
1285 lines
37 KiB

* Nextcloud - Tasks
* @author Raimund Schlüßler
* @copyright 2018 Raimund Schlüßler <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
'use strict'
import Task from '../models/task.js'
import { isParentInList, momentToICALTime } from './storeHelper.js'
import TaskStatus from '../models/taskStatus.js'
import router from '../router.js'
import { findVTODObyUid } from './cdav-requests.js'
import { showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import moment from '@nextcloud/moment'
import ICAL from 'ical.js'
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state = {
tasks: {},
searchQuery: '',
const getters = {
* Returns all tasks corresponding to the calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @param {String} calendarId The Id of the calendar in question
* @returns {Array} The tasks
getTasksByCalendarId: (state, getters, rootState) => (calendarId) => {
const calendar = getters.getCalendarById(calendarId)
if (calendar) {
return Object.values(calendar.tasks)
* Returns all tasks corresponding to current route value
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {Array} The tasks
getTasksByRoute: (state, getters, rootState) => {
return getters.getTasksByCalendarId(rootState.route.params.calendarId)
* Returns all tasks which are direct children of the current task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @param {Object} parent The parent task
* @returns {Array} The sub-tasks of the current task
getTasksByParent: (state, getters, rootState) => (parent) => {
return getters.getTasksByCalendarId(
.filter(task => {
return task.related === parent.uid
* Returns all tasks of all calendars
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {Array} All tasks in store
getAllTasks: (state, getters, rootState) => {
let tasks = []
rootState.calendars.calendars.forEach(calendar => {
tasks = tasks.concat(Object.values(calendar.tasks))
return tasks
* Returns the task currently opened by route
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {Task} The task
getTaskByRoute: (state, getters, rootState) => {
// If a calendar is given, only search in that calendar.
if (rootState.route.params.calendarId) {
const calendar = getters.getCalendarById(rootState.route.params.calendarId)
if (!calendar) {
return null
return Object.values(calendar.tasks).find(task => {
return task.uri === rootState.route.params.taskId
// Else, we have to search all calendars
return getters.getTaskByUri(rootState.route.params.taskId)
* Returns the task by Uri
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @param {String} taskUri The Uri of the task in question
* @returns {Task} The task
getTaskByUri: (state, getters, rootState) => (taskUri) => {
// We have to search in all calendars
let task
for (const calendar of rootState.calendars.calendars) {
task = Object.values(calendar.tasks).find(task => {
return task.uri === taskUri
if (task) return task
return null
* Returns the task by Uri
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @param {String} taskUid The Uid of the task in question
* @returns {Task} The task
getTaskByUid: (state, getters, rootState) => (taskUid) => {
// We have to search in all calendars
let task
for (const calendar of rootState.calendars.calendars) {
task = Object.values(calendar.tasks).find(task => {
return task.uid === taskUid
if (task) return task
return null
* Returns the root tasks from a given object
* @param {Object} tasks The tasks to search in
* @returns {Array}
findRootTasks: () => (tasks) => {
return Object.values(tasks).filter(task => {
* Check if the task has the related field set.
* If it has, then check if the parent task is available
* (otherwise it might happen, that this task is not shown at all)
return !task.related || !isParentInList(task, tasks)
* Returns the completed root tasks from a given object
* @param {Object} tasks The tasks to search in
* @returns {Array}
findCompletedRootTasks: () => (tasks) => {
return Object.values(tasks).filter(task => {
* Check if the task has the related field set.
* If it has, then check if the parent task is available
* (otherwise it might happen, that this task is not shown at all)
return (!task.related || !isParentInList(task, tasks)) && task.completed
* Returns the not completed root tasks from a given object
* @param {Object} tasks The tasks to search in
* @returns {Array}
findUncompletedRootTasks: () => (tasks) => {
return Object.values(tasks).filter(task => {
* Check if the task has the related field set.
