102 lines
3.4 KiB

import pygit2
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from flask import Response, url_for
from gitsrht.git import Repository as GitRepository
from srht.config import cfg
# Date format used by RSS
RFC_822_FORMAT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
ORIGIN = cfg("", "origin")
def aware_time(author):
tzinfo = timezone(timedelta(minutes=author.offset))
return datetime.fromtimestamp(author.time, tzinfo)
def ref_name(reference):
return reference.raw_name.decode("utf-8", "replace").split("/")[-1]
def ref_url(repo, reference):
return ORIGIN + url_for("repo.ref",
def commit_url(repo, commit):
return ORIGIN + url_for("repo.commit",
def commit_title_description(commit):
"""Split the commit message to title (first line) and the description
(remaining lines)."""
lines = commit.message.strip().split("\n")
if lines:
title = lines[0]
description = "\n".join(lines[1:]).strip().replace("\n", "<br />")
return title, description
# Empty message fallback
return, ""
def ref_to_item(repo, reference):
with GitRepository(repo.path) as git_repo:
target = git_repo.get(
author = if hasattr(target, 'author') else target.get_object().author
time = aware_time(author).strftime(RFC_822_FORMAT)
url = ref_url(repo, reference)
description = target.message.strip().replace("\n", "<br />")
element = ET.Element("item")
ET.SubElement(element, "title").text = ref_name(reference)
ET.SubElement(element, "description").text = description
ET.SubElement(element, "author").text = f"{} ({})"
ET.SubElement(element, "link").text = url
ET.SubElement(element, "guid").text = url
ET.SubElement(element, "pubDate").text = time
return element
def commit_to_item(repo, commit):
time = aware_time(
url = commit_url(repo, commit)
title, description = commit_title_description(commit)
author = f"{} ({})"
element = ET.Element("item")
ET.SubElement(element, "title").text = title
ET.SubElement(element, "description").text = description
ET.SubElement(element, "author").text = author
ET.SubElement(element, "link").text = url
ET.SubElement(element, "guid").text = url
ET.SubElement(element, "pubDate").text = time
return element
def to_item(repo, item):
if isinstance(item, pygit2.Reference):
return ref_to_item(repo, item)
if isinstance(item, pygit2.Commit):
return commit_to_item(repo, item)
raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to convert {type(item)} to an RSS item.")
def generate_feed(repo, items, title, link, description):
root = ET.Element("rss", version="2.0")
channel = ET.SubElement(root, "channel")
ET.SubElement(channel, "title").text = title
ET.SubElement(channel, "link").text = link
ET.SubElement(channel, "description").text = description
ET.SubElement(channel, "language").text = "en"
for item in items:
channel.append(to_item(repo, item))
xml = ET.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8")
return Response(xml, mimetype='application/rss+xml')