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2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
/* Hash Tables Implementation.
2012-10-03 06:58:36 +02:00
* This file implements in-memory hash tables with insert/del/replace/find/
* get-random-element operations. Hash tables will auto-resize if needed
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
* tables of power of two in size are used, collisions are handled by
* chaining. See the source code for more information... :)
* Copyright (c) 2006-Present, Redis Ltd.
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under your choice of the Redis Source Available License 2.0
* (RSALv2) or the Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1).
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
#ifndef __DICT_H
#define __DICT_H
#include "mt19937-64.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
#define DICT_OK 0
#define DICT_ERR 1
/* Hash table parameters */
2024-01-19 16:00:43 +01:00
#define HASHTABLE_MIN_FILL 8 /* Minimal hash table fill 12.5%(100/8) */
typedef struct dictEntry dictEntry; /* opaque */
typedef struct dict dict;
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
typedef struct dictType {
Refactor the per-slot dict-array db.c into a new kvstore data structure (#12822) # Description Gather most of the scattered `redisDb`-related code from the per-slot dict PR (#11695) and turn it to a new data structure, `kvstore`. i.e. it's a class that represents an array of dictionaries. # Motivation The main motivation is code cleanliness, the idea of using an array of dictionaries is very well-suited to becoming a self-contained data structure. This allowed cleaning some ugly code, among others: loops that run twice on the main dict and expires dict, and duplicate code for allocating and releasing this data structure. # Notes 1. This PR reverts the part of where the `rehashing` list is global (handling rehashing `dict`s is under the responsibility of `kvstore`, and should not be managed by the server) 2. This PR also replaces the type of `server.pubsubshard_channels` from `dict**` to `kvstore` (original PR: After that was done, server.pubsub_channels was also chosen to be a `kvstore` (with only one `dict`, which seems odd) just to make the code cleaner by making it the same type as `server.pubsubshard_channels`, see `pubsubtype.serverPubSubChannels` 3. the keys and expires kvstores are currenlty configured to allocate the individual dicts only when the first key is added (unlike before, in which they allocated them in advance), but they won't release them when the last key is deleted. Worth mentioning that due to the recent change the reply of DEBUG HTSTATS changed, in case no keys were ever added to the db. before: ```> DEBUG htstats 9 [Dictionary HT] Hash table 0 stats (main hash table): No stats available for empty dictionaries [Expires HT] Hash table 0 stats (main hash table): No stats available for empty dictionaries ``` after: ```> DEBUG htstats 9 [Dictionary HT] [Expires HT] ```
2024-02-05 16:21:35 +01:00
/* Callbacks */
Use SipHash hash function to mitigate HashDos attempts. This change attempts to switch to an hash function which mitigates the effects of the HashDoS attack (denial of service attack trying to force data structures to worst case behavior) while at the same time providing Redis with an hash function that does not expect the input data to be word aligned, a condition no longer true now that sds.c strings have a varialbe length header. Note that it is possible sometimes that even using an hash function for which collisions cannot be generated without knowing the seed, special implementation details or the exposure of the seed in an indirect way (for example the ability to add elements to a Set and check the return in which Redis returns them with SMEMBERS) may make the attacker's life simpler in the process of trying to guess the correct seed, however the next step would be to switch to a log(N) data structure when too many items in a single bucket are detected: this seems like an overkill in the case of Redis. SPEED REGRESION TESTS: In order to verify that switching from MurmurHash to SipHash had no impact on speed, a set of benchmarks involving fast insertion of 5 million of keys were performed. The result shows Redis with SipHash in high pipelining conditions to be about 4% slower compared to using the previous hash function. However this could partially be related to the fact that the current implementation does not attempt to hash whole words at a time but reads single bytes, in order to have an output which is endian-netural and at the same time working on systems where unaligned memory accesses are a problem. Further X86 specific optimizations should be tested, the function may easily get at the same level of MurMurHash2 if a few optimizations are performed.
