Merge branch 'unstable' of into unstable

This commit is contained in:
Nikitas Bastas 2019-02-08 22:55:45 +02:00
commit b4fb131c61
7 changed files with 723 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -493,20 +493,127 @@ replica-priority 100
################################## SECURITY ###################################
# Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
# commands. This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
# others with access to the host running redis-server.
# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
# 1 million passwords per second against a modern box. This means that you
# should use very strong passwords, otherwise they will be very easy to break.
# Note that because the password is really a shared secret between the client
# and the server, and should not be memorized by any human, the password
# can be easily a long string from /dev/urandom or whatever, so by using a
# long and unguessable password no brute force attack will be possible.
# Redis ACL users are defined in the following format:
# user <username> ... acl rules ...
# For example:
# user worker +@list +@connection ~jobs:* on >ffa9203c493aa99
# The special username "default" is used for new connections. If this user
# has the "nopass" rule, then new connections will be immediately authenticated
# as the "default" user without the need of any password provided via the
# AUTH command. Otherwise if the "default" user is not flagged with "nopass"
# the connections will start in not authenticated state, and will require
# AUTH (or the HELLO command AUTH option) in order to be authenticated and
# start to work.
# The ACL rules that describe what an user can do are the following:
# on Enable the user: it is possible to authenticate as this user.
# off Disable the user: it's no longer possible to authenticate
# with this user, however the already authenticated connections
# will still work.
# +<command> Allow the execution of that command
# -<command> Disallow the execution of that command
# +@<category> Allow the execution of all the commands in such category
# with valid categories are like @admin, @set, @sortedset, ...
# and so forth, see the full list in the server.c file where
# the Redis command table is described and defined.
# The special category @all means all the commands, but currently
# present in the server, and that will be loaded in the future
# via modules.
# +<command>|subcommand Allow a specific subcommand of an otherwise
# disabled command. Note that this form is not
# allowed as negative like -DEBUG|SEGFAULT, but
# only additive starting with "+".
# allcommands Alias for +@all. Note that it implies the ability to execute
# all the future commands loaded via the modules system.
# nocommands Alias for -@all.
# ~<pattern> Add a pattern of keys that can be mentioned as part of
# commands. For instance ~* allows all the keys. The pattern
# is a glob-style pattern like the one of KEYS.
# It is possible to specify multiple patterns.
# allkeys Alias for ~*
# resetkeys Flush the list of allowed keys patterns.
# ><password> Add this passowrd to the list of valid password for the user.
# For example >mypass will add "mypass" to the list.
# This directive clears the "nopass" flag (see later).
# <<password> Remove this password from the list of valid passwords.
# nopass All the set passwords of the user are removed, and the user
# is flagged as requiring no password: it means that every
# password will work against this user. If this directive is
# used for the default user, every new connection will be
# immediately authenticated with the default user without
# any explicit AUTH command required. Note that the "resetpass"
# directive will clear this condition.
# resetpass Flush the list of allowed passwords. Moreover removes the
# "nopass" status. After "resetpass" the user has no associated
# passwords and there is no way to authenticate without adding
# some password (or setting it as "nopass" later).
# reset Performs the following actions: resetpass, resetkeys, off,
# -@all. The user returns to the same state it has immediately
# after its creation.
# ACL rules can be specified in any order: for instance you can start with
# passwords, then flags, or key patterns. However note that the additive
# and subtractive rules will CHANGE MEANING depending on the ordering.
# For instance see the following example:
# user alice on +@all -DEBUG ~* >somepassword
# This will allow "alice" to use all the commands with the exception of the
# DEBUG command, since +@all added all the commands to the set of the commands
# alice can use, and later DEBUG was removed. However if we invert the order
# of two ACL rules the result will be different:
# user alice on -DEBUG +@all ~* >somepassword
# Now DEBUG was removed when alice had yet no commands in the set of allowed
# commands, later all the commands are added, so the user will be able to
# execute everything.
