
358 lines
10 KiB

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Georg Ehrke
* @author Georg Ehrke <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { enableBirthdayCalendar } from '../services/caldavService.js'
import { mapDavCollectionToCalendar } from '../models/calendar'
import { detectTimezone } from '../services/timezoneDetectionService'
import { setConfig as setCalendarJsConfig } from 'calendar-js'
import { setConfig } from '../services/settings.js'
import { logInfo } from '../utils/logger.js'
const state = {
// env
appVersion: null,
firstRun: null,
talkEnabled: false,
// user-defined calendar settings
eventLimit: null,
showTasks: null,
showWeekends: null,
showWeekNumbers: null,
skipPopover: null,
slotDuration: null,
tasksEnabled: false,
timezone: 'automatic',
// user-defined Nextcloud settings
momentLocale: 'en',
const mutations = {
* Updates the user's setting for event limit
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
toggleEventLimitEnabled(state) {
state.eventLimit = !state.eventLimit
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of event popover
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
togglePopoverEnabled(state) {
state.skipPopover = !state.skipPopover
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of weekends
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
toggleTasksEnabled(state) {
state.showTasks = !state.showTasks
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of weekends
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
toggleWeekendsEnabled(state) {
state.showWeekends = !state.showWeekends
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of week numbers
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
toggleWeekNumberEnabled(state) {
state.showWeekNumbers = !state.showWeekNumbers
* Updates the user's preferred slotDuration
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.slotDuration The new slot duration
setSlotDuration(state, { slotDuration }) {
state.slotDuration = slotDuration
* Updates the user's timezone
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.timezoneId The new timezone
setTimezone(state, { timezoneId }) {
state.timezone = timezoneId
* Initialize settings
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.appVersion The version of the Nextcloud app
* @param {Boolean} data.eventLimit Whether or not to limit number of visible events in grid view
* @param {Boolean} data.firstRun Whether or not this is the first run
* @param {Boolean} data.showWeekNumbers Whether or not to show week numbers
* @param {Boolean} data.showTasks Whether or not to display tasks with a due-date
* @param {Boolean} data.showWeekends Whether or not to display weekends
* @param {Boolean} data.skipPopover Whether or not to skip the simple event popover
* @param {String} data.slotDuration The duration of one slot in the agendaView
* @param {Boolean} data.talkEnabled Whether or not the talk app is enabled
* @param {Boolean} data.tasksEnabled Whether ot not the tasks app is enabled
* @param {String} data.timezone The timezone to view the calendar in. Either an Olsen timezone or "automatic"
loadSettingsFromServer(state, { appVersion, eventLimit, firstRun, showWeekNumbers, showTasks, showWeekends, skipPopover, slotDuration, talkEnabled, tasksEnabled, timezone }) {
Initial settings:
- AppVersion: ${appVersion}
- EventLimit: ${eventLimit}
- FirstRun: ${firstRun}
- ShowWeekNumbers: ${showWeekNumbers}
- ShowTasks: ${showTasks}
- ShowWeekends: ${showWeekends}
- SkipPopover: ${skipPopover}
- SlotDuration: ${slotDuration}
- TalkEnabled: ${talkEnabled}
- TasksEnabled: ${tasksEnabled}
- Timezone: ${timezone}
state.appVersion = appVersion
state.eventLimit = eventLimit
state.firstRun = firstRun
state.showWeekNumbers = showWeekNumbers
state.showTasks = showTasks
state.showWeekends = showWeekends
state.skipPopover = skipPopover
state.slotDuration = slotDuration
state.talkEnabled = talkEnabled
state.tasksEnabled = tasksEnabled
state.timezone = timezone
* Sets the name of the moment.js locale to be used
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.locale The moment.js locale to be used
setMomentLocale(state, { locale }) {
logInfo(`Updated moment locale: ${locale}`)
state.momentLocale = locale
const getters = {
* Gets the resolved timezone.
* If the timezone is set to automatic, it returns the user's current timezone
* Otherwise, it returns the Olsen timezone stored
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @returns {String}
getResolvedTimezone: (state) => state.timezone === 'automatic'
? detectTimezone()
: state.timezone,
const actions = {
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of birthday calendar
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.getters The Vuex Getters
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @param {Function} vuex.dispatch The Vuex dispatch Function
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async toggleBirthdayCalendarEnabled({ getters, commit, dispatch }) {
if (getters.hasBirthdayCalendar) {
const calendar = getters.getBirthdayCalendar
await dispatch('deleteCalendar', { calendar })
} else {
const davCalendar = await enableBirthdayCalendar()
const calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(davCalendar)
commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
* Updates the user's setting for event limit
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async toggleEventLimitEnabled({ state, commit }) {
const newState = !state.eventLimit
const value = newState ? 'yes' : 'no'
await setConfig('eventLimit', value)
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of event popover
* @param {Object} context The Vuex context
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async togglePopoverEnabled({ state, commit }) {
const newState = !state.skipPopover
const value = newState ? 'yes' : 'no'
await setConfig('skipPopover', value)
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of weekends
* @param {Object} context The Vuex context
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async toggleWeekendsEnabled({ state, commit }) {
const newState = !state.showWeekends
const value = newState ? 'yes' : 'no'
await setConfig('showWeekends', value)
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of tasks
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async toggleTasksEnabled({ state, commit }) {
const newState = !state.showTasks
const value = newState ? 'yes' : 'no'
await setConfig('showTasks', value)
* Updates the user's setting for visibility of week numbers
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async toggleWeekNumberEnabled({ state, commit }) {
const newState = !state.showWeekNumbers
const value = newState ? 'yes' : 'no'
await setConfig('showWeekNr', value)
* Updates the view to be used as initial view when opening
* the calendar app again
* @param {Object} context The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.initialView New view to be used as initial view
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async setInitialView(context, { initialView }) {
await setConfig('view', initialView)
* Updates the user's preferred slotDuration
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.slotDuration The new slot duration
async setSlotDuration({ state, commit }, { slotDuration }) {
if (state.slotDuration === slotDuration) {
await setConfig('slotDuration', slotDuration)
commit('setSlotDuration', { slotDuration })
* Updates the user's timezone
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit Function
* @param {Object} data The destructuring object
* @param {String} data.timezoneId The new timezone
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async setTimezone({ state, commit }, { timezoneId }) {
if (state.timezone === timezoneId) {
await setConfig('timezone', timezoneId)
commit('setTimezone', { timezoneId })
* Initializes the calendar-js configuration
* @param {Object} vuex The Vuex destructuring object
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state
initializeCalendarJsConfig({ state }) {
setCalendarJsConfig('PRODID', `-//IDN app ${state.appVersion}//EN`)
setCalendarJsConfig('property-list-significant-change', [
export default { state, mutations, getters, actions }