2017-02-20 16:09:54 +01:00
uint64_t (*hashFunction)(const void *key);
void *(*keyDup)(dict *d, const void *key);
void *(*valDup)(dict *d, const void *obj);
int (*keyCompare)(dict *d, const void *key1, const void *key2);
void (*keyDestructor)(dict *d, void *key);
void (*valDestructor)(dict *d, void *obj);
int (*resizeAllowed)(size_t moreMem, double usedRatio);
/* Invoked at the start of dict initialization/rehashing (old and new ht are already created) */
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
void (*rehashingStarted)(dict *d);
/* Invoked at the end of dict initialization/rehashing of all the entries from old to new ht. Both ht still exists
* and are cleaned up after this callback. */
void (*rehashingCompleted)(dict *d);
Unified db rehash method for both standalone and cluster (#12848) After #11695, we added two functions `rehashingStarted` and `rehashingCompleted` to the dict structure. We also registered two handlers for the main database's dict and expire structures. This allows the main database to record the dict in `rehashing` list when rehashing starts. Later, in `serverCron`, the `incrementallyRehash` function is continuously called to perform the rehashing operation. However, currently, when rehashing is completed, `rehashingCompleted` does not remove the dict from the `rehashing` list. This results in the `rehashing` list containing many invalid dicts. Although subsequent cron checks and removes dicts that don't require rehashing, it is still inefficient. This PR implements the functionality to remove the dict from the `rehashing` list in `rehashingCompleted`. This is achieved by adding `metadata` to the dict structure, which keeps track of its position in the `rehashing` list, allowing for quick removal. This approach avoids storing duplicate dicts in the `rehashing` list. Additionally, there are other modifications: 1. Whether in standalone or cluster mode, the dict in database is inserted into the rehashing linked list when rehashing starts. This eliminates the need to distinguish between standalone and cluster mode in `incrementallyRehash`. The function only needs to focus on the dicts in the `rehashing` list that require rehashing. 2. `rehashing` list is moved from per-database to Redis server level. This decouples `incrementallyRehash` from the database ID, and in standalone mode, there is no need to iterate over all databases, avoiding unnecessary access to databases that do not require rehashing. In the future, even if unsharded-cluster mode supports multiple databases, there will be no risk involved. 3. The insertion and removal operations of dict structures in the `rehashing` list are decoupled from `activerehashing` config. `activerehashing` only controls whether `incrementallyRehash` is executed in serverCron. There is no need for additional steps when modifying the `activerehashing` switch, as in #12705.
2023-12-15 03:42:53 +01:00
/* Allow a dict to carry extra caller-defined metadata. The
* extra memory is initialized to 0 when a dict is allocated. */
size_t (*dictMetadataBytes)(dict *d);
Refactor the per-slot dict-array db.c into a new kvstore data structure (#12822) # Description Gather most of the scattered `redisDb`-related code from the per-slot dict PR (#11695) and turn it to a new data structure, `kvstore`. i.e. it's a class that represents an array of dictionaries. # Motivation The main motivation is code cleanliness, the idea of using an array of dictionaries is very well-suited to becoming a self-contained data structure. This allowed cleaning some ugly code, among others: loops that run twice on the main dict and expires dict, and duplicate code for allocating and releasing this data structure. # Notes 1. This PR reverts the part of where the `rehashing` list is global (handling rehashing `dict`s is under the responsibility of `kvstore`, and should not be managed by the server) 2. This PR also replaces the type of `server.pubsubshard_channels` from `dict**` to `kvstore` (original PR: After that was done, server.pubsub_channels was also chosen to be a `kvstore` (with only one `dict`, which seems odd) just to make the code cleaner by making it the same type as `server.pubsubshard_channels`, see `pubsubtype.serverPubSubChannels` 3. the keys and expires kvstores are currenlty configured to allocate the individual dicts only when the first key is added (unlike before, in which they allocated them in advance), but they won't release them when the last key is deleted. Worth mentioning that due to the recent change the reply of DEBUG HTSTATS changed, in case no keys were ever added to the db. before: ```> DEBUG htstats 9 [Dictionary HT] Hash table 0 stats (main hash table): No stats available for empty dictionaries [Expires HT] Hash table 0 stats (main hash table): No stats available for empty dictionaries ``` after: ```> DEBUG htstats 9 [Dictionary HT] [Expires HT] ```
