
440 lines
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# Copyright 2018 Open Source Foundries Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''West's bootstrap/wrapper script.
import argparse
import configparser
import os
import platform
import pykwalify.core
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml
import west._bootstrap.version as version
if sys.version_info < (3,):
sys.exit('fatal error: you are running Python 2')
# Special files and directories in the west installation.
# These are given variable names for clarity, but they can't be
# changed without propagating the changes into west itself.
# Top-level west directory, containing west itself and the manifest.
WEST_DIR = 'west'
# Subdirectory to check out the west source repository into.
WEST = 'west'
# Default west repository URL.
WEST_URL_DEFAULT = 'https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/west'
# Default revision to check out of the west repository.
# File inside of WEST_DIR which marks it as the top level of the
# Zephyr project installation.
# (The WEST_DIR name is not distinct enough to use when searching for
# the top level; other directories named "west" may exist elsewhere,
# e.g. zephyr/doc/west.)
WEST_MARKER = '.west_topdir'
# Manifest repository directory under WEST_DIR.
MANIFEST = 'manifest'
# Default manifest repository URL.
MANIFEST_URL_DEFAULT = 'https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/manifest'
# Default revision to check out of the manifest repository.
_SCHEMA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "west-schema.yml")
# Helpers shared between init and wrapper mode
class WestError(RuntimeError):
class WestNotFound(WestError):
'''Neither the current directory nor any parent has a West installation.'''
def west_dir(start=None):
Returns the path to the west/ directory, searching ``start`` and its
Raises WestNotFound if no west directory is found.
return os.path.join(west_topdir(start), WEST_DIR)
def manifest_dir(start=None):
Returns the path to the manifest/ directory, searching ``start`` and its
Raises WestNotFound if no west directory is found.
return os.path.join(west_topdir(start), MANIFEST)
def west_topdir(start=None):
Like west_dir(), but returns the path to the parent directory of the west/
directory instead, where project repositories are stored
# If you change this function, make sure to update west.util.west_topdir().
cur_dir = start or os.getcwd()
while True:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cur_dir, WEST_DIR, WEST_MARKER)):
return cur_dir
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(cur_dir)
if cur_dir == parent_dir:
# At the root
raise WestNotFound('Could not find a West installation '
'in this or any parent directory')
cur_dir = parent_dir
def clone(desc, url, rev, dest):
if os.path.exists(dest):
raise WestError('refusing to clone into existing location ' + dest)
print('=== Cloning {} from {}, rev. {} ==='.format(desc, url, rev))
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'clone', '-b', rev, '--', url, dest))
# west init
def init(argv):
'''Command line handler for ``west init`` invocations.
This exits the program with a nonzero exit code if fatal errors occur.'''
# Remember to update scripts/west-completion.bash if you add or remove
# flags
init_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog='west init',
Initializes a Zephyr installation. Use "west clone" afterwards to fetch the
In more detail, does the following:
1. Clones the manifest repository to west/manifest, and the west repository
to west/west
2. Creates a marker file west/{}
3. Creates an initial configuration file west/config
As an alternative to manually editing west/config, 'west init' can be rerun on
an already initialized West instance to update configuration settings. Only
explicitly passed configuration values (e.g. --mr MANIFEST_REVISION) are
Updating the manifest URL or revision via 'west init' automatically runs 'west
update --reset-manifest --reset-projects' afterwards to reset the manifest to
the new revision, and all projects to their new manifest revisions.
Updating the west URL or revision also runs 'west update --reset-west'.
To suppress the reset of the manifest, west, and projects, pass --no-reset.
With --no-reset, only the configuration file will be updated, and you will have
to handle any resetting yourself.
'-m', '--manifest-url',
help='Manifest repository URL (default: {})'
'--mr', '--manifest-rev', dest='manifest_rev',
help='Manifest revision to fetch (default: {})'
'--nr', '--no-reset', dest='reset', action='store_false',
help='''Suppress the automatic reset of the manifest, west, and project
repositories when re-running 'west init' in an existing
installation to update the manifest or west URL/revision''')
'directory', nargs='?', default=None,
help='''Directory to initialize West in. Missing directories will be
created automatically. (default: current directory)''')
args = init_parser.parse_args(args=argv)
reinit(os.path.join(west_dir(args.directory), 'config'), args)
except WestNotFound:
def bootstrap(args):
'''Bootstrap a new manifest + West installation.'''
