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.PHONY: updater.phar
updater.phar: updater.php lib/*.php buildVersionFile.php
php buildVersionFile.php
composer dump-autoload
composer run box
chmod +x updater.phar
rm lib/Version.php
rm updater.phar index.php
index.php: lib/UpdateException.php lib/LogException.php lib/RecursiveDirectoryIteratorWithoutData.php lib/Updater.php index.web.php
# First put openining php tag and license
awk '/^<\?php$$/,/\*\//' index.web.php > index.php
# Then concat all files while filtering php tag and license
cat lib/UpdateException.php lib/LogException.php lib/RecursiveDirectoryIteratorWithoutData.php lib/Updater.php index.web.php| grep -v "^namespace" | awk '/^<\?php$$/,/\*\//{next} 1' >> index.php
cd tests && composer install
test: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat
test-cli: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/cli.feature
test-stable24: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/stable24.feature
test-stable25: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/stable25.feature
test-stable26: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/stable26.feature
test-master: updater.phar test/vendor
cd tests && vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/master.feature
cd tests && php checkSameCodeBase.php
build-and-local-test: updater.phar
cp updater.phar tests/data/server/nextcloud/updater/updater
cd tests/data/server/nextcloud/updater && ./updater