Commit Graph

12285 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Justin M. Keyes 4dd3fc4ca9 NVIM v0.3.2
Besides the "visible" improvements, this release features numerous
internal improvements to the UI/screen code and test infrastructure.

Numerous patches were merged from Vim, which are not mentioned below.


07ad5d71ab clipboard: Support custom VimL functions #9304
725da1feeb #9401 win/TUI: Improve terminal/console support
7a8dadbedb #9077 startup: Use $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/sysinit.vim if it exists
feec926633 #9299 support <cmd> mapping in more places
0653ed63a5 #9028 diff/highlight: Show underline for low-priority CursorLine
bddcbbb571 signs: Add "numhl" argument #9113
05f9c7c2f7 clipboard: support Wayland (#9230)
14ae394532 #9052 TUI: add support for undercurl and underline color
4fa3492a6f #9023 man.vim: soft (dynamic) wrap #9023


8b39e4ec79 #6920 API: implement object namespaces
b1aaa0a881 API: Implement nvim_win_set_buf() #9100
8de87c7b1c #8180 API: virtual text annotations (nvim_buf_set_virtual_text)
2b9fc9a13f #8660 API: add nvim_buf_is_loaded()
    API: buf_get_lines, buf_line_count handle unloaded buffers
88f77c28e5 API: nvim_buf_get_offset_for_line
94841e5eae API/UI: #8221 ext_newgrid, ext_hlstate
    (use line-based rather than char-based updates)


b5cfac0894 #8806 TUI: use BCE again more often, (smoother resizes/scrolling)
77b5e9ae25 #9315 screen: add missing status redraw when redraw_later(CLEAR) was used
5f15788dc3 TUI: clip invalid regions on resize (#8779), fixes #8774
c936ae0f36 #9193 TUI: improvements for scrolling and clearing
f20427451e #9143 UI: disable clearing almost everywhere
f4b2b66661 #9079 TUI: always use safe cursor movement after resize
d36afafc8d #9211 ui_options: also send when starting or from OptionSet
67f80d485c TUI: Avoid reset_cursor_color in old VTE #9191
e55ebae373 #9021 don't erase screen on `:hi Normal` during startup
c5790d9189 #8915 TUI: Hint wrapped lines to terminals.


231de72539 RPC: turn errors from async calls into notifications
907ad921bc TUI: Restore terminal title via "title stacking" (#9407)
cb76a8a95f genappimage: Unset $ARGV0 at invocation #9376
b48efd9ba7 #9347 TUI: FreeBSD: Improve support for BSD vt console
c16529afa5 TUI: Konsole 18.07.70 supports DECSCUSR (#9364)
aec096fc5b os/lang: use the correct LC_NUMERIC also for OS X
5fee0be915 provider: improve error message (#9344)
3c42d7a10a TUI: alacritty supports set_cursor_color #9353
7bff9a5de8 TUI: Alacritty supports DECSCUSR (#9048)
57acfceabe macOS: infer primary language if $LANG is empty #9345
bc132ae123 runtime/syntax: Fix highlighting of augroup contents (#9328)
715fdfee1e #9297 VimL/confirm(): Show dialog even if :silent
799d9c3215 clipboard: Prefer xclip (#9302)
6dae7776ed provider/nodejs: fix npm,yarn detection
16bc1e9c17 #9218 channel: avoid buffering output when only terminal and no callbacks are active
72fecad1ff #8804 Fix crash in lang_init() on macOS if lang_region = NULL
d581398779 ruby: detect rbenv shims for other versions (#8733)
e568ac7a68 #9123 third-party/unibilium: Fix parsing of extended capability entries
c4c74c3883 jobstart(): Fix hang on non-executable cwd #9204
1cf50cbfd9 provider/nodejs: Simultaneously query npm and yarn #9054
6c496db4b7 undo: Fix infinite loop if undo_read_byte returns EOF #2880
f8f83579ff #9034 'swapfile: always show dialog'


