
453 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018 Open Source Foundries Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Common code used by commands which execute runners.
import argparse
from os import getcwd, path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import textwrap
from west import cmake
from west import log
from west import util
from west.build import DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR, is_zephyr_build
from west.runners import get_runner_cls, ZephyrBinaryRunner
from west.runners.core import RunnerConfig
from west.commands import CommandContextError
# Context-sensitive help indentation.
# Don't change this, or output from argparse won't match up.
INDENT = ' ' * 2
def add_parser_common(parser_adder, command):
parser = parser_adder.add_parser(
# Remember to update scripts/west-completion.bash if you add or remove
# flags
parser.add_argument('-H', '--context', action='store_true',
help='''Rebuild application and print context-sensitive
help; this may be combined with --runner to restrict
output to a given runner.''')
group = parser.add_argument_group(title='General Options')
group.add_argument('-d', '--build-dir',
help='''Build directory to obtain runner information
from. If not given, this command tries to use build/
and then the current working directory, in that
group.add_argument('-c', '--cmake-cache',
help='''Path to CMake cache file containing runner
configuration (this is generated by the Zephyr
build system when compiling binaries);
default: {}.
If this is a relative path, it is assumed relative to
the build directory. An absolute path can also be
given instead.'''.format(cmake.DEFAULT_CACHE))
group.add_argument('-r', '--runner',
help='''If given, overrides any cached {}
group.add_argument('--skip-rebuild', action='store_true',
help='''If given, do not rebuild the application
before running {} commands.'''.format(command.name))
group = parser.add_argument_group(
title='Configuration overrides',
These values usually come from the Zephyr build system itself
as stored in the CMake cache; providing these options
overrides those settings.'''))
# Important:
# 1. The destination variables of these options must match
# the RunnerConfig slots.
# 2. The default values for all of these must be None.
# This is how we detect if the user provided them or not when
# overriding values from the cached configuration.
command_verb = "flash" if command == "flash" else "debug"
help='Zephyr board directory')
help='Path to elf file to {0}'.format(command_verb))
help='Path to hex file to {0}'.format(command_verb))
help='Path to binary file to {0}'.format(command_verb))
help='Path to GDB, if applicable')
help='Path to OpenOCD, if applicable')
help='Path to add to OpenOCD search path, if applicable')
return parser
def desc_common(command_name):
return textwrap.dedent('''\
Any options not recognized by this command are passed to the
back-end {command} runner (run "west {command} --context"
for help on available runner-specific options).
If you need to pass an option to a runner which has the
same name as one recognized by this command, you can
end argument parsing with a '--', like so:
west {command} --{command}-arg=value -- --runner-arg=value2
'''.format(**{'command': command_name}))
def cached_runner_config(build_dir, cache):
'''Parse the RunnerConfig from a build directory and CMake Cache.'''
elf_file = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_ELF_FILE',
hex_file = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_HEX_FILE',
bin_file = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_BIN_FILE',
gdb = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_GDB')
openocd = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_OPENOCD')
openocd_search = cache.get('ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_OPENOCD_SEARCH')
return RunnerConfig(build_dir, board_dir,
elf_file, hex_file, bin_file,
gdb=gdb, openocd=openocd,
def _override_config_from_namespace(cfg, namespace):
'''Override a RunnerConfig's contents with command-line values.'''
for var in cfg.__slots__:
if var in namespace:
val = getattr(namespace, var)
if val is not None:
setattr(cfg, var, val)
def _build_dir(args, die_if_none=True):
# Get the build directory for the given argument list and environment.
if args.build_dir:
return args.build_dir
cwd = getcwd()
default = path.join(cwd, DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR)
if is_zephyr_build(default):
return default
elif is_zephyr_build(cwd):
return cwd
elif die_if_none:
log.die('--build-dir was not given, and neither {} '
'nor {} are zephyr build directories.'.
