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What do we do when you lose your 2FA codes? 2020-03-04 Drew DeVault

By far the most common sort of support request I receive from SourceHut users on a day-to-day basis is from users who have lost access to their TOTP (Time-based One-time Password algorithm) codes. Losing your phone, getting a new one and forgetting to migrate the keys, or wiping it to install a new OS are common reasons to accidentally lose access to your two-factor authentication.

Naturally, we cannot just disable 2FA on your account, no questions asked. The purpose of 2FA is to increase the level of scrutiny that's placed on attempts to make authorized requests for your account. Therefore, we seek some alternative method of authenticating that you are who you say you are.

The easiest way is PGP: about 10% of users have added a PGP key to their account. If your support email is signed with the PGP key we have on file for you, then we can assume it's you with no further questioning. If not, we can ask you to send a follow-up email which is signed. Even more users have an SSH key added to their account, about 30%. For them, I asked my friend minus to write a small tool, sshign, which can cryptographically sign messages with your SSH key.

You can add PGP and SSH keys to your account on the key management page.

Those strategies are my preference, but there are still a fair number of users who need 2FA turned off but haven't added any keys to their account. I have to get more creative with these. One way I'll often choose is looking at the website added to their profile page. If they can add a file to the website or update a DNS record in response to a challenge, then that'll often be sufficient.

One thing we used to do, but no longer, is to ask you for the last four digits of the credit card number on file for your account. I have known other services to use a similar approach. Eventually I decided to stop using this, because it's fairly easy to get the last 4 of your CC# from anywhere you've used it. This information has been leaked from many services after many security incidents. I will, however, use this much information to cancel your subscription payment upon request.

There are a small number of users who ask to have 2FA reset, but have little-to-no secondary information to their account. For these few, there is no recourse — I have to tell them that I cannot help them regain access to their account. I doubt any of these folks have actually not been the authentic owner of their respective accounts, but the security of 2FA rests on this extra level of additional scrutiny.