c236e80cf3 #9024 --embed: wait for UI unless --headless
180b50dddc #9248 python: 'neovim' module was renamed to 'pynvim'
2000b6a64a #8589 VimL: Remove legacy aliases "v:errmsg", "v:shell_error", "v:this_session"
deb18a050e defaults: background=dark #2894 (#9205)
c1187d4af0 defaults: win: 'shellpipe' for cmd.exe (#8827)
2018-12-31 01:06:17 +01:00
Marvim the Paranoid Android f8eae37a36 version.c: update [ci skip] (#9417) 2018-12-31 00:32:32 +01:00
Marvim the Paranoid Android 82a92308c5 version.c: update [ci skip] (#9275)
vim-patch:8.0.0428: git and hg see new files after running tests
vim-patch:8.0.0429: options test does not always test everything
vim-patch:8.0.0430: options test fails or hangs on MS-Windows
vim-patch:8.0.0436: running the options test sometimes resizes the terminal
vim-patch:8.0.0488: running tests leaves an "xxx" file behind
vim-patch:8.0.0585: test_options fails when run in the GUI

vim-patch:8.1.0558: some MS-Windows instructions are outdated
vim-patch:8.1.0565: asan complains about reading before allocated block
vim-patch:8.1.0566: SGR not enabled for mintty because $TERM is "xterm"
vim-patch:8.1.0567: error for NUL byte in ScreenLines goes unnoticed
vim-patch:8.1.0568: error message for NUL byte in ScreenLines breaks Travis CI
vim-patch:8.1.0577: tabpage right-click menu never shows "Close tab"
vim-patch:8.1.0578: cannot disable arabic, rightleft and farsi in configure
vim-patch:8.1.0587: GvimExt: realloc() failing is not handled properly
vim-patch:8.1.0589: compilation error in gvimext.cpp
vim-patch:8.1.0592: the libvterm tests are not run as part of Vim tests
vim-patch:8.1.0593: illegal memory access in libvterm test
vim-patch:8.1.0594: libvterm tests fail to run on Mac
vim-patch:8.1.0595: libvterm tests are not run with coverage
vim-patch:8.1.0597: cannot run test_libvterm from the top directory
vim-patch:8.1.0598: indent tests may use the wrong Vim binary
vim-patch:8.1.0605: running make in the top directory echoes a comment 
vim-patch:8.1.0606: 'cryptmethod' defaults to a very old method
vim-patch:8.1.0607: proto files are not in sync with the source code
vim-patch:8.1.0608: coverals is not updating
vim-patch:8.1.0609: MS-Windows: unused variable, depending on the Ruby version
vim-patch:8.1.0610: MS-Windows ctags file list differs from Unix
vim-patch:8.1.0616: NSIS installer is outdated
vim-patch:8.1.0617: NSIS installer gets two files from the wrong directory
vim-patch:8.1.0620: overuling CONF_ARGS from the environment no longer works
vim-patch:8.1.0624: overuling CONF_ARGS from the environment still does not work
vim-patch:8.1.0628: Compiler warning on MS-Windows.
vim-patch:8.1.0635: Coverity complains about null pointer use
vim-patch:8.1.0637: nsis file no longer used
vim-patch:8.1.0646: cannot build with Ruby 2.6.0
2018-12-31 00:20:28 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 725da1feeb
Merge #9401 from justinmk/pr-win-erw7 2018-12-30 23:54:23 +01:00
pierre 92806827a9 appimage: Include metadata #9320
closes #9320
closes #9128
2018-12-30 23:02:40 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 1e8d2bdc48
Merge #9335 from justinmk/doc 2018-12-30 21:17:18 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes a10fdc70aa syntax/vim.vim: highlight <cmd> key 2018-12-30 21:09:39 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes e83c0a267d help: Do not highlight "Nvim."
This was added in 549311db7d for some reason, it usually just looks
2018-12-30 21:09:39 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes e834660b2b doc: Remove {Nvim} tag
The purpose of the {Nvim} hint was not well-defined, and its usage
inconsistent.  It's also unnecessary.

