Commit Graph

277 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pieter Cailliau 0b34396924
Change license from BSD-3 to dual RSALv2+SSPLv1 (#13157)
[Read more about the license change
Live long and prosper 🖖
2024-03-20 22:38:24 +00:00
Binbin 3c2ea1ea95
Fix wathced client test timing issue caused by late close (#13062)
There is a timing issue in the test, close may arrive late, or in
freeClientAsync we will free the client in async way, which will
lead to errors in watching_clients statistics, since we will only
unwatch all keys when we truly freeClient.

Add a wait here to avoid this problem. Also fixed some outdated
comments i saw. The test was introduced in #12966.
2024-02-20 11:12:19 +02:00
bentotten b3aaa0a136
When one shard, sole primary node marks potentially failed replica as FAIL instead of PFAIL (#12824)
Fixes issue where a single primary cannot mark a replica as failed in a
single-shard cluster.
2024-01-11 15:48:19 -08:00
Madelyn Olson 8bb9a2895e
Address some failures with new tests for improving debug report (#12915)
Fix a daily test failure because alpine doesn't support stack traces and
add in an extra assertion related to making sure the stack trace was
printed twice.
2024-01-08 17:56:06 -08:00
Binbin c85a9b7896
Fix delKeysInSlot server events are not executed inside an execution unit (#12745)
This is a follow-up fix to #12733. We need to apply the same changes to
delKeysInSlot. Refer to #12733 for more details.

This PR contains some other minor cleanups / improvements to the test
suite and docs.
It uses the postnotifications test module in a cluster mode test which
revealed a leak in the test module (fixed).
2023-12-11 20:15:19 +02:00
Vitaly 0270abda82
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695)
This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot.  Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data.

## Important changes
* Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms.
* getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time.
* Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree.
* scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue.
* Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. 
* Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading.
* DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well.

## Performance
This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. 

RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load.

## Interface changes
* Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS`
* Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored.
* New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. 


Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <>
Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <>
Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <>
Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-14 23:58:26 -07:00
Oran Agra f0c1c730d4
test suite: clean server pids after server crashed (#12639)
when a server in the test suite crashes and is restarted by redstart_server, we didn't clean it's pid from the list.
we can see that when the corrupt-dump-fuzzer hangs, it has a long list of servers to lean, but in fact they're all already dead.
2023-10-13 16:28:52 +03:00
YaacovHazan 2e0f6724e0
Stabilization and improvements around aof tests (#12626)
In some tests, the code manually searches for a log message, and it
uses tail -1 with a delay of 1 second, which can miss the expected line.

Also, because the aof tests use start_server_aof and not start_server,
the test name doesn't log into the server log.

To fix the above, I made the following changes:
- Change the start_server_aof to wrap the start_server.
  This will add the created aof server to the servers list, and make
  srv() and wait_for_log_messages() available for the tests.

- Introduce a new option for start_server.
  'wait_ready' - an option to let the caller start the test code without
  waiting for the server to be ready. useful for tests on a server that
  is expected to exit on startup.

- Create a new start_server_aof_ex.
  The new proc also accept options as argument and make use of the
  new 'short_life' option for tests that are expected to exit on startup
  because of some error in the aof file(s).

Because of the above, I had to change many lines and replace every
local srv variable (a server config) usage with the srv().
2023-10-02 08:20:53 +03:00
DarrenJiang13 6abb3c4038
change log match to line match in tcl sanitizer_errors_from_file. (#12446)
In the tcl foreach loop, the function should compare line rather than the whole file.
2023-07-30 08:48:29 +03:00
Chen Tianjie 22a29935ff
Support TLS service when "tls-cluster" is not enabled and persist both plain and TLS port in nodes.conf (#12233)
Originally, when "tls-cluster" is enabled, `port` is set to TLS port. In order to support non-TLS clients, `pport` is used to propagate TCP port across cluster nodes. However when "tls-cluster" is disabled, `port` is set to TCP port, and `pport` is not used, which means the cluster cannot provide TLS service unless "tls-cluster" is on.
typedef struct {
    // ...
    uint16_t port;  /* Latest known clients port (TLS or plain). */
    uint16_t pport; /* Latest known clients plaintext port. Only used if the main clients port is for TLS. */
    // ...
} clusterNode;
typedef struct {
    // ...
    uint16_t port;   /* TCP base port number. */
    uint16_t pport;  /* Sender TCP plaintext port, if base port is TLS */
    // ...
} clusterMsg;
This PR renames `port` and `pport` in `clusterNode` to `tcp_port` and `tls_port`, to record both ports no matter "tls-cluster" is enabled or disabled.

This allows to provide TLS service to clients when "tls-cluster" is disabled: when displaying cluster topology, or giving `MOVED` error, server can provide TLS or TCP port according to client's connection type, no matter what type of connection cluster bus is using.

For backwards compatibility, `port` and `pport` in `clusterMsg` are preserved, when "tls-cluster" is enabled, `port` is set to TLS port and `pport` is set to TCP port, when "tls-cluster" is disabled, `port` is set to TCP port and `pport` is set to TLS port (instead of 0).

Also, in the nodes.conf file, a new aux field displaying an extra port is added to complete the persisted info. We may have `tls_port=xxxxx` or `tcp_port=xxxxx` in the aux field, to complete the cluster topology, while the other port is stored in the normal `<ip>:<port>` field. The format is shown below.
<node-id> <ip>:<tcp_port>@<cport>,<hostname>,shard-id=...,tls-port=6379 myself,master - 0 0 0 connected 0-1000
Or we can switch the position of two ports, both can be correctly resolved.
<node-id> <ip>:<tls_port>@<cport>,<hostname>,shard-id=...,tcp-port=6379 myself,master - 0 0 0 connected 0-1000
2023-06-26 07:43:38 -07:00
Madelyn Olson 73cf0243df
Make nodename test more consistent (#12330)
To determine when everything was stable, we couldn't just query the nodename since they aren't API visible by design. Instead, we were using a proxy piece of information which was bumping the epoch and waiting for everyone to observe that. This works for making source Node 0 and Node 1 had pinged, and Node 0 and Node 2 had pinged, but did not guarantee that Node 1 and Node 2 had pinged. Although unlikely, this can cause this failure message. To fix it I hijacked hostnames and used its validation that it has been propagated, since we know that it is stable.

I also noticed while stress testing this sometimes the test took almost 4.5 seconds to finish, which is really close to the current 5 second limit of the log check, so I bumped that up as well just to make it a bit more consistent.
2023-06-20 18:00:55 -07:00
Wen Hui 070453eef3
Cluster human readable nodename feature (#9564)
This PR adds a human readable name to a node in clusters that are visible as part of error logs. This is useful so that admins and operators of Redis cluster have better visibility into failures without having to cross-reference the generated ID with some logical identifier (such as pod-ID or EC2 instance ID). This is mentioned in #8948. Specific nodenames can be set by using the variable cluster-announce-human-nodename. The nodename is gossiped using the clusterbus extension in #9530.

Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
2023-06-17 21:16:51 -07:00
Oran Agra f228ec1ea5
flushSlavesOutputBuffers should not write to replicas scheduled to drop (#12242)
This will increase the size of an already large COB (one already passed
the threshold for disconnection)

This could also mean that we'll attempt to write that data to the socket
and the replica will manage to read it, which will result in an
undesired partial sync (undesired for the test)
2023-06-12 14:05:34 +03:00
sundb 42c8c61813
Fix some compile warnings and errors when building with gcc-12 or clang (#12035)
This PR is to fix the compilation warnings and errors generated by the latest
complier toolchain, and to add a new runner of the latest toolchain for daily CI.

## Fix various compilation warnings and errors

1) jemalloc.c


src/jemalloc.c:1028:7: warning: suspicious concatenation of string literals in an array initialization; did you mean to separate the elements with a comma? [-Wstring-concatenation]
src/jemalloc.c:1027:3: note: place parentheses around the string literal to silence warning
                "\"name\" of the file referenced by the symbolic link named "

REASON:  the compiler to alert developers to potential issues with string concatenation
that may miss a comma,
just like #9534 which misses a comma.

SOLUTION: use `()` to tell the compiler that these two line strings are continuous.

2) config.h


In file included from quicklist.c:36:
./config.h:319:76: warning: attribute declaration must precede definition [-Wignored-attributes]
char *strcat(char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src) __attribute__((deprecated("please avoid use of unsafe C functions. prefer use of redis_strlcat instead")));

REASON: Enabling _FORTIFY_SOURCE will cause the compiler to use `strcpy()` with check,
it results in a deprecated attribute declaration after including <features.h>.

SOLUTION: move the deprecated attribute declaration from config.h to fmacro.h before "#include <features.h>".

3) networking.c


networking.c: In function ‘addReplyDouble.part.0’:
networking.c:876:21: warning: writing 1 byte into a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
  876 |         dbuf[start] = '$';
      |                     ^
networking.c:868:14: note: at offset -5 into destination object ‘dbuf’ of size 5152
  868 |         char dbuf[MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS+32];
      |              ^
networking.c:876:21: warning: writing 1 byte into a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
  876 |         dbuf[start] = '$';
      |                     ^
networking.c:868:14: note: at offset -6 into destination object ‘dbuf’ of size 5152
  868 |         char dbuf[MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS+32];

REASON: GCC-12 predicts that digits10() may return 9 or 10 through `return 9 + (v >= 1000000000UL)`.

SOLUTION: add an assert to let the compiler know the possible length;

4) redis-cli.c & redis-benchmark.c


redis-benchmark.c:1621:2: warning: embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior [-Wembedded-directive] #ifdef USE_OPENSSL
redis-cli.c:3015:2: warning: embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior [-Wembedded-directive] #ifdef USE_OPENSSL

REASON: when _FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled, the compiler will use the print() with
check, which is a macro. this may result in the use of directives within the macro, which
is undefined behavior.

SOLUTION: move the directives-related code out of `print()`.

5) server.c


In function 'lookupCommandLogic',
    inlined from 'lookupCommandBySdsLogic' at server.c:3139:32:
server.c:3102:66: error: '*(robj **)argv' may be used uninitialized [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
 3102 |     struct redisCommand *base_cmd = dictFetchValue(commands, argv[0]->ptr);
      |                                                              ~~~~^~~

REASON: The compiler thinks that the `argc` returned by `sdssplitlen()` could be 0,
resulting in an empty array of size 0 being passed to lookupCommandLogic.
this should be a false positive, `argc` can't be 0 when strings are not NULL.

SOLUTION: add an assert to let the compiler know that `argc` is positive.

6) sha1.c

COMPILER: gcc-12

In function ‘SHA1Update’,
    inlined from ‘SHA1Final’ at sha1.c:195:5:
sha1.c:152:13: warning: ‘SHA1Transform’ reading 64 bytes from a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overread]
  152 |             SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
      |             ^
sha1.c:152:13: note: referencing argument 2 of type ‘const unsigned char[64]’
sha1.c: In function ‘SHA1Final’:
sha1.c:56:6: note: in a call to function ‘SHA1Transform’
   56 | void SHA1Transform(uint32_t state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64])
      |      ^
In function ‘SHA1Update’,
    inlined from ‘SHA1Final’ at sha1.c:198:9:
sha1.c:152:13: warning: ‘SHA1Transform’ reading 64 bytes from a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overread]
  152 |             SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
      |             ^
sha1.c:152:13: note: referencing argument 2 of type ‘const unsigned char[64]’
sha1.c: In function ‘SHA1Final’:
sha1.c:56:6: note: in a call to function ‘SHA1Transform’
   56 | void SHA1Transform(uint32_t state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64])

REASON: due to the bug[], when
enable LTO, gcc-12 will not see `diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-overread"`, resulting in a warning.

SOLUTION: temporarily set SHA1Update to noinline to avoid compiler warnings due
to LTO being enabled until the above gcc bug is fixed.

7) zmalloc.h


In function ‘memset’,
    inlined from ‘moduleCreateContext’ at module.c:877:5,
    inlined from ‘RM_GetDetachedThreadSafeContext’ at module.c:8410:5:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:59:10: warning: ‘__builtin_memset’ writing 104 bytes into a region of size 0 overflows the destination [-Wstringop-overflow=]
   59 |   return __builtin___memset_chk (__dest, __ch, __len,

REASON: due to the GCC-12 bug [],
GCC-12 cannot see alloc_size, which causes GCC to think that the actual size of memory
is 0 when checking with __glibc_objsize0().

SOLUTION: temporarily set malloc-related interfaces to `noinline` to avoid compiler warnings
due to LTO being enabled until the above gcc bug is fixed.

## Other changes
1) Fixed `ps -p [pid]`  doesn't output `<defunct>` when using procps 4.x causing `replication
  child dies when parent is killed - diskless` test to fail.
2) Add a new fortify CI with GCC-13 and ubuntu-lunar docker image.
2023-04-18 09:53:51 +03:00
Oran Agra 997fa41e99
Attempt to solve MacOS CI issues in GH Actions (#12013)
The MacOS CI in github actions often hangs without any logs. GH argues that
it's due to resource utilization, either running out of disk space, memory, or CPU
starvation, and thus the runner is terminated.