* If it has, then check if the parent task is available
* (otherwise it might happen, that this task is not shown at all)
return (!task.related || !isParentInList(task, tasks)) && !task.completed
* Returns the parent task of a given task
* @param {Task} task The task of which to find the parent
* @returns {Task} The parent task
getParentTask: () => (task) => {
const tasks = task.calendar.tasks
return Object.values(tasks).find(search => search.uid === task.related) || null
* Returns the current search query
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {String} The current search query
searchQuery: (state, getters, rootState) => {
return state.searchQuery
* Returns all categories of all tasks
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @returns {Array} All categories
categories: (state, getters) => {
const tasks = getters.getAllTasks
return tasks.reduce((categories, task) => {
// Add each category to the categories array if it's not present yet
task.categories.forEach((category) => {
if (!categories.includes(category)) {
return categories
}, [])
const mutations = {
* Stores tasks into state
* @param {Object} state Default state
* @param {Array<Task>} tasks Tasks
appendTasks(state, tasks = []) {
state.tasks = tasks.reduce(function(list, task) {
if (task instanceof Task) {
Vue.set(list, task.key, task)
} else {
console.error('Wrong task object', task)
return list
}, state.tasks)
* Stores task into state
* @param {Object} state Default state
* @param {Task} task The task to append
appendTask(state, task) {
Vue.set(state.tasks, task.key, task)
* Deletes a task from state
* @param {Object} state Default state
* @param {Task} task The task to delete
deleteTask(state, task) {
if (state.tasks[task.key] && task instanceof Task) {
Vue.delete(state.tasks, task.key)
* Deletes a task from the parent
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task to delete from the parents subtask list
* @param {Task} parent The paren task
deleteTaskFromParent(state, { task, parent }) {
if (task instanceof Task) {
// Remove task from parents subTask list if necessary
if (task.related && parent) {
Vue.delete(parent.subTasks, task.uid)
* Adds a task to parent task as subtask
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task to add to the parents subtask list
* @param {Task} parent The paren task
addTaskToParent(state, { task, parent }) {
if (task.related && parent) {
Vue.set(parent.subTasks, task.uid, task)
* Toggles the completed state of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
setComplete(state, { task, complete }) {
Vue.set(task, 'complete', complete)
* Toggles the starred state of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
toggleStarred(state, task) {
if (+task.priority < 1 || +task.priority > 4) {
Vue.set(task, 'priority', 1)
} else {
Vue.set(task, 'priority', 0)
* Toggles the pinned state of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
togglePinned(state, task) {
Vue.set(task, 'pinned', !task.pinned)
* Toggles the visibility of the subtasks
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
toggleSubtasksVisibility(state, task) {
Vue.set(task, 'hideSubtasks', !task.hideSubtasks)
* Toggles the visibility of the completed subtasks
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
toggleCompletedSubtasksVisibility(state, task) {
Vue.set(task, 'hideCompletedSubtasks', !task.hideCompletedSubtasks)
* Sets the summary of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} summary The summary
setSummary(state, { task, summary }) {
Vue.set(task, 'summary', summary)
* Sets the note of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} note The note
setNote(state, { task, note }) {
Vue.set(task, 'note', note)
* Sets the categories of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {Array} categories The array of categories
setCategories(state, { task, categories }) {
Vue.set(task, 'categories', categories)
* Adds a category to a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} category The category to add
addCategory(state, { task, category }) {
Vue.set(task, 'categories', task.categories.concat([category]))
* Sets the priority of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} priority The priority
setPriority(state, { task, priority }) {
Vue.set(task, 'priority', priority)
* Sets the classification of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} classification The classification
setClassification(state, { task, classification }) {
Vue.set(task, 'class', classification)
* Sets the status of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} status The status
setStatus(state, { task, status }) {
Vue.set(task, 'status', status)
* Sets the sort order of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {Integer} order The sort order
setSortOrder(state, { task, order }) {
Vue.set(task, 'sortOrder', order)
* Sets the due date of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {Moment} due The due date moment
* @param {Boolean} allDay Whether the date is all-day
setDue(state, { task, due, allDay }) {
if (due === null) {
// If the date is null, just set (remove) it.
