Merge branch 'master' into actions

This commit is contained in:
eric 2021-09-30 13:35:27 -04:00
commit 39d16c9a02
78 changed files with 3608 additions and 1747 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Add resource(s) | Remove resource(s) | Add info | Improve repo
## For resources
### Description
### Description
### Why is this valuable (or not)?
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Add resource(s) | Remove resource(s) | Add info | Improve repo
- [ ] Read our [contributing guidelines](
- [ ] Search for duplicates.
- [ ] Include author(s) and platform where appropriate.
- [ ] Put lists in alphabetical order, correct spacing.
- [ ] Put lists in alphabetical order, correct spacing.
- [ ] Add needed indications (PDF, access notes, under construction)
## Followup
## Follow-up
- Check the output of Travis-CI for linter errors!
- Check the status of GitHub Actions and resolve any reported warnings!

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
language: shell
dist: xenial
os: linux
language: node_js
- 14
- npm install -g free-programming-books-lint
- fpb-lint ./books/
- fpb-lint ./casts/
- fpb-lint ./courses/
- fpb-lint ./more/

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@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ Ejemplos de comportamiento inaceptables por parte de los participantes incluyen:
Los encargados del mantenimiento del proyecto tienen el derecho y la responsabilidad de eliminar, editar o rechazar comentarios, confirmaciones de cambio, código, ediciones wiki, problemas y otras contribuciones que no están alineadas con este Código de Conducta, o para prohibir temporalmente o de forma permanente cualquier colaborador por otros comportamientos que considere inapropiados, amenazante, ofensivo o dañino.
Al adoptar este Código de Conducta, los encargados del mantenimiento del proyecto se comprometen a aplicar de manera justa y coherente estos principios a todos los aspectos de la gestión este proyecto. Los mantenedores de proyectos que no siguen o hacen cumplir el Código de La conducta puede eliminarse permanentemente del equipo del proyecto.
Al adoptar este Código de Conducta, los encargados del mantenimiento del proyecto se comprometen a aplicar de manera justa y coherente estos principios a todos los aspectos de la gestión de este proyecto. Los mantenedores de proyectos que no siguen o hacen cumplir el Código de Conducta pueden ser eliminados permanentemente del equipo del proyecto.
Este código de conducta se aplica tanto dentro de los espacios del proyecto como en los espacios públicos. cuando un individuo representa el proyecto o su comunidad.
Este código de conducta se aplica tanto dentro de los espacios del proyecto como en los espacios públicos, tanto sea un individuo que represente el proyecto o su comunidad.
Los casos de comportamiento abusivo, acosador o inaceptable pueden ser informado poniéndose en contacto con un responsable del proyecto en victorfelder en Todas las quejas serán revisadas e investigadas y resultarán en una respuesta que se considere necesaria y apropiada a las circunstancias. Los mantenedores están obligados a mantener la confidencialidad con respecto al informante de un incidente.
Este Código de Conducta está adaptado del [Pacto de Colaboradores][homepage],versión 1.3.0, disponible en []
Este Código de Conducta está adaptado del [Pacto de Colaboradores][homepage], versión 1.3.0, disponible en

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@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ पर winorfelder में एक परियोजना अनु
के रिपोर्टर के संबंध में गोपनीयता बनाए रखने के लिए बाध्य घटना।
उनकी आचार संहिता से अनुकूलित है[Contributor Covenant][homepage], संस्करण 1.3.0, पर उपलब्ध
उनकी आचार संहिता से अनुकूलित है [Contributor Covenant][होमपेज], संस्करण 1.3.0, पर उपलब्ध

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@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ incident.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 1.3.0, available at
version 1.3.0, available at