This PR contains multiple attempts to resolve this:
1. introducing pause_process instead of SIGSTOP, which waits for the process
  to stop before resuming the test, possibly resolving race conditions in some tests,
  this was a suspect since there was one test that could result in an infinite loop in that
 case, in practice this didn't help, but still a good idea to keep.
2. disable the `save` config in many tests that don't need it, specifically ones that use
  heavy writes and could create large files.
3. change the `populate` proc to use short pipeline rather than an infinite one.
4. use `--clients 1` in the macos CI so that we don't risk running multiple resource
  demanding tests in parallel.
5. enable `--verbose` to be repeated to elevate verbosity and print more info to stdout
  when a test or a server starts.
2023-04-12 09:19:21 +03:00
Binbin aa2403ca98
Fix redis-cli cluster test timing issue (#11887)
This test fails sporadically:
*** [err]: Migrate the last slot away from a node using redis-cli in tests/unit/cluster/cli.tcl
cluster size did not reach a consistent size 4

I guess the time (5s) of wait_for_cluster_size is not enough,
usually, the waiting time for our other tests for cluster
consistency is 50s, so also changing it to 50s.
2023-03-26 08:46:58 +03:00
Binbin 70b2c4f5fd
Fix WAITAOF reply when using last_offset and last_numreplicas (#11917)
WAITAOF wad added in #11713, its return is an array.
But forget to handle WAITAOF in last_offset and last_numreplicas,
causing WAITAOF to return a WAIT like reply.

Tests was added to validate that case (both WAIT and WAITAOF).
This PR also refactored processClientsWaitingReplicas a bit for better
maintainability and readability.
2023-03-15 11:07:04 +02:00
Slava Koyfman 9344f654c6
Implementing the WAITAOF command (issue #10505) (#11713)
Implementing the WAITAOF functionality which would allow the user to
block until a specified number of Redises have fsynced all previous write
commands to the AOF.

Syntax: `WAITAOF <num_local> <num_replicas> <timeout>`
Response: Array containing two elements: num_local, num_replicas
num_local is always either 0 or 1 representing the local AOF on the master.
num_replicas is the number of replicas that acknowledged the a replication
offset of the last write being fsynced to the AOF.

Returns an error when called on replicas, or when called with non-zero
num_local on a master with AOF disabled, in all other cases the response
just contains number of fsync copies.

Main changes:
* Added code to keep track of replication offsets that are confirmed to have
  been fsynced to disk.
* Keep advancing master_repl_offset even when replication is disabled (and
  there's no replication backlog, only if there's an AOF enabled).
  This way we can use this command and it's mechanisms even when replication
  is disabled.
* Extend REPLCONF ACK to `REPLCONF ACK <ofs> FACK <ofs>`, the FACK
  will be appended only if there's an AOF on the replica, and already ignored on
  old masters (thus backwards compatible)
* WAIT now no longer wait for the replication offset after your last command, but
  rather the replication offset after your last write (or read command that caused
  propagation, e.g. lazy expiry).

Unrelated changes:
* WAIT command respects CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING (not just CLIENT_MULTI)

Implementation details:
* Add an atomic var named `fsynced_reploff_pending` that's updated
  (usually by the bio thread) and later copied to the main `fsynced_reploff`
  variable (only if the AOF base file exists).
  I.e. during the initial AOF rewrite it will not be used as the fsynced offset
  since the AOF base is still missing.
* Replace close+fsync bio job with new BIO_CLOSE_AOF (AOF specific)
  job that will also update fsync offset the field.
* Handle all AOF jobs (BIO_CLOSE_AOF, BIO_AOF_FSYNC) in the same bio
  worker thread, to impose ordering on their execution. This solves a
  race condition where a job could set `fsynced_reploff_pending` to a higher
  value than another pending fsync job, resulting in indicating an offset
  for which parts of the data have not yet actually been fsynced.
  Imposing an ordering on the jobs guarantees that fsync jobs are executed
  in increasing order of replication offset.
* Drain bio jobs when switching `appendfsync` to "always"
  This should prevent a write race between updates to `fsynced_reploff_pending`
  in the main thread (`flushAppendOnlyFile` when set to ALWAYS fsync), and
  those done in the bio thread.
* Drain the pending fsync when starting over a new AOF to avoid race conditions
  with the previous AOF offsets overriding the new one (e.g. after switching to
  replicate from a new master).
* Make sure to update the fsynced offset at the end of the initial AOF rewrite.
  a must in case there are no additional writes that trigger a periodic fsync,
  specifically for a replica that does a full sync.

It is possible to write a module and a Lua script that propagate to the AOF and doesn't
propagate to the replication stream. see REDISMODULE_ARGV_NO_REPLICAS and luaRedisSetReplCommand.
These features are incompatible with the WAITAOF command, and can result
in two bad cases. The scenario is that the user executes command that only
propagates to AOF, and then immediately
issues a WAITAOF, and there's no further writes on the replication stream after that.
1. if the the last thing that happened on the replication stream is a PING
  (which increased the replication offset but won't trigger an fsync on the replica),
  then the client would hang forever (will wait for an fack that the replica will never
  send sine it doesn't trigger any fsyncs).
2. if the last thing that happened is a write command that got propagated properly,
  then WAITAOF will be released immediately, without waiting for an fsync (since
  the offset didn't change)

* Plumbing to allow bio worker to handle multiple job types
  This introduces infrastructure necessary to allow BIO workers to
  not have a 1-1 mapping of worker to job-type. This allows in the
  future to assign multiple job types to a single worker, either as
  a performance/resource optimization, or as a way of enforcing
  ordering between specific classes of jobs.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-03-14 20:26:21 +02:00
guybe7 4ba47d2d21
Add reply_schema to command json files (internal for now) (#10273)
Work in progress towards implementing a reply schema as part of COMMAND DOCS, see #9845
Since ironing the details of the reply schema of each and every command can take a long time, we
would like to merge this PR when the infrastructure is ready, and let this mature in the unstable branch.
Meanwhile the changes of this PR are internal, they are part of the repo, but do not affect the produced build.

### Background
In #9656 we add a lot of information about Redis commands, but we are missing information about the replies

### Motivation
1. Documentation. This is the primary goal.
2. It should be possible, based on the output of COMMAND, to be able to generate client code in typed
  languages. In order to do that, we need Redis to tell us, in detail, what each reply looks like.
3. We would like to build a fuzzer that verifies the reply structure (for now we use the existing
  testsuite, see the "Testing" section)

### Schema
The idea is to supply some sort of schema for the various replies of each command.
The schema will describe the conceptual structure of the reply (for generated clients), as defined in RESP3.
Note that the reply structure itself may change, depending on the arguments (e.g. `XINFO STREAM`, with
and without the `FULL` modifier)
We decided to use the standard json-schema (see as the reply-schema.

