Commit Graph

513 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Yves LeBras e3550f01dd
redis-cli - sendReadOnly() to work with Redis Cloud (#13195)
When using Redis Cloud, sendReadOnly() exit with `Error: ERR unknown
command 'READONLY'`.
It is impacting `--memkeys`, `--bigkeys`, `--hotkeys`, and will impact
Added one line to ignore this error.

issue introduced in #12735 (not yet released).
2024-04-08 11:12:57 +03:00
Pieter Cailliau 0b34396924
Change license from BSD-3 to dual RSALv2+SSPLv1 (#13157)
[Read more about the license change
Live long and prosper 🖖
2024-03-20 22:38:24 +00:00
YaacovHazan a50bbcb656
redis-cli fixes around help hints version filtering (#13097)
- In removeUnsupportedArgs, trying to access the next item after the
last one and causing an out of bounds read.
- In versionIsSupported, when the 'version' is equal to 'since', the
return value is 0 (not supported).
Also, change the function to return `not supported` in case they have
different numbers of digits

Both issues were found by `Non-interactive non-TTY CLI: Test
command-line hinting - old server` under `test-sanitizer-address` (When
changing the `src/version.h` locally to `8.0.0`)

The new `MAXAGE` argument inside `client-kill` triggered the issue (new
argument at the end of the list)


Co-authored-by: YaacovHazan <>
2024-03-02 11:48:36 +02:00
LiiNen 763827c981
Fix redis-cli --count (for --scan, --bigkeys, etc) was ignored unless --pattern was also used (#13092)
The --count option for redis-cli has been released in redis 7.2.
But I have found in code, that some logic was missing for using this
'count' option.

static redisReply *sendScan(unsigned long long *it) {
    redisReply *reply;

    if (config.pattern)
        reply = redisCommand(context, "SCAN %llu MATCH %b COUNT %d",
            *it, config.pattern, sdslen(config.pattern), config.count);
        reply = redisCommand(context,"SCAN %llu",*it);

The intention was being able to using scan count.
But in this case, the --count will be only applied when 'pattern' is
So, I had fix it simply, to be worked properly - even if --pattern
option is not being used.

I tested it simply with time() command several times, and I could see it
works as intended with this commit.
The examples of test results are below:
# unstable build

time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m1.287s
user    0m0.011s
sys     0m0.022s

# count is not applied
time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan --count 1000 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m1.117s
user    0m0.011s
sys     0m0.020s

# count is applied with --pattern

time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan --count 1000 --pattern "hash:*" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m0.045s
user    0m0.002s
sys     0m0.002s

# fix-redis-cli-scan-count build
time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m1.084s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.024s

# count is applied even if --pattern is not declared
time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan --count 1000 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m0.043s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.004s

# of course this also applied
time(./redis-cli -a $AUTH -p $PORT -h $HOST --scan --count 1000 --pattern "hash:*" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)

real    0m0.031s
user    0m0.002s
sys     0m0.002s

Thanks a lot.
2024-02-28 09:44:30 +02:00
Binbin dd92dd8fb5
redis-cli - fix sscanf incorrect return-value check warnings (#13059)
From CodeQL: The result of scanf is only checked against 0, but
it can also return EOF.

Reported in
Reported in
2024-02-18 10:55:11 +02:00
Binbin 76adbf6ff0
Adds connection timeout option to redis-cli (#10609)
This allows specifying the timeout value for opening the TCP
connection to a server. The timeout, default 0 means no limit,
depending on the OS. It can be specified using the new `-t` switch.

revive #3764, fixes #3763


Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <>
Co-authored-by: yoav-steinberg <>
2024-01-30 13:43:39 +02:00
Binbin 5b1fe925f2
Adjust redis-cli --cluster create arity from -2 to -1 (#12892)
When arity is -2, it allows us to input two nodes, but returns:
*** ERROR: Invalid configuration for cluster creation.
*** Redis Cluster requires at least 3 master nodes.
*** This is not possible with 2 nodes and 0 replicas per node.
*** At least 3 nodes are required.

When we input one node, it return:
[ERR] Wrong number of arguments for specified --cluster sub command

Strictly speaking -2 should also be rejected, because redis-cli
requires at least three nodes. However, the error message was not
very friendly, so decided to change it arity -1.

This closes #12891.
2023-12-28 08:26:23 +02:00
Binbin 09e0d338f5
redis-cli adds -4 / -6 options to determine IPV4 / IPV6 priority in DNS lookup (#11315)
This PR, we added -4 and -6 options to redis-cli to determine
IPV4 / IPV6 priority in DNS lookup.
This was mentioned in

For now it's only used in CLUSTER MEET.

