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2017-04-19 18:11:50 +02:00
// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check
// it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#:
* mark.c: functions for setting marks and jumping to them
2014-06-23 07:40:35 +02:00
#include <assert.h>
2014-06-23 03:46:34 +02:00
#include <inttypes.h>
2014-03-26 06:51:44 +01:00
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
2014-03-26 06:51:44 +01:00
#include "nvim/vim.h"
2014-06-17 17:22:05 +02:00
#include "nvim/ascii.h"
#include "nvim/mark.h"
#include "nvim/buffer.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/diff.h"
#include "nvim/eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_cmds.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/fold.h"
#include "nvim/mbyte.h"
#include "nvim/memline.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/message.h"
#include "nvim/normal.h"
#include "nvim/option.h"
#include "nvim/path.h"
#include "nvim/quickfix.h"
#include "nvim/search.h"
#include "nvim/sign.h"
#include "nvim/strings.h"
#include "nvim/ui.h"
#include "nvim/os/os.h"
#include "nvim/os/time.h"
#include "nvim/os/input.h"
* This file contains routines to maintain and manipulate marks.
* If a named file mark's lnum is non-zero, it is valid.
* If a named file mark's fnum is non-zero, it is for an existing buffer,
* otherwise it is from .shada and namedfm[n].fname is the file name.
* There are marks 'A - 'Z (set by user) and '0 to '9 (set when writing
* shada).
/// Global marks (marks with file number or name)
static xfmark_T namedfm[NGLOBALMARKS];
# include "mark.c.generated.h"
* Set named mark "c" at current cursor position.
* Returns OK on success, FAIL if bad name given.
int setmark(int c)
return setmark_pos(c, &curwin->w_cursor, curbuf->b_fnum);
/// Free fmark_T item
void free_fmark(fmark_T fm)
/// Free xfmark_T item
void free_xfmark(xfmark_T fm)
/// Free and clear fmark_T item
void clear_fmark(fmark_T *fm)
memset(fm, 0, sizeof(*fm));
* Set named mark "c" to position "pos".
* When "c" is upper case use file "fnum".
* Returns OK on success, FAIL if bad name given.
int setmark_pos(int c, pos_T *pos, int fnum)
int i;
/* Check for a special key (may cause islower() to crash). */
if (c < 0)
return FAIL;
if (c == '\'' || c == '`') {
if (pos == &curwin->w_cursor) {
/* keep it even when the cursor doesn't move */
curwin->w_prev_pcmark = curwin->w_pcmark;
} else
curwin->w_pcmark = *pos;
return OK;
// Can't set a mark in a non-existant buffer.
buf_T *buf = buflist_findnr(fnum);
if (buf == NULL) {
return FAIL;
if (c == '"') {
RESET_FMARK(&buf->b_last_cursor, *pos, buf->b_fnum);
return OK;
/* Allow setting '[ and '] for an autocommand that simulates reading a
* file. */
if (c == '[') {
buf->b_op_start = *pos;
return OK;
if (c == ']') {
buf->b_op_end = *pos;
return OK;
if (c == '<' || c == '>') {
if (c == '<') {
buf->b_visual.vi_start = *pos;
} else {
buf->b_visual.vi_end = *pos;
if (buf->b_visual.vi_mode == NUL) {
// Visual_mode has not yet been set, use a sane default.
buf->b_visual.vi_mode = 'v';
return OK;
i = c - 'a';
RESET_FMARK(buf->b_namedm + i, *pos, fnum);
return OK;
if (ASCII_ISUPPER(c) || ascii_isdigit(c)) {
if (ascii_isdigit(c)) {
i = c - '0' + NMARKS;
} else {
i = c - 'A';
RESET_XFMARK(namedfm + i, *pos, fnum, NULL);
return OK;
return FAIL;
* Set the previous context mark to the current position and add it to the
* jump list.
void setpcmark(void)
xfmark_T *fm;
/* for :global the mark is set only once */
if (global_busy || listcmd_busy || cmdmod.keepjumps)
curwin->w_prev_pcmark = curwin->w_pcmark;
curwin->w_pcmark = curwin->w_cursor;
if (curwin->w_pcmark.lnum == 0) {
curwin->w_pcmark.lnum = 1;
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
if (jop_flags & JOP_STACK) {
2019-12-10 10:24:20 +01:00
// jumpoptions=stack: if we're somewhere in the middle of the jumplist
// discard everything after the current index.
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx < curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1) {
// Discard the rest of the jumplist by cutting the length down to
// contain nothing beyond the current index.
curwin->w_jumplistlen = curwin->w_jumplistidx + 1;
/* If jumplist is full: remove oldest entry */
if (++curwin->w_jumplistlen > JUMPLISTSIZE) {
curwin->w_jumplistlen = JUMPLISTSIZE;
memmove(&curwin->w_jumplist[0], &curwin->w_jumplist[1],
(JUMPLISTSIZE - 1) * sizeof(curwin->w_jumplist[0]));
curwin->w_jumplistidx = curwin->w_jumplistlen;
fm = &curwin->w_jumplist[curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1];
SET_XFMARK(fm, curwin->w_pcmark, curbuf->b_fnum, NULL);
* To change context, call setpcmark(), then move the current position to
* where ever, then call checkpcmark(). This ensures that the previous
* context will only be changed if the cursor moved to a different line.