250 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
*Lea esto en otros idiomas: [English](, [Français](, [简体中文](, [繁體中文](, [فارسی](, [Tiếng Việt](*
<a name="contributor-license-agreement"></a>
## Acuerdo de Licencia
Al contribuir, acepta la [LICENCIA][license] de este repositorio.
<a name="contributor-code-of-conduct"></a>
## Código de Conducta como Colaborador
Al contribuir, acepta respetar el [Código de Conducta][coc] presente en el repositorio.
<a name="in-a-nutshell"></a>
## Breve resumen
1. "Un enlace para descargar fácilmente un libro" no siempre es un enlace a un libro *gratuito*. Por favor, contribuya solo con contenido gratuito. Asegúrese de que se ofrezca gratis. No se aceptan enlaces a páginas que *requieran* de direcciones de correo electrónico para la obtención de libros, pero sí damos la bienvenida a aquellos listados que así se soliciten.
2. No es necesario conocer Git: si encontró algo de interés que *no esté ya en este repositorio*, tenga el gusto de abrir una [Issue][issues] con su propuesta de enlaces.
- Si ya maneja Git, haga un Fork del repositorio y envíe su contribución mediante Pull Request (PR).
3. Dispone de 5 categorías. Seleccione aquel listado que crea conveniente según:
- *Libros* : PDF, HTML, ePub, un recurso alojado en, un repositorio Git, etc.
- *Cursos* : Un curso es aquel material de aprendizaje que no es un libro. [Esto es un curso](
- *Tutoriales interactivos* : Un sitio web se considera interactivo si permite al usuario escribir código o comandos y evaluar su resultado ("evaluar" no significa "obtener una calificación"). Por ejemplo: [Pruebe Haskell](, [Pruebe Github](
- *Podcasts y Screencasts* : Son aquellas retransmisiones grabadas ya sea en audio y/o en vídeo, respectivamente.
- *Conjuntos de problemas & Programación competitiva* : Se trata de un sitio web o software que le permita evaluar sus habilidades de programación resolviendo problemas simples o complejos, con o sin revisión de código, con o sin comparar los resultados con otros usuarios.
4. Asegúrese de seguir la [guía de pautas que mostramos a continuación][guidelines] así como de respetar el [formato Markdown][formatting] de los ficheros.
5. Travis CI ejecutará pruebas para asegurarse de que las listas esten ordenadas alfabéticamente y de que se siga dicha normalización de formateo. Asegúrese de verificar que sus cambios pasen todas estas comprobaciones de calidad.
<a name="guidelines"></a>
### Pautas
- Revise si el libro es gratuito. Hágalo las veces que sean necesarias. Ayude a los administradores comentando en las Pull Request por qué cree que el libro se ofrece gratis o es valioso.
- No se aceptan ficheros alojados en Google Drive, Dropbox, Mega, Scribd, Issuu u otras plataformas de almacenamiento y/o descarga similares.
- Inserte los enlaces ordenados alfabéticamente. Si se encuentra por casualidad con un enlace fuera de sitio, por favor ordénelo y envíe la correspondiente PR para poder arreglarlo.
- Use el enlace que apunte a la fuente más fidedigna. Esto es, el sitio web del autor es mejor que el del editor y éste a su vez mejor que uno de terceros.
+ No use servicios de almacenamiento en la nube. Esto incluye, aunque sin limitar, enlaces a Dropbox y Google Drive.
- Es siempre preferible el uso de enlaces con protocolo `https` en vez de `http` si ambos se refieren al mismo dominio y sirven el mismo contenido.
- En los dominios raíz, elimine la barra inclinada del final: `` en lugar de ``.
- Utilice preferentemente la forma corta de los hipervínculos: `` es mejor que ``.
+ No se admiten acortadores de enlaces URL.
- Por lo general, se prefiere el enlace "actual" sobre el de "versión": `` es más asequible que ``.
- Si en un enlace se encuentra con algún problema de certificados, ya sea caducado, autofirmado o de cualquier otro tipo:
1. *Reemplácelo* con su análogo `http` si fuera posible (porque aceptar excepciones puede ser complicado en dispositivos móviles).
2. *Manténgalo* si no existe versión `http` pero el enlace aún es accesible a través de `https` agregando una excepción al navegador o ignorando la advertencia.
3. *Elimínelo* en cualquier otro caso.
- Si existe un mismo enlace con varios formatos, anexe enlaces aparte con una nota sobre cada formato.
- Si un recurso existe en diferentes lugares de Internet:
+ Use aquella fuente más fidedigna (lo que significa que el sitio web del propio autor es más asequible que el sitio web del editor y a su vez éste es mejor que una fuente de terceros).
+ Si apuntan a diferentes ediciones y considera que estas ediciones son lo suficientemente dispares como para que valga la pena conservarlas, agregue por separado un nuevo enlace haciendo alusión a cada edición. Diríjase al [Issue \#2353]( si desea contribuir en la discusión acerca del formateo que deben seguir dichos registros.
- Es preferible realizar commits atómicos (un commit por cada adición/eliminación/modificación) frente a unos con mayor calado. No es necesario realizar un squash de todos ellos antes de enviar una PR. (Nunca aplicaremos esta regla, ya que solamente es una cuestión de conveniencia para quien mantiene el proyecto).
- Si se trata de un libro más antiguo, incluya su fecha de publicación dentro del título.
- Incluya el nombre o nombres de autor/es cuando corresponda. Puede valerse de "`et al.`" para acortar esa enumeración de autores.
- Si el libro no está terminado y aún se está trabajando en él, agregue la anotación de "`en proceso`", tal y como se describe [a continuación][in_process].
- Si se solicita una dirección de correo electrónico o configuración de cuenta antes de habilitar la descarga, agregue entre paréntesis dichas notas y en consonancia con el idioma. Por ejemplo: `(*se solicita* email, no requerido...)`.
<a name="formatting"></a>
### Formato normalizado
- Como podrá observar, los listados tienen `.md` como extensión de fichero. Intente aprender la sintaxis [Markdown][markdown_guide]. ¡Es bastante simple!
- Dichos listados comienzan con una Tabla de Contenidos (TOC). Este índice permite enumerar y vincular todas las secciones y subsecciones en las que se clasifica cada recurso. Manténgalo también en orden alfabético.
- Las secciones utilizan encabezados de nivel 3 (`###`) y las subsecciones de nivel 4 (`####`).
La idea es tener:
- `2` líneas vacías entre el último enlace de una sección y el título de la siguiente sección.
- `1` línea vacía entre la cabecera y el primer enlace de una determinada sección.
- `0` líneas en blanco entre los distintos enlaces.
- `1` línea en blanco al final de cada fichero `.md`.
* [Un libro increíble](
(línea en blanco)
(línea en blanco)
### Sección de ejemplo
(línea en blanco)
* [Otro libro fascinante](
* [Otro libro más](
- Omita los espacios entre `]` y `(`:
INCORRECTO : * [Otro libro fascinante] (
CORRECTO : * [Otro libro fascinante](
- Si en el registro decide incluir al autor, emplee ` - ` (un guión rodeado de espacios simples) como separador:
INCORRECTO : * [Un libro sencillamente fabuloso]( John Doe
CORRECTO : * [Un libro sencillamente fabuloso]( - John Doe
- Ponga un solo espacio entre el enlace al contenido y su formato:
INCORRECTO : * [Un libro muy interesante](
CORRECTO : * [Un libro muy interesante]( (PDF)
- El autor se antepone al formato:
INCORRECTO : * [Un libro muy interesante]( (PDF) Jane Roe
CORRECTO : * [Un libro muy interesante]( - Jane Roe (PDF)
- Múltiples formatos:
INCORRECTO : * [Otro libro interesante]( - John Doe (HTML)
INCORRECTO : * [Otro libro interesante]( - John Doe (sitio de descarga)
CORRECTO : * [Otro libro interesante]( - John Doe (HTML) [(PDF, EPUB)](
- Incluya el año de publicación como parte del título de los libros más antiguos:
INCORRECTO : * [Un libro bastante especial]( - Jane Roe - 1970
CORRECTO : * [Un libro bastante especial (1970)]( - Jane Roe
<a name="in_process"></a>
- Libros en proceso / no acabados aún:
CORRECTO: * [A punto de ser un libro fascinante]( - John Doe (HTML) (:construction: *en proceso*)
<a name="notes"></a>
### Anotaciones
Si bien los conceptos básicos son relativamente simples, existe una gran diversidad entre los recursos que enumeramos. Aquí hay algunas notas sobre cómo nos ocupamos de esta diversidad.
<a name="metadata"></a>
#### Metadatos
Nuestros listados proporcionan un conjunto mínimo de metadatos: títulos, URL, autores, formato, plataformas y notas de acceso.
<a name="titles"></a>
##### Títulos
- Sin títulos inventados: Intentamos tomar el texto de los propios recursos; se advierte a los colaboradores que, si puede evitarse, no inventen títulos ni los utilicen editorialmente. Una excepción es para obras más antiguas: si son principalmente de interés histórico, un año entre paréntesis adjunto al título ayuda a los usuarios a saber si estos son de interés.
- Sin títulos todo en mayúsculas: Por lo general, es apropiado tener cada primera letra de palabra en mayúsculas, pero en caso de duda, use siempre el estilo tal y como viene en la fuente original.
<a name="urls"></a>
##### Direcciones URL
- No se permiten acortadores de URLs para los enlaces.
- Los parámetros de consulta o códigos referentes al seguimiento o campañas de marketing deben eliminarse de la URL.
- Las URL internacionales deben escaparse. Las barras del navegador suelen representar los caracteres en Unicode, pero utilice copiar y pegar, por favor; es la forma más rápida de construir un hipervínculo válido.
- Las URL seguras (https) siempre son mejor opción frente a las no seguras (http) donde se ha implementado el protocolo de comunicación encriptado HTTPS.
- No nos gustan las URL que apuntan a páginas web que no alojen el recurso mencionado, enlazando por el contrario a otra parte.
<a name="creators"></a>
##### Atribuciones
- Queremos dar crédito a los creadores de recursos gratuitos cuando sea apropiado, ¡incluso traductores!
- En el caso de obras traducidas, se debe acreditar también al autor original.
- No permitimos enlaces directos al creador.
- En el caso de recopilaciones u obras remezcladas, el "creador" puede necesitar una descripción. Por ejemplo, los libros de "GoalKicker" se acreditan como "Creado a partir de la documentación de StackOverflow".
<a name="platforms-and-access-notes"></a>
##### Plataformas y Notas de Acceso
- Cursos. Especialmente para nuestras listas de cursos, la plataforma es una parte importante de la descripción del recurso. Esto se debe a que las plataformas de cursos tienen diferentes prestaciones y modelos de acceso. Si bien generalmente no incluimos un libro que requiere de registro previo, muchas plataformas de cursos tienen la casualidad de no funcionar sin algún tipo de cuenta. Un ejemplo de plataformas de cursos podrían ser: Coursera, EdX, Udacity y Udemy. Cuando un curso depende de una plataforma, el nombre de dicha plataforma debe aparecer entre paréntesis.
- YouTube. Tenemos muchos cursos que consisten en listas de reproducción de YouTube. No incluimos Youtube como plataforma, sino que tratamos de incluir al creador de Youtube, el cuál es a menudo una sub-plataforma en sí.
- Vídeos de YouTube. Por lo general, no vinculamos a vídeos individuales de YouTube a menos que tengan más de una hora de duración y estén estructurados como un curso o un tutorial.
- LeanPub. LeanPub aloja libros con una amplia variedad de modelos de acceso. A veces, un libro se puede leer sin registrarse; en otras, un libro requiere una cuenta LeanPub para tener acceso gratuito. Dada la calidad de los libros y la mezcla y fluidez de los modelos de acceso Leanpub, damos validez a estos últimos anexando la nota de acceso: `*(cuenta Leanpub o email válido requerido)*`.
<a name="genres"></a>
#### Géneros
La primera regla para decidir en qué listado encaja un determinado recurso es ver cómo se describe a sí mismo. Si por ejemplo se retrata a sí mismo como un libro, entonces tal vez es que lo sea.
<a name="genres-we-dont-list"></a>
##### Géneros no aceptados
Ya que en Internet podemos encontrar una variedad infinita de recursos, no incluimos en nuestro registro:
- blogs
- publicaciones de blogs
- artículos
- Sitios web (excepto aquellos que alberguen MUCHOS elementos que podamos incluir en los listados).
- vídeos que no sean cursos o screencasts (retrasmisiones)
- capítulos sueltos a libros
- muestras o introducciones de books
- Canales/grupos de IRC, Telegram...
- Canales/salas de Slack... o listas de correo
El [listado donde incluimos sitios o software de programación competitiva][programming_playgrounds_list] no es tan restrictivo. El alcance de este repositorio es determinado por la comunidad; si desea sugerir un cambio o extender el alcance, utilice los [issues][issues] para registrar dicha sugerencia.
<a name="books-vs-other-stuff"></a>
##### Libros vs. Otro Material
No somos tan quisquillosos con lo que consideramos como libro. A continuación, se muestran algunas propiedades que un recurso pueda encajar como libro:
- tiene un ISBN
- tiene una Tabla de Contenidos (TOC)
- se ofrece una versión para su descarga electrónica, especialmente ePub.
- tiene diversas ediciones
- no depende de un contenido interactivo extra o vídeos
- trata de abordar un tema de manera integral
- es autosuficiente
Hay muchos libros que enumeramos los cuáles no poseen estos atributos; esto puede depender del contexto.
<a name="books-vs-courses"></a>
##### Libros vs. Cursos
¡A veces distinguir puede ser dificultoso!
Los cursos suelen tener libros de texto asociados, que incluiríamos en nuestras listas de libros. Además, los cursos tienen conferencias, ejercicios, pruebas, apuntes u otras ayudas didácticas. Una sola conferencia o vídeo por sí solo no es un curso. Un presentación de PowerPoint tampoco puede ser catalogado como curso.
<a name="interactive-tutorials-vs-other-stuff"></a>
##### Tutoriales interactivos vs. Otro Material
Si es posible imprimirlo y conservar su esencia, no es un Tutorial Interactivo.
<a name="automation"></a>
### Automatización
- El cumplimiento de las reglas de formateado se automatiza vía [Travis CI]( usando [fpb-lint]( (ver [.travis.yml](.travis.yml))
- La validación de URLs se realiza mediante [awesome_bot](
- Para activar esta validación de URL, envíe un commit que incluya como mensaje de confirmación `check_urls=fichero_a_comprobar`:
- Es posible especificar más de un fichero a comprobar. Simplemente use un espacio para separar cada entrada.
- Si especifica más de un archivo, los resultados obtenidos se basan en el estado del último archivo verificado. Debe tenerlo en cuenta ya que, debido a esto, puede obtener falsos positivos al finalizar el proceso. Así que tras el envío de la pull request asegúrese de inspeccionar el registro de compilación haciendo clic en "Show all checks" -> "Details".
[formatting]: #formato-normalizado
[guidelines]: #pautas
[in_process]: #in_process
[programming_playgrounds_list]: (

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
*این متن را در زبان‌های دیگر بخوانید: [简体中文](、[繁體中文](*
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<div dir="rtl">
## توافقنامه‌ی مجوز همکاری

