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2020-07-13 08:27:52 +02:00
2020-04-12 19:26:57 +02:00
namespace OCA\Notes\Tests\API;
abstract class CommonAPITest extends AbstractAPITest {
private $requiredAttributes = [
'id' => 'integer',
'content' => 'string',
'title' => 'string',
'category' => 'string',
'modified' => 'integer',
'favorite' => 'boolean',
private $autotitle;
public function __construct(string $apiVersion, bool $autotitle) {
$this->autotitle = $autotitle;
public function testCheckForReferenceNotes() : array {
$response = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes');
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Get existing notes', 200);
$notes = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
$this->assertNotEmpty($notes, 'List of notes');
foreach ($notes as $note) {
foreach ($this->requiredAttributes as $key => $type) {
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute($key, $note, 'Note has property '.$key);
$this->assertEquals($type, gettype($note->$key), 'Property type of '.$key);
return $notes;
/** @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes */
public function testGetNotesWithExclude(array $refNotes) : void {
'exclude content',
'exclude content and category',
/** @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes */
public function testGetNotesWithEtag(array $refNotes) : void {
$response1 = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes');
$this->checkResponse($response1, 'Initial response', 200);
$this->assertTrue($response1->hasHeader('ETag'), 'Initial response has ETag header');
$etag = $response1->getHeaderLine('ETag');
$this->assertRegExp('/^"[[:alnum:]]{32}"$/', $etag, 'ETag format');
// Test If-None-Match with ETag
$response2 = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes', [ 'headers' => [ 'If-None-Match' => $etag ] ]);
$this->checkResponse($response2, 'ETag response', 304);
$this->assertEquals('', $response2->getBody(), 'ETag response body');
/** @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes */
public function testGetNotesWithPruneBefore(array $refNotes) : void {
sleep(1); // wait for 'Last-Modified' to be >= Last-change + 1
$response1 = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes');
$this->checkResponse($response1, 'Initial response', 200);
$this->assertTrue($response1->hasHeader('Last-Modified'), 'Initial response has Last-Modified header');
$lastModified = $response1->getHeaderLine('Last-Modified');
$dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat(\DateTime::RFC2822, $lastModified);
$this->assertInstanceOf(\DateTime::class, $dt);
'pruneBefore with Last-Modified',
'pruneBefore with 1',
'pruneBefore with PHP_INT_MAX (32bit)',
'?pruneBefore=2147483647', // 2038-01-19 03:14:07
'pruneBefore with PHP_INT_MAX (64bit)',
/** @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes */
public function testCreateNotes(array $refNotes) : array {
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes($refNotes, 'Pre-condition');
$testNotes = [];
$testNotes[] = $this->createNote((object)[
'title' => 'First *manual* title',
'content' => '# *First* test/ note'.PHP_EOL.'This is some body content with some data.',
'favorite' => true,
'category' => 'Test/../New Category',
'modified' => mktime(8, 14, 30, 10, 2, 2020),
], (object)[
'title' => $this->autotitle ? 'First test note' : 'First manual title',
'category' => 'Test/New Category',
$testNotes[] = $this->createNote((object)[
'content' => 'Note with Defaults'.PHP_EOL.'This is some body content with some data.',
], (object)[
'title' => $this->autotitle ? 'Note with Defaults' : 'New note', // waring: requires lang=C
'favorite' => false,
'category' => '',
'modified' => time(),
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes(array_merge($refNotes, $testNotes), 'After creating notes');
return $testNotes;
* @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes
* @depends testCreateNotes
public function testGetSingleNote(array $refNotes, array $testNotes) : void {
foreach ($testNotes as $testNote) {
$response = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes/'.$testNote->id);
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Get note '.$testNote->title, 200);
$note = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
$this->checkReferenceNote($testNote, $note, 'Get single note');
// test non-existing note
$response = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes/1');
$this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode());
* @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes
* @depends testCreateNotes
public function testGetNotesWithCategory(array $refNotes, array $testNotes) : void {
if ($this->getAPIMajorVersion() < 1) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Get Notes with Category requires API v1');
$allNotes = array_merge($refNotes, $testNotes);
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes($allNotes, 'Pre-condition');
$note = $testNotes[0];
$category = $note->category;
$filteredNotes = array_filter(
function ($note) use ($category) {
return $category === $note->category;
$this->assertNotEmpty($filteredNotes, 'Filtered notes');
'Get notes with category '.$category,
2020-04-12 19:26:57 +02:00
* @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes
* @depends testCreateNotes
public function testUpdateNotes(array $refNotes, array $testNotes) : array {
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes(array_merge($refNotes, $testNotes), 'Pre-condition');
$note = $testNotes[0];
// test update note with all attributes
$this->updateNote($note, (object)[
'title' => 'First *manual* edited title',
'content' => '# *First* edited/ note'.PHP_EOL.'This is some body content with some data.',
'favorite' => false,
'category' => 'Test/Another Category',
'modified' => mktime(11, 46, 23, 4, 3, 2020),
], (object)[
'title' => $this->autotitle ? 'First edited note' : 'First manual edited title',
// test update note with single attributes
$this->updateNote($note, (object)[
'category' => 'Test/Third Category',
], (object)[]);
// TODO test update category with read-only folder (target category)
$this->updateNote($note, (object)[
'favorite' => true,
], (object)[]);
$this->updateNote($note, (object)[
'content' => '# First multi edited note'.PHP_EOL.'This is some body content with some data.',
], (object)[
'title' => $this->autotitle ? 'First multi edited note' : 'First manual edited title',
'modified' => time(),
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes(array_merge($refNotes, $testNotes), 'After updating notes');
return $testNotes;
* @depends testCheckForReferenceNotes
* @depends testUpdateNotes
public function testDeleteNotes(array $refNotes, array $testNotes) : void {
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes(array_merge($refNotes, $testNotes), 'Pre-condition');
foreach ($testNotes as $note) {
$response = $this->http->request('DELETE', 'notes/'.$note->id);
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Delete note '.$note->title, 200);
// test non-existing note
$response = $this->http->request('DELETE', 'notes/1');
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Delete non-existing note', 404);
$this->checkGetReferenceNotes($refNotes, 'After deletion');
public function testInsuficientStorage() {
$auth = ['quotatest', 'test'];
// get notes must still work
$response = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes', [ 'auth' => $auth ]);
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Get existing notes', 200);
$notes = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
$this->assertNotEmpty($notes, 'List of notes');
$note = $notes[0]; // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable
$request = (object)[ 'content' => 'New test content' ];
// update will fail
2021-02-03 21:30:50 +01:00
$response1 = $this->http->request('PUT', 'notes/'.$note->id, [ 'auth' => $auth, 'json' => $request]);
2020-04-12 19:26:57 +02:00
$this->assertEquals(507, $response1->getStatusCode());
// craete will fail
2021-02-03 21:30:50 +01:00
$response2 = $this->http->request('POST', 'notes', [ 'auth' => $auth, 'json' => $request]);
2020-04-12 19:26:57 +02:00
$this->assertEquals(507, $response2->getStatusCode());
2020-06-11 14:45:35 +02:00
public function testUnauthorized() {
$auth = ['test', 'wrongpassword'];
$response = $this->http->request('GET', 'notes', [ 'auth' => $auth ]);
$this->checkResponse($response, 'Get existing notes', 401);
2020-04-12 19:26:57 +02:00