* If pcmark was deleted (with "dG") the previous mark is restored.
void checkpcmark(void)
if (curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum != 0
&& (equalpos(curwin->w_pcmark, curwin->w_cursor)
|| curwin->w_pcmark.lnum == 0)) {
curwin->w_pcmark = curwin->w_prev_pcmark;
curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0; /* Show it has been checked */
* move "count" positions in the jump list (count may be negative)
pos_T *movemark(int count)
pos_T *pos;
xfmark_T *jmp;
cleanup_jumplist(curwin, true);
if (curwin->w_jumplistlen == 0) /* nothing to jump to */
return (pos_T *)NULL;
for (;; ) {
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx + count < 0
|| curwin->w_jumplistidx + count >= curwin->w_jumplistlen)
return (pos_T *)NULL;
* if first CTRL-O or CTRL-I command after a jump, add cursor position
* to list. Careful: If there are duplicates (CTRL-O immediately after
* starting Vim on a file), another entry may have been removed.
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx == curwin->w_jumplistlen) {
--curwin->w_jumplistidx; /* skip the new entry */
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx + count < 0)
return (pos_T *)NULL;
curwin->w_jumplistidx += count;
jmp = curwin->w_jumplist + curwin->w_jumplistidx;
if (jmp->fmark.fnum == 0)
if (jmp->fmark.fnum != curbuf->b_fnum) {
/* jump to other file */
if (buflist_findnr(jmp->fmark.fnum) == NULL) { /* Skip this one .. */
count += count < 0 ? -1 : 1;
if (buflist_getfile(jmp->fmark.fnum, jmp->fmark.mark.lnum,
0, FALSE) == FAIL)
return (pos_T *)NULL;
/* Set lnum again, autocommands my have changed it */
curwin->w_cursor = jmp->fmark.mark;
pos = (pos_T *)-1;
} else
pos = &(jmp->fmark.mark);
return pos;
* Move "count" positions in the changelist (count may be negative).
pos_T *movechangelist(int count)
int n;
if (curbuf->b_changelistlen == 0) /* nothing to jump to */
return (pos_T *)NULL;
n = curwin->w_changelistidx;
if (n + count < 0) {
if (n == 0)
return (pos_T *)NULL;
n = 0;
} else if (n + count >= curbuf->b_changelistlen) {
if (n == curbuf->b_changelistlen - 1)
return (pos_T *)NULL;
n = curbuf->b_changelistlen - 1;
} else
n += count;
curwin->w_changelistidx = n;
return &(curbuf->b_changelist[n].mark);
* Find mark "c" in buffer pointed to by "buf".
* If "changefile" is TRUE it's allowed to edit another file for '0, 'A, etc.
* If "fnum" is not NULL store the fnum there for '0, 'A etc., don't edit
* another file.
* Returns:
* - pointer to pos_T if found. lnum is 0 when mark not set, -1 when mark is
* in another file which can't be gotten. (caller needs to check lnum!)
* - NULL if there is no mark called 'c'.
* - -1 if mark is in other file and jumped there (only if changefile is TRUE)
pos_T *getmark_buf(buf_T *buf, int c, bool changefile)
return getmark_buf_fnum(buf, c, changefile, NULL);
pos_T *getmark(int c, bool changefile)
return getmark_buf_fnum(curbuf, c, changefile, NULL);
pos_T *getmark_buf_fnum(buf_T *buf, int c, bool changefile, int *fnum)
pos_T *posp;
pos_T *startp, *endp;
static pos_T pos_copy;
posp = NULL;
/* Check for special key, can't be a mark name and might cause islower()
* to crash. */
if (c < 0)
return posp;
if (c > '~') { // check for islower()/isupper()
} else if (c == '\'' || c == '`') { // previous context mark
pos_copy = curwin->w_pcmark; // need to make a copy because
posp = &pos_copy; // w_pcmark may be changed soon
} else if (c == '"') { // to pos when leaving buffer
posp = &(buf->b_last_cursor.mark);
} else if (c == '^') { // to where Insert mode stopped
posp = &(buf->b_last_insert.mark);
} else if (c == '.') { // to where last change was made
posp = &(buf->b_last_change.mark);
} else if (c == '[') { // to start of previous operator
posp = &(buf->b_op_start);
} else if (c == ']') { // to end of previous operator
posp = &(buf->b_op_end);
} else if (c == '{' || c == '}') { // to previous/next paragraph
pos_T pos;
oparg_T oa;
int slcb = listcmd_busy;
pos = curwin->w_cursor;
listcmd_busy = TRUE; /* avoid that '' is changed */
if (findpar(&oa.inclusive,
c == '}' ? FORWARD : BACKWARD, 1L, NUL, FALSE)) {
pos_copy = curwin->w_cursor;
posp = &pos_copy;
curwin->w_cursor = pos;
listcmd_busy = slcb;
} else if (c == '(' || c == ')') { /* to previous/next sentence */
pos_T pos;
int slcb = listcmd_busy;
pos = curwin->w_cursor;
listcmd_busy = TRUE; /* avoid that '' is changed */
if (findsent(c == ')' ? FORWARD : BACKWARD, 1L)) {
pos_copy = curwin->w_cursor;
posp = &pos_copy;
curwin->w_cursor = pos;
listcmd_busy = slcb;
} else if (c == '<' || c == '>') { /* start/end of visual area */
startp = &buf->b_visual.vi_start;
endp = &buf->b_visual.vi_end;
if (((c == '<') == lt(*startp, *endp) || endp->lnum == 0)
&& startp->lnum != 0) {
posp = startp;
} else {
posp = endp;
// For Visual line mode, set mark at begin or end of line