The options also made it possible to reliably test dns lookup in CI,
using this option, we can add some localhost tests for #11151.

The commit was cherry-picked from #11151, back then we decided to split
the PR.

Co-authored-by: Viktor Söderqvist <>
2023-12-24 10:40:34 +02:00
Binbin 23e980e77a
Move cliVersion to cli_common and add --version support for redis-check-aof (#10856)
Let us see which version of redis this tool is part of.
Similarly to redis-cli, redis-benchmark and redis-check-rdb

redis-rdb-check and redis-aof-check are actually symlinks to redis,
so they will directly use getVersion in server, the format became:
{title} v={redis_version} sha={sha}:{dirty} malloc={malloc} bits={bits} build={build}

Move cliVersion into cli_common, redis-cli and redis-benchmark will
use it, and the format is not change:
{title} {redis_version} (git:{sha})
2023-12-21 13:51:46 +02:00
Binbin adbb534f03
Always keep an in-memory history of all commands in redis-cli (#12862)
redis-cli avoids saving sensitive commands in it's history (doesn't
persist them to the history file).
this means that if you had a typo and you wanna re-run the command, you
can't easily do that.
This PR changes that to keep an in-memory history of all the redacted
commands, and just
not persist them to disk. This way we would be able to press the up
arrow and
re-try the command freely, and it'll just not survive a redis-cli
2023-12-15 17:22:02 +02:00
Binbin 3c0fd25201
Redact ACL username information and mark *-key-file-pass configs as sensitive (#12860)
In #11489, we consider acl username to be sensitive information,
and consider the ACL GETUSER a sensitive command and remove it
from redis-cli historyfile.

This PR redact username information in ACL GETUSER and ACL DELUSER
from SLOWLOG, and also remove ACL DELUSER from redis-cli historyfile.

This PR also mark tls-key-file-pass and tls-client-key-file-pass
as sensitive config, will redact it from SLOWLOG and also
remove them from redis-cli historyfile.
2023-12-13 15:28:13 +02:00
iKun 4278ed8de5
redis-cli --bigkeys ,--hotkeys and --memkeys to replica in cluster mode (#12735)
Make redis-cli --bigkeys and --memkeys usable on a replicas in cluster
mode, by sending the READONLY command. This is only if -c is also given.

We don't detect if a node is a master or a replica so we send READONLY
in both cases. The READONLY has no effect on masters.

    Release notes:
    Make redis-cli --bigkeys and --memkeys usable on cluster replicas


Co-authored-by: Viktor Söderqvist <>
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-11-20 09:33:28 +02:00
Hwang Si Yeon a1f91ffa18
Add an explanation for URI with -u in redis-cli --help (#12751)
Add documentation of the URI format in the `--help` output of
`redis-cli` and `redis-benchmark`.

In particular, it's good for users to know that they need to specify
"default" as the username when authenticating without a username. Other
details of the URI format are described too, like scheme and dbnum.

It used to be possible to connect to Redis using an URL with an empty
username, like `redis-cli -u redis://:PASSWORD@localhost:6379/0`. This
was broken in 6.2 (#8048), and there was a discussion about it #9186.
Now, users need to specify "default" as the username and it's better to
document it.

Refer to #12746 for more details.
2023-11-19 15:09:14 +02:00
Wen Hui 28b6155ba5
Fix the bug that write redis sensitive command information to redis_cli historyfile (#11489)
Currently, we do not write the following sensitive commands into the ~/.rediscli_history file:

ACL SETUSER username [rule [rule ...]]
AUTH [username] password
HELLO [AUTH username password] 
MIGRATE host port <key | ""> destination-db timeout [[AUTH password | AUTH2 username password]]
CONFIG SET masterauth master-password
CONFIG SET masteruser username
CONFIG SET requirepass foobared

However, we still write the following sensitive commands into the ~/.rediscli_history file:
ACL GETUSER username
Sentinel CONFIG set sentinel-pass password
Sentinel CONFIG set sentinel-user username
Sentinel set mastername auth-pass password
Sentinel set mastername auth-user username

This change adds the commands of the second list to be skipped from being written to the history file.
2023-11-05 14:20:15 +02:00
Binbin 4de4fcf280
Fix redis-cli pubsub_mode and connect minor prompt / crash issue (#12571)
When entering pubsub mode and using the redis-cli only
connect command, we need to reset pubsub_mode because
we switch to a different connection.

