
17 KiB

Trusted Firmware M secure boot

For secure devices it is security critical to enforce firmware authenticity to protect against execution of malicious software. This is implemented by building a trust chain where each step in the execution chain authenticates the next step before execution. The chain of trust in based on a "Root of Trust" which is implemented using asymmetric cryptography. The Root of Trust is a combination of an immutable bootloader and a public key(ROTPK).

Second stage bootloader in TF-M

To implement secure boot functionality an external project MCUBoot has been integrated to TF-M. For further information please refer to the MCUBoot homepage. Original source-code is available at GitHub. This document contains information about MCUBoot modifications and how MCUBoot has been integrated to TF-M.

Bootloader is started when CPU is released from reset. It runs in secure mode. It authenticates the firmware image by hash (SHA-256) and digital signature (RSA-2048) validation. Public key, that the checks happens against, is built into the bootloader image. Metadata of the image is delivered together with the image itself in a header and trailer section. In case of successful authentication, bootloader passes execution to the secure image. Execution never returns to bootloader until next reset.

A default RSA key pair is stored in the repository, public key is in keys.c and private key is in root-rsa-2048.pem. DO NOT use them in production code, they are exclusively for testing! Private key must be stored in a safe place outside of the repository. can be used to generate new key pairs.

The bootloader handles the secure and non-secure images as a single blob which is contiguous in the device memory. At compile time these images are concatenated and signed with RSA-2048 digital signature. Preparation of payload is done by Python scripts: bl2/ext/mcuboot/scripts/. At the end of a successful build signed TF-M payload can be found in:


Integration with TF-M

MCUBoot assumes a predefined memory layout which is described below (applicable for AN521). It is mandatory to define slot 0, slot 1 and scratch partitions, but their size can be changed:

- 0x0000_0000 - 0x0007_FFFF:    BL2 bootloader - MCUBoot
- 0x0008_0000 - 0x000F_FFFF:    Slot 0 : Single binary blob: Secure + Non-Secure
                                image; Primary memory partition
  - 0x0008_0000 - 0x0008_03FF:  Common image header
  - 0x0008_0400 - 0x0008_xxxx:  Secure image
  - 0x0008_xxxx - 0x0010_03FF:  Padding (with 0xFF)
  - 0x0010_0400 - 0x0010_xxxx:  Non-secure image
  - 0x0010_xxxx - 0x0010_xxxx:  Hash value(SHA256) and RSA signature
                                of combined image

- 0x0018_0000 - 0x0027_FFFF:    Slot 1 : Secure + Non-Secure image; Secondary
                                memory partition, structured identically to slot
- 0x0028_0000 - 0x0037_FFFF:    Scratch area, used during image swapping

Firmware upgrade operation

MCUBoot handles only the firmware authenticity check after start-up and the firmware switch part of the firmware update process. Downloading the new version of the firmware is out-of-scope for MCUBoot. MCUBoot supports two different ways to switch to the new firmware and it is assumed that firmware images are executed-in-place (XIP). The default behaviour is the image swapping. In this case active firmware is always executed from slot 0 and slot 1 is a staging area for new images. Before executing the new firmware image, the content of the two memory slots must be physically swapped. The other option is the non-swapping version, which eliminates the complexity of image swapping and its administration. Active image can be executed from either memory slot, but new firmware must be linked to the address space of the proper (currently inactive) memory slot.

Swapping operation

Active image is stored in slot 0, and this image is started always by the bootloader. Therefore images must be linked to slot 0. If the bootloader finds a valid image in slot 1, which is marked for upgrade, then contents of slot 0 and slot 1 will be swapped, before starting the new image from slot 0. Scratch area is used as a temporary storage place during image swapping. Update mark from slot 1 is removed when the swapping is successful. The boot loader can revert the swapping as a fall-back mechanism to recover the previous working firmware version after a faulty update. The swap operation is fail-safe and resistant to power-cut failures. For more details please refer to the MCUBoot documentation.

Non-swapping operation

This operation can be turned on with MCUBOOT_NO_SWAP compile time switch. See [next chapter](#Build time configuration). When enabling non-swapping operation then the active image flag is moved between slots during firmware upgrade. If firmware is executed-in-place (XIP), then two firmware images must be generated. One of them is linked to be executed from slot 0 memory region and the other from slot 1. The firmware upgrade client, which downloads the new image, must be aware, which slot hosts the active firmware and which acts as a staging area and it is responsible for downloading the proper firmware image. At boot time MCUBoot inspects the version number in the image header and passes execution to the newer firmware version. New image must be marked for upgrade which is automatically done by Python scripts at compile time. Image verification is done the same way in both operational modes. If new image fails during authentication then MCUBoot erases the memory slot and starts the other image, after successful authentication.