Nvim-Vim differences are centralized at:
    :help vim-differences
Removed things are centralized at:
    :help deprecated
Developer guidelines for documentation are listed at:
    :help dev-doc
2018-12-30 21:09:39 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 4ba8266ab1 doc
- CMake features
2018-12-30 21:09:39 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 5749ecaf22 win/TUI: ConEmu: get back_color_erase from terminfo
We already set back_color_erase in our builtin terminfo
(terminfo_defs.h:conemu_terminfo), so we don't need to set it explicitly
in patch_terminfo_bugs().
2018-12-30 20:21:37 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 9ca836f893 cleanup: Remove os_term_is_nice() 2018-12-30 19:57:50 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 31a508cf6c refactor: Extract os_tty_guess_term()
- Also remove feature-detection of uv_set_vterm_state(): instead, on
  Windows we always require libuv to have that function.
2018-12-30 19:57:50 +01:00
James McCoy fa5182489a
Merge pull request #9411 from jamessan/vim-8.1.0662
vim-patch:8.1.0662: needlessly searching for tilde in string
2018-12-30 10:05:12 -05:00
James McCoy 1e06c235b8
vim-patch:8.1.0662: needlessly searching for tilde in string
Problem:    Needlessly searching for tilde in string.
Solution:   Only check the first character. (James McCoy, closes vim/vim#3734)
2018-12-30 09:02:35 -05:00
James McCoy d442345729
Merge pull request #9409 from jamessan/vim-8.0.1469
[RFC] vim-patch:8.0.1469,8.0.1734,8.1.0353,8.1.0354
2018-12-29 20:18:36 -05:00
James McCoy bebbf08c8c
vim-patch:8.1.0354: packadd test fails on MS-Windows
Problem:    Packadd test fails on MS-Windows.
Solution:   Ignore difference between forward and backward slashes.
2018-12-29 16:53:09 -05:00
James McCoy ce4199e8b0
vim-patch:8.1.0353: an "after" directory of a package is appended to 'rtp'
Problem:    An "after" directory of a package is appended to 'rtp', which
            will be after the user's "after" directory. ()
Solution:   Insert the package "after" directory before any other "after"
            directory in 'rtp'. (closes vim/vim#3409)
2018-12-29 16:52:25 -05:00
James McCoy 91f40ff284
vim-patch:8.0.1734: package directory not added to 'rtp' if prefix matches
Problem:    Package directory not added to 'rtp' if prefix matches.
Solution:   Check the match is a full match. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes vim/vim#2817)
            Also handle different ways of spelling a path.
2018-12-29 12:57:16 -05:00
James McCoy e09fb6ee53
vim-patch:8.0.1469: when package path is a symlink 'runtimepath' is wrong
Problem:    When package path is a symlink adding it to 'runtimepath' happens
            at the end.
Solution:   Do not resolve symlinks before locating the position in
            'runtimepath'. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes vim/vim#2604)
2018-12-29 11:46:21 -05:00
Justin M. Keyes 907ad921bc
TUI: enter/exit alternate screen with "title stacking" (#9407)
Works in iTerm2 and xterm.

- patch_terminfo_bugs(): Add title-stacking sequences (\e[22t and
  \e[23t) to the overrides for iTerm2 and xterm.
- Note: the builtins (terminfo_defs.h) for `iterm_256colour_terminfo`
  and `xterm_256colour_terminfo` already include the sequences.

Test case (title should be "foo" after the final :q):

   TERM=iterm2 nvim -u NONE +'set title titleold=foo'
   TERM=iterm2 nvim -u NONE +'set title titlestring=zub'

closes #4063
2018-12-29 03:30:51 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes dba69a1d3b NOLINT data arrays 2018-12-28 23:52:03 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 959df5d8a5 Use printf instead of echo 2018-12-28 23:52:03 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 4a7f6dafe9
Merge #9383 from jamessan/stdpath-rplugin
Use stdpath() to determine rplugin manifest path
2018-12-28 15:01:41 +01:00
James McCoy 135991712a
rplugin.vim: Add migration support for Windows, nvim/ -> nvim-data/ 2018-12-27 21:07:28 -05:00
Justin M. Keyes e85b911f02 test: win/TUI builtin terminfos 2018-12-28 01:46:25 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes c1015121ec Merge 'upstream/master' into pr-win-erw7 2018-12-27 22:49:44 +01:00
erw7 4f030ec24e win/TUI: Fix scroll on Windows legacy console 2018-12-27 22:45:47 +01:00
erw7 fad7a26bc5 win/TUI: ConEmu: set immediate_wrap_after_last_column #9094 2018-12-27 22:42:55 +01:00
erw7 6c62f7b715 win/TUI: builtin terminfos for cygwin, conemu, et al. 2018-12-27 22:39:54 +01:00
erw7 6060301558 win/TUI: SetConsoleMode() to override libuv #9094
Use uv_set_vterm_state() to override libuv's guess.
See for discussion.

