upmerging master into vue-rewrite

Signed-off-by: Devlin Junker <devlin.junker@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Devlin Junker 2022-11-09 21:52:11 -08:00 committed by Benjamin Brahmer
parent 760c442882
commit c6b4bcc00e
245 changed files with 14258 additions and 16629 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ updates:
- "dependencies"
- "Skip-Changelog"
versioning-strategy: increase
# Maintain dependencies for Composer
- package-ecosystem: "composer"
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ updates:
- "dependencies"
- "Skip-Changelog"
versioning-strategy: increase
# Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs:
name: "Integration: Nextcloud ${{ matrix.nextcloud }} - PHP ${{ matrix.php-versions }} - DB ${{ matrix.database }}"
image: postgres
image: postgres:14
options: >-
@ -29,25 +29,27 @@ jobs:
php-versions: ['7.4', '8.0']
nextcloud: ['stable22', 'stable23']
nextcloud: ['stable23', 'stable24', 'stable25']
database: ['sqlite', 'pgsql', 'mysql']
experimental: [false]
- php-versions: 8.0
- php-versions: '8.0'
nextcloud: pre-release
database: sqlite
experimental: true
- php-versions: '8.2'
nextcloud: pre-release
database: sqlite
experimental: true
- php-versions: 8.1
nextcloud: pre-release
database: sqlite
experimental: true
- php-versions: 8.1
nextcloud: stable24
nextcloud: stable25
database: sqlite
experimental: false
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ jobs:
extensions: pdo_sqlite,pdo_mysql,pdo_pgsql,gd,zip
coverage: none
- name: Setup BATS
uses: mig4/setup-bats@v1.2.0
- name: Setup BATS & httpie
run: sudo apt-get install -y httpie && npm install -g bats@1.7.0
### MySQL specific setup
- name: Setup mysql
@ -108,6 +110,22 @@ jobs:
check-code: false
force: ${{ matrix.experimental }}
- name: Run API tests
working-directory: ../server
run: |
php -S localhost:8080 &> /tmp/webserver.log &
cd apps/news/tests/test_helper/feeds && php -S localhost:8090 &> /tmp/feedserver.log &
sleep 2
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/../server
bats apps/news/tests/api
# Kill php server
kill %1
kill %2
- name: Setup problem matchers for PHP
run: echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/php.json"
@ -118,7 +136,16 @@ jobs:
- name: Functional tests
working-directory: ../server
run: bats apps/news/tests/integration
run: |
cd apps/news/tests/test_helper/feeds && php -S localhost:8090 &> /tmp/feedserver.log &
sleep 2
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/../server
bats apps/news/tests/command
kill %1
- name: Prep PHP tests
working-directory: ../server/apps/news
@ -127,3 +154,4 @@ jobs:
- name: Feed tests
working-directory: ../server/apps/news
run: make feed-test

View File

@ -7,15 +7,11 @@ jobs:
continue-on-error: true
php-versions: [ '7.4', '8.0' ]
nextcloud: [ 'stable24' ]
php-versions: [ '7.4', '8.0', '8.1' ]
nextcloud: [ 'stable25' ]
database: [ 'sqlite' ]
- php-versions: 8.1
nextcloud: stable24
database: sqlite
experimental: false
- php-versions: 8.1
- php-versions: '8.2'
nextcloud: pre-release
database: sqlite
experimental: true

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
php-versions: ['8.1']
nextcloud: ['stable24']
nextcloud: ['stable25']
database: ['sqlite']
experimental: [false]
codecoverage: [false]

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
php-versions: ['8.1']
nextcloud: ['stable24']
nextcloud: ['stable25']
database: ['sqlite']
- name: Checkout
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ jobs:
app_public_crt: ${{ secrets.APP_PUBLIC_CRT }}
- name: Upload app tarball to release
uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@483c1e56f95e88835747b1c7c60581215016cbf2
uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@133984371c30d34e38222a64855679a414cb7575
id: attach_to_release
repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

.github/workflows/lint-eslint.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# This workflow is provided via the organization template repository
# https://github.com/nextcloud/.github
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/sharing-workflows-with-your-organization
name: Lint
on: pull_request
contents: read
group: lint-eslint-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: eslint
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Read package.json node and npm engines version
uses: skjnldsv/read-package-engines-version-actions@v1.2
id: versions
fallbackNode: '^12'
fallbackNpm: '^6'
- name: Set up node ${{ steps.versions.outputs.nodeVersion }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.nodeVersion }}
- name: Set up npm ${{ steps.versions.outputs.npmVersion }}
run: npm i -g npm@"${{ steps.versions.outputs.npmVersion }}"
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Lint
run: npm run lint

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
name: "Coverage: Nextcloud PHP ${{ matrix.php-versions }}"
nextcloud: ['stable24']
nextcloud: ['stable25']
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ js/
# python

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
[submodule "tests/test_helper/bats-support"]
path = tests/test_helper/bats-support
url = https://github.com/bats-core/bats-support.git
[submodule "tests/test_helper/bats-assert"]
path = tests/test_helper/bats-assert
url = https://github.com/bats-core/bats-assert.git

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
host = https://www.transifex.com
lang_map = bg_BG: bg, cs_CZ: cs, fi_FI: fi, hu_HU: hu, nb_NO: nb, sk_SK: sk, th_TH: th, ja_JP: ja
host = https://www.transifex.com
lang_map = sk_SK: sk, th_TH: th, ja_JP: ja, bg_BG: bg, cs_CZ: cs, fi_FI: fi, hu_HU: hu, nb_NO: nb
file_filter = translationfiles/<lang>/news.po
source_file = translationfiles/templates/news.pot
source_lang = en
type = PO
type = PO

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Authors
* [Bernhard Posselt](mailto:dev@bernhard-posselt.com)
* [Alessandro Cosentino](mailto:cosenal@gmail.com)
* [Benjamin Brahmer](mailto:info@b-brahmer.de)
* [Alessandro Cosentino](mailto:cosenal@gmail.com)
* [Marco Nassabain](mailto:marco.nassabain@hotmail.com)
* [Robin Appelman](mailto:icewind@owncloud.com)
* [Sean Molenaar](mailto:sean@seanmolenaar.eu)
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
* [Sean Molenaar](mailto:SMillerDev@users.noreply.github.com)
* [anoy](mailto:anoymouserver+github@mailbox.org)
* [Morris Jobke](mailto:hey@morrisjobke.de)
* [Paul Tirk](mailto:paultirk@paultirk.com)
* [Jimmy Huynh](mailto:jimmy.huynh@etu.unistra.fr)
* [Aurélien](mailto:dav.aurelien@gmail.com)
* [Jan-Christoph Borchardt](mailto:hey@jancborchardt.net)
* [Paul Tirk](mailto:paultirk@paultirk.com)
* [Daniel Schaal](mailto:daniel@schaal.email)
* [Davide Saurino](mailto:davide.saurino@alcacoop.it)
* [raghunayyar](mailto:me@iraghu.com)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
* [Koen Martens](mailto:gmc@sonologic.nl)
* [Lukas Reschke](mailto:lukas@owncloud.com)
* [Tucker McKnight](mailto:tucker.mcknight@gmail.com)
* [Valdnet](mailto:47037905+Valdnet@users.noreply.github.com)
* [Bart Visscher](mailto:bartv@thisnet.nl)
* [Christian Elmer](mailto:christian@keinkurt.de)
* [Nicolas Wendling](mailto:nicolas.wendling1011@gmail.com)
@ -68,19 +69,22 @@
* [Nikita Chernyi](mailto:rakshazi@users.noreply.github.com)
* [Peter Hedlund](mailto:peter@peterandlinda.com)
* [Simon Spannagel](mailto:simonspa@kth.se)
* [Valdnet](mailto:47037905+Valdnet@users.noreply.github.com)
* [bbBowser](mailto:carspi@mail.de)
* [benediktb](mailto:benedikt@blablub.de)
* [chylex](mailto:contact@chylex.com)
* [coderkun](mailto:olli@coderkun.de)
* [davidak](mailto:git@davidak.de)
* [hooger](mailto:horvathg.1988@gmail.com)
* [lsmooth](mailto:ls@lsmooth.de)
* [s17t.net](mailto:mail+github@s17t.net)
* [Accalia](mailto:Accalia@Elementia.me)
* [Accalia Elementia](mailto:accalia@elementia.me)
* [Alec Kojaev](mailto:alec@kojaev.name)
* [Alessandro](mailto:cosenal@gmail.com)
* [Alexander Grüßung](mailto:alexander@gruessung-online.de)
* [Allan Nordhøy](mailto:epost@anotheragency.no)
* [Alwaysin](mailto:adrien@demma.fr)
* [Anderson Silva](mailto:UnderEu@users.noreply.github.com)
* [Andrea Boero](mailto:mail@tsumi.it)
* [Andreas Demmelbauer](mailto:git@notice.at)
* [Artem Lavrukhin](mailto:lavryha4590@gmail.com)
@ -89,7 +93,9 @@
* [Aurelien DAVID](mailto:dav.aurelien@gmail.com)
* [Benedikt Geißler](mailto:benedikt@g5r.eu)
* [Bernhard Posselt](mailto:bernhard@desktop.localdomain)
* [Björn Bidar](mailto:bjorn.bidar@thaodan.de)
* [Candid Dauth](mailto:cdauth@cdauth.eu)
* [Carl Schwan](mailto:carl@carlschwan.eu)
* [Carlos Silva](mailto:r3pek@r3pek.org)
* [Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo](mailto:enrique@engarda.org)
* [Chris Aumann](mailto:me@chr4.org)
@ -127,6 +133,7 @@
* [Martin Ferretti](mailto:ferrettimartin@protonmail.com)
* [Matthias](mailto:matthias.baier@mabaart.de)
* [Matthias Blümel](mailto:user@inanna.local)
* [Michael Chang](mailto:github@micbase.com)
* [Michael Grosser](mailto:github@stp-ip.net)
* [Michael Hamann](mailto:michael@content-space.de)
* [Michael Holley](mailto:michaelwholley@gmail.com)
@ -175,6 +182,7 @@
* [markusj](mailto:markusj@users.noreply.github.com)
* [mnassabain](mailto:34754819+mnassabain@users.noreply.github.com)
* [mormegil](mailto:mormegil@centrum.cz)
* [nextcloud486153](mailto:78801830+nextcloud486153@users.noreply.github.com)
* [nexus-uw](mailto:you@example.com)
* [repat](mailto:repat@repat.de)
* [ritchiewilson](mailto:rawilson52@gmail.com)

View File

@ -9,16 +9,78 @@ The format is mostly based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1
- Add Typescript
- Add Jest for Unit Tests
## [18.x.x]
# Releases
## [19.0.0] - 2022-10-25
### Fixed
- Fix nested scrollbars in navigation (#411, #1958)
## [19.0.0-beta2] - 2022-10-23
### Fixed
- Fixed various keyboard navigation issues (#1953)
- Fix cron job warning notification layout on NC25 (#1953)
## [19.0.0-beta1] - 2022-10-22
### Changed
- Add routes for starring/unstarring items by id
- Improve styling of tables in articles
- Drop support for Nextcloud 22, NC 22 has reached it's end of life. (#1950)
- Add support for Nextcloud 25 (#1950)
### Fixed
- Corrected article compact title bar position in NC25 (#1944)
- Fixed "Mark read through scrolling" in NC25 and NC24 (#1944)
## [18.3.0] - 2022-10-21
### Fixed
- Remove setting for minimum purge interval since it is not used. (#1935)
## [18.3.0-beta1] - 2022-10-10
### Changed
- New administrator setting for deleting unread items automatically (#1931)
## [18.2.0] - 2022-09-28
### Fixed
- Fix the highlighted item when reverse ordering is selected (#1838)
## [18.2.0-beta2] - 2022-09-07
Fix for the read all function and spelling fixes.
## [18.2.0-beta1] - 2022-08-30
### Changed
- Ported the admin settings to vue (#2353)
### Fixed
- Fix PHP 8.1 deprecations (#1861)
- Document api item types (#1861)
- Fix deprecation warnings from Nextcloud server (#1869)
- Fix when marking all items as read, all items of the user are used in the sql query (#1873)
- Fix adding feed via the web-ui that was just deleted causing an error (#1872)
## [18.1.1] - 2022-08-12
### Changed
- Change autodiscover to only run after fetching the given url has failed (#1860)
## [18.1.1-beta1] - 2022-07-04
### Fixed
- Fix export of unread and starred articles failing due to postgres error (#1839, #1249)
- Fix broken API v1.3 (#1841)
## [18.1.0] - 2022-06-10
Due to #1766 some Feeds might now have items that have `null` set as author instead of `""` clients need to handle this.
## [18.1.0-beta2] - 2022-05-31
### Changed
- If items of feed do not provide an author fallback to feed author (#1803)
## [18.1.0-beta1] - 2022-05-29
### Changed
- Add API v1.3 adding routes for starring/unstarring items by id and general fixes (#1727)
- Improve styling of tables in articles (#1779)
- Allow fetching feeds that omit guid by using link as stand-in (#1785)
### Fixed
- Fix updated api not returning any item after marking item as read (#1713)
- Fix deprecation warning for strip_tags() on a null value (#1766)
# Releases
- Fix selected item being set incorrectly when using default ordering or newest first ordering (#1324)
- Fix doubling the height of the content area (#1796)
## [18.0.1] - 2022-04-22
No major changes since the beta versions.

