
570 lines
17 KiB

* Nextcloud - News
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Alessandro Cosentino <>
* @author Bernhard Posselt <>
* @copyright 2012 Alessandro Cosentino
* @copyright 2012-2014 Bernhard Posselt
namespace OCA\News\Db;
use Exception;
use OCA\News\Utility\Time;
use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException;
use OCP\AppFramework\Db\Entity;
use OCP\AppFramework\Db\Mapper;
use OCP\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
* Class LegacyItemMapper
* @package OCA\News\Db
* @deprecated use ItemMapper
class ItemMapper extends Mapper
const TABLE_NAME = 'news_items';
* @var Time
private $time;
* NewsMapper constructor.
* @param IDBConnection $db Database connection
* @param Time $time Time class
public function __construct(IDBConnection $db, Time $time)
parent::__construct($db, static::TABLE_NAME, Item::class);
$this->time = $time;
private function makeSelectQuery(
$prependTo = '',
$oldestFirst = false,
$distinctFingerprint = false
) {
if ($oldestFirst) {
$ordering = 'ASC';
} else {
$ordering = 'DESC';
return 'SELECT `items`.* FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
$prependTo .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` IS NULL ' .
'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
'ORDER BY `items`.`id` ' . $ordering;
* check if type is feed or all items should be shown
* @param bool $showAll
* @param int|null $type
* @return string
private function buildStatusQueryPart($showAll, $type = null)
$sql = '';
if (isset($type) && $type === FeedType::STARRED) {
$sql = 'AND `items`.`starred` = ';
$sql .= $this->db->quote(true, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL) . ' ';
} elseif (!$showAll || $type === FeedType::UNREAD) {
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`unread` = ';
$sql .= $this->db->quote(true, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL) . ' ';
return $sql;
private function buildSearchQueryPart(array $search = [])
return str_repeat('AND `items`.`search_index` LIKE ? ', count($search));
* wrap and escape search parameters in a like statement
* @param string[] $search an array of strings that should be searched
* @return array with like parameters
private function buildLikeParameters($search = [])
return array_map(
function ($param) {
$param = addcslashes($param, '\\_%');
return '%' . mb_strtolower($param, 'UTF-8') . '%';
* @param int $id
* @param string $userId
* @return \OCA\News\Db\Item|Entity
public function find(string $userId, int $id)
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery('AND `items`.`id` = ? ');
return $this->findEntity($sql, [$userId, $id]);
public function starredCount(string $userId)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS size FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
'AND `items`.`starred` = ? ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` IS NULL ' .
'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0';
$params = [$userId, true];
$result = $this->execute($sql, $params)->fetch();
return (int)$result['size'];
public function readAll(int $highestItemId, $time, string $userId)
$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
'SET unread = ? ' .
', `last_modified` = ? ' .
'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
') ' .
'AND `id` <= ?';
$params = [false, $time, $userId, $highestItemId];
$this->execute($sql, $params);
public function readFolder(?int $folderId, $highestItemId, $time, $userId)
$folderWhere = is_null($folderId) ? 'IS' : '=';
$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
'SET unread = ? ' .
', `last_modified` = ? ' .
'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
"WHERE `folder_id` ${folderWhere} ? " .
'AND `user_id` = ? ' .
') ' .
'AND `id` <= ?';
$params = [false, $time, $folderId, $userId,
$this->execute($sql, $params);
public function readFeed($feedId, $highestItemId, $time, $userId)
$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
'SET unread = ? ' .
', `last_modified` = ? ' .
'WHERE `feed_id` = ? ' .
'AND `id` <= ? ' .
'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
'AND `id` = ? ) ';
$params = [false, $time, $feedId, $highestItemId,
$userId, $feedId];
$this->execute($sql, $params);
private function getOperator($oldestFirst)
if ($oldestFirst) {
return '>';
} else {
return '<';
public function findAllNew($updatedSince, $type, $showAll, $userId)
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll, $type);
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
$params = [$userId, $updatedSince];
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params);
public function findAllNewFolder(?int $id, $updatedSince, $showAll, $userId)
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll);
$folderWhere = is_null($id) ? 'IS' : '=';
$sql .= "AND `feeds`.`folder_id` ${$folderWhere} ? " .
'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
$params = [$userId, $id, $updatedSince];
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params);
public function findAllNewFeed($id, $updatedSince, $showAll, $userId)
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll);
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
$params = [$userId, $id, $updatedSince];
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params);
private function findEntitiesIgnoringNegativeLimit($sql, $params, $limit): array
// ignore limit if negative to offer a way to return all feeds
if ($limit >= 0) {
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params, $limit);
} else {
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params);
public function findAllFeed(
$search = []
) {
$params = [$userId];
$params = array_merge($params, $this->buildLikeParameters($search));
$params[] = $id;
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll);
$sql .= $this->buildSearchQueryPart($search);
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ';
if ($offset !== 0) {
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`id` ' .
$this->getOperator($oldestFirst) . ' ? ';
$params[] = $offset;
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql, $oldestFirst, $search);
return $this->findEntitiesIgnoringNegativeLimit($sql, $params, $limit);
public function findAllFolder(
?int $id,
$search = []
) {
$params = [$userId];
$params = array_merge($params, $this->buildLikeParameters($search));
$params[] = $id;
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll);
$sql .= $this->buildSearchQueryPart($search);
$folderWhere = is_null($id) ? 'IS' : '=';
$sql .= "AND `feeds`.`folder_id` ${folderWhere} ? ";
if ($offset !== 0) {
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`id` ' . $this->getOperator($oldestFirst) . ' ? ';
$params[] = $offset;
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql, $oldestFirst, $search);
return $this->findEntitiesIgnoringNegativeLimit($sql, $params, $limit);
public function findAllItems(
$search = []
): array {
$params = [$userId];
$params = array_merge($params, $this->buildLikeParameters($search));
$sql = $this->buildStatusQueryPart($showAll, $type);
$sql .= $this->buildSearchQueryPart($search);
if ($offset !== 0) {
$sql .= 'AND `items`.`id` ' .
