
757 lines
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* Nextcloud - Tasks
* @author Raimund Schlüßler
* @copyright 2018 Raimund Schlüßler <>
* @author John Molakvoæ
* @copyright 2018 John Molakvoæ <>
* @author Georg Ehrke
* @copyright 2018 Georg Ehrke <>
* @author Thomas Citharel <>
* @copyright 2018 Thomas Citharel <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
'use strict'
import parseIcs from '../services/parseIcs.js'
import client from '../services/cdav.js'
import Task from '../models/task.js'
import { isParentInList, searchSubTasks } from './storeHelper.js'
import { findVTODObyState } from './cdav-requests.js'
import router from '../router.js'
import { detectColor, uidToHexColor } from '../utils/color.js'
import ICAL from 'ical.js'
import pLimit from 'p-limit'
import Vue from 'vue'
const calendarModel = {
id: '',
color: '',
displayName: '',
enabled: true,
owner: '',
shares: [],
tasks: {},
url: '',
readOnly: false,
dav: false,
supportsEvents: true,
supportsTasks: true,
loadedCompleted: false,
// Whether or not the calendar is shared with me
isSharedWithMe: false,
// Whether or not the calendar can be shared by me
canBeShared: false,
// The order of this calendar in the calendar-list
order: 0,
const state = {
calendars: [],
* Maps a dav collection to our calendar object model
* @param {Object} calendar The calendar object from the cdav library
* @param {Object} currentUserPrincipal The principal model of the current user principal
* @returns {Object}
export function mapDavCollectionToCalendar(calendar, currentUserPrincipal) {
const owner = calendar.owner
let isSharedWithMe = false
if (!currentUserPrincipal) {
// If the user is not authenticated, the calendar
// will always be marked as shared with them
isSharedWithMe = true
} else {
isSharedWithMe = (owner !== currentUserPrincipal.url)
const displayName = calendar.displayname || getCalendarUriFromUrl(calendar.url)
// calendar.color can be set to anything on the server,
// so make sure it's something that remotely looks like a color
let color = detectColor(calendar.color)
if (!color) {
// As fallback if we don't know what color that is supposed to be
color = uidToHexColor(displayName)
const shares = []
if (!!currentUserPrincipal && Array.isArray(calendar.shares)) {
for (const share of calendar.shares) {
if (share.href === currentUserPrincipal.principalScheme) {
const order = +calendar.order || 0
return {
// get last part of url
id: calendar.url.split('/').slice(-2, -1)[0],
enabled: calendar.enabled !== false,
readOnly: !calendar.isWriteable(),
tasks: {},
url: calendar.url,
dav: calendar,
supportsEvents: calendar.components.includes('VEVENT'),
supportsTasks: calendar.components.includes('VTODO'),
loadedCompleted: false,
canBeShared: calendar.isShareable(),
* Maps a dav collection to the sharee array
* @param {Object} sharee The sharee object from the cdav library shares
* @returns {Object}
export function mapDavShareeToSharee(sharee) {
const id = sharee.href.split('/').slice(-1)[0]
let name = sharee['common-name']
? sharee['common-name']
: sharee.href
if (sharee.href.startsWith('principal:principals/groups/') && name === sharee.href) {
name = sharee.href.substr(28)
return {
displayName: name,
writeable: sharee.access[0].endsWith('read-write'),
isGroup: sharee.href.startsWith('principal:principals/groups/'),
isCircle: sharee.href.startsWith('principal:principals/circles/'),
uri: sharee.href,
* Gets the calendar uri from the url
* @param {String} url The url to get calendar uri from
* @returns {string}
function getCalendarUriFromUrl(url) {
if (url.endsWith('/')) {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1)
return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
const getters = {
* Returns the calendars sorted alphabetically
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @returns {Array<Calendar>} Array of the calendars sorted alphabetically
getSortedCalendars: state => {
return state.calendars.sort(function(cal1, cal2) {
const n1 = cal1.order
const n2 = cal2.order
return (n1 < n2) ? -1 : (n1 > n2) ? 1 : 0
* Returns the calendars sorted alphabetically
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @returns {Array<Calendar>} Array of the calendars sorted alphabetically
getSortedWritableCalendars: state => {
return state.calendars.filter(calendar => {
return !calendar.readOnly
.sort(function(cal1, cal2) {
const n1 = cal1.order
const n2 = cal2.order
return (n1 < n2) ? -1 : (n1 > n2) ? 1 : 0
* Returns the calendar with the given calendarId
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {String} calendarId The id of the requested calendar
* @returns {Calendar} The requested calendar
getCalendarById: state => (calendarId) => {
const calendar = state.calendars.find(search => === calendarId)
return calendar
* Returns the number of tasks in a calendar