if (buf->b_visual.vi_mode == 'V') {
pos_copy = *posp;
posp = &pos_copy;
if (c == '<')
pos_copy.col = 0;
pos_copy.col = MAXCOL;
pos_copy.coladd = 0;
} else if (ASCII_ISLOWER(c)) { /* normal named mark */
posp = &(buf->b_namedm[c - 'a'].mark);
} else if (ASCII_ISUPPER(c) || ascii_isdigit(c)) { /* named file mark */
if (ascii_isdigit(c))
c = c - '0' + NMARKS;
c -= 'A';
posp = &(namedfm[c].fmark.mark);
if (namedfm[c].fmark.fnum == 0) {
if (fnum != NULL)
*fnum = namedfm[c].fmark.fnum;
else if (namedfm[c].fmark.fnum != buf->b_fnum) {
/* mark is in another file */
posp = &pos_copy;
if (namedfm[c].fmark.mark.lnum != 0
&& changefile && namedfm[c].fmark.fnum) {
if (buflist_getfile(namedfm[c].fmark.fnum,
(linenr_T)1, GETF_SETMARK, FALSE) == OK) {
/* Set the lnum now, autocommands could have changed it */
curwin->w_cursor = namedfm[c].fmark.mark;
return (pos_T *)-1;
pos_copy.lnum = -1; /* can't get file */
} else
pos_copy.lnum = 0; /* mark exists, but is not valid in
current buffer */
return posp;
* Search for the next named mark in the current file.
* Returns pointer to pos_T of the next mark or NULL if no mark is found.
pos_T *
getnextmark (
pos_T *startpos, /* where to start */
int dir, /* direction for search */
int begin_line
int i;
pos_T *result = NULL;
pos_T pos;
pos = *startpos;
/* When searching backward and leaving the cursor on the first non-blank,
* position must be in a previous line.
* When searching forward and leaving the cursor on the first non-blank,
* position must be in a next line. */
if (dir == BACKWARD && begin_line)
pos.col = 0;
else if (dir == FORWARD && begin_line)
pos.col = MAXCOL;
for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) {
if (curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark.lnum > 0) {
if (dir == FORWARD) {
if ((result == NULL || lt(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, *result))
&& lt(pos, curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark))
result = &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark;
} else {
if ((result == NULL || lt(*result, curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark))
&& lt(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, pos))
result = &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark;
return result;
* For an xtended filemark: set the fnum from the fname.
* This is used for marks obtained from the .shada file. It's postponed
* until the mark is used to avoid a long startup delay.
static void fname2fnum(xfmark_T *fm)
char_u *p;
if (fm->fname != NULL) {
* First expand "~/" in the file name to the home directory.
* Don't expand the whole name, it may contain other '~' chars.
if (fm->fname[0] == '~' && (fm->fname[1] == '/'
|| fm->fname[1] == '\\'
)) {
int len;
expand_env((char_u *)"~/", NameBuff, MAXPATHL);
len = (int)STRLEN(NameBuff);
2014-05-26 16:09:09 +02:00
STRLCPY(NameBuff + len, fm->fname + 2, MAXPATHL - len);
} else
2014-05-26 16:09:09 +02:00
STRLCPY(NameBuff, fm->fname, MAXPATHL);
/* Try to shorten the file name. */
os_dirname(IObuff, IOSIZE);
p = path_shorten_fname(NameBuff, IObuff);
2016-08-23 16:11:26 +02:00
// buflist_new() will call fmarks_check_names()
(void)buflist_new(NameBuff, p, (linenr_T)1, 0);
* Check all file marks for a name that matches the file name in buf.
* May replace the name with an fnum.
* Used for marks that come from the .shada file.
void fmarks_check_names(buf_T *buf)
char_u *name = buf->b_ffname;
int i;
if (buf->b_ffname == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; ++i)
fmarks_check_one(&namedfm[i], name, buf);
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; ++i) {
fmarks_check_one(&wp->w_jumplist[i], name, buf);
static void fmarks_check_one(xfmark_T *fm, char_u *name, buf_T *buf)
if (fm->fmark.fnum == 0
&& fm->fname != NULL
&& fnamecmp(name, fm->fname) == 0) {
fm->fmark.fnum = buf->b_fnum;
* Check a if a position from a mark is valid.
* Give and error message and return FAIL if not.
int check_mark(pos_T *pos)
if (pos == NULL) {
return FAIL;
if (pos->lnum <= 0) {
/* lnum is negative if mark is in another file can can't get that
* file, error message already give then. */
if (pos->lnum == 0)
return FAIL;
if (pos->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
return FAIL;
return OK;
/// Clear all marks and change list in the given buffer
/// Used mainly when trashing the entire buffer during ":e" type commands.
/// @param[out] buf Buffer to clear marks in.
void clrallmarks(buf_T *const buf)
for (size_t i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) {
buf->b_last_cursor.mark.lnum = 1;
buf->b_op_start.lnum = 0; // start/end op mark cleared
buf->b_op_end.lnum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < buf->b_changelistlen; i++) {
buf->b_changelistlen = 0;
* Get name of file from a filemark.
* When it's in the current buffer, return the text at the mark.
