import folder can be normally accessed via some file manager. Under Android 11 and newer versions, the Export/Import folder can only be accessed via file manager that is using the new Scoped Storage system of Android.

One popular FLOSS file manager which is able to do this is a Simple File Manager Pro, link to: Google Play, F-Droid:

Simple File Manager Pro

Data export

You can use the Data export or Data Auto export to get copy of your data.

The Data Export function exports database with your activity, sports activities and other data, like preference settings. Activity data is exported as an sqlite database. Sports activities (if captured as GPX) are exported as GPX files. Preference data are also exported in the form of XML files. All these files are exported into the Export/Import folder.

From here, you must copy the data into some permanent storage, because this folder is erased if you uninstall Gadgetbridge. So make sure to copy/move/backup your files after export!

Backup your data

Make sure to always keep backups of your data. There are many simple ways to lose your data:

  • commands below could be destructive
  • uninstalling Gadgetbridge without export and backup will cause losing your data
  • reinstalling (uninstalling and installing again, for example if you want to replace F-Droid version with own compiled apk version) without export and backup will cause losing your data

You can use the Data export or Data Auto export to get copy of your data.

So the backup/restore procedure is:

  • export data (Gadgetbridge → menu → Data management, Export DB)
  • backup this data from the export/import folder, for example /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget/files/ into some other location
  • perform your dangerous action..., for example uninstall and install again...
  • restore data from other location to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget/files/
  • import data Gadgetbridge → menu → Data management, Import DB

Exported files:

  • Export_preference - your global preferences, XML file
  • Export_preference_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx - device specific preferences, XML files
  • Gadgetbridge - activity, sleep, activity data, sqlite database
  • gadgetbridge-track-2020-04-14T17_14_29+02_00.gpx - GPX file (might contain GPS, Heartrate...)

Data import

File previously exported via export function can be re-imported (current data will be overwritten!) by placing the previously exported files into the export/import folder, for example /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget/files/Gadgetbridge.

Try to make sure that when you import the data, ideally you use the same version of Gadgetbridge that was used for exporting. If you are restoring some old backup, try to get older version of Gadgetbridge and then update Gadgetbridge. This will allow the internal update process to take care of updating internal data structures (running database and preference migrations).

Database AutoExport

Gadgetbridge activities database can be automatically exported periodically for external backups, sync, processing etc. To set Autoexport, go to SettingsAuto exportAuto export enabledYes.

Selected export directory and name of the exported file via Export location

Set interval period (in hours) via Export interval.

Trigger AutoExport manually

One can test the AutoExport via menu Database managementAutoExportRun AutoExport now.

Opening exported database on desktop

The sqlite database file Gadgetbridge can be open on desktop by using various tools, like DBeaver and [others](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38620/is-there-any-good-sqlite-gui-for-linux.

Export data data as comma separated values (CSV)

While it generally is better to export the database as is an open it on desktop, if you want to make an export on your Android device you can use SQLiteViewer. Do note that exporting the data will take a long time. (Can be about 10 minutes per one year of data).

SQL snippets

Extracting CSV Data from the SQLite Database

This shows how to access the previously exported database on Debian GNU/Linux 9, the sqlite3 and android-tools-adb packages are required.

To list all tables in the database:

$ adb shell
OnePlus3:/ $ su
OnePlus3:/ # cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge/files
OnePlus3:/ # sqlite3 Gadgetbridge
SQLite version 3.19.4 2017-08-18 19:28:12
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .table

DEVICE                          PEBBLE_MORPHEUZ_SAMPLE        
DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES               TAG                           
HPLUS_HEALTH_ACTIVITY_OVERLAY   USER                          
NO1_F1_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE          android_metadata 

To export to CSV:

sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output out.csv
sqlite> select * from BASE_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY;

Reference: SO.