Vue.set(task, 'due', due)
} else {
// Check, that the due date is after the start date.
// If it is not, shift the start date to keep the difference between start and due equal.
let start = task.startMoment
if (start.isValid() && due.isBefore(start)) {
const currentdue = task.dueMoment
if (currentdue.isValid()) {
start.subtract(currentdue.diff(due), 'ms')
} else {
start = due.clone()
Vue.set(task, 'start', momentToICALTime(start, allDay))
// Set the due date, convert it to ICALTime first.
Vue.set(task, 'due', momentToICALTime(due, allDay))
* Sets the start date of a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {Moment} start The start date moment
* @param {Boolean} allDay Whether the date is all-day
setStart(state, { task, start, allDay }) {
if (start === null) {
// If the date is null, just set (remove) it.
Vue.set(task, 'start', start)
} else {
// Check, that the start date is before the due date.
// If it is not, shift the due date to keep the difference between start and due equal.
let due = task.dueMoment
if (due.isValid() && start.isAfter(due)) {
const currentstart = task.startMoment
if (currentstart.isValid()) {
due.add(start.diff(currentstart), 'ms')
} else {
due = start.clone()
Vue.set(task, 'due', momentToICALTime(due, allDay))
// Set the due date, convert it to ICALTime first.
Vue.set(task, 'start', momentToICALTime(start, allDay))
* Toggles if the start and due dates of a task are all day
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
toggleAllDay(state, task) {
Vue.set(task, 'allDay', !task.allDay)
* Move task to a different calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to move the task to
setTaskCalendar(state, { task, calendar }) {
Vue.set(task, 'calendar', calendar)
* Move task to a different calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task
* @param {String} related The uid of the related task
setTaskParent(state, { task, related }) {
Vue.set(task, 'related', related)
* Update a task etag
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} task The task to update
* @param {string} etag The task etag
updateTaskEtag(state, { task }) {
if (state.tasks[task.key] && task instanceof Task) {
// replace task object data
state.tasks[task.key].dav.etag = task.conflict
} else {
console.error('Error while replacing the etag of following task ', task)
* Resets the sync status
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} task The task to update
resetStatus(state, { task }) {
if (state.tasks[task.key] && task instanceof Task) {
// replace task object data
state.tasks[task.key].syncstatus = null
* Update a task
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task to update
updateTask(state, task) {
if (state.tasks[task.key] && task instanceof Task) {
// replace task object data
} else {
console.error('Error while replacing the following task ', task)
* Sets the search query
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {String} searchQuery The search query
setSearchQuery(state, searchQuery) {
state.searchQuery = searchQuery
const actions = {
* Creates a new task
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} taskData The data of the new task
* @returns {Promise}
async createTask(context, taskData) {
if (!taskData.calendar) {
taskData.calendar = context.getters.getDefaultCalendar
// Don't try to create tasks in read-only calendars
if (taskData.calendar.readOnly) {
const task = new Task('BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-//Nextcloud Tasks v' + this._vm.$appVersion + '\nEND:VCALENDAR', taskData.calendar)
task.created =
task.summary = taskData.summary
task.hidesubtasks = 0
if (taskData.priority) {
task.priority = taskData.priority
if (taskData.complete) {
task.complete = taskData.complete
if (taskData.note) {
task.note = taskData.note
if (taskData.due) {
task.due = taskData.due
if (taskData.start) {
task.start = taskData.start
if (taskData.allDay) {
task.allDay = taskData.allDay
if (taskData.related) {
task.related = taskData.related
// Check that parent task is not completed, uncomplete if necessary.