* Returns an allocated string.
char_u *fm_getname(fmark_T *fmark, int lead_len)
if (fmark->fnum == curbuf->b_fnum) /* current buffer */
return mark_line(&(fmark->mark), lead_len);
return buflist_nr2name(fmark->fnum, FALSE, TRUE);
* Return the line at mark "mp". Truncate to fit in window.
* The returned string has been allocated.
static char_u *mark_line(pos_T *mp, int lead_len)
char_u *s, *p;
int len;
if (mp->lnum == 0 || mp->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
return vim_strsave((char_u *)"-invalid-");
assert(Columns >= 0 && (size_t)Columns <= SIZE_MAX);
// Allow for up to 5 bytes per character.
s = vim_strnsave(skipwhite(ml_get(mp->lnum)), (size_t)Columns * 5);
// Truncate the line to fit it in the window
len = 0;
for (p = s; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p)) {
len += ptr2cells(p);
if (len >= Columns - lead_len)
*p = NUL;
return s;
* print the marks
void ex_marks(exarg_T *eap)
char_u *arg = eap->arg;
int i;
char_u *name;
if (arg != NULL && *arg == NUL)
arg = NULL;
show_one_mark('\'', arg, &curwin->w_pcmark, NULL, true);
for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i)
show_one_mark(i + 'a', arg, &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, NULL, true);
for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; ++i) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum != 0)
name = fm_getname(&namedfm[i].fmark, 15);
name = namedfm[i].fname;
if (name != NULL) {
show_one_mark(i >= NMARKS ? i - NMARKS + '0' : i + 'A',
arg, &namedfm[i].fmark.mark, name,
namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum);
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum != 0)
show_one_mark('"', arg, &curbuf->b_last_cursor.mark, NULL, true);
show_one_mark('[', arg, &curbuf->b_op_start, NULL, true);
show_one_mark(']', arg, &curbuf->b_op_end, NULL, true);
show_one_mark('^', arg, &curbuf->b_last_insert.mark, NULL, true);
show_one_mark('.', arg, &curbuf->b_last_change.mark, NULL, true);
show_one_mark('<', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_start, NULL, true);
show_one_mark('>', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_end, NULL, true);
show_one_mark(-1, arg, NULL, NULL, false);
static void
int c,
char_u *arg,
pos_T *p,
char_u *name_arg,
int current // in current file
static bool did_title = false;
bool mustfree = false;
char_u *name = name_arg;
if (c == -1) { // finish up
if (did_title) {
did_title = false;
} else {
if (arg == NULL) {
MSG(_("No marks set"));
} else {
EMSG2(_("E283: No marks matching \"%s\""), arg);
} else if (!got_int
&& (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, c) != NULL)
&& p->lnum != 0) {
// don't output anything if 'q' typed at --more-- prompt
if (name == NULL && current) {
name = mark_line(p, 15);
mustfree = true;
if (!message_filtered(name)) {
if (!did_title) {
// Highlight title
msg_puts_title(_("\nmark line col file/text"));
did_title = true;
if (!got_int) {
snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, " %c %6ld %4d ", c, p->lnum, p->col);
if (name != NULL) {
msg_outtrans_attr(name, current ? HL_ATTR(HLF_D) : 0);
ui_flush(); // show one line at a time
if (mustfree) {
* ":delmarks[!] [marks]"
void ex_delmarks(exarg_T *eap)
char_u *p;
int from, to;
int i;
int lower;
int digit;
int n;
if (*eap->arg == NUL && eap->forceit)
/* clear all marks */
else if (eap->forceit)
else if (*eap->arg == NUL)
else {
/* clear specified marks only */
for (p = eap->arg; *p != NUL; ++p) {
lower = ASCII_ISLOWER(*p);
digit = ascii_isdigit(*p);
if (lower || digit || ASCII_ISUPPER(*p)) {
if (p[1] == '-') {
/* clear range of marks */
from = *p;
to = p[2];
if (!(lower ? ASCII_ISLOWER(p[2])
: (digit ? ascii_isdigit(p[2])
|| to < from) {
EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p);
p += 2;
} else
/* clear one lower case mark */
from = to = *p;
for (i = from; i <= to; ++i) {
if (lower) {
curbuf->b_namedm[i - 'a'].mark.lnum = 0;
} else {
if (digit) {
n = i - '0' + NMARKS;
} else {
n = i - 'A';
namedfm[n].fmark.mark.lnum = 0;
} else
switch (*p) {
case '"': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_cursor); break;
case '^': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_insert); break;
case '.': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_change); break;
case '[': curbuf->b_op_start.lnum = 0; break;
case ']': curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = 0; break;
case '<': curbuf->b_visual.vi_start.lnum = 0; break;
case '>': curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum = 0; break;
case ' ': break;
default: EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p);
* print the jumplist
void ex_jumps(exarg_T *eap)
int i;
char_u *name;
cleanup_jumplist(curwin, true);
2019-05-19 14:57:10 +02:00
// Highlight title
MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n jump line col file/text"));
for (i = 0; i < curwin->w_jumplistlen && !got_int; ++i) {
if (curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0) {
name = fm_getname(&curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark, 16);