2024-02-05 16:21:35 +01:00
/* Data */
void *userdata;
/* Flags */
/* The 'no_value' flag, if set, indicates that values are not used, i.e. the
* dict is a set. When this flag is set, it's not possible to access the
* value of a dictEntry and it's also impossible to use dictSetKey(). Entry
* metadata can also not be used. */
unsigned int no_value:1;
/* If no_value = 1 and all keys are odd (LSB=1), setting keys_are_odd = 1
* enables one more optimization: to store a key without an allocated
* dictEntry. */
unsigned int keys_are_odd:1;
/* TODO: Add a 'keys_are_even' flag and use a similar optimization if that
* flag is set. */
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
} dictType;
#define DICTHT_SIZE(exp) ((exp) == -1 ? 0 : (unsigned long)1<<(exp))
#define DICTHT_SIZE_MASK(exp) ((exp) == -1 ? 0 : (DICTHT_SIZE(exp))-1)
struct dict {
dictType *type;
dictEntry **ht_table[2];
unsigned long ht_used[2];
long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */
/* Keep small vars at end for optimal (minimal) struct padding */
int16_t pauserehash; /* If >0 rehashing is paused (<0 indicates coding error) */
signed char ht_size_exp[2]; /* exponent of size. (size = 1<<exp) */
int16_t pauseAutoResize; /* If >0 automatic resizing is disallowed (<0 indicates coding error) */
Unified db rehash method for both standalone and cluster (#12848) After #11695, we added two functions `rehashingStarted` and `rehashingCompleted` to the dict structure. We also registered two handlers for the main database's dict and expire structures. This allows the main database to record the dict in `rehashing` list when rehashing starts. Later, in `serverCron`, the `incrementallyRehash` function is continuously called to perform the rehashing operation. However, currently, when rehashing is completed, `rehashingCompleted` does not remove the dict from the `rehashing` list. This results in the `rehashing` list containing many invalid dicts. Although subsequent cron checks and removes dicts that don't require rehashing, it is still inefficient. This PR implements the functionality to remove the dict from the `rehashing` list in `rehashingCompleted`. This is achieved by adding `metadata` to the dict structure, which keeps track of its position in the `rehashing` list, allowing for quick removal. This approach avoids storing duplicate dicts in the `rehashing` list. Additionally, there are other modifications: 1. Whether in standalone or cluster mode, the dict in database is inserted into the rehashing linked list when rehashing starts. This eliminates the need to distinguish between standalone and cluster mode in `incrementallyRehash`. The function only needs to focus on the dicts in the `rehashing` list that require rehashing. 2. `rehashing` list is moved from per-database to Redis server level. This decouples `incrementallyRehash` from the database ID, and in standalone mode, there is no need to iterate over all databases, avoiding unnecessary access to databases that do not require rehashing. In the future, even if unsharded-cluster mode supports multiple databases, there will be no risk involved. 3. The insertion and removal operations of dict structures in the `rehashing` list are decoupled from `activerehashing` config. `activerehashing` only controls whether `incrementallyRehash` is executed in serverCron. There is no need for additional steps when modifying the `activerehashing` switch, as in #12705.
2023-12-15 03:42:53 +01:00
void *metadata[];
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
2012-10-03 06:58:36 +02:00
/* If safe is set to 1 this is a safe iterator, that means, you can call
* dictAdd, dictFind, and other functions against the dictionary even while
* iterating. Otherwise it is a non safe iterator, and only dictNext()
* should be called while iterating. */
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
typedef struct dictIterator {
dict *d;
long index;
int table, safe;
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
dictEntry *entry, *nextEntry;
/* unsafe iterator fingerprint for misuse detection. */
unsigned long long fingerprint;
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
} dictIterator;
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
typedef struct dictStats {
int htidx;
unsigned long buckets;
unsigned long maxChainLen;
unsigned long totalChainLen;
unsigned long htSize;
unsigned long htUsed;
unsigned long *clvector;
} dictStats;
2012-07-09 10:00:26 +02:00
typedef void (dictScanFunction)(void *privdata, const dictEntry *de);
typedef void *(dictDefragAllocFunction)(void *ptr);
typedef struct {
dictDefragAllocFunction *defragAlloc; /* Used for entries etc. */
dictDefragAllocFunction *defragKey; /* Defrag-realloc keys (optional) */
dictDefragAllocFunction *defragVal; /* Defrag-realloc values (optional) */
} dictDefragFunctions;