This will affect the prompt when the connection is successful,
and redis-cli will crash when the connect fails:
```> subscribe ch
1) "subscribe"
2) "ch"
3) (integer) 1 mode)> connect 6380 mode)> ping
PONG mode)> connect a b
Could not connect to Redis at a:0: Name or service not known
Segmentation fault
2023-10-11 10:45:38 +03:00
Madelyn Olson 9d31768cbb
Fix a couple of tabs that caused misindentation (#12541)
Fixed some usages of tabs which caused weird indentation in the code. Tried to find all of the places so their was one PR. I ignored all of the usages of tabs which don't really affect readability.
2023-10-02 16:44:09 -07:00
Yves LeBras 16988208bd
config.memkeys init for consistency (#12505)
Initializing `memkeys` to 0 for consistency and clarity.
the config struct is anyway zeroed, but other fields are explicitly initialized.
2023-08-21 08:17:07 +03:00
Binbin 44cc0fcb9d
redis-cli --stat take dbnum value from CONFIG GET to output total keys (#12279)
In the past we hardcoded it to 20, causing it to not count keys
for more databases.
2023-08-16 10:54:37 +03:00
Tyler Bream (Event pipeline) ac6bc5d1a8
redis-cli: Fix print of keys per cluster host when over int max (#11698)
When running cluster info, and the number of keys overflows the integer
value, the summary no longer makes sense. This fixes by using an appropriate
type to handle values over the max int value.
2023-08-16 10:48:49 +03:00
Makdon 2495b90a64
redis-cli: use previous hostip when not provided by redis cluster server (#12273)
When the redis server cluster running on cluster-preferred-endpoint-type unknown-endpoint mode, and receive a request that should be redirected to another redis server node, it does not reply the hostip, but a empty host like MOVED 3999 :6381.

The redis-cli would try to connect to an address without a host, which cause the issue:
```> set bar bar
-> Redirected to slot [5061] located at :7000
Could not connect to Redis at :7000: No address associated with hostname
Could not connect to Redis at :7000: No address associated with hostname
not connected> exit

In this case, the redis-cli should use the previous hostip when there's no host provided by the server.


Co-authored-by: Viktor Söderqvist <>
Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
2023-07-20 15:31:06 -07:00
mstmdev 13e17e94d8
Doc indentation fix for the --functions-rdb option (#12328) 2023-06-20 11:15:11 +03:00
kell0gg aac8105c9f
redis-cli - add option --count for scan (#12042)
When using scan in redis-cli, the SCAN COUNT is fixed, which means the
full scan can take a long time if there are a lot of keys, this will let users specify
a bigger COUNT option.
2023-05-11 08:14:59 +03:00
Madelyn Olson 5e3be1be09
Remove prototypes with empty declarations (#12020)
Technically declaring a prototype with an empty declaration has been deprecated since the early days of C, but we never got a warning for it. C2x will apparently be introducing a breaking change if you are using this type of declarator, so Clang 15 has started issuing a warning with -pedantic. Although not apparently a problem for any of the compiler we build on, if feels like the right thing is to properly adhere to the C standard and use (void).
2023-05-02 17:31:32 -07:00
sundb 42c8c61813
Fix some compile warnings and errors when building with gcc-12 or clang (#12035)
This PR is to fix the compilation warnings and errors generated by the latest
complier toolchain, and to add a new runner of the latest toolchain for daily CI.

## Fix various compilation warnings and errors

1) jemalloc.c


src/jemalloc.c:1028:7: warning: suspicious concatenation of string literals in an array initialization; did you mean to separate the elements with a comma? [-Wstring-concatenation]
src/jemalloc.c:1027:3: note: place parentheses around the string literal to silence warning
                "\"name\" of the file referenced by the symbolic link named "

REASON:  the compiler to alert developers to potential issues with string concatenation
that may miss a comma,
just like #9534 which misses a comma.

SOLUTION: use `()` to tell the compiler that these two line strings are continuous.

2) config.h


In file included from quicklist.c:36:
./config.h:319:76: warning: attribute declaration must precede definition [-Wignored-attributes]
char *strcat(char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src) __attribute__((deprecated("please avoid use of unsafe C functions. prefer use of redis_strlcat instead")));

REASON: Enabling _FORTIFY_SOURCE will cause the compiler to use `strcpy()` with check,
it results in a deprecated attribute declaration after including <features.h>.

SOLUTION: move the deprecated attribute declaration from config.h to fmacro.h before "#include <features.h>".

