
415 lines
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* Nextcloud - Notes
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Bernhard Posselt <>
* @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014
namespace OCA\Notes\Service;
use OCP\Files\FileInfo;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\ILogger;
use OC\Encryption\Exceptions\DecryptionFailedException;
use League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException;
use OCA\Notes\Db\Note;
use OCA\Notes\Service\SettingsService;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IUserSession;
* Class NotesService
* @package OCA\Notes\Service
class NotesService {
private $l10n;
private $root;
private $logger;
private $config;
private $settings;
private $appName;
* @param IRootFolder $root
* @param IL10N $l10n
* @param ILogger $logger
* @param IConfig $config
* @param \OCA\Notes\Service\SettingsService $settings
* @param String $appName
public function __construct (IRootFolder $root, IL10N $l10n, ILogger $logger, IConfig $config, SettingsService $settings, $appName) {
$this->root = $root;
$this->l10n = $l10n;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->config = $config;
$this->settings = $settings;
$this->appName = $appName;
* @param string $userId
* @return array with all notes in the current directory
public function getAll ($userId){
$notesFolder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
$notes = $this->gatherNoteFiles($notesFolder);
$filesById = [];
foreach($notes as $note) {
$filesById[$note->getId()] = $note;
$tagger = \OC::$server->getTagManager()->load('files');
if($tagger===null) {
$tags = [];
} else {
$tags = $tagger->getTagsForObjects(array_keys($filesById));
$notes = [];
foreach($filesById as $id=>$file) {
$notes[] = $this->getNote($file, $notesFolder, array_key_exists($id, $tags) ? $tags[$id] : []);
return $notes;
* Used to get a single note by id
* @param int $id the id of the note to get
* @param string $userId
* @throws NoteDoesNotExistException if note does not exist
* @return Note
public function get ($id, $userId) {
$folder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
return $this->getNote($this->getFileById($folder, $id), $folder, $this->getTags($id));
private function getTags ($id) {
$tagger = \OC::$server->getTagManager()->load('files');
if($tagger===null) {
$tags = [];
} else {
$tags = $tagger->getTagsForObjects([$id]);
return array_key_exists($id, $tags) ? $tags[$id] : [];
private function getNote($file,$notesFolder,$tags=[]){
$note=Note::fromFile($file, $notesFolder, $tags);
}catch(FileNotFoundException $e){
$note = Note::fromException($this->l10n->t('File error').': ('.$file->getName().') '.$e->getMessage(), $file, $notesFolder, array_key_exists($id, $tags) ? $tags[$id] : []);
}catch(DecryptionFailedException $e){
$note = Note::fromException($this->l10n->t('Encryption Error').': ('.$file->getName().') '.$e->getMessage(), $file, $notesFolder, array_key_exists($id, $tags) ? $tags[$id] : []);
}catch(\Exception $e){
$note = Note::fromException($this->l10n->t('Error').': ('.$file->getName().') '.$e->getMessage(), $file, $notesFolder, array_key_exists($id, $tags) ? $tags[$id] : []);
return $note;
* Creates a note and returns the empty note
* @param string $userId
* @see update for setting note content
* @return Note the newly created note
public function create ($userId) {
$title = $this->l10n->t('New note');
$folder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
// check new note exists already and we need to number it
// pass -1 because no file has id -1 and that will ensure
// to only return filenames that dont yet exist
$path = $this->generateFileName($folder, $title, $this->settings->get('fileSuffix'), -1);
$file = $folder->newFile($path);
return $this->getNote($file, $folder);
* Updates a note. Be sure to check the returned note since the title is
* dynamically generated and filename conflicts are resolved
* @param int $id the id of the note used to update
* @param string $content the content which will be written into the note
* the title is generated from the first line of the content
* @param int $mtime time of the note modification (optional)
* @throws NoteDoesNotExistException if note does not exist
* @return \OCA\Notes\Db\Note the updated note
public function update ($id, $content, $userId, $category=null, $mtime=0) {
$notesFolder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
$file = $this->getFileById($notesFolder, $id);
$folder = $file->getParent();
$title = $this->getSafeTitleFromContent($content);
// rename/move file with respect to title/category
// this can fail if access rights are not sufficient or category name is illegal
try {
$currentFilePath = $this->root->getFullPath($file->getPath());
$fileSuffix = '.' . pathinfo($file->getName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// detect (new) folder path based on category name
if($category===null) {
$basePath = pathinfo($currentFilePath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
} else {
$basePath = $notesFolder->getPath();
if(!empty($category)) {
// sanitise path
$cats = explode('/', $category);
$cats = array_map([$this, 'sanitisePath'], $cats);
$cats = array_filter($cats, function($str) { return !empty($str); });
$basePath .= '/'.implode('/', $cats);
// assemble new file path
$newFilePath = $basePath . '/' . $this->generateFileName($folder, $title, $fileSuffix, $id);
// if the current path is not the new path, the file has to be renamed
if($currentFilePath !== $newFilePath) {
} catch(\OCP\Files\NotPermittedException $e) {
$this->logger->error('Moving note '.$id.' ('.$title.') to the desired target is not allowed. Please check the note\'s target category ('.$category.').', ['app' => $this->appName]);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error('Moving note '.$id.' ('.$title.') to the desired target has failed with a '.get_class($e).': '.$e->getMessage(), ['app' => $this->appName]);
if($mtime) {
return $this->getNote($file, $notesFolder, $this->getTags($id));
* Set or unset a note as favorite.
