// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check // it. PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com /* * mark.c: functions for setting marks and jumping to them */ #include #include #include #include #include "nvim/vim.h" #include "nvim/ascii.h" #include "nvim/mark.h" #include "nvim/buffer.h" #include "nvim/charset.h" #include "nvim/diff.h" #include "nvim/eval.h" #include "nvim/ex_cmds.h" #include "nvim/fileio.h" #include "nvim/fold.h" #include "nvim/mbyte.h" #include "nvim/memline.h" #include "nvim/memory.h" #include "nvim/message.h" #include "nvim/normal.h" #include "nvim/option.h" #include "nvim/path.h" #include "nvim/quickfix.h" #include "nvim/search.h" #include "nvim/sign.h" #include "nvim/strings.h" #include "nvim/ui.h" #include "nvim/os/os.h" #include "nvim/os/time.h" #include "nvim/os/input.h" /* * This file contains routines to maintain and manipulate marks. */ /* * If a named file mark's lnum is non-zero, it is valid. * If a named file mark's fnum is non-zero, it is for an existing buffer, * otherwise it is from .shada and namedfm[n].fname is the file name. * There are marks 'A - 'Z (set by user) and '0 to '9 (set when writing * shada). */ /// Global marks (marks with file number or name) static xfmark_T namedfm[NGLOBALMARKS]; #ifdef INCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS # include "mark.c.generated.h" #endif /* * Set named mark "c" at current cursor position. * Returns OK on success, FAIL if bad name given. */ int setmark(int c) { return setmark_pos(c, &curwin->w_cursor, curbuf->b_fnum); } /// Free fmark_T item void free_fmark(fmark_T fm) { tv_dict_unref(fm.additional_data); } /// Free xfmark_T item void free_xfmark(xfmark_T fm) { xfree(fm.fname); free_fmark(fm.fmark); } /// Free and clear fmark_T item void clear_fmark(fmark_T *fm) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL { free_fmark(*fm); memset(fm, 0, sizeof(*fm)); } /* * Set named mark "c" to position "pos". * When "c" is upper case use file "fnum". * Returns OK on success, FAIL if bad name given. */ int setmark_pos(int c, pos_T *pos, int fnum) { int i; /* Check for a special key (may cause islower() to crash). */ if (c < 0) return FAIL; if (c == '\'' || c == '`') { if (pos == &curwin->w_cursor) { setpcmark(); /* keep it even when the cursor doesn't move */ curwin->w_prev_pcmark = curwin->w_pcmark; } else curwin->w_pcmark = *pos; return OK; } // Can't set a mark in a non-existant buffer. buf_T *buf = buflist_findnr(fnum); if (buf == NULL) { return FAIL; } if (c == '"') { RESET_FMARK(&buf->b_last_cursor, *pos, buf->b_fnum); return OK; } /* Allow setting '[ and '] for an autocommand that simulates reading a * file. */ if (c == '[') { buf->b_op_start = *pos; return OK; } if (c == ']') { buf->b_op_end = *pos; return OK; } if (c == '<' || c == '>') { if (c == '<') { buf->b_visual.vi_start = *pos; } else { buf->b_visual.vi_end = *pos; } if (buf->b_visual.vi_mode == NUL) { // Visual_mode has not yet been set, use a sane default. buf->b_visual.vi_mode = 'v'; } return OK; } if (ASCII_ISLOWER(c)) { i = c - 'a'; RESET_FMARK(buf->b_namedm + i, *pos, fnum); return OK; } if (ASCII_ISUPPER(c) || ascii_isdigit(c)) { if (ascii_isdigit(c)) { i = c - '0' + NMARKS; } else { i = c - 'A'; } RESET_XFMARK(namedfm + i, *pos, fnum, NULL); return OK; } return FAIL; } /* * Set the previous context mark to the current position and add it to the * jump list. */ void setpcmark(void) { xfmark_T *fm; /* for :global the mark is set only once */ if (global_busy || listcmd_busy || cmdmod.keepjumps) return; curwin->w_prev_pcmark = curwin->w_pcmark; curwin->w_pcmark = curwin->w_cursor; if (curwin->w_pcmark.lnum == 0) { curwin->w_pcmark.lnum = 1; } if (jop_flags & JOP_STACK) { // jumpoptions=stack: if we're somewhere in the middle of the jumplist // discard everything after the current index. if (curwin->w_jumplistidx < curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1) { // Discard the rest of the jumplist by cutting the length down to // contain nothing beyond the current index. curwin->w_jumplistlen = curwin->w_jumplistidx + 1; } } /* If jumplist is full: remove oldest entry */ if (++curwin->w_jumplistlen > JUMPLISTSIZE) { curwin->w_jumplistlen = JUMPLISTSIZE; free_xfmark(curwin->w_jumplist[0]); memmove(&curwin->w_jumplist[0], &curwin->w_jumplist[1], (JUMPLISTSIZE - 1) * sizeof(curwin->w_jumplist[0])); } curwin->w_jumplistidx = curwin->w_jumplistlen; fm = &curwin->w_jumplist[curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1]; SET_XFMARK(fm, curwin->w_pcmark, curbuf->b_fnum, NULL); } /* * To change context, call setpcmark(), then move the current position to * where ever, then call checkpcmark(). This ensures that the previous * context will only be changed if the cursor moved to a different line. * If pcmark was deleted (with "dG") the previous mark is restored. */ void checkpcmark(void) { if (curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum != 0 && (equalpos(curwin->w_pcmark, curwin->w_cursor) || curwin->w_pcmark.lnum == 0)) { curwin->w_pcmark = curwin->w_prev_pcmark; curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0; /* Show it has been checked */ } } /* * move "count" positions in the