Example for `BZPOPMIN`:
"reply_schema": {
    "oneOf": [
            "description": "Timeout reached and no elements were popped.",
            "type": "null"
            "description": "The keyname, popped member, and its score.",
            "type": "array",
            "minItems": 3,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "items": [
                    "description": "Keyname",
                    "type": "string"
                    "description": "Member",
                    "type": "string"
                    "description": "Score",
                    "type": "number"

#### Notes
1.  It is ok that some commands' reply structure depends on the arguments and it's the caller's responsibility
  to know which is the relevant one. this comes after looking at other request-reply systems like OpenAPI,
  where the reply schema can also be oneOf and the caller is responsible to know which schema is the relevant one.
2. The reply schemas will describe RESP3 replies only. even though RESP3 is structured, we want to use reply
  schema for documentation (and possibly to create a fuzzer that validates the replies)
3. For documentation, the description field will include an explanation of the scenario in which the reply is sent,
  including any relation to arguments. for example, for `ZRANGE`'s two schemas we will need to state that one
  is with `WITHSCORES` and the other is without.
4. For documentation, there will be another optional field "notes" in which we will add a short description of
  the representation in RESP2, in case it's not trivial (RESP3's `ZRANGE`'s nested array vs. RESP2's flat
  array, for example)

Given the above:
1. We can generate the "return" section of all commands in [redis-doc](
  (given that "description" and "notes" are comprehensive enough)
2. We can generate a client in a strongly typed language (but the return type could be a conceptual
  `union` and the caller needs to know which schema is relevant). see the section below for RESP2 support.
3. We can create a fuzzer for RESP3.

### Limitations (because we are using the standard json-schema)
The problem is that Redis' replies are more diverse than what the json format allows. This means that,
when we convert the reply to a json (in order to validate the schema against it), we lose information (see
the "Testing" section below).
The other option would have been to extend the standard json-schema (and json format) to include stuff
like sets, bulk-strings, error-string, etc. but that would mean also extending the schema-validator - and that
seemed like too much work, so we decided to compromise.

1. We cannot tell the difference between an "array" and a "set"
2. We cannot tell the difference between simple-string and bulk-string
3. we cannot verify true uniqueness of items in commands like ZRANGE: json-schema doesn't cover the
  case of two identical members with different scores (e.g. `[["m1",6],["m1",7]]`) because `uniqueItems`
  compares (member,score) tuples and not just the member name. 

### Testing
This commit includes some changes inside Redis in order to verify the schemas (existing and future ones)
are indeed correct (i.e. describe the actual response of Redis).
To do that, we added a debugging feature to Redis that causes it to produce a log of all the commands
it executed and their replies.
For that, Redis needs to be compiled with `-DLOG_REQ_RES` and run with
`--reg-res-logfile <file> --client-default-resp 3` (the testsuite already does that if you run it with
`--log-req-res --force-resp3`)
You should run the testsuite with the above args (and `--dont-clean`) in order to make Redis generate
`.reqres` files (same dir as the `stdout` files) which contain request-response pairs.
These files are later on processed by `./utils/` which does:
1. Goes over req-res files, generated by redis-servers, spawned by the testsuite (see logreqres.c)
2. For each request-response pair, it validates the response against the request's reply_schema
  (obtained from the extended COMMAND DOCS)
5. In order to get good coverage of the Redis commands, and all their different replies, we chose to use
  the existing redis test suite, rather than attempt to write a fuzzer.

#### Notes about RESP2
1. We will not be able to use the testing tool to verify RESP2 replies (we are ok with that, it's time to
  accept RESP3 as the future RESP)
2. Since the majority of the test suite is using RESP2, and we want the server to reply with RESP3
  so that we can validate it, we will need to know how to convert the actual reply to the one expected.
   - number and boolean are always strings in RESP2 so the conversion is easy
   - objects (maps) are always a flat array in RESP2
   - others (nested array in RESP3's `ZRANGE` and others) will need some special per-command
     handling (so the client will not be totally auto-generated)

Example for ZRANGE:
"reply_schema": {
    "anyOf": [
            "description": "A list of member elements",
            "type": "array",
            "uniqueItems": true,
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "description": "Members and their scores. Returned in case `WITHSCORES` was used.",
            "notes": "In RESP2 this is returned as a flat array",
            "type": "array",
            "uniqueItems": true,
            "items": {
                "type": "array",
                "minItems": 2,
                "maxItems": 2,
                "items": [
                        "description": "Member",
                        "type": "string"
                        "description": "Score",
                        "type": "number"

### Other changes
1. Some tests that behave differently depending on the RESP are now being tested for both RESP,
  regardless of the special log-req-res mode ("Pub/Sub PING" for example)
2. Update the history field of CLIENT LIST
3. Added basic tests for commands that were not covered at all by the testsuite

### TODO

- [x] (maybe a different PR) add a "condition" field to anyOf/oneOf schemas that refers to args. e.g.
  when `SET` return NULL, the condition is `arguments.get||arguments.condition`, for `OK` the condition
  is `!arguments.get`, and for `string` the condition is `arguments.get` -
- [x] (maybe a different PR) also run `runtest-cluster` in the req-res logging mode
- [x] add the new tests to GH actions (i.e. compile with `-DLOG_REQ_RES`, run the tests, and run the validator)
- [x] (maybe a different PR) figure out a way to warn about (sub)schemas that are uncovered by the output
  of the tests -
- [x] (probably a separate PR) add all missing schemas
- [x] check why "SDOWN is triggered by misconfigured instance replying with errors" fails with --log-req-res
- [x] move the response transformers to their own file (run both regular, cluster, and sentinel tests - need to
  fight with the tcl including mechanism a bit)
- [x] issue: module API -
- [x] (probably a separate PR): improve schemas: add `required` to `object`s -

Co-authored-by: Ozan Tezcan <>
Co-authored-by: Hanna Fadida <>
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
Co-authored-by: Shaya Potter <>
2023-03-11 10:14:16 +02:00
Binbin a7c9e5053a
Fix test and improve assert_replication_stream print the whole stream (#11793)
This PR has two parts:

1. Fix flaky test case, the previous tests set a lot of volatile keys,
it injects an unexpected DEL command into the replication stream during
the later test, causing it to fail. Add a flushall to avoid it.

2. Improve assert_replication_stream, now it can print the whole stream
rather than just the failing line.
2023-03-08 22:39:54 +02:00
Binbin 543e0daa63
Make assert_refcount skip the OBJECT REFCOUNT check with needs:debug tag (#11487)
This PR add `assert_refcount_morethan`, and modify `assert_refcount` to skip
the `OBJECT REFCOUNT` check with `needs:debug` flag. Use them to modify all
`OBJECT REFCOUNT` calls and also update the tests/README to be more specific.