3) networking.c


networking.c: In function ‘addReplyDouble.part.0’:
networking.c:876:21: warning: writing 1 byte into a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
  876 |         dbuf[start] = '$';
      |                     ^
networking.c:868:14: note: at offset -5 into destination object ‘dbuf’ of size 5152
  868 |         char dbuf[MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS+32];
      |              ^
networking.c:876:21: warning: writing 1 byte into a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
  876 |         dbuf[start] = '$';
      |                     ^
networking.c:868:14: note: at offset -6 into destination object ‘dbuf’ of size 5152
  868 |         char dbuf[MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS+32];

REASON: GCC-12 predicts that digits10() may return 9 or 10 through `return 9 + (v >= 1000000000UL)`.

SOLUTION: add an assert to let the compiler know the possible length;

4) redis-cli.c & redis-benchmark.c


redis-benchmark.c:1621:2: warning: embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior [-Wembedded-directive] #ifdef USE_OPENSSL
redis-cli.c:3015:2: warning: embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior [-Wembedded-directive] #ifdef USE_OPENSSL

REASON: when _FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled, the compiler will use the print() with
check, which is a macro. this may result in the use of directives within the macro, which
is undefined behavior.

SOLUTION: move the directives-related code out of `print()`.

5) server.c


In function 'lookupCommandLogic',
    inlined from 'lookupCommandBySdsLogic' at server.c:3139:32:
server.c:3102:66: error: '*(robj **)argv' may be used uninitialized [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
 3102 |     struct redisCommand *base_cmd = dictFetchValue(commands, argv[0]->ptr);
      |                                                              ~~~~^~~

REASON: The compiler thinks that the `argc` returned by `sdssplitlen()` could be 0,
resulting in an empty array of size 0 being passed to lookupCommandLogic.
this should be a false positive, `argc` can't be 0 when strings are not NULL.

SOLUTION: add an assert to let the compiler know that `argc` is positive.

6) sha1.c

COMPILER: gcc-12

In function ‘SHA1Update’,
    inlined from ‘SHA1Final’ at sha1.c:195:5:
sha1.c:152:13: warning: ‘SHA1Transform’ reading 64 bytes from a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overread]
  152 |             SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
      |             ^
sha1.c:152:13: note: referencing argument 2 of type ‘const unsigned char[64]’
sha1.c: In function ‘SHA1Final’:
sha1.c:56:6: note: in a call to function ‘SHA1Transform’
   56 | void SHA1Transform(uint32_t state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64])
      |      ^
In function ‘SHA1Update’,
    inlined from ‘SHA1Final’ at sha1.c:198:9:
sha1.c:152:13: warning: ‘SHA1Transform’ reading 64 bytes from a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overread]
  152 |             SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
      |             ^
sha1.c:152:13: note: referencing argument 2 of type ‘const unsigned char[64]’
sha1.c: In function ‘SHA1Final’:
sha1.c:56:6: note: in a call to function ‘SHA1Transform’
   56 | void SHA1Transform(uint32_t state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64])

REASON: due to the bug[], when
enable LTO, gcc-12 will not see `diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-overread"`, resulting in a warning.

SOLUTION: temporarily set SHA1Update to noinline to avoid compiler warnings due
to LTO being enabled until the above gcc bug is fixed.

7) zmalloc.h


In function ‘memset’,
    inlined from ‘moduleCreateContext’ at module.c:877:5,
    inlined from ‘RM_GetDetachedThreadSafeContext’ at module.c:8410:5:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:59:10: warning: ‘__builtin_memset’ writing 104 bytes into a region of size 0 overflows the destination [-Wstringop-overflow=]
   59 |   return __builtin___memset_chk (__dest, __ch, __len,

REASON: due to the GCC-12 bug [],
GCC-12 cannot see alloc_size, which causes GCC to think that the actual size of memory
is 0 when checking with __glibc_objsize0().

SOLUTION: temporarily set malloc-related interfaces to `noinline` to avoid compiler warnings
due to LTO being enabled until the above gcc bug is fixed.