format(default, cwd))
return None
def do_run_common(command, args, runner_args, cached_runner_var):
if args.context:
_dump_context(command, args, runner_args, cached_runner_var)
command_name = command.name
build_dir = _build_dir(args)
if not args.skip_rebuild:
except CalledProcessError:
if args.build_dir:
log.die('cannot run {}, build in {} failed'.format(
command_name, args.build_dir))
log.die('cannot run {}; no --build-dir given and build in '
'current directory {} failed'.format(command_name,
# Runner creation, phase 1.
# Get the default runner name from the cache, allowing a command
# line override. Get the ZephyrBinaryRunner class by name, and
# make sure it supports the command.
cache_file = path.join(build_dir, args.cmake_cache or cmake.DEFAULT_CACHE)
cache = cmake.CMakeCache(cache_file)
board = cache['CACHED_BOARD']
available = cache.get_list('ZEPHYR_RUNNERS')
if not available:
log.wrn('No cached runners are available in', cache_file)
runner = args.runner or cache.get(cached_runner_var)
if runner is None:
raise CommandContextError(textwrap.dedent("""
No {} runner available for {}. Please either specify one
manually, or check your board's documentation for
alternative instructions.""".format(command_name, board)))
log.inf('Using runner:', runner)
if runner not in available:
log.wrn('Runner {} is not configured for use with {}, '
'this may not work'.format(runner, board))
runner_cls = get_runner_cls(runner)
if command_name not in runner_cls.capabilities().commands:
log.die('Runner {} does not support command {}'.format(
runner, command_name))
# Runner creation, phase 2.
# At this point, the common options above are already parsed in
# 'args', and unrecognized arguments are in 'runner_args'.
# - Pull the RunnerConfig out of the cache
# - Override cached values with applicable command-line options
cfg = cached_runner_config(build_dir, cache)
_override_config_from_namespace(cfg, args)
# Runner creation, phase 3.
# - Pull out cached runner arguments, and append command-line
# values (which should override the cache)
# - Construct a runner-specific argument parser to handle cached
# values plus overrides given in runner_args
# - Parse arguments and create runner instance from final
# RunnerConfig and parsed arguments.
cached_runner_args = cache.get_list(
assert isinstance(runner_args, list), runner_args
# If the user passed -- to force the parent argument parser to stop
# parsing, it will show up here, and needs to be filtered out.
runner_args = [arg for arg in runner_args if arg != '--']
final_runner_args = cached_runner_args + runner_args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=runner)
parsed_args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(args=final_runner_args)
if unknown:
raise CommandContextError('Runner', runner,
'received unknown arguments', unknown)
runner = runner_cls.create(cfg, parsed_args)
# Context-specific help
def _dump_context(command, args, runner_args, cached_runner_var):
build_dir = _build_dir(args, die_if_none=False)
# Try to figure out the CMake cache file based on the build
# directory or an explicit argument.
if build_dir is not None:
cache_file = path.abspath(
path.join(build_dir, args.cmake_cache or cmake.DEFAULT_CACHE))
elif args.cmake_cache:
cache_file = path.abspath(args.cmake_cache)
cache_file = None
# Load the cache itself, if possible.
if cache_file is None:
log.wrn('No build directory (--build-dir) or CMake cache '
'(--cache-file) given or found; output will be limited')
cache = None
cache = cmake.CMakeCache(cache_file)
except Exception:
log.die('Cannot load cache {}.'.format(cache_file))
# If we have a build directory, try to ensure build artifacts are
# up to date. If that doesn't work, still try to print information
# on a best-effort basis.
if build_dir and not args.skip_rebuild:
except CalledProcessError:
msg = 'Failed re-building application; cannot load context. '
if args.build_dir:
msg += 'Is {} the right --build-dir?'.format(args.build_dir)
msg += textwrap.dedent('''\
Use --build-dir (-d) to specify a build directory; the one
used was {}.'''.format(build_dir))
log.die('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(msg, initial_indent='',
if cache is None:
_dump_no_context_info(command, args)
if not args.runner:
if args.runner:
# Just information on one runner was requested.
_dump_one_runner_info(cache, args, build_dir, INDENT)
board = cache['CACHED_BOARD']
all_cls = {cls.name(): cls for cls in ZephyrBinaryRunner.get_runners() if
command.name in cls.capabilities().commands}
available = [r for r in cache.get_list('ZEPHYR_RUNNERS') if r in all_cls]
available_cls = {r: all_cls[r] for r in available if r in all_cls}
default_runner = cache.get(cached_runner_var)
cfg = cached_runner_config(build_dir, cache)
log.inf('All Zephyr runners which support {}:'.format(command.name),
for line in util.wrap(', '.join(all_cls.keys()), INDENT):
log.inf('(Not all may work with this build, see available runners below.)',
if cache is None:
log.warn('Missing or invalid CMake cache {}; there is no context.',
'Use --build-dir to specify the build directory.')