// apply :filter /pat/ or file name not available
if (name == NULL || message_filtered(name)) {
if (got_int) {
sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c %2d %5ld %4d ",
i == curwin->w_jumplistidx ? '>' : ' ',
i > curwin->w_jumplistidx ? i - curwin->w_jumplistidx
: curwin->w_jumplistidx - i,
curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum
? HL_ATTR(HLF_D) : 0);
if (curwin->w_jumplistidx == curwin->w_jumplistlen)
void ex_clearjumps(exarg_T *eap)
curwin->w_jumplistlen = 0;
curwin->w_jumplistidx = 0;
* print the changelist
void ex_changes(exarg_T *eap)
int i;
char_u *name;
// Highlight title
MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\nchange line col text"));
for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen && !got_int; ++i) {
if (curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark.lnum != 0) {
if (got_int)
sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c %3d %5ld %4d ",
i == curwin->w_changelistidx ? '>' : ' ',
i > curwin->w_changelistidx ? i - curwin->w_changelistidx
: curwin->w_changelistidx - i,
name = mark_line(&curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark, 17);
msg_outtrans_attr(name, HL_ATTR(HLF_D));
if (curwin->w_changelistidx == curbuf->b_changelistlen)
#define one_adjust(add) \
{ \
lp = add; \
if (*lp >= line1 && *lp <= line2) \
{ \
if (amount == MAXLNUM) \
*lp = 0; \
else \
*lp += amount; \
} \
else if (amount_after && *lp > line2) \
*lp += amount_after; \
/* don't delete the line, just put at first deleted line */
#define one_adjust_nodel(add) \
{ \
lp = add; \
if (*lp >= line1 && *lp <= line2) \
{ \
if (amount == MAXLNUM) \
*lp = line1; \
else \
*lp += amount; \
} \
else if (amount_after && *lp > line2) \
*lp += amount_after; \
* Adjust marks between line1 and line2 (inclusive) to move 'amount' lines.
* Must be called before changed_*(), appended_lines() or deleted_lines().
* May be called before or after changing the text.
* When deleting lines line1 to line2, use an 'amount' of MAXLNUM: The marks
* within this range are made invalid.
* If 'amount_after' is non-zero adjust marks after line2.
* Example: Delete lines 34 and 35: mark_adjust(34, 35, MAXLNUM, -2);
* Example: Insert two lines below 55: mark_adjust(56, MAXLNUM, 2, 0);
* or: mark_adjust(56, 55, MAXLNUM, 2);
2016-08-28 15:36:18 +02:00
void mark_adjust(linenr_T line1,
linenr_T line2,
long amount,
long amount_after,
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
bool end_temp,
ExtmarkOp op)
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
mark_adjust_internal(line1, line2, amount, amount_after, true, end_temp, op);
// mark_adjust_nofold() does the same as mark_adjust() but without adjusting
// folds in any way. Folds must be adjusted manually by the caller.
// This is only useful when folds need to be moved in a way different to
// calling foldMarkAdjust() with arguments line1, line2, amount, amount_after,
// for an example of why this may be necessary, see do_move().
void mark_adjust_nofold(linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2, long amount,
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
long amount_after, bool end_temp,
ExtmarkOp op)
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
mark_adjust_internal(line1, line2, amount, amount_after, false, end_temp, op);
2016-08-28 15:36:18 +02:00
static void mark_adjust_internal(linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2,
long amount, long amount_after,
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
bool adjust_folds, bool end_temp,
ExtmarkOp op)
int i;
int fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
linenr_T *lp;
static pos_T initpos = { 1, 0, 0 };
if (line2 < line1 && amount_after == 0L) /* nothing to do */
if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) {
/* named marks, lower case and upper case */
for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum)
for (i = NMARKS; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum)
/* last Insert position */
/* last change position */
/* last cursor position, if it was set */
if (!equalpos(curbuf->b_last_cursor.mark, initpos))
/* list of change positions */
for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen; ++i)
/* Visual area */
// quickfix marks
if (!qf_mark_adjust(NULL, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)) {
curbuf->b_has_qf_entry &= ~BUF_HAS_QF_ENTRY;
// location lists
bool found_one = false;
found_one |= qf_mark_adjust(win, line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
if (!found_one) {
curbuf->b_has_qf_entry &= ~BUF_HAS_LL_ENTRY;
sign_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
2016-08-28 15:36:18 +02:00
bufhl_mark_adjust(curbuf, line1, line2, amount, amount_after, end_temp);
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
if (op != kExtmarkNOOP) {
extmark_adjust(curbuf, line1, line2, amount, amount_after, op, end_temp);
/* previous context mark */
/* previous pcmark */
/* saved cursor for formatting */
if (saved_cursor.lnum != 0)
* Adjust items in all windows related to the current buffer.