Calculate time between Heart Rate samples

WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN (strftime('%s','2019-08-02 16:15:00','utc')) and (strftime('%s','2019-08-03 23:15:00','utc'))
and HEART_RATE<>255

Calculate daily steps average

select avg(a) from (select strftime('%Y.%m.%d', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch')) as d,sum(STEPS)as a from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE group by d)

Steps per day

select date(TIMESTAMP, 'unixepoch') as "Date", sum(STEPS) as "Steps"
group by date(TIMESTAMP, 'unixepoch')

Sleep per day

  round(sum(TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM)/3600.0,1) as "Duration",
  sum(TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM)/3600 as "Hours",
  sum(TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM)%3600/60 as "Minutes",
  datetime(min(TIMESTAMP_FROM), 'unixepoch') as "Start",
  datetime(max(TIMESTAMP_TO), 'unixepoch') as "End"
where RAW_KIND = 1
group by date(TIMESTAMP_FROM, 'unixepoch', '+4 hours', 'start of day');

Sleep, deep sleep, nap and deep nap per day

  round(sum(case when RAW_KIND = 1 then TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM else 0 end)/3600.0,1) as "Sleep Duration",
  round(sum(case when RAW_KIND = 2 then TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM else 0 end)/3600.0,1) as "Deep Sleep Duration",
  round(sum(case when RAW_KIND = 3 then TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM else 0 end)/3600.0,1) as "Nap Duration",
  round(sum(case when RAW_KIND = 4 then TIMESTAMP_TO-TIMESTAMP_FROM else 0 end)/3600.0,1) as "Deep Nap Duration",
  datetime(min(TIMESTAMP_FROM), 'unixepoch') as "Start",
  datetime(max(TIMESTAMP_TO), 'unixepoch') as "End"
where RAW_KIND in (1, 2, 3, 4)
group by date(TIMESTAMP_FROM, 'unixepoch', '+4 hours', 'start of day');

Sleep per hour

    count(timestamp), strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', datetime(max(timestamp),
    'unixepoch', 'localtime')) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where RAW_KIND=112
    group by strftime('%Y%m%d%H',datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch'));

Merge activity data from old Gadgetbridge export into another device

You can merge activity data from previous export (for example another Xiaomi device, after device reset, which often changes device's MAC address...) into a new device by opening your current export and inserting all data from an older file.

Note: If your replaced your device with one of the same brand and model, or your device mac address changed (factory reset), you can use the Intent API to change the mac address: https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/wiki/Intent-API#change-device-mac-address

NOTE: these descriptions presume that you have one device and are perhaps migrating to a new one or something. If you have multiple devices, you will probably want to limit some of the update sql command with where device_is = xxx (where the xxx is the desired device_id).

Import old data:

Make fresh new export as per Data export and open it in sqlite3, presuming that the file name is Gadgetbridge:

sqlite3 Gadgetbridge

Open older file with previous data in this sqlite3 instance, presuming that the previous data file name is Gadgetbridge_old:

ATTACH 'Gadgetbridge_old' as old;

Insert old activity data (steps, sleep) into fresh backup:


You can do the same with recorded workouts data:



Device id:

Devices inside Gadgetbridge database have a unique device id so if you want to "merge" the data into the same new device, you need to change the device id for all the data to the ID of the "new" device.

This can be done after you inserted old data into new database as indicated above.

List all devices (and their ids):

select * from device;

Check which device is the new one (by looking at their HW address or by the alias). IDs are just numbers, like 1, 2, 3... Note the "new" device id.

Now change the device id for all the rows in the database, for example if the new device id is a number 2:

update MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE set device_id=2;

update BASE_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY set device_id=2;

If you have multiple devices, you will probably only want to update record of the old device... you can therefore limit the update in this way: update BASE_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY set device_id=2 where device_id =1 ; (where 1 was the old device).

Base activity id:

Base activities (workouts) have a sequential id in the Gadgetbridge database so if you are to merge some old data and new data, you need to make sure that you correctly increment the id as well, otherwhise you will get a duplicate id error.

This you need to do on the new data before you can insert old data into new database:

select max(_id) from old.BASE_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY;

This gives you the id of the last activity, lets call it xxx,

Now you add (as in addition) this value to all the current ids in the base activity summary:

update BASE_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY set _id = _id + xxx;

Now you can insert the old records into the new database, without errors:


Close sqlite3, make sure to put this fresh Gadgetbridge file back into /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge/files/ and perform Data import.