jump list (count may be negative) */ pos_T *movemark(int count) { pos_T *pos; xfmark_T *jmp; cleanup_jumplist(curwin, true); if (curwin->w_jumplistlen == 0) /* nothing to jump to */ return (pos_T *)NULL; for (;; ) { if (curwin->w_jumplistidx + count < 0 || curwin->w_jumplistidx + count >= curwin->w_jumplistlen) return (pos_T *)NULL; /* * if first CTRL-O or CTRL-I command after a jump, add cursor position * to list. Careful: If there are duplicates (CTRL-O immediately after * starting Vim on a file), another entry may have been removed. */ if (curwin->w_jumplistidx == curwin->w_jumplistlen) { setpcmark(); --curwin->w_jumplistidx; /* skip the new entry */ if (curwin->w_jumplistidx + count < 0) return (pos_T *)NULL; } curwin->w_jumplistidx += count; jmp = curwin->w_jumplist + curwin->w_jumplistidx; if (jmp->fmark.fnum == 0) fname2fnum(jmp); if (jmp->fmark.fnum != curbuf->b_fnum) { /* jump to other file */ if (buflist_findnr(jmp->fmark.fnum) == NULL) { /* Skip this one .. */ count += count < 0 ? -1 : 1; continue; } if (buflist_getfile(jmp->fmark.fnum, jmp->fmark.mark.lnum, 0, FALSE) == FAIL) return (pos_T *)NULL; /* Set lnum again, autocommands my have changed it */ curwin->w_cursor = jmp->fmark.mark; pos = (pos_T *)-1; } else pos = &(jmp->fmark.mark); return pos; } } /* * Move "count" positions in the changelist (count may be negative). */ pos_T *movechangelist(int count) { int n; if (curbuf->b_changelistlen == 0) /* nothing to jump to */ return (pos_T *)NULL; n = curwin->w_changelistidx; if (n + count < 0) { if (n == 0) return (pos_T *)NULL; n = 0; } else if (n + count >= curbuf->b_changelistlen) { if (n == curbuf->b_changelistlen - 1) return (pos_T *)NULL; n = curbuf->b_changelistlen - 1; } else n += count; curwin->w_changelistidx = n; return &(curbuf->b_changelist[n].mark); } /* * Find mark "c" in buffer pointed to by "buf". * If "changefile" is TRUE it's allowed to edit another file for '0, 'A, etc. * If "fnum" is not NULL store the fnum there for '0, 'A etc., don't edit * another file. * Returns: * - pointer to pos_T if found. lnum is 0 when mark not set, -1 when mark is * in another file which can't be gotten. (caller needs to check lnum!) * - NULL if there is no mark called 'c'. * - -1 if mark is in other file and jumped there (only if changefile is TRUE) */ pos_T *getmark_buf(buf_T *buf, int c, bool changefile) { return getmark_buf_fnum(buf, c, changefile, NULL); } pos_T *getmark(int c, bool changefile) { return getmark_buf_fnum(curbuf, c, changefile, NULL); } pos_T *getmark_buf_fnum(buf_T *buf, int c, bool changefile, int *fnum) { pos_T *posp; pos_T *startp, *endp; static pos_T pos_copy; posp = NULL; /* Check for special key, can't be a mark name and might cause islower() * to crash. */ if (c < 0) return posp; if (c > '~') { // check for islower()/isupper() } else if (c == '\'' || c == '`') { // previous context mark pos_copy = curwin->w_pcmark; // need to make a copy because posp = &pos_copy; // w_pcmark may be changed soon } else if (c == '"') { // to pos when leaving buffer posp = &(buf->b_last_cursor.mark); } else if (c == '^') { // to where Insert mode stopped posp = &(buf->b_last_insert.mark); } else if (c == '.') { // to where last change was made posp = &(buf->b_last_change.mark); } else if (c == '[') { // to start of previous operator posp = &(buf->b_op_start); } else if (c == ']') { // to end of previous operator posp = &(buf->b_op_end); } else if (c == '{' || c == '}') { // to previous/next paragraph pos_T pos; oparg_T oa; int slcb = listcmd_busy; pos = curwin->w_cursor; listcmd_busy = TRUE; /* avoid that '' is changed */ if (findpar(&oa.inclusive, c == '}' ? FORWARD : BACKWARD, 1L, NUL, FALSE)) { pos_copy = curwin->w_cursor; posp = &pos_copy; } curwin->w_cursor = pos; listcmd_busy = slcb; } else if (c == '(' || c == ')') { /* to previous/next sentence */ pos_T pos; int slcb = listcmd_busy; pos = curwin->w_cursor; listcmd_busy = TRUE; /* avoid that '' is changed */ if (findsent(c == ')' ? FORWARD : BACKWARD, 1L)) { pos_copy = curwin->w_cursor; posp = &pos_copy; } curwin->w_cursor = pos; listcmd_busy = slcb; } else if (c == '<' || c == '>') { /* start/end of visual area */ startp = &buf->b_visual.vi_start; endp = &buf->b_visual.vi_end; if (((c == '<') == lt(*startp, *endp) || endp->lnum == 0) && startp->lnum != 0) { posp = startp; } else { posp = endp; } // For Visual line mode, set mark at begin or end of line if (buf->b_visual.vi_mode == 'V') { pos_copy = *posp; posp = &pos_copy; if (c == '<') pos_copy.col = 0; else pos_copy.col = MAXCOL; pos_copy.coladd = 0; } } else if (ASCII_ISLOWER(c)) { /* normal named mark */ posp = &(buf->b_namedm[c - 'a'].mark); } else if (ASCII_ISUPPER(c) || ascii_isdigit(c)) { /* named file mark */ if (ascii_isdigit(c)) c = c - '0' + NMARKS; else c -= 'A'; posp = &(namedfm[c].fmark.mark); if (namedfm[c].fmark.fnum == 0) { fname2fnum(&namedfm[c]); } if (fnum != NULL) *fnum = namedfm[c].fmark.fnum; else if (namedfm[c].fmark.fnum != buf->b_fnum) { /* mark is in another file */ posp = &pos_copy; if (namedfm[c].fmark.mark.lnum != 0 && changefile && namedfm[c].fmark.fnum) { if (buflist_getfile(namedfm[c].fmark.fnum, (linenr_T)1, GETF_SETMARK, FALSE) == OK) { /* Set the