plugin updater: show changes before updating

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Dolgov 2021-02-28 09:46:06 +03:00
parent 7f2fe465b0
commit e2cbb54b2c
2 changed files with 53 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
$root_dir = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); # we're in classes/pref/
if (!empty($plugin_name)) {
$rv = ["plugin" => $plugin_name, "rv" => self::_plugin_needs_update($root_dir, $plugin_name)];
$rv = [["plugin" => $plugin_name, "rv" => self::_plugin_needs_update($root_dir, $plugin_name)]];
} else {
$rv = self::_get_updated_plugins();

View File

@ -323,39 +323,30 @@ const Helpers = {
update: function(name = null) {
const msg = name ? __("Update %p using git?").replace("%p", name) :
__("Update all local plugins using git?");
if (confirm(msg)) {
const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({
title: __("Plugin Updater"),
execute: function() {
const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({
title: __("Plugin Updater"),
need_refresh: false,
onHide: function() {
if (this.need_refresh) {
content: `
<ul class="panel panel-scrollable update-results">
<li>${__("Loading, please wait...")}</li>
performUpdate: function() {
const container = dialog.domNode.querySelector(".update-results");
<footer class="text-center">
${App.FormFields.submit_tag(__("Reload preferences"))}
const tmph = dojo.connect(dialog, 'onShow', function () {
container.innerHTML = `<li>${__("Loading, please wait...")}</li>`;
xhr.json("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "updateLocalPlugins", name: name}, (reply) => {
const container = dialog.domNode.querySelector(".update-results");
if (!reply) {
container.innerHTML = __("Operation failed: check event log.");
container.innerHTML = `<li>${__("Operation failed: check event log.")}</li>`;
} else {
container.innerHTML = "";
reply.forEach((p) => {
if (p.rv.s == 0) dialog.need_refresh = true;
container.innerHTML +=
<li><h3 style="margin-top: 0">${p.plugin}</h3>
@ -369,11 +360,48 @@ const Helpers = {
content: `
<ul class="panel panel-scrollable update-results">
<li>${__("Loading, please wait...")}</li>
${App.FormFields.button_tag(__("Update"), "", {class: "alt-primary", onclick: "App.dialogOf(this).performUpdate()"})}
const tmph = dojo.connect(dialog, 'onShow', function () {
xhr.json("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "checkForPluginUpdates", name: name}, (reply) => {
const container = dialog.domNode.querySelector(".update-results");
if (!reply) {
container.innerHTML = `<li>${__("Operation failed: check event log.")}</li>`;
} else {
container.innerHTML = "";
reply.forEach((p) => {
container.innerHTML +=
<li><h3 style="margin-top: 0">${p.plugin}</h3>
${p.rv.e ? `<pre class="small text-error">${p.rv.e}</pre>` : ''}
${p.rv.o ? `<pre class="small text-success">${p.rv.o}</pre>` : ''}
<p class="small">
${p.rv.s ? __("Exited with RC: %d").replace("%d", p.rv.s) : __("OK")}