if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) {
/* Marks in the jumplist. When deleting lines, this may create
* duplicate marks in the jumplist, they will be removed later. */
for (i = 0; i < win->w_jumplistlen; ++i) {
if (win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) {
if (win->w_buffer == curbuf) {
if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) {
/* marks in the tag stack */
for (i = 0; i < win->w_tagstacklen; i++) {
if (win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) {
/* the displayed Visual area */
if (win->w_old_cursor_lnum != 0) {
/* topline and cursor position for windows with the same buffer
* other than the current window */
if (win != curwin) {
if (win->w_topline >= line1 && win->w_topline <= line2) {
if (amount == MAXLNUM) { /* topline is deleted */
if (line1 <= 1) {
win->w_topline = 1;
} else {
win->w_topline = line1 - 1;
} else { /* keep topline on the same line */
win->w_topline += amount;
win->w_topfill = 0;
} else if (amount_after && win->w_topline > line2) {
win->w_topline += amount_after;
win->w_topfill = 0;
if (win->w_cursor.lnum >= line1 && win->w_cursor.lnum <= line2) {
if (amount == MAXLNUM) { /* line with cursor is deleted */
if (line1 <= 1) {
win->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
} else {
win->w_cursor.lnum = line1 - 1;
win->w_cursor.col = 0;
} else { /* keep cursor on the same line */
win->w_cursor.lnum += amount;
} else if (amount_after && win->w_cursor.lnum > line2) {
win->w_cursor.lnum += amount_after;
if (adjust_folds) {
foldMarkAdjust(win, line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
/* adjust diffs */
diff_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
/* This code is used often, needs to be fast. */
#define col_adjust(pp) \
{ \
posp = pp; \
if (posp->lnum == lnum && posp->col >= mincol) \
{ \
posp->lnum += lnum_amount; \
assert(col_amount > INT_MIN && col_amount <= INT_MAX); \
if (col_amount < 0 && posp->col <= (colnr_T)-col_amount) { \
posp->col = 0; \
} else if (posp->col < spaces_removed) { \
posp->col = (int)col_amount + spaces_removed; \
} else { \
posp->col += (colnr_T)col_amount; \
} \
} \
// Adjust marks in line "lnum" at column "mincol" and further: add
// "lnum_amount" to the line number and add "col_amount" to the column
// position.
// "spaces_removed" is the number of spaces that were removed, matters when the
// cursor is inside them.
void mark_col_adjust(
linenr_T lnum, colnr_T mincol, long lnum_amount, long col_amount,
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
int spaces_removed, ExtmarkOp op)
int i;
int fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
pos_T *posp;
if ((col_amount == 0L && lnum_amount == 0L) || cmdmod.lockmarks)
return; /* nothing to do */
/* named marks, lower case and upper case */
for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum)
for (i = NMARKS; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum)
2017-01-18 13:20:07 +01:00
// Extmarks
if (op != kExtmarkNOOP) {
// TODO(timeyyy): consider spaces_removed? (behave like a delete)
extmark_col_adjust(curbuf, lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount,
/* last Insert position */
/* last change position */
/* list of change positions */
for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen; ++i)
/* Visual area */
/* previous context mark */
/* previous pcmark */
/* saved cursor for formatting */
* Adjust items in all windows related to the current buffer.
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(win, curtab) {
/* marks in the jumplist */
for (i = 0; i < win->w_jumplistlen; ++i) {
if (win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) {
if (win->w_buffer == curbuf) {
/* marks in the tag stack */
for (i = 0; i < win->w_tagstacklen; i++) {
if (win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) {
/* cursor position for other windows with the same buffer */
if (win != curwin) {
// When deleting lines, this may create duplicate marks in the
// jumplist. They will be removed here for the specified window.
// When "checktail" is true, removes tail jump if it matches current position.
void cleanup_jumplist(win_T *wp, bool checktail)
int i;
// Load all the files from the jump list. This is
// needed to properly clean up duplicate entries, but will take some
// time.
for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; i++) {
if ((wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == 0)
&& (wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0)) {
2019-05-19 14:57:10 +02:00
int to = 0;
for (int from = 0; from < wp->w_jumplistlen; from++) {
if (wp->w_jumplistidx == from) {
wp->w_jumplistidx = to;
2019-05-19 14:57:10 +02:00
for (i = from + 1; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; i++) {
if (wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum
== wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.fnum
&& wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.fnum != 0
&& wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum
2019-05-19 14:57:10 +02:00
== wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.mark.lnum) {
2019-05-19 14:57:10 +02:00
2019-12-10 10:24:20 +01:00
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
bool mustfree;
2019-12-10 10:24:20 +01:00
if (i >= wp->w_jumplistlen) { // not duplicate
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
mustfree = false;
2019-12-10 10:24:20 +01:00
} else if (i > from + 1) { // non-adjacent duplicate
// jumpoptions=stack: remove duplicates only when adjacent.
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
mustfree = !(jop_flags & JOP_STACK);
2019-12-10 10:24:20 +01:00
} else { // adjacent duplicate
jumplist: browser-style (or 'tagstack') navigation #11530 Traditionally, when navigating to a specific location from the middle of the jumplist results in shifting the current location to the bottom of the list and adding the new location after it. This behavior is not desireable to all users--see, for example Here, another jumplist behavior is introduced. When jumpoptions (a new option set added here) includes stack, the jumplist behaves like the tagstack or like history in a web browser. That is, when navigating to a location from the middle of the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth to a new location the locations after the current location in the jump list are discarded 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location The result is that when moving forward from that location, the new location will be appended to the jumplist: 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 new If the new location is the same new == second as some previous (but not immediately prior) entry in the jumplist, 2 first 1 second 0 third <-- current location 1 fourth 2 fifth both occurrences preserved 3 first 2 second 1 third 0 second (new) when moving forward from that location. It would be desireable to go farther and, when the new location is the same as the location that is currently next in the jumplist, new == fourth make the result of navigating to the new location by jumping (e.g. 50gg) be the same as moving forward in the jumplist 2 first 1 second 0 third 1 new <-- current location 2 fifth and simply increment the jumplist index. That change is NOT part of this patch because it would require passing the new cursor location to the function (setpcmark) from all of its callees. That in turn would require those callees to know *before* calling what the new cursor location is, which do they do not currently.