## Other changes
1) Fixed `ps -p [pid]`  doesn't output `<defunct>` when using procps 4.x causing `replication
  child dies when parent is killed - diskless` test to fail.
2) Add a new fortify CI with GCC-13 and ubuntu-lunar docker image.
2023-04-18 09:53:51 +03:00
Wen Hui a4a0eab52b
redis-cli - handle sensitive command redaction for variadic CONFIG SET (#11975)
In the Redis 7.0 and newer version,
config set command support multiply `<parameter> <value>` pairs, thus the previous
sensitive command condition does not apply anymore

For example:

The command:
**config set maxmemory 1GB masteruser aa** will be written to redis_cli historyfile

In this PR, we update the condition for these sensitive commands
config set masteruser <username>
config set masterauth <master-password>
config set requirepass foobared
2023-04-02 19:19:44 +03:00
Jason Elbaum 1f76bb17dd
Reimplement cli hints based on command arg docs (#10515)
Now that the command argument specs are available at runtime (#9656), this PR addresses
#8084 by implementing a complete solution for command-line hinting in `redis-cli`.

It correctly handles nearly every case in Redis's complex command argument definitions, including
`BLOCK` and `ONEOF` arguments, reordering of optional arguments, and repeated arguments
(even when followed by mandatory arguments). It also validates numerically-typed arguments.
It may not correctly handle all possible combinations of those, but overall it is quite robust.

Arguments are only matched after the space bar is typed, so partial word matching is not
supported - that proved to be more confusing than helpful. When the user's current input
cannot be matched against the argument specs, hinting is disabled.

Partial support has been implemented for legacy (pre-7.0) servers that do not support
`COMMAND DOCS`, by falling back to a statically-compiled command argument table.
On startup, if the server does not support `COMMAND DOCS`, `redis-cli` will now issue
an `INFO SERVER` command to retrieve the server version (unless `HELLO` has already
been sent, in which case the server version will be extracted from the reply to `HELLO`).
The server version will be used to filter the commands and arguments in the command table,
removing those not supported by that version of the server. However, the static table only
includes core Redis commands, so with a legacy server hinting will not be supported for
module commands. The auto generated help.h and the scripts that generates it are gone.

Command and argument tables for the server and CLI use different structs, due primarily
to the need to support different runtime data. In order to generate code for both, macros
have been added to `commands.def` (previously `commands.c`) to make it possible to
configure the code generation differently for different use cases (one linked with redis-server,
and one with redis-cli).

Also adding a basic testing framework for the command hints based on new (undocumented)
command line options to `redis-cli`: `--test_hint 'INPUT'` prints out the command-line hint for
a given input string, and `--test_hint_file <filename>` runs a suite of test cases for the hinting
mechanism. The test suite is in `tests/assets/test_cli_hint_suite.txt`, and it is run from

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Söderqvist <>
2023-03-30 19:03:56 +03:00
Viktor Söderqvist bbf364a442
redis-cli: Accept commands in subscribed mode (#11873)
The message "Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)" is replaced by
"Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit or any key to type command)".

This allows users to subscribe to more channels, to try out UNSUBSCRIBE and to
combine pubsub with other features such as push messages from client tracking.

The "Reading messages" info message is displayed in the bottom of the output in a
distinct style and moves downward as more messages appear. When any key is pressed,
the info message is replaced by the prompt with for entering commands.
After entering a command and the reply is displayed, the "Reading messages" info
messages appears again. This is added to the repl loop in redis-cli and in the
corresponding place for non-interactive mode.

An indication "(subscribed mode)" is included in the prompt when entering commands
in subscribed mode.

* Fixes a problem that UNSUBSCRIBE hanged when used with RESP3 and push callback,
  without first entering subscribe mode. It hanged because UNSUBSCRIBE gets one or
  more push replies but no in-band reply.
* Exit subscribed mode after RESET.
2023-03-19 12:56:54 +02:00
Binbin 08cd3bf292
redis-cli reads specified number of replies for UNSUBSCRIBE/PUNSUBSCRIBE/SUNSUBSCRIBE (#11047)
In unsubscribe related commands, we need to read the specified
number of replies according to the number of parameters.

These commands may return multiple RESP replies, and currently
redis-cli only tries to read only one reply.

Fixes #11046, this redis-cli bug seems to be there forever.
Note that the [UN]SUBSCRIBE command response is a bit awkward
2023-03-12 18:08:03 +02:00
SkyperTHC bb57d4ec75
Dont COMMANDS DOCS if not TTY (not interactive) (#11850)
Avoiding initializing the interactive help and the excessive call to the COMMAND command when using redis-cli with pipe.
echo PING | redis-cli
2023-03-03 10:28:55 +02:00
Viktor Söderqvist c84248b5d2 Make dictEntry opaque
Use functions for all accesses to dictEntry (except in dict.c). Dict abuses
e.g. in defrag.c have been replaced by support functions provided by dict.
2023-01-11 09:59:24 +01:00
Binbin 4ef4c4a686
Make redis-cli support PSYNC command (#11647)
The current redis-cli does not support the real PSYNC command, the older
version of redis-cli can support PSYNC is because that we actually issue
the SYNC command instead of PSYNC, so it act like SYNC (always full-sync).
Noted that in this case we will send the SYNC first (triggered by sendSync),
then send the PSYNC (the one in redis-cli input).