2012-07-09 10:00:26 +02:00
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
/* This is the initial size of every hash table */
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
/* ------------------------------- Macros ------------------------------------*/
#define dictFreeVal(d, entry) do { \
if ((d)->type->valDestructor) \
(d)->type->valDestructor((d), dictGetVal(entry)); \
} while(0)
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
#define dictFreeKey(d, entry) \
if ((d)->type->keyDestructor) \
(d)->type->keyDestructor((d), dictGetKey(entry))
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
#define dictCompareKeys(d, key1, key2) \
(((d)->type->keyCompare) ? \
(d)->type->keyCompare((d), key1, key2) : \
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
(key1) == (key2))
Unified db rehash method for both standalone and cluster (#12848) After #11695, we added two functions `rehashingStarted` and `rehashingCompleted` to the dict structure. We also registered two handlers for the main database's dict and expire structures. This allows the main database to record the dict in `rehashing` list when rehashing starts. Later, in `serverCron`, the `incrementallyRehash` function is continuously called to perform the rehashing operation. However, currently, when rehashing is completed, `rehashingCompleted` does not remove the dict from the `rehashing` list. This results in the `rehashing` list containing many invalid dicts. Although subsequent cron checks and removes dicts that don't require rehashing, it is still inefficient. This PR implements the functionality to remove the dict from the `rehashing` list in `rehashingCompleted`. This is achieved by adding `metadata` to the dict structure, which keeps track of its position in the `rehashing` list, allowing for quick removal. This approach avoids storing duplicate dicts in the `rehashing` list. Additionally, there are other modifications: 1. Whether in standalone or cluster mode, the dict in database is inserted into the rehashing linked list when rehashing starts. This eliminates the need to distinguish between standalone and cluster mode in `incrementallyRehash`. The function only needs to focus on the dicts in the `rehashing` list that require rehashing. 2. `rehashing` list is moved from per-database to Redis server level. This decouples `incrementallyRehash` from the database ID, and in standalone mode, there is no need to iterate over all databases, avoiding unnecessary access to databases that do not require rehashing. In the future, even if unsharded-cluster mode supports multiple databases, there will be no risk involved. 3. The insertion and removal operations of dict structures in the `rehashing` list are decoupled from `activerehashing` config. `activerehashing` only controls whether `incrementallyRehash` is executed in serverCron. There is no need for additional steps when modifying the `activerehashing` switch, as in #12705.
2023-12-15 03:42:53 +01:00
#define dictMetadata(d) (&(d)->metadata)
#define dictMetadataSize(d) ((d)->type->dictMetadataBytes \
? (d)->type->dictMetadataBytes(d) : 0)
#define dictHashKey(d, key) ((d)->type->hashFunction(key))
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
#define dictBuckets(d) (DICTHT_SIZE((d)->ht_size_exp[0])+DICTHT_SIZE((d)->ht_size_exp[1]))
#define dictSize(d) ((d)->ht_used[0]+(d)->ht_used[1])
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
#define dictIsEmpty(d) ((d)->ht_used[0] == 0 && (d)->ht_used[1] == 0)
#define dictIsRehashing(d) ((d)->rehashidx != -1)
#define dictPauseRehashing(d) ((d)->pauserehash++)
#define dictResumeRehashing(d) ((d)->pauserehash--)
#define dictIsRehashingPaused(d) ((d)->pauserehash > 0)
#define dictPauseAutoResize(d) ((d)->pauseAutoResize++)
#define dictResumeAutoResize(d) ((d)->pauseAutoResize--)
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
/* If our unsigned long type can store a 64 bit number, use a 64 bit PRNG. */
#if ULONG_MAX >= 0xffffffffffffffff
#define randomULong() ((unsigned long) genrand64_int64())
#define randomULong() random()
typedef enum {
} dictResizeEnable;
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
/* API */
dict *dictCreate(dictType *type);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
int dictExpand(dict *d, unsigned long size);
int dictTryExpand(dict *d, unsigned long size);
int dictShrink(dict *d, unsigned long size);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
int dictAdd(dict *d, void *key, void *val);
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key, dictEntry **existing);
void *dictFindPositionForInsert(dict *d, const void *key, dictEntry **existing);
dictEntry *dictInsertAtPosition(dict *d, void *key, void *position);
dictEntry *dictAddOrFind(dict *d, void *key);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
int dictReplace(dict *d, void *key, void *val);