lnum now, autocommands could have changed it */ curwin->w_cursor = namedfm[c].fmark.mark; return (pos_T *)-1; } pos_copy.lnum = -1; /* can't get file */ } else pos_copy.lnum = 0; /* mark exists, but is not valid in current buffer */ } } return posp; } /* * Search for the next named mark in the current file. * * Returns pointer to pos_T of the next mark or NULL if no mark is found. */ pos_T * getnextmark ( pos_T *startpos, /* where to start */ int dir, /* direction for search */ int begin_line ) { int i; pos_T *result = NULL; pos_T pos; pos = *startpos; /* When searching backward and leaving the cursor on the first non-blank, * position must be in a previous line. * When searching forward and leaving the cursor on the first non-blank, * position must be in a next line. */ if (dir == BACKWARD && begin_line) pos.col = 0; else if (dir == FORWARD && begin_line) pos.col = MAXCOL; for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) { if (curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark.lnum > 0) { if (dir == FORWARD) { if ((result == NULL || lt(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, *result)) && lt(pos, curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark)) result = &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark; } else { if ((result == NULL || lt(*result, curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark)) && lt(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, pos)) result = &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark; } } } return result; } /* * For an xtended filemark: set the fnum from the fname. * This is used for marks obtained from the .shada file. It's postponed * until the mark is used to avoid a long startup delay. */ static void fname2fnum(xfmark_T *fm) { char_u *p; if (fm->fname != NULL) { /* * First expand "~/" in the file name to the home directory. * Don't expand the whole name, it may contain other '~' chars. */ if (fm->fname[0] == '~' && (fm->fname[1] == '/' #ifdef BACKSLASH_IN_FILENAME || fm->fname[1] == '\\' #endif )) { int len; expand_env((char_u *)"~/", NameBuff, MAXPATHL); len = (int)STRLEN(NameBuff); STRLCPY(NameBuff + len, fm->fname + 2, MAXPATHL - len); } else STRLCPY(NameBuff, fm->fname, MAXPATHL); /* Try to shorten the file name. */ os_dirname(IObuff, IOSIZE); p = path_shorten_fname(NameBuff, IObuff); // buflist_new() will call fmarks_check_names() (void)buflist_new(NameBuff, p, (linenr_T)1, 0); } } /* * Check all file marks for a name that matches the file name in buf. * May replace the name with an fnum. * Used for marks that come from the .shada file. */ void fmarks_check_names(buf_T *buf) { char_u *name = buf->b_ffname; int i; if (buf->b_ffname == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; ++i) fmarks_check_one(&namedfm[i], name, buf); FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) { for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; ++i) { fmarks_check_one(&wp->w_jumplist[i], name, buf); } } } static void fmarks_check_one(xfmark_T *fm, char_u *name, buf_T *buf) { if (fm->fmark.fnum == 0 && fm->fname != NULL && fnamecmp(name, fm->fname) == 0) { fm->fmark.fnum = buf->b_fnum; XFREE_CLEAR(fm->fname); } } /* * Check a if a position from a mark is valid. * Give and error message and return FAIL if not. */ int check_mark(pos_T *pos) { if (pos == NULL) { EMSG(_(e_umark)); return FAIL; } if (pos->lnum <= 0) { /* lnum is negative if mark is in another file can can't get that * file, error message already give then. */ if (pos->lnum == 0) EMSG(_(e_marknotset)); return FAIL; } if (pos->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count) { EMSG(_(e_markinval)); return FAIL; } return OK; } /// Clear all marks and change list in the given buffer /// /// Used mainly when trashing the entire buffer during ":e" type commands. /// /// @param[out] buf Buffer to clear marks in. void clrallmarks(buf_T *const buf) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL { for (size_t i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) { clear_fmark(&buf->b_namedm[i]); } clear_fmark(&buf->b_last_cursor); buf->b_last_cursor.mark.lnum = 1; clear_fmark(&buf->b_last_insert); clear_fmark(&buf->b_last_change); buf->b_op_start.lnum = 0; // start/end op mark cleared buf->b_op_end.lnum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buf->b_changelistlen; i++) { clear_fmark(&buf->b_changelist[i]); } buf->b_changelistlen = 0; } /* * Get name of file from a filemark. * When it's in the current buffer, return the text at the mark. * Returns an allocated string. */ char_u *fm_getname(fmark_T *fmark, int lead_len) { if (fmark->fnum == curbuf->b_fnum) /* current buffer */ return mark_line(&(fmark->mark), lead_len); return buflist_nr2name(fmark->fnum, FALSE, TRUE); } /* * Return the line at mark "mp". Truncate to fit in window. * The returned string has been allocated. */ static char_u *mark_line(pos_T *mp, int lead_len) { char_u *s, *p; int len; if (mp->lnum == 0 || mp->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count) return vim_strsave((char_u *)"-invalid-"); assert(Columns >= 0 && (size_t)Columns <= SIZE_MAX); // Allow for up to 5 bytes per character. s = vim_strnsave(skipwhite(ml_get(mp->lnum)), (size_t)Columns * 5); // Truncate the line to fit it in the window len = 0; for (p = s; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p)) { len += ptr2cells(p); if (len >= Columns - lead_len) break; } *p = NUL; return s; } /* * print the marks */ void ex_marks(exarg_T *eap) { char_u *arg = eap->arg; int i; char_u *name; if (arg != NULL && *arg == NUL) arg = NULL; show_one_mark('\'', arg, &curwin->w_pcmark, NULL, true); for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i) show_one_mark(i + 'a', arg, &curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark, NULL, true); for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; ++i) { if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum != 0) name = fm_getname(&namedfm[i].fmark, 15); else name = namedfm[i].fname; if (name != NULL) { show_one_mark(i >= NMARKS ? i - NMARKS + '0' : i + 'A', arg, &namedfm[i].fmark.mark, name, namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum); if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum != 0) xfree(name); } } show_one_mark('"', arg, &curbuf->b_last_cursor.mark, NULL, true); show_one_mark('[', arg, &curbuf->b_op_start, NULL, true); show_one_mark(']', arg, &curbuf->b_op_end, NULL, true); show_one_mark('^', arg, &curbuf->b_last_insert.mark, NULL, true); show_one_mark('.', arg, &curbuf->b_last_change.mark, NULL, true); show_one_mark('<', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_start, NULL, true); show_one_mark('>', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_end, NULL, true); show_one_mark(-1, arg, NULL, NULL, false); } static void show_one_mark( int c, char_u *arg, pos_T *p, char_u *name_arg, int current // in current file ) { static bool did_title = false; bool mustfree = false; char_u *name = name_arg; if (c == -1) { // finish up if (did_title) { did_title = false; } else { if (arg == NULL) { MSG(_("No marks set")); } else { EMSG2(_("E283: No marks matching \"%s\""), arg); } } } else if (!got_int && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, c) != NULL) && p->lnum != 0) { // don't output anything if 'q' typed at --more-- prompt if (name == NULL && current) { name = mark_line(p, 15); mustfree = true; } if (!message_filtered(name)) { if (!did_title) { // Highlight title msg_puts_title(_("\nmark line col file/text")); did_title = true; } msg_putchar('\n'); if (!got_int) { snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, " %c %6ld %4d ", c, p->lnum, p->col); msg_outtrans(IObuff); if (name != NULL) { msg_outtrans_attr(name, current ? HL_ATTR(HLF_D) : 0); } } ui_flush(); // show one line at a time } if (mustfree) { xfree(name); } } } /* * ":delmarks[!] [marks]" */ void ex_delmarks(exarg_T *eap) { char_u *p; int from, to; int i; int lower; int digit; int n; if (*eap->arg == NUL && eap->forceit) /* clear all marks */ clrallmarks(curbuf); else if (eap->forceit) EMSG(_(e_invarg)); else if (*eap->arg == NUL) EMSG(_(e_argreq)); else { /* clear specified marks only */ for (p = eap->arg; *p != NUL; ++p) { lower = ASCII_ISLOWER(*p); digit = ascii_isdigit(*p); if (lower || digit || ASCII_ISUPPER(*p)) { if (p[1] == '-') { /* clear range of marks */ from = *p; to = p[2]; if (!(lower ? ASCII_ISLOWER(p[2]) : (digit ? ascii_isdigit(p[2]) : ASCII_ISUPPER(p[2]))) || to < from) { EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p); return; } p += 2; } else /* clear one lower case mark */ from = to = *p; for (i = from; i <= to; ++i) { if (lower) { curbuf->b_namedm[i - 'a'].mark.lnum = 0; } else { if (digit) { n = i - '0' + NMARKS; } else { n = i - 'A'; } namedfm[n].fmark.mark.lnum = 0; XFREE_CLEAR(namedfm[n].fname); } } } else switch (*p) { case '"': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_cursor); break; case '^': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_insert); break; case '.': CLEAR_FMARK(&curbuf->b_last_change); break; case '[': curbuf->b_op_start.lnum = 0; break; case ']': curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = 0; break; case '<': curbuf->b_visual.vi_start.lnum = 0; break; case '>': curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum = 0; break; case ' ': break; default: EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p); return; } } } } /* * print the jumplist */ void ex_jumps(exarg_T *eap) { int i; char_u *name; cleanup_jumplist(curwin, true); // Highlight title MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n jump line col file/text")); for (i = 0; i < curwin->w_jumplistlen && !got_int; ++i) { if (curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0) { name = fm_getname(&curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark, 16); // apply :filter /pat/ or file name not available if (name == NULL || message_filtered(name)) { xfree(name); continue; } msg_putchar('\n'); if (got_int) { xfree(name); break; } sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c %2d %5ld %4d ", i == curwin->w_jumplistidx ? '>' : ' ', i > curwin->w_jumplistidx ? i - curwin->w_jumplistidx : curwin->w_jumplistidx - i, curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum, curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.col); msg_outtrans(IObuff); msg_outtrans_attr(name, curwin->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum ? HL_ATTR(HLF_D) : 0); xfree(name); os_breakcheck(); } ui_flush(); } if (curwin->w_jumplistidx == curwin->w_jumplistlen) MSG_PUTS("\n>"); } void ex_clearjumps(exarg_T *eap) { free_jumplist(curwin); curwin->w_jumplistlen = 0; curwin->w_jumplistidx = 0; } /* * print the changelist */ void ex_changes(exarg_T *eap) { int i; char_u *name; // Highlight title MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\nchange line col text")); for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen && !got_int; ++i) { if (curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark.lnum != 0) { msg_putchar('\n'); if (got_int) break; sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c %3d %5ld %4d ", i == curwin->w_changelistidx ? '>' : ' ', i > curwin->w_changelistidx ? i - curwin->w_changelistidx : curwin->w_changelistidx - i, (long)curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark.lnum, curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark.col); msg_outtrans(IObuff); name = mark_line(&curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark, 17); msg_outtrans_attr(name, HL_ATTR(HLF_D)); xfree(name); os_breakcheck(); } ui_flush(); } if (curwin->w_changelistidx == curbuf->b_changelistlen) MSG_PUTS("\n>"); } #define one_adjust(add) \ { \ lp = add; \ if (*lp >= line1 && *lp <= line2) \ { \ if (amount == MAXLNUM) \ *lp = 0; \ else \ *lp += amount; \ } \ else if (amount_after && *lp > line2) \ *lp += amount_after; \ } /* don't delete the line, just put at first deleted line */ #define one_adjust_nodel(add) \ { \ lp = add; \ if (*lp >= line1 && *lp <= line2) \ { \ if (amount == MAXLNUM) \ *lp = line1; \ else \ *lp += amount; \ } \ else if (amount_after && *lp > line2) \ *lp += amount_after; \ } /* * Adjust marks between line1 and line2 (inclusive) to move 'amount' lines. * Must be called before changed_*(), appended_lines() or deleted_lines(). * May be called before or after changing the text. * When deleting lines line1 to line2, use an 'amount' of MAXLNUM: The marks * within this range are made invalid. * If 'amount_after' is non-zero adjust marks after line2. * Example: Delete lines 34 and 35: mark_adjust(34, 35, MAXLNUM, -2); * Example: Insert two lines below 55: mark_adjust(56, MAXLNUM, 2, 0); * or: mark_adjust(56, 55, MAXLNUM, 2); */ void mark_adjust(linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2, long amount, long amount_after, bool end_temp, ExtmarkOp op) { mark_adjust_internal(line1, line2, amount, amount_after, true, end_temp, op); } // mark_adjust_nofold() does the same as mark_adjust() but without adjusting // folds in any way. Folds must be adjusted manually by the caller. // This is only useful when folds need to be moved in a way different to // calling foldMarkAdjust() with arguments line1, line2, amount, amount_after, // for an example of why this may be necessary, see do_move(). void mark_adjust_nofold(linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2, long amount, long amount_after, bool end_temp, ExtmarkOp op) { mark_adjust_internal(line1, line2, amount, amount_after, false, end_temp, op); } static void mark_adjust_internal(linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2, long amount, long amount_after, bool adjust_folds, bool end_temp, ExtmarkOp op) { int i; int fnum = curbuf->b_fnum; linenr_T *lp; static pos_T initpos = { 1, 0, 0 }; if (line2 < line1 && amount_after == 0L) /* nothing to do */ return; if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) { /* named marks, lower case and upper case */ for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) { one_adjust(&(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark.lnum)); if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) one_adjust_nodel(&(namedfm[i].fmark.mark.lnum)); } for (i = NMARKS; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) { if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) one_adjust_nodel(&(namedfm[i].fmark.mark.lnum)); } /* last Insert position */ one_adjust(&(curbuf->b_last_insert.mark.lnum)); /* last change position */ one_adjust(&(curbuf->b_last_change.mark.lnum)); /* last cursor position, if it was set */ if (!equalpos(curbuf->b_last_cursor.mark, initpos)) one_adjust(&(curbuf->b_last_cursor.mark.lnum)); /* list of change positions */ for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen; ++i) one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark.lnum)); /* Visual area */ one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_start.lnum)); one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum)); // quickfix marks if (!qf_mark_adjust(NULL, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)) { curbuf->b_has_qf_entry &= ~BUF_HAS_QF_ENTRY; } // location lists bool found_one = false; FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS(tab, win) { found_one |= qf_mark_adjust(win, line1, line2, amount, amount_after); } if (!found_one) { curbuf->b_has_qf_entry &= ~BUF_HAS_LL_ENTRY; } sign_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after); bufhl_mark_adjust(curbuf, line1, line2, amount, amount_after, end_temp); if (op != kExtmarkNOOP) { extmark_adjust(curbuf, line1, line2, amount, amount_after, op, end_temp); } } /* previous