The reasoning is that some of these tests could be testing something important,
and along the way also add a check for the refcount, and it could be a shame to skip
the whole test just because the refcount functionality is missing or blocked.
but much like the fact that some redis variants may not support DEBUG,
and still we want to run the majority of the test for coverage, and just skip the digest match.
2022-11-22 16:38:27 +02:00
Binbin 3f8756a06a
Fix set with duplicate elements causes sdiff to hang (#11530)
This payload produces a set with duplicate elements (listpack encoding):
restore _key 0 "\x14\x25\x25\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x00\x06\x01\x82\x5F\x35\x03\x04\x01\x82\x5F\x31\x03\x82\x5F\x33\x03\x00\x01\x82\x5F\x39\x03\x82\x5F\x33\x03\x08\x01\x02\x01\xFF\x0B\x00\x31\xBE\x7D\x41\x01\x03\x5B\xEC"

smembers key
1) "6"
2) "_5"
3) "4"
4) "_1"
5) "_3"  ---> dup
6) "0"
7) "_9"
8) "_3"  ---> dup
9) "8"
10) "2"

This kind of sets will cause SDIFF to hang, SDIFF generated a broken
protocol and left the client hung. (Expected ten elements, but only
got nine elements due to the duplication.)

If we set `sanitize-dump-payload` to yes, we will be able to find
the duplicate elements and report "ERR Bad data format".

Discovered and discussed in #11290.

This PR also improve prints when corrupt-dump-fuzzer hangs, it will
print the cmds and the payload, an example like:
Testing integration/corrupt-dump-fuzzer
[TIMEOUT]: clients state report follows.
sock6 => (SPAWNED SERVER) pid:28884
Killing still running Redis server 28884
commands caused test to hang:
SDIFF __key 
payload that caused test to hang: "\x14\balabala"

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-11-22 11:20:24 +02:00
Oran Agra 4c54528f0f
fixes for fork child exit and test: #11463 (#11499)
Fix a few issues with the recent #11463
* use exitFromChild instead of exit
* test should ignore defunct process since that's what we expect to
  happen for thees child processes when the parent dies.
* fix typo

Co-authored-by: Binbin <>
2022-11-12 20:35:34 +02:00
Oran Agra ccaef5c923
diskless master, avoid bgsave child hung when fork parent crashes (#11463)
During a diskless sync, if the master main process crashes, the child would
have hung in `write`. This fix closes the read fd on the child side, so that if the
parent crashes, the child will get a write error and exit.

This change also fixes disk-based replication, BGSAVE and AOFRW.
In that case the child wouldn't have been hang, it would have just kept
running until done which may be pointless.

There is a certain degree of risk here. in case there's a BGSAVE child that could
maybe succeed and the parent dies for some reason, the old code would have let
the child keep running and maybe succeed and avoid data loss.
On the other hand, if the parent is restarted, it would have loaded an old rdb file
(or none), and then the child could reach the end and rename the rdb file (data
conflicting with what the parent has), or also have a race with another BGSAVE
child that the new parent started.

Note that i removed a comment saying a write error will be ignored in the child
and handled by the parent (this comment was very old and i don't think relevant).
2022-11-09 10:02:18 +02:00
Brennan 47c493e070
Re-design cluster link send buffer to improve memory management (#11343)
Re-design cluster link send queue to improve memory management
2022-11-01 19:26:44 -07:00
Madelyn Olson 663fbd3459
Stabilize cluster hostnames tests (#11307)
This PR introduces a couple of changes to improve cluster test stability:
1. Increase the cluster node timeout to 3 seconds, which is similar to the
   normal cluster tests, but introduce a new mechanism to increase the ping
   period so that the tests are still fast. This new config is a debug config.
2. Set `cluster-replica-no-failover yes` on a wider array of tests which are
   sensitive to failovers. This was occurring on the ARM CI.
2022-10-03 09:25:16 +03:00
sundb 13d25dd95e
Fix crash due to delete entry from compress quicklistNode and wrongly split quicklistNode (#11242)
This PR mainly deals with 2 crashes introduced in #9357,
and fix the QUICKLIST-PACKED-THRESHOLD mess in external test mode.

1. Fix crash due to deleting an entry from a compress quicklistNode
   When inserting a large element, we need to create a new quicklistNode first,
   and then delete its previous element, if the node where the deleted element is
   located is compressed, it will cause a crash.
   Now add `dont_compress` to quicklistNode, if we want to use a quicklistNode
   after some operation, we can use this flag like following:

    node->dont_compress = 1; /* Prevent to be compressed */
    some_operation(node); /* This operation might try to compress this node */
    some_other_operation(node); /* We can use this node without decompress it */
    node->dont_compress = 0; /* Re-able compression */

   Perhaps in the future, we could just disable the current entry from being
   compressed during the iterator loop, but that would require more work.

2. Fix crash due to wrongly split quicklist
   before #9357, the offset param of _quicklistSplitNode() will not negative.
   For now, when offset is negative, the split extent will be wrong.
   following example:
    int orig_start = after ? offset + 1 : 0;
    int orig_extent = after ? -1 : offset;
    int new_start = after ? 0 : offset;
    int new_extent = after ? offset + 1 : -1;
    # offset: -2, after: 1, node->count: 2
    # current wrong range: [-1,-1] [0,-1]
    # correct range: [1,-1] [0, 1]