* Tasks have to be
* - a root task
* - uncompleted
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @param {String} calendarId The id of the requested calendar
* @returns {Integer} The number of tasks
getCalendarCount: (state, getters, rootState) => (calendarId) => {
const calendar = getters.getCalendarById(calendarId)
let tasks = Object.values(calendar.tasks)
.filter(task => {
return task.closed === false && (!task.related || !isParentInList(task, calendar.tasks))
if (rootState.tasks.searchQuery) {
tasks = tasks.filter(task => {
if (task.matches(rootState.tasks.searchQuery)) {
return true
// We also have to show tasks for which one sub(sub...)task matches.
return searchSubTasks(task, rootState.tasks.searchQuery)
return tasks.length
* Returns the count of closed tasks in a calendar
* Tasks have to be
* - a root task
* - closed
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {String} calendarId The id of the calendar in question
* @returns {Integer} The count of closed tasks in a calendar
getCalendarCountClosed: (state, getters) => (calendarId) => {
const calendar = getters.getCalendarById(calendarId)
return Object.values(calendar.tasks)
.filter(task => {
return task.closed === true && (!task.related || !isParentInList(task, calendar.tasks))
* Returns if a calendar name is already used by an other calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {String} name The name to check
* @param {String} id The id of the calendar to exclude
* @returns {Boolean} If a calendar name is already used
isCalendarNameUsed: state => (name, id) => {
return state.calendars.some(calendar => {
return (calendar.displayName === name && !== id)
* Returns the current calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {Calendar} The calendar by route
getCalendarByRoute: (state, getters, rootState) => {
if (rootState.route.params.collectionId) {
return getters.getDefaultCalendar
return getters.getCalendarById(rootState.route.params.calendarId)
* Returns the default calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} getters The store getters
* @param {Object} rootState The store root state
* @returns {Calendar} The default calendar
getDefaultCalendar: (state, getters, rootState) => {
const defaultCalendar = getters.getCalendarById(rootState.settings.settings.defaultCalendarId)
// If the default calendar is read only we return the first calendar that is writable
if (!defaultCalendar || defaultCalendar.readOnly) {
return getters.getSortedCalendars.find(calendar => !calendar.readOnly) || getters.getSortedCalendars[0]
return defaultCalendar
const mutations = {
* Adds a calendar to the state
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to add
addCalendar(state, calendar) {
// extend the calendar to the default model
calendar = Object.assign({}, calendarModel, calendar)
// Only add the calendar if it is not already present
if (state.calendars.some(cal => {
return ===
})) {
* Delete calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to delete
deleteCalendar(state, calendar) {
state.calendars.splice(state.calendars.indexOf(calendar), 1)
* Toggles whether a calendar is enabled
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to toggle
toggleCalendarEnabled(context, calendar) {
calendar.enabled = !calendar.enabled
* Changes the name and the color of a calendar
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar to change
* @param {String} data.newName The new name of the calendar
* @param {String} data.newColor The new color of the calendar
renameCalendar(context, { calendar, newName, newColor }) {
calendar.displayName = newName
calendar.color = newColor
* Appends a list of tasks to a calendar
* and removes duplicates
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar to add the tasks to
* @param {Task[]} data.tasks Array of tasks to append
appendTasksToCalendar(state, { calendar, tasks }) {
// Convert list into an array and remove duplicate
calendar.tasks = tasks.reduce((list, task) => {
if (list[task.uid]) {
console.debug('Duplicate task overridden', list[task.uid], task)
Vue.set(list, task.uid, task)
return list
}, calendar.tasks)
* Adds a task to a calendar and overwrites if duplicate uid
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task to add
addTaskToCalendar(state, task) {
Vue.set(task.calendar.tasks, task.uid, task)
* Deletes a task from its calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Task} task The task to delete
deleteTaskFromCalendar(state, task) {
Vue.delete(task.calendar.tasks, task.uid)
* Shares a calendar with a user or group
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.user The userId
* @param {String} data.displayName The displayName
* @param {String} data.uri The sharing principalScheme uri
* @param {Boolean} data.isGroup Is this a group ?