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ endif
# Installs npm dependencies
.PHONY: npm
$(npm) ci
$(npm) run build
ifneq (, $(npm))
$(npm) run build
@ -171,12 +173,15 @@ appstore:
# on macOS there is no option "--parents" for the "cp" command
mkdir -p $(appstore_sign_dir)/$(app_name)/js/build $(appstore_sign_dir)/$(app_name)/js/admin
cp js/build/app.min.js $(appstore_sign_dir)/$(app_name)/js/build
cp js/admin/Admin.js $(appstore_sign_dir)/$(app_name)/js/admin
cp js/build/news-admin-settings.js* $(appstore_sign_dir)/$(app_name)/js/build
# export the key and cert to a file
mkdir -p $(cert_dir)
php ./bin/tools/file_from_env.php "app_private_key" "$(cert_dir)/$(app_name).key"
php ./bin/tools/file_from_env.php "app_public_crt" "$(cert_dir)/$(app_name).crt"
@if [ ! -f $(cert_dir)/$(app_name).key ] || [ ! -f $(cert_dir)/$(app_name).crt ]; then \
echo "Key and cert do not exist"; \
mkdir -p $(cert_dir); \
php ./bin/tools/file_from_env.php "app_private_key" "$(cert_dir)/$(app_name).key"; \
php ./bin/tools/file_from_env.php "app_public_crt" "$(cert_dir)/$(app_name).crt"; \
@if [ -f $(cert_dir)/$(app_name).key ]; then \
echo "Signing app files…"; \
@ -215,4 +220,12 @@ test: php-test-dependencies
.PHONY: feed-test
.PHONY: feed-server
php -S -t $(CURDIR)/tests/test_helper/feeds
.PHONY: nextcloud-server
php -S -t $(CURDIR)/../../.

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Create a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)
Report a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)
<author>Benjamin Brahmer</author>
<author>Sean Molenaar</author>
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Report a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)
<owncloud max-version="0" min-version="0"/>
<nextcloud min-version="22" max-version="24"/>
<nextcloud min-version="23" max-version="25"/>

View File

@ -61,85 +61,61 @@ return ['routes' => [
// general API
['name' => 'api#index', 'url' => '/api', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#preflighted_cors', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/{path}', 'verb' => 'OPTIONS', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v(1-[23]|2)', 'path' => '.+']],
['name' => 'utility_api#version', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/version', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v(1-[23]|2)']],
// API 1.x
['name' => 'utility_api#status', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/status', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'utility_api#before_update', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/cleanup/before-update', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'utility_api#after_update', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/cleanup/after-update', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
// folders
['name' => 'folder_api#index', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/folders', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'folder_api#create', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/folders', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'folder_api#update', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'folder_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'folder_api#read', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/folders/{folderId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'folder_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders/{folderId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
// feeds
['name' => 'feed_api#index', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'feed_api#create', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'feed_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'feed_api#from_all_users', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/all', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'feed_api#move', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/{feedId}/move', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'feed_api#move', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/move', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'feed_api#rename', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/{feedId}/rename', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'feed_api#rename', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/rename', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'feed_api#read', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/{feedId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'feed_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/feeds/update', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
// items
['name' => 'item_api#index', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'item_api#updated', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/updated', 'verb' => 'GET', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-[23]']],
['name' => 'item_api#read', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/{itemId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{itemId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#unread', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/{itemId}/unread', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#unread', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{itemId}/unread', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#read_all', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/read', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#read_all', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/read', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'postfix' => 'v1.2'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#read_multiple_by_ids', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/read/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#read_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/read/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#unread_multiple_by_ids', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/unread/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#unread_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/unread/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#star_by_item_id', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/{itemId}/star', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#star', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{feedId}/{guidHash}/star', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_by_item_id', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/{itemId}/unstar', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#unstar', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{feedId}/{guidHash}/unstar', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#star_multiple_by_item_ids', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/star/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#star_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/star/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_multiple_by_item_ids', 'url' => '/api/{apiVersion}/items/unstar/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST', 'requirements' => ['apiVersion' => 'v1-3']],
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/unstar/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // Backward compatibility. Corrected HTTP method as of v1.3
// API 2
['name' => 'folder_api_v2#create', 'url' => '/api/v2/folders', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'folder_api_v2#update', 'url' => '/api/v2/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'PATCH'],
['name' => 'folder_api_v2#delete', 'url' => '/api/v2/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
// API 1.3
['name' => 'utility_api#version', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/version', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#status', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/status', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#before_update', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/cleanup/before-update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#after_update', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/cleanup/after-update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#preflighted_cors', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/{path}', 'verb' => 'OPTIONS', 'requirements' => ['path' => '.+']],
// folders
['name' => 'folder_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/folders', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'folder_api#create', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/folders', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'folder_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'PUT'],
['name' => 'folder_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
['name' => 'folder_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/folders/{folderId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST'],
// feeds
['name' => 'feed_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'feed_api#create', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'PUT'],
['name' => 'feed_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
['name' => 'feed_api#from_all_users', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/all', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'feed_api#move', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/{feedId}/move', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'feed_api#rename', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/{feedId}/rename', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'feed_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/{feedId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/feeds/update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
// items
['name' => 'item_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'item_api#updated', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/updated', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'item_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/{itemId}/read', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#unread', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/{itemId}/unread', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#read_all', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/read', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#read_multiple_by_ids', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/read/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#unread_multiple_by_ids', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/unread/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#star_by_item_id', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/{itemId}/star', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_by_item_id', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/{itemId}/unstar', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#star_multiple_by_item_ids', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/star/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_multiple_by_item_ids', 'url' => '/api/v1-3/items/unstar/multiple', 'verb' => 'POST'],
// API 1.2
['name' => 'utility_api#version', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/version', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#status', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/status', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#before_update', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/cleanup/before-update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#after_update', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/cleanup/after-update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'utility_api#preflighted_cors', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/{path}', 'verb' => 'OPTIONS', 'requirements' => ['path' => '.+']],
// folders
['name' => 'folder_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'folder_api#create', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'folder_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'PUT'],
['name' => 'folder_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders/{folderId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
['name' => 'folder_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/folders/{folderId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
// feeds
['name' => 'feed_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'feed_api#create', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'PUT'],
['name' => 'feed_api#delete', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
['name' => 'feed_api#from_all_users', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/all', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'feed_api#move', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/move', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'feed_api#rename', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/rename', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'feed_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/{feedId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'feed_api#update', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/feeds/update', 'verb' => 'GET'],
// items
['name' => 'item_api#index', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'item_api#updated', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/updated', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'item_api#read', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{itemId}/read', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#unread', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{itemId}/unread', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#read_all', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/read', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#read_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/read/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#unread_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/unread/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#star', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{feedId}/{guidHash}/star', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#unstar', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/{feedId}/{guidHash}/unstar', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#star_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/star/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct
['name' => 'item_api#unstar_multiple', 'url' => '/api/v1-2/items/unstar/multiple', 'verb' => 'PUT'], // FIXME: POST would be more correct

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"require": {
"php": "^7.2 || ~8.0",
"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "^4.14.0",
"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "^4.16.0",
"pear/net_url2": "^2.2.2",
"riimu/kit-pathjoin": "^1.2.0",
"debril/feed-io": "^v4.9.12",
@ -55,14 +55,15 @@
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "9.5.*",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.6.2",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^1.4.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-doctrine": "^1.2.11",
"phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^1.1.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.0.0",
"phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.1.0",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.7.1",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^1.9.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-doctrine": "^1.3.22",
"phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^1.4.4",
"phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.2.2",
"phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.2.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules": "^1.0",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.3.0",
"doctrine/dbal": "^3.3.2",
"doctrine/dbal": "^3.5.1",
"symfony/console": "^4.4.19",
"psr/log": "^1.1.0"

composer.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

css/explore.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Nextcloud - News
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Bernhard Posselt <dev@bernhard-posselt.com>
* @copyright 2020, Jan C. Borchardt, https://jancborchardt.net
* @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014
* Explore styles
.explore #app-content-wrapper {
height: 100%;
#explore {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 45px 0 45px 45px;
#explore .grid-item {
width: 300px;
border: 2px solid var(--color-border);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-large);
margin: 0 24px 24px 0;
padding: 24px;
#explore .grid-item .explore-title {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0 center;
background-size: 24px;
padding-left: 32px;
#explore .grid-item .explore-title a {
word-wrap: break-word;
#explore .grid-item .explore-title a:hover, #explore .grid-item .explore-title a:focus {
text-decoration: underline;
#explore .grid-item .explore-logo {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 25px;
#explore .grid-item .explore-logo img {
width: 100%;
#explore .grid-item .explore-subscribe {
margin-top: 16px;
max-width: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
/*# sourceMappingURL=explore.css.map */

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoint_mobile) {
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
#app-content .utils .date {
display: none;

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
* @author Bernhard Posselt <dev@bernhard-posselt.com>
* @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014
#app-navigation {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
/* add new feed or folder */
/* button */

View File

@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
# Admin
Welcome to the Admin documentation this page explains some of the configuration options for news.
## System Cron
Nextcloud uses Cron to run regular jobs, News relies on the Job system to execute the feed updates.
Nextcloud uses cron to run regular jobs, News relies on the Job system to execute the feed updates.
Alternatively you may use an [external updater](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/#update-clients), in this case you need to disable the system cron in the settings.
## Auto purge count
This value represents the maximum amount of read items per feed, which won't be deleted by the cleanup job.
For example if the value is 200 there can be maximum 200 read items per feed, unread items are unaffected.
If old articles reappear after being read, try to increase this value.
To disable this feature use -1.
- The default value is 200.
- To disable this feature, use -1.
- Unread and starred items are not deleted.
Auto purging automatically removes the oldest read items of every feed after every update.
The value you enter here is used as the limit of read items per feed, unless the feed comes with more items in it's feed.
For example you have the default value of 200 and the feed has 210 items in it's feed.
In this case the limit will be 210 instead of 200.
## Purge unread items
This changes the behavior of the auto purging to also purge unread items. This is useful if you have users with a lot of unread items.
**Starred items are always kept.**
## Explore Service
If you are using the News app in your company/community it might be interesting to offer your users a bunch of easily to discover default feeds. You could also create a website where people can add and up-vote news feeds like bigger cloud feed readers like Feedly do it or even convert their APIs into a service for the News app (if someone wants to provide one for the News app, feel free to contact us by creating an issue in the bug tracker).
If you are using the News app in your company/community, it might be interesting to offer your users a bunch of easily to discover default feeds. You could also create a website where people can add and up-vote news feeds like bigger cloud feed readers like Feedly do it or even convert their APIs into a service for the News app (if someone wants to provide one for the News app, feel free to contact us by creating an issue in the bug tracker).
The URL should be a path to a directory which contains a JSON file in the format of **feeds.LANG_CODE.json** where LANG_CODE is a two character language code (e.g. **en** or **de**).
@ -23,11 +32,12 @@ For example, entering the URL **https://domain.com/directory** as explore URL wi
## Update Interval
The update interval is used to determine when the next update of all feeds should be done.
You can configure this interval as an administrator.
By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour) You can configure this interval as an administrator.
The new value is only applied after the next run of the updater.
### What is a good update interval?
That depends on your individual needs.
Please keep in mind that the lower you set your update interval, the more traffic is generated.
### Can I set individual update intervals per feed/user?
No, the job framework of Nextcloud is pretty simple.
No, that is not possible.

