Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex

Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
This commit is contained in:
Nextcloud bot 2024-03-29 01:40:32 +00:00
parent d0e0c111de
commit 53978fdf05
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
4 changed files with 178 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
"Upcoming tasks" : "Xeres próximes",
"Important" : "Importante",
"Today" : "Güei",
"Week" : "Selmana",
"All" : "Too",
"Current" : "Actual",
"Completed" : "Completóse",
"Tasks" : "Xeres",
"The Tasks app for Nextcloud" : "L'aplicación Xeres pa Nextcloud",
"Default list" : "Llista predeterminada",
"Visibility of Smart Collections" : "Visibilidá de les coleiciones intelixentes",
"Visible" : "Visible",
"Tasks settings" : "Configuración de les xeres",
"Share with users or groups" : "Compartir con usuarios o grupos",
"No users or groups" : "Nun hai nengún usuariu nin grupu",
"Can edit" : "Pue editar",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "Dexar de compartir con {displayName}",
"Unable to delete the share." : "Nun ye posible desaniciar la compartición.",
"Unable to change permissions." : "Nun ye posible camudar los permisos.",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Copy private link" : "Copiar l'enllaz priváu",
"Copied" : "Copióse",
"Cannot copy" : "Nun se pue copiar",
"Export" : "Esportar",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
"This will unshare the calendar \"{calendar}\"." : "Esta aición va dexar de compartir el calendariu «{calendar}».",
"This will delete the list \"{list}\" and all corresponding tasks." : "Esta aición va desaniciar la llista «{list}» y les xeres correspondientes.",
"This will unshare the list \"{list}\"." : "Esta aición va dexar de compartir la llista «{list}».",
"Share this calendar" : "Compartir esti calendariu",
"Share this list" : "Compartir esta llista",
"Calendar link copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz del calendariu copióse nel cartafueyu.",
"List link copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz de la llista copióse nel cartafueyu.",
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz del calendariu nun se pudo copiar nel cartafueyu.",
"List link could not be copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz de la llista nun se pudo copiar nel cartafueyu.",
"The name \"{calendar}\" is already used." : "El nome «{calendar}» yá ta n'usu.",
"An empty name is not allowed." : "Nun se permite nengún nome baleru.",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "Prodúxose un error, nun ye posible desaniciar el calendariu",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the list." : "Prodúxose un error, nun ye posible desaniciar la llista.",
"_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va desaniciase'l calendariu en {countdown} segundu","Va desaniciase'l calendariu en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va dexar de compartise'l calendariu en {countdown} segundu","Va dexar de compartise'l calendariu en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Deleting the list in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the list in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va desaniciase la llista en {countdown} segundu","Va desaniciase la llista en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Unsharing the list in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the list in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va dexar de compartise la llista en {countdown} segundu","Va dexar de compartise la llista en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["Compartióse con {num} entidá","Compartióse con {num} entidaes"],
"Trash bin" : "Papelera",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Deleted" : "Desanicióse",
@ -19,16 +52,45 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete permanently" : "Desaniciar permanentemente",
"Untitled task" : "Xera ensin títulu",
"Untitled event" : "Eventu ensin títulu",
"Untitled item" : "Elementu ensin nome",
"Could not delete calendar or event" : "Nun se pudo desaniciar el calendariu o l'eventu",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Nun se pudo restaurar el calendariu o l'eventu",
"No calendar matches the search." : "Nun hai nengún calendariu que concase cola busca.",
"Click here to add a note." : "Calca p'amestar una nota.",
"Delete value" : "Desaniciar el valor",
"No tag available. Create one!" : "Nun hai nenguna etiqueta disponible. ¡Crea una!",
"Create new tasks" : "Crear xeres nueves",
"Create {numberOfTasks} tasks from pasted text" : "Crear {numberOfTasks} xeres del testu apegáu",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Create tasks" : "Crear les xeres",