* @param {Boolean} data.isCircle Is this a circle?
shareCalendar(state, { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
const newSharee = {
id: user,
writeable: false,
if (!calendar.shares.some((share) => share.uri === uri)) {
* Removes a sharee from calendar shares list
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.uri The sharee uri
removeSharee(state, { calendar, uri }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
const shareIndex = calendar.shares.findIndex(sharee => sharee.uri === uri)
calendar.shares.splice(shareIndex, 1)
* Toggles sharee's writable permission
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.uri The sharee uri
updateShareeWritable(state, { calendar, uri }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
const sharee = calendar.shares.find(sharee => sharee.uri === uri)
sharee.writeable = !sharee.writeable
* Sets the sort order of a calendar
* @param {Object} state The store data
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar
* @param {Integer} order The sort order
setCalendarOrder(state, { calendar, order }) {
Vue.set(calendar, 'order', order)
const actions = {
* Retrieves and commits calendars
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @returns {Promise<Array>} The calendars
async getCalendars(context) {
let calendars = await client.calendarHomes[0].findAllCalendars()
.then(calendars => {
return => {
return mapDavCollectionToCalendar(calendar, context.getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)
// Remove calendars which don't support tasks
calendars = calendars.filter(calendar => calendar.supportsTasks)
calendars.forEach(calendar => {
context.commit('addCalendar', calendar)
return calendars
* Appends a new calendar to array of existing calendars
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to append
* @returns {Promise}
async appendCalendar(context, calendar) {
return client.calendarHomes[0].createCalendarCollection(calendar.displayName, calendar.color, ['VTODO'])
.then((response) => {
calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(response, context.getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)
context.commit('addCalendar', calendar)
// Open the calendar
router.push({ name: 'calendars', params: { calendarId: } })
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Delete calendar
* @param {Object} context The store mutations Current context
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to delete
* @returns {Promise}
async deleteCalendar(context, calendar) {
return calendar.dav.delete()
.then((response) => {
// Delete all the tasks from the store that belong to this calendar
.forEach(task => context.commit('deleteTask', task))
// Then delete the calendar
context.commit('deleteCalendar', calendar)
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Toggles whether a calendar is enabled
* @param {Object} context The store mutations current context
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to toggle
* @returns {Promise}
async toggleCalendarEnabled(context, calendar) {
calendar.dav.enabled = !calendar.dav.enabled
return calendar.dav.update()
.then((response) => context.commit('toggleCalendarEnabled', calendar))
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Changes the name and the color of a calendar
* @param {Object} context The store mutations Current context
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar to change
* @param {String} data.newName The new name of the calendar
* @param {String} data.newColor The new color of the calendar
* @returns {Promise}
async changeCalendar(context, { calendar, newName, newColor }) {
calendar.dav.displayname = newName
calendar.dav.color = newColor
return calendar.dav.update()
.then((response) => context.commit('renameCalendar', { calendar, newName, newColor }))
.catch((error) => { throw error })
* Retrieves the tasks of the specified calendar
* and commits the results
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.completed Are the requested tasks completed
* @param {String} data.related The uid of the parent task
* @returns {Promise}
async getTasksFromCalendar(context, { calendar, completed = false, related = null }) {
try {
const response = await findVTODObyState(calendar, completed, related)
if (response) {
// If we loaded completed tasks, note that.
if (completed) {
calendar.loadedCompleted = true
// We don't want to lose the url information
// so we need to parse one by one
const tasks = => {
const task = new Task(, calendar)
Vue.set(task, 'dav', item)
return task
// Initialize subtasks so we don't have to search for them on every change.