View File

@ -399,6 +399,30 @@ The following attributes are **not sanitized** meaning: including them in your w
* **mediaThumbnail**
* **mediaDescription**
#### Types
| Name | Default | Types |
| author | null | string\|null |
| body | | string\|null |
| contentHash | | string\|null |
| enclosureLink | | string\|null |
| enclosureMime | | string\|null |
| feedId | | int |
| fingerprint | | string\|null |
| guid | | string |
| guidHash | | string |
| id | | int |
| lastModified | \"0\" | string\|null |
| mediaDescription | | string\|null |
| mediaThumbnail | | string\|null |
| pubDate | | int\|null |
| rtl | false | bool |
| starred | false | bool |
| title | | string\|null |
| unread | false | bool |
| updatedDate | | string\|null |
| url | | string\|null |
#### Get items
* **Status**: Implemented
* **Method**: GET

View File

@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Deletes a feed with the id feedId and all of its items
#### Rename a feed
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.807
* **Status**: Implemented in News 1.807
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /feeds/{feedId}/rename
* **Parameters**:
@ -399,6 +399,30 @@ The following attributes are **not sanitized** meaning: including them in your w
* **mediaThumbnail**
* **mediaDescription**
#### Types
| Name | Default | Types |
| author | null | string\|null |
| body | | string\|null |
| contentHash | | string\|null |
| enclosureLink | | string\|null |
| enclosureMime | | string\|null |
| feedId | | int |
| fingerprint | | string\|null |
| guid | | string |
| guidHash | | string |
| id | | int |
| lastModified | \"0\" | string\|null |
| mediaDescription | | string\|null |
| mediaThumbnail | | string\|null |
| pubDate | | int\|null |
| rtl | false | bool |
| starred | false | bool |
| title | | string\|null |
| unread | false | bool |
| updatedDate | | string\|null |
| url | | string\|null |
#### Get items
* **Status**: Implemented
* **Method**: GET
@ -524,7 +548,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark multiple items as read
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.2
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.2
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/read/multiple
* **Parameters**:
@ -545,7 +569,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark multiple items as unread
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.2
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.2
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/unread/multiple
* **Parameters**:
@ -557,7 +581,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark an item as starred
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.3
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.3
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/{itemId}/star
* **Parameters**: none
@ -566,7 +590,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark multiple items as starred
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.3
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.3
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/star/multiple
* **Parameters**:
@ -578,7 +602,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark an item as unstarred
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.3
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.3
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/{itemId}/unstar
* **Parameters**: none
@ -587,7 +611,7 @@ This is used to stay up to date.
* **Returns**: nothing
#### Mark multiple items as unstarred
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.3
* **Status**: Implemented in API 1.3
* **Method**: POST
* **Route**: /items/unstar/multiple
* **Parameters**:
@ -632,7 +656,7 @@ This [implementation in Python](https://github.com/nextcloud/news-updater) shoul
#### Trigger cleanup before update
This is used to clean up the database. It deletes folders and feeds that are marked for deletion
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.601
* **Status**: Implemented in News 1.601
* **Authentication**: Requires admin user
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /cleanup/before-update
@ -644,7 +668,7 @@ This is used to clean up the database. It deletes folders and feeds that are mar
#### Get feed ids and usernames for all feeds
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.203
* **Status**: Implemented in News 1.203
* **Authentication**: Requires admin user
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /feeds/all
@ -668,7 +692,7 @@ This is used to clean up the database. It deletes folders and feeds that are mar
#### Trigger a feed update
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.601
* **Status**: Implemented in News 1.601
* **Authentication**: Requires admin user
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /feeds/update
@ -690,7 +714,7 @@ This is used to clean up the database. It deletes folders and feeds that are mar
#### Trigger cleanup after update
This is used to clean up the database. It removes old read articles which are not starred
* **Status**: Implemented in 1.601
* **Status**: Implemented in News 1.601
* **Authentication**: Requires admin user
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /cleanup/after-update
@ -721,7 +745,7 @@ This API can be used to display warnings and errors in your client if the web ap
#### Get the status
* **Status**: Implemented in 5.2.4
* **Status**: Implemented in News 5.2.4
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /status
* **Parameters**: none
@ -757,7 +781,7 @@ DEPRECATED: This API is deprecated, use the Nextcloud APIs instead.
#### Get the status
* **Status**: Implemented in 6.0.5
* **Status**: Implemented in News 6.0.5
* **Method**: GET
* **Route**: /user
* **Parameters**: none

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ A sync client can be used to read news and synchronize via the API.
| Name | OS/Platform | License | Source |
| [RSS Guard](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard) | Windows, Linux, OS/2, macOS | GPL-3.0 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard) |
| [Fluent Reader](https://hyliu.me/fluent-reader/) | Windows, Linux, macOS | BSD-3-Clause License | [GitHub](https://github.com/yang991178/fluent-reader) |
| [Communique](https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.suzie97.communique) | Linux | LGPL-2.1 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/Suzie97/Communique) |
| [Nextcloud News Reader](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader) | Android | GPL-3.0 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/nextcloud/news-android-app) |
| [OCReader](https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=email.schaal.ocreader) | Android | GPL-3.0 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/schaal/ocreader) |
| [Newsout](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inspiredandroid.newsout) | Android | Apache-2.0 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/SimonSchubert/NewsOut) |
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ A sync client can be used to read news and synchronize via the API.
| [py3status](https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status/) | i3wm | BSD-3-Clause License | [GitHub](https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status/) |
| [newsboat](https://newsboat.org/) | Unix Terminal | MIT License | [GitHub](https://github.com/newsboat/newsboat) |
| [Newsie](https://open-store.io/app/newsie.martinferretti) | Ubuntu Touch | GPL-3.0 License | [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/ferrettim/newsie) |
| [Fuoten](https://github.com/Huessenbergnetz/Fuoten) | Sailfish OS | GPL-3.0 License | [GitHub](https://github.com/Huessenbergnetz/Fuoten) |
## Update Clients

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ News offers an API that can be used by clients to synchronize with the server.
There are two API declarations, so far only V1 has been fully implemented.
Work on V2 has started with low priority.
- [API-V1](api/api-v1.md)
- [API-V1.2](api/api-v1-2.md)
- [API-V1.3](api/api-v1-3.md)
- [API-V2](api/api-v2.md)
## Coding Style Guidelines
@ -20,3 +21,33 @@ The PHP code should all adhere to [PSR-2](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/).
To test the codestyle you can run `make phpcs`.
For linting JavaScript, a [jshint file](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/js/.jshintrc) is used that is run before compiling the JavaScript.
## General Developer setup
Check the Nextcloud [documentation](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/getting_started/devenv.html) to learn how to setup a developer environment, alternatively to a proper web server you can also use the [builtin php server](https://www.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php) on demand, it is enough for development purposes.
When your setup is running, clone the news repository in the `apps/` directory inside the server.
Change into the news directory and run make to build the app, you will need php, composer, node, npm and maybe more.
Now you can basically use the news app and test your changes.
## Running Integration tests locally
We use [bats](https://bats-core.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) to run integration tests against the API and the cli.
Check how to install bats on your system in the [official documentation](https://bats-core.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html).
You also need to pull the submodules of the news repo.
git submodules update --init
The cli tests expect that the feeds are reachable at `http://localhost:8090`, to achieve that you can use `make feed-server &` the `&` means it'll run in the background.
Now the test feeds will be reachable for bats.
Run the tests by executing `bats tests/command` you can also only run specific tests for example `bats tests/command/feeds.bats`.
For the API tests you need to run a second php server or have another web server that provides Nextcloud and the News App.
The tests expect to find Nextcloud at `http://localhost:8080`
You can do this by running `make nextcloud-server`.
The bats tests can be executed like this `bats tests/api`.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Since an attacker can not execute code in contrast to mixed active content, but
### Why don't you simply use an HTTPS image/audio/video proxy
For the same reason that we can't fix non HTTPS websites: It does not fix the underlying issue but only silences it. If you are using an image HTTPS proxy, an attacker can simply attack your image proxy since the proxy fetches insecure content. **Even worse**: if your image proxy serves these images from the same domain as your Nextcloud installation you [are vulnerable to XSS via SVG images](https://www.owasp.org/images/0/03/Mario_Heiderich_OWASP_Sweden_The_image_that_called_me.pdf). In addition, people feel safe when essentially they are not.
For the same reason that we can't fix non HTTPS websites: It does not fix the underlying issue, but only silences it. If you are using an image HTTPS proxy, an attacker can simply attack your image proxy since the proxy fetches insecure content. **Even worse**: if your image proxy serves these images from the same domain as your Nextcloud installation, you [are vulnerable to XSS via SVG images](https://www.owasp.org/images/0/03/Mario_Heiderich_OWASP_Sweden_The_image_that_called_me.pdf). In addition, people feel safe when essentially they are not.
Since most people don't understand mixed content and don't have two domains and a standalone server for the image proxy, it is very likely they will choose to host it under the same domain.
@ -91,13 +91,14 @@ By appending **?subscribe_to=SOME_URL** to your News app URL, you can launch the
## Database table grows too big
If your users have subscribed to some high-volume feeds where a lot of items remain unread,
this can lead to an oversized news table over time. As a consequence, the database upgrade of the news app can take several hours, during which Nextcloud cannot be used.
By default, Nextcloud News purges old news items above a certain threshold each time it fetches new news items. The maximum number of items per feed
that should be kept during the purging can be defined through the “Maximum read count per feed” setting in the admin UI or the `autoPurgeCount`
value in the config. (Note: The “Purge interval” (`autoPurgeMinimumInterval`) setting is ignored and does not have any effect.)
However, unread or starred items are exempt from the purging. If your users have subscribed to some high-volume feeds where a lot of items remain
unread, this can lead to an oversized news table over time. As a consequence, the database upgrade of the news app can take several hours, during which
Nextcloud cannot be used.
value in the config.
Additionally you may enable the option to also purge unread items `purgeUnread`. This is useful if your users have large amounts of unread items.
Starred items are always exempt from purging.
The command `occ news:updater:after-update [--purge-unread] [<purge-count>]` can be used to manually purge old news items across the instance. With
the `--purge-unread` option, unread items are also purged (starred items are still exempt). If `purge-count` is not specified, the configured

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Installation/Update
# Installation/Update & Uninstall
## Dependencies
* 64bit OS (starting with News 16.0.0)
@ -93,3 +93,51 @@ To update the News app use change into the **nextcloud/apps/news/** directory us
git pull --rebase origin master
## Uninstall with cleanup
First uninstall the app via the web-interface or via occ:
./occ app:remove news
This currently does not remove any of the database tables.
Data in your `/tmp` directory will be automatically deleted by the OS.
If you changed the temporary directory for Nextcloud you need to check on your own.
Careful, this next part is only intended for admins, that know what they are doing.
To remove the tables from the DB we drop the tables of news.
Your installation might have a different prefix then `oc_` but it is the default in most installations.
Connect to your DB and execute the commands. Don't forget to switch to the right database.
For example in mysql: `use nextcloud;`
DROP TABLE oc_news_folders;
DROP TABLE oc_news_feeds;
DROP TABLE oc_news_items;
Then we remove the traces in the migrations table.
DELETE FROM oc_migrations WHERE app='news';
Next delete the app configuration.
DELETE FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'news';
And finally remove the jobs from the job table.
The last two lines are only needed for older installations.
DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE class='OCA\\News\\Cron\\UpdaterJob';
DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE class='OCA\\News\\Cron\\Updater';
DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE argument='["OCA\\\\News\\\\Cron\\\\Updater","run"]';
Now nothing is left from news in your nextcloud installation.

View File

@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ app.config(function ($routeProvider, $provide, $httpProvider, $locationProvider)
$provide.constant('MARK_READ_TIMEOUT', 0.5);
$provide.constant('SCROLL_TIMEOUT', 0.1);
const majorVersion = parseInt($('#app-content').data('nc-major-version') || 0, 10);
$provide.constant('NC_MAJOR_VERSION', majorVersion);
window.NEWS_NC_MAJOR_VERSION = majorVersion;
// make sure that the CSRF header is only sent to the Nextcloud domain
$provide.factory('CSRFInterceptor', function ($q, BASE_URL, $window) {
return {
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ app.config(function ($routeProvider, $provide, $httpProvider, $locationProvider)
var errorMessages = {
0: t('news', 'Request failed, network connection unavailable!'),
401: t('news', 'Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?'),
403: t('news', 'Request forbidden. Are you an admin?'),
403: t('news', 'Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?'),
412: t('news', 'Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!'),
500: t('news', 'Internal server error! Please check your ' +
'data/nextcloud.log file for additional ' +

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ app.controller('ContentController', function (Publisher, FeedResource, ItemResou
// distribute data to models based on key
var getOrdering = function () {
var isOldestFirst = function () {
var ordering = SettingsResource.get('oldestFirst');
if (self.isFeed()) {
@ -35,14 +35,7 @@ app.controller('ContentController', function (Publisher, FeedResource, ItemResou
this.getFirstItem = function () {
var orderedItems = this.getItems();
var item = orderedItems[orderedItems.length - 1];
var firstItem = orderedItems[0];
// If getOrdering == 1, then the sorting is set to
// newest first. So, item should be the first item
if (getOrdering()) {
item = firstItem;
var item = orderedItems[0];
if (item === undefined) {
return undefined;
@ -152,7 +145,7 @@ app.controller('ContentController', function (Publisher, FeedResource, ItemResou
return $route.current.$$route.type === FEED_TYPE.FEED;
this.oldestFirst = getOrdering();
this.oldestFirst = isOldestFirst();
this.autoPage = function () {
if (this.isNothingMoreToAutoPage) {

View File

@ -8,10 +8,19 @@
* @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014
app.directive('newsScroll', function ($timeout, ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE,
'use strict';
var timer;
var scrollElement = function() {
// This should be in sync with the same function in js/gui/KeyboardShortcuts.js
if (NC_MAJOR_VERSION >= 25) {
return $('#app-content');
return $(window);
// autopaging
var autoPage = function (limit, elem, scope) {
var counter = 0;
@ -49,8 +58,7 @@ app.directive('newsScroll', function ($timeout, ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE,
articles.forEach(function(article) {
// distance to top + height
var distTop = article.offsetTop + article.offsetHeight;
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset ||
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || scrollElement().scrollTop();
if (distTop < scrollTop) {
ids.push(parseInt(article.dataset.id, 10));
} else {
@ -100,11 +108,11 @@ app.directive('newsScroll', function ($timeout, ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE,
$(document).on('scroll', scrollHandler);
scrollElement().on('scroll', scrollHandler);
// remove scroll handler if element is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
$(document).off('scroll', scrollHandler);
scrollElement().off('scroll', scrollHandler);

