
1.6 KiB

Source Files

Do not edit icon assets directly (i.e. tweaking those in the "Pop" folder with a raster editor)! For ease of development and organization's sake, the sources for all the different icons and cursors are kept in various subfolders:

  • fullcolor contains the source files and render scripts for all fullcolor icons.
  • scalable contains the source files and render scripts for all symbolic icons.
  • cursors contains the source files and render scripts for the cursor theme.
  • symlinks contains the data lits and generation scripts to create symbolic links the icon theme.


To modify the theme files, first edit the relevant source file in one of the above-mentioned directories. Following this, you must delete the original icon file/symlink from the main theme folder (in the Pop folder) and re-render the theme using the master-render.py script in the root directory. For convenience, the render scripts are set up to skip items which are already present in the output folder (hence the need to delete the existing output file).

For larger changes, or before releasing a new version, it may be required to clear all of the existing output files and re-render the entire theme. To do this, use the --clean flag for the master-render.py script to clear the directory first.



  • The Inkscape colour palette for the Pop icons. You can copy it to .config/inkscape/palettes and restart Inkscape to able to choose it from the palette menu (in the lower right corner).