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This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2019-12-10 01:24:20 -08:00
parent e922576bdd
commit 93e7c7e3bd
11 changed files with 45 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
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@ -114,17 +113,9 @@ Project layout
Neovim is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, except for
parts that were contributed under the Vim license.
- Contributions committed before [b17d96][license-commit] remain under the Vim
- Contributions committed after [b17d96][license-commit] are licensed under
Apache 2.0 unless those contributions were copied from Vim (identified in
the commit logs by the `vim-patch` token).
See `LICENSE` for details.
Neovim contributions since [b17d96][license-commit] are licensed under the
Apache 2.0 license, except for contributions copied from Vim (identified by the
`vim-patch` token). See LICENSE for details.
Vim is Charityware. You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you are
encouraged to make a donation for needy children in Uganda. Please see the

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@ -3771,8 +3771,8 @@ feedkeys({string} [, {mode}]) *feedkeys()*
and "\..." notation |expr-quote|. For example,
feedkeys("\<CR>") simulates pressing of the <Enter> key. But
feedkeys('\<CR>') pushes 5 characters.
A special code that might be useful is <Ignore>, it exits the
wait for a character without doing anything. *<Ignore>*
The |<Ignore>| keycode may be used to exit the
wait-for-character without doing anything.
{mode} is a String, which can contain these character flags:
'm' Remap keys. This is default. If {mode} is absent,

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@ -339,6 +339,8 @@ notation meaning equivalent decimal value(s) ~
<EOL> end-of-line (can be <CR>, <LF> or <CR><LF>,
depends on system and 'fileformat') *<EOL>*
<Ignore> cancel wait-for-character *<Ignore>*
<NOP> no-op: do nothing (useful in mappings) *<Nop>*
<Up> cursor-up *cursor-up* *cursor_up*
<Down> cursor-down *cursor-down* *cursor_down*

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ go-to-definition, "hover", etc. Example config: >
nnoremap <silent> gD <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <c-k> <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> 1gD <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> gr <cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>

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@ -522,10 +522,9 @@ single CTRL-V (you have to type CTRL-V two times).
You can create an empty {rhs} by typing nothing after a single CTRL-V (you
have to type CTRL-V two times). Unfortunately, you cannot do this in a vimrc
An easier way to get a mapping that doesn't produce anything, is to use
"<Nop>" for the {rhs}. This only works when the |<>| notation is enabled.
For example, to make sure that function key 8 does nothing at all: >
"<Nop>" for the {rhs}. For example, to disable function key 8: >
:map <F8> <Nop>
:map! <F8> <Nop>

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@ -671,21 +671,20 @@ being disabled. Remove the 'C' flag from the 'cpoptions' option to enable it.
*E471* >
Argument required
This happens when an Ex command with mandatory argument(s) was executed, but
no argument has been specified.
Ex command was executed without a mandatory argument(s).
*E474* *E475* *E983* >
Invalid argument
Invalid argument: {arg}
Duplicate argument: {arg}
Ex command or function has been executed, but an invalid argument was
specified. Or a non-executable command was given to |system()|.
Ex command or function was given an invalid argument. Or |jobstart()| or
|system()| was given a non-executable command.
*E488* >
Trailing characters
An argument has been added to an Ex command that does not permit one.
An argument was given to an Ex command that does not permit one.
*E477* *E478* >
No ! allowed

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@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ Finally, navigate to a different webpage, The history is
- <--
When the jumpoptions includes "stack", this is the behavior of neovim as well.
When the jumpoptions includes "stack", this is the behavior of Nvim as well.
That is, given a jumplist like the following in which CTRL-O has been used to
move back three times to location X
@ -1117,8 +1117,8 @@ move back three times to location X
2 213 2 src/nvim/mark.c
3 181 0 src/nvim/mark.c
jumping to location Y results in the locations after the current locations being
jumping to (new) location Y results in the locations after the current
locations being removed:
jump line col file/text
3 1260 8 src/nvim/mark.c

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@ -4543,15 +4543,15 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
*'pumheight'* *'ph'*
'pumheight' 'ph' number (default 0)
Determines the maximum number of items to show in the popup menu for
Insert mode completion. When zero as much space as available is used.
Maximum number of items to show in the popup menu
(|ins-completion-menu|). Zero means "use available screen space".
*'pumwidth'* *'pw'*
'pumwidth' 'pw' number (default 15)
Determines the minium width to use for the popup menu for Insert mode
completion. |ins-completion-menu|.
Minimum width for the popup menu (|ins-completion-menu|). If the
cursor column + 'pumwidth' exceeds screen width, the popup menu is
nudged to fit on the screen.
*'pyxversion'* *'pyx'*
'pyxversion' 'pyx' number (default depends on the build)

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@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ Normal commands:
'cpoptions' flags: |cpo-_|
'display' flag `msgsep` to minimize scrolling when showing messages
'display' flags: "msgsep" minimizes scrolling when showing messages
'guicursor' works in the terminal
'fillchars' local to window. flags: `msgsep` (see 'display' above) and `eob`
for |hl-EndOfBuffer| marker
'fillchars' flags: "msgsep" (see 'display'), "eob" for |hl-EndOfBuffer|
marker, "foldopen", "foldsep", "foldclose"
'inccommand' shows interactive results for |:substitute|-like commands
'listchars' local to window
'pumblend' pseudo-transparent popupmenu
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Options:
'signcolumn' supports up to 9 dynamic/fixed columns
'statusline' supports unlimited alignment sections
'tabline' %@Func@foo%X can call any function on mouse-click
'wildoptions' `pum` flag to use popupmenu for wildmode completion
'wildoptions' "pum" flag to use popupmenu for wildmode completion
'winblend' pseudo-transparency in floating windows |api-floatwin|
'winhighlight' window-local highlights
@ -336,16 +336,12 @@ Macro/|recording| behavior
The |jumplist| avoids useless/phantom jumps.
When the new option |jumpoptions| includes 'stack', the jumplist behaves
like the tagstack or history in a web browser--jumping from the middle of
the jumplist discards the locations after the jumped-from position
Normal commands:
|Q| is the same as |gQ|
'ttimeout', 'ttimeoutlen' behavior was simplified
|jumpoptions| "stack" behavior
Shell output (|:!|, |:make|, …) is always routed through the UI, so it

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@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ void setpcmark(void)
if (jop_flags & JOP_STACK) {
// If we're somewhere in the middle of the jumplist discard everything
// after the current index.
// jumpoptions=stack: if we're somewhere in the middle of the jumplist
// discard everything after the current index.
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx < curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1) {
// Discard the rest of the jumplist by cutting the length down to
// contain nothing beyond the current index.
@ -1214,12 +1214,12 @@ void cleanup_jumplist(win_T *wp, bool checktail)
bool mustfree;
if (i >= wp->w_jumplistlen) { // not duplicate
mustfree = false;
} else if (i > from + 1) { // non-adjacent duplicate
// When the jump options include "stack", duplicates are only removed from
// the jumplist when they are adjacent.
// jumpoptions=stack: remove duplicates only when adjacent.
mustfree = !(jop_flags & JOP_STACK);
} else { // adjacent duplicate
mustfree = true;

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe('jumplist', function()
describe('jumpoptions=stack behaves like browser history', function()
describe("jumpoptions=stack behaves like 'tagstack'", function()