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"Notes" : "笔记",
"Create new note" : "创建新笔记",
"More notes" : "更多笔记",
"Reading notes from filesystem has failed." : "从文件系统读取笔记失败。",
"Error" : "错误",
"New note" : "新建笔记",
"Distraction-free notes and writing" : "无干扰的笔记和写作",
"The Notes app is a distraction free notes taking app for [Nextcloud]( It provides categories for better organization and supports formatting using [Markdown]( syntax. Notes are saved as files in your Nextcloud, so you can view and edit them with every Nextcloud client. Furthermore, a separate [REST API]( allows for an easy integration into third-party apps (currently, there are notes apps for [Android](, [iOS]( and the [console]( which allow convenient access to your Nextcloud notes). Further features include marking notes as favorites." : "笔记是用于 [Nextcloud]( 的无干扰记录笔记的应用程序。它提供了易于组织的分类,并支持使用 [Markdown]( 语法进行格式化。笔记将在您的 Nextcloud 中保存为文件,因此您可以使用每个 Nextcloud 客户端查看和编辑它们。此外,单独的 [REST API]( 允许其轻松集成到第三方应用程序(当前,适用于 [Android](, [iOS]( 和 [console]( 的笔记应用可用于方便地访问您的 Nextcloud 笔记)。其他功能包括将注释标记为收藏。",
"Notes settings" : "笔记设置",
"Please see Nextcloud server log for details." : "有关详情请参阅 Nextcloud 服务器日志。",
"Deleted {title}" : "已删除 {title}",
"Undo Delete" : "撤销删除",
"Note recovered" : "笔记已恢复",
"There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!" : "有未保存的记录,离开页面将丢弃所有更改!",
"_Deleted {number} note_::_Deleted {number} notes_" : ["已删除 {number} 条笔记"],
"_Recovered {number} note_::_Recovered {number} notes_" : ["已恢复 {number} 条笔记"],
"Basics" : "基本",
"Write down your thoughts without any distractions." : "心无旁骛地写下您的想法。",
"Organize your notes in categories." : "在分类中组织您的笔记。",
"Notes path" : "笔记路径",
"Folder to store your notes" : "保存您的笔记的文件夹",
"Root directory" : "根目录",
"File extension" : "文件扩展名",
"File extension for new notes" : "新笔记的文件扩展名",
"Display mode" : "显示模式",
"Display mode for notes" : "笔记显示模式",
"Shortcuts" : "快捷鍵",
"Use shortcuts to quickly navigate this app." : "使用快捷键以快速导航此应用程序。",
"Shortcut" : "快捷方式",
"Action" : "操作",
"Mobile apps" : "移动应用程序",
"User defined" : "用户定义",
"Open in rich text mode" : "在富文本模式下打开",
"Open in edit mode" : "在编辑模式下打开",
"Open in preview mode" : "在预览模式下打开",
"CTRL" : "CTRL",
"Make the selection bold" : "将所选内容加粗",
"Make the selection italic" : "将所选内容设为斜体",
"Wrap the selection in quotes" : "将所选内容包括在引号中",
"ALT" : "ALT",
"The selection will be turned into monospace" : "所选内容会变为等宽。",
"Remove any styles from the selected text" : "清除所选内容的任何样式",
"Makes the current line a list element" : "将当前的行变成列表元素",
"Makes the current line a list element with a number" : "将当前的行变成带有数字的列表元素",
"Toggle heading for current line" : "切换当前行的标题",
"Set the current line as a big heading" : "将当前行设置为大标题",
"Insert link" : "插入链接",
"Insert image" : "插入图片",
"Switch between editor and viewer" : "在编辑器和检查器间切换",
"Select folder to link to" : "选择要链接的文件夹",
"All notes" : "所有笔记",
"Categories" : "分类",
"Create a sample note with Markdown" : "使用 Markdown 创建示例笔记",
"No notes yet" : "还没有便签",
"Upload image" : "上传图片",
"Select an image" : "选择一张图片",
"You cannot select images outside of your notes folder. Your notes folder is: {folder}" : "您无法选择在您的笔记文件夹之外的图片。您的笔记文件夹为:{folder}",
"Wrong image" : "错误的图片",
"The file was not uploaded. Check your server logs." : "文件未上传。请检查您的服务器日志。",
"Install the app for your mobile phone in order to access your notes from everywhere." : "在您的手机中安装此应用以随时随地访问您的笔记。",
"Android app: {notes}" : "Android 应用程序:{notes}",
"iOS app: {notes}" : "iOS 应用程序:{notes}",
"Rich text editor" : "富文本编辑器",
"You can now switch to use the easy to use and distraction free rich text editor. It allows you to edit notes without seeing any Markdown marks." : "您现在可以切换到易于使用且无干扰的富文本编辑器。它允许您在编辑笔记时不用看见任何 Markdown 标记。",