int dictDelete(dict *d, const void *key);
dictEntry *dictUnlink(dict *d, const void *key);
void dictFreeUnlinkedEntry(dict *d, dictEntry *he);
Add a special notification unlink available only for modules (#9406) Add a new module event `RedisModule_Event_Key`, this event is fired when a key is removed from the keyspace. The event includes an open key that can be used for reading the key before it is removed. Modules can also extract the key-name, and use RM_Open or RM_Call to access key from within that event, but shouldn't modify anything from within this event. The following sub events are available: - `REDISMODULE_SUBEVENT_KEY_DELETED` - `REDISMODULE_SUBEVENT_KEY_EXPIRED` - `REDISMODULE_SUBEVENT_KEY_EVICTED` - `REDISMODULE_SUBEVENT_KEY_OVERWRITE` The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleKeyInfo structure with the following fields: ``` RedisModuleKey *key; // Opened Key ``` ### internals * We also add two dict functions: `dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFind` finds an element from the table, also get the plink of the entry. The entry is returned if the element is found. The user should later call `dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFree` with it in order to unlink and release it. Otherwise if the key is not found, NULL is returned. These two functions should be used in pair. `dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFind` pauses rehash and `dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFree` resumes rehash. * We change `dbOverwrite` to `dbReplaceValue` which just replaces the value of the key and doesn't fire any events. The "overwrite" part (which emits events) is just when called from `setKey`, the other places that called dbOverwrite were ones that just update the value in-place (INCR*, SPOP, and dbUnshareStringValue). This should not have any real impact since `moduleNotifyKeyUnlink` and `signalDeletedKeyAsReady` wouldn't have mattered in these cases anyway (i.e. module keys and stream keys didn't have direct calls to dbOverwrite) * since we allow doing RM_OpenKey from withing these callbacks, we temporarily disable lazy expiry. * We also temporarily disable lazy expiry when we are in unlink/unlink2 callback and keyspace notification callback. * Move special definitions to the top of redismodule.h This is needed to resolve compilation errors with RedisModuleKeyInfoV1 that carries a RedisModuleKey member. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-11-30 10:56:36 +01:00
dictEntry *dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFind(dict *d, const void *key, dictEntry ***plink, int *table_index);
void dictTwoPhaseUnlinkFree(dict *d, dictEntry *he, dictEntry **plink, int table_index);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
void dictRelease(dict *d);
dictEntry * dictFind(dict *d, const void *key);
void *dictFetchValue(dict *d, const void *key);
int dictShrinkIfNeeded(dict *d);
int dictExpandIfNeeded(dict *d);
void dictSetKey(dict *d, dictEntry* de, void *key);
void dictSetVal(dict *d, dictEntry *de, void *val);
void dictSetSignedIntegerVal(dictEntry *de, int64_t val);
void dictSetUnsignedIntegerVal(dictEntry *de, uint64_t val);
void dictSetDoubleVal(dictEntry *de, double val);
int64_t dictIncrSignedIntegerVal(dictEntry *de, int64_t val);
uint64_t dictIncrUnsignedIntegerVal(dictEntry *de, uint64_t val);
double dictIncrDoubleVal(dictEntry *de, double val);
void *dictEntryMetadata(dictEntry *de);
void *dictGetKey(const dictEntry *de);
void *dictGetVal(const dictEntry *de);
int64_t dictGetSignedIntegerVal(const dictEntry *de);
uint64_t dictGetUnsignedIntegerVal(const dictEntry *de);
double dictGetDoubleVal(const dictEntry *de);
double *dictGetDoubleValPtr(dictEntry *de);
size_t dictMemUsage(const dict *d);
size_t dictEntryMemUsage(void);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
dictIterator *dictGetIterator(dict *d);
dictIterator *dictGetSafeIterator(dict *d);
void dictInitIterator(dictIterator *iter, dict *d);
void dictInitSafeIterator(dictIterator *iter, dict *d);
void dictResetIterator(dictIterator *iter);
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
dictEntry *dictNext(dictIterator *iter);
void dictReleaseIterator(dictIterator *iter);
2010-04-15 18:07:57 +02:00
dictEntry *dictGetRandomKey(dict *d);
dictEntry *dictGetFairRandomKey(dict *d);
unsigned int dictGetSomeKeys(dict *d, dictEntry **des, unsigned int count);
void dictGetStats(char *buf, size_t bufsize, dict *d, int full);
uint64_t dictGenHashFunction(const void *key, size_t len);
uint64_t dictGenCaseHashFunction(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
void dictEmpty(dict *d, void(callback)(dict*));
void dictSetResizeEnabled(dictResizeEnable enable);
int dictRehash(dict *d, int n);