217 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
*Lisez ceci dans d'autres langues: [English](, [Español](, [简体中文](, [繁體中文](, [فارسی](, [Tiếng Việt](*
## Contrat de Licence des Contributeurs
En contribuant, vous acceptez la [LICENCE]( de ce repositoire.
## Code de conduite des contributeurs
En contribuant, vous acceptez de respecter le [Code de Contrat]( de ce repositoire.
## En bref
1. "Un lien pour télécharger facilement un livre" n'est pas toujours un lien vers un livre *gratuit*. Merci de ne contribuer qu'à du contenu gratuit. Assurez-vous que c'est gratuit. Nous n'acceptons pas les liens vers des pages qui *nécessitent* des adresses e-mail valides pour obtenir des livres, mais nous accueillons les annonces qui en font la demande.
2. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de connaître Git : si vous avez trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant qui n'est *pas déjà dans ce repositoire*, veuillez ouvrir un [Problème]( avec vos propositions de liens.
- Si vous savez Git, Forkez le repo et envoyez vos pull requests.
3. Nous avons 5 types de listes. Choisissez le bon:
- *Livres* : PDF, HTML, ePub, un site basé sur, un repositoire Git, etc.
- *Cours* : Un cours est un matériel d'apprentissage qui n'est pas un livre. [Ceci est un cours](
- *Tutoriels interactifs* : Un site Web interactif qui permet à l'utilisateur de saisir du code ou des commandes et d'évaluer le résultat (par "évaluer" nous ne voulons pas dire "noter"). par exemple : [Essayez Haskell](, [Essayez Github](
- *Podcasts et Screencasts* : Podcasts et screencasts.
- *Ensembles de Problèmes et Programmation Compétitive* : Un site Web ou un logiciel qui vous permet d'évaluer vos compétences en programmation en résolvant des problèmes simples ou complexes, avec ou sans revue de code, avec ou sans comparaison des résultats avec d'autres utilisateurs.
4. Assurez-vous de suivre les [directives ci-dessous](#directrices) et de respecter [la format Markdown](#formatage) des fichers.
5. Travis CI exécutera des tests pour s'assurer que vos listes sont classées par ordre alphabétique et que les règles de formatage sont respectées. Assurez-vous de vérifier que vos modifications passent les tests.
### Directrices
- assurez-vous qu'un livre est gratuit. Vérifiez si nécessaire. Cela aide les administrateurs si vous commentez dans le PR pourquoi vous pensez que le livre est gratuit.
- nous n'acceptons pas les fichiers hébergés sur google drive, dropbox, mega, scribd, issuu et autres plateformes de téléchargement de fichiers similaires.
- insérez vos liens par ordre alphabétique. Si vous voyez un lien égaré, veuillez le réorganiser et soumettre un PR
- utiliser le lien avec la source la plus autoritaire (c'est-à-dire que le site de l'auteur est meilleur que le site de l'éditeur, qui est meilleur qu'un site tiers)
+ pas de services d'hébergement de fichiers (cela inclut (mais n'est pas limité à) les liens Dropbox et Google Drive)
- préférez toujours un lien `https` à un `http` - tant qu'ils sont sur le même domaine et servent le même contenu
- sur les domaines root, supprimez la barre oblique finale: `` au lieu de ``
- préférez toujours le lien le plus court : `` est préférable à ``
+ pas de liens de raccourcissement d'URL
- préférez généralement le lien "actuel" à celui de "version": `` est meilleur que ` /index.html`
- si un lien a un certificat expiré/certificat auto-signé/problème SSL de toute autre nature:
1. *remplacez-le* par son équivalent `http` si possible (car accepter les exceptions peut être compliqué sur les appareils mobiles)
2. *laissez-le* si aucune version `http` n'est disponible mais que le lien est toujours accessible via `https` en ajoutant une exception au navigateur ou en ignorant l'avertissement.
3. *supprimez-le* sinon.
- si un lien existe dans plusieurs formats, ajoutez un lien séparé avec une note sur chaque format
- si une ressource existe à différents endroits sur Internet
+ utiliser le lien avec la source la plus autoritaire (c'est-à-dire que le site de l'auteur est meilleur que le site de l'éditeur, qui est meilleur qu'un site tiers)
+ s'ils renvoient à des éditions différentes et que vous jugez que ces éditions sont suffisamment différentes pour qu'elles valent la peine d'être conservées, ajoutez un lien séparé avec une note sur chaque édition (voir [Problème #2353]( pour contribuer à la discussion sur le formatage.))
- préférer les commits atomiques (un commit par ajout/suppression/modification) aux plus gros commits. Pas besoin d'écraser vos commits avant de soumettre un PR. (Nous n'appliquerons jamais cette règle car c'est juste une question de commodité pour les responsables)
- si le livre est plus ancien, indiquez la date de parution avec le titre.
- incluez le ou les noms de l'auteur, le cas échéant. Vous pouvez raccourcir les listes d'auteurs avec "et al."
- si le livre n'est pas terminé, et est toujours en cours de travail, ajoutez la notation "en cours", comme décrit [ci-dessous.](#in_process)
- si une adresse e-mail ou la configuration d'un compte est demandée avant l'activation du téléchargement, ajoutez des notes adaptées à la langue entre parenthèses, par exemple: `(adresse e-mail *demandée*, non obligatoire)`
### Formatage
- Toutes les listes sont des fichiers `.md`. Essayez d'apprendre la syntaxe [Markdown]( C'est simple!
- Toutes les listes commencent par un Index. L'idée est d'y lister et de lier toutes les sections et sous-sections. Gardez-le par ordre alphabétique.
- Les sections utilisent des titres de niveau 3 (`###`) et les sous-sections sont des titres de niveau 4 (`####`).
l'idée est d'avoir:
- `2` lignes vides entre le dernier lien et la nouvelle section
- `1` ligne vide entre le titre et le premier lien de sa section
- `0` ligne vide entre deux liens
- `1` ligne vide à la fin de chaque fichier `.md`
* [Un Livre Génial](
(ligne blanche)
(ligne blanche)
### Exemple
(ligne blanche)
* [Un Autre Livre Génial](
* [Un Autre Livre](
- Mettez pas des espaces entre `]` et `(`:
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial] (
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial](
- Si vous incluez l'auteur, utilisez ` - ` (un tiret entouré d'un espaces):
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( John Doe
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( - John Doe
- Mettez un seul espace entre le lien et son format:
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial](
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( (PDF)
- L'auteur vient avant le format:
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( (PDF) Jane Roe
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( - Jane Roe (PDF)
- Formats multiples:
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( John Doe (HTML)
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( John Doe (site de téléchargement)
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( - John Doe (HTML) [(PDF, EPUB)](
- Inclure l'année de publication dans le titre pour les livres plus anciens :
MAUVAIS : * [Un Autre Livre Génial]( - Jane Roe - 1970
BIEN : * [Un Autre Livre Génial (1970)]( - Jane Roe
<a name="in_process"></a>
- Livres en cours :
BIEN : * [Sera bientôt un livre génial]( - John Doe (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
### Remarques
Bien que les bases soient relativement simples, il existe une grande diversité dans les ressources que nous répertorions. Voici quelques notes sur la façon dont nous gérons cette diversité.
#### Métadonnées
Nos listes fournissent un ensemble minimal de métadonnées : titres, URL, créateurs, plateformes et notes d'accès.
##### Titres
- Pas de titres inventés. Nous essayons de prendre les titres des ressources elles-mêmes ; les contributeurs sont avertis de ne pas inventer de titres ou de ne pas les utiliser éditorialement si cela peut être évité. Une exception est pour les œuvres plus anciennes; s'ils présentent principalement un intérêt historique, une année entre parenthèses ajoutée au titre aide les utilisateurs à savoir s'ils présentent un intérêt.
- Pas de titres TOUTES EN MAJUSCULES. Habituellement, la casse du titre est appropriée, mais en cas de doute, utilisez la majuscule de la source
##### URLs
- Nous n'autorisons pas les URL raccourcies.
- Les codes de suivi doivent être supprimés de l'URL.
- Les URL internationales doivent être échappées. Les barres du navigateur les rendent généralement en Unicode, mais utilisez le copier-coller, s'il vous plaît.
- Les URL sécurisées (https) sont toujours préférées aux URL non sécurisées (http) où https a été implémenté.
- Nous n'aimons pas les URL qui pointent vers des pages Web qui n'hébergent pas la ressource répertoriée, mais pointent plutôt ailleurs.
##### Créateurs
- Nous voulons créditer les créateurs de ressources gratuites le cas échéant, y compris les traducteurs !
- Pour les œuvres traduites, l'auteur original doit être crédité.
- Nous n'autorisons pas les liens pour les créateurs.
- Pour les compilations ou les travaux remixés, le "créateur" peut avoir besoin d'une description. Par exemple, les livres "GoalKicker" sont crédités comme "Compilé à partir de la documentation StackOverflow"
##### Plateformes et notes d'accès
- Cours. Surtout pour nos listes de cours, la plateforme est une partie importante de la description de la ressource. En effet, les plates-formes de cours ont des options et des modèles d'accès différents. Bien que nous ne répertoriions généralement pas un livre nécessitant une inscription, de nombreuses plateformes de cours ont des options qui ne fonctionnent pas sans une sorte de compte. Des exemples de plates-formes de cours incluent Coursera, EdX, Udacity et Udemy. Lorsqu'un cours dépend d'une plateforme, le nom de la plate-forme doit être indiqué entre parenthèses.
- Youtube. Nous avons de nombreux cours qui se composent de listes de lecture YouTube. Nous ne répertorions pas Youtube comme plateforme, nous essayons de répertorier le créateur Youtube, qui est souvent une sous-plateforme.
- Vidéos youtube. Nous ne créons généralement pas de liens vers des vidéos YouTube individuelles, sauf si elles durent plus d'une heure et sont structurées comme un cours ou un didacticiel.
- Leanpub. Leanpub héberge des livres avec une variété de modèles d'accès. Parfois, un livre peut être lu sans inscription ; parfois un livre nécessite un compte Leanpub pour un accès gratuit. Compte tenu de la qualité des livres et du mélange et de la fluidité des modèles d'accès Leanpub, nous autorisons l'inscription de ces derniers avec la note d'accès *(compte Leanpub ou email valide demandé)*
#### Genres
La première règle pour décider à quelle liste appartient une ressource est de voir comment la ressource se décrit. S'il s'appelle un livre, alors c'est peut-être un livre.
##### Genres que nous ne listons pas
Parce qu'Internet est vaste, nous n'incluons pas dans nos listes:
- les blogs
- articles de blog
- des articles
- des sites Web (à l'exception de ceux qui hébergent BEAUCOUP d'articles que nous répertorions.)
- des vidéos qui ne sont pas des cours ou des screencasts.
- les chapitres du livre
- échantillons teaser de livres
- Canaux IRC ou Telegram
- Slacks ou listes de diffusion
Nos listes de programmation compétitive ne sont pas aussi strictes sur ces exclusions. La portée du repo est déterminée par la communauté ; si vous souhaitez suggérer un changement ou un ajout à la portée, veuillez utiliser un issue pour faire la suggestion.
##### Livres vs. autres choses
Nous ne sommes pas si pointilleux sur la livreté. Voici quelques attributs qui signifient qu'une ressource est un livre :
- il a un ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- il a une table des matières
- une version téléchargée, notamment ePub, est proposée
- il a des éditions
- cela ne dépend pas du contenu interactif ou des vidéos
- il essaie de couvrir un sujet de manière exhaustive
- il est autonome
Il y a beaucoup de livres que nous listons qui n'ont pas ces attributs ; cela peut dépendre du contexte.
##### Livres vs. cours
Parfois, ceux-ci peuvent être difficiles à distinguer!
Les cours ont souvent des livres de texte associés, que nous énumérerions dans nos listes de livres. Les cours comportent des exposés, des exercices, des tests, des notes ou d'autres supports didactiques. Une seule conférence ou vidéo en soi n'est pas un cours. Un powerpoint n'est pas un cours.
##### Tutoriels interactifs vs. autres trucs
Si vous pouvez l'imprimer et conserver son essence, ce n'est pas un didacticiel interactif.
### Automatisation
- L'application des règles de formatage est automatisée via [Travis CI]( en utilisant [fpb-lint]( (voir [ .travis.yml](.travis.yml))
- La validation d'URL utilise [awesome_bot](
- Pour déclencher la validation d'URL, poussez un commit qui inclut un message de commit contenant `check_urls=file_to_check` :
- Vous pouvez spécifier plus d'un fichier à vérifier, en utilisant un seul espace pour séparer chaque entrée
- Si vous spécifiez plus d'un fichier, les résultats de la construction sont basés sur le résultat du dernier fichier vérifié. Vous devez savoir que vous pouvez obtenir des versions vertes de réussite à cause de cela, alors assurez-vous d'inspecter le journal de construction à la fin de la demande d'extraction en cliquant sur "Show all checks" -> "Details".