Didn't bother to find which version that the order changed, we send PSYNC
first (the one in redis-cli input), and then send the SYNC (the one triggered
by sendSync). So even full-sync is not working anymore, and it will result
this output (mentioned in issue #11246):
psync dummy 0
Entering replica output mode...  (press Ctrl-C to quit)
SYNC with master, discarding bytes of bulk transfer until EOF marker...
Error reading RDB payload while SYNCing

This PR adds PSYNC support to redis-cli, which can handle +FULLRESYNC and
+CONTINUE responses, and some examples will follow.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-01-04 11:13:22 +02:00
Huang Zhw f8e2279e3a
Better redis-cli hints for commands that take other commands as arguments.

command getkeysandflags hello [protover [AUTH username password]]
acl dryrun user hello [protover [AUTH username password]]
2022-09-29 09:49:53 +03:00
Phoeniwx c0725abfbb
fix: redis-cli --memkeys-samples add check lastarg (#11269)
doing redis-cli --memkeys-samples without any additional arguments
would have lead to a crash of the cli.
2022-09-28 13:38:20 +03:00
Binbin c2b0c13d5c
Fix Invalid node address specified in redis-cli --cluster create/add-node (#11151)
This bug was introduced in #10344 (7.0.3), and it breaks the
redis-cli --cluster create usage in #10436 (7.0 RC3).

At the same time, the cluster-port support introduced in #10344
cannot use the DNS lookup brought by #10436.
2022-09-19 13:59:36 +03:00
zhenwei pi bff7ecc786 Introduce connAddr
Originally, connPeerToString is designed to get the address info from
socket only(for both TCP & TLS), and the API 'connPeerToString' is
oriented to operate a FD like:
int connPeerToString(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port) {
    return anetFdToString(conn ? conn->fd : -1, ip, ip_len, port, FD_TO_PEER_NAME);

Introduce connAddr and implement .addr method for socket and TLS,
thus the API 'connAddr' and 'connFormatAddr' become oriented to a
connection like:
static inline int connAddr(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port, int remote) {
    if (conn && conn->type->addr) {
        return conn->type->addr(conn, ip, ip_len, port, remote);

    return -1;

Also remove 'FD_TO_PEER_NAME' & 'FD_TO_SOCK_NAME', use a boolean type
'remote' to get local/remote address of a connection.

With these changes, it's possible to support the other connection
types which does not use socket(Ex, RDMA).

Thanks to Oran for suggestions!

Signed-off-by: zhenwei pi <>
2022-08-22 15:01:40 +08:00
Moti Cohen 1aa6c4ab92
Adding parentheses and do-while(0) to macros (#11080)
Fixing few macros that doesn't follows most basic safety conventions
which is wrapping any usage of passed variable
with parentheses and if written more than one command, then wrap
it with do-while(0) (or parentheses).
2022-08-03 19:38:08 +03:00
ranshid eacca729a5
Avoid using unsafe C functions (#10932)
replace use of:
sprintf --> snprintf
strcpy/strncpy  --> redis_strlcpy
strcat/strncat  --> redis_strlcat

**why are we making this change?**
Much of the code uses some unsafe variants or deprecated buffer handling
While most cases are probably not presenting any issue on the known path
programming errors and unterminated strings might lead to potential
buffer overflows which are not covered by tests.

**As part of this PR we change**
1. added implementation for redis_strlcpy and redis_strlcat based on the strl implementation:
2. change all occurrences of use of sprintf with use of snprintf
3. change occurrences of use of  strcpy/strncpy with redis_strlcpy
4. change occurrences of use of strcat/strncat with redis_strlcat
5. change the behavior of ll2string/ull2string/ld2string so that it will always place null
  termination ('\0') on the output buffer in the first index. this was done in order to make
  the use of these functions more safe in cases were the user will not check the output
  returned by them (for example in rdbRemoveTempFile)
6. we added a compiler directive to issue a deprecation error in case a use of
  sprintf/strcpy/strcat is found during compilation which will result in error during compile time.
  However keep in mind that since the deprecation attribute is not supported on all compilers,
  this is expected to fail during push workflows.