View File

@ -16,6 +16,14 @@
(function (window, document, $) {
'use strict';
var scrollElement = function() {
// This should be in sync with the same function in js/directive/NewsScroll.js
if (window.NEWS_NC_MAJOR_VERSION >= 25) {
return $('#app-content');
return $(window);
var noInputFocused = function (element) {
return !(
element.is('input') ||
@ -223,34 +231,34 @@
var getActiveElement = function (scrollArea) {
return scrollArea.find('.item.active:first');
var getActiveElement = function () {
return $('#app-content').find('.item.active:first');
var onActiveItem = function (scrollArea, callback) {
var onActiveItem = function (callback) {
var toggleUnread = function (scrollArea) {
onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) {
var toggleUnread = function () {
onActiveItem(function (item) {
var toggleStar = function (scrollArea) {
onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) {
var toggleStar = function () {
onActiveItem(function (item) {
var expandItem = function (scrollArea) {
onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) {
var expandItem = function () {
onActiveItem(function (item) {
var openLink = function (scrollArea) {
onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) {
var openLink = function () {
onActiveItem(function (item) {
item.trigger('click'); // mark read
var url = item.find('.external:visible').attr('href');
var newWindow = window.open(url, '_blank');
@ -265,9 +273,14 @@
var scrollToItem = function (scrollArea, item, expandItemInCompact) {
// if you go to the next article in compact view, it should
// expand the current one
item.offset().top - 50
if (window.NEWS_NC_MAJOR_VERSION >= 25) {
scrollArea.scrollTop(scrollArea.scrollTop() + item.offset().top - 50);
} else {
item.offset().top - 50
@ -279,7 +292,7 @@
var scrollToNextItem = function (scrollArea, expandItemInCompact) {
var activeElement = getActiveElement(scrollArea);
var activeElement = getActiveElement();
// in expand in compact mode, jumping to the next item should open
// the current one if it's not open yet
if (expandItemInCompact && !activeElement.hasClass('open')) {
@ -300,7 +313,7 @@
var scrollToPreviousItem = function (scrollArea,
expandItemInCompact) {
var activeElement = getActiveElement(scrollArea);
var activeElement = getActiveElement();
var previousElement = activeElement.prev();
// if the active element has been scrolled, the previous element
@ -321,18 +334,19 @@
items.each(function (index, item) {
var $item = $(item);
var bottom = $item.position().top + $item.outerHeight(true);
if ((bottom - 20) >= 0) {
var scrollBottom = scrollElement().scrollTop();
if (bottom - 20 >= scrollBottom) {
return false;
return false;
$('#app-content').scroll(_.debounce(detectAndSetActiveItem, 250));
scrollElement().scroll(_.debounce(detectAndSetActiveItem, 250));
$(document).keyup(function (event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
var scrollArea = $(document);
var scrollArea = scrollElement();
var navigationArea = $('#app-navigation');
var isCompactView = $('#articles.compact').length > 0;
var isExpandItem = $('#articles')

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Nuus",
"Shared with me" : "Gedeel met my",
"Saved" : "Bewaar",
"Download" : "Laai Af",
"Close" : "Sluit",
"Share" : "Deel",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"News" : "Nuus",
"Shared with me" : "Gedeel met my",
"Saved" : "Bewaar",
"Download" : "Laai Af",
"Close" : "Sluit",
"Share" : "Deel",

l10n/an.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"Download" : "Escargar",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Username" : "Nombre d'usuario",
"New folder" : "Nueva carpeta",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de carpeta",
"Password" : "Clau",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Rename" : "Renombrar",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Settings" : "Configurazión",
"Help" : "Aduya"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/an.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{ "translations": {
"Download" : "Escargar",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Username" : "Nombre d'usuario",
"New folder" : "Nueva carpeta",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de carpeta",
"Password" : "Clau",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Rename" : "Renombrar",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Settings" : "Configurazión",
"Help" : "Aduya"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unread articles" : "مقال غير مقروء",
"News" : "الأخبار",
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Download" : "تنزيل",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"Share" : "مشاركة",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Unread articles" : "مقال غير مقروء",
"News" : "الأخبار",
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Download" : "تنزيل",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"Share" : "مشاركة",

View File

@ -3,18 +3,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Falló la solicitú, ¡conexón de rede non disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitú non autorizada. ¿Aniciesti sesión?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitú prohibida. ¿Yes alministrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡Token caducáu o l'aplicación nun ta activada! ¡Recarga la páxina!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Fallu internu del sirvidor! Comprueba'l ficheru de rexistru en data/nextcloud.log pa más información",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Falló la solicitú! Anguaño Nextcloud ta en mou de caltenimientu.",
"Unread articles" : "Artículos ensin lleer",
"News" : "Anuncies",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalu de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Númberu máximu de llectura per feed",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximes",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo escosao p'algamar el feed",
"Explore Service URL" : "Esplorar URL del serviciu",
"Saved" : "Guardáu",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"No articles available" : "Nun hai artículos disponibles",

View File

@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Falló la solicitú, ¡conexón de rede non disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitú non autorizada. ¿Aniciesti sesión?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitú prohibida. ¿Yes alministrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡Token caducáu o l'aplicación nun ta activada! ¡Recarga la páxina!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Fallu internu del sirvidor! Comprueba'l ficheru de rexistru en data/nextcloud.log pa más información",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Falló la solicitú! Anguaño Nextcloud ta en mou de caltenimientu.",
"Unread articles" : "Artículos ensin lleer",
"News" : "Anuncies",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalu de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Númberu máximu de llectura per feed",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximes",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo escosao p'algamar el feed",
"Explore Service URL" : "Esplorar URL del serviciu",
"Saved" : "Guardáu",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"No articles available" : "Nun hai artículos disponibles",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unread articles" : "Oxunulmamış məqalə",
"Saved" : "Saxlanıldı",
"Download" : "Yüklə",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Share" : "Paylaş",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
"Unread articles" : "Oxunulmamış məqalə",
"Saved" : "Saxlanıldı",
"Download" : "Yüklə",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Share" : "Paylaş",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Неуспешна заявка, няма налична мрежова връзка!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Заявката не е упълномощена. Вписан ли сте?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Достъп е отказан. Администратор ли сте?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Заявката е забранена. Вие администратор ли сте?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Изтекла парола или приложението не е активирано! Презаредете страницата!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Вътрешно сървърна грешка! За допълнителна информация проверете файла data/nextcloud.log !",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Заявка се провали, Nextcloud в момента е в режим на поддръжка!",
@ -16,21 +16,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Приложение за четене на RSS/Atom Feed за Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Синхронизирайте емисиите си с множество мобилни или настолни [клиенти](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Автоматични актуализации на вашите новинарски емисии\n- 🆓 Безплатен и отворен код под AGPLv3, без реклами или премиум функции\n\n**За да работи това приложение, в момента се изисква System Cron**\n\nИзискванията могат да бъдат намерени [тук](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nРегистърът на промените е достъпен [тук](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nСъздайте [отчет за грешка](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nСъздайте [заявка за функция](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nПодайте сигнал за [проблем с емисия](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Използване на системния cron за актуализации",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Деактивирайте това, ако използвате персонализирана програма за актуализиране.",
"Purge interval" : "Интервал за изтриване",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Минимално време в секунди, след което изтрити емисии и папки биват премахвани от базата данни; стойности под 60 секунди ще бъдат игнорирани",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Максимален брой прочитания на емисия",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Задава максималния брой статии, които могат да бъдат прочетени за всяка емисия, които няма да бъдат изтрити от автоматичната програма за почистване; ако стари статии се появят отново след като са били прочетени може да увеличите стойността; отрицателни стойности, като \"-1\", изключват напълно тази функционалност.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Задава максималния брой статии, които могат да бъдат прочетени за всяка емисия, които няма да бъдат изтрити от автоматичната програма за почистване; ако стари статии се появят отново след като са били прочетени, може да увеличите стойността; отрицателни стойности, като \"-1\", изключват напълно тази функционалност.",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Автоматично изтриване на непрочетени статии",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Разрешаване на опцията ако искате и да изтривате непрочетени статии.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Максимален брой пренасочвания",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Колко пренасочвания трябва да следва инструментът за извличане на емисии.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Максимално време за изчакване",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Максималното време в секунди за изчакване зареждането на RSS или Atom емисия; ако отнема по-дълго актуализирането се прекратява",
"Explore Service URL" : "Разгледайте URL адреса на услугата",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Ако е даден, URL адресът на тази услуга ще бъде поискан за показване на емисиите в секцията за изследване на емисия. За да се върнете към вградената услуга за изследване, оставете тези входи данни празни.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "За повече информация проверете wiki страницата.",
"Update interval" : "Интервал за актуализиране",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Интервал в секунди, в който емисиите ще бъдат актуализирани.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "За повече информация проверете документацията.",
"Saved" : "Запазено",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Успешно актуализирана конфигурация за новини",
"Unable to update news config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за новини",
"Download" : "Изтегли",
"Close" : "Затваряне",
"Subscribe to" : "Абониране за",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Неуспешна заявка, няма налична мрежова връзка!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Заявката не е упълномощена. Вписан ли сте?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Достъп е отказан. Администратор ли сте?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Заявката е забранена. Вие администратор ли сте?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Изтекла парола или приложението не е активирано! Презаредете страницата!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Вътрешно сървърна грешка! За допълнителна информация проверете файла data/nextcloud.log !",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Заявка се провали, Nextcloud в момента е в режим на поддръжка!",
@ -14,21 +14,20 @@
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Приложение за четене на RSS/Atom Feed за Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Синхронизирайте емисиите си с множество мобилни или настолни [клиенти](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Автоматични актуализации на вашите новинарски емисии\n- 🆓 Безплатен и отворен код под AGPLv3, без реклами или премиум функции\n\n**За да работи това приложение, в момента се изисква System Cron**\n\nИзискванията могат да бъдат намерени [тук](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nРегистърът на промените е достъпен [тук](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nСъздайте [отчет за грешка](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nСъздайте [заявка за функция](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nПодайте сигнал за [проблем с емисия](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Използване на системния cron за актуализации",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Деактивирайте това, ако използвате персонализирана програма за актуализиране.",
"Purge interval" : "Интервал за изтриване",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Минимално време в секунди, след което изтрити емисии и папки биват премахвани от базата данни; стойности под 60 секунди ще бъдат игнорирани",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Максимален брой прочитания на емисия",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Задава максималния брой статии, които могат да бъдат прочетени за всяка емисия, които няма да бъдат изтрити от автоматичната програма за почистване; ако стари статии се появят отново след като са били прочетени може да увеличите стойността; отрицателни стойности, като \"-1\", изключват напълно тази функционалност.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Задава максималния брой статии, които могат да бъдат прочетени за всяка емисия, които няма да бъдат изтрити от автоматичната програма за почистване; ако стари статии се появят отново след като са били прочетени, може да увеличите стойността; отрицателни стойности, като \"-1\", изключват напълно тази функционалност.",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Автоматично изтриване на непрочетени статии",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Разрешаване на опцията ако искате и да изтривате непрочетени статии.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Максимален брой пренасочвания",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Колко пренасочвания трябва да следва инструментът за извличане на емисии.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Максимално време за изчакване",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Максималното време в секунди за изчакване зареждането на RSS или Atom емисия; ако отнема по-дълго актуализирането се прекратява",
"Explore Service URL" : "Разгледайте URL адреса на услугата",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Ако е даден, URL адресът на тази услуга ще бъде поискан за показване на емисиите в секцията за изследване на емисия. За да се върнете към вградената услуга за изследване, оставете тези входи данни празни.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "За повече информация проверете wiki страницата.",
"Update interval" : "Интервал за актуализиране",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Интервал в секунди, в който емисиите ще бъдат актуализирани.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "За повече информация проверете документацията.",
"Saved" : "Запазено",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Успешно актуализирана конфигурация за новини",
"Unable to update news config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за новини",
"Download" : "Изтегли",
"Close" : "Затваряне",
"Subscribe to" : "Абониране за",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unread articles" : "অপঠিত লেখা",
"Saved" : "সংরক্ষণ করা হলো",
"Download" : "ডাউনলোড",
"Close" : "বন্ধ",
"Share" : "ভাগাভাগি কর",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
"Unread articles" : "অপঠিত লেখা",
"Saved" : "সংরক্ষণ করা হলো",
"Download" : "ডাউনলোড",
"Close" : "বন্ধ",
"Share" : "ভাগাভাগি কর",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"Saved" : "Enrollet",
"Download" : "Pellgargañ",
"Close" : "Serriñ",
"Open website" : "Digor al lec'hienn-web",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saved" : "Enrollet",
"Download" : "Pellgargañ",
"Close" : "Serriñ",
"Open website" : "Digor al lec'hienn-web",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Download" : "Preuzmite",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Share" : "Podjeli",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Download" : "Preuzmite",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Share" : "Podjeli",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "La sol·licitud ha fallat, la connexió de xarxa no està disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Sol·licitud no autoritzada. Heu iniciat la sessió?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Sol·licitud prohibida. Sou un administrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "El Token està caducat o l'aplicació no està activada! Torneu a carregar la pàgina!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Error intern servidor! Consulteu el fitxer data/nextcloud.log per obtenir informació addicional!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "La sol·licitud ha fallat, Nextcloud és actualment en mode de manteniment!",
@ -12,20 +11,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with me" : "Compartit amb mi",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de notícies RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Feu servir el sistema cron per a les actualitzacions",
"Purge interval" : "Interval de purga",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Nombre mí­nim de segons abans que les fonts i carpetes eliminades siguin eliminades definitivament de la base de dades; valors per sota de 60 segons seran ignorats.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Màxim nombre de lectures per font",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Defineix la quantitat màxima d'articles que es poden llegir per font que no s'esborraran en el treball de neteja; si reapareixen articles antics després d'haver estat llegits, augmenteu aquest valor; valors negatius, com -1, desactivaran aquesta caracterí­stica.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Màxim de redirigits",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Quantes redireccions hauria de suportar el descarregador de fonts.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Temps d'espera exhaurit per a la descàrrega de la font",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Nombre màxim de segons per esperar que carregui una font de RSS o Atom; si pren més temps, l'actualització serà cancel·lada.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explora l'URL del Servei",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "En cas d'haver-se emplenat, la URL d'aquest servei serà consultada per mostrar les fonts de la secció explorar fonts. Per tornar al servei d'exploració integrat, deixi aquest camp buit.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Per obtenir més informació, consulteu la wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Interval d'actualització",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval en segons en què s'actualitzaran les fonts de continguts.",
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
"Download" : "Baixa",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Subscribe to" : "Subscriu a",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "La sol·licitud ha fallat, la connexió de xarxa no està disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Sol·licitud no autoritzada. Heu iniciat la sessió?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Sol·licitud prohibida. Sou un administrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "El Token està caducat o l'aplicació no està activada! Torneu a carregar la pàgina!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Error intern servidor! Consulteu el fitxer data/nextcloud.log per obtenir informació addicional!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "La sol·licitud ha fallat, Nextcloud és actualment en mode de manteniment!",
@ -10,20 +9,15 @@
"Shared with me" : "Compartit amb mi",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de notícies RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Feu servir el sistema cron per a les actualitzacions",
"Purge interval" : "Interval de purga",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Nombre mí­nim de segons abans que les fonts i carpetes eliminades siguin eliminades definitivament de la base de dades; valors per sota de 60 segons seran ignorats.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Màxim nombre de lectures per font",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Defineix la quantitat màxima d'articles que es poden llegir per font que no s'esborraran en el treball de neteja; si reapareixen articles antics després d'haver estat llegits, augmenteu aquest valor; valors negatius, com -1, desactivaran aquesta caracterí­stica.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Màxim de redirigits",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Quantes redireccions hauria de suportar el descarregador de fonts.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Temps d'espera exhaurit per a la descàrrega de la font",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Nombre màxim de segons per esperar que carregui una font de RSS o Atom; si pren més temps, l'actualització serà cancel·lada.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explora l'URL del Servei",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "En cas d'haver-se emplenat, la URL d'aquest servei serà consultada per mostrar les fonts de la secció explorar fonts. Per tornar al servei d'exploració integrat, deixi aquest camp buit.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Per obtenir més informació, consulteu la wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Interval d'actualització",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval en segons en què s'actualitzaran les fonts de continguts.",
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
"Download" : "Baixa",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Subscribe to" : "Subscriu a",

