
866 lines
27 KiB

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Georg Ehrke
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 John Molakvoæ
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Thomas Citharel
* @author Georg Ehrke <>
* @author John Molakvoæ <>
* @author Thomas Citharel <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import Vue from 'vue'
import {
} from '../services/caldavService.js'
import { mapCDavObjectToCalendarObject } from '../models/calendarObject'
import { dateFactory, getUnixTimestampFromDate } from '../utils/date.js'
import { getDefaultCalendarObject, mapDavCollectionToCalendar } from '../models/calendar'
import pLimit from 'p-limit'
import { uidToHexColor } from '../utils/color.js'
import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
import getTimezoneManager from '../services/timezoneDataProviderService.js'
import Timezone from 'calendar-js/src/timezones/timezone.js'
import CalendarComponent from 'calendar-js/src/components/calendarComponent.js'
import {
} from '../models/consts.js'
const state = {
calendars: [],
calendarsById: {},
initialCalendarsLoaded: false,
const mutations = {
* Adds calendar into state
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar calendar the calendar to add
addCalendar(state, { calendar }) {
const object = getDefaultCalendarObject(calendar)
Vue.set(state.calendarsById,, object)
* Deletes a calendar
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to delete
deleteCalendar(state, { calendar }) {
state.calendars.splice(state.calendars.indexOf(calendar), 1)
* Toggles a calendar's visibility
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to toggle
toggleCalendarEnabled(state, { calendar }) {
state.calendarsById[].enabled = !state.calendarsById[].enabled
* Renames a calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to rename
* @param {String} data.newName the new name of the calendar
renameCalendar(state, { calendar, newName }) {
state.calendarsById[].displayName = newName
* Changes calendar's color
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to rename
* @param {String} data.newColor the new color of the calendar
changeCalendarColor(state, { calendar, newColor }) {
state.calendarsById[].color = newColor
* Changes calendar's order
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to rename
* @param {String} data.newOrder the new order of the calendar
changeCalendarOrder(state, { calendar, newOrder }) {
state.calendarsById[].order = newOrder
* Adds multiple calendar-objects to calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar to append objects to
* @param {String[]} data.calendarObjectIds The calendar object ids to append
appendCalendarObjectsToCalendar(state, { calendar, calendarObjectIds }) {
for (const calendarObjectId of calendarObjectIds) {
if (state.calendarsById[].calendarObjects.indexOf(calendarObjectId) === -1) {
* Adds calendar-object to calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar to append objects to
* @param {String} data.calendarObjectId The calendar object id to append
addCalendarObjectToCalendar(state, { calendar, calendarObjectId }) {
if (state.calendarsById[].calendarObjects.indexOf(calendarObjectId) === -1) {
* Removes calendar-object from calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar to delete objects from
* @param {String} data.calendarObjectId The calendar object ids to delete
deleteCalendarObjectFromCalendar(state, { calendar, calendarObjectId }) {
const index = state.calendarsById[].calendarObjects.indexOf(calendarObjectId)
if (index !== -1) {
state.calendarsById[].calendarObjects.slice(index, 1)
* Adds fetched time-range to calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar to append a time-range to
* @param {Number} data.fetchedTimeRangeId The time-range-id to append
addFetchedTimeRangeToCalendar(state, { calendar, fetchedTimeRangeId }) {
* Removes fetched time-range from calendar
* @param {Object} state the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar The calendar to remove a time-range from
* @param {Number} data.fetchedTimeRangeId The time-range-id to remove
deleteFetchedTimeRangeFromCalendar(state, { calendar, fetchedTimeRangeId }) {
const index = state.calendarsById[].fetchedTimeRanges.indexOf(fetchedTimeRangeId)
if (index !== -1) {
state.calendarsById[].fetchedTimeRanges.slice(index, 1)
* Shares calendar with a user or group
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar
* @param {string} data.user the userId
* @param {string} data.displayName the displayName
* @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri
* @param {Boolean} data.isGroup is this a group ?