Python snippets

Draw charts for year/month/week/day in Python

import sqlite3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np

conn = sqlite3.connect('Gadgetbridge')
c = conn.cursor()

d=c.execute("select strftime('%Y.%m.%d', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch')) as d,sum(STEPS) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where STEPS > ? group by d",(min_steps_per_minute,)).fetchall()
w=c.execute("select strftime('%Y.%W', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch')) as d,sum(STEPS) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where STEPS > ? group by d",(min_steps_per_minute,)).fetchall()
m=c.execute("select strftime('%Y.%m', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch')) as d,sum(STEPS) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where STEPS > ? group by d",(min_steps_per_minute,)).fetchall()
y=c.execute("select strftime('%Y', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch')) as d,sum(STEPS) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where STEPS > ? group by d",(min_steps_per_minute,)).fetchall()
print("all avg:",c.execute("select avg(STEPS) from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where STEPS > ? ",(min_steps_per_minute,)).fetchall())

db={x[0]:x[1] for x in d}
wb={x[0]:x[1] for x in w}
mb={x[0]:x[1] for x in m}
yb={x[0]:x[1] for x in y}

fig, ax = plt.subplots(4)

def doit(where,what,color,label):


for ax in fig.axes:

Import data from MiFit

  1. get your MiFit data via GDPR data request, either from Mifit or via this URL.

  2. make an export of database in Gadgetbridge (make an extra backup of this exported database)

  3. unzip received MiFit data and place the .csv files into a single folder (see list of required files below)

  4. put exported Gadgetbridge database file into the same folder

  5. put this script into the same folder

  6. either remove "numbers" from the .csv file names, or rename the xxx_file_name variables below

  7. you may need to edit device_id and user_id. for most people (with one device) this will remain as is below

  8. run this script with python3: python import_from_mifit.py

  9. re-import the updated Gadgetbridge database file to GB

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import csv
import datetime
import sys
import sqlite3
import random

# import script to get MiFit data into Gadgetbridge database

# what this tool does:
# - it checks if a particular record (based on timestamp) is in database
# - if record does not exist, it is created:
# - steps are added
# - for sleep, separate minute based records are created
# - all records will have heart rate measurements, if available in the data

# what this tool does not:
# - doesn't import activities

# it can damage your data, make plenty of backups to be able to roll back at any point

# 1) get your MiFit data via GDPR data request, URL:
# https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/serviceLogin?callback=https%3A%2F%2Faccount.xiaomi.com%2Fsts%2Foauth%3Fsign%3D7QjKYjTipB1s7OliGXsWt1OL9sE%253D%26followup%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Faccount.xiaomi.com%252Foauth2%252Fauthorize%253Fskip_confirm%253Dfalse%2526client_id%253D428135909242707968%2526pt%253D1%2526redirect_uri%253Dhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fapi-mifit-cn.huami.com%25252Fhuami.health.loginview.do_not%2526_locale%253Dde_DE%2526response_type%253Dcode%2526scope%253D1%25252016001%25252020000%2525206000%2526_sas%253Dtrue%26sid%3Doauth2.0&sid=oauth2.0&lsrp_appName=In%20%24%7BMi%20Fit%7D%24%20%C3%BCber%20das%20Mi-Konto%20anmelden&_customDisplay=20&scope=1%206000%2016001&_locale=de_DE&_ssign=2%26V1_oauth2.0%266qHWjGF3kaRWOWCGQdM8gIt6lR8%3D

# 2) make an export of database in Gadgetbridge
# - make an extra backup of this exported database
# 3) unzip received MiFit data and place the .csv files into a single folder (see list of required files below)
# 4) put exported Gadgetbridge database file into the same folder
# 5) put this script into the same folder
# 6) either remove "numbers" from the .csv file names, or rename the xxx_file_name variables below
# 7) you may need to edit device_id and user_id. for most people (with one device) this will remain as is below
# 8) run this script with python3:
#  python import_from_mifit.py
# 9) re-import the updated Gadgetbridge database file to GB

activity_file_name = "ACTIVITY_MINUTE.csv"
hr_file_name1 = "HEARTRATE.csv"
hr_file_name2 = "HEARTRATE_AUTO.csv"
sleep_file_name = "SLEEP.csv"

database = "Gadgetbridge"
device_id = 1
user_id = 1

# do not edit below

conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = conn.cursor()