2019-12-10 09:56:56 +01:00
mustfree = true;
if (mustfree) {
} else {
if (to != from) {
// Not using wp->w_jumplist[to++] = wp->w_jumplist[from] because
// this way valgrind complains about overlapping source and destination
// in memcpy() call. (clang-3.6.0, debug build with -DEXITFREE).
wp->w_jumplist[to] = wp->w_jumplist[from];
if (wp->w_jumplistidx == wp->w_jumplistlen) {
wp->w_jumplistidx = to;
wp->w_jumplistlen = to;
// When pointer is below last jump, remove the jump if it matches the current
// line. This avoids useless/phantom jumps. #9805
if (checktail && wp->w_jumplistlen
&& wp->w_jumplistidx == wp->w_jumplistlen) {
const xfmark_T *fm_last = &wp->w_jumplist[wp->w_jumplistlen - 1];
if (fm_last->fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum
&& fm_last->fmark.mark.lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum) {
* Copy the jumplist from window "from" to window "to".
void copy_jumplist(win_T *from, win_T *to)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < from->w_jumplistlen; ++i) {
to->w_jumplist[i] = from->w_jumplist[i];
if (from->w_jumplist[i].fname != NULL)
to->w_jumplist[i].fname = vim_strsave(from->w_jumplist[i].fname);
to->w_jumplistlen = from->w_jumplistlen;
to->w_jumplistidx = from->w_jumplistidx;
/// Iterate over jumplist items
/// @warning No jumplist-editing functions must be run while iteration is in
/// progress.
/// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration.
/// @param[in] win Window for which jump list is processed.
/// @param[out] fm Item definition.
/// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_jumplist_iter` call or
/// NULL if iteration is over.
const void *mark_jumplist_iter(const void *const iter, const win_T *const win,
xfmark_T *const fm)
if (iter == NULL && win->w_jumplistlen == 0) {
*fm = (xfmark_T) {{{0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, NULL}, NULL};
return NULL;
const xfmark_T *const iter_mark =
(iter == NULL
? &(win->w_jumplist[0])
: (const xfmark_T *const) iter);
*fm = *iter_mark;
if (iter_mark == &(win->w_jumplist[win->w_jumplistlen - 1])) {
return NULL;
} else {
return iter_mark + 1;
/// Iterate over global marks
/// @warning No mark-editing functions must be run while iteration is in
/// progress.
/// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration.
/// @param[out] name Mark name.
/// @param[out] fm Mark definition.
/// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_global_iter` call or
/// NULL if iteration is over.
const void *mark_global_iter(const void *const iter, char *const name,
xfmark_T *const fm)
*name = NUL;
const xfmark_T *iter_mark = (iter == NULL
? &(namedfm[0])
: (const xfmark_T *const) iter);
while ((size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) < ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm)
&& !iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) {
if ((size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) == ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm)
|| !iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) {
return NULL;
size_t iter_off = (size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0]));
*name = (char) (iter_off < NMARKS
? 'A' + (char) iter_off
: '0' + (char) (iter_off - NMARKS));
*fm = *iter_mark;
while ((size_t) (++iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) < ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm)) {
if (iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) {
return (const void *) iter_mark;
return NULL;
/// Get next mark and its name
/// @param[in] buf Buffer for which next mark is taken.
/// @param[in,out] mark_name Pointer to the current mark name. Next mark name
/// will be saved at this address as well.
/// Current mark name must either be NUL, '"', '^',
/// '.' or 'a' .. 'z'. If it is neither of these
/// behaviour is undefined.
/// @return Pointer to the next mark or NULL.
static inline const fmark_T *next_buffer_mark(const buf_T *const buf,
char *const mark_name)
switch (*mark_name) {
case NUL: {
*mark_name = '"';
return &(buf->b_last_cursor);
case '"': {
*mark_name = '^';
return &(buf->b_last_insert);
case '^': {
*mark_name = '.';
return &(buf->b_last_change);
case '.': {
*mark_name = 'a';
return &(buf->b_namedm[0]);
case 'z': {
return NULL;
default: {
return &(buf->b_namedm[*mark_name - 'a']);
/// Iterate over buffer marks
/// @warning No mark-editing functions must be run while iteration is in
/// progress.
/// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration.
/// @param[in] buf Buffer.
/// @param[out] name Mark name.
/// @param[out] fm Mark definition.
/// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_buffer_iter` call or
/// NULL if iteration is over.
const void *mark_buffer_iter(const void *const iter, const buf_T *const buf,
char *const name, fmark_T *const fm)
*name = NUL;
char mark_name = (char) (iter == NULL
: (iter == &(buf->b_last_cursor)
? '"'
: (iter == &(buf->b_last_insert)
? '^'
: (iter == &(buf->b_last_change)
? '.'
: 'a' + (char) ((const fmark_T *)iter
- &(buf->b_namedm[0]))))));
const fmark_T *iter_mark = next_buffer_mark(buf, &mark_name);
while (iter_mark != NULL && iter_mark->mark.lnum == 0) {
iter_mark = next_buffer_mark(buf, &mark_name);
if (iter_mark == NULL) {
return NULL;
size_t iter_off = (size_t) (iter_mark - &(buf->b_namedm[0]));
if (mark_name) {
*name = mark_name;
} else {
*name = (char) ('a' + (char) iter_off);
*fm = *iter_mark;
return (const void *) iter_mark;
/// Set global mark
/// @param[in] name Mark name.