* @param int $id the id of the note used to update
* @param boolean $favorite whether the note should be a favorite or not
* @throws NoteDoesNotExistException if note does not exist
* @return boolean the new favorite state of the note
public function favorite ($id, $favorite, $userId){
$folder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
$file = $this->getFileById($folder, $id);
if(!$this->isNote($file)) {
throw new NoteDoesNotExistException();
$tagger = \OC::$server->getTagManager()->load('files');
$tags = $tagger->getTagsForObjects([$id]);
return array_key_exists($id, $tags) && in_array(\OC\Tags::TAG_FAVORITE, $tags[$id]);
* Deletes a note
* @param int $id the id of the note which should be deleted
* @param string $userId
* @throws NoteDoesNotExistException if note does not
* exist
public function delete ($id, $userId) {
$folder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
$file = $this->getFileById($folder, $id);
// removes characters that are illegal in a file or folder name on some operating systems
private function sanitisePath($str) {
// remove characters which are illegal on Windows (includes illegal characters on Unix/Linux)
// prevents also directory traversal by eliminiating slashes
// see also \OC\Files\Storage\Common::verifyPosixPath(...)
$str = str_replace(['*', '|', '/', '\\', ':', '"', '<', '>', '?'], '', $str);
// if mysql doesn't support 4byte UTF-8, then remove those characters
// see \OC\Files\Storage\Common::verifyPath(...)
if (!\OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->supports4ByteText()) {
$str = preg_replace('%(?:
\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
)%xs', '', $str);
// prevent file to be hidden
$str = preg_replace("/^[\. ]+/mu", "", $str);
return trim($str);
private function getSafeTitleFromContent($content) {
// prepare content: remove markdown characters and empty spaces
$content = preg_replace("/^\s*[*+-]\s+/mu", "", $content); // list item
$content = preg_replace("/^#+\s+(.*?)\s*#*$/mu", "$1", $content); // headline
$content = preg_replace("/^(=+|-+)$/mu", "", $content); // separate line for headline
$content = preg_replace("/(\*+|_+)(.*?)\\1/mu", "$2", $content); // emphasis
// sanitize: prevent directory traversal, illegal characters and unintended file names
$content = $this->sanitisePath($content);
// generate title from the first line of the content
$splitContent = preg_split("/\R/u", $content, 2);
$title = trim($splitContent[0]);
// ensure that title is not empty
if(empty($title)) {
$title = $this->l10n->t('New note');
// using a maximum of 100 chars should be enough
$title = mb_substr($title, 0, 100, "UTF-8");
return $title;
* @param Folder $folder
* @param int $id
* @throws NoteDoesNotExistException
* @return \OCP\Files\File
private function getFileById ($folder, $id) {
$file = $folder->getById($id);
if(count($file) <= 0 || !$this->isNote($file[0])) {
throw new NoteDoesNotExistException();
return $file[0];
* @param string $userId the user id
* @return boolean true if folder is accessible, or Exception otherwise
public function checkNotesFolder($userId) {
$folder = $this->getFolderForUser($userId);
return true;
* @param string $userId the user id
* @return Folder
private function getFolderForUser ($userId) {
$path = '/' . $userId . '/files/' . $this->settings->get('notesPath');
try {
$folder = $this->getOrCreateFolder($path);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
throw new NotesFolderException($path);
return $folder;
* Finds a folder and creates it if non-existent
* @param string $path path to the folder
* @return Folder
private function getOrCreateFolder($path) {
if ($this->root->nodeExists($path)) {
$folder = $this->root->get($path);
} else {
$folder = $this->root->newFolder($path);
return $folder;
* get path of file and the title.txt and check if they are the same
* file. If not the title needs to be renamed
* @param Folder $folder a folder to the notes directory
* @param string $title the filename which should be used
* @param string $suffix the suffix (incl. dot) which should be used
* @param int $id the id of the note for which the title should be generated
* used to see if the file itself has the title and not a different file for
* checking for filename collisions
* @return string the resolved filename to prevent overwriting different
* files with the same title
private function generateFileName (Folder $folder, $title, $suffix, $id) {
$path = $title . $suffix;
// if file does not exist, that name has not been taken. Similar we don't
// need to handle file collisions if it is the filename did not change
if (!$folder->nodeExists($path) || $folder->get($path)->getId() === $id) {
return $path;
} else {
// increments name (2) to name (3)
$match = preg_match('/\((?P<id>\d+)\)$/u', $title, $matches);
if($match) {
$newId = ((int) $matches['id']) + 1;
$newTitle = preg_replace('/(.*)\s\((\d+)\)$/u',
'$1 (' . $newId . ')', $title);
} else {
$newTitle = $title . ' (2)';
return $this->generateFileName($folder, $newTitle, $suffix, $id);
* gather note files in given directory and all subdirectories
* @param Folder $folder
* @return array
private function gatherNoteFiles ($folder) {
$notes = [];
$nodes = $folder->getDirectoryListing();
foreach($nodes as $node) {
if($node->getType() === FileInfo::TYPE_FOLDER) {
$notes = array_merge($notes, $this->gatherNoteFiles($node));
if($this->isNote($node)) {
$notes[] = $node;
return $notes;
* test if file is a note
* @param \OCP\Files\File $file
* @return bool
private function isNote($file) {
$allowedExtensions = ['txt', 'org', 'markdown', 'md', 'note'];
if($file->getType() !== 'file') return false;
pathinfo($file->getName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION),
)) return false;
return true;