   Because only `_quicklistInsert()` splits the quicklistNode and only
   `quicklistInsertAfter()`, `quicklistInsertBefore()` call _quicklistInsert(), 
   so `quicklistReplaceEntry()` and `listTypeInsert()` might occur this crash.
   But the iterator of `listTypeInsert()` is alway from head to tail(iter->offset is
   always positive), so it is not affected.
   The final conclusion is this crash only occur when we insert a large element
   with negative index into a list, that affects `LSET` command and `RM_ListSet`
   module api.
3. In external test mode, we need to restore quicklist packed threshold after
   when the end of test.
4. Show `node->count` in quicklistRepr().
5. Add new tcl proc `config_get_set` to support restoring config in tests.
2022-09-19 09:47:52 +03:00
ranshid c0ce97facc
fix test Migrate the last slot away from a node using redis-cli (#11221)
When using cli to add node, there can potentially be a race condition in
which all nodes presenting cluster state o.k even though the added node
did not yet meet all cluster nodes.
this adds another utility function to wait until all cluster nodes see the same cluster size
2022-09-06 16:54:24 -07:00
Binbin 78259826cd
Bump codespell from 2.1.0 to 2.2.1 in /.codespell (#11184)
add a few terms to the white list, and fix a few newly detected typos
2022-08-24 15:07:43 +03:00
Oran Agra 4faddf18ca Build TLS as a loadable module
* Support BUILD_TLS=module to be loaded as a module via config file or
  command line. e.g. redis-server --loadmodule
* Updates to redismodule.h to allow it to be used side by side with
  server.h by defining REDISMODULE_CORE_MODULE
* Changes to server.h, redismodule.h and module.c to avoid repeated
  type declarations (gcc 4.8 doesn't like these)
* Add a mechanism for non-ABI neutral modules (ones who include
  server.h) to refuse loading if they detect not being built together with
  redis (release.c)
* Fix wrong signature of RedisModuleDefragFunc, this could break
  compilation of a module, but not the ABI
* Move initialization of listeners in server.c to be after loading
  the modules
* Config TLS after initialization of listeners
* Init cluster after initialization of listeners
* Add TLS module to CI
* Fix a test suite race conditions:
  Now that the listeners are initialized later, it's not sufficient to
  wait for the PID message in the log, we need to wait for the "Server
  Initialized" message.
* Fix issues with moduleconfigs test as a result from start_server
  waiting for "Server Initialized"
* Fix issues with modules/infra test as a result of an additional module

Notes about Sentinel:
Sentinel can't really rely on the tls module, since it uses hiredis to
initiate connections and depends on OpenSSL (won't be able to use any
other connection modules for that), so it was decided that when TLS is
built as a module, sentinel does not support TLS at all.
This means that it keeps using redis_tls_ctx and redis_tls_client_ctx directly.

Example code of config in be use in the future):
RedisModuleString *tls_cfg = NULL;

void tlsInfo(RedisModuleInfoCtx *ctx, int for_crash_report) {
    RedisModule_InfoAddSection(ctx, "");
    RedisModule_InfoAddFieldLongLong(ctx, "var", 42);

int tlsCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc)
    if (argc != 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
    return RedisModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, argv[1]);

RedisModuleString *getStringConfigCommand(const char *name, void *privdata) {
    return tls_cfg;

int setStringConfigCommand(const char *name, RedisModuleString *new, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err) {
    if (tls_cfg) RedisModule_FreeString(NULL, tls_cfg);
    RedisModule_RetainString(NULL, new);
    tls_cfg = new;
    return REDISMODULE_OK;

int RedisModule_OnLoad(void *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc)
    if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"tls",tlsCommand,"",0,0,0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
        return REDISMODULE_ERR;

    if (RedisModule_RegisterStringConfig(ctx, "cfg", "", REDISMODULE_CONFIG_DEFAULT, getStringConfigCommand, setStringConfigCommand, NULL, NULL) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
        return REDISMODULE_ERR;

    if (RedisModule_LoadConfigs(ctx) == REDISMODULE_ERR) {
        if (tls_cfg) {
            RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, tls_cfg);
            tls_cfg = NULL;
        return REDISMODULE_ERR;

Co-authored-by: zhenwei pi <>
Signed-off-by: zhenwei pi <>
2022-08-23 12:37:56 +03:00
Madelyn Olson 8a4e3bcd8d
Cluster test improvements (#10920)
* Restructured testing to allow running cluster tests easily as part of the normal testing
2022-07-12 10:41:29 -07:00
Binbin 35e8ae3eb5
Add cluster-port support to redis-cli --cluster (#10344)
In #9389, we add a new `cluster-port` config and make cluster bus port configurable,
and currently redis-cli --cluster create/add-node doesn't support with a configurable `cluster-port` instance.
Because redis-cli uses the old way (port + 10000) to send the `CLUSTER MEET` command.

Now we add this support on redis-cli `--cluster`, note we don't need to explicitly pass in the
`cluster-port` parameter, we can get the real `cluster-port` of the node in `clusterManagerNodeLoadInfo`,
so the `--cluster create` and `--cluster add-node` interfaces have not changed.

We will use the `cluster-port` when we are doing `CLUSTER MEET`, also note that `CLUSTER MEET` bus-port
parameter was added in 4.0, so if the bus_port (the one in redis-cli) is 0, or equal (port + 10000),
we just call `CLUSTER MEET` with 2 arguments, using the old form.

Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
2022-07-11 11:23:31 +03:00
Yossi Gottlieb 69d5576832
Fix TLS tests on newer tcl-tls/OpenSSL. (#10910)
Before this commit, TLS tests on Ubuntu 22.04 would fail as dropped
connections result with an ECONNABORTED error thrown instead of an empty
2022-07-03 13:34:14 +03:00
Valentino Geron 9eb97b5d94
Fix regex support in --only, --skipfile and --skiptest (#10741)
The regex support was added in:

These commits break backword compatiblity with older versions.

This fix keeps the test suite infra compatible with old versions by
default. However, if you want regex, the string must start with `/`
2022-05-25 18:25:38 +03:00
Oran Agra 2bcd890d8a
Fix --save command line regression in redis 7.0.0 (#10690)
Unintentional change in #9644 (since RC1) meant that an empty `--save ""` config
from command line, wouldn't have clear any setting from the config file

Added tests to cover that, and improved test infra to take additional
command line args for redis-server
2022-05-09 13:37:49 +03:00
Madelyn Olson efcd1bf394
By default prevent cross slot operations in functions and scripts with # (#10615)
Adds the `allow-cross-slot-keys` flag to Eval scripts and Functions to allow
scripts to access keys from multiple slots.
The default behavior is now that they are not allowed to do that (unlike before).
This is a breaking change for 7.0 release candidates (to be part of 7.0.0), but
not for previous redis releases since EVAL without shebang isn't doing this check.

Note that the check is done on both the keys declared by the EVAL / FCALL command
arguments, and also the ones used by the script when making a ``.

A note about the implementation, there seems to have been some confusion
about allowing access to non local keys. I thought I missed something in our
wider conversation, but Redis scripts do block access to non-local keys.
So the issue was just about cross slots being accessed.
2022-04-26 12:09:21 +03:00
guybe7 f49ff156ec
Add RM_PublishMessageShard (#10543)
since PUBLISH and SPUBLISH use different dictionaries for channels and clients,
and we already have an API for PUBLISH, it only makes sense to have one for SPUBLISH

Add test coverage and unifying some test infrastructure.
2022-04-17 15:43:22 +03:00
Meir Shpilraien (Spielrein) ae020e3d56
Functions: Move library meta data to be part of the library payload. (#10500)
## Move library meta data to be part of the library payload.