# Basically ACL rules are processed left-to-right.
# For more information about ACL configuration please refer to
# the Redis web site at
# Using an external ACL file
# Instead of configuring users here in this file, it is possible to use
# a stand-alone file just listing users. The two methods cannot be mixed:
# if you configure users here and at the same time you activate the exteranl
# ACL file, the server will refuse to start.
# The format of the external ACL user file is exactly the same as the
# format that is used inside redis.conf to describe users.
# aclfile /etc/redis/users.acl
# IMPORTANT NOTE: starting with Redis 6 "requirepass" is just a compatiblity
# layer on top of the new ACL system. The option effect will be just setting
# the password for the default user. Clients will still authenticate using
# AUTH <password> as usually, or more explicitly with AUTH default <password>
# if they follow the new protocol: both will work.
# requirepass foobared
# Command renaming.
# Command renaming (DEPRECATED).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# WARNING: avoid using this option if possible. Instead use ACLs to remove
# commands from the default user, and put them only in some admin user you
# create for administrative purposes.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# It is possible to change the name of dangerous commands in a shared
# environment. For instance the CONFIG command may be renamed into something

View File

@ -34,11 +34,20 @@
* ==========================================================================*/
rax *Users; /* Table mapping usernames to user structures. */
user *DefaultUser; /* Global reference to the default user.
Every new connection is associated to it, if no
AUTH or HELLO is used to authenticate with a
different user. */
list *UsersToLoad; /* This is a list of users found in the configuration file
that we'll need to load in the final stage of Redis
initialization, after all the modules are already
loaded. Every list element is a NULL terminated
array of SDS pointers: the first is the user name,
all the remaining pointers are ACL rules in the same
format as ACLSetUser(). */
struct ACLCategoryItem {
const char *name;
uint64_t flag;
@ -64,10 +73,24 @@ struct ACLCategoryItem {
{"",0} /* Terminator. */
{NULL,0} /* Terminator. */
struct ACLUserFlag {
const char *name;
uint64_t flag;
} ACLUserFlags[] = {
{"allkeys", USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS},
{"allcommands", USER_FLAG_ALLCOMMANDS},
{"nopass", USER_FLAG_NOPASS},
{NULL,0} /* Terminator. */
void ACLResetSubcommandsForCommand(user *u, unsigned long id);
void ACLResetSubcommands(user *u);
void ACLAddAllowedSubcommand(user *u, unsigned long id, const char *sub);
/* =============================================================================
* Helper functions for the rest of the ACL implementation
@ -141,6 +164,11 @@ void ACLListFreeSds(void *item) {
/* Method to duplicate list elements from ACL users password/ptterns lists. */
void *ACLListDupSds(void *item) {
return sdsdup(item);
/* Create a new user with the specified name, store it in the list
* of users (the Users global radix tree), and returns a reference to
* the structure representing the user.
@ -150,19 +178,80 @@ user *ACLCreateUser(const char *name, size_t namelen) {
if (raxFind(Users,(unsigned char*)name,namelen) != raxNotFound) return NULL;
user *u = zmalloc(sizeof(*u));
u->name = sdsnewlen(name,namelen);
u->flags = 0;
u->allowed_subcommands = NULL;
u->passwords = listCreate();
u->patterns = listCreate();
raxInsert(Users,(unsigned char*)name,namelen,u,NULL);
return u;
/* This function should be called when we need an unlinked "fake" user
* we can use in order to validate ACL rules or for other similar reasons.
* The user will not get linked to the Users radix tree. The returned
* user should be released with ACLFreeUser() as usually. */
user *ACLCreateUnlinkedUser(void) {
char username[64];
for (int j = 0; ; j++) {
user *fakeuser = ACLCreateUser(username,strlen(username));
if (fakeuser == NULL) continue;
int retval = raxRemove(Users,(unsigned char*) username,
serverAssert(retval != 0);
return fakeuser;
/* Release the memory used by the user structure. Note that this function
* will not remove the user from the Users global radix tree. */
void ACLFreeUser(user *u) {
/* Copy the user ACL rules from the source user 'src' to the destination
* user 'dst' so that at the end of the process they'll have exactly the