$this->getOperator($oldestFirst) . ' ? ';
$params[] = $offset;
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql, $oldestFirst);
return $this->findEntitiesIgnoringNegativeLimit($sql, $params, $limit);
public function findAllUnreadOrStarred($userId)
$params = [$userId, true, true];
$sql = 'AND (`items`.`unread` = ? OR `items`.`starred` = ?) ';
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
return $this->findEntities($sql, $params);
* @param $guidHash
* @param $feedId
* @param $userId
* @return Entity|Item
* @throws DoesNotExistException
* @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException
public function findByGuidHash($guidHash, $feedId, $userId)
$sql = $this->makeSelectQuery(
'AND `items`.`guid_hash` = ? ' .
'AND `feeds`.`id` = ? '
return $this->findEntity($sql, [$userId, $guidHash, $feedId]);
* Delete all items for feeds that have over $threshold unread and not
* starred items
* @param int $threshold the number of items that should be deleted
public function deleteReadOlderThanThreshold($threshold)
$params = [false, false, $threshold];
$sql = 'SELECT (COUNT(*) - `feeds`.`articles_per_update`) AS `size`, ' .
'`feeds`.`id` AS `feed_id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
'AND `items`.`unread` = ? ' .
'AND `items`.`starred` = ? ' .
'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
'HAVING COUNT(*) > ?';
$result = $this->execute($sql, $params);
while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
$size = (int)$row['size'];
$limit = $size - $threshold;
$feed_id = $row['feed_id'];
if ($limit > 0) {
$params = [false, false, $feed_id, $limit];
$sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
'WHERE `unread` = ? ' .
'AND `starred` = ? ' .
'AND `feed_id` = ? ' .
'ORDER BY `id` ASC ' .
'LIMIT 1 ' .
'OFFSET ? ';
$limit_result = $this->execute($sql, $params);
if ($limit_row = $limit_result->fetch()) {
$limit_id = (int)$limit_row['id'];
$params = [false, false, $feed_id, $limit_id];
$sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
'WHERE `unread` = ? ' .
'AND `starred` = ? ' .
'AND `feed_id` = ? ' .
'AND `id` < ? ';
$this->execute($sql, $params);
public function getNewestItemId($userId)
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(`items`.`id`) AS `max_id` ' .
'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ?';
$params = [$userId];
$result = $this->findOneQuery($sql, $params);
return (int)$result['max_id'];
* Returns a list of ids and userid of all items
public function findAllIds($limit = null, $offset = null)
$sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items`';
return $this->execute($sql, [], $limit, $offset)->fetchAll();
* Update search indices of all items
public function updateSearchIndices()
// update indices in steps to prevent memory issues on larger systems
$step = 1000; // update 1000 items at a time
$itemCount = 1;
$offset = 0;
// stop condition if there are no previously fetched items
while ($itemCount > 0) {
$items = $this->findAllIds($step, $offset);
$itemCount = count($items);
$offset += $step;
private function updateSearchIndex(array $items = [])
foreach ($items as $row) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` WHERE `id` = ?';
$params = [$row['id']];
$item = $this->findEntity($sql, $params);
public function readItem($itemId, $isRead, $lastModified, $userId)
$item = $this->find($userId, $itemId);
// reading an item should set all of the same items as read, whereas
// marking an item as unread should only mark the selected instance
// as unread
if ($isRead) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items`
SET `unread` = ?,
`last_modified` = ?
WHERE `fingerprint` = ?
AND `feed_id` IN (
SELECT `f`.`id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` AS `f`
WHERE `f`.`user_id` = ?
$params = [false, $lastModified, $item->getFingerprint(), $userId];
$this->execute($sql, $params);
} else {
public function update(Entity $entity): Entity
return parent::update($entity);
public function insert(Entity $entity): Entity
return parent::insert($entity);
* Remove deleted items.
* @return void
public function purgeDeleted(): void
$builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
->where('deleted_at != 0')
* Performs a SELECT query with all arguments appened to the WHERE clause
* The SELECT will be performed on the current table and take the entity
* that is related for transforming the properties into column names
* Important: This method does not filter marked as deleted rows!
* @param array $search an assoc array from property to filter value
* @param int|null $limit Output limit
* @param int|null $offset Output offset
* @depreacted Legacy function
* @return Entity[]
public function where(array $search = [], ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null)
$entity = new $this->entityClass();
// turn keys into sql query filter, e.g. feedId -> feed_id = :feedId
$filter = array_map(
function ($property) use ($entity) {
// check if the property actually exists on the entity to prevent
// accidental Sql injection
if (!property_exists($entity, $property)) {
$msg = 'Property ' . $property . ' does not exist on '
. $this->entityClass;
throw new \BadFunctionCallException($msg);
$column = $entity->propertyToColumn($property);
return $column . ' = :' . $property;
$andStatement = implode(' AND ', $filter);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->getTableName() . '`';
if (count($search) > 0) {
$sql .= 'WHERE ' . $andStatement;
return $this->findEntities($sql, $search, $limit, $offset);