shareCalendar(state, { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle }) {
const newSharee = {
id: user,
writeable: false,
* Removes Sharee from calendar shares list
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar
* @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri
unshareCalendar(state, { calendar, uri }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
const shareIndex = calendar.shares.findIndex(sharee => sharee.uri === uri)
calendar.shares.splice(shareIndex, 1)
* Toggles sharee's writable permission
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar
* @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri
toggleCalendarShareWritable(state, { calendar, uri }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
const sharee = calendar.shares.find(sharee => sharee.uri === uri)
sharee.writeable = !sharee.writeable
* Publishes a calendar calendar
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to publish
* @param {String} data.publishURL published URL of calendar
publishCalendar(state, { calendar, publishURL }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
calendar.publishURL = publishURL
* Unpublishes a calendar
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to unpublish
unpublishCalendar(state, { calendar }) {
calendar = state.calendars.find(search => ===
calendar.publishURL = null
* Marks initial loading of calendars as complete
* @param {Object} state the store data
initialCalendarsLoaded(state) {
state.initialCalendarsLoaded = true
* Marks a calendar as loading
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to mark as loading
markCalendarAsLoading(state, { calendar }) {
state.calendarsById[].loading = true
* Marks a calendar as finished loading
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to mark as finished loading
markCalendarAsNotLoading(state, { calendar }) {
state.calendarsById[].loading = false
const getters = {
* List of sorted calendars and subscriptions
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} store the store
* @param {Object} rootState the rootState
* @returns {Array}
sortedCalendarsSubscriptions(state, store, rootState) {
return state.calendars
.filter(calendar => calendar.supportsEvents || (rootState.settings.showTasks && calendar.supportsTasks))
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order)
* List of sorted calendars
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @returns {Array}
sortedCalendars(state) {
return state.calendars
.filter(calendar => calendar.supportsEvents)
.filter(calendar => !calendar.readOnly)
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order)
* List of sorted subscriptions
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @returns {Array}
sortedSubscriptions(state) {
return state.calendars
.filter(calendar => calendar.supportsEvents)
.filter(calendar => calendar.readOnly)
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order)
* List of enabled calendars and subscriptions
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} store the store
* @param {Object} rootState the rootState
* @returns {Array}
enabledCalendars(state, store, rootState) {
return state.calendars
.filter(calendar => calendar.supportsEvents || (rootState.settings.showTasks && calendar.supportsTasks))
.filter(calendar => calendar.enabled)
* Gets a calendar by it's Id
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @returns {function({String}): {Object}}
getCalendarById: (state) => (calendarId) => state.calendarsById[calendarId],
* Gets the contact's birthday calendar or null
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @returns {Object|null}
getBirthdayCalendar: (state) => {
for (const calendar of state.calendars) {
const url = calendar.url.slice(0, -1)
const lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf('/')
const uri = url.substr(lastSlash + 1)
return calendar
return null
* Whether or not a birthday calendar exists
* @param {Object} state The Vuex state
* @param {Object} getters the vuex getters
* @returns {boolean}
hasBirthdayCalendar: (state, getters) => {
return !!getters.getBirthdayCalendar
* @param {Object} state the store data
* @param {Object} getters the store getters
* @returns {function({Boolean}, {Boolean}, {Boolean}): {Object}[]}
sortedCalendarFilteredByComponents: (state, getters) => (vevent, vjournal, vtodo) => {
return getters.sortedCalendars.filter((calendar) => {
if (vevent && !calendar.supportsEvents) {
return false
if (vjournal && !calendar.supportsJournals) {
return false
if (vtodo && !calendar.supportsTasks) {
return false
return true
const actions = {
* Retrieve and commit calendars
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
* @returns {Promise<Array>} the calendars
async getCalendars({ commit, state, getters }) {
const calendars = await findAllCalendars() => mapDavCollectionToCalendar(calendar, getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)).forEach(calendar => {
commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
return state.calendars
* @param {Object} vuex The destructuring object for vuex
* @param {Function} vuex.commit The Vuex commit function
* @param {Object} vuex.state The Vuex state Object
* @param {Object} data The data destructuring object
* @param {String[]} data.tokens The tokens to load
* @returns {Promise<Object[]>}
async getPublicCalendars({ commit, state, getters }, { tokens }) {