View File

@ -1,46 +1,45 @@
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, není dostupné síťové připojení!",
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil nedostupné síťové spojení!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Neoprávněný požadavek. Jste přihlášení?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Požadavek odepřen. Jste správce?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Požadavek odepřen. Jste správce?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Platnost tokenu skončila nebo aplikace není povolena! Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Vnitřní chyba serveru! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru data/nextcloud.log",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, protože Nextcloud se právě nachází v režimu údržby!",
"News feeds" : "Kanály novinek",
"Unread articles" : "Nepřečtené články",
"News" : "Zprávy",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
"News" : "Novinky",
"News folders" : "Složky novinek",
"Shared with me" : "Sdíleno se mnou",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Aplikace čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů pro Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronizujte vámi odebírané kanály s vícero mobilními nebo desktopovými [klienty](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatické aktualizace vašich kanálů s novinkami\n- 🆓 Svobodné a open source pod licencí AGPLv3, žádné reklamy nebo funkce přístupné až po zaplacení\n\n**Aby tato aplikace fungovala, je v tuto chvíli zapotřebí systémový plánovač (cron)**\n\nPožadavky na systém jsou k nalezení [zde](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nSeznam změn je k dispozici [zde](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nVytvořte [hlášení chyby](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nVytvořte [žádost o přidání funkce](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nHlaste [problém s kanálem}(https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace použít službu systémového plánovače cron",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Aplikace čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů pro Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronizujte vámi odebírané kanály s vícero mobilními nebo desktopovými [klienty](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatické aktualizace vašich kanálů s novinkami\n- 🆓 Svobodné a open source pod licencí AGPLv3, žádné reklamy nebo funkce přístupné až po zaplacení\n\n**Aby tato aplikace fungovala, je v tuto chvíli zapotřebí systémový plánovač (cron)**\n\nPožadavky na instalaci dalších součástí jsou k nalezení [zde](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nSeznam změn je k dispozici [zde](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nVytvořte [hlášení chyby](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nVytvořte [žádost o přidání funkce](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nNahlaste [problém s kanálem}(https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace používat službu systémového plánovače (cron)",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Toto vypněte, pokud používáte uživatelsky určený nástroj pro aktualizace.",
"Purge interval" : "Interval čištění",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimální časový interval v sekundách, po kterém jsou z databáze smazány odstraněné kanály novinek a složky; hodnoty kratší než 60 sekund jsou ignorovány.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximální počet přečtených novinek na kanál",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Určuje nejvyšší počet článků, které jsou dostupné ke čtení z jednotlivých kanálů a nebudou smazány při čištění; pokud se staré články po přečtení znovu objevují, navyšte tuto hodnotu; negativní hodnoty jako -1 tuto funkci úplně vypnou.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximální počet načítaných novinek na kanál",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Určuje nejvyšší nastavený počet článků, které je z jednotlivých kanálů možné číst a které tím nebudou mazány při čištění. Pokud se staré už přečtené články znovu objevují, navyšte tuto hodnotu (záporné hodnoty jako např. -1 tuto funkci úplně vypnou).",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Automaticky mazat i nepřečtené články",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Pokud chcete mazat také nepřečtené články, zapněte toto.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Nejvyšší počet přesměrování",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Kolik přesměrování se může následovat při stahování článků.",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Kolik až přesměrování může být následováno při stahování článků.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Časový limit při stahování článků",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximální počet sekund pro aktualizaci RSS nebo Atom zdroje; pokud bude interval překročen, aktualizace se ukončí.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL prohledávání",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Pokud zadáno, bude tato URL dotazována na zobrazování kanálů v sekci prohledávání kanálu. Pro návrat k výchozí službě hledání ponechte tuto kolonku prázdnou.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Další informace jsou k dispozici na wiki stránkách projektu.",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Nejdelší přijatelné čekání (v sekundách) na načtení RSS nebo Atom kanálu. Při překročení bude pokus o aktualizaci přerušen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL služby pro objevování",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Pokud zadáno, bude tato URL dotazována ohledně zobrazování kanálů v rámci sekce pro jejich objevování. Pokud se chcete vrátit k výchozí službě pro objevování, ponechte tuto kolonku prázdnou.",
"Update interval" : "Interval aktualizace",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval (v sekundách) ve kterém budou kanály aktualizovány.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Podrobnosti naleznete v dokumentaci.",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Nastavení pro Novinky úspěšně zaktualizováno",
"Unable to update news config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat nastavení pro Novinky",
"Download" : "Stáhnout",
"Close" : "Zavřít",
"Subscribe to" : "Přihlásit k odběru",
"No articles available" : "Nejsou dostupné žádné články",
"No unread articles available" : "Nejsou dostupné žádné nepřečtené články",
"Subscribe to" : "Přihlásit se k odběru",
"No articles available" : "Nejsou k dispozici žádné články",
"No unread articles available" : "Nemáte žádné nepřečtené články",
"Open website" : "Otevřít webovou stránku",
"Star article" : "Ohodnotit článek hvězdičkou",
"Unstar article" : "Odebrat článku hvězdičku",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat článek jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odstranit označení článku jako nepřečtený",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat stav článku jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odebrat článku stav nepřečteného",
"Share" : "Sdílet",
"Share with users" : "Sdílet s uživateli",
"Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
@ -49,29 +48,29 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share on social media" : "Sdílet na sociální média",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Tento článek doporučuji k přečtení",
"Check out this article" : "Podívej(te) se na tento článek",
"by" : "sdílí",
"by" : "od",
"from" : "z",
"shared by" : "sdílí",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát zvukovou podobu",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout si zvukovou podobu",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout video",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát zvuk",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout si zvuk",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout si video",
"Keyboard shortcut" : "Klávesová zkratka",
"Description" : "Popis",
"right" : "vpravo",
"Jump to next article" : "Jít na další článek",
"Jump to next article" : "Přejít na další článek",
"left" : "vlevo",
"Jump to previous article" : "Jít na předchozí článek",
"Jump to previous article" : "Přejít na předchozí článek",
"Toggle star article" : "Označit / zrušit označení článku hvězdičkou",
"Star article and jump to next one" : "Označit článek hvězdičkou a přejít na další",
"Toggle keep current article unread" : "Ponechat aktuální článek jako nepřečtený",
"Toggle keep current article unread" : "Vyp/zap. ponechání stávajícího článku jako nepřečteného",
"Open article in new tab" : "Otevřít článek v novém panelu",
"Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Přepínat rozbalení článku v kompaktním náhledu",
"Refresh" : "Obnovit",
"Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Rozbal./sbalení článku v rámci kompaktního zobrazení",
"Refresh" : "Znovu načíst",
"Load next feed" : "Načíst další kanál",
"Load previous feed" : "Načíst předchozí kanál",
"Load previous folder" : "Načíst předchozí složku",
"Load next folder" : "Načíst další složku",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Posuňte na aktivní položku nabídky",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Posunout na aktivní položku navigace",
"Mark current article's feed/folder read" : "Označit kanál/složku nyní otevřeného článku jako přečtené",
"Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "Zjištěn ajax nebo web cron režim! Kanály nebudou aktualizovány!",
"How to set up the operating system cron" : "Jak nastavit službu plánovače operačního systému (cron)",
@ -86,12 +85,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go back" : "Jít zpět",
"Folder exists already!" : "Složka už existuje!",
"Credentials" : "Přihlašovací údaje",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je bude moci přečíst!",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je ovšem bude moci přečíst!",
"Password" : "Heslo",
"Auto discover Feed" : "Automaticky objevit kanál",
"New Folder" : "Nová složka",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Explore" : "Prohledat",
"Explore" : "Objevit",
"Update failed more than 50 times" : "Aktualizace se nezdařila více než 50krát",
"Deleted feed" : "Smazaný kanál",
"Undo delete feed" : "Vzít zpět smazání kanálu",
@ -103,20 +102,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Newest first" : "První nejnovější",
"Oldest first" : "První nejstarší",
"Default order" : "Výchozí pořadí",
"Enable full text" : "Povolit plný text",
"Disable full text" : "Zakázat plný text",
"Unread updated" : "Nepřečtěné aktualizovány",
"Ignore updated" : "Ignorování zaktualizováno",
"Enable full text" : "Zobrazovat celý text",
"Disable full text" : "Nezobrazovat celý text",
"Unread updated" : "Aktualizované články nastavit jako nepřečtené",
"Ignore updated" : "Ignorovat aktualizované články",
"Open feed URL" : "Otevřít URL kanálu",
"Delete" : "Smazat",
"Dismiss" : "Zamítnout",
"Dismiss" : "Zahodit",
"Collapse" : "Sbalit",
"Deleted folder" : "Smazaná složka",
"Undo delete folder" : "Vzít zpět smazání složky",
"Starred" : "S hvězdičkou",
"All articles" : "Všechny články",
"Settings" : "Nastavení",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Vypnout označování jako přečtené při posunu",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Po posunutí na jejich konec, neoznačovat automaticky články jako přečtené.",
"Compact view" : "Kompaktní zobrazení",
"Expand articles on key navigation" : "Rozbalit články po stisknutí kláves navigace",
"Show all articles" : "Zobrazit všechny články",
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error when importing: File does not contain valid OPML" : "Chyba při importu: soubor neobsahuje platná OPML data",
"Error when importing: OPML is does neither contain feeds nor folders" : "Chyba při importu: OPML neobsahuje kanály ani složky",
"Unread/Starred Articles" : "Články nepřečtené a s hvězdičkou",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Chyba při importování: soubor neobsahuje platná data JSON",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Chyba při importu: soubor neobsahuje platná JSON data",
"Help" : "Nápověda",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Klávesové zkratky",
"Documentation" : "Dokumentace",

