
28 lines
1.1 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Notes" : "Notes",
"The last viewed note cannot be accessed. " : "The last viewed note cannot be accessed. ",
"Error" : "Error",
"New note" : "New note",
"Distraction-free notes and writing" : "Distraction-free notes and writing",
"Settings" : "Settings",
"There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!" : "There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!",
"All notes" : "All notes",
"Categories" : "Categories",
"Today" : "Today",
"Yesterday" : "Yesterday",
"This week" : "This week",
"This month" : "This month",
"Delete note" : "Delete note",
"Remove from favorites" : "Remove from favourites",
"Add to favorites" : "Add to favourites",
"Details" : "Details",
"Preview" : "Preview",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"Category" : "Category",
"Uncategorized" : "Uncategorised",
"Saving failed!" : "Saving failed!",
"_%n word_::_%n words_" : ["%n word","%n words"],
"Android app" : "Android app",
"iOS app" : "iOS app"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"