Following the discussion on and the intention to add (in the future) library versioning support, we believe that the entire library metadata (like name and engine) should be part of the library payload and not provided by the `FUNCTION LOAD` command. The reasoning behind this is that the programmer who developed the library should be the one who set those values (name, engine, and in the future also version). **It is not the responsibility of the admin who load the library into the database.**

The PR moves all the library metadata (engine and function name) to be part of the library payload. The metadata needs to be provided on the first line of the payload using the shebang format (`#!<engine> name=<name>`), example:

#!lua name=test
redis.register_function('foo', function() return 1 end)

The above script will run on the Lua engine and will create a library called `test`.

## API Changes (compare to 7.0 rc2)

* `FUNCTION LOAD` command was change and now it simply gets the library payload and extract the engine and name from the payload. In addition, the command will now return the function name which can later be used on `FUNCTION DELETE` and `FUNCTION LIST`.
* The description field was completely removed from`FUNCTION LOAD`, and `FUNCTION LIST`

## Breaking Changes (compare to 7.0 rc2)

* Library description was removed (we can re-add it in the future either as part of the shebang line or an additional line).
* Loading an AOF file that was generated by either 7.0 rc1 or 7.0 rc2 will fail because the old command syntax is invalid.

## Notes

* Loading an RDB file that was generated by rc1 / rc2 **is** supported, Redis will automatically add the shebang to the libraries payloads (we can probably delete that code after 7.0.3 or so since there's no need to keep supporting upgrades from an RC build).
2022-04-05 10:27:24 +03:00
zhaozhao.zz 78bef6e1fe
optimize(remove) usage of client's pending_querybuf (#10413)
To remove `pending_querybuf`, the key point is reusing `querybuf`, it means master client's `querybuf` is not only used to parse command, but also proxy to sub-replicas.

1. add a new variable `repl_applied` for master client to record how many data applied (propagated via `replicationFeedStreamFromMasterStream()`) but not trimmed in `querybuf`.

2. don't sdsrange `querybuf` in `commandProcessed()`, we trim it to `repl_applied` after the whole replication pipeline processed to avoid fragmented `sdsrange`. And here are some scenarios we cannot trim to `qb_pos`:
    * we don't receive complete command from master
    * master client blocked because of client pause
    * IO threads operate read, master client flagged with CLIENT_PENDING_COMMAND

    In these scenarios, `qb_pos` points to the part of the current command or the beginning of next command, and the current command is not applied yet, so the `repl_applied` is not equal to `qb_pos`.

Some other notes:
* Do not do big arg optimization on master client, since we can only sdsrange `querybuf` after data sent to replicas.
* Set `qb_pos` and `repl_applied` to 0 when `freeClient` in `replicationCacheMaster`.
* Rewrite `processPendingCommandsAndResetClient` to `processPendingCommandAndInputBuffer`, let `processInputBuffer` to be called successively after `processCommandAndResetClient`.
2022-03-25 10:45:40 +08:00
Viktor Söderqvist 69017fa232
Fix redis-cli CLUSTER SETSLOT race conditions (#10381)
After migrating a slot, send CLUSTER SETSLOT NODE to the destination
node first to make sure the slot isn't left without an owner in case
the destination node crashes before it is set as new owner.

When informing the source node, it can happen that the destination
node has already informed it and if the source node has lost its
last slot, it has already turned itself into a replica. Redis-cli
should ignore this error in this case.
2022-03-16 10:11:38 -07:00
Binbin 62c8be28ee
Regression test for sync psync crash (#10288)
Added regression tests for #10020 / #10081 / #10243.
The above PRs fixed some crashes due to an asserting,
see function `clientHasPendingReplies` (introduced in #9166).

This commit added some tests to cover the above scenario.
These tests will all fail in #9166, althought fixed not,
there is value in adding these tests to cover and verify
the changes. And it also can cover #8868 (verify the logs).

Other changes: 
1. Reduces the wait time in `waitForBgsave` and `waitForBgrewriteaof`
from 1s to 50ms, which should reduce the time for some tests.
2. Improve the test infra to print context when `assert_match` fails.
3. Improve the test infra to print `$error` when `assert_error` fails.
Expected an error matching 'ERR*' but got 'OK' (context: type eval line 4 cmd {assert_error "ERR*" {r set a b}} proc ::test)
2022-02-13 09:52:38 +02:00
Oran Agra 98b3f52599
add test suite infra to test RESP3 attributes (#10247)
So far we only tested attributes using readraw, not the
resp parser caches them, so that after getting the reply,
you can query them if you want.
2022-02-07 00:10:05 +02:00
Jason Elbaum 5b17909c4f
redis-cli generates command help tables from the results of COMMAND (#10043)
This is a followup to #9656 and implements the following step mentioned in that PR:

* When possible, extract all the help and completion tips from COMMAND DOCS (Redis 7.0 and up)
* If COMMAND DOCS fails, use the static help.h compiled into redis-cli.
* Supplement additional command names from COMMAND (pre-Redis 7.0)

The last step is needed to add module command and other non-standard commands.

This PR does not change the interactive hinting mechanism, which still uses only the param
strings to provide somewhat unreliable and inconsistent command hints (see #8084).
That task is left for a future PR. 

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-02-05 16:54:16 +02:00
Oran Agra d364ede59c
Revent the attempt to fix cluster rebalance test (#10207) (#10212)
It seems that fix didn't really solve the problem with ASAN,
and also introduced issues with other CI runs.

- make runtest-cluster able to take multiple --single arguments
2022-01-31 01:47:58 +02:00
chenyang8094 fa60049648
Fix EVAL timeout test failed on freebsd (#10098)
* Refactor EVAL timeout test
* since the test used r config set appendonly yes which generates a rewrite, it missed it's purpose
* Fix the bug that start_server returns before redis starts ready, which affects when multiple tests share the same dir.
* Elapsed time tracking no loner needed

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-24 22:31:35 +02:00
Binbin 23325c135f
sub-command support for ACL CAT and COMMAND LIST. redisCommand always stores fullname (#10127)
Summary of changes:
1. Rename `redisCommand->name` to `redisCommand->declared_name`, it is a
  const char * for native commands and SDS for module commands.
2. Store the [sub]command fullname in `redisCommand->fullname` (sds).
3. List subcommands in `ACL CAT`
4. List subcommands in `COMMAND LIST`
5. `moduleUnregisterCommands` now will also free the module subcommands.
6. RM_GetCurrentCommandName returns full command name