226 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
*Đọc bằng ngôn ngữ khác: [English](, [Français](, [Español](, [体中文](, [繁體中文](, [فارسی](*
Bản dịch Tiếng Việt:
* Bản dịch này mục đích để khuyến khích các bạn đóng góp vào dự án sách, khóa học miễn phí này mà chưa thể đọc tốt được Tiếng Anh. Mình cũng mong Việt Nam có thể có nhiều hơn những khóa học, những cuốn sách miễn phí về lập trình để giúp các bạn trẻ hiện nay có thể sớm tiếp cận với công nghệ, phát triển sớm được niềm đam mê của bản thân.
* Mình đã cố gắng dịch cho chính xác, nhưng cũng khó có thể tránh khỏi sai sót, có một số mong các bạn lượng thứ.
* Mọi ý kiến, đóng góp về bản dịch, vui lòng [tạo một issue mới](/issues/new) hoặc bạn có thể chỉnh sửa và tạo Pull Request.
## Giấy Phép Thỏa Thuận Cộng Tác Viên
Bằng cách đóng góp, bạn đồng ý với [LICENSE]( của repo này.
## Quy Tắc Ứng Xử của Cộng Tác Viên
Bằng cách đóng góp, bạn đồng ý tôn trọng [Quy Tắc Ứng Xử]( của repo này.
## Tóm Tắt
1. "Một liên kết để tải một cuốn sách" không có nghĩa nó là một cuốn sách *miễn phí*. Vui lòng chỉ đóng góp nội dung miễn phí. Đảm bảo rằng nó là miễn phí. Chúng tôi không chấp nhận các liên kết đến các trang có *yêu cầu bắt buộc* nhập địa chỉ email để nhận sách.
2. Bạn không cần phải biết về Git: nếu bạn tìm được thứ gì đó thú vị *và chưa có trong kho lưu trữ này*, vui lòng mở một [Issue]( với các đề xuất mà bạn muốn đóng góp.
- Nếu bạn biết Git, vui lòng Fork repo này và gửi pull requests.
3. Chúng tôi có 5 loại tài liệu, bạn có thể chọn một trong những cái dưới đây:
- *Sách* : PDF, HTML, ePub, một trang web dựa trên, a Git repo, vv.
- *Khóa Học* : Một khóa học là một tài liệu học tập, không phải là sách. [Đây là một khóa học](
- *Hướng Dẫn Tương Tác* : Một trang web cho phép người dùng gõ Code và chạy chương trình dựa trên kết quả và đánh giá. Ví dụ: [Try Haskell](, [Try Github](
- *Podcasts and Screencasts* : Podcasts và screencasts.
- *Đặt Vấn Đề & Cuộc Thi Lập Trình* : Trang web hoặc phần mềm cho phép bạn đánh giá kỹ năng lập trình của mình bằng cách giải quyết các vấn đề đơn giản hoặc phức tạp, có hoặc không có đánh giá Code, có hoặc không so sánh kết quả với những người khác.
4. Đảm bảo tuân thủ theo [những nguyên tắc bên dưới](#Những Nguyên Tắc) và đảm bảo sử dụng đúng những [định dạng Markdown](#Định Dạng).
5. Travis CI sẽ chạy các test để đảm bảo danh sách của bạn được sắp xếp theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái và các quy tắc định dạng được tuân thủ. Đảm bảo kiểm tra xem các thay đổi của bạn có vượt qua các bài test hay không.
### Những Nguyên Tắc
- đảm bảo rằng một cuốn sách là miễn phí. Kiểm tra kỹ nếu cần. Nó sẽ giúp ích cho các quản trị viên nếu bạn nhận xét trong phần PR về lý do tại sao bạn cho rằng cuốn sách là miễn phí.
- chúng tôi không chấp nhận các tệp được lưu trữ trên google drive, dropbox, mega, scribd, issu và các nền tảng tải lên tệp tương tự khác.
- chèn các liên kết của bạn theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái. Nếu bạn thấy một liên kết bị đặt sai vị trí, vui lòng sắp xếp lại nó và gửi một PR.
- sử dụng liên kết với nguồn có thẩm quyền nhất (có nghĩa là trang web của tác giả tốt hơn trang web của người biên tập tốt hơn trang web của bên thứ ba)
+ không có dịch vụ lưu trữ tệp (điều này bao gồm (nhưng không giới hạn) liên kết Dropbox và Google Drive)
- một liên kết `https` tốt hơn liên kết có giao thức `http` - miễn là chúng ở trên cùng một domain và phân phát cùng một nội dung.
- trên các miền gốc, bỏ dấu gạch chéo sau: `` thay vì ``
- luôn luôn ưu tiên đường dẫn ngắn: `` tốt hơn là ``
+ không sử dụng rút gọn link
- thường ưu tiên những liên kết "mới nhất" hơn những liên kết có "phiên bản (version)": `` tốt hơn ``
- nếu một liên kết có chứng chỉ hết hạn như chứng chỉ tự ký / chứng chỉ SSL hoặc các vấn đề tương tự:
1. *thay thế nó* bằng giao thức `http` nếu có thể (bởi vì việc chấp nhận các lỗi ngoại lệ có thể phức tạp trên thiết bị di động)
2. *để nguyên* nếu không thể sử dụng `http` nhưng liên kết có thể truy cập được thông qua `https` bằng cách thêm một ngoại lệ vào trình duyệt hoặc có thể bỏ qua cảnh báo
3. *xóa nó đi* nếu không thể làm gì khác
- nếu một liên kết tồn tại ở nhiều định dạng, hãy thêm một liên kết riêng với ghi chú về từng định dạng
- nếu một tài liệu tồn tại ở những nơi khác nhau trên Internet
+ sử dụng liên kết với nguồn có thẩm quyền nhất (có nghĩa là trang web của tác giả tốt hơn trang web của người biên tập và tốt hơn trang web của bên thứ ba)
+ nếu chúng liên kết đến các ấn bản khác nhau và bạn đánh giá các ấn bản này đủ khác nhau để có giá trị giữ chúng, hãy thêm một liên kết riêng với ghi chú về từng ấn bản (xem [Issue #2353]( để đóng góp vào cuộc thảo luận về định dạng.)
- ưu tiên các commit nhỏ (atomic commits - một commit chỉ có thêm, xóa hoặc sửa) hơn các commit lớn. Không cần phải giấu giếm các commits của bạn trước khi gửi PR. (Chúng tôi sẽ không bao giờ thực thi những thứ này vì nó thuận tiện sau này cho người bảo trì)
- nếu sách cũ hơn, hãy bao gồm ngày xuất bản cùng với tên sách.
- bao gồm tên tác giả hoặc tên nếu thích hợp. Bạn có thể rút ngắn danh sách tác giả với "et al."
- nếu cuốn sách chưa hoàn thành và vẫn đang được hoàn thiện, hãy thêm ký hiệu "đang xử lý", như được mô tả [dưới đây.](#in_process)
- nếu địa chỉ email hoặc thiết lập tài khoản được yêu cầu trước khi kích hoạt tải xuống, hãy thêm ghi chú phù hợp với ngôn ngữ trong ngoặc đơn, ví dụ: `(địa chỉ email *được yêu cầu*, không bắt buộc)`
### Định Dạng
- Tất cả danh sách đều là tệp `.md`. Cố gắng học các cú pháp [Markdown]( Nó rất đơn giản!
- Tất cả các danh sách bắt đầu bằng một Chỉ mục. Ý tưởng là liệt kê và liên kết tất cả các phần và tiểu mục ở đó. Giữ nó theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái.
- Các phần đang sử dụng tiêu đề cấp 3 (`###`) và các tiểu mục là tiêu đề cấp 4 (`####`).
Ý tưởng là phải có
- `2` dòng trống giữa liên kết cuối cùng và phần mới
- `1` dòng trống giữa tiêu đề và liên kết đầu tiên của phần của nó
- `0` dòng trống giữa hai liên kết
- `1` dòng trống ở cuối mỗi tệp` .md`
Ví dụ:
* [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời](
(dòng trống)
(dòng trống)
### Ví dụ
(dòng trống)
* [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác](
* [Một số sách khác](
- Không đặt dấu cách giữa `]``(`:
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác] (
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác](
- Nếu bao gồm tác giả, hãy sử dụng ` - ` (dấu gạch ngang được bao quanh bởi các khoảng trắng):
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác]( John Doe
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác]( - John Doe
- Đặt một khoảng trắng giữa liên kết và định dạng của nó:
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời](
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời]( (PDF)
- Tác giả đặt trước định dạng:
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời]( (PDF) Jane Roe
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời]( - Jane Roe (PDF)
- Nhiều định dạng:
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác]( John Doe (HTML)
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác]( John Doe (download site)
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách tuyệt vời khác]( - John Doe (HTML) [(PDF, EPUB)](
- Bao gồm năm xuất bản trong tiêu đề cho các sách cũ hơn:
Tệ : * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời]( - Jane Roe - 1970
Tốt: * [Một cuốn sách rất tuyệt vời (1970)]( - Jane Roe
<a name="in_process"></a>
- Sách đang trong quá trình viết:
Tốt: * [Sách sẽ sớm trở nên tuyệt vời]( - John Doe (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
### Ghi Chú
Mặc dù những điều cơ bản tương đối đơn giản, nhưng có sự đa dạng lớn trong các nguồn mà chúng tôi liệt kê. Dưới đây là một số lưu ý về cách chúng ta phân loại những sự đa dạng này.
#### Metadata
Danh sách của chúng tôi cung cấp một metadata: tiêu đề, URL, người tạo, nền tảng và ghi chú truy cập.
##### Tiêu Đề
- Không được chế ra tiêu đề. Chúng tôi cố gắng lấy các tiêu đề từ chính các nguồn tài liệu đó; những người đóng góp được khuyến cáo không chế ra tiêu đề hoặc chỉnh sửa chúng nếu điều này có thể tránh được. Một ngoại lệ là đối với các tác phẩm cũ hơn; nếu họ chủ yếu quan tâm đến lịch sử, thêm số năm vào trong dấu ngoặc đơn nằm trong tiêu đề sẽ giúp người dùng biết liệu họ có quan tâm hay không.
- Không sử dụng tiêu đề ALLCAPS (tiêu đề sử dụng toàn bộ bằng chữ In Hoa). Thông thường, viết hoa tiêu đề là phù hợp, nhưng khi không chắc chắn, hãy sử dụng chữ viết hoa từ nguồn.
##### URLs
- Chúng tôi không cho phép các URL rút gọn.
- Mã theo dõi phải được xóa khỏi URL.
- URL quốc tế phải được thoát. Các thanh trình duyệt thường hiển thị chúng thành Unicode, nhưng vui lòng sử dụng sao chép và dán.
- Các URL an toàn (https) luôn được ưu tiên hơn các url không an toàn (http) nơi https đã được triển khai.
- Chúng tôi không thích các URL trỏ đến các trang web không lưu trữ tài liệu được liệt kê, mà thay vào đó trỏ đến nơi khác.
##### Người Sáng Tạo
- Chúng tôi muốn ghi công những người tạo ra các tài liệu miễn phí nếu thích hợp, bao gồm cả những người dịch!
- Đối với các tác phẩm đã dịch, tác giả gốc nên được ghi công.
- Chúng tôi không cho phép liên kết bởi Người sáng tạo.
- Đối với các tác phẩm tổng hợp hoặc phối lại, "người sáng tạo" có thể cần mô tả. Ví dụ: sách "GoalKicker" được ghi là "Được tổng hợp từ tài liệu StackOverflow"
##### Nền Tảng và Ghi Chú Truy Cập
- Các khóa học. Đặc biệt đối với danh sách khóa học của chúng tôi, nền tảng là một phần quan trọng của mô tả tài liệu. Điều này là do các nền tảng khóa học có khả năng chi trả và mô hình truy cập khác nhau. Mặc dù chúng tôi thường không liệt kê một cuốn sách yêu cầu đăng ký, nhưng nhiều nền tảng khóa học có khả năng chi trả không hoạt động nếu không có một số loại tài khoản. Các nền tảng khóa học ví dụ bao gồm Coursera, EdX, Udacity và Udemy. Khi một khóa học phụ thuộc vào một nền tảng, tên nền tảng phải được liệt kê trong ngoặc đơn.
- YouTube. Chúng tôi có nhiều khóa học bao gồm các danh sách phát trên YouTube. Chúng tôi không cho rằng Youtube như một nền tảng, chúng tôi cố gắng liệt kê người sáng tạo nội dung trên Youtube, thường là một nền tảng phụ.
- Video trên YouTube. Chúng tôi thường không có các liên kết đến các video YouTube riêng lẻ trừ khi chúng dài hơn một giờ và có cấu trúc giống như một khóa học hoặc một hướng dẫn.
- Leanpub. Leanpub lưu trữ sách với nhiều mô hình truy cập. Đôi khi một cuốn sách có thể được đọc mà không cần đăng ký; đôi khi một cuốn sách yêu cầu tài khoản Leanpub để được truy cập miễn phí. Do chất lượng của sách và sự hỗn hợp và tính linh hoạt của các mô hình truy cập Leanpub, chúng tôi cho phép liệt kê mô hình sau cùng với ghi chú truy cập *(yêu cầu tài khoản Leanpub hoặc email hợp lệ)*
#### Thể Loại
Quy tắc đầu tiên để quyết định tài liệu thuộc danh sách nào là xem tài liệu đó mô tả thế nào. Nếu nó tự gọi nó là một cuốn sách, thì có lẽ nó là một cuốn sách.
##### Các Thể Loại chúng tôi không liệt kê
Vì Internet rất rộng lớn, chúng tôi không đưa chúng vào danh sách của mình:
- blogs
- bài đăng trên blog
- bài viết
- các trang web (ngoại trừ những nơi lưu trữ RẤT NHIỀU tài liệu mà chúng tôi liệt kê.)
- video không phải là khóa học hoặc video truyền hình.
- các chương của cuốn sách
- các ví dụ khó từ sách
- IRC hoặc Telegram
- Slacks hoặc danh sách mail
Danh sách của chúng tôi không nghiêm ngặt về những loại trừ này. Phạm vi của repo được xác định bởi cộng đồng; nếu bạn muốn đề xuất thay đổi hoặc bổ sung, vui lòng tạo một Issue để đưa ra đề xuất.
##### Sách so với Nội dung khác
Chúng tôi không quá cầu kỳ về sách. Dưới đây là một số thuộc tính biểu thị rằng nguồn tài liệu là sách:
- nó có một ISBN
- nó có một Mục lục
- một phiên bản đã tải xuống, đặc biệt là ePub
- nó có các tái bản
- nó không phụ thuộc vào nội dung hoặc video tương tác
- nó cố gắng bao quát toàn diện một chủ đề
- nó khép kín
Có rất nhiều sách mà chúng tôi liệt kê không có các thuộc tính này; nó có thể phụ thuộc vào ngữ cảnh.
##### Sách so với các khóa học
Đôi khi chúng có thể khó phân biệt!
Các khóa học thường có sách giáo khoa liên quan, mà chúng tôi sẽ liệt kê trong danh sách sách của chúng tôi. Các khóa học có các bài giảng, bài tập, bài kiểm tra, ghi chú hoặc các hỗ trợ giáo khoa khác. Bản thân một bài giảng hoặc video không phải là một khóa học. Powerpoint không phải là một khóa học.
##### Hướng dẫn tương tác so với những thứ khác
Nếu bạn có thể in nó ra và giữ lại bản chất của nó, thì đó không phải là Hướng dẫn tương tác.
### Tự động hóa
- Việc thực thi quy tắc định dạng được tự động hóa qua [Travis CI]( sử dụng [fpb-lint]( (xem file [.travis.yml](.travis.yml))
- Sử dụng xác thực URL [awesome_bot](
- Để kích hoạt xác thực URL, hãy push một commit bao gồm một commit message chứa `check_urls=file_to_check`:
- Bạn có thể chỉ định nhiều tệp để kiểm tra, sử dụng một khoảng trắng duy nhất để tách từng mục nhập.
- Nếu bạn chỉ định nhiều hơn một tệp, kết quả của việc build sẽ dựa trên kết quả của tệp cuối cùng được kiểm tra. Bạn nên biết rằng bạn có thể nhận được bản build thành công, vì vậy hãy đảm bảo kiểm tra build log ở cuối pull request bằng cách nhấp vào "Show all checks" -> "Details".

