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Question and help

If you have any question or need help with setting up the theme, please open a new issue.

Bug Reporting

If you would like to report a bug please open a new issue. If you would like to fix the bug yourself please specify it in the issue.

When reporting a bug please provide the following information:

  • Version of Nextcloud
  • Version of this theme (Can be found at the top of server.scss)
  • Which browser you are using and the version of said browser

Feature/styling Requests

If you would like something added to the theme please open up a new issue. If you would like styling added for a specific app or add that styling yourselves, please open a new issue.

Pull Requests

Before making a pull request please open a new issue with what you want to change and why.

You can find the colours used for the theme and their variable names in core/_colours.scss. Changes to icons should go in the core/_icons.scss. Changes to Nextcloud core should go in core/_server.scss. Styling for apps can be found in the apps folder with a specific file for each app. For new apps please place the styling in a new file called _APPNAME.scss in the apps directory and import it at the bottom of server.scss.

Please make your pull requests to the develop branch.