View File

@ -1,44 +1,43 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, není dostupné síťové připojení!",
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil nedostupné síťové spojení!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Neoprávněný požadavek. Jste přihlášení?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Požadavek odepřen. Jste správce?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Požadavek odepřen. Jste správce?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Platnost tokenu skončila nebo aplikace není povolena! Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Vnitřní chyba serveru! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru data/nextcloud.log",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, protože Nextcloud se právě nachází v režimu údržby!",
"News feeds" : "Kanály novinek",
"Unread articles" : "Nepřečtené články",
"News" : "Zprávy",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
"News" : "Novinky",
"News folders" : "Složky novinek",
"Shared with me" : "Sdíleno se mnou",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Aplikace čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů pro Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronizujte vámi odebírané kanály s vícero mobilními nebo desktopovými [klienty](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatické aktualizace vašich kanálů s novinkami\n- 🆓 Svobodné a open source pod licencí AGPLv3, žádné reklamy nebo funkce přístupné až po zaplacení\n\n**Aby tato aplikace fungovala, je v tuto chvíli zapotřebí systémový plánovač (cron)**\n\nPožadavky na systém jsou k nalezení [zde](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nSeznam změn je k dispozici [zde](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nVytvořte [hlášení chyby](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nVytvořte [žádost o přidání funkce](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nHlaste [problém s kanálem}(https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace použít službu systémového plánovače cron",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Aplikace čtečka RSS/Atom kanálů pro Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronizujte vámi odebírané kanály s vícero mobilními nebo desktopovými [klienty](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatické aktualizace vašich kanálů s novinkami\n- 🆓 Svobodné a open source pod licencí AGPLv3, žádné reklamy nebo funkce přístupné až po zaplacení\n\n**Aby tato aplikace fungovala, je v tuto chvíli zapotřebí systémový plánovač (cron)**\n\nPožadavky na instalaci dalších součástí jsou k nalezení [zde](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nSeznam změn je k dispozici [zde](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nVytvořte [hlášení chyby](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nVytvořte [žádost o přidání funkce](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nNahlaste [problém s kanálem}(https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace používat službu systémového plánovače (cron)",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Toto vypněte, pokud používáte uživatelsky určený nástroj pro aktualizace.",
"Purge interval" : "Interval čištění",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimální časový interval v sekundách, po kterém jsou z databáze smazány odstraněné kanály novinek a složky; hodnoty kratší než 60 sekund jsou ignorovány.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximální počet přečtených novinek na kanál",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Určuje nejvyšší počet článků, které jsou dostupné ke čtení z jednotlivých kanálů a nebudou smazány při čištění; pokud se staré články po přečtení znovu objevují, navyšte tuto hodnotu; negativní hodnoty jako -1 tuto funkci úplně vypnou.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximální počet načítaných novinek na kanál",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Určuje nejvyšší nastavený počet článků, které je z jednotlivých kanálů možné číst a které tím nebudou mazány při čištění. Pokud se staré už přečtené články znovu objevují, navyšte tuto hodnotu (záporné hodnoty jako např. -1 tuto funkci úplně vypnou).",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Automaticky mazat i nepřečtené články",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Pokud chcete mazat také nepřečtené články, zapněte toto.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Nejvyšší počet přesměrování",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Kolik přesměrování se může následovat při stahování článků.",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Kolik až přesměrování může být následováno při stahování článků.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Časový limit při stahování článků",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximální počet sekund pro aktualizaci RSS nebo Atom zdroje; pokud bude interval překročen, aktualizace se ukončí.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL prohledávání",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Pokud zadáno, bude tato URL dotazována na zobrazování kanálů v sekci prohledávání kanálu. Pro návrat k výchozí službě hledání ponechte tuto kolonku prázdnou.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Další informace jsou k dispozici na wiki stránkách projektu.",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Nejdelší přijatelné čekání (v sekundách) na načtení RSS nebo Atom kanálu. Při překročení bude pokus o aktualizaci přerušen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL služby pro objevování",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Pokud zadáno, bude tato URL dotazována ohledně zobrazování kanálů v rámci sekce pro jejich objevování. Pokud se chcete vrátit k výchozí službě pro objevování, ponechte tuto kolonku prázdnou.",
"Update interval" : "Interval aktualizace",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval (v sekundách) ve kterém budou kanály aktualizovány.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Podrobnosti naleznete v dokumentaci.",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Nastavení pro Novinky úspěšně zaktualizováno",
"Unable to update news config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat nastavení pro Novinky",
"Download" : "Stáhnout",
"Close" : "Zavřít",
"Subscribe to" : "Přihlásit k odběru",
"No articles available" : "Nejsou dostupné žádné články",
"No unread articles available" : "Nejsou dostupné žádné nepřečtené články",
"Subscribe to" : "Přihlásit se k odběru",
"No articles available" : "Nejsou k dispozici žádné články",
"No unread articles available" : "Nemáte žádné nepřečtené články",
"Open website" : "Otevřít webovou stránku",
"Star article" : "Ohodnotit článek hvězdičkou",
"Unstar article" : "Odebrat článku hvězdičku",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat článek jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odstranit označení článku jako nepřečtený",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat stav článku jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odebrat článku stav nepřečteného",
"Share" : "Sdílet",
"Share with users" : "Sdílet s uživateli",
"Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
@ -47,29 +46,29 @@
"Share on social media" : "Sdílet na sociální média",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Tento článek doporučuji k přečtení",
"Check out this article" : "Podívej(te) se na tento článek",
"by" : "sdílí",
"by" : "od",
"from" : "z",
"shared by" : "sdílí",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát zvukovou podobu",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout si zvukovou podobu",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout video",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát zvuk",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout si zvuk",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout si video",
"Keyboard shortcut" : "Klávesová zkratka",
"Description" : "Popis",
"right" : "vpravo",
"Jump to next article" : "Jít na další článek",
"Jump to next article" : "Přejít na další článek",
"left" : "vlevo",
"Jump to previous article" : "Jít na předchozí článek",
"Jump to previous article" : "Přejít na předchozí článek",
"Toggle star article" : "Označit / zrušit označení článku hvězdičkou",
"Star article and jump to next one" : "Označit článek hvězdičkou a přejít na další",
"Toggle keep current article unread" : "Ponechat aktuální článek jako nepřečtený",
"Toggle keep current article unread" : "Vyp/zap. ponechání stávajícího článku jako nepřečteného",
"Open article in new tab" : "Otevřít článek v novém panelu",
"Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Přepínat rozbalení článku v kompaktním náhledu",
"Refresh" : "Obnovit",
"Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Rozbal./sbalení článku v rámci kompaktního zobrazení",
"Refresh" : "Znovu načíst",
"Load next feed" : "Načíst další kanál",
"Load previous feed" : "Načíst předchozí kanál",
"Load previous folder" : "Načíst předchozí složku",
"Load next folder" : "Načíst další složku",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Posuňte na aktivní položku nabídky",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Posunout na aktivní položku navigace",
"Mark current article's feed/folder read" : "Označit kanál/složku nyní otevřeného článku jako přečtené",
"Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "Zjištěn ajax nebo web cron režim! Kanály nebudou aktualizovány!",
"How to set up the operating system cron" : "Jak nastavit službu plánovače operačního systému (cron)",
@ -84,12 +83,12 @@
"Go back" : "Jít zpět",
"Folder exists already!" : "Složka už existuje!",
"Credentials" : "Přihlašovací údaje",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je bude moci přečíst!",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je ovšem bude moci přečíst!",
"Password" : "Heslo",
"Auto discover Feed" : "Automaticky objevit kanál",
"New Folder" : "Nová složka",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Explore" : "Prohledat",
"Explore" : "Objevit",
"Update failed more than 50 times" : "Aktualizace se nezdařila více než 50krát",
"Deleted feed" : "Smazaný kanál",
"Undo delete feed" : "Vzít zpět smazání kanálu",
@ -101,20 +100,20 @@
"Newest first" : "První nejnovější",
"Oldest first" : "První nejstarší",
"Default order" : "Výchozí pořadí",
"Enable full text" : "Povolit plný text",
"Disable full text" : "Zakázat plný text",
"Unread updated" : "Nepřečtěné aktualizovány",
"Ignore updated" : "Ignorování zaktualizováno",
"Enable full text" : "Zobrazovat celý text",
"Disable full text" : "Nezobrazovat celý text",
"Unread updated" : "Aktualizované články nastavit jako nepřečtené",
"Ignore updated" : "Ignorovat aktualizované články",
"Open feed URL" : "Otevřít URL kanálu",
"Delete" : "Smazat",
"Dismiss" : "Zamítnout",
"Dismiss" : "Zahodit",
"Collapse" : "Sbalit",
"Deleted folder" : "Smazaná složka",
"Undo delete folder" : "Vzít zpět smazání složky",
"Starred" : "S hvězdičkou",
"All articles" : "Všechny články",
"Settings" : "Nastavení",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Vypnout označování jako přečtené při posunu",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Po posunutí na jejich konec, neoznačovat automaticky články jako přečtené.",
"Compact view" : "Kompaktní zobrazení",
"Expand articles on key navigation" : "Rozbalit články po stisknutí kláves navigace",
"Show all articles" : "Zobrazit všechny články",
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@
"Error when importing: File does not contain valid OPML" : "Chyba při importu: soubor neobsahuje platná OPML data",
"Error when importing: OPML is does neither contain feeds nor folders" : "Chyba při importu: OPML neobsahuje kanály ani složky",
"Unread/Starred Articles" : "Články nepřečtené a s hvězdičkou",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Chyba při importování: soubor neobsahuje platná data JSON",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Chyba při importu: soubor neobsahuje platná JSON data",
"Help" : "Nápověda",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Klávesové zkratky",
"Documentation" : "Dokumentace",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"Saved" : "Wedi'u cadw",
"Download" : "Llwytho i lawr",
"Close" : "Cau",
"Share" : "Rhannu",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saved" : "Wedi'u cadw",
"Download" : "Llwytho i lawr",
"Close" : "Cau",
"Share" : "Rhannu",

View File

@ -3,22 +3,34 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Forespørgslen mislykkedes, netværksforbindelse er ikke tilgængelig!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Forespørgslen var ikke autoriseret. Er du logget ind?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Forespørgslen er ikke tilladt. Er du administrator?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anmodning forbudt. Er du administrator?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Nøglen er udløbet eller appen er ikke aktiveret! Genindlæs siden!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Intern server fejl! Tjek din data/nextcloud.log log-fil for yderligere information.",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Forespørgslen mislykkedes, Nextcloud er i øjeblikket i vedligeholdelse tilstand!",
"News feeds" : "Nyhedsfeeds",
"Unread articles" : "Ulæste artikler",
"News" : "Nyheder",
"News folders" : "Nyhedsmapper",
"Shared with me" : "Delt med mig",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "En RSS/Atom-feedlæser",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 En RSS/Atom Feed-læser-app til Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synkroniser dine feeds med flere mobile eller desktop [klienter](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatiske opdateringer af dine nyhedsfeeds\n- 🆓 Gratis og open source under AGPLv3, ingen annoncer eller premium-funktioner\n\n**System Cron er i øjeblikket påkrævet for at denne app kan fungere**\n\nKravene kan findes [her](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nÆndringsloggen er tilgængelig [her](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nOpret en [fejlrapport](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nOpret en [funktionsanmodning](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nRapporter et [feedproblem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Benyt system cron til opdateringer",
"Purge interval" : "Oprydningsinterval",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiver dette, hvis du bruger en brugerdefineret opdatering.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Det maksimale antal læsninger per feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definerer den maksimale mængde af artikler, der kan læses pr. feed, som ikke vil blive slettet af oprydningsjobbet; hvis gamle artikler dukker op igen efter at være blevet læst, skal du øge denne værdi; negative værdier såsom -1 vil slå denne funktion fra.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maksimum for videredirigeringer",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Hvor mange omdirigeringer feedhenteren skal følge.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tidsudløb for feed-indhenter",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maksimalt antal sekunder at vente på, at et RSS- eller Atom-feed indlæses; hvis det tager længere tid, vil opdateringen blive afbrudt.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Udforsk tjenestens URL",
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Hvis det er givet, vil denne tjenestes URL blive forespurgt for at vise feeds i sektionen Udforsk feed. For at falde tilbage til den indbyggede udforskningstjeneste skal du lade dette input stå tomt.",
"Update interval" : "Opdateringsinterval",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval i sekunder, hvori feeds vil blive opdateret.",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Nyhedskonfigurationen blev opdateret",
"Unable to update news config" : "Kunne ikke opdatere nyhedskonfigurationen",
"Download" : "Download",
"Close" : "Luk",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnere på",
"No articles available" : "Ingen tilgængelige artikler",
"No unread articles available" : "Ingen tilgængelige ulæste artikler",
"Open website" : "Åbn websted",
@ -27,9 +39,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Keep article unread" : "Bevar artikel ulæst",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Fjern \"bevar artikel ulæst\"",
"Share" : "Del",
"Share with users" : "Del med brugere",
"Username" : "Brugernavn",
"No users found" : "Ingen brugere fundet",
"Error while searching for users" : "Fejl under søgning efter brugere",
"Share on social media" : "Del på sociale medier",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Jeg ville have dig til at se denne artikel",
"Check out this article" : "Tjek denne artikel",
"by" : "af",
"from" : "fra",
"shared by" : "delt af",
"Play audio" : "Afspil lydfil",
"Download audio" : "Hent lydfil",
"Download video" : "Hent video",
@ -66,6 +85,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials" : "Brugeroplysninger",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Grundlæggende HTTP Autentificerings akkreditiver skal lagres ukrypteret! Alle med adgang til server eller database vil være i stand til at få adgang til dem!",
"Password" : "Adgangskode",
"Auto discover Feed" : "Automatisk opdage feed",
"New Folder" : "Ny mappe",
"Create" : "Ny",
"Explore" : "Udforsk",