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## 贡献者许可协议
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
* Sections(章节/段落)使用3级标题(`###`)subsections(子段落/子章节)使用4级标题 (`####`)。
#### 整体思想为:
#### 整体思想为:
* `2` 新添加的Section与末尾链接间必须留有`2`个空行
* `1` :标题和第一个链接之间必须留有`1`个空行的空行
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
* `1` :每个`.md`文件末尾必须留有`1`个空行
#### 举例:
#### 举例:

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## 貢獻者許可協議

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## Contributor License Agreement
By contributing you agree to the [LICENSE]( of this repository.
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ By contributing you agree to respect the [Code of Conduct](
4. Make sure to follow the [guidelines below](#guidelines) and respect the [Markdown formatting](#formatting) of the files.
5. Travis CI will run tests to make sure your lists are alphabetized and formatting rules are followed. Be sure to check that your changes pass the tests.
5. GitHub Actions will run tests to make sure your lists are alphabetized and formatting rules are followed. Be sure to check that your changes pass the tests.
### Guidelines
- make sure a book is free. Double-check if needed. It helps the admins if you comment in the PR as to why you think the book is free.
- we don't accept files hosted on google drive, dropbox, mega, scribd, issuu and other similar file upload platforms
- insert your links in alphabetical order. If you see a misplaced link, please reorder it and submit a PR
- use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
- use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning the author's website is better than the editor's website, which is better than a third party website)
+ no file hosting services (this includes (but is not limited to) Dropbox and Google Drive links)
- always prefer a `https` link over a `http` one -- as long as they are on the same domain and serve the same content
- on root domains, strip the trailing slash: `` instead of ``
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ By contributing you agree to respect the [Code of Conduct](
+ no URL shortener links
- usually prefer the "current" link over the "version" one: `` is better than ``
- if a link has an expired certificate/self-signed certificate/SSL issue of any other kind:
1. *replace it* with its `http` counterpart if possible (because accepting exceptions can be complicated on mobile devices)
2. *leave it* if no `http` version but link still accessible through `https` by adding an exception to the browser or ignoring the warning
3. *remove it* otherwise
1. *replace it* with its `http` counterpart if possible (because accepting exceptions can be complicated on mobile devices).
2. *leave it* if no `http` version is available but the link is still accessible through `https` by adding an exception to the browser or ignoring the warning.
3. *remove it* otherwise.
- if a link exists in multiple format, add a separate link with a note about each format
- if a resource exists at different places on the Internet
+ use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ By contributing you agree to respect the [Code of Conduct](
- All the lists start with an Index. The idea is to list and link all sections and subsections there. Keep it in alphabetical order.
- Sections are using level 3 headings (`###`), and subsections are level 4 headings (`####`).
The idea is to have
- `2` empty lines between last link and new section
- `1` empty line between heading & first link of its section
- `0` empty line between two links
- `1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file
The idea is to have:
- `2` empty lines between last link and new section.
- `1` empty line between heading & first link of its section.
- `0` empty line between two links.
- `1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file.
@ -116,11 +116,95 @@ GOOD: * [A Very Awesome Book (1970)]( - Jane Roe
- In-process books:
GOOD: * [Will Be Awesome Soon Book]( - John Doe (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
GOOD: * [Will Be An Awesome Book Soon]( - John Doe (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
### Notes
While the basics are relatively simple, there is a great diversity in the resources we list. Here are some notes on how we deal with this diversity.
#### Metadata
Our lists provide a minimal set of metadata: titles, URLs, creators, platforms, and access notes.
##### Titles
- No invented titles. We try to take titles from the resources themselves; contributors are admonished not to invent titles or use them editorially if this can be avoided. An exception is for older works; if they are primarily of historical interest, a year in parentheses appended to the title helps users know if they are of interest.
- No ALLCAPS titles. Usually title case is appropriate, but when doubt use the captitalization from the source
##### URLs
- We don't permit shortened URLs.
- Tracking codes must be removed from the URL.
- International URLs should be escaped. Browser bars typically render these to Unicode, but use copy and paste, please.
- Secure (https) URLs are always preferred over non-secure (http) urls where https has been implemented.
- We don't like URLs that point to webpages that don't host the listed resource, but instead point elsewhere.
##### Creators
- We want to credit the creators of free resources where appropriate, including translators!
- For translated works the original author should be credited.
- We do not permit links for Creators.
- For compilation or remixed works, the "creator" may need a description. For example, "GoalKicker" books are credited as "Compiled from StackOverflow documentation"
##### Platforms and Access Notes
- Courses. Especially for our course lists, the platform is an important part of the resource description. This is because course platforms have different affordances and access models. While we usually won't list a book that requires a registration, many course platforms have affordances that don't work without some sort of account. Example course platforms include Coursera, EdX, Udacity , and Udemy. When a course depends on a platform, the platform name should be listed in parentheses.
- YouTube. We have many courses which consist of YouTube playlists. We do not list Youtube as a platform, we try to list the Youtube creator, which is often a sub-platform.
- YouTube videos. We usually don't link to individual YouTube videos unless they are more than an hour long and are structured like a course or a tutorial.
- Leanpub. Leanpub hosts books with a variety of access models. Sometimes a book can be read without registration; sometimes a book requires a Leanpub account for free access. Given quality of the books and the mixture and fluidity of Leanpub access models, we permit listing of the latter with the access note *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
#### Genres
The first rule in deciding which list a resource belongs in is to see how the resource describes itself. If it calls itself a book, then maybe it's a book.
##### Genres we don't list
Because the Internet is vast, we don't include in our lists:
- blogs
- blog posts
- articles
- websites (except for those that host LOTS of items that we list.)
- videos that aren't courses or screencasts.
- book chapters
- teaser samples from books
- IRC or Telegram channels
- Slacks or mailing lists
Our competitive programming lists are not as strict about these exclusions. The scope of the repo is determined by the community; if you want to suggest a change or addition to the scope, please use an issue to make the suggestion.
##### Books vs. Other Stuff
We're not that fussy about book-ness. Here are some attributes that signify that a resource is a book:
- it has an ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- it has a Table of Contents
- a downloaded version, especially ePub, is offered
- it has editions
- it doesn't depend on interactive content or videos
- it tries to comprehensively cover a topic
- it's self-contained
There are lots of books that we list that don't have these attributes; it can depend on context.
##### Books vs. Courses
Sometimes these can be hard to distinguish!
Courses often have associated textbooks, which we would list in our books lists. Courses have lectures, exercises, tests, notes or other didactic aids. A single lecture or video by itself is not a course. A powerpoint is not a course.
##### Interactive Tutorials vs. Other stuff
If you can print it out and retain its essence, it's not an Interactive Tutorial.
### Automation
- Formatting rules enforcement is automated via [Travis CI]( using [fpb-lint]( (see [.travis.yml](.travis.yml))
- Formatting rules enforcement is automated via [GitHub Actions]( using [fpb-lint]( (see [.github/workflows/fpb-lint.yml](.github/workflows/fpb-lint.yml))
- URL validation uses [awesome_bot](
- To trigger URL validation, push a commit that includes a commit message containing `check_urls=file_to_check`:

