
33 lines
1.2 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Notes" : "Noter",
"Error" : "Fejl",
"New note" : "Ny note",
"Undo Delete" : "Annullér Slet",
"There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!" : "Der er noter der ikke er gemt. Hvis du forlader denne side vil de blive smidt væk!",
"Display mode for notes" : "Visningstilstand for noter",
"Action" : "Handling",
"Open in edit mode" : "Åbn i redigeringstilstand",
"Open in preview mode" : "Åbn forhåndsvisning",
"Insert image" : "Indsæt billede",
"All notes" : "Alle noter",
"Categories" : "Kategorier",
"No notes yet" : "Ingen noter endnu",
"Share" : "Share",
"Rename" : "Rename",
"Delete note" : "Slet note",
"Remove from favorites" : "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"Add to favorites" : "Føj til favoritter",
"Use current version" : "Brug aktuelle version",
"Edit" : "Redigér",
"Preview" : "Vis eksempel",
"Loading …" : "Indlæser…",
"Today" : "I dag",
"Yesterday" : "I går",
"This week" : "Denne uge",
"Last week" : "Sidste uge",
"This month" : "Denne måned",
"Last month" : "Seneste måned",
"Uncategorized" : "Udenfor kategori",
"Tasks" : "Opgaver"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"