* same rules (but the names will continue to be the original ones). */
void ACLCopyUser(user *dst, user *src) {
dst->passwords = listDup(src->passwords);
dst->patterns = listDup(src->patterns);
dst->flags = src->flags;
/* Copy the allowed subcommands array of array of SDS strings. */
if (src->allowed_subcommands) {
for (int j = 0; j < USER_COMMAND_BITS_COUNT; j++) {
if (src->allowed_subcommands[j]) {
for (int i = 0; src->allowed_subcommands[j][i]; i++)
ACLAddAllowedSubcommand(dst, j,
/* Free all the users registered in the radix tree 'users' and free the
* radix tree itself. */
void ACLFreeUsersSet(rax *users) {
/* Given a command ID, this function set by reference 'word' and 'bit'
* so that user->allowed_commands[word] will address the right word
* where the corresponding bit for the provided ID is stored, and
@ -224,6 +313,7 @@ int ACLSetUserCommandBitsForCategory(user *u, const char *category, int value) {
dictEntry *de;
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
struct redisCommand *cmd = dictGetVal(de);
if (cmd->flags & CMD_MODULE) continue; /* Ignore modules commands. */
if (cmd->flags & cflag) {
@ -360,6 +450,58 @@ sds ACLDescribeUserCommandRules(user *u) {
return rules;
/* This is similar to ACLDescribeUserCommandRules(), however instead of
* describing just the user command rules, everything is described: user
* flags, keys, passwords and finally the command rules obtained via
* the ACLDescribeUserCommandRules() function. This is the function we call
* when we want to rewrite the configuration files describing ACLs and
* in order to show users with ACL LIST. */
sds ACLDescribeUser(user *u) {
sds res = sdsempty();
/* Flags. */
for (int j = 0; ACLUserFlags[j].flag; j++) {
/* Skip the allcommands and allkeys flags because they'll be emitted
* later as ~* and +@all. */
if (ACLUserFlags[j].flag == USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS ||
ACLUserFlags[j].flag == USER_FLAG_ALLCOMMANDS) continue;
if (u->flags & ACLUserFlags[j].flag) {
res = sdscat(res,ACLUserFlags[j].name);
res = sdscatlen(res," ",1);
/* Passwords. */
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
sds thispass = listNodeValue(ln);
res = sdscatlen(res,">",1);
res = sdscatsds(res,thispass);
res = sdscatlen(res," ",1);
/* Key patterns. */
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS) {
res = sdscatlen(res,"~* ",3);
} else {
while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
sds thispat = listNodeValue(ln);
res = sdscatlen(res,"~",1);
res = sdscatsds(res,thispat);
res = sdscatlen(res," ",1);
/* Command rules. */
sds rules = ACLDescribeUserCommandRules(u);
res = sdscatsds(res,rules);
return res;
/* Get a command from the original command table, that is not affected
* by the command renaming operations: we base all the ACL work from that
* table, so that ACLs are valid regardless of command renaming. */
@ -500,7 +642,9 @@ int ACLSetUser(user *u, const char *op, ssize_t oplen) {
if (oplen == -1) oplen = strlen(op);
if (!strcasecmp(op,"on")) {
u->flags |= USER_FLAG_ENABLED;
u->flags &= ~USER_FLAG_DISABLED;
} else if (!strcasecmp(op,"off")) {
u->flags &= ~USER_FLAG_ENABLED;
} else if (!strcasecmp(op,"allkeys") ||
@ -655,9 +799,9 @@ sds ACLDefaultUserFirstPassword(void) {
return listNodeValue(first);
/* Initialization of the ACL subsystem. */
void ACLInit(void) {
Users = raxNew();
/* Initialize the default user, that will always exist for all the process
* lifetime. */
void ACLInitDefaultUser(void) {
DefaultUser = ACLCreateUser("default",7);
@ -665,6 +809,13 @@ void ACLInit(void) {
/* Initialization of the ACL subsystem. */
void ACLInit(void) {
Users = raxNew();
UsersToLoad = listCreate();
/* Check the username and password pair and return C_OK if they are valid,
* otherwise C_ERR is returned and errno is set to:
@ -679,7 +830,7 @@ int ACLCheckUserCredentials(robj *username, robj *password) {
/* Disabled users can't login. */
if ((u->flags & USER_FLAG_ENABLED) == 0) {
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_DISABLED) {
errno = EINVAL;
return C_ERR;
@ -827,6 +978,289 @@ int ACLCheckCommandPerm(client *c) {
return ACL_OK;
/* =============================================================================
* ACL loading / saving functions
* ==========================================================================*/
/* Given an argument vector describing a user in the form:
* user <username> ... ACL rules and flags ...
* this function validates, and if the syntax is valid, appends
* the user definition to a list for later loading.
* The rules are tested for validity and if there obvious syntax errors
* the function returns C_ERR and does nothing, otherwise C_OK is returned
* and the user is appended to the list.