At build time automatically two binaries are generated:

<build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed_0.bin : Image linked for slot 0
                                                        memory partition
<build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed_1.bin : Image linked for slot 1
                                                        memory partition

RAM Loading firmware upgrade

Musca-A supports an image upgrade mode that is separate to both the swapping and non-swapping modes. This is the RAM loading mode (please refer to the table below). Like the non-swapping mode, this selects the newest image by reading the image version numbers in the image headers, but instead of executing it in place, the newest image is copied to RAM for execution. The load address, the location in RAM where the image is copied to, is stored in the image header.

Summary of different modes for image upgrade

Different implementations of the image upgrade operation (whether through swapping, non-swapping, or loading into RAM and executing from there) are supported by the platforms. The table below shows which of these modes are supported by which platforms:

- Without BL2 1 With BL2 2 With BL2 2 With BL2 2
- - Swap 3 No-swap 4 RAM loading 5
AN521 Yes Yes Yes No
AN519 Yes Yes Yes No
Musca-A No No No Yes
Musca-B1 Yes No Yes No

(1) To disable BL2, please turn off the BL2 compiler switch in the top-level configuration files or in the command line

(2) BL2 is enabled by default

(3) The image executes in-place (XIP) and is in swapping mode for image update by default

(4) To enable XIP No-swap, set the configuration variable MCUBOOT_NO_SWAP to True in the top-level configuration files, or include the MCUBOOT_NO_SWAP macro in the command line

(5) To enable RAM loading, set the configuration variable MCUBOOT_RAM_LOADING to True in the top-level configuration files, or include the MCUBOOT_RAM_LOADING macro in the command line

Build time configuration

MCUBoot related compile time switches can be set in the high level build configuration files:


Compile time switches:

  • BL2 (default: True):
    • True: TF-M built together with bootloader. MCUBoot is executed after reset and it authenticates TF-M and starts secure code.
    • False: TF-M built without bootloader. Secure image linked to the beginning of the device memory and executed after reset. If it is false then using any of the further compile time switches are invalid.
  • MCUBOOT_NO_SWAP (default: False):
    • True: Activate non-swapping firmware upgrade operation.
    • False: Original firmware upgrade operation with image swapping.
  • MCUBOOT_RAM_LOADING (default: False):
    • True: Activate RAM loading firmware upgrade operation, where latest image is copied to RAM and runs from there instead of being executed in-place.
    • False: Original firmware upgrade operation with image swapping.

Image versioning

An image version number is written to its header by one of the python scripts, and this number is used by the bootloader when the non-swapping mode is enabled.

The version number of the image can manually be passed in through the command line in the cmake configuration step:


Alternatively, the version number can be less specific (e.g 1, 1.2, or 1.2.3), where the missing numbers are automatically set to zero. The image version number argument is optional, and if it is left out, then the version numbers of the image(s) being built in the same directory will automatically change. In this case, the last component (the build number) automatically increments from the previous one: 0.0.0+1 -> 0.0.0+2, for as many times as the build is re-ran, until a number is explicitly provided. If automatic versioning is in place and then an image version number is provided for the first time, the new number will take precedence and be used instead. All subsequent image versions are then set to the last number that has been specified, and the build number would stop incrementing. Any new version numbers that are provided will overwrite the previous one: 0.0.0+1 -> 0.0.0+2. Note: To re-apply automatic image versioning, please start a clean build without specifying the image version number at all.

Testing firmware upgrade

As downloading the new firmware image is out of scope for MCUBoot, the update process is started from a state where the original and the new image are already programmed to the appropriate memory slots. To generate the original and a new firmware package, TF-M is built twice with different build configurations.

Swapping firmware upgrade

Run TF-M build twice with two different build configuration: default and regression. Save the artefacts between builds, because second run can overwrite original binaries. Download default build to slot 0 and regression build to slot 1.

Executing firmware upgrade on FVP_MPS2_AEMv8M

<DS5_PATH>/sw/models/bin/FVP_MPS2_AEMv8M  \
--parameter fvp_mps2.platform_type=2 \
--parameter cpu0.baseline=0 \
--parameter cpu0.INITVTOR_S=0x10000000 \
--parameter cpu0.semihosting-enable=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.DISABLE_GATING=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal0.start_telnet=1 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal1.start_telnet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal2.start_telnet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal0.quiet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal1.quiet=1 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal2.quiet=1 \
--application cpu0=<build_dir>/bl2/ext/mcuboot/mcuboot.axf \
--data cpu0=<default_build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed.bin@0x10080000 \
--data cpu0=<regresssion_build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed.bin@0x10180000

Executing firmware upgrade on SSE 200 FPGA on MPS2 board

TITLE: Versatile Express Images Configuration File
TOTALIMAGES: 3                     ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00000000
IMAGE0FILE: \Software\mcuboot.axf  ; BL2 bootloader
IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x10080000
IMAGE1FILE: \Software\tfm_sig1.bin ; TF-M example application binary blob
IMAGE2ADDRESS: 0x10180000
IMAGE2FILE: \Software\tfm_sig2.bin ; TF-M regression test binary blob

The following message will be shown in case of successful firmware upgrade, Swap type: test indicates that images were swapped:

[INF] Image 0: magic=good, copy_done=0xff, image_ok=0xff
[INF] Scratch: magic=bad, copy_done=0x5, image_ok=0xcf
[INF] Boot source: slot 0
[INF] Swap type: test
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x80000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot
[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!