context mark */ one_adjust(&(curwin->w_pcmark.lnum)); /* previous pcmark */ one_adjust(&(curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum)); /* saved cursor for formatting */ if (saved_cursor.lnum != 0) one_adjust_nodel(&(saved_cursor.lnum)); /* * Adjust items in all windows related to the current buffer. */ FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS(tab, win) { if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) { /* Marks in the jumplist. When deleting lines, this may create * duplicate marks in the jumplist, they will be removed later. */ for (i = 0; i < win->w_jumplistlen; ++i) { if (win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) { one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum)); } } } if (win->w_buffer == curbuf) { if (!cmdmod.lockmarks) { /* marks in the tag stack */ for (i = 0; i < win->w_tagstacklen; i++) { if (win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) { one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.mark.lnum)); } } } /* the displayed Visual area */ if (win->w_old_cursor_lnum != 0) { one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_old_cursor_lnum)); one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_old_visual_lnum)); } /* topline and cursor position for windows with the same buffer * other than the current window */ if (win != curwin) { if (win->w_topline >= line1 && win->w_topline <= line2) { if (amount == MAXLNUM) { /* topline is deleted */ if (line1 <= 1) { win->w_topline = 1; } else { win->w_topline = line1 - 1; } } else { /* keep topline on the same line */ win->w_topline += amount; } win->w_topfill = 0; } else if (amount_after && win->w_topline > line2) { win->w_topline += amount_after; win->w_topfill = 0; } if (win->w_cursor.lnum >= line1 && win->w_cursor.lnum <= line2) { if (amount == MAXLNUM) { /* line with cursor is deleted */ if (line1 <= 1) { win->w_cursor.lnum = 1; } else { win->w_cursor.lnum = line1 - 1; } win->w_cursor.col = 0; } else { /* keep cursor on the same line */ win->w_cursor.lnum += amount; } } else if (amount_after && win->w_cursor.lnum > line2) { win->w_cursor.lnum += amount_after; } } if (adjust_folds) { foldMarkAdjust(win, line1, line2, amount, amount_after); } } } /* adjust diffs */ diff_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after); } /* This code is used often, needs to be fast. */ #define col_adjust(pp) \ { \ posp = pp; \ if (posp->lnum == lnum && posp->col >= mincol) \ { \ posp->lnum += lnum_amount; \ assert(col_amount > INT_MIN && col_amount <= INT_MAX); \ if (col_amount < 0 && posp->col <= (colnr_T)-col_amount) { \ posp->col = 0; \ } else if (posp->col < spaces_removed) { \ posp->col = (int)col_amount + spaces_removed; \ } else { \ posp->col += (colnr_T)col_amount; \ } \ } \ } // Adjust marks in line "lnum" at column "mincol" and further: add // "lnum_amount" to the line number and add "col_amount" to the column // position. // "spaces_removed" is the number of spaces that were removed, matters when the // cursor is inside them. void mark_col_adjust( linenr_T lnum, colnr_T mincol, long lnum_amount, long col_amount, int spaces_removed, ExtmarkOp op) { int i; int fnum = curbuf->b_fnum; pos_T *posp; if ((col_amount == 0L && lnum_amount == 0L) || cmdmod.lockmarks) return; /* nothing to do */ /* named marks, lower case and upper case */ for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) { col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_namedm[i].mark)); if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) col_adjust(&(namedfm[i].fmark.mark)); } for (i = NMARKS; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) { if (namedfm[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) col_adjust(&(namedfm[i].fmark.mark)); } // Extmarks if (op != kExtmarkNOOP) { // TODO(timeyyy): consider spaces_removed? (behave like a delete) extmark_col_adjust(curbuf, lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount, kExtmarkUndo); } /* last Insert position */ col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_last_insert.mark)); /* last change position */ col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_last_change.mark)); /* list of change positions */ for (i = 0; i < curbuf->b_changelistlen; ++i) col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_changelist[i].mark)); /* Visual area */ col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_start)); col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_end)); /* previous context mark */ col_adjust(&(curwin->w_pcmark)); /* previous pcmark */ col_adjust(&(curwin->w_prev_pcmark)); /* saved cursor for formatting */ col_adjust(&saved_cursor); /* * Adjust items in all windows related to the current buffer. */ FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(win, curtab) { /* marks in the jumplist */ for (i = 0; i < win->w_jumplistlen; ++i) { if (win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) { col_adjust(&(win->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark)); } } if (win->w_buffer == curbuf) { /* marks in the tag stack */ for (i = 0; i < win->w_tagstacklen; i++) { if (win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == fnum) { col_adjust(&(win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.mark)); } } /* cursor position for other windows with the same buffer */ if (win != curwin) { col_adjust(&win->w_cursor); } } } } // When deleting lines, this may create duplicate marks in the // jumplist. They will be removed here for the specified window. // When "checktail" is true, removes tail jump if it matches current position. void cleanup_jumplist(win_T *wp, bool checktail) { int i; // Load all the files from the jump list. This is // needed to properly clean up duplicate entries, but will take some // time. for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; i++) { if ((wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == 0) && (wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0)) { fname2fnum(&wp->w_jumplist[i]); } } int to = 0; for (int from = 0; from < wp->w_jumplistlen; from++) { if (wp->w_jumplistidx == from) { wp->w_jumplistidx = to; } for (i = from + 1; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; i++) { if (wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.fnum == wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.fnum && wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.fnum != 0 && wp->w_jumplist[i].fmark.mark.lnum == wp->w_jumplist[from].fmark.mark.lnum) { break; } } bool mustfree; if (i >= wp->w_jumplistlen) { // not duplicate mustfree = false; } else if (i > from + 1) { // non-adjacent duplicate // jumpoptions=stack: remove duplicates only when adjacent. mustfree = !(jop_flags & JOP_STACK); } else { // adjacent duplicate mustfree = true; } if (mustfree) { xfree(wp->w_jumplist[from].fname); } else { if (to != from) { // Not using wp->w_jumplist[to++] = wp->w_jumplist[from] because // this way valgrind complains about overlapping source and destination // in memcpy() call. (clang-3.6.0, debug build with -DEXITFREE). wp->w_jumplist[to] = wp->w_jumplist[from]; } to++; } } if (wp->w_jumplistidx == wp->w_jumplistlen) { wp->w_jumplistidx = to; } wp->w_jumplistlen = to; // When pointer is below last jump, remove the jump if it matches the current // line. This avoids useless/phantom jumps. #9805 if (checktail && wp->w_jumplistlen && wp->w_jumplistidx == wp->w_jumplistlen) { const xfmark_T *fm_last = &wp->w_jumplist[wp->w_jumplistlen - 1]; if (fm_last->fmark.fnum == curbuf->b_fnum && fm_last->fmark.mark.lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum) { xfree(fm_last->fname); wp->w_jumplistlen--; wp->w_jumplistidx--; } } } /* * Copy the jumplist from window "from" to window "to". */ void copy_jumplist(win_T *from, win_T *to) { int i; for (i = 0; i < from->w_jumplistlen; ++i) { to->w_jumplist[i] = from->w_jumplist[i]; if (from->w_jumplist[i].fname != NULL) to->w_jumplist[i].fname = vim_strsave(from->w_jumplist[i].fname); } to->w_jumplistlen = from->w_jumplistlen; to->w_jumplistidx = from->w_jumplistidx; } /// Iterate over jumplist items /// /// @warning No jumplist-editing functions must be run while iteration is in /// progress. /// /// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration. /// @param[in] win Window for which jump list is processed. /// @param[out] fm Item definition. /// /// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_jumplist_iter` call or /// NULL if iteration is over. const void *mark_jumplist_iter(const void *const iter, const win_T *const win, xfmark_T *const fm) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ARG(2, 3) FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { if (iter == NULL && win->w_jumplistlen == 0) { *fm = (xfmark_T) {{{0, 0, 0}, 0, 0, NULL}, NULL}; return NULL; } const xfmark_T *const iter_mark = (iter == NULL ? &(win->w_jumplist[0]) : (const xfmark_T *const) iter); *fm = *iter_mark; if (iter_mark == &(win->w_jumplist[win->w_jumplistlen - 1])) { return NULL; } else { return iter_mark + 1; } } /// Iterate over global marks /// /// @warning No mark-editing functions must be run while iteration is in /// progress. /// /// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration. /// @param[out] name Mark name. /// @param[out] fm Mark definition. /// /// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_global_iter` call or /// NULL if iteration is over. const void *mark_global_iter(const void *const iter, char *const name, xfmark_T *const fm) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ARG(2, 3) FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { *name = NUL; const xfmark_T *iter_mark = (iter == NULL ? &(namedfm[0]) : (const xfmark_T *const) iter); while ((size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) < ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm) && !iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) { iter_mark++; } if ((size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) == ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm) || !iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) { return NULL; } size_t iter_off = (size_t) (iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])); *name = (char) (iter_off < NMARKS ? 