manifest_url = args.manifest_url or MANIFEST_URL_DEFAULT
manifest_rev = args.manifest_rev or MANIFEST_REV_DEFAULT
directory = args.directory or os.getcwd()
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
print('Initializing in new directory', directory)
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=False)
except PermissionError:
sys.exit('Cannot initialize in {}: permission denied'.format(
except FileExistsError:
sys.exit('Something else created {} concurrently; quitting'.format(
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Can't create directory {}: {}".format(
directory, e.args))
print('Initializing in', directory)
# Clone the west source code and the manifest into west/. Git will create
# the west/ directory if it does not exist.
clone('manifest repository', manifest_url, manifest_rev,
os.path.join(directory, WEST_DIR, MANIFEST))
# Parse the manifest and look for a section named "west"
manifest_file = os.path.join(directory, WEST_DIR, MANIFEST, 'default.yml')
with open(manifest_file, 'r') as f:
data = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
if 'west' in data:
wdata = data['west']
except pykwalify.errors.SchemaError as e:
sys.exit("Error: Failed to parse manifest file '{}': {}"
.format(manifest_file, e))
if 'url' in wdata:
west_url = wdata['url']
if 'revision' in wdata:
west_rev = wdata['revision']
print("cloning {} at revision {}".format(west_url, west_rev))
clone('west repository', west_url, west_rev,
os.path.join(directory, WEST_DIR, WEST))
# Create an initial configuration file
config_path = os.path.join(directory, WEST_DIR, 'config')
update_conf(config_path, manifest_url, manifest_rev)
print('=== Initial configuration written to {} ==='.format(config_path))
# Create a dotfile to mark the installation. Hide it on Windows.
with open(os.path.join(directory, WEST_DIR, WEST_MARKER), 'w') as f:
print('=== West initialized. Now run "west clone" in {}. ==='.
def reinit(config_path, args):
Reinitialize an existing installation.
This updates the west/config configuration file, and optionally resets the
manifest, west, and project repositories to the new revision.
manifest_url = args.manifest_url
if not (manifest_url or args.manifest_rev):
sys.exit('West already initialized. Please pass any settings you '
'want to change.')
update_conf(config_path, manifest_url, args.manifest_rev)
print('=== Updated configuration written to {} ==='.format(config_path))
if args.reset:
cmd = ['update', '--reset-manifest', '--reset-projects',
print("=== Running 'west {}' to update repositories ==="
.format(' '.join(cmd)))
def update_conf(config_path, manifest_url, manifest_rev):
Creates or updates the configuration file at 'config_path' with the
specified values. Values that are None/empty are ignored.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# This is a no-op if the file doesn't exist, so no need to check
update_key(config, 'manifest', 'remote', manifest_url)
update_key(config, 'manifest', 'revision', manifest_rev)
with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
def update_key(config, section, key, value):
Updates 'key' in section 'section' in ConfigParser 'config', creating
'section' if it does not exist.
If value is None/empty, 'key' is left as-is.
if not value:
if section not in config:
config[section] = {}
config[section][key] = value
def hide_file(path):
'''Ensure path is a hidden file.
On Windows, this uses attrib to hide the file manually.
On UNIX systems, this just checks that the path's basename begins
with a period ('.'), for it to be hidden already. It's a fatal
error if it does not begin with a period in this case.
On other systems, this just prints a warning.
system = platform.system()
if system == 'Windows':
subprocess.check_call(['attrib', '+H', path])
elif os.name == 'posix': # Try to check for all Unix, not just macOS/Linux
if not os.path.basename(path).startswith('.'):
sys.exit("internal error: {} can't be hidden on UNIX".format(path))
print("warning: unknown platform {}; {} may not be hidden"
.format(system, path), file=sys.stderr)
# Wrap a West command
def append_to_pythonpath(directory):
pp = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(([pp] if pp else []) + [directory])
def wrap(argv):
printing_version = False
printing_help_only = False
if argv:
if argv[0] in ('-V', '--version'):
print('West bootstrapper version: v{} ({})'.
format(version.__version__, os.path.dirname(__file__)))
printing_version = True
elif len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] in ('-h', '--help'):
# This only matters if we're called outside of an
# installation directory. We delegate to the main help if
# called from within one, because it includes a list of
# available commands, etc.
printing_help_only = True
start = os.getcwd()
topdir = west_topdir(start)
except WestNotFound:
if printing_version:
sys.exit(0) # run outside of an installation directory
elif printing_help_only:
# We call print multiple times here and below instead of using
# \n to be newline agnostic.
print('To set up a Zephyr installation here, run "west init".')
print('Run "west init -h" for additional information.')
print('Error: "{}" is not a Zephyr installation directory.'.
format(start), file=sys.stderr)
print('Things to try:', file=sys.stderr)
print(' - Run "west init" to set up an installation here.',
print(' - Run "west init -h" for additional information.',
west_git_repo = os.path.join(topdir, WEST_DIR, WEST)
if printing_version:
git_describe = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'describe', '--tags'],
print('West repository version: {} ({})'.format(git_describe,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('West repository version: unknown; no tags were found')
# Import the west package from the installation and run its main
# function with the given command-line arguments.
# This can't be done as a subprocess: that would break the
# runners' debug handling for GDB, which needs to block the usual
# control-C signal handling. GDB uses Ctrl-C to halt the debug
# target. So we really do need to import west and delegate within
# this bootstrap process.
# Put this at position 1 to make sure it comes before random stuff
# that might be on a developer's PYTHONPATH in the import order.
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(west_git_repo, 'src'))
import west.main
# Main entry point
def main(wrap_argv=None):
'''Entry point to the wrapper script.'''
if wrap_argv is None:
wrap_argv = sys.argv[1:]
if not wrap_argv or wrap_argv[0] != 'init':
if __name__ == '__main__':