const calendars = findPublicCalendarsByTokens(tokens)
const calendarObjects = []
for (const davCalendar of calendars) {
const calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(davCalendar)
commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
return calendarObjects
* Append a new calendar to array of existing calendars
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.displayName The name of the new calendar
* @param {Object} data.color The color of the new calendar
* @param {Object} data.order The order of the new calendar
* @param {String[]=} data.components The supported components of the calendar
* @param {String=} data.timezone The timezoneId
* @returns {Promise}
async appendCalendar(context, { displayName, color, order, components = ['VEVENT'], timezone = null }) {
if (timezone === null) {
timezone = context.getters.getResolvedTimezone
let timezoneIcs = null
const timezoneObject = getTimezoneManager().getTimezoneForId(timezone)
if (timezoneObject !== Timezone.utc && timezoneObject !== Timezone.floating) {
const calendar = CalendarComponent.fromEmpty()
timezoneIcs = calendar.toICS(false)
const response = await createCalendar(displayName, color, components, order, timezoneIcs)
const calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(response, context.getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)
context.commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
* Append a new subscription to array of existing calendars
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {String} data.displayName Name of new subscription
* @param {String} data.color Color of new subscription
* @param {String} data.order Order of new subscription
* @param {String} data.source Source of new subscription
* @returns {Promise}
async appendSubscription(context, { displayName, color, order, source }) {
const response = await createSubscription(displayName, color, source, order)
const calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(response, context.getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)
context.commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
* Delete a calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to delete
* @returns {Promise}
async deleteCalendar(context, { calendar }) {
await calendar.dav.delete()
context.commit('deleteCalendar', { calendar })
* Toggle whether a calendar is enabled
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to modify
* @returns {Promise}
async toggleCalendarEnabled(context, { calendar }) {
context.commit('markCalendarAsLoading', { calendar })
calendar.dav.enabled = !calendar.dav.enabled
try {
await calendar.dav.update()
context.commit('markCalendarAsNotLoading', { calendar })
context.commit('toggleCalendarEnabled', { calendar })
} catch (error) {
context.commit('markCalendarAsNotLoading', { calendar })
throw error
* Rename a calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to modify
* @param {String} data.newName the new name of the calendar
* @returns {Promise}
async renameCalendar(context, { calendar, newName }) {
calendar.dav.displayname = newName
await calendar.dav.update()
context.commit('renameCalendar', { calendar, newName })
* Change a calendar's color
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to modify
* @param {String} data.newColor the new color of the calendar
* @returns {Promise}
async changeCalendarColor(context, { calendar, newColor }) {
calendar.dav.color = newColor
await calendar.dav.update()
context.commit('changeCalendarColor', { calendar, newColor })
* Change a calendar's order
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to modify
* @param {String} data.newOrder the new order of the calendar
* @returns {Promise}
async changeCalendarOrder(context, { calendar, newOrder }) {
calendar.dav.order = newOrder
await calendar.dav.update()
context.commit('changeCalendarOrder', { calendar, newOrder })
* Change order of multiple calendars
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Array} new order of calendars
async changeMultipleCalendarOrders(context, { calendars }) {
// TODO - implement me
// TODO - extract new order from order of calendars in array
// send proppatch to all calendars
// limit number of requests similar to import
* Share calendar with User or Group
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to share
* @param {string} data.user the userId
* @param {string} data.displayName the displayName
* @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri
* @param {Boolean} data.isGroup is this a group ?
async shareCalendar(context, { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle }) {
// Share calendar with entered group or user
await calendar.dav.share(uri)
context.commit('shareCalendar', { calendar, user, displayName, uri, isGroup, isCircle })
* Toggle permissions of calendar Sharees writeable rights
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to change
* @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri
async toggleCalendarShareWritable(context, { calendar, uri }) {
const sharee = calendar.shares.find(sharee => sharee.uri === uri)
await calendar.dav.share(uri, !sharee.writeable)
context.commit('toggleCalendarShareWritable', { calendar, uri })
* Remove sharee from calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to change
* @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri
async unshareCalendar(context, { calendar, uri }) {