* Note that this function cannot stop in case of commands that are not found
* and, in that case, the error will be emitted later, because certain
* commands may be defined later once modules are loaded.
* When an error is detected and C_ERR is returned, the function populates
* by reference (if not set to NULL) the argc_err argument with the index
* of the argv vector that caused the error. */
int ACLAppendUserForLoading(sds *argv, int argc, int *argc_err) {
if (argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[0],"user")) {
if (argc_err) *argc_err = 0;
return C_ERR;
/* Try to apply the user rules in a fake user to see if they
* are actually valid. */
user *fakeuser = ACLCreateUnlinkedUser();
for (int j = 2; j < argc; j++) {
if (ACLSetUser(fakeuser,argv[j],sdslen(argv[j])) == C_ERR) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
if (argc_err) *argc_err = j;
return C_ERR;
/* Rules look valid, let's append the user to the list. */
sds *copy = zmalloc(sizeof(sds)*argc);
for (int j = 1; j < argc; j++) copy[j-1] = sdsdup(argv[j]);
copy[argc-1] = NULL;
return C_OK;
/* This function will load the configured users appended to the server
* configuration via ACLAppendUserForLoading(). On loading errors it will
* log an error and return C_ERR, otherwise C_OK will be returned. */
int ACLLoadConfiguredUsers(void) {
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
sds *aclrules = listNodeValue(ln);
sds username = aclrules[0];
user *u = ACLCreateUser(username,sdslen(username));
if (!u) {
u = ACLGetUserByName(username,sdslen(username));
serverAssert(u != NULL);
/* Load every rule defined for this user. */
for (int j = 1; aclrules[j]; j++) {
if (ACLSetUser(u,aclrules[j],sdslen(aclrules[j])) != C_OK) {
char *errmsg = ACLSetUserStringError();
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Error loading ACL rule '%s' for "
"the user named '%s': %s",
return C_ERR;
/* Having a disabled user in the configuration may be an error,
* warn about it without returning any error to the caller. */
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_DISABLED) {
serverLog(LL_NOTICE, "The user '%s' is disabled (there is no "
"'on' modifier in the user description). Make "
"sure this is not a configuration error.",
return C_OK;
/* This function loads the ACL from the specified filename: every line
* is validated and shold be either empty or in the format used to specify
* users in the redis.conf configuration or in the ACL file, that is:
* user <username> ... rules ...
* Note that this function considers comments starting with '#' as errors
* because the ACL file is meant to be rewritten, and comments would be
* lost after the rewrite. Yet empty lines are allowed to avoid being too
* strict.
* One important part of implementing ACL LOAD, that uses this function, is
* to avoid ending with broken rules if the ACL file is invalid for some
* reason, so the function will attempt to validate the rules before loading
* each user. For every line that will be found broken the function will
* collect an error message.
* IMPORTANT: If there is at least a single error, nothing will be loaded
* and the rules will remain exactly as they were.
* At the end of the process, if no errors were found in the whole file then
* NULL is returned. Otherwise an SDS string describing in a single line
* a description of all the issues found is returned. */
sds ACLLoadFromFile(const char *filename) {
FILE *fp;
char buf[1024];
/* Open the ACL file. */
if ((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
sds errors = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),
"Error loading ACLs, opening file '%s': %s",
filename, strerror(errno));
return errors;
/* Load the whole file as a single string in memory. */
sds acls = sdsempty();
while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) != NULL)
acls = sdscat(acls,buf);
/* Split the file into lines and attempt to load each line. */
int totlines;
sds *lines, errors = sdsempty();
lines = sdssplitlen(acls,strlen(acls),"\n",1,&totlines);
/* We need a fake user to validate the rules before making changes
* to the real user mentioned in the ACL line. */
user *fakeuser = ACLCreateUnlinkedUser();
/* We do all the loading in a fresh insteance of the Users radix tree,
* so if there are errors loading the ACL file we can rollback to the
* old version. */
rax *old_users = Users;
user *old_default_user = DefaultUser;
Users = raxNew();
/* Load each line of the file. */
for (int i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
sds *argv;
int argc;
int linenum = i+1;
lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i]," \t\r\n");
/* Skip blank lines */
if (lines[i][0] == '\0') continue;
/* Split into arguments */
argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i],&argc);
if (argv == NULL) {
errors = sdscatprintf(errors,
"%s:%d: unbalanced quotes in acl line. ",
server.acl_filename, linenum);
/* Skip this line if the resulting command vector is empty. */
if (argc == 0) {
/* The line should start with the "user" keyword. */
if (strcmp(argv[0],"user") || argc < 2) {
errors = sdscatprintf(errors,
"%s:%d should start with user keyword followed "
"by the username. ", server.acl_filename,
/* Try to process the line using the fake user to validate iif
* the rules are able to apply cleanly. */
int j;
for (j = 2; j < argc; j++) {
if (ACLSetUser(fakeuser,argv[j],sdslen(argv[j])) != C_OK) {
char *errmsg = ACLSetUserStringError();
errors = sdscatprintf(errors,
"%s:%d: %s. ",
server.acl_filename, linenum, errmsg);
/* Apply the rule to the new users set only if so far there
* are no errors, otherwise it's useless since we are going
* to discard the new users set anyway. */
if (sdslen(errors) != 0) {
/* We can finally lookup the user and apply the rule. If the
* user already exists we always reset it to start. */
user *u = ACLCreateUser(argv[1],sdslen(argv[1]));
if (!u) {
u = ACLGetUserByName(argv[1],sdslen(argv[1]));
serverAssert(u != NULL);
/* Note that the same rules already applied to the fake user, so
* we just assert that everything goess well: it should. */
for (j = 2; j < argc; j++)
serverAssert(ACLSetUser(u,argv[j],sdslen(argv[j])) == C_OK);
DefaultUser = old_default_user; /* This pointer must never change. */
/* Check if we found errors and react accordingly. */
if (sdslen(errors) == 0) {
/* The default user pointer is referenced in different places: instead
* of replacing such occurrences it is much simpler to copy the new
* default user configuration in the old one. */
user *new = ACLGetUserByName("default",7);
serverAssert(new != NULL);
raxInsert(Users,(unsigned char*)"default",7,DefaultUser,NULL);
raxRemove(old_users,(unsigned char*)"default",7,NULL);
return NULL;
} else {
Users = old_users;
errors = sdscat(errors,"WARNING: ACL errors detected, no change to the previously active ACL rules was performed");
return errors;
/* This function is called once the server is already running, modules are
* loaded, and we are ready to start, in order to load the ACLs either from
* the pending list of users defined in redis.conf, or from the ACL file.
* The function will just exit with an error if the user is trying to mix
* both the loading methods. */
void ACLLoadUsersAtStartup(void) {
if (server.acl_filename[0] != '\0' && listLength(UsersToLoad) != 0) {
"Configuring Redis with users defined in redis.conf and at "
"the same setting an ACL file path is invalid. This setup "
"is very likely to lead to configuration errors and security "
"holes, please define either an ACL file or declare users "
"directly in your redis.conf, but not both.");
if (ACLLoadConfiguredUsers() == C_ERR) {
"Critical error while loading ACLs. Exiting.");
if (server.acl_filename[0] != '\0') {
sds errors = ACLLoadFromFile(server.acl_filename);
if (errors) {
"Aborting Redis startup because of ACL errors: %s", errors);
/* =============================================================================
* ACL related commands
* ==========================================================================*/
@ -834,7 +1268,9 @@ int ACLCheckCommandPerm(client *c) {
/* ACL -- show and modify the configuration of ACL users.
* ACL SETUSER <username> ... user attribs ...
* ACL CAT [<category>]
* ACL SETUSER <username> ... acl rules ...
* ACL DELUSER <username>
* ACL GETUSER <username>
@ -855,12 +1291,44 @@ void aclCommand(client *c) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"whoami")) {
if (c->user != NULL) {
} else {
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"deluser") && c->argc >= 3) {
int deleted = 0;
for (int j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
sds username = c->argv[j]->ptr;
if (!strcmp(username,"default")) {
addReplyError(c,"The 'default' user cannot be removed");
user *u;
if (raxRemove(Users,(unsigned char*)username,
/* When a user is deleted we need to cycle the active
* connections in order to kill all the pending ones that
* are authenticated with such user. */
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
client *c = listNodeValue(ln);
if (c->user == u) {
/* We'll free the conenction asynchronously, so
* in theory to set a different user is not needed.