Other changes:
1. Add `addReplyErrorArity` and `addReplyErrorExpireTime`
2. Remove `getFullCommandName` function that now is useless.
3. Some cleanups about `fullname` since now it is SDS.
4. Delete `populateSingleCommand` function from server.h that is useless.
5. Added tests to cover this change.
6. Add some module unload tests and fix the leaks
7. Make error messages uniform, make sure they always contain the full command
  name and that it's quoted.
7. Fixes some typos

see the history in #9504, fixes #10124

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
Co-authored-by: guybe7 <>
2022-01-23 10:05:06 +02:00
Oran Agra ae89958972
Set repl-diskless-sync to yes by default, add repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas (#10092)
1. enable diskless replication by default
2. add a new config named repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas that enables
   replication to start before the full repl-diskless-sync-delay was
3. put replica online sooner on the master (see below)
4. test suite uses repl-diskless-sync-delay of 0 to be faster
5. a few tests that use multiple replica on a pre-populated master, are
   now using the new repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas
6. fix possible timing issues in a few cluster tests (see below)

put replica online sooner on the master 
there were two tests that failed because they needed for the master to
realize that the replica is online, but the test code was actually only
waiting for the replica to realize it's online, and in diskless it could
have been before the master realized it.

changes include two things:
1. the tests wait on the right thing
2. issues in the master, putting the replica online in two steps.

the master used to put the replica as online in 2 steps. the first
step was to mark it as online, and the second step was to enable the
write event (only after getting ACK), but in fact the first step didn't
contains some of the tasks to put it online (like updating good slave
count, and sending the module event). this meant that if a test was
waiting to see that the replica is online form the point of view of the
master, and then confirm that the module got an event, or that the
master has enough good replicas, it could fail due to timing issues.

so now the full effect of putting the replica online, happens at once,
and only the part about enabling the writes is delayed till the ACK.

fix cluster tests 
I added some code to wait for the replica to sync and avoid race
later realized the sentinel and cluster tests where using the original 5
seconds delay, so changed it to 0.

this means the other changes are probably not needed, but i suppose
they're still better (avoid race conditions)
2022-01-17 14:11:11 +02:00
filipe oliveira 5dd15443ac
Added INFO LATENCYSTATS section: latency by percentile distribution/latency by cumulative distribution of latencies (#9462)
# Short description

The Redis extended latency stats track per command latencies and enables:
- exporting the per-command percentile distribution via the `INFO LATENCYSTATS` command.
  **( percentile distribution is not mergeable between cluster nodes ).**
- exporting the per-command cumulative latency distributions via the `LATENCY HISTOGRAM` command.
  Using the cumulative distribution of latencies we can merge several stats from different cluster nodes
  to calculate aggregate metrics .

By default, the extended latency monitoring is enabled since the overhead of keeping track of the
command latency is very small.
If you don't want to track extended latency metrics, you can easily disable it at runtime using the command:
 - `CONFIG SET latency-tracking no`

By default, the exported latency percentiles are the p50, p99, and p999.
You can alter them at runtime using the command:
- `CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "0.0 50.0 100.0"`

## Some details:
- The total size per histogram should sit around 40 KiB. We only allocate those 40KiB when a command
  was called for the first time.
- With regards to the WRITE overhead As seen below, there is no measurable overhead on the achievable
  ops/sec or full latency spectrum on the client. Including also the measured redis-benchmark for unstable
  vs this branch. 
- We track from 1 nanosecond to 1 second ( everything above 1 second is considered +Inf )

## `INFO LATENCYSTATS` exposition format

   - Format: `latency_percentiles_usec_<CMDNAME>:p0=XX,p50....` 

## `LATENCY HISTOGRAM [command ...]` exposition format

Return a cumulative distribution of latencies in the format of a histogram for the specified command names.

The histogram is composed of a map of time buckets:
- Each representing a latency range, between 1 nanosecond and roughly 1 second.
- Each bucket covers twice the previous bucket's range.
- Empty buckets are not printed.
- Everything above 1 sec is considered +Inf.
- At max there will be log2(1000000000)=30 buckets

We reply a map for each command in the format:
`<command name> : { `calls`: <total command calls> , `histogram` : { <bucket 1> : latency , < bucket 2> : latency, ...  } }`

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-05 14:01:05 +02:00
sundb 4d3c4cfac7
Show the elapsed time of single test and speed up some tests (#10058)
Following #10038.

This PR introduces two changes.
1. Show the elapsed time of a single test in the test output, in order to have a more
detailed understanding of the changes in test run time.

2. Speedup two tests related to `key-load-delay` configuration.
other tests do not seem to be affected by #10003.
2022-01-05 13:49:01 +02:00
chenyang8094 87789fae0b
Implement Multi Part AOF mechanism to avoid AOFRW overheads. (#9788)
Implement Multi-Part AOF mechanism to avoid overheads during AOFRW.
Introducing a folder with multiple AOF files tracked by a manifest file.

The main issues with the the original AOFRW mechanism are:
* buffering of commands that are processed during rewrite (consuming a lot of RAM)
* freezes of the main process when the AOFRW completes to drain the remaining part of the buffer and fsync it.
* double disk IO for the data that arrives during AOFRW (had to be written to both the old and new AOF files)

The main modifications of this PR:
1. Remove the AOF rewrite buffer and related code.
2. Divide the AOF into multiple files, they are classified as two types, one is the the `BASE` type,
  it represents the full amount of data (Maybe AOF or RDB format) after each AOFRW, there is only
  one `BASE` file at most. The second is `INCR` type, may have more than one. They represent the
  incremental commands since the last AOFRW.
3. Use a AOF manifest file to record and manage these AOF files mentioned above.
4. The original configuration of `appendfilename` will be the base part of the new file name, for example:
  `appendonly.aof.1.base.rdb` and `appendonly.aof.2.incr.aof`
5. Add manifest-related TCL tests, and modified some existing tests that depend on the `appendfilename`
6. Remove the `aof_rewrite_buffer_length` field in info.
7. Add `aof-disable-auto-gc` configuration. By default we're automatically deleting HISTORY type AOFs.
  It also gives users the opportunity to preserve the history AOFs. just for testing use now.
8. Add AOFRW limiting measure. When the AOFRW failures reaches the threshold (3 times now),
  we will delay the execution of the next AOFRW by 1 minute. If the next AOFRW also fails, it will be
  delayed by 2 minutes. The next is 4, 8, 16, the maximum delay is 60 minutes (1 hour). During the limit
  period, we can still use the 'bgrewriteaof' command to execute AOFRW immediately.
9. Support upgrade (load) data from old version redis.
10. Add `appenddirname` configuration, as the directory name of the append only files. All AOF files and
  manifest file will be placed in this directory.
11. Only the last AOF file (BASE or INCR) can be truncated. Otherwise redis will exit even if
  `aof-load-truncated` is enabled.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-03 19:14:13 +02:00