"Creating new tasks…" : "Creando les xeres nueves…",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Delete all completed tasks." : "Desanicia toles xeres completaes.",
"Delete completed tasks." : "Desanicia les xeres completaes.",
"Deleted all completed tasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"." : "Desaniciáronse toles xeres completaes del calendariu «{calendar}».",
"No errors" : "Nun hai nengún error",
"Open your browser console for more details" : "Abri'l la consola del restolador pa consiguir más detalles",
"_This will delete {taskCount} completed task and its subtasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"._::_This will delete {taskCount} completed tasks and their subtasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"._" : ["Esta aición va desaniciar {taskCount} xera completa y les sos soxeres del calendariu «{calendar}».","Esta aición va desaniciar {taskCount} xeres completaes y les sos soxeres del calendariu «{calendar}»."],
"_Could not delete {failedCount} task._::_Could not delete {failedCount} tasks._" : ["Nun se pudo desaniciar {failedCount} xera.","Nun se pudieron desaniciar {failedCount} xeres."],
"Load the completed tasks of all lists." : "Carga les xeres completaes de toles llistes.",
"Loading the completed tasks of all lists might slow down the app." : "La carga de les xeres completaes de toles llistes quiciabes amenorgue la velocidá de l'aplicación.",
"Loading the completed tasks might slow down the app." : "La carga de les xeres completaes quiciabes amenorgue la velocidá de l'aplicación.",
"Change sort order" : "Camudar l'orde de clasificación",
"Relevance" : "Relevancia",
"Start date" : "Data de comienzu",
"Due date" : "Data de fin",
"Created date" : "Data de creación",
"Priority" : "Prioridá",
"Alphabetically" : "Alfabéticamente",
"Task is pinned" : "La xera ta fixada",
"Task has a note" : "La xera tien una nota",
"Delete task" : "Desaniciar la xera",
"[Yesterday]" : "[Ayeri]",
"[Today]" : "[Güei]",
"[Tomorrow]" : "[Mañana]",
"Task is cancelled" : "La xera ta anulada",
"Task is completed" : "La xera ta completada",
"Task is read-only" : "La xera ye de namás llectura",
"Task is not completed" : "La xera nun ta completada",
"Create a new task" : "Crear una xera",
"Task summary" : "Resume de la xera",
@ -36,6 +98,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating the new task…" : "Creando una xera…",
"Open task" : "Abrir la xera",
"Tomorrow" : "Mañana",
"Add List…" : "Amestar una llista…",
"New list" : "Llista nueva",
"All day" : "Tol día",
"Unpin" : "Lliberar",
@ -43,9 +106,28 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show in Calendar" : "Amosar en Calendariu",
"Edit summary" : "Editar el resume",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"Set a location" : "Afitar un llugar",
"Set a URL" : "Afitar una URL",
"Select tags" : "Seleicionar etiquetes",
"Notes" : "Notes",
"Reminders" : "Recordatorios",
"Repeat" : "Repitir",
"When shared show full event" : "Cuando se comparta amosar l'eventu completu",
"When shared hide this event" : "Cuando se comparta anubrir l'eventu",
"In process" : "En cursu",
"An error occurred" : "Prodúxose un error"
"Clear status" : "Borrar l'estáu",
"Loading task from server." : "Cargando la xera del sirvidor.",
"Task not found!" : "¡Nun s'atopó la xera!",
"No upcoming tasks" : "Nun hai nenguna xera próxima",
"upcoming tasks" : "xeres próximes",
"No tasks today" : "Güei nun hai nenguna xera",
"Successfully created the task." : "La xera creóse correutamente.",
"Could not delete the task." : "Nun se pudo desaniciar la xera.",
"Task successfully saved to server." : "La xera guardóse correutamente nel sirvidor.",
"Could not update the task." : "Nun se pudo anovar la xera.",
"Successfully updated the task." : "La xera copióse correutamente.",
"Task successfully moved to new calendar." : "La xera movióse correutamente al calendariu nuevu.",
"An error occurred" : "Prodúxose un error",
"Create a task" : "Crear una xera"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

View File

@ -1,15 +1,48 @@
{ "translations": {
"Upcoming tasks" : "Xeres próximes",
"Important" : "Importante",
"Today" : "Güei",
"Week" : "Selmana",
"All" : "Too",
"Current" : "Actual",
"Completed" : "Completóse",
"Tasks" : "Xeres",
"The Tasks app for Nextcloud" : "L'aplicación Xeres pa Nextcloud",
"Default list" : "Llista predeterminada",
"Visibility of Smart Collections" : "Visibilidá de les coleiciones intelixentes",
"Visible" : "Visible",
"Tasks settings" : "Configuración de les xeres",
"Share with users or groups" : "Compartir con usuarios o grupos",
"No users or groups" : "Nun hai nengún usuariu nin grupu",
"Can edit" : "Pue editar",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "Dexar de compartir con {displayName}",
"Unable to delete the share." : "Nun ye posible desaniciar la compartición.",