if (task.complete !== 100) {
const parent = context.getters.getParentTask(task)
if (parent && parent.completed) {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task: parent, complete: 0 })
const vData = ICAL.stringify(task.jCal)
if (!task.dav) {
await task.calendar.dav.createVObject(vData)
.then((response) => {
Vue.set(task, 'dav', response)
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('success', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Successfully created the task.'))
context.commit('appendTask', task)
context.commit('addTaskToCalendar', task)
const parent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(task.related)
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task, parent })
// Open the details view for the new task
const calendarId = context.rootState.route.params.calendarId
const collectionId = context.rootState.route.params.collectionId
// Only open the details view if there is enough space or if it is already open.
if (document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 768 || context.rootState.route.params.taskId !== undefined) {
if (calendarId) {
router.push({ name: 'calendarsTask', params: { calendarId, taskId: task.uri } })
} else if (collectionId) {
if (collectionId === 'week') {
name: 'collectionsParamTask',
params: { collectionId, taskId: task.uri, collectionParam: '0' },
} else {
router.push({ name: 'collectionsTask', params: { collectionId, taskId: task.uri } })
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Deletes a task
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} data.task The task to delete
* @param {Boolean} [data.dav = true] Trigger a dav deletion
async deleteTask(context, { task, dav = true }) {
// Don't try to delete tasks in read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
// Don't delete tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
function deleteTaskFromStore() {
context.commit('deleteTask', task)
const parent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(task.related)
context.commit('deleteTaskFromParent', { task, parent })
context.commit('deleteTaskFromCalendar', task)
// delete all subtasks first
await Promise.all(Object.values(task.subTasks).map(async(subTask) => {
await context.dispatch('deleteTask', { task: subTask, dav: true })
// only local delete if the task doesn't exists on the server
if (task.dav && dav) {
await task.dav.delete()
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('error', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Could not delete the task.'))
} else {
* Schedules an update request for a given task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
* @returns {Promise}
async scheduleTaskUpdate(context, task) {
// If there already is an update request scheduled that has not started yet,
// we don't have to schedule another one.
if (!task.updateQueue.size) {
task.updateQueue.add(() => context.dispatch('updateTask', task))
* Updates a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
* @returns {Promise}
async updateTask(context, task) {
// Don't try to update tasks in read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
// Don't edit tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
const vCalendar = ICAL.stringify(task.jCal)
if (!task.conflict) { = vCalendar
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('sync', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Synchronizing to the server.'))
return task.dav.update()
.then((response) => {
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('success', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Task successfully saved to server.'))
.catch((error) => {
// Wrong etag, we most likely have a conflict
if (error && error.status === 412) {
// Saving the new etag so that the user can manually
// trigger a fetchCompleteData without any further errors
task.conflict = error.xhr.getResponseHeader('etag')
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('refresh', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Could not update the task because it was changed on the server. Please click to refresh it, local changes will be discarded.'), 'fetchFullTask')
} else {
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('error', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Could not update the task.'))
} else {
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('refresh', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Could not update the task because it was changed on the server. Please click to refresh it, local changes will be discarded.'), 'fetchFullTask')
* Retrieves the task with the given uri from the given calendar
* and commits the result
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.taskUri The uri of the requested task
* @returns {Task}
async getTaskByUri(context, { calendar, taskUri }) {
const response = await calendar.dav.find(taskUri)
if (response) {
const task = new Task(, calendar)
Vue.set(task, 'dav', response)
if (task.related) {
let parent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(task.related)
// If the parent is not found locally, we try to get it from the server.
if (!parent) {
parent = await context.dispatch('getTaskByUid', { calendar, taskUid: task.related })
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task, parent })
// In case we already have subtasks of this task in the store, add them as well.
const subTasksInStore = context.getters.getTasksByParent(task)
subTask => {
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task: subTask, parent: task })
context.commit('appendTasksToCalendar', { calendar, tasks: [task] })
context.commit('appendTasks', [task])
return task
} else {
return null
* Retrieves the task with the given uid from the given calendar
* and commits the result
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.taskUid The uid of the requested task
* @returns {Task}
async getTaskByUid(context, { calendar, taskUid }) {
const response = await findVTODObyUid(calendar, taskUid)
// We expect to only get zero or one task when we query by UID.