17 Normal file
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Sea bienvenido a *Free-Programming-Books*! Damos una calurosa bienvenida a los nuevos colaboradores; incluso a aquellos que realizan su primera Pull Request (PR) en Github. Si es usted uno de ellos, aquí van algunos recursos que quizás le pueden ayudar:
* [Acerca de las Pull Requests](
* [Creando una Pull Request](
* [Github Hola Mundo]( *(en inglés)*
* [Youtube - Tutorial Github para principiantes]( *(en inglés)*
* [Youtube - Como bifurcar un repositorio GitHub y Enviar una Pull Request]( *(en inglés)*
* [Youtube - Curso intensivo de Markdown]( *(en inglés)*
No se quede nunca con la duda, ni tenga miedo de hacer preguntas; todo colaborador que usted ve en el repositorio, comenzó en su día con una primera PR. ¡Qué tal si es nuestro mil-milésimo primer!
Incluso si ya tiene algo de experiencia como colaborador en otros proyectos de código abierto, hay algunas cosas que pueden hacerle dar un traspiés. Una vez enviada su PR, *Travis-CI* ejecutará un *linter*; el cuál se encarga a menudo de encontrar pequeños problemas con el espaciado, enlazado, sintáxis o la alfabetización. Si al finalizar este proceso de integración contínua se enciende la luz verde, es que todo está listo para su revisión; pero si no, haga clic en los enlaces que proporciona para averiguar qué fue exactamente lo que falló. Solucione dicho problema y agregue los cambios a la PR mediante un nuevo commit.
Por último, si no está del todo seguro de si el recurso que desea agregar es apropiado para *Free-Programming-Books*, lea detenidamente las pautas que puede encontrar en [CONTRIBUTING](

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به Free-Programming-Books خوش آمدید! ما به مشارکت‌کنندگان جدید خوش‌آمد می‌گوییم. حتی آنهایی که اولین پول‌ریکوئست خود را در گیت‌هاب می‌گذارند. اگر شما هم یکی از آنهایید، منابع زیر می‌توانند به شما کمک کنند.
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@
حتی اگر مشارکت‌کننده‌ی باتجربه‌ی پروژه‌های متن‌باز هستید، چیزهایی هست که شاید سطح شما را بالاتر ببرد. وقتی پی‌آر خود را ثبت می‌کنید، Travis-CI یک linter اجرا می‌کند که معمولا مشکلات فاصله‌گذاری یا ترتیب الفبایی را کشف می‌کند. اگر دکمه‌ی سبز را دیدید، یعنی همه چیز برای بازبینی آماده است، در غیر این صورت، روی لینک تراویس بزنید تا بفهمید لینتر چه چیزی را دوست نداشته است. مشکل را حل کنید و یک کامیت به پی‌آر خود اضافه کن.
در پایان، اگر مطمئن نیستید که منبعی که می‌خواهید اضافه کنید، برای Free-Programming-Books مناسب باشد، راهنماهای [CONTRIBUTING](/ را بخوانید.
در پایان، اگر مطمئن نیستید که منبعی که می‌خواهید اضافه کنید، برای Free-Programming-Books مناسب باشد، راهنماهای [CONTRIBUTING]( را بخوانید.

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Lisez ceci dans d'autres langues: [English](, [Español](, [简体中文](, [हिन्दी](, [繁體中文](, [Português (BR)](, [فارسی](
Bienvenue à Free-Programming-Books! Nous souhaitons la bienvenue aux nouveaux contributeurs; même ceux qui font leur toute première pull request sur Github. Si vous faites partie de ceux-ci, voici quelques ressources qui pourraient vous aider:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ N'hésitez pas à poser des questions; chaque contributeur a commencé par un pr
Même si vous êtes un contributeur open source expérimenté, il y a des choses qui peuvent vous trébucher. Une fois que vous avez soumis votre PR, Travis-CI exécutera un linter, trouvant souvent de petits problèmes d'espacement ou d'alphabétisation. Si vous obtenez un bouton vert, tout est prêt pour l'examen, mais sinon, cliquez sur le lien travis pour découvrir ce que le linter n'a pas aimé. Résolvez le problème et ajoutez un commit à votre PR.
Enfin, si vous n'êtes pas sûr que la ressource que vous souhaitez ajouter soit appropriée pour Free-Programming-Books, lisez les instructions dans [CONTRIBUTING] (/
Enfin, si vous n'êtes pas sûr que la ressource que vous souhaitez ajouter soit appropriée pour Free-Programming-Books, lisez les instructions dans [CONTRIBUTING](

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इस लेख को अन्य भाषाओं में पढ़ें[English](, [简体中文](, [繁體中文](, [Português (BR)](, [فارسی](
इस लेख को अन्य भाषाओं में पढ़ें: [English](, [Français](, [Español](, [简体中文](, [繁體中文](, [Português (BR)](, [فارسی](
फ्री-प्रोग्रामिंग-पुस्तकों में आपका स्वागत है! हम नए योगदानकर्ताओं का स्वागत करते हैं; यहां तक ​​कि उन लोगों के लिए जो गिथब पर अपना पहला पुल अनुरोध करते हैं। यदि आप उनमें से एक हैं, तो यहां कुछ संसाधन हैं जो मदद कर सकते हैं:
* [About Pull Requests](
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
यहां तक ​​कि अगर आप एक अनुभवी ओपन सोर्स योगदानकर्ता हैं, तो ऐसी चीजें हैं जो आपको यात्रा कर सकती हैं। एक बार जब आप अपना पीआर सबमिट कर देते हैं, तो ट्रैविस-सीआई एक लाइनर चलाएगा, अक्सर रिक्ति या वर्णमाला के साथ छोटे मुद्दों को ढूंढता है। यदि आपको एक हरा बटन मिलता है, तो सब कुछ समीक्षा के लिए तैयार है, लेकिन यदि नहीं, तो यह जानने के लिए ट्रैविस लिंक पर क्लिक करें कि लिंटर को क्या पसंद नहीं था। समस्या को ठीक करें और अपने पीआर के लिए एक प्रतिबद्धता जोड़ें।
अंत में, यदि आप सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि जिस संसाधन को आप जोड़ना चाहते हैं, वह फ्री-प्रोग्रामिंग-बुक्स के लिए उपयुक्त है,[CONTRIBUTING](/ में दिशानिर्देशों के माध्यम से पढ़ें।
अंत में, यदि आप सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि जिस संसाधन को आप जोड़ना चाहते हैं, वह फ्री-प्रोग्रामिंग-बुक्स के लिए उपयुक्त है,[CONTRIBUTING]( में दिशानिर्देशों के माध्यम से पढ़ें।

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Welcome to Free-Programming-Books! We welcome new contributors; even those making their very first pull request on Github. If you're one of those, here are some resources that might help:
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Don't hesitate to ask questions; every contributor started with a first PR. You could be our thousandth!
Even if you're an experienced open source contributor, there are things that might trip you up. Once you've submitted your PR, Travis-CI will run a linter, often finding little issues with spacing or alphabetization. If you get a green button, everything is ready for review, but if not, click on the travis link to find out what the linter didn't like. Fix the problem and add a commit to your PR.
Even if you're an experienced open source contributor, there are things that might trip you up. Once you've submitted your PR, GitHub Actions will run a linter, often finding little issues with spacing or alphabetization. If you get a green button, everything is ready for review, but if not, click "Details" under the check that failed to find out what the linter didn't like. Fix the problem and add a commit to your PR.
Finally, if you're not sure that the resource you want to add is appropriate for Free-Programming-Books, read through the guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING](/
Finally, if you're not sure that the resource you want to add is appropriate for Free-Programming-Books, read through the guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING](

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## Intro
This list was originally a clone of [StackOverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books]( with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
This list was originally a clone of [StackOverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books]( with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
The list was moved to GitHub by Victor Felder for collaborative updating and maintenance. It has grown to become one of [Github's most popular repositories](, with 160,000+ stars, 6000+ commits, 1600+ contributors, and 39,000+ forks.
The list was moved to GitHub by Victor Felder for collaborative updating and maintenance. It has grown to become one of [GitHub's most popular repositories](, with 200,000+ stars, 6100+ commits, 1600+ contributors, and 43,000+ forks.
The [Free Ebook Foundation]( now administers the repo, a not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting the creation, distribution, archiving, and sustainability of free ebooks. [Donations]( to the Free Ebook Foundation are tax-deductible in the US.
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Please read [CONTRIBUTING](/ If you're new to GitHub, [welcome](/!
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theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
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#theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
remote_theme: pages-themes/minimal@v0.2.0
# [Used rubygem plugins]
- jekyll-remote-theme
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enabled: true
collections: true