**NOTE:** while this is only an initial milestone. We might also consider
using the *_s implementation provided by the C11 Extensions (however not
yet widly supported). I would also suggest to start
looking at static code analyzers to track unsafe use cases.
For example LLVM clang checker supports security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling
which can help locate unsafe function usage.
The main reason not to onboard it at this stage is that the alternative
excepted by clang is to use the C11 extensions which are not always
supported by stdlib.
2022-07-18 10:56:26 +03:00
Binbin 20af95a99f
Add range check for server port in redis-cli/benchmark (#9854)
Validating inputs ahead of time, to give the end user a slightly more useful error.
2022-07-12 20:32:14 -07:00
Binbin 35e8ae3eb5
Add cluster-port support to redis-cli --cluster (#10344)
In #9389, we add a new `cluster-port` config and make cluster bus port configurable,
and currently redis-cli --cluster create/add-node doesn't support with a configurable `cluster-port` instance.
Because redis-cli uses the old way (port + 10000) to send the `CLUSTER MEET` command.

Now we add this support on redis-cli `--cluster`, note we don't need to explicitly pass in the
`cluster-port` parameter, we can get the real `cluster-port` of the node in `clusterManagerNodeLoadInfo`,
so the `--cluster create` and `--cluster add-node` interfaces have not changed.

We will use the `cluster-port` when we are doing `CLUSTER MEET`, also note that `CLUSTER MEET` bus-port
parameter was added in 4.0, so if the bus_port (the one in redis-cli) is 0, or equal (port + 10000),
we just call `CLUSTER MEET` with 2 arguments, using the old form.

Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
2022-07-11 11:23:31 +03:00
hdyztmdqd c65e5087e8
Fix 2 comments in dict.c & redis-cli.c (#10860)
* fix comment in dict.c

fix comment in dict.c

* Fix comment in redis-cli.c

Fix comment in redis-cli.c
2022-06-14 08:09:08 +03:00
Ofir Luzon 00a9d6b314
Add SIGINT handler to redis-cli --bigkeys, --memkeys, --hotkeys, --scan (#10736)
Finish current loop and display the scanned keys summery on SIGINT (Ctrl-C) signal.
It will also prepend the current scanned percentage to the scanned keys summery 1st line.

In this commit I've renamed and relocated `intrinsicLatencyModeStop` function as I'm using the exact same logic.
2022-05-22 10:55:26 +03:00
Ozan Tezcan 7da1cc3e90
Use exit code 1 on error in redis-cli (#10468)
On error, redis-cli was returning `REDIS_ERR` on some cases by mistake. `REDIS_ERR` is `-1` which becomes `255` as exit code. This commit changes it and returns `1` on errors to be consistent.
2022-03-30 21:16:02 +03:00
Viktor Söderqvist 35bb021254
redis-cli: Do DNS lookup before sending CLUSTER MEET (#10436)
Affects `--cluster create` and `--cluster add-node`.
2022-03-29 15:45:14 +03:00
Binbin 3f28d7d712
Make redis-cli --cluster help output to stdout (#10485)
redis-cli --cluster help currently outputs the help on stderr.
This is similar to #9124
2022-03-28 14:47:36 +03:00
Ozan Tezcan 4517fadb59
Use exit code 1 if redis-cli fails to connect (#10438)
Use exit code 1 if redis-cli fails to connect.

Before, on a connection failure,
exit code would be 1.  After this PR, whether connection is established or not,
`noninteractive()` return value is used as the exit code. On a failure, this function
returns `REDIS_ERR` which is `-1`. It becomes `255` as exit codes are between `0-255`.

There is nothing wrong by returning 1 or 255 on failure as far as I know but it'll break
things that expect to see 1 as exit code on a connection failure. This is also how we
realized the issue. With this PR, changing behavior back to using 1 as exit code to
preserve backward compatibility.
2022-03-21 13:40:02 +02:00
Viktor Söderqvist 69017fa232
Fix redis-cli CLUSTER SETSLOT race conditions (#10381)
After migrating a slot, send CLUSTER SETSLOT NODE to the destination
node first to make sure the slot isn't left without an owner in case
the destination node crashes before it is set as new owner.

When informing the source node, it can happen that the destination
node has already informed it and if the source node has lost its
last slot, it has already turned itself into a replica. Redis-cli
should ignore this error in this case.
2022-03-16 10:11:38 -07:00
Binbin 1797330e2e
Initialize help when using redis-cli help or redis-cli ? (#10382)
The following usage will output an empty newline:
> redis-cli help set
empty line

The reason is that in interactive mode, we have called
`cliInitHelp`, which initializes help.