'A' + (char) iter_off : '0' + (char) (iter_off - NMARKS)); *fm = *iter_mark; while ((size_t) (++iter_mark - &(namedfm[0])) < ARRAY_SIZE(namedfm)) { if (iter_mark->fmark.mark.lnum) { return (const void *) iter_mark; } } return NULL; } /// Get next mark and its name /// /// @param[in] buf Buffer for which next mark is taken. /// @param[in,out] mark_name Pointer to the current mark name. Next mark name /// will be saved at this address as well. /// /// Current mark name must either be NUL, '"', '^', /// '.' or 'a' .. 'z'. If it is neither of these /// behaviour is undefined. /// /// @return Pointer to the next mark or NULL. static inline const fmark_T *next_buffer_mark(const buf_T *const buf, char *const mark_name) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { switch (*mark_name) { case NUL: { *mark_name = '"'; return &(buf->b_last_cursor); } case '"': { *mark_name = '^'; return &(buf->b_last_insert); } case '^': { *mark_name = '.'; return &(buf->b_last_change); } case '.': { *mark_name = 'a'; return &(buf->b_namedm[0]); } case 'z': { return NULL; } default: { (*mark_name)++; return &(buf->b_namedm[*mark_name - 'a']); } } } /// Iterate over buffer marks /// /// @warning No mark-editing functions must be run while iteration is in /// progress. /// /// @param[in] iter Iterator. Pass NULL to start iteration. /// @param[in] buf Buffer. /// @param[out] name Mark name. /// @param[out] fm Mark definition. /// /// @return Pointer that needs to be passed to next `mark_buffer_iter` call or /// NULL if iteration is over. const void *mark_buffer_iter(const void *const iter, const buf_T *const buf, char *const name, fmark_T *const fm) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ARG(2, 3, 4) FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { *name = NUL; char mark_name = (char) (iter == NULL ? NUL : (iter == &(buf->b_last_cursor) ? '"' : (iter == &(buf->b_last_insert) ? '^' : (iter == &(buf->b_last_change) ? '.' : 'a' + (char) ((const fmark_T *)iter - &(buf->b_namedm[0])))))); const fmark_T *iter_mark = next_buffer_mark(buf, &mark_name); while (iter_mark != NULL && iter_mark->mark.lnum == 0) { iter_mark = next_buffer_mark(buf, &mark_name); } if (iter_mark == NULL) { return NULL; } size_t iter_off = (size_t) (iter_mark - &(buf->b_namedm[0])); if (mark_name) { *name = mark_name; } else { *name = (char) ('a' + (char) iter_off); } *fm = *iter_mark; return (const void *) iter_mark; } /// Set global mark /// /// @param[in] name Mark name. /// @param[in] fm Mark to be set. /// @param[in] update If true then only set global mark if it was created /// later then existing one. /// /// @return true on success, false on failure. bool mark_set_global(const char name, const xfmark_T fm, const bool update) { const int idx = mark_global_index(name); if (idx == -1) { return false; } xfmark_T *const fm_tgt = &(namedfm[idx]); if (update && fm.fmark.timestamp <= fm_tgt->fmark.timestamp) { return false; } if (fm_tgt->fmark.mark.lnum != 0) { free_xfmark(*fm_tgt); } *fm_tgt = fm; return true; } /// Set local mark /// /// @param[in] name Mark name. /// @param[in] buf Pointer to the buffer to set mark in. /// @param[in] fm Mark to be set. /// @param[in] update If true then only set global mark if it was created /// later then existing one. /// /// @return true on success, false on failure. bool mark_set_local(const char name, buf_T *const buf, const fmark_T fm, const bool update) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL { fmark_T *fm_tgt = NULL; if (ASCII_ISLOWER(name)) { fm_tgt = &(buf->b_namedm[name - 'a']); } else if (name == '"') { fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_cursor); } else if (name == '^') { fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_insert); } else if (name == '.') { fm_tgt = &(buf->b_last_change); } else { return false; } if (update && fm.timestamp <= fm_tgt->timestamp) { return false; } if (fm_tgt->mark.lnum != 0) { free_fmark(*fm_tgt); } *fm_tgt = fm; return true; } /* * Free items in the jumplist of window "wp". */ void free_jumplist(win_T *wp) { int i; for (i = 0; i < wp->w_jumplistlen; ++i) { free_xfmark(wp->w_jumplist[i]); } wp->w_jumplistlen = 0; } void set_last_cursor(win_T *win) { if (win->w_buffer != NULL) { RESET_FMARK(&win->w_buffer->b_last_cursor, win->w_cursor, 0); } } #if defined(EXITFREE) void free_all_marks(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NGLOBALMARKS; i++) { if (namedfm[i].fmark.mark.lnum != 0) { free_xfmark(namedfm[i]); } } memset(&namedfm[0], 0, sizeof(namedfm)); } #endif /// Adjust position to point to the first byte of a multi-byte character /// /// If it points to a tail byte it is move backwards to the head byte. /// /// @param[in] buf Buffer to adjust position in. /// @param[out] lp Position to adjust. void mark_mb_adjustpos(buf_T *buf, pos_T *lp) FUNC_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL { if (lp->col > 0 || lp->coladd > 1) { const char_u *const p = ml_get_buf(buf, lp->lnum, false); if (*p == NUL || (int)STRLEN(p) < lp->col) { lp->col = 0; } else { lp->col -= utf_head_off(p, p + lp->col); } // Reset "coladd" when the cursor would be on the right half of a // double-wide character. if (lp->coladd == 1 && p[lp->col] != TAB && vim_isprintc(utf_ptr2char(p + lp->col)) && ptr2cells(p + lp->col) > 1) { lp->coladd = 0; } } }