// We do have to manually adjust this list when a task is added, deleted or moved.
parent => {
const subTasks = tasks.filter(task => {
return task.related === parent.uid
// Convert list into an array and remove duplicate
parent.subTasks = subTasks.reduce((list, task) => {
if (list[task.uid]) {
console.debug('Duplicate task overridden', list[task.uid], task)
Vue.set(list, task.uid, task)
return list
}, parent.subTasks)
// In case we already have subtasks of this task in the store, add them as well.
const subTasksInStore = context.getters.getTasksByParent(parent)
subTask => {
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task: subTask, parent })
// If necessary, add the tasks as subtasks to parent tasks already present in the store.
if (!related) {
const parentParent = context.getters.getTaskByUid(parent.related)
context.commit('addTaskToParent', { task: parent, parent: parentParent })
// If the requested tasks are related to a task, add the tasks as subtasks
if (related) {
const parent = Object.values(calendar.tasks).find(search => search.uid === related)
if (parent) {
parent.loadedCompleted = true => Vue.set(parent.subTasks, task.uid, task))
context.commit('appendTasksToCalendar', { calendar, tasks })
context.commit('appendTasks', tasks)
return tasks
} catch (error) {
// unrecoverable error, if no tasks were loaded,
// remove the calendar
// TODO: create a failed calendar state and show that there was an issue?
context.commit('deleteCalendar', calendar)
* Imports tasks into a calendar from an ics file
* @param {Object} context The store mutations
* @param {Object} importDetails = { ics, calendar }
async importTasksIntoCalendar(context, { ics, calendar }) {
const tasks = parseIcs(ics, calendar)
context.commit('changeStage', 'importing')
// max simultaneous requests
const limit = pLimit(3)
const requests = []
// create the array of requests to send task => {
// Get vcard string
try {
const vData = ICAL.stringify(task.vCard.jCal)
// push task to server and use limit
requests.push(limit(() => task.calendar.dav.createVCard(vData)
.then((response) => {
// setting the task dav property
Vue.set(task, 'dav', response)
// success, update store
context.commit('addTask', task)
context.commit('addTaskToCalendar', task)
.catch((error) => {
// error
} catch (e) {
Promise.all(requests).then(() => {
context.commit('changeStage', 'default')
* Removes a sharee from a calendar
* @param {Object} context The store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.uri The sharee uri
async removeSharee(context, { calendar, uri }) {
await calendar.dav.unshare(uri)
context.commit('removeSharee', { calendar, uri })
* Toggles permissions of calendar sharees writeable rights
* @param {Object} context The store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data Destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.uri The sharee uri
* @param {Boolean} data.writeable The sharee permission
async toggleShareeWritable(context, { calendar, uri, writeable }) {
await calendar.dav.share(uri, writeable)
context.commit('updateShareeWritable', { calendar, uri, writeable })
* Shares a calendar with a user or a group
* @param {Object} context The store mutations Current context
* @param {Calendar} data.calendar The calendar
* @param {String} data.user The userId
* @param {String} data.displayName The displayName
* @param {String} data.uri The sharing principalScheme uri
* @param {Boolean} data.isGroup Is this a group ?
* @param {Boolean} data.isCircle Is this a circle?
async shareCalendar(context, { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle }) {
// Share calendar with entered group or user
await calendar.dav.share(uri)
context.commit('shareCalendar', { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle })
* Sets the sort order of a calendar
* @param {Object} context The store context
* @param {Calendar} calendar The calendar to update
* @param {Integer} order The sort order
async setCalendarOrder(context, { calendar, order }) {
if (calendar.order === order) {
context.commit('setCalendarOrder', { calendar, order })
calendar.dav.order = order
await calendar.dav.update()
export default { state, getters, mutations, actions }