View File

@ -1,22 +1,34 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Forespørgslen mislykkedes, netværksforbindelse er ikke tilgængelig!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Forespørgslen var ikke autoriseret. Er du logget ind?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Forespørgslen er ikke tilladt. Er du administrator?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anmodning forbudt. Er du administrator?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Nøglen er udløbet eller appen er ikke aktiveret! Genindlæs siden!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Intern server fejl! Tjek din data/nextcloud.log log-fil for yderligere information.",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Forespørgslen mislykkedes, Nextcloud er i øjeblikket i vedligeholdelse tilstand!",
"News feeds" : "Nyhedsfeeds",
"Unread articles" : "Ulæste artikler",
"News" : "Nyheder",
"News folders" : "Nyhedsmapper",
"Shared with me" : "Delt med mig",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "En RSS/Atom-feedlæser",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 En RSS/Atom Feed-læser-app til Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synkroniser dine feeds med flere mobile eller desktop [klienter](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatiske opdateringer af dine nyhedsfeeds\n- 🆓 Gratis og open source under AGPLv3, ingen annoncer eller premium-funktioner\n\n**System Cron er i øjeblikket påkrævet for at denne app kan fungere**\n\nKravene kan findes [her](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nÆndringsloggen er tilgængelig [her](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nOpret en [fejlrapport](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nOpret en [funktionsanmodning](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nRapporter et [feedproblem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Benyt system cron til opdateringer",
"Purge interval" : "Oprydningsinterval",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiver dette, hvis du bruger en brugerdefineret opdatering.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Det maksimale antal læsninger per feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definerer den maksimale mængde af artikler, der kan læses pr. feed, som ikke vil blive slettet af oprydningsjobbet; hvis gamle artikler dukker op igen efter at være blevet læst, skal du øge denne værdi; negative værdier såsom -1 vil slå denne funktion fra.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maksimum for videredirigeringer",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Hvor mange omdirigeringer feedhenteren skal følge.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tidsudløb for feed-indhenter",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maksimalt antal sekunder at vente på, at et RSS- eller Atom-feed indlæses; hvis det tager længere tid, vil opdateringen blive afbrudt.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Udforsk tjenestens URL",
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Hvis det er givet, vil denne tjenestes URL blive forespurgt for at vise feeds i sektionen Udforsk feed. For at falde tilbage til den indbyggede udforskningstjeneste skal du lade dette input stå tomt.",
"Update interval" : "Opdateringsinterval",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval i sekunder, hvori feeds vil blive opdateret.",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Nyhedskonfigurationen blev opdateret",
"Unable to update news config" : "Kunne ikke opdatere nyhedskonfigurationen",
"Download" : "Download",
"Close" : "Luk",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnere på",
"No articles available" : "Ingen tilgængelige artikler",
"No unread articles available" : "Ingen tilgængelige ulæste artikler",
"Open website" : "Åbn websted",
@ -25,9 +37,16 @@
"Keep article unread" : "Bevar artikel ulæst",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Fjern \"bevar artikel ulæst\"",
"Share" : "Del",
"Share with users" : "Del med brugere",
"Username" : "Brugernavn",
"No users found" : "Ingen brugere fundet",
"Error while searching for users" : "Fejl under søgning efter brugere",
"Share on social media" : "Del på sociale medier",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Jeg ville have dig til at se denne artikel",
"Check out this article" : "Tjek denne artikel",
"by" : "af",
"from" : "fra",
"shared by" : "delt af",
"Play audio" : "Afspil lydfil",
"Download audio" : "Hent lydfil",
"Download video" : "Hent video",
@ -64,6 +83,7 @@
"Credentials" : "Brugeroplysninger",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Grundlæggende HTTP Autentificerings akkreditiver skal lagres ukrypteret! Alle med adgang til server eller database vil være i stand til at få adgang til dem!",
"Password" : "Adgangskode",
"Auto discover Feed" : "Automatisk opdage feed",
"New Folder" : "Ny mappe",
"Create" : "Ny",
"Explore" : "Udforsk",

