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TF-M build instruction

Please make sure you have all required software installed as explained in the software requirements.

TF-M build steps

TF-M uses cmake to provide an out-of-tree build environment. The instructions are below.

Note: In the cmake configuration step, to enable debug symbols, the following option should be added: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Note: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug only enables debug symbols for TF-M code. To enable debug symbols for the Mbed TLS library, add the following option to the CMake command: -DMBEDTLS_DEBUG=ON

External dependency

  • CMSIS_5 is used to import RTX for the example non-secure app
  • Mbed TLS is used as a crypto library on the secure side

Both need to be cloned manually in the current release.

Build steps for the AN521 target platform:

cd <TF-M base folder>
git clone
git clone -b mbedtls-2.7.9
git clone -b 5.2.0
cd trusted-firmware-m
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
cmake --build ./ -- install

Concept of build config files

The build configuration for TF-M is provided to the build system by three different components:

  • The way applications are built is specified by providing one of the Config<APP_NAME>.cmake files to the build system. This can be done by adding the -DPROJ_CONFIG=<absolute file path> i.e. on Linux: -DPROJ_CONFIG=`readlink -f ../ConfigRegression.cmake` parameter to the cmake command. (See examples below.)
  • The target platform can be specified by adding the -DTARGET_PLATFORM=<target platform name> option to the cmake command (See examples below.)
  • Supported platforms:
    • Cortex-M33 SSE-200 subsystem for MPS2+ (AN521) -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN521
    • Cortex-M23 IoT Kit subsystem for MPS2+ (AN519) -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN519
    • Musca-A test chip board (Cortex-M33 SSE-200 subsystem) -DTARGET_PLATFORM=MUSCA_A
    • Musca-B1 test chip board (Cortex-M33 SSE-200 subsystem) -DTARGET_PLATFORM=MUSCA_B1
  • The compiler toolchain to be used for the build must be specified by adding the -DCOMPILER=<compiler name> option to the cmake command (See examples below.) The possible values are
    • GNUARM

Note Follow secure boot to build the binaries with or without BL2 bootloader.

Regression Tests for the AN521 target platform

The default option build doesn't include regression tests. Procedure for building the regression tests is below. Compiling for other target hardware is possible by selecting a different build config file.

It is recommended that tests are built in a different directory.

TF-M build regression tests on Linux

cd <TF-M base folder>
cd trusted-firmware-m
mkdir cmake_test
cd cmake_test
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DPROJ_CONFIG=`readlink -f ../ConfigRegression.cmake` -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN521 -DCOMPILER=ARMCLANG ../
cmake --build ./ -- install

TF-M build regression tests on Windows

cd <TF-M base folder>
cd trusted-firmware-m
mkdir cmake_test
cd cmake_test
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DPROJ_CONFIG=`cygpath -m ../ConfigRegression.cmake` -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN521 -DCOMPILER=ARMCLANG ../
cmake --build ./ -- install

Location of build artefacts

The build system defines an API which allow easy usage of build artefacts. The install build target copies all files which might be needed as a dependency by external tools or build systems to the <build_dir>/install/outputs directory, with the following directory hierarchy:


There is one folder for FVP testing, with more elaborate naming and there is an other for testing on target hardware platform (AN521, etc.), where naming convention is aligned with 8.3 format. The dependency tree of install build target ensures a proper update (i.e. build) of all output files before the actual installation step takes place. As such it is suggested to use this build target to build TF-M.

Export dependency files for NS applications

An NS application requires a number of files to interface with TF-M. The build system exports these files as part of the install target and places them in to a single directory, <build_dir>/install/export/tfm. Further details on how to integrate a new NS app with TF-M are available in the integration guide.

Build for PSA API compliance tests

The build system provides the support for linking with prebuilt PSA API compliance NS test libraries when using the ConfigPsaApiTest.cmake config file. The build system assumes that the PSA API compliance test suite is checked out at the same level of the TF-M root folder and the default name for the build folder has been used when compiling the PSA API compliance tests. Each set of tests for the Secure Storage, Crypto and Attestation services needs to be enabled at the build configuration step by defining -DPSA_API_TEST_SECURE_STORAGE, -DPSA_API_TEST_CRYPTO, -DPSA_API_TEST_ATTESTATION, respectively for the corresponding service. For example, to enable the PSA API tests for the Crypto service only:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DPROJ_CONFIG=`readlink -f ../ConfigPsaApiTest.cmake` -DPSA_API_TEST_CRYPTO -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN521 -DCOMPILER=ARMCLANG ../
cmake --build ./ -- install

Building the Reference Manual

Please ensure the dependencies for building the firmware and the documentation are installed as explained in the software requirements.

Note For building the documentation all tools needed to build the firmware must be available.

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_doc
cd cmake_doc
cmake --build ./ -- install_doc

The documentation files will be available under the directory:


Building the User Guide

Please ensure the dependencies for building the firmware and the documentation are installed as explained in the software requirements.

Note For building the documentation all tools needed to build the firmware must be available.

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_doc
cd cmake_doc
cmake --build ./ -- install_userguide

The documentation files will be available under the directory:


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