
50 lines
2.3 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Notes" : "Notes",
"Create new note" : "Crear un rol",
"More notes" : "Más notes",
"Error" : "Error",
"New note" : "Nota nueva",
"Notes settings" : "Configuración de Notes",
"Basics" : "Lo básico",
"Write down your thoughts without any distractions." : "Escribi cualesquier pensamientu ensin nenguna distraición.",
"Organize your notes in categories." : "Organiza les notes per categoríes.",
"Notes path" : "Camín de les notes",
"File extension" : "Estensión de los ficheros",
"Shortcuts" : "Atayos",
"Use shortcuts to quickly navigate this app." : "Usa los atayos pa navegar aína per esta aplicación.",
"Shortcut" : "Atayos",
"Action" : "Aición",
"Mobile apps" : "Aplicaciones pa móviles",
"Open in rich text mode" : "Abrir nel mou de testu arriquecíu",
"Open in edit mode" : "Abrir nel mou d'edición",
"Open in preview mode" : "Abrir nel mou de previsualización",
"CTRL" : "CTRL",
"ALT" : "ALT",
"All notes" : "Toles notes",
"Categories" : "Categories",
"No notes yet" : "Nun hai nenguna nota",
"Install the app for your mobile phone in order to access your notes from everywhere." : "Instala l'aplicación nel móvil pa acceder a les notes en cualesquier llugar.",
"Rename" : "Rename",
"Delete note" : "Desaniciar la nota",
"CTRL + /" : "CTRL + /",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Exit full screen" : "Colar de la pantalla completa",
"Full screen" : "Pantalla completa",
"Search for notes" : "Buscar notes",
"Loading …" : "Cargando…",
"Today" : "Güei",
"Yesterday" : "Ayeri",
"This week" : "Esta selmana",
"Last week" : "La selmana pasada",
"This month" : "Esti mes",
"Last month" : "El mes pasáu",
"Start writing a note by clicking on “{newnote}” in the app navigation." : "Comienza a escribir notes al calcar en «{newnote}» na navegación de l'aplicación.",
"Note not found." : "Nun s'atopó la nota",
"Note is locked." : "La nota ta bloquiada",
"Uncategorized" : "Ensin categoría",
"Tasks" : "Xeres",
"Nextcloud, a safe home for all your data" : "Nexcloud, un llugar seguru pa los datos personales",
"Development Mode" : "Mou de desendocu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"