/// @param[in] fm Mark to be set.
/// @param[in] update If true then only set global mark if it was created
/// later then existing one.
/// @return true on success, false on failure.
bool mark_set_global(const char name, const xfmark_T fm, const bool update)
2015-08-13 23:02:27 +02:00
const int idx = mark_global_index(name);
if (idx == -1) {
return false;
2015-08-13 23:02:27 +02:00
xfmark_T *const fm_tgt = &(namedfm[idx]);
shada,functests: Test compatibility support For compatibility the following things are done: 1. Items with type greater then greatest type are ignored when reading and copied when writing. 2. Registers with unknown name are ignored when reading and blindly copied when writing. 3. Registers with unknown type are ignored when reading and merged as usual when writing. 4. Local and global marks with unknown names are ignored when reading. When writing global marks are blindly copied and local marks are also blindly copied, but only if file they are attached to fits in the `'N` limit defined in &shada. Unknown local mark’s timestamp is also taken into account when calculating which files exactly should fit into this limit. 5. History items with unknown type are ignored when reading and blindly copied when writing. 6. Unknown keys found in register, local marks, global marks, changes, jumps and search pattern entries are read to additional_data Dictionary and dumped (of course, unless any of these elements were not overwritten later). It obviously works only for values conversible to Object type. 7. Additional elements found in replacement string and history entries are read to additional_elements Array and dumped (same: only if they were not overwritten later). Again this works only for elements conversible to Object type. 8. Additional elements found in variable entries are simply ignored when reading. When writing *new* variables they will be preserved during merging, but that’s all. Variable values dumped from current NeoVim session never have additional elements.
2015-07-26 19:46:40 +02:00
if (update && fm.fmark.timestamp <= fm_tgt->fmark.timestamp) {
return false;
if (fm_tgt->fmark.mark.lnum != 0) {
*fm_tgt = fm;
return true;
/// Set local mark
/// @param[in] name Mark name.
/// @param[in] buf Pointer to the buffer to set mark in.
/// @param[in] fm Mark to be set.
/// @param[in] update If true then only set global mark if it was created
/// later then existing one.
/// @return true on success, false on failure.
bool mark_set_local(const char name, buf_T *const buf,
const fmark_T fm, const bool update)
fmark_T *fm_tgt = NULL;
if (ASCII_ISLOWER(name)) {
fm_tgt = &(buf->b_namedm[name - 'a']);
} else if (name == '"') {
fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_cursor);
} else if (name == '^') {
fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_insert);
} else if (name == '.') {
fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_change);
} else {
return false;
shada,functests: Test compatibility support For compatibility the following things are done: 1. Items with type greater then greatest type are ignored when reading and copied when writing. 2. Registers with unknown name are ignored when reading and blindly copied when writing. 3. Registers with unknown type are ignored when reading and merged as usual when writing. 4. Local and global marks with unknown names are ignored when reading. When writing global marks are blindly copied and local marks are also blindly copied, but only if file they are attached to fits in the `'N` limit defined in &shada. Unknown local mark’s timestamp is also taken into account when calculating which files exactly should fit into this limit. 5. History items with unknown type are ignored when reading and blindly copied when writing. 6. Unknown keys found in register, local marks, global marks, changes, jumps and search pattern entries are read to additional_data Dictionary and dumped (of course, unless any of these elements were not overwritten later). It obviously works only for values conversible to Object type. 7. Additional elements found in replacement string and history entries are read to additional_elements Array and dumped (same: only if they were not overwritten later). Again this works only for elements conversible to Object type. 8. Additional elements found in variable entries are simply ignored when reading. When writing *new* variables they will be preserved during merging, but that’s all. Variable values dumped from current NeoVim session never have additional elements.
2015-07-26 19:46:40 +02:00
if (update && fm.timestamp <= fm_tgt->timestamp) {
return false;
if (fm_tgt->mark.lnum != 0) {
*fm_tgt = fm;
return true;
* Free items in the jumplist of window "wp".
void free_jumplist(win_T *wp)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; ++i) {
wp->w_jumplistlen = 0;
void set_last_cursor(win_T *win)
if (win->w_buffer != NULL) {
RESET_FMARK(&win->w_buffer->b_last_cursor, win->w_cursor, 0);
#if defined(EXITFREE)
void free_all_marks(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) {
if (namedfm[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0) {
memset(&namedfm[0], 0, sizeof(namedfm));
2016-07-26 22:16:23 +02:00
/// Adjust position to point to the first byte of a multi-byte character
/// If it points to a tail byte it is move backwards to the head byte.
/// @param[in] buf Buffer to adjust position in.
/// @param[out] lp Position to adjust.
void mark_mb_adjustpos(buf_T *buf, pos_T *lp)
if (lp->col > 0 || lp->coladd > 1) {
const char_u *const p = ml_get_buf(buf, lp->lnum, false);
if (*p == NUL || (int)STRLEN(p) < lp->col) {
lp->col = 0;
} else {
2018-08-15 21:02:33 +02:00
lp->col -= utf_head_off(p, p + lp->col);
2016-07-26 22:16:23 +02:00
// Reset "coladd" when the cursor would be on the right half of a
// double-wide character.
if (lp->coladd == 1
&& p[lp->col] != TAB
&& vim_isprintc(utf_ptr2char(p + lp->col))
2016-07-26 22:16:23 +02:00
&& ptr2cells(p + lp->col) > 1) {
lp->coladd = 0;