await calendar.dav.unshare(uri)
context.commit('unshareCalendar', { calendar, uri })
* Publish a calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to change
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async publishCalendar(context, { calendar }) {
await calendar.dav.publish()
const publishURL = calendar.dav.publishURL
context.commit('publishCalendar', { calendar, publishURL })
* Unpublish a calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations Current context
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to change
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async unpublishCalendar(context, { calendar }) {
await calendar.dav.unpublish()
context.commit('unpublishCalendar', { calendar })
* Retrieve the events of the specified calendar
* and commit the results
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {Object} data.calendar the calendar to get events from
* @param {Date} data.from the date to start querying events from
* @param {Date} the last date to query events from
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async getEventsFromCalendarInTimeRange(context, { calendar, from, to }) {
context.commit('markCalendarAsLoading', { calendar })
const response = await calendar.dav.findByTypeInTimeRange('VEVENT', from, to)
let responseTodo = []
if (context.rootState.settings.showTasks) {
responseTodo = await calendar.dav.findByTypeInTimeRange('VTODO', from, to)
context.commit('addTimeRange', {
from: getUnixTimestampFromDate(from),
to: getUnixTimestampFromDate(to),
lastFetched: getUnixTimestampFromDate(dateFactory()),
calendarObjectIds: [],
const insertId = context.getters.getLastTimeRangeInsertId
context.commit('addFetchedTimeRangeToCalendar', {
fetchedTimeRangeId: insertId,
const calendarObjects = []
const calendarObjectIds = []
for (const r of response.concat(responseTodo)) {
const calendarObject = mapCDavObjectToCalendarObject(r,
context.commit('appendCalendarObjects', { calendarObjects })
context.commit('appendCalendarObjectsToCalendar', { calendar, calendarObjectIds })
context.commit('appendCalendarObjectIdsToTimeFrame', {
timeRangeId: insertId,
context.commit('markCalendarAsNotLoading', { calendar })
return context.rootState.fetchedTimeRanges.lastTimeRangeInsertId
* Retrieve one object
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
* @param {Object} data destructuring object
* @param {String} data.objectId Id of the object to fetch
* @returns {Promise<CalendarObject>}
async getEventByObjectId(context, { objectId }) {
// TODO - we should still check if the calendar-object is up to date
// - Just send head and compare etags
if (context.getters.getCalendarObjectById(objectId)) {
return Promise.resolve(context.getters.getCalendarObjectById(objectId))
// This might throw an exception, but we will leave it up to the methods
// calling this action to properly handle it
const objectPath = atob(objectId)
const lastSlashIndex = objectPath.lastIndexOf('/')
const calendarPath = objectPath.substr(0, lastSlashIndex + 1)
const objectFileName = objectPath.substr(lastSlashIndex + 1)
const calendarId = btoa(calendarPath)
if (!context.state.calendarsById[calendarId]) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(''))
const calendar = context.state.calendarsById[calendarId]
const vObject = await calendar.dav.find(objectFileName)
const calendarObject = mapCDavObjectToCalendarObject(vObject,
context.commit('appendCalendarObject', { calendarObject })
context.commit('addCalendarObjectToCalendar', {
calendar: {
id: calendarId,
return calendarObject
* Import events into calendar
* @param {Object} context the store mutations
async importEventsIntoCalendar(context) {
context.commit('changeStage', IMPORT_STAGE_IMPORTING)
// Create a copy
const files = context.rootState.importFiles.importFiles.slice()
let totalCount = 0
for (const file of files) {
totalCount += file.parser.getItemCount()
const calendarId = context.rootState.importFiles.importCalendarRelation[]
if (calendarId === 'new') {
const displayName = file.parser.getName() || t('calendar', 'Imported {filename}', {
const color = file.parser.getColor() || uidToHexColor(displayName)
const components = []
if (file.parser.containsVEvents()) {
if (file.parser.containsVJournals()) {
if (file.parser.containsVTodos()) {
try {
const response = await createCalendar(displayName, color, components, 0)
const calendar = mapDavCollectionToCalendar(response, context.getters.getCurrentUserPrincipal)
context.commit('addCalendar', { calendar })
context.commit('setCalendarForFileId', {
} catch (error) {
throw error
context.commit('setTotal', totalCount)
const limit = pLimit(3)
const requests = []
for (const file of files) {
const calendarId = context.rootState.importFiles.importCalendarRelation[]
const calendar = context.getters.getCalendarById(calendarId)
for (const item of file.parser.getItemIterator()) {
requests.push(limit(async() => {
const ics = item.toICS()
let davObject
try {
davObject = await calendar.dav.createVObject(ics)
} catch (error) {
const calendarObject = mapCDavObjectToCalendarObject(davObject, calendarId)
context.commit('appendCalendarObject', { calendarObject })
context.commit('addCalendarObjectToCalendar', {
context.commit('addCalendarObjectIdToAllTimeRangesOfCalendar', {
await Promise.all(requests)
context.commit('changeStage', IMPORT_STAGE_PROCESSING)
export default { state, mutations, getters, actions }