log.inf('Build directory:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + build_dir)
log.inf('Board:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + board)
log.inf('CMake cache:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + cache_file)
if not available:
# Bail with a message if no runners are available.
msg = ('No runners available for {}. '
'Consult the documentation for instructions on how to run '
'binaries on this target.').format(board)
for line in util.wrap(msg, ''):
log.inf(line, colorize=True)
log.inf('Available {} runners:'.format(command.name), colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + ', '.join(available))
log.inf('Additional options for available', command.name, 'runners:',
for runner in available:
_dump_runner_opt_help(runner, all_cls[runner])
log.inf('Default {} runner:'.format(command.name), colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + default_runner)
_dump_runner_config(cfg, '', INDENT)
log.inf('Runner-specific information:', colorize=True)
for runner in available:
log.inf('{}{}:'.format(INDENT, runner), colorize=True)
_dump_runner_cached_opts(cache, runner, INDENT * 2, INDENT * 3)
_dump_runner_caps(available_cls[runner], INDENT * 2)
if len(available) > 1:
log.inf('(Add -r RUNNER to just print information about one runner.)',
def _dump_no_context_info(command, args):
all_cls = {cls.name(): cls for cls in ZephyrBinaryRunner.get_runners() if
command.name in cls.capabilities().commands}
log.inf('All Zephyr runners which support {}:'.format(command.name),
for line in util.wrap(', '.join(all_cls.keys()), INDENT):
if not args.runner:
log.inf('Add -r RUNNER to print more information about any runner.',
def _dump_one_runner_info(cache, args, build_dir, indent):
runner = args.runner
cls = get_runner_cls(runner)
if cache is None:
_dump_runner_opt_help(runner, cls)
_dump_runner_caps(cls, '')
available = runner in cache.get_list('ZEPHYR_RUNNERS')
cfg = cached_runner_config(build_dir, cache)
log.inf('Build directory:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + build_dir)
log.inf('Board:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + cache['CACHED_BOARD'])
log.inf('CMake cache:', colorize=True)
log.inf(INDENT + cache.cache_file)
log.inf(runner, 'is available:', 'yes' if available else 'no',
_dump_runner_opt_help(runner, cls)
_dump_runner_config(cfg, '', indent)
if available:
_dump_runner_cached_opts(cache, runner, '', indent)
_dump_runner_caps(cls, '')
if not available:
log.wrn('Runner', runner, 'is not configured in this build.')
def _dump_runner_caps(cls, base_indent):
log.inf('{}Capabilities:'.format(base_indent), colorize=True)
log.inf('{}{}'.format(base_indent + INDENT, cls.capabilities()))
def _dump_runner_opt_help(runner, cls):
# Construct and print the usage text
dummy_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', add_help=False)
formatter = dummy_parser._get_formatter()
for group in dummy_parser._action_groups:
# Break the abstraction to filter out the 'flash', 'debug', etc.
# TODO: come up with something cleaner (may require changes
# in the runner core).
actions = group._group_actions
if len(actions) == 1 and actions[0].dest == 'command':
# This is the lone positional argument. Skip it.
formatter.start_section('REMOVE ME')
# Get the runner help, with the "REMOVE ME" string gone
runner_help = '\n'.join(formatter.format_help().splitlines()[1:])
log.inf('{} options:'.format(runner), colorize=True)
def _dump_runner_config(cfg, initial_indent, subsequent_indent):
log.inf('{}Cached common runner configuration:'.format(initial_indent),
for var in cfg.__slots__:
log.inf('{}--{}={}'.format(subsequent_indent, var, getattr(cfg, var)))
def _dump_runner_cached_opts(cache, runner, initial_indent, subsequent_indent):
runner_args = _get_runner_args(cache, runner)
if not runner_args:
log.inf('{}Cached runner-specific options:'.format(initial_indent),
for arg in runner_args:
log.inf('{}{}'.format(subsequent_indent, arg))
def _get_runner_args(cache, runner):
runner_ident = cmake.make_c_identifier(runner)
args_var = 'ZEPHYR_RUNNER_ARGS_{}'.format(runner_ident)
return cache.get_list(args_var)