* However if there are bugs in Redis, soon or later
* this may result in some security hole: it's much
* more defensive to set the default user and put
* it in non authenticated mode. */
c->user = DefaultUser;
c->authenticated = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"getuser") && c->argc == 3) {
user *u = ACLGetUserByName(c->argv[2]->ptr,sdslen(c->argv[2]->ptr));
if (u == NULL) {
@ -874,24 +1342,11 @@ void aclCommand(client *c) {
void *deflen = addReplyDeferredLen(c);
int numflags = 0;
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_ENABLED) {
} else {
for (int j = 0; ACLUserFlags[j].flag; j++) {
if (u->flags & ACLUserFlags[j].flag) {
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS) {
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_ALLCOMMANDS) {
if (u->flags & USER_FLAG_NOPASS) {
@ -926,13 +1381,59 @@ void aclCommand(client *c) {
} else if ((!strcasecmp(sub,"list") || !strcasecmp(sub,"users")) &&
c->argc == 2)
int justnames = !strcasecmp(sub,"users");
raxIterator ri;
while(raxNext(&ri)) {
user *u =;
if (justnames) {
} else {
/* Return information in the configuration file format. */
sds config = sdsnew("user ");
config = sdscatsds(config,u->name);
config = sdscatlen(config," ",1);
sds descr = ACLDescribeUser(u);
config = sdscatsds(config,descr);
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"whoami") && c->argc == 2) {
if (c->user != NULL) {
} else {
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"load") && c->argc == 2) {
if (server.acl_filename[0] == '\0') {
addReplyError(c,"This Redis instance is not configured to use an ACL file. You may want to specify users via the ACL SETUSER command and then issue a CONFIG REWRITE (assuming you have a Redis configuration file set) in order to store users in the Redis configuration.");
} else {
sds errors = ACLLoadFromFile(server.acl_filename);
if (errors == NULL) {
} else {
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"help")) {
const char *help[] = {
"LIST -- List all the registered users.",
"LIST -- Show user details in config file format.",
"USERS -- List all the registered usernames.",
"SETUSER <username> [attribs ...] -- Create or modify a user.",
"DELUSER <username> -- Delete a user.",
"GETUSER <username> -- Get the user details.",
"WHOAMI -- Return the current username.",
"DELUSER <username> -- Delete a user.",
"CAT -- List available categories.",
"CAT <category> -- List commands inside category.",
"WHOAMI -- Return the current connection username.",

View File

@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"aclfile") && argc == 2) {
server.acl_filename = zstrdup(argv[1]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"always-show-logo") && argc == 2) {
if ((server.always_show_logo = yesnotoi(argv[1])) == -1) {
err = "argument must be 'yes' or 'no'"; goto loaderr;
@ -791,6 +794,16 @@ void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) {
"Allowed values: 'upstart', 'systemd', 'auto', or 'no'";
goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"user") && argc >= 2) {
int argc_err;
if (ACLAppendUserForLoading(argv,argc,&argc_err) == C_ERR) {
char buf[1024];
char *errmsg = ACLSetUserStringError();
snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Error in user declaration '%s': %s",
err = buf;
goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"loadmodule") && argc >= 2) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"sentinel")) {
@ -1345,6 +1358,7 @@ void configGetCommand(client *c) {
@ -1907,6 +1921,38 @@ void rewriteConfigSaveOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
/* Rewrite the user option. */
void rewriteConfigUserOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
/* If there is a user file defined we just mark this configuration
* directive as processed, so that all the lines containing users
* inside the config file gets discarded. */
if (server.acl_filename[0] != '\0') {
/* Otherwise scan the list of users and rewrite every line. Note that
* in case the list here is empty, the effect will just be to comment
* all the users directive inside the config file. */
raxIterator ri;
while(raxNext(&ri)) {
user *u =;
sds line = sdsnew("user ");
line = sdscatsds(line,u->name);
line = sdscatlen(line," ",1);
sds descr = ACLDescribeUser(u);
line = sdscatsds(line,descr);
/* Mark "user" as processed in case there are no defined users. */
/* Rewrite the dir option, always using absolute paths.*/
void rewriteConfigDirOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
char cwd[1024];
@ -2172,10 +2218,12 @@ int rewriteConfig(char *path) {

View File

@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ int RM_CreateCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, RedisModuleCmdFunc c
cp->rediscmd->calls = 0;
cp->rediscmd->id = ACLGetCommandID(cmdname); /* ID used for ACL. */
@ -2696,6 +2697,7 @@ RedisModuleCallReply *RM_Call(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *cmdname, const ch
/* Create the client and dispatch the command. */
va_start(ap, fmt);
c = createClient(-1);
c->user = NULL; /* Root user. */
argv = moduleCreateArgvFromUserFormat(cmdname,fmt,&argc,&flags,ap);
@ -4659,6 +4661,7 @@ void moduleInitModulesSystem(void) {
moduleKeyspaceSubscribers = listCreate();
moduleFreeContextReusedClient = createClient(-1);
moduleFreeContextReusedClient->flags |= CLIENT_MODULE;
moduleFreeContextReusedClient->user = NULL; /* root user. */
if (pipe(server.module_blocked_pipe) == -1) {

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ client *createClient(int fd) {
return c;
/* This funciton puts the client in the queue of clients that should write
/* This function puts the client in the queue of clients that should write
* their output buffers to the socket. Note that it does not *yet* install
* the write handler, to start clients are put in a queue of clients that need
* to write, so we try to do that before returning in the event loop (see the
@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ void resetClient(client *c) {
/* This funciton is used when we want to re-enter the event loop but there
/* This function is used when we want to re-enter the event loop but there
* is the risk that the client we are dealing with will be freed in some
* way. This happens for instance in:

View File

@ -2267,6 +2267,7 @@ void initServerConfig(void) {
server.pidfile = NULL;
server.rdb_filename = zstrdup(CONFIG_DEFAULT_RDB_FILENAME);
server.aof_filename = zstrdup(CONFIG_DEFAULT_AOF_FILENAME);
server.acl_filename = zstrdup(CONFIG_DEFAULT_ACL_FILENAME);
server.rdb_compression = CONFIG_DEFAULT_RDB_COMPRESSION;
server.rdb_checksum = CONFIG_DEFAULT_RDB_CHECKSUM;
server.stop_writes_on_bgsave_err = CONFIG_DEFAULT_STOP_WRITES_ON_BGSAVE_ERROR;
@ -4907,6 +4908,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (server.cluster_enabled) {
if (verifyClusterConfigWithData() == C_ERR) {

View File

@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ typedef long long mstime_t; /* millisecond time type. */
#define NET_IP_STR_LEN 46 /* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN is 46, but we need to be sure */
#define NET_PEER_ID_LEN (NET_IP_STR_LEN+32) /* Must be enough for ip:port */
@ -740,9 +741,10 @@ typedef struct readyList {
command ID we can set in the user
#define USER_FLAG_ENABLED (1<<0) /* The user is active. */
#define USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS (1<<1) /* The user can mention any key. */
#define USER_FLAG_ALLCOMMANDS (1<<2) /* The user can run all commands. */
#define USER_FLAG_NOPASS (1<<3) /* The user requires no password, any
#define USER_FLAG_DISABLED (1<<1) /* The user is disabled. */
#define USER_FLAG_ALLKEYS (1<<2) /* The user can mention any key. */
#define USER_FLAG_ALLCOMMANDS (1<<3) /* The user can run all commands. */
#define USER_FLAG_NOPASS (1<<4) /* The user requires no password, any
provided password will work. For the
default user, this also means that
no AUTH is needed, and every
@ -1336,6 +1338,8 @@ struct redisServer {
/* Latency monitor */
long long latency_monitor_threshold;
dict *latency_events;
/* ACLs */
char *acl_filename; /* ACL Users file. NULL if not configured. */
/* Assert & bug reporting */
const char *assert_failed;
const char *assert_file;
@ -1724,6 +1728,7 @@ void sendChildInfo(int process_type);
void receiveChildInfo(void);
/* acl.c -- Authentication related prototypes. */
extern rax *Users;
extern user *DefaultUser;
void ACLInit(void);
/* Return values for ACLCheckUserCredentials(). */
@ -1737,6 +1742,11 @@ int ACLCheckCommandPerm(client *c);
int ACLSetUser(user *u, const char *op, ssize_t oplen);
sds ACLDefaultUserFirstPassword(void);
uint64_t ACLGetCommandCategoryFlagByName(const char *name);
int ACLAppendUserForLoading(sds *argv, int argc, int *argc_err);
char *ACLSetUserStringError(void);
int ACLLoadConfiguredUsers(void);
sds ACLDescribeUser(user *u);
void ACLLoadUsersAtStartup(void);
/* Sorted sets data type */