This commit uses a terminal-detection approach based on
GetProcessImageFileNameW(...), which will be reverted in the following
commit. The approach was intended to handle the case of running in
winpty (:terminal), but we will add $NVIM env var for that.

Also add some support for ConEmu, cygwin.
2018-12-27 22:35:59 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes e1876c7ad1
Merge pull request #9398 from janlazo/mac-brew-addon 2018-12-27 19:27:36 +01:00
Jan Edmund Lazo a9b1937e5a ci: install neovim gem on macOS
High Sierra has ruby 2.3 preinstalled so neovim gem should work.
2018-12-27 09:44:54 -05:00
Jan Edmund Lazo c926ba1dc4 ci: use homebrew addon to simplify shell scripts 2018-12-26 11:55:29 -05:00
Björn Linse 9ac1e2db79
Merge pull request #9394 from bfredl/highsign
make vim_snprintf handle %d correctly again, fix ":sign place" output
2018-12-24 10:59:24 +01:00
Björn Linse 357e59982d strings: make vim_snprintf handle %d correctly again
This was broken in #9369 (4680ca2)
2018-12-24 10:58:48 +01:00
Jan Edmund Lazo e9685d9f70 vim-patch:8.1.0627: Python cannot handle function name of script-local function (#9392)
Problem:    Python cannot handle function name of script-local function.
Solution:   Use <SNR> instead of the special byte code. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes
2018-12-23 13:12:59 +01:00
Daniel Hahler d2352b7b51 vim-patch:8.1.0615: get_tv function names are not consistent (#9386)
Problem:    Get_tv function names are not consistent.
Solution:   Rename to tv_get.

Only a change in comments appears to be necessary.
2018-12-22 13:23:01 +01:00
Björn Linse 05d8a46ec4
Merge pull request #9384 from bfredl/ui_option_check
test/api: verify that UI options from stable metadata are preserved
2018-12-21 14:23:35 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes ac53536de1 CI/Travis: skip all refs except "master" [skip ci] 2018-12-21 11:48:32 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes cf9a0799c9 CI/Travis: skip "stable" tag [skip ci] 2018-12-21 11:19:34 +01:00
Björn Linse 8b41f429bb test/api: verify that UI options from stable metadata are preserved 2018-12-21 10:52:25 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 04c382b2ac
win/dist: nvim-qt v0.2.11 #9382 2018-12-21 09:38:52 +01:00
James McCoy 15cc17521e
Use stdpath() to determine rplugin manifest path 2018-12-20 21:40:05 -05:00
Justin M. Keyes 87b40f7445
Merge #9280 'Lua 5.2+ compatbility' 2018-12-20 18:32:54 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 127b8569e6 lint 2018-12-20 11:57:30 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes 221f6fffad runtime/lua/vim/compat.lua
ref #9280
Introduce the `vim.compat` module, to help environments with system Lua
5.2+ run the build/tests. Include the module implicitly in all tests.

ref #8677
legacy `vim` module:
2018-12-20 11:57:30 +01:00
Matěj Cepl e6d0dea42b test: Lua 5.2/5.3 compat #9280
Make the code run both on Lua 5.1 (which is the default for Neovim, and
is what LuaJIT provides) and Lua 5.2+.
2018-12-20 11:57:30 +01:00
Justin M. Keyes ccb005b9e0
Merge #9369 'vim-patch:8.1.0596' 2018-12-19 06:42:42 +01:00
erw7 cb76a8a95f genappimage: Unset $ARGV0 at invocation #9376
AppImage sets $ARGV0 which breaks zsh.
Hack around this in our appimage.

fixes #9341

[ci skip]
2018-12-19 06:30:58 +01:00