if (response.length) {
const task = new Task(response[0].data, calendar)
Vue.set(task, 'dav', response[0])
if (task.related) {
let parent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(task.related)
// If the parent is not found locally, we try to get it from the server.
if (!parent) {
parent = await context.dispatch('getTaskByUid', { calendar, taskUid: task.related })
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task, parent })
// In case we already have subtasks of this task in the store, add them as well.
const subTasksInStore = context.getters.getTasksByParent(task)
subTask => {
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task: subTask, parent: task })
context.commit('appendTasksToCalendar', { calendar, tasks: [task] })
context.commit('appendTasks', [task])
return task
} else {
console.debug('no task')
return null
* Toggles the completed state of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async toggleCompleted(context, task) {
// Don't try to edit tasks in read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
// Don't edit tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
if (task.completed) {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task, complete: 0 })
} else {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task, complete: 100 })
* Sets the percent complete property of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setPercentComplete(context, { task, complete }) {
if (complete < 100) {
// uncomplete the parent task
const parent = context.getters.getParentTask(task)
if (parent && parent.completed) {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task: parent, complete: 0 })
} else {
// complete all sub tasks
await Promise.all(Object.values(task.subTasks).map(async(subTask) => {
if (!subTask.completed) {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task: subTask, complete: 100 })
context.commit('setComplete', { task, complete })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Toggles the visibility of a tasks subtasks
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async toggleSubtasksVisibility(context, task) {
context.commit('toggleSubtasksVisibility', task)
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Toggles the visibility of a tasks completed subtasks
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async toggleCompletedSubtasksVisibility(context, task) {
context.commit('toggleCompletedSubtasksVisibility', task)
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Toggles the starred state of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async toggleStarred(context, task) {
// Don't try to edit tasks in read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
// Don't edit tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
context.commit('toggleStarred', task)
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Toggles the pinned state of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async togglePinned(context, task) {
// Don't try to edit tasks in read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
// Don't edit tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
context.commit('togglePinned', task)
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the summary of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setSummary(context, { task, summary }) {
context.commit('setSummary', { task, summary })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the note of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setNote(context, { task, note }) {
context.commit('setNote', { task, note })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the categories of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setCategories(context, { task, categories }) {
context.commit('setCategories', { task, categories })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Adds a category to a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async addCategory(context, { task, category }) {
context.commit('addCategory', { task, category })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the priority of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setPriority(context, { task, priority }) {
// check priority to comply with RFC5545 (to be between 0 and 9)
priority = (+priority < 0) ? 0 : (+priority > 9) ? 9 : Math.round(+priority)
context.commit('setPriority', { task, priority })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the classification of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setClassification(context, { task, classification }) {
// check classification to comply with RFC5545 values
classification = (['PUBLIC', 'PRIVATE', 'CONFIDENTIAL'].indexOf(classification) > -1) ? classification : null
context.commit('setClassification', { task, classification })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the status of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setStatus(context, { task, status }) {
// check status to comply with RFC5545 values
status = (['NEEDS-ACTION', 'COMPLETED', 'IN-PROCESS', 'CANCELLED'].indexOf(status) > -1) ? status : null
context.commit('setStatus', { task, status })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the sort order of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
* @param {Integer} order The sort order
async setSortOrder(context, { task, order }) {
if (task.sortOrder === order) {