"Unable to change permissions." : "Nun ye posible camudar los permisos.",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Copy private link" : "Copiar l'enllaz priváu",
"Copied" : "Copióse",
"Cannot copy" : "Nun se pue copiar",
"Export" : "Esportar",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
"This will unshare the calendar \"{calendar}\"." : "Esta aición va dexar de compartir el calendariu «{calendar}».",
"This will delete the list \"{list}\" and all corresponding tasks." : "Esta aición va desaniciar la llista «{list}» y les xeres correspondientes.",
"This will unshare the list \"{list}\"." : "Esta aición va dexar de compartir la llista «{list}».",
"Share this calendar" : "Compartir esti calendariu",
"Share this list" : "Compartir esta llista",
"Calendar link copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz del calendariu copióse nel cartafueyu.",
"List link copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz de la llista copióse nel cartafueyu.",
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz del calendariu nun se pudo copiar nel cartafueyu.",
"List link could not be copied to clipboard." : "L'enllaz de la llista nun se pudo copiar nel cartafueyu.",
"The name \"{calendar}\" is already used." : "El nome «{calendar}» yá ta n'usu.",
"An empty name is not allowed." : "Nun se permite nengún nome baleru.",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "Prodúxose un error, nun ye posible desaniciar el calendariu",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the list." : "Prodúxose un error, nun ye posible desaniciar la llista.",
"_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va desaniciase'l calendariu en {countdown} segundu","Va desaniciase'l calendariu en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va dexar de compartise'l calendariu en {countdown} segundu","Va dexar de compartise'l calendariu en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Deleting the list in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the list in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va desaniciase la llista en {countdown} segundu","Va desaniciase la llista en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Unsharing the list in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the list in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Va dexar de compartise la llista en {countdown} segundu","Va dexar de compartise la llista en {countdown} segundos"],
"_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["Compartióse con {num} entidá","Compartióse con {num} entidaes"],
"Trash bin" : "Papelera",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Deleted" : "Desanicióse",
@ -17,16 +50,45 @@
"Delete permanently" : "Desaniciar permanentemente",
"Untitled task" : "Xera ensin títulu",
"Untitled event" : "Eventu ensin títulu",
"Untitled item" : "Elementu ensin nome",
"Could not delete calendar or event" : "Nun se pudo desaniciar el calendariu o l'eventu",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Nun se pudo restaurar el calendariu o l'eventu",
"No calendar matches the search." : "Nun hai nengún calendariu que concase cola busca.",
"Click here to add a note." : "Calca p'amestar una nota.",
"Delete value" : "Desaniciar el valor",
"No tag available. Create one!" : "Nun hai nenguna etiqueta disponible. ¡Crea una!",
"Create new tasks" : "Crear xeres nueves",
"Create {numberOfTasks} tasks from pasted text" : "Crear {numberOfTasks} xeres del testu apegáu",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Create tasks" : "Crear les xeres",
"Creating new tasks…" : "Creando les xeres nueves…",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Delete all completed tasks." : "Desanicia toles xeres completaes.",
"Delete completed tasks." : "Desanicia les xeres completaes.",
"Deleted all completed tasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"." : "Desaniciáronse toles xeres completaes del calendariu «{calendar}».",
"No errors" : "Nun hai nengún error",
"Open your browser console for more details" : "Abri'l la consola del restolador pa consiguir más detalles",
"_This will delete {taskCount} completed task and its subtasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"._::_This will delete {taskCount} completed tasks and their subtasks from calendar \"{calendar}\"._" : ["Esta aición va desaniciar {taskCount} xera completa y les sos soxeres del calendariu «{calendar}».","Esta aición va desaniciar {taskCount} xeres completaes y les sos soxeres del calendariu «{calendar}»."],
"_Could not delete {failedCount} task._::_Could not delete {failedCount} tasks._" : ["Nun se pudo desaniciar {failedCount} xera.","Nun se pudieron desaniciar {failedCount} xeres."],
"Load the completed tasks of all lists." : "Carga les xeres completaes de toles llistes.",