Unified db rehash method for both standalone and cluster (#12848) After #11695, we added two functions `rehashingStarted` and `rehashingCompleted` to the dict structure. We also registered two handlers for the main database's dict and expire structures. This allows the main database to record the dict in `rehashing` list when rehashing starts. Later, in `serverCron`, the `incrementallyRehash` function is continuously called to perform the rehashing operation. However, currently, when rehashing is completed, `rehashingCompleted` does not remove the dict from the `rehashing` list. This results in the `rehashing` list containing many invalid dicts. Although subsequent cron checks and removes dicts that don't require rehashing, it is still inefficient. This PR implements the functionality to remove the dict from the `rehashing` list in `rehashingCompleted`. This is achieved by adding `metadata` to the dict structure, which keeps track of its position in the `rehashing` list, allowing for quick removal. This approach avoids storing duplicate dicts in the `rehashing` list. Additionally, there are other modifications: 1. Whether in standalone or cluster mode, the dict in database is inserted into the rehashing linked list when rehashing starts. This eliminates the need to distinguish between standalone and cluster mode in `incrementallyRehash`. The function only needs to focus on the dicts in the `rehashing` list that require rehashing. 2. `rehashing` list is moved from per-database to Redis server level. This decouples `incrementallyRehash` from the database ID, and in standalone mode, there is no need to iterate over all databases, avoiding unnecessary access to databases that do not require rehashing. In the future, even if unsharded-cluster mode supports multiple databases, there will be no risk involved. 3. The insertion and removal operations of dict structures in the `rehashing` list are decoupled from `activerehashing` config. `activerehashing` only controls whether `incrementallyRehash` is executed in serverCron. There is no need for additional steps when modifying the `activerehashing` switch, as in #12705.
2023-12-15 03:42:53 +01:00
int dictRehashMicroseconds(dict *d, uint64_t us);
Use SipHash hash function to mitigate HashDos attempts. This change attempts to switch to an hash function which mitigates the effects of the HashDoS attack (denial of service attack trying to force data structures to worst case behavior) while at the same time providing Redis with an hash function that does not expect the input data to be word aligned, a condition no longer true now that sds.c strings have a varialbe length header. Note that it is possible sometimes that even using an hash function for which collisions cannot be generated without knowing the seed, special implementation details or the exposure of the seed in an indirect way (for example the ability to add elements to a Set and check the return in which Redis returns them with SMEMBERS) may make the attacker's life simpler in the process of trying to guess the correct seed, however the next step would be to switch to a log(N) data structure when too many items in a single bucket are detected: this seems like an overkill in the case of Redis. SPEED REGRESION TESTS: In order to verify that switching from MurmurHash to SipHash had no impact on speed, a set of benchmarks involving fast insertion of 5 million of keys were performed. The result shows Redis with SipHash in high pipelining conditions to be about 4% slower compared to using the previous hash function. However this could partially be related to the fact that the current implementation does not attempt to hash whole words at a time but reads single bytes, in order to have an output which is endian-netural and at the same time working on systems where unaligned memory accesses are a problem. Further X86 specific optimizations should be tested, the function may easily get at the same level of MurMurHash2 if a few optimizations are performed.
2017-02-20 16:09:54 +01:00
void dictSetHashFunctionSeed(uint8_t *seed);
uint8_t *dictGetHashFunctionSeed(void);
unsigned long dictScan(dict *d, unsigned long v, dictScanFunction *fn, void *privdata);
unsigned long dictScanDefrag(dict *d, unsigned long v, dictScanFunction *fn, dictDefragFunctions *defragfns, void *privdata);
2017-11-30 04:34:37 +01:00
uint64_t dictGetHash(dict *d, const void *key);
dictEntry *dictFindEntryByPtrAndHash(dict *d, const void *oldptr, uint64_t hash);
void dictRehashingInfo(dict *d, unsigned long long *from_size, unsigned long long *to_size);
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
size_t dictGetStatsMsg(char *buf, size_t bufsize, dictStats *stats, int full);
dictStats* dictGetStatsHt(dict *d, int htidx, int full);
void dictCombineStats(dictStats *from, dictStats *into);
void dictFreeStats(dictStats *stats);
int dictTest(int argc, char *argv[], int flags);
2009-03-22 10:30:00 +01:00
#endif /* __DICT_H */