context.commit('setSortOrder', { task, order })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the due date of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setDue(context, { task, due, allDay }) {
context.commit('setDue', { task, due, allDay })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the start date of a task
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async setStart(context, { task, start, allDay }) {
context.commit('setStart', { task, start, allDay })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Sets the start or due date to the given day
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
* @param {Integer} day The day to set
async setDate(context, { task, day }) {
const start = task.startMoment.startOf('day')
const due = task.dueMoment.startOf('day')
day = moment().startOf('day').add(day, 'days')
let diff
// Adjust start date
if (start.isValid()) {
diff = start.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days')
diff = diff < 0 ? 0 : diff
if (diff !== day) {
const newStart = task.startMoment.year(day.year()).month(day.month()).date(
context.commit('setStart', { task, start: newStart })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
// Adjust due date
} else if (due.isValid()) {
diff = due.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days')
diff = diff < 0 ? 0 : diff
if (diff !== day) {
const newDue = task.dueMoment.year(day.year()).month(day.month()).date(
context.commit('setDue', { task, due: newDue })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
// Set the due date to appropriate value
} else {
context.commit('setDue', { task, due: day })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Toggles if due and start date of a task are all-day
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Task} task The task to update
async toggleAllDay(context, task) {
// Don't try to toggle tasks from read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
return task
// Don't edit tasks in shared calendars with access class not PUBLIC
if (task.calendar.isSharedWithMe && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
context.commit('toggleAllDay', task)
if (+context.rootState.settings.settings.allDay !== +task.allDay) {
context.dispatch('setSetting', { type: 'allDay', value: +task.allDay })
context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Fetch the full vObject from the dav server
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} data.task The task to fetch
* @param {string} data.etag The task etag to override in case of conflict
* @returns {Promise}
async fetchFullTask(context, { task }) {
if (task.conflict !== '') {
await context.commit('updateTaskEtag', { task })
return task.dav.fetchCompleteData()
.then((response) => {
const newTask = new Task(, task.calendar)
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('success', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Successfully updated the task.'))
task.conflict = false
context.commit('updateTask', newTask)
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Moves a task to a new parent task
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} data.task The task to move
* @param {Task} data.parent The new parent task
async setTaskParent(context, { task, parent }) {
const parentId = parent ? parent.uid : null
// Only update the parent in case it differs from the current one.
if (task.related !== parentId) {
// Remove the task from the old parents subtask list
const oldParent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(task.related)
context.commit('deleteTaskFromParent', { task, parent: oldParent })
// Link to new parent
Vue.set(task, 'related', parentId)
// Add task to new parents subtask list
if (parent) {
Vue.set(parent.subTasks, task.uid, task)
// If the parent is completed, we complete the task
if (parent.completed) {
await context.dispatch('setPercentComplete', { task, complete: 100 })
// We have to send an update.
await context.dispatch('scheduleTaskUpdate', task)
* Moves a task to a new calendar or parent task
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Task} data.task The task to move
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar to move the task to
* @param {Task} data.parent The new parent task
* @returns {Task} The moved task
async moveTask(context, { task, calendar, parent = null }) {
// Don't try to move tasks from read-only calendars
if (task.calendar.readOnly) {
return task
// Don't move tasks with access class not PUBLIC from or to calendars shared with me
if ((task.calendar.isSharedWithMe || calendar.isSharedWithMe) && task.class !== 'PUBLIC') {
// Don't move if source and target calendar are the same.
if (task.dav && task.calendar !== calendar) {
// Move all subtasks first
await Promise.all(Object.values(task.subTasks).map(async(subTask) => {
await context.dispatch('moveTask', { task: subTask, calendar, parent: task })
await task.dav.move(calendar.dav)
.then((response) => {
context.commit('deleteTaskFromCalendar', task)
// Update the calendar of the task
context.commit('setTaskCalendar', { task, calendar })
// Remove the task from the calendar, add it to the new one
context.commit('addTaskToCalendar', task)
task.syncstatus = new TaskStatus('success', OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'Task successfully moved to new calendar.'))
.catch((error) => {
showError(OCA.Tasks.$t('tasks', 'An error occurred'))
// Set the new parent
await context.dispatch('setTaskParent', { task, parent })
return task
export default { state, getters, mutations, actions }