# build HR dictionary
hr = {}

data = csv.reader(open(hr_file_name1), delimiter=",")
# 1572088219,81
next(data)  # skip header
for line in data:
    hr[line[0]] = line[1]

data = csv.reader(open(hr_file_name2), delimiter=",")
# 2017-07-14,23:35,54
next(data)  # skip header
for line in data:
    date = "{0},{1}".format(*line)
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M")
    # timestamp=dt.timestamp()
    timestamp = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    hr[timestamp] = line[2]

# steps
data = csv.reader(open(activity_file_name), delimiter=",")
# 2017-07-04,13:18,11
next(data)  # skip header
for line in data:
    # print(line)
    date = "{0},{1}".format(*line)
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M")
    w = {}
    # timestamp=dt.timestamp()
    timestamp = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    w["timestamp"] = timestamp
    r = cursor.execute(
        "SELECT * from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where TIMESTAMP=$timestamp", (w)
    if r:
        # print("record exists", r,line[2])
        steps = int(line[2])
        heart_rate = hr.get(timestamp, 255)
        raw_intensity = random.randint(10, 130)
        if steps < 80:
            raw_kind = 1  # slow walking
        elif 100 > steps > 80:
            raw_kind = 1  # 3 fast walking, unsupported by GB
            raw_kind = 4  # 4 running
        print("inserting", steps, heart_rate)
            "INSERT INTO MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
            (timestamp, device_id, user_id, raw_intensity, steps, raw_kind, heart_rate),

# sleep
data = csv.reader(open(sleep_file_name), delimiter=",")
# 2017-07-05,45,348,0,2017-07-05 08:23:00+0000,2017-07-05 08:23:00+0000
next(data)  # skip header
for line in data:
    deep_sleep = int(line[1])
    light_sleep = int(line[2])
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[4], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")
    timestamp = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    dt_to = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[5], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")
    ts_to = dt_to.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    # deep sleep
    # timestamp=ts_from
    for i in range(0, deep_sleep):

        w["timestamp"] = timestamp
        r = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT * from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where TIMESTAMP=$timestamp", (w)
        if r:
            # print("record exists", r,line[2])
            heart_rate = hr.get(timestamp, 255)
            print("inserting sleep", timestamp)
            steps = 0
            raw_kind = 123
            raw_intensity = random.choice([20, 2, 7] + [0] * 20)
                "INSERT INTO MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",

        timestamp = timestamp + 60

    for i in range(0, light_sleep):

        w["timestamp"] = timestamp
        r = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT * from MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE where TIMESTAMP=$timestamp", (w)
        if r:
            # print("record exists", r,line[2])
            heart_rate = hr.get(timestamp, 255)
            print("inserting sleep", timestamp)
            steps = 0
            raw_kind = 121
            raw_intensity = random.choice([20, 2, 7] + [0] * 20)
                "INSERT INTO MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",

        timestamp = timestamp + 60


Understanding of the activity data

Most of the "understanding" of the activity data are actually assumptions. There are several related issues in the tracker with long discussions, see them typically under the research label.

Original MiBand data analysis, linked here for reference:

View data in external applications

  • GadgetStats is a Companion app for Gadgetbridge, developed with Ionic.
  • miband2_analysis
  • PyFit PyFit is a non-functional (with no way to contact the author to report bugs) open-source fitness tracker prototype written in Python with a GTK interface, currently working on Linux on the GNOME desktop environment. The data can be either inputted by the user or imported from a database generated by the Gadgetbridge gadget companion app for Android (only Mi Bands are working so far).

Integrate with self-hostable fitness tracking service

See the discussion here https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/issues/49 for list of interesting fitness tracking services.

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