
16 KiB


This example illustrates how to filter the ContextModule results of import() statements. only .js files that don't end in .noimport.js within the templates folder will be bundled.

async function getTemplate(templateName) {
	try {
		let template = await import(
			/* webpackInclude: /\.js$/ */
			/* webpackExclude: /\.noimport\.js$/ */
	} catch(err) {
		return new Error(err);



  • foo.js
  • foo.noimport.js
  • baz.js
  • foo.noimport.js
  • bar.js
  • foo.noimport.js

All templates are of this pattern:

var foo = "foo";

export default foo;


/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	var __webpack_modules__ = ([
/* 0 */,
/* 1 */
  !*** ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ***!
/*! exports [maybe provided (runtime-defined)] [no usage info] */
/*! runtime requirements: module, __webpack_require__, __webpack_require__.e, __webpack_require__.* */
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {

var map = {
	"./bar": [
	"./bar.js": [
	"./baz": [
	"./baz.js": [
	"./foo": [
	"./foo.js": [
function webpackAsyncContext(req) {
	if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, req)) {
		return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
			var e = new Error("Cannot find module '" + req + "'");
			e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
			throw e;

	var ids = map[req], id = ids[0];
	return __webpack_require__.e(ids[1]).then(() => {
		return __webpack_require__(id);
webpackAsyncContext.keys = function webpackAsyncContextKeys() {
	return Object.keys(map);
webpackAsyncContext.id = 1;
module.exports = webpackAsyncContext;

/***/ })
/******/ 	]);
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		if(__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]) {
/******/ 			return __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId].exports;
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			i: moduleId,
/******/ 			l: false,
/******/ 			exports: {}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
/******/ 		module.l = true;
/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}
/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		// define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ 		var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ 			for(var key in definition) {
/******/ 				if(hasOwnProperty.call(definition, key) && !hasOwnProperty.call(exports, key)) {
/******/ 					Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	}();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/ensure chunk */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.f = {};
/******/ 		// This file contains only the entry chunk.
/******/ 		// The chunk loading function for additional chunks
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.e = (chunkId) => {
/******/ 			return Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce((promises, key) => {
/******/ 				__webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);
/******/ 				return promises;
/******/ 			}, []));
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	}();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/get javascript chunk filename */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		// This function allow to reference async chunks
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.u = (chunkId) => {
/******/ 			// return url for filenames based on template
/******/ 			return "" + chunkId + ".output.js";
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	}();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		// define __esModule on exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ 			if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ 				Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ 			}
/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	}();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/publicPath */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ 	}();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
/******/ 	!function() {
/******/ 		// object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ 		// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
/******/ 		// Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
/******/ 		var installedChunks = {
/******/ 			179: 0
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.f.j = (chunkId, promises) => {
/******/ 				// JSONP chunk loading for javascript
/******/ 				var installedChunkData = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;
/******/ 				if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".
/******/ 					// a Promise means "currently loading".
/******/ 					if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ 						promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);
/******/ 					} else {
/******/ 						if(true) { // all chunks have JS
/******/ 							// setup Promise in chunk cache
/******/ 							var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
/******/ 								installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
/******/ 							});
/******/ 							promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);
/******/ 							// start chunk loading
/******/ 							var url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);
/******/ 							var loadingEnded = () => {
/******/ 								if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(installedChunks, chunkId)) {
/******/ 									installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ 									if(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
/******/ 									if(installedChunkData) return installedChunkData[1];
/******/ 								}
/******/ 							};
/******/ 							var script = document.createElement('script');
/******/ 							var onScriptComplete;
/******/ 							script.charset = 'utf-8';
/******/ 							script.timeout = 120;
/******/ 							if (__webpack_require__.nc) {
/******/ 								script.setAttribute("nonce", __webpack_require__.nc);
/******/ 							}
/******/ 							script.src = url;
/******/ 							// create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later
/******/ 							var error = new Error();
/******/ 							onScriptComplete = function (event) {
/******/ 								onScriptComplete = function() {};
/******/ 								// avoid mem leaks in IE.
/******/ 								script.onerror = script.onload = null;
/******/ 								clearTimeout(timeout);
/******/ 								var reportError = loadingEnded();
/******/ 								if(reportError) {
/******/ 									var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
/******/ 									var realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;
/******/ 									error.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';
/******/ 									error.name = 'ChunkLoadError';
/******/ 									error.type = errorType;
/******/ 									error.request = realSrc;
/******/ 									reportError(error);
/******/ 								}
/******/ 							};
/******/ 							var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
/******/ 								onScriptComplete({ type: 'timeout', target: script });
/******/ 							}, 120000);
/******/ 							script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
/******/ 							document.head.appendChild(script);
/******/ 						} else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ 						// no HMR
/******/ 					}
/******/ 				}
/******/ 				// no chunk preloading needed
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// no prefetching
/******/ 		// no HMR
/******/ 		// no HMR manifest
/******/ 		// no deferred startup or startup prefetching
/******/ 		// install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ 		function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ 			var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ 			var moreModules = data[1];
/******/ 			var runtime = data[3];
/******/ 			// add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ 			// then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ 			var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ 			for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ 				chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ 				if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ 					resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ 				}
/******/ 				installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ 			}
/******/ 			for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ 				if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(moreModules, moduleId)) {
/******/ 					__webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 			if(runtime) runtime(__webpack_require__);
/******/ 			if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ 			while(resolves.length) {
/******/ 				resolves.shift()();
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ 		var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ 		jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ 		var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ 	}();
!function() {
  !*** ./example.js ***!
/*! exports [maybe provided (runtime-defined)] [no usage info] */
/*! runtime requirements: __webpack_require__ */
async function getTemplate(templateName) {
	try {
		let template = await __webpack_require__(1)(`./${templateName}`);
	} catch(err) {
		return new Error(err);