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### Index
* [Arduino](#arduino)
* [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [HTML/CSS](#htmlcss)
* [Introduction to Programming in Arabic](#introduction-to-programming-in-arabic)
@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Security](#security)
* [SEO](#seo)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [UI/UX](#uiux)
@ -25,6 +28,11 @@
* [كتاب احترف الأردوينو]( (PDF)
### Artificial Intelligence
* [مدخل إلى الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة](
### C Sharp
* [سبيلك المختصر لتعلم لغة c# - برمجة الواجهات]( - Khaled Al-Saadani (Arab Coders Academy)
@ -38,7 +46,7 @@
### Introduction to Programming in Arabic
* [مختصر دليل لغات البرمجة ]( (PDF)
* [مختصر دليل لغات البرمجة]( (PDF)
### JavaScript
@ -48,8 +56,8 @@
### Linux
* [أوبنتو السهل](
* [الإدارة المتقدمة لجنو/لينكس ](
* [أوبنتو السهل](
* [دفتر مدير دبيان](
* [دليل إدارة خواديم أوبنتو](دليل-إدارة-خواديم-أوبنتو/)
@ -104,6 +112,7 @@
* [تأمين الشبكات اللاسلكية للمستخدم المنزلي](
* [تقنيات الاختراق المادي](
* [دليل الأمان الرقمي](
* [عُدَّة الأمان الرقمي](
@ -112,6 +121,16 @@
* [تحسين محركات البحث SEO - دليل المبتدئين](
### SQL
* [ملاحظات للعاملين بلغة SQL](
#### PostgreSQL
* [الدليل العملي إلى قواعد بيانات PostgreSQL](
### UI/UX
* [مدخل إلى تجربة المستخدم](مدخل-إلى-تجربة-المستخدم-user-experience-ux/)

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-plus-plus)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
@ -11,29 +11,29 @@
### C
* [Програмиране = ++Алгоритми;]( - Преслав Наков и Панайот Добриков
* [ANSI C - Курс за начинаещи]( - Димо Петков
* [ANSI C - Пълен справочник]( - Димо Петков
* [Програмиране = ++Алгоритми;]( - Преслав Наков и Панайот Добриков
* [ANSI C - Курс за начинаещи]( - Димо Петков
* [ANSI C - Пълен справочник]( - Димо Петков
### C Sharp
* [Основи на програмирането със C#]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Принципи на програмирането със C#]( - Светлин Наков, Веселин Колев и колектив
* [Програмиране за .NET Framework]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Принципи на програмирането със C#]( - Светлин Наков, Веселин Колев и колектив
* [Програмиране за .NET Framework]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
### C Plus Plus
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Основи на програмирането със C++]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
### Java
* [Въведение в програмирането с Java]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Интернет програмиране с Java]( - Светлин Наков
* [Въведение в програмирането с Java]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Интернет програмиране с Java]( - Светлин Наков
* [Основи на програмирането с Java]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Java за цифрово подписване на документи в уеб]( - Светлин Наков
* [Java за цифрово подписване на документи в уеб]( - Светлин Наков
### JavaScript

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@ -1,43 +1,184 @@
### Index
* [Android](#android)
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
* [C](#c)
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [Competitive Programming](#competitive-programming)
* [JavaScript](#JavaScript)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Dart](#dart)
* [Git](#git)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [Kotlin](#kotlin)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
* [OOP](#oop)
* [PHP](#php)
* [Python](#python)
* [ReactJS](#reactjs)
* [Svelte](#svelte)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Visual Studio Code](#visual-studio-code)
### Android
* [Android Bangla Tutorials]( - Anisul Islam
* [Android Firebase Bangla Tutorials]( - Anisul Islam
* [Android SQLite Database Bangla Tutorials]( - Anisul Islam
* [Android Tutorials Material Design]( - Anisul Islam
### Bootstrap
* [Bootstrap 4 Bangla Tutorial]( - Stack Learner
* [Bootstrap 5 and 4 Bangla Tutorials]( - Anisul Islam
### C
* [C - All you need to know]( - Stack Learner
* [C Programming Bangla Tutorial Course]( - Anisul Islam
* [Computer Programming]( - Tamim Shahriar Subeen
* [Pattern Printing in C]( - Anisul Islam
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ Bangla Tutorial Course]( - Anisul Islam
### C Sharp
* [C# and ASP.NET MVC Full Bangla Tutorial BITM]( - Learn With Nirash
* [C# bangla tutorial | Basic to advance in depth bangla course]( - Learn Hunter
* [C# OOP (object oriented programming) BanglaTutorials]( - Asp Dot Net Explorer
### Competitive Programming
* [Dynamic Programming Book]( - Tasmeem Reza and Mamnoon Siam
* [Dynamic Programming Book]( - Tasmeem Reza and Mamnoon Siam
### CSS
* [CSS Complete Course in Bangla 2021]( - Anisul Islam
* [CSS3 and CSS4 Weird Parts Bangla Tutorial]( - Stack Learner
### Dart
* [Dart All You Need To Know]( - Stack Learner
### Git
* [Crash Course - সহজ বাংলায় Git & GitHub - Bangla ( বাংলা ) Tutorial]( - Learn with Sumit
* [Git and Github in One Video (Theory + Practical) | A 2 Z in Bangla]( - SHAJ.T3CH
* [Git Bangla Tutorial Complete]( - Stack Learner
### HTML
* [HTML Complete Course in Bangla 2021(Beginner to Advanced)]( - Anisul Islam
### Java
* [Java Bangla Tutorials | CORE Java | Complete OOP]( - Anisul Islam
* [Java Swing Bangla Tutorials]( - Anisul Islam
### JavaScript
* [Express JS Crash Course in Bangla]( - Stack Learner
* [Functional JavaScript Bangla Tutorial]( - Stack Learner
* [JavaScript All You Need to Know | JS Bangla Tutorial | Stack Learner]( - Stack Learner
* [JavaScript Bangla Tutorial Course 2021]( - Anisul Islam
* [JavaScript Behind The Scene Bangla Tutorial]( - Stack Learner
* [JavaScript Full Playlist With Order]( - Stack Learner
* [Make Fun of JavaScript Array]( - Stack Learner
* [হাতেকলমে জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট]( - Zonayed Ahmed
### jQuery
* [jQuery Bangla Series for Beginners]( - Anisul Islam
### Kotlin
* [Chapter 1 : Kotlin Basic Concepts Bangla]( - Stack Learner
### Machine Learning
* [শূন্য থেকে পাইথন মেশিন লার্নিং : হাতেকলমে সাইকিট-লার্ন]( - Rakibul Hassan
* [হাতে কলমে মেশিন লার্নিং ১]( - Rakibul Hassan
### NodeJS
* [Dive Into NodeJS]( - Stack Learner
### OOP
* [Java and OOO. Learn Object Oriented with Real Example]( - Stack Learner
* [Java and OOP Basics]( - Stack Learner
* [Java and OOP: Java Built in Classes and Features]( - Stack Learner
* [Object Oriented Programming Main Theory in Bangla]( - Stack Learner
### Misc
* [SL3 Framework - Code For Brain]( - Stack Learners
* [ডেভসংকেত: বাংলা চিটশিটের ভান্ডার]( - Devsonket Team
### PHP
* [PHP All You Need To Know]( - Stack Learner
### Python
* [Python All You Need To Know]( - Stack Learner
* [Python Bangla Tutorials for Beginners]( - Anisul Islam
* [পাইথন প্রোগ্রামিং বই]( - Tamim Shahriar Subeen
* [বাংলায় পাইথন]( - Nuhil Mehdy
* [সহজ ভাষায় পাইথন ৩]( - Maksudur Rahman Maateen
### ReactJS
* [React - Redux Complete Course]( - Stack Learner
* [Understand ReactJS Advanced Features]( - Stack Learner
* [Understand ReactJS Core Features]( - Stack Learner
### Svelte
* [Svelte 3: The Game Changer (Bangla Crash Course)]( - Stack Learner
### TypeScript
* [TypeScript: All You Need To Know]( - Stack Learner
### Visual Studio Code
* [VSCode Complete Tutorial Series | VSCode টিউটোরিয়াল সিরিজ]( - Stack Learner

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Git](#git)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Java](#java)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* [Systémové programování v jazyce C#]( (PDF)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Moderní programování objektových aplikací v C++]( (PDF)
* [Objektové programování v C++]( (PDF)