"This option can also be changed later on in the Notes app settings." : "稍后也可以在笔记应用程序中修改此选项。",
"Keep plain Markdown editor" : "保留普通的 Markdown 编辑器",
"Use rich editor" : "使用富文本编辑器",
"Share" : "分享",
"Change category" : "更改类别",
"Rename" : "重命名",
"Rename note" : "重命名 note",
"Delete note" : "删除笔记",
"Remove from favorites" : "从收藏夹移除",
"Add to favorites" : "添加到收藏夹",
"Error while renaming note." : "重命名 note 时出错。",
"Error during preparing note for deletion." : "准备删除笔记时出错。",
"The note has been changed in another session. Please choose which version should be saved." : "笔记已在另一会话中被更改。请选择要保存的版本。",
"Use version from server" : "使用服务器版本",
"Use current version" : "使用当前版本",
"Empty note" : "空笔记",
"Write …" : "编写 ...",
"CTRL + /" : "CTRL + /",
"Edit" : "编辑",
"Preview" : "预览",
"Exit full screen" : "退出全屏",
"Full screen" : "全屏",
"Note is read-only. You cannot change it." : "笔记为只读状态。你不能更改它。",
"Save failed. Click to retry." : "保存失败。点击以重试。",
"Update conflict. Click for resolving manually." : "更新冲突。点击手动解决",
"Error from Nextcloud server: {msg}" : "来自 Nextcloud 服务器的错误:{msg}",
"Search for notes" : "搜索笔记",
"Loading …" : "正在加载…",
"Find in all categories" : "在所有分类中寻找",
"Today" : "今天",
"Yesterday" : "昨天",
"This week" : "本周",
"Last week" : "上周",
"This month" : "本月",
"Last month" : "上月",
"Use Markdown markups to style your text." : "使用 Markdown 标注来格式化您的文本。",
"Start writing a note by clicking on “{newnote}” in the app navigation." : "在应用导航栏中点击 “{newnote}” 开始做笔记",
"Note not found." : "未找到笔记",
"Note is locked." : "笔记已锁定。",
"Insufficient storage." : "存储空间不足。",
"See JavaScript console and server log for details." : "有关详情请参见 JavaScript 控制台和服务器日志。",
"Updating settings has failed." : "更新设置失败。",
"Fetching notes for dashboard has failed." : "为仪表盘获取笔记失败。",
"Fetching notes has failed." : "获取笔记失败。",
"Fetching note {id} has failed." : "获取笔记 {id} 失败。",
"Refreshing note {id} has failed." : "刷新笔记 {id} 失败。",
"Renaming note {id} has failed." : "重命名笔记 {id} 失败。",
"Creating new note has failed." : "创建新笔记失败。",
"Saving note {id} has failed." : "保存笔记 {id} 失败。",
"Updating title for note {id} has failed." : "更新笔记 {id} 的标题失败。",
"Undo delete has failed for note {title}." : "笔记 {title} 的撤消删除失败。",
"Deleting note {id} has failed." : "删除笔记 {id} 失败。",
"Toggling favorite for note {id} has failed." : "将笔记{id}设为收藏失败。",
"Updating the note's category has failed. Is the target directory writable?" : "无法更新存储笔记的文件夹。请检查目标文件夹是否可写。",
"Updating the category for note {id} has failed." : "更新笔记 {id} 的分类失败。",
"Uncategorized" : "未分类",
"Sample note" : "示例笔记",
"15 January 2021, via Nextcloud Notes" : "2021 年 1 月 15 日,通过 Nextcloud Notes",
"Me, you, and all our friends!" : "我,您,以及所有我们的朋友!",
"Tasks" : "任务",
"Write nice todo lists" : "编写漂亮的待办事项清单",
"Buy Fries" : "买薯条",
"Birthdays" : "生日",
"Jen, in three days!" : "Jen三天后",
"Moss, 21.03.1973" : "Moss, 21.03.1973",
"Roy, 1979" : "Roy, 1979",
"Review Steps" : "审阅步骤",
"Turn PC off" : "关电脑",
"Turn PC on" : "打开电脑",
"Then call IT" : "然后致电IT",
"Quotes" : "引用",
"Nextcloud, a safe home for all your data" : "Nextcloud给您所有数据一个安全的家",
"Development Mode" : "开发模式",
"It looks that the notes app was installed from a development source. Please install it from the official <a href=\"%1$s\">Nextcloud App Store</a> instead. If you want to build the Notes app by yourself, please follow the <a href=\"%2$s\">developer instructions</a>." : "笔记应用似乎是从一个开发来源安装的。请改从官方<a href=\"%1$s\">Nextcloud 应用商店</a>来安装它。如果您想自己笔记应用,请参考<a href=\"%2$s\">开发者指南</a>。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");