"Loading the completed tasks of all lists might slow down the app." : "La carga de les xeres completaes de toles llistes quiciabes amenorgue la velocidá de l'aplicación.",
"Loading the completed tasks might slow down the app." : "La carga de les xeres completaes quiciabes amenorgue la velocidá de l'aplicación.",
"Change sort order" : "Camudar l'orde de clasificación",
"Relevance" : "Relevancia",
"Start date" : "Data de comienzu",
"Due date" : "Data de fin",
"Created date" : "Data de creación",
"Priority" : "Prioridá",
"Alphabetically" : "Alfabéticamente",
"Task is pinned" : "La xera ta fixada",
"Task has a note" : "La xera tien una nota",
"Delete task" : "Desaniciar la xera",
"[Yesterday]" : "[Ayeri]",
"[Today]" : "[Güei]",
"[Tomorrow]" : "[Mañana]",
"Task is cancelled" : "La xera ta anulada",
"Task is completed" : "La xera ta completada",
"Task is read-only" : "La xera ye de namás llectura",
"Task is not completed" : "La xera nun ta completada",
"Create a new task" : "Crear una xera",
"Task summary" : "Resume de la xera",
@ -34,6 +96,7 @@
"Creating the new task…" : "Creando una xera…",
"Open task" : "Abrir la xera",
"Tomorrow" : "Mañana",
"Add List…" : "Amestar una llista…",
"New list" : "Llista nueva",
"All day" : "Tol día",
"Unpin" : "Lliberar",
@ -41,9 +104,28 @@
"Show in Calendar" : "Amosar en Calendariu",
"Edit summary" : "Editar el resume",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"Set a location" : "Afitar un llugar",
"Set a URL" : "Afitar una URL",
"Select tags" : "Seleicionar etiquetes",
"Notes" : "Notes",
"Reminders" : "Recordatorios",
"Repeat" : "Repitir",
"When shared show full event" : "Cuando se comparta amosar l'eventu completu",
"When shared hide this event" : "Cuando se comparta anubrir l'eventu",
"In process" : "En cursu",
"An error occurred" : "Prodúxose un error"
"Clear status" : "Borrar l'estáu",
"Loading task from server." : "Cargando la xera del sirvidor.",
"Task not found!" : "¡Nun s'atopó la xera!",
"No upcoming tasks" : "Nun hai nenguna xera próxima",
"upcoming tasks" : "xeres próximes",
"No tasks today" : "Güei nun hai nenguna xera",
"Successfully created the task." : "La xera creóse correutamente.",
"Could not delete the task." : "Nun se pudo desaniciar la xera.",
"Task successfully saved to server." : "La xera guardóse correutamente nel sirvidor.",
"Could not update the task." : "Nun se pudo anovar la xera.",
"Successfully updated the task." : "La xera copióse correutamente.",
"Task successfully moved to new calendar." : "La xera movióse correutamente al calendariu nuevu.",
"An error occurred" : "Prodúxose un error",
"Create a task" : "Crear una xera"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Tautan kalender tidak dapat disalin ke papan klip.",
"An empty name is not allowed." : "Nama kosong tidak diperbolehkan.",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat menghapus kalender.",
"Trash bin" : "Keranjang sampah",
"Name" : "Nama",
"Deleted" : "Dihapus",
"Restore" : "Pulihkan",
@ -35,6 +36,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Empty trash bin" : "Kosongkan tempat sampah",
"Untitled task" : "Tugas tanpa judul",
"Untitled event" : "Acara tanpa judul",
"Untitled item" : "Item tanpa judul",
"Unknown calendar" : "Kalender tidak diketahui",
"Could not load deleted calendars and objects" : "Tidak dapat memuat kalender dan objek yang dihapus",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Tidak dapat memulihkan kalender atau acara",
"Do you really want to empty the trash bin?" : "Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengosongkan keranjang sampah?",
"Cancel" : "Batal",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Select tags to filter by" : "Pilih tag untuk disaring",

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Tautan kalender tidak dapat disalin ke papan klip.",
"An empty name is not allowed." : "Nama kosong tidak diperbolehkan.",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat menghapus kalender.",
"Trash bin" : "Keranjang sampah",
"Name" : "Nama",
"Deleted" : "Dihapus",
"Restore" : "Pulihkan",
@ -33,6 +34,11 @@
"Empty trash bin" : "Kosongkan tempat sampah",
"Untitled task" : "Tugas tanpa judul",
"Untitled event" : "Acara tanpa judul",
"Untitled item" : "Item tanpa judul",
"Unknown calendar" : "Kalender tidak diketahui",
"Could not load deleted calendars and objects" : "Tidak dapat memuat kalender dan objek yang dihapus",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Tidak dapat memulihkan kalender atau acara",
"Do you really want to empty the trash bin?" : "Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengosongkan keranjang sampah?",
"Cancel" : "Batal",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Select tags to filter by" : "Pilih tag untuk disaring",