When using `redis-cli help xxx` or `redis-cli help ? xxx`,
we can't match the command due to empty `helpEntries`,
so we output an empty newline.

In this commit, we will call `cliInitHelp` to init the help.
Note that in this case, we need to call `cliInitHelp` (COMMAND DOCS)
every time, which i think is acceptable.

So now the output will look like:
[redis]# src/redis-cli help get

  GET key
  summary: Get the value of a key
  since: 1.0.0
  group: string


Fixes #10378

This PR also fix a redis-cli crash when using `--ldb --eval`:
[root]# src/redis-cli --ldb --eval test.lua test 1
Lua debugging session started, please use:
quit    -- End the session.
restart -- Restart the script in debug mode again.
help    -- Show Lua script debugging commands.

* Stopped at 1, stop reason = step over
-> 1   local num ='GET', KEYS[1]);
redis-cli: redis-cli.c:718: cliCountCommands: Assertion
`commandTable->element[i]->type == 1' failed.
Because in ldb mode, `COMMAND DOCS` or `COMMAND` will
return an array, only with one element, and the type
is `REDIS_REPLY_STATUS`, the result is `<error> Unknown
Redis Lua debugger command or wrong number of arguments`.

So if we are in the ldb mode, and init the Redis HELP, we
will get the wrong response and crash the redis-cli.
In ldb mode we don't initialize HELP, help is only initialized
after the lua debugging session ends.

It was broken in #10043
2022-03-10 18:20:01 +02:00
Yuta Hongo e3ef73dc2a
redis-cli: Better --json Unicode support and --quoted-json (#10286)
Normally, `redis-cli` escapes non-printable data received from Redis, using a custom scheme (which is also used to handle quoted input). When using `--json` this is not desired as it is not compatible with RFC 7159, which specifies JSON strings are assumed to be Unicode and how they should be escaped.

This commit changes `--json` to follow RFC 7159, which means that properly encoded Unicode strings in Redis will result with a valid Unicode JSON.

However, this introduces a new problem with `--json` and data that is not valid Unicode (e.g., random binary data, text that follows other encoding, etc.). To address this, we add `--quoted-json` which produces JSON strings that follow the original redis-cli quoting scheme.

For example, a value that consists of only null (0x00) bytes will show up as:
* `"\u0000\u0000\u0000"` when using `--json`
* `"\\x00\\x00\\x00"` when using `--quoted-json`
2022-03-05 21:25:52 +02:00
Jason Elbaum 5b17909c4f
redis-cli generates command help tables from the results of COMMAND (#10043)
This is a followup to #9656 and implements the following step mentioned in that PR:

* When possible, extract all the help and completion tips from COMMAND DOCS (Redis 7.0 and up)
* If COMMAND DOCS fails, use the static help.h compiled into redis-cli.
* Supplement additional command names from COMMAND (pre-Redis 7.0)

The last step is needed to add module command and other non-standard commands.

This PR does not change the interactive hinting mechanism, which still uses only the param
strings to provide somewhat unreliable and inconsistent command hints (see #8084).
That task is left for a future PR. 

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-02-05 16:54:16 +02:00
Oran Agra be0d293354
fix cluster rebalance test race (#10207)
Try to fix the rebalance cluster test that's failing with ASAN daily:

Looks like `redis-cli --cluster rebalance` gets `ERR Please use SETSLOT only with masters` in `clusterManagerMoveSlot()`.
it happens when `12-replica-migration-2.tcl` is run with ASAN in GH Actions.
in `Resharding all the master #0 slots away from it`

So the fix (assuming i got it right) is to call `redis-cli --cluster check` before `--cluster rebalance`.
p.s. it looks like a few other checks in these tests needed that wait, added them too.

Other changes:
* in instances.tcl, make sure to catch tcl test crashes and let the rest of the code proceed, so that if there was
  a redis crash, we'll find it and print it too.
* redis-cli, try to make sure it prints an error instead of silently exiting.

specifically about redis-cli:
1. clusterManagerMoveSlot used to print an error, only if the caller also asked for it (should be the other way around).
2. clusterManagerCommandReshard asked for an error, but didn't use it (probably tried to avoid the double print).
3. clusterManagerCommandRebalance didn't ask for the error, now it does.
4. making sure that other places in clusterManagerCommandRebalance print something before exiting with an error.
2022-01-30 11:30:19 +02:00