/******/ })()



Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack 5.0.0-beta.6
        Asset       Size
398.output.js  835 bytes  [emitted]
544.output.js  835 bytes  [emitted]
718.output.js  835 bytes  [emitted]
    output.js   10.2 KiB  [emitted]  [name: main]
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk output.js (main) 597 bytes (javascript) 4.85 KiB (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
    > ./example.js main
 ./example.js 437 bytes [built]
     [used exports unknown]
     entry ./example.js main
 ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object 160 bytes [optional] [built]
     [used exports unknown]
     import() context lazy ./templates ./example.js 3:23-7:3
     + 6 hidden chunk modules
chunk 398.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./bar ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
    > ./bar.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
 ./templates/bar.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     [used exports unknown]
     context element ./bar ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
     context element ./bar.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
chunk 544.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./baz ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
    > ./baz.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
 ./templates/baz.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     [used exports unknown]
     context element ./baz ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
     context element ./baz.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
chunk 718.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./foo ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
    > ./foo.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
 ./templates/foo.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     [used exports unknown]
     context element ./foo ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
     context element ./foo.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js

Production mode

Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack 5.0.0-beta.6
        Asset       Size
398.output.js  134 bytes  [emitted]
544.output.js  134 bytes  [emitted]
718.output.js  134 bytes  [emitted]
    output.js   2.32 KiB  [emitted]  [name: main]
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk output.js (main) 597 bytes (javascript) 4.85 KiB (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
    > ./example.js main
 ./example.js 437 bytes [built]
     [no exports used]
     entry ./example.js main
 ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object 160 bytes [optional] [built]
     import() context lazy ./templates ./example.js 3:23-7:3
     + 6 hidden chunk modules
chunk 398.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./bar ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
    > ./bar.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
 ./templates/bar.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     context element ./bar ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
     context element ./bar.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
chunk 544.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./baz ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
    > ./baz.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
 ./templates/baz.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     context element ./baz ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
     context element ./baz.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
chunk 718.output.js 38 bytes [rendered]
    > ./foo ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
    > ./foo.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
 ./templates/foo.js 38 bytes [optional] [built]
     [exports: default]
     context element ./foo ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
     context element ./foo.js ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js