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, Netzwerkverbindung nicht verfügbar!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Bist Du angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Anfrage verboten. Bist Du ein Administrator?",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Bist du angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anfrage verboten. Bist du ein Administrator?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte lade die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrolliere data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
@ -13,24 +13,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News folders" : "Neuigkeitenordner",
"Shared with me" : "Mit mir geteilt",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisiere Deine Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung Deiner Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen findest Du [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) findest Du [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstelle einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstelle eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelde ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisiere deine Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung deiner Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen findest du [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) findest du [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstelle einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstelle eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelde ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiviere diese Option, wenn Du einen eigenen Updater verwendest.",
"Purge interval" : "Säuberungssintervall",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimum an Sekunden, nachdem gelöschte Feeds und Ordner aus der Datenbank entfernt werden; Werte unter 60 Sekunden werden ignoriert.",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiviere diese Option, wenn du einen eigenen Updater verwendest.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximale Anzahl an gelesenen Artikeln pro Feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Ungelesene Artikel automatisch löschen",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Aktiviere dies, wenn du auch ungelesene Artikel löschen möchtest.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximale Anzahl Weiterleitungen",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen, die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Zeitüberschreitung Feed-Sammler",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximale Anzahl an Sekunden zum Laden eines RSS- oder Atom-Feeds. Wenn dies länger dauert, wird die Aktualisierung abgebrochen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Service-URL finden",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Falls angegeben, wird die URL dieses Dienstes zur Feed-Anzeige innerhalb des Explore-Feed-Bereichs abgefragt. Lasse dieses Feld unausgefüllt, um auf den eingebauten Explore-Dienst zurückzugreifen.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Für weitere Informationen besuche das Wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Aktualisierungsintervall",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervall in Sekunden, in dem die Feeds aktualisiert werden.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Weitere Informationen findest Du in der Dokumentation.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Die News-Einstellungen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Unable to update news config" : "Die News-Einstellungen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden.",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnieren von",
@ -47,8 +46,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No users found" : "Keine Nutzer gefunden",
"Error while searching for users" : "Fehler bei der Suche nach Benutzern",
"Share on social media" : "In den sozialen Medien teilen",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich wünschte, Du würdest Dir diesen Artikel anschauen",
"Check out this article" : "Schau Dir diesen Artikel an",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich wünschte, du würdest dir diesen Artikel anschauen",
"Check out this article" : "Schau dir diesen Artikel an",
"by" : "von",
"from" : "von",
"shared by" : "Geteilt von",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, Netzwerkverbindung nicht verfügbar!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Bist Du angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Anfrage verboten. Bist Du ein Administrator?",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Bist du angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anfrage verboten. Bist du ein Administrator?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte lade die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrolliere data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
@ -11,24 +11,23 @@
"News folders" : "Neuigkeitenordner",
"Shared with me" : "Mit mir geteilt",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisiere Deine Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung Deiner Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen findest Du [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) findest Du [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstelle einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstelle eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelde ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisiere deine Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung deiner Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen findest du [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) findest du [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstelle einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstelle eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelde ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiviere diese Option, wenn Du einen eigenen Updater verwendest.",
"Purge interval" : "Säuberungssintervall",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimum an Sekunden, nachdem gelöschte Feeds und Ordner aus der Datenbank entfernt werden; Werte unter 60 Sekunden werden ignoriert.",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktiviere diese Option, wenn du einen eigenen Updater verwendest.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximale Anzahl an gelesenen Artikeln pro Feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Ungelesene Artikel automatisch löschen",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Aktiviere dies, wenn du auch ungelesene Artikel löschen möchtest.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximale Anzahl Weiterleitungen",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen, die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Zeitüberschreitung Feed-Sammler",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximale Anzahl an Sekunden zum Laden eines RSS- oder Atom-Feeds. Wenn dies länger dauert, wird die Aktualisierung abgebrochen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Service-URL finden",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Falls angegeben, wird die URL dieses Dienstes zur Feed-Anzeige innerhalb des Explore-Feed-Bereichs abgefragt. Lasse dieses Feld unausgefüllt, um auf den eingebauten Explore-Dienst zurückzugreifen.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Für weitere Informationen besuche das Wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Aktualisierungsintervall",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervall in Sekunden, in dem die Feeds aktualisiert werden.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Weitere Informationen findest Du in der Dokumentation.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Die News-Einstellungen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Unable to update news config" : "Die News-Einstellungen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden.",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnieren von",
@ -45,8 +44,8 @@
"No users found" : "Keine Nutzer gefunden",
"Error while searching for users" : "Fehler bei der Suche nach Benutzern",
"Share on social media" : "In den sozialen Medien teilen",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich wünschte, Du würdest Dir diesen Artikel anschauen",
"Check out this article" : "Schau Dir diesen Artikel an",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich wünschte, du würdest dir diesen Artikel anschauen",
"Check out this article" : "Schau dir diesen Artikel an",
"by" : "von",
"from" : "von",
"shared by" : "Geteilt von",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, Netzwerkverbindung nicht verfügbar!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Sind Sie angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Anfrage verboten. Sind Sie ein Admin?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anfrage verboten. Sind Sie ein Admin?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrollieren Sie data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
@ -16,21 +16,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung Ihrer Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen finden Sie [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) finden Sie [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstellen Sie einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstellen Sie eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelden Sie ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie einen eigenen Updater verwenden.",
"Purge interval" : "Säuberungssintervall",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimum an Sekunden, nachdem gelöschte Feeds und Ordner aus der Datenbank entfernt werden; Werte unter 60 Sekunden werden ignoriert.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximale Anzahl an gelesenen Artikeln pro Feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhen Sie diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Ungelesene Artikel automatisch löschen",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Dies aktivieren, wenn auch ungelesene Artikel gelöscht werden sollen.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximale Anzahl Weiterleitungen",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Zeitüberschreitung Feed-Sammler",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximale Anzahl an Sekunden zum Laden eines RSS- oder Atom-Feeds. Wenn dies länger dauert, wird die Aktualisierung abgebrochen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Service-URL finden",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Falls angegeben, wird die URL dieses Dienstes zur Feed-Anzeige innerhalb des Explore-Feed-Bereichs abgefragt. Lassen Sie dieses Feld unausgefüllt, um auf den eingebauten Explore-Dienst zurückzugreifen.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie das Wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Aktualisierungsintervall",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervall in Sekunden, in dem die Feeds aktualisiert werden.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Die News-Einstellungen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Unable to update news config" : "Die News-Einstellungen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnieren von",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, Netzwerkverbindung nicht verfügbar!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Anfrage nicht autorisiert. Sind Sie angemeldet?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Anfrage verboten. Sind Sie ein Admin?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Anfrage verboten. Sind Sie ein Admin?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrollieren Sie data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
@ -14,21 +14,20 @@
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Eine RSS/Atom Feed Reader App für Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Feeds mit mehreren mobilen oder Desktop [Clients] (https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatische Aktualisierung Ihrer Newsfeeds\n- 🆓 Kostenlos und quelloffen unter AGPLv3, keine Werbung oder Premiumfunktionen\n\n**System Cron wird derzeit benötigt, damit diese App funktioniert**\n\nDie Anforderungen finden Sie [hier](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nDie Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) finden Sie [hier](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\nErstellen Sie einen [Fehlerbericht](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nErstellen Sie eine [Funktionsanforderung](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nMelden Sie ein [Feed-Problem](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie einen eigenen Updater verwenden.",
"Purge interval" : "Säuberungssintervall",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Minimum an Sekunden, nachdem gelöschte Feeds und Ordner aus der Datenbank entfernt werden; Werte unter 60 Sekunden werden ignoriert.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximale Anzahl an gelesenen Artikeln pro Feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhen Sie diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Definiert die maximale Anzahl an Artikeln, die pro Feed gelesen und bei einem Säuberungsauftrag nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden; wenn ältere Artikel nach dem Lesen erhalten bleiben sollen, erhöhe diesen Wert; negative Werte wie -1 deaktivieren diese Funktion komplett",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Ungelesene Artikel automatisch löschen",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Dies aktivieren, wenn auch ungelesene Artikel gelöscht werden sollen.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximale Anzahl Weiterleitungen",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Anzahl Weiterleitungen die der Feed-Sammler folgen soll.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Zeitüberschreitung Feed-Sammler",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Maximale Anzahl an Sekunden zum Laden eines RSS- oder Atom-Feeds. Wenn dies länger dauert, wird die Aktualisierung abgebrochen.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Service-URL finden",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Falls angegeben, wird die URL dieses Dienstes zur Feed-Anzeige innerhalb des Explore-Feed-Bereichs abgefragt. Lassen Sie dieses Feld unausgefüllt, um auf den eingebauten Explore-Dienst zurückzugreifen.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie das Wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Aktualisierungsintervall",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervall in Sekunden, in dem die Feeds aktualisiert werden.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Die News-Einstellungen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Unable to update news config" : "Die News-Einstellungen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Download" : "Herunterladen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Subscribe to" : "Abonnieren von",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Το αίτημα απέτυχε, η σύνδεση στο δίκτυο δεν είναι διαθέσιμη!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Το αίτημα δεν είναι εξουσιοδοτημένο. Είστε συνδεδεμένοι;",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Το αίτημα δεν επιτράπει. Είστε διαχειριστής;",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Η διαδικασία αναγνώρισης τερματίστηκε ή η εφαρμογή δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη! Επαναφορτώστε τη σελίδα! ",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα διακομιστή! Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το αρχείο data/nextcloud.log για περισσότερες πληροφορίες!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Αποτυχία αιτήματος, το Nextcloud είναι προσωρινά σε κατάσταση συντήρησης!",
@ -12,20 +11,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with me" : "Διαμοιρασμένα με εμένα",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Τροφοδότης ροής RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Χρήση του cron του συστήματος για ενημερώσεις",
"Purge interval" : "Διάστημα καθαρισμού",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Η ελάχιστη διάρκεια σε δευτερόλεπτα μετά τη διαγραφή ροών και φακέλων, όπου θα αφαιρούνται από τη βάση δεδομένων; Οι τιμές κάτω των 60 δευτερολέπτων θα αγνοούνται.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Ο μέγιστος αριθμός διαβασμένων ανά ροή",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Ορίζει τη μέγιστη ποσότητα άρθρων που μπορούν να φορτωθούν ανά ροή, τα οποία δεν θα διαγραφούν από την υπηρεσία εκκαθάρισης; εάν τα παλαιά άρθρα επανεμφανιστούν μετά την ανάγνωσή τους, αυξήστε αυτήν την τιμή; οι αρνητικές τιμές, όπως το -1, θα απενεργοποιήσουν αυτή τη λειτουργία.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Μέγιστος αριθμός ανακατευθύνσεων",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Πόσες ανακατευθύνσεις θα μπορεί να ακολουθεί η υπηρεσία ροών.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Χρόνος λήξης δέκτη ροής",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Μέγιστος χρόνος σε δευτερόλεπτα, αναμονής φόρτωσης μιας ροής RSS ή Atom; εάν χρειαστεί περισσότερο χρόνο η ενημέρωση θα ματαιωθεί.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL Υπηρεσίας Εξερεύνησης",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Εάν οριστεί, θα τεθεί η ροή της διεύθυνση URL αυτής της υπηρεσίας στην ουρά, για προβολή στο τμήμα ροών. Για επιστροφή στην προεπιλογή αφήστε το πεδίο κενό.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε στο wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Εσωτερική ενημέρωση",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Διάστημα σε δευτερόλεπτα στο οποίο θα ενημερωθούν τα feeds.",
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Download" : "Λήψη",
"Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
"Subscribe to" : "Εγγραφείτε στο",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Το αίτημα απέτυχε, η σύνδεση στο δίκτυο δεν είναι διαθέσιμη!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Το αίτημα δεν είναι εξουσιοδοτημένο. Είστε συνδεδεμένοι;",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Το αίτημα δεν επιτράπει. Είστε διαχειριστής;",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Η διαδικασία αναγνώρισης τερματίστηκε ή η εφαρμογή δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη! Επαναφορτώστε τη σελίδα! ",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα διακομιστή! Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το αρχείο data/nextcloud.log για περισσότερες πληροφορίες!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Αποτυχία αιτήματος, το Nextcloud είναι προσωρινά σε κατάσταση συντήρησης!",
@ -10,20 +9,15 @@
"Shared with me" : "Διαμοιρασμένα με εμένα",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Τροφοδότης ροής RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Χρήση του cron του συστήματος για ενημερώσεις",
"Purge interval" : "Διάστημα καθαρισμού",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Η ελάχιστη διάρκεια σε δευτερόλεπτα μετά τη διαγραφή ροών και φακέλων, όπου θα αφαιρούνται από τη βάση δεδομένων; Οι τιμές κάτω των 60 δευτερολέπτων θα αγνοούνται.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Ο μέγιστος αριθμός διαβασμένων ανά ροή",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Ορίζει τη μέγιστη ποσότητα άρθρων που μπορούν να φορτωθούν ανά ροή, τα οποία δεν θα διαγραφούν από την υπηρεσία εκκαθάρισης; εάν τα παλαιά άρθρα επανεμφανιστούν μετά την ανάγνωσή τους, αυξήστε αυτήν την τιμή; οι αρνητικές τιμές, όπως το -1, θα απενεργοποιήσουν αυτή τη λειτουργία.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Μέγιστος αριθμός ανακατευθύνσεων",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Πόσες ανακατευθύνσεις θα μπορεί να ακολουθεί η υπηρεσία ροών.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Χρόνος λήξης δέκτη ροής",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Μέγιστος χρόνος σε δευτερόλεπτα, αναμονής φόρτωσης μιας ροής RSS ή Atom; εάν χρειαστεί περισσότερο χρόνο η ενημέρωση θα ματαιωθεί.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL Υπηρεσίας Εξερεύνησης",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Εάν οριστεί, θα τεθεί η ροή της διεύθυνση URL αυτής της υπηρεσίας στην ουρά, για προβολή στο τμήμα ροών. Για επιστροφή στην προεπιλογή αφήστε το πεδίο κενό.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε στο wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Εσωτερική ενημέρωση",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Διάστημα σε δευτερόλεπτα στο οποίο θα ενημερωθούν τα feeds.",
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Download" : "Λήψη",
"Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
"Subscribe to" : "Εγγραφείτε στο",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Request failed, network connection unavailable!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Request unauthorised. Are you logged in?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Request forbidden. Are you an admin?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!",
@ -12,12 +11,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with me" : "Shared with me",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "An RSS/Atom feed reader",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Use system cron for updates",
"Purge interval" : "Purge interval",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximum read count per feed",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximum redirects",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Feed fetcher timeout",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explore Service URL",
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Download" : "Download",
"Close" : "Close",
"No articles available" : "No articles available",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Request failed, network connection unavailable!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Request unauthorised. Are you logged in?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Request forbidden. Are you an admin?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!",
@ -10,12 +9,10 @@
"Shared with me" : "Shared with me",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "An RSS/Atom feed reader",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Use system cron for updates",
"Purge interval" : "Purge interval",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximum read count per feed",
"Maximum redirects" : "Maximum redirects",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Feed fetcher timeout",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explore Service URL",
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Download" : "Download",
"Close" : "Close",
"No articles available" : "No articles available",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unread articles" : "Nelegitaj artikoloj",
"News" : "Novaĵo",
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Download" : "Elŝuti",
"Close" : "Fermi",
"Open website" : "Malfermi TTT-ejon",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Unread articles" : "Nelegitaj artikoloj",
"News" : "Novaĵo",
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Download" : "Elŝuti",
"Close" : "Fermi",
"Open website" : "Malfermi TTT-ejon",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "La petición ha fallado, ¡la conexión de red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Petición no autorizada, ¿has iniciado sesión?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Petición prohibida. ¿Eres el administrador?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Petición prohibida. ¿Eres el administrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡Sesión caducada o aplicación no habilitada! ¡Vuelve a cargar la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor, comprueba el archivo data/nextcloud.log para mas información!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Petición fallida! Nexcloud está actualmente en modo mantenimiento.",
@ -16,21 +16,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 App de lectura de fuentes de noticias RSS/Atom para Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Sincronice sus fuentes de noticias con múltiples [clientes](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/) móviles o de escritorio.\n- 🔄 Actualizaciones automáticas de sus fuentes de noticias.\n- 🆓 Gratis y de código abierto bajo AGPLv3, sin anuncios o funciones premium.\n\n**Se requiere el Cron del sistema para que esta aplicación funcione**\n\nLos requisitos se pueden encontrar [aquí](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nLa lista de cambios se encuentra [aquí](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCrear un [reporte de bug](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\nCrear una [solicitud de función](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nInformar de un [problema en fuente](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Desactiva esto si ejecutas un actualizador personalizado.",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Cantidad de segundos mínima antes de que las fuentes y carpetas borradas se eliminen de la base de datos; los valores por debajo de 60 segundos son ignorados.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Máximo número de lecturas por fuente",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Define la cantidad de artículos máxima que se pueden leer por fuente que no se borrarán mediante el trabajo de limpieza, si reaparecen artículos viejos después de que los hayas leído, aumenta este valor, valores negativos como -1 desactivarán esta característica.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Define la cantidad de artículos máxima que se pueden leer por fuente que no se borrarán mediante el trabajo de limpieza, si reaparecen artículos viejos después de que los hayas leído, aumenta este valor, valores negativos como -1 desactivarán esta característica.",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Borrar artículos no leídos de forma automática",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Habilite esta opción si además quiere borrar los artículos no leídos.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Máximo de redirecciones",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Cuántas redirecciones debería seguir el capturador de fuentes.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de espera agotado para la descarga de la fuente",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Número máximo de segundos que esperara a que una fuente RSS o Atom cargue; si tarda más se abortará la actualización.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar URL del Servicio",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Si se da, esta URL del servicio se usará para mostrar las fuentes en la sección de explorar fuentes. Para volver al servicio de exploración incorporado, deja este campo vacío.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Para más información, comprueba la wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Intervalo de actualización",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervalo en segundos en el que se actualizarán las fuentes.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Para más información, eche un vistazo a la documentación.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Se actualizó la configuración de noticias de forma exitosa",
"Unable to update news config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de las noticias",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Subscribe to" : "Subscribirse a",
@ -133,4 +132,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Notificar un error"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "La petición ha fallado, ¡la conexión de red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Petición no autorizada, ¿has iniciado sesión?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Petición prohibida. ¿Eres el administrador?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Petición prohibida. ¿Eres el administrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡Sesión caducada o aplicación no habilitada! ¡Vuelve a cargar la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor, comprueba el archivo data/nextcloud.log para mas información!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Petición fallida! Nexcloud está actualmente en modo mantenimiento.",
@ -14,21 +14,20 @@
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 App de lectura de fuentes de noticias RSS/Atom para Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Sincronice sus fuentes de noticias con múltiples [clientes](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/) móviles o de escritorio.\n- 🔄 Actualizaciones automáticas de sus fuentes de noticias.\n- 🆓 Gratis y de código abierto bajo AGPLv3, sin anuncios o funciones premium.\n\n**Se requiere el Cron del sistema para que esta aplicación funcione**\n\nLos requisitos se pueden encontrar [aquí](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nLa lista de cambios se encuentra [aquí](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCrear un [reporte de bug](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\nCrear una [solicitud de función](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nInformar de un [problema en fuente](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Desactiva esto si ejecutas un actualizador personalizado.",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "Cantidad de segundos mínima antes de que las fuentes y carpetas borradas se eliminen de la base de datos; los valores por debajo de 60 segundos son ignorados.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Máximo número de lecturas por fuente",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Define la cantidad de artículos máxima que se pueden leer por fuente que no se borrarán mediante el trabajo de limpieza, si reaparecen artículos viejos después de que los hayas leído, aumenta este valor, valores negativos como -1 desactivarán esta característica.",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Define la cantidad de artículos máxima que se pueden leer por fuente que no se borrarán mediante el trabajo de limpieza, si reaparecen artículos viejos después de que los hayas leído, aumenta este valor, valores negativos como -1 desactivarán esta característica.",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Borrar artículos no leídos de forma automática",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Habilite esta opción si además quiere borrar los artículos no leídos.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Máximo de redirecciones",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Cuántas redirecciones debería seguir el capturador de fuentes.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de espera agotado para la descarga de la fuente",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Número máximo de segundos que esperara a que una fuente RSS o Atom cargue; si tarda más se abortará la actualización.",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar URL del Servicio",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Si se da, esta URL del servicio se usará para mostrar las fuentes en la sección de explorar fuentes. Para volver al servicio de exploración incorporado, deja este campo vacío.",
"For more information check the wiki." : "Para más información, comprueba la wiki.",
"Update interval" : "Intervalo de actualización",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Intervalo en segundos en el que se actualizarán las fuentes.",
"For more information check the documentation." : "Para más información, eche un vistazo a la documentación.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Se actualizó la configuración de noticias de forma exitosa",
"Unable to update news config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de las noticias",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Subscribe to" : "Subscribirse a",
@ -130,5 +129,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos de teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Notificar un error"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Se presentó una falla en la solicitud. ¡La conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud rechazada. ¿Ha iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Es usted un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Favor de recargar la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Favor de verificar el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -12,12 +11,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de feeds RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Use el sistema cron para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Purgar el intervalo",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de espera máximo para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -111,4 +108,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Se presentó una falla en la solicitud. ¡La conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud rechazada. ¿Ha iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Es usted un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Favor de recargar la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Favor de verificar el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -10,12 +9,10 @@
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de feeds RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Use el sistema cron para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Purgar el intervalo",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de espera máximo para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -108,5 +105,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos de teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -12,12 +11,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de fuentes RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -111,4 +108,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -10,12 +9,10 @@
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Un lector de fuentes RSS/Atom",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -108,5 +105,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -9,12 +8,10 @@
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -107,5 +104,5 @@
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado",
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, la conexión a la red no está disponible!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Solicitud no autorizada. ¿Has iniciado sesisón?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Solicitud prohibida. ¿Eres un adminsitrador?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "¡La ficha expiró o la aplicación no está habilitada! ¡Por favor recarga la página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "¡Se presentó un error interno del servidor! ¡Por favor verifica el archivo data/nextcloud.log para más informacón!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "¡Se presentó una falla en la solicitud, por el momento Nextcloud se encuentra en modo mantenimiento!",
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"News" : "Noticias",
"Shared with me" : "Compartido conmigo",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usa el cron del sistema para las actualizaciones",
"Purge interval" : "Intervalo de purga",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Conteo máximo de lecturas por fuente",
"Maximum redirects" : "Redirecciones máximas",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Tiempo de vida para el buscador de fuentes",
"Explore Service URL" : "Explorar la URL del Servicio",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"No articles available" : "No hay artículos disponibles",
@ -110,4 +107,4 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
"Report a bug" : "Reportar una falla"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More