#### Execute test suites for the secure storage service ####
Running Test Suite SST secure interface tests (TFM_SST_TEST_2XXX)...

Non-swapping firmware upgrade

Follow the same instructions as in case of swapping build including these changes:

  • Set MCUBOOT_NO_SWAP compile time switch to true before build.
  • Increase the image version number between the two build run.

Executing firmware upgrade on FVP_MPS2_AEMv8M

<DS5_PATH>/sw/models/bin/FVP_MPS2_AEMv8M  \
--parameter fvp_mps2.platform_type=2 \
--parameter cpu0.baseline=0 \
--parameter cpu0.INITVTOR_S=0x10000000 \
--parameter cpu0.semihosting-enable=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.DISABLE_GATING=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal0.start_telnet=1 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal1.start_telnet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal2.start_telnet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal0.quiet=0 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal1.quiet=1 \
--parameter fvp_mps2.telnetterminal2.quiet=1 \
--application cpu0=<build_dir>/bl2/ext/mcuboot/mcuboot.axf \
--data cpu0=<default_build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed_0.bin@0x10080000 \
--data cpu0=<regresssion_build_dir>/install/outputs/fvp/tfm_s_ns_signed_1.bin@0x10180000

Executing firmware upgrade on SSE 200 FPGA on MPS2 board

TITLE: Versatile Express Images Configuration File
TOTALIMAGES: 3                     ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00000000
IMAGE0FILE: \Software\mcuboot.axf  ; BL2 bootloader
IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x10080000
IMAGE1FILE: \Software\tfm_sig0.bin ; TF-M example application binary blob
IMAGE2ADDRESS: 0x10180000
IMAGE2FILE: \Software\tfm_sig1.bin ; TF-M regression test binary blob

Executing firmware upgrade on Musca-B1 board

After two images have been built, they can be concatenated to create the combined image using srec_cat:

  • Linux: srec_cat bl2/ext/mcuboot/mcuboot.bin -Binary -offset 0xA000000 tfm_sign_0.bin -Binary -offset 0xA020000 tfm_sign_1.bin -Binary -offset 0xA0A0000 -o tfm.hex -Intel

  • Windows: srec_cat.exe bl2\ext\mcuboot\mcuboot.bin -Binary -offset 0xA000000 tfm_sign_0.bin -Binary -offset 0xA020000 tfm_sign_1.bin -Binary -offset 0xA0A0000 -o tfm.hex -Intel

The following message will be shown in case of successful firmware upgrade, notice that image with higher version number (version= is executed:

[INF] Starting bootloader
[INF] Image 0: version=, magic= good, image_ok=0xff
[INF] Image 1: version=, magic= good, image_ok=0xff
[INF] Booting image from slot 1
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x180000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot
[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!

#### Execute test suites for the Secure area ####
Running Test Suite SST secure interface tests (TFM_SST_TEST_2XXX)...

RAM loading firmware upgrade

To enable RAM loading, please set MCUBOOT_RAM_LOADING to True (either in the configuration file or through the command line), and then specify a destination load address in RAM where the image can be copied to and executed from. The IMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS macro must be specified in the target dependent files, for example with Musca-A, its flash_layout.h file in the platform folder should include #define IMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS #0x10020000

Executing firmware upgrade on Musca-A board

After two images have been built, they can be concatenated to create the combined image using srec_cat:

srec_cat.exe bl2\ext\mcuboot\mcuboot.bin -Binary -offset 0x200000
tfm_sign_old.bin -Binary -offset 0x220000 tfm_sign_new.bin -Binary -offset
0x320000 -o tfm.hex -Intel

srec_cat bl2/ext/mcuboot/mcuboot.bin -Binary -offset 0x200000 tfm_sign_old.bin
-Binary -offset 0x220000 tfm_sign_new.bin -Binary -offset
0x320000 -o tfm.hex -Intel

The following message will be shown in case of successful firmware upgrade when, RAM loading is enabled, notice that image with higher version number (version= is executed:

[INF] Image 0: version=, magic= good, image_ok=0xff
[INF] Image 1: version=, magic= good, image_ok=0xff
[INF] Image has been copied from slot 1 in flash to SRAM address 0x10020000
[INF] Booting image from SRAM at address 0x10020000
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot
[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!

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