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"Notes" : "Nòtas",
"Reading notes from filesystem has failed." : "La lectura de las nòtas a partir del sistèma de fichièr a fracassat.",
"Error" : "Error",
"New note" : "Nòta novèla",
"Distraction-free notes and writing" : "Nòtas e escritura sens cap de distraccion",
"Notes settings" : "Configuracion de las nòtas",
"Please see Nextcloud server log for details." : "Consultatz los jornals d'audit del servidor Nextcloud per mai de detalhs.",
"Deleted {title}" : "{title} suprimit",
"Undo Delete" : "Anullar la supression",
"Note recovered" : "Nòta restaurada",
"There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!" : "I a de nòtas pas enregistradas. Quitar la pagina farà pèrdre las modificacions !",
"_Deleted {number} note_::_Deleted {number} notes_" : ["{number} nòta suprimida","{number} nòtas suprimidas"],
"_Recovered {number} note_::_Recovered {number} notes_" : ["{number} nòta restaurada","{number} nòtas restauradas"],
"Organize your notes in categories." : "Organizatz vòstras nòtas en categorias.",
"Folder to store your notes" : "Dossièr ont gardar vòstras nòtas",
"File extension" : "Extension del fichièr",
"File extension for new notes" : "Extension fichièr per las nòtas novèlas",
"Display mode for notes" : "Mòde dafichatge per las nòtas",
"Action" : "Accion",
"Insert link" : "Inserir un ligam",
"Insert image" : "Inserir imatge",
"All notes" : "Totas las nòtas",
"Categories" : "Categorias",
"No notes yet" : "Cap de nòta pel moment",
"Upload image" : "Enviar un imatge",
"Select an image" : "Seleccionar un imatge",
"Install the app for your mobile phone in order to access your notes from everywhere." : "Installatz laplicacion per mobil per accedir a vòstras nòtas de pertot.",
"This option can also be changed later on in the Notes app settings." : "Aquesta opcion se pòt cambiar als paramètres « Configuracion de las nòtas ».",
"Share" : "Share",
"Change category" : "Modificar la categoria",
"Rename" : "Renomenar",
"Rename note" : "Renomenar la nòta",
"Delete note" : "Suprimir la nòta",
"Remove from favorites" : "Tirar dels favorits",
"Add to favorites" : "Apondre als favorits",
"Error while renaming note." : "Error en renomenant la nòta.",
"Error during preparing note for deletion." : "Error pendent la preparacion de la supression de la nòta.",
"Use version from server" : "Utilizar la version del servidor",
"Use current version" : "Utilizar la version actuala",
"Empty note" : "Nòta voida",
"Write …" : "Escrivètz…",
"CTRL + /" : "CTRL + /",
"Edit" : "Modificar",
"Preview" : "Apercebut",
"Exit full screen" : "Sortir de lecran complèt",
"Full screen" : "Ecran complèt",
"Search for notes" : "Cercar de nòtas",
"Loading …" : "Cargament…",
"Find in all categories" : "Cercar dins totas las nòtas",
"Today" : "Uèi",
"Yesterday" : "Ièr",
"This week" : "Aquesta setmana",
"Last week" : "La setmana passada",
"This month" : "Aqueste mes",
"Last month" : "Lo mes passat",
"Start writing a note by clicking on “{newnote}” in the app navigation." : "Començatz descriure una nòta en clicant « {newnode} » dins la barra de navegacion.",
"Note not found." : "Cap de nòta pas trobada.",
"Note is locked." : "La nòta es verrolhada.",
"Insufficient storage." : "Espaci d'emmagazinatge insufisent.",
"Uncategorized" : "Sens categoria",
"Sample note" : "Nòta dexemple",
"15 January 2021, via Nextcloud Notes" : "15 de genièr de 2021, via Nextcloud Notes",
"Me, you, and all our friends!" : "Ieu, tu e totes nòstres amics !",
"Tasks" : "Prètzfaches",
"Birthdays" : "Anniversaris",
"Jen, in three days!" : "Joan, daquí tres jorns !",
"Development Mode" : "Mòde desvelopament"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");