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* [Assembly Language](#assembly-language)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Component Pascal](#component-pascal)
* [Git](#git)
* [Go](#go)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [React](#react)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Mathematik](#mathematik)
* [Meta-Lists](#meta-lists)
* [MySQL](#mysql)
* [Neo4j](#neo4j)
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
* [Visual C# 2012]( - Andreas Kühnel (Online)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Die Boost C++ Bibliotheken]( - Boris Schäling (Online)
* [Lean Testing für C++-Programmierer (2018)]( - Andreas Spillner, Ulrich Breymann (PDF)
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@
* [Effektiv Go Programmieren]( (Online)
* [Eine Tour durch Go](
* [Erstelle Webanwendungen mit Go](
* [The Little Go Book]( - Karl Seguin, Aaron Ebnöther ([HTML](
### Groovy
@ -149,6 +151,11 @@
* [LaTeX : Referenz der Umgebungen, Makros, Längen und Zähler](
### Mathematik
* [Calcul mathématique avec SAGE]( - Paul Zimmermann et al. (PDF)
### Meta-Lists
* [Galileo Computing - openbook](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Java](#java)
* [Pascal](#pascal)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* [Object-oriented Programming in C#]( - Kurt Nørmark (PDF)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Notes about C++]( - Kurt Nørmark (HTML)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* [Sistemas Operativos](#sistemas-operativos)
* [Android](#android)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Coffeescript](#coffeescript)
* [Emacs](#emacs)
* [Ensamblador](#ensamblador)
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
* [React](#react)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Matemáticas](#matem%C3%A1ticas)
* [.NET (C# Visual Studio)](#net-c--visual-studio)
* [NoSQL](#nosql)
* [MongoDB](#mongodb)
@ -47,12 +48,15 @@
* [SQL](#sql)
* [Subversion](#subversion)
* [SVG](#svg)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### 0 - Meta-Listas
* [Aprender Python]( - Python Argentina
* [Apuntes Completos de Desarrollo Web]( - Jorge Sánchez
* [Asombroso DDD: Una lista curada de recursos sobre Domain Driven Design](
* [Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web - Temario Completo]( - José Luis Comesaña (Github)
* [Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web y Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes]( - Javier García Escobedo
* [Gitbook - Libros útiles en español](ñol--) (Github)
@ -127,7 +131,7 @@
* [Introducción a la programación con C]( (PDF) (descarga directa)
### C++
### <a name="cpp"></a>C++
* [Aprenda C++ avanzado como si estuviera en primero]( (PDF)
* [Aprenda C++ básico como si estuviera en primero]( (PDF)
@ -160,11 +164,12 @@
* [Git. La guía simple]( (HTML)
* [Gitmagic](
* [Pro Git](
* [Pro Git v2](
### Go
* [El pequeño libro Go]( - Karl Seguin (HTML, PDF, EPUB)
* [El pequeño libro Go]( - Karl Seguin, Raúl Expósito (HTML, [PDF](, [EPUB](
* [Go en Español]( - Nacho Pacheco (HTML)
@ -195,7 +200,7 @@
* [Notas de Introducción al Lenguaje de Programación Java (2004)]( - Jorge L. Ortega Arjona (PDF)
* [Pensando la computación como un científico (con Java)]( (PDF)
* [PlugIn Apache Tapestry: desarrollo de aplicaciones y páginas web]( (PDF) [(ePub, Mobi, HTML)](
* [Prácticas d Java (2009)]( (PDF)
* [Prácticas de Java (2009)]( (PDF)
* [Preparando JavaSun 6 - OCPJP6](ñol) - Pablo Reyes Almagro (Github) [(PDF)](
* [Programación en Java]( (HTML)
* [Tutorial básico de Java EE]( (PDF)
@ -216,7 +221,12 @@
#### AngularJS
> :information_source: Véase también &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [¿Cómo aprender AngularJS?]( (HTML)
* [AngularJS]( - Elad Rodriguez (HTML) (Gitbook)
* [Guía de estilo AngularJS]( - John Papa et al. (HTML)
* [Manual de AngularJS]( - (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle)
#### D3.js
@ -256,6 +266,11 @@
* [El Manual del Administrador de Debian]( (HTML) [(PDF, ePub, Mobi)](
### Matemáticas
* [Sage para Estudiantes de Pregrado]( - Gregory Bard
### .NET (C# / Visual Studio)
* [El lenguaje de programación C#]( (PDF)
@ -277,6 +292,7 @@
### PHP
* [Domain Driven Design with PHP (Diseño guiado por Dominio con PHP)]( - Carlos Buenosvinos Zamora (Youtube playlist)
* [Manual de estudio introductorio al lenguaje PHP procedural]( (PDF)
* [PHP y Programación orientada a objetos]( (HTML)
* [POO y MVC en PHP]( (Bubok)
@ -307,7 +323,7 @@
* [Aprenda a pensar como un programador (con Python)]( (PDF)
* [Doma de Serpientes para Niños: Aprendiendo a Programar con Python]( (HTML)
* [Inmersión en Python]( (HTML)
* [Inmersión en Python]( (HTML)
* [Inmersión en Python 3]( (PDF) (descarga directa)
* [Introducción a la programación con Python]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a Programando con Python]( (HTML)
@ -342,7 +358,7 @@
### R
* [Cartas sobre Estadística de la Revista Argentina de Bioingeniería]( (PDF)
* [Generacion automática de reportes con R y LaTeX]( (PDF)
* [Generación automática de reportes con R y LaTeX]( (PDF)
* [Gráficos Estadísticos con R]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a R]( (PDF)
* [Introducción al uso y programación del sistema estadístico R]( (PDF)
@ -377,3 +393,22 @@
### SVG
* [Scalable. Un libro sobre SVG]( (Leanpub cuenta requerida)
### TypeScript
* [Aprendizaje TypeScript]( - riptutorial (PDF)
* [Introduccion a TypeScript]( - Emmanuel Valverde Ramos (HTML) (GitBook)
* [TypeScript Deep Dive]( - Basarat Ali Syed, Melissa Rofman (HTML) (GitBook)
* [Uso avanzado de TypeScript en un ejemplo real]( - Nelio Software (HTML)
#### Angular
> :information_source: Véase también &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 2]( - Raúl López (HTML) (Gitbook)
* [Aprendiendo Angular]( - Vanessa Aristizabal (HTML) (Gitbook)
* [Aprendizaje Angular]( - riptutorial (PDF)
* [Aprendizaje Angular 2]( - riptutorial (PDF)
* [Entendiendo Angular]( - Jorge Cano (HTML, [:package: ejemplos]( (Gitbook)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Vue](#vue)
* [PHP](#php)
* [Python](#python)
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
* [Javascript]( - Ella Puman, Tartu ÜLikooli õppematerjal
##### Angular
#### AngularJS
* [Angular]( - Tallinna Ülikooli õppematerjal
* [AngularJS raamistiku õppematerjal]( - Tallinna Ülikooli, Sander Leetus (PDF)
##### Vue
#### Vue
* [Vue]( - Tallinna ülikooli õppematerjal

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
### فهرست
* [رایانش ابری](#%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B1%DB%8C)
* [مهندسی نرم‌افزار](#%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85%E2%80%8C%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
@ -8,12 +10,22 @@
* [Symfony](#symfony)
* [Python](#python)
* [R](#r)
* [رایانش ابری](#%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B1%DB%8C)
* [مهندسی نرم‌افزار](#%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85%E2%80%8C%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1)
### CSS
### رایانش ابری
* [رایانش ابری]( (PDF)
### شبکه
* آلبرت لازلو باراباسی - [علم شبکه](
### مهندسی نرم‌افزار
* [الگوهای طراحی در برنامه‌نویسی شیء‌گرا](
* [ترجمه آزاد کتاب کد تمیز]( - Robert C. Martin et al.### CSS
* [یادگیری پیکربندی با CSS](
@ -25,8 +37,8 @@
### JavaScript
* [یادگیری اصولی جاواسکریپت](
* مارین هاوربک - [جاوااسکریپت شیوا]( (HTML)
* [یادگیری اصولی جاواسکریپت](
### LaTeX
@ -53,17 +65,3 @@
* [موضعات ویژه در R]( (PDF)
### رایانش ابری
* [رایانش ابری]( (PDF)
### شبکه
* آلبرت لازلو باراباسی - [علم شبکه](
### مهندسی نرم‌افزار
* [الگوهای طراحی در برنامه‌نویسی شیء‌گرا](
* [ترجمه آزاد کتاب کد تمیز]( - Robert C. Martin et al.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* [C](#c)
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [MySQL](#mysql)
* [OpenGL](#opengl)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
* [Ohjelmointi 1: C#]( - Martti Hyvönen, Vesa Lappalainen, Antti-Jussi Lakanen (PDF)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++]( - Wikikirjasto
* [C++-ohjelmointi](
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
### R
* [Ohjelmointi ja tilastolliset menetelmät]( - Jarmo Hurri (PDF)
* [R: Opas ekologeille]( - Jari Oksanen (PDF)
* [R: Opas ekologeille]( - Jari Oksanen (PDF)
### Ruby

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
* [Caml](#caml)
* [Coq](#coq)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Fortran](#fortran)
* [Git](#git)
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [Java](#java)
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
* [TeX](#tex)
* [Lisp](#lisp)
* [Lua](#lua)
* [Mathématiques](#math%C3%A9matiques)
* [Meteor](#meteor)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [PHP](#php)
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@
### Bash / Shell
* [Guide avancé d'écriture des scripts Bash](
* [La programmation Shell]( - Frederic Lang, Idriss Neumann
### Caml
@ -123,6 +126,15 @@
* [Apprendre les mises en page CSS](
### Fortran
* [IDRIS adaptation of the Fortran 77 manual]( - IDRIS, Hervé Delouis, Patrick Corde (HTML)
* [IDRIS Formations Fortran: documentation]( (HTML)
* [Fortran_Avancé : "Fortran : apports des normes 90 et 95 avec quelques aspects de la norme 2003" (2ème niveau)]( - Patrick Corde, Hervé Delouis (PDF) ([:package: travaux pratiques](
* [Fortran_Base : "Fortran : notions de base" (1er niveau)]( - Anne Fouilloux, Patrick Corde (PDF) ([:package: examples du support](, [:package: travaux pratiques](
* [Fortran_Expert : "Fortran : apports de la norme 2003 avec quelques aspects de la norme 2008"]( - Patrick Corde, Hervé Delouis (PDF) ([:package: examples du support](, [:package: travaux pratiques](
### Git
* [Git Magic]( - Alexandre Garel, Paul Gaborit et Nicolas Deram
@ -139,7 +151,7 @@
### JavaScript
* [JavaScript Éloquent : Une introduction moderne à la programmation]( - Marijn Haverbeke
* [Node.Js: Apprendre par la pratique]( - Thomas Parisot
* [Node.Js: Apprendre par la pratique]( - Thomas Parisot
### jQuery
@ -196,6 +208,11 @@
* [Traité de programmation en Common Lisp]( - Robert Strandh et Irène Durand
### Mathématiques
* [Calcul mathématique avec Sage]( - Paul Zimmermann et al.
### Lua
* [Introduction à la programmation Lua](
@ -245,6 +262,7 @@
### R
* [Introduction à l'analyse d'enquête avec R et RStudio]( - Jospeh Lamarange et al. (PDF version also available)
* [Introduction à la programmation en R]( - Vincent Goulet (PDF)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
### Index
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c++)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Java](#java)
* [Javascript](#javascript)
* [Python](#python)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* [Διαδικαστικός προγραμματισμός]( - Μαστοροκώστας Πάρις (PDF)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Εισαγωγή στη C++]( (PDF)
* [Προγραμματισμός με τη γλώσσα C++]( - Θεόδωρος Αλεβίζος (PDF)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* [0 - Programozási nyelv független](#0---programozasi-nyelv-fuggetlen)
* [Ada](#ada)
* [Arduino](#arduino)
* [C++](#c)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [HTML / CSS](#html-css)
* [Java](#java)
* [Lego Mindstorms](#lego-mindstorms)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* [Arduino programozási kézikönyv]( - Brian W. Evans írása alapján fordította, kiegészítette és frissítette Cseh Róbert (PDF - regisztráció szükséges)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Fejlett programozási technikák]( - Antal Margit (PDF)

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@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
* [Android](#android)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#cplusplus)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CodeIgniter](#codeigniter)
* [Deno](#deno)
* [Emacs](#emacs)
* [Git](#git)
* [Go](#go)
@ -18,6 +17,9 @@
* [PHP](#php)
* [Python](#python)
* [React](#react)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Deno](#deno)
* [Vue](#vue)
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@
* [Menguasai Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek Dengan Bahasa C#](
### <a id="cplusplus"></a> C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Belajar C++ Dasar Bahasa Indonesia]( - Kelas Terbuka
* [Koding C++ Dengan Qt]( *(Membutuhkan akun Leanpub atau email yang valid)*
@ -45,11 +47,6 @@
* [Tutorial CodeIgniter 4](
### Deno
* [Belajar Dengan Jenius Deno]( - Gun Gun Febrianza (PDF)
### Emacs
* [Dokumentasi Emacs Bahasa Indonesia](
@ -84,7 +81,6 @@
### JavaScript
* [Belajar TypeScript]( *(Membutuhkan akun Leanpub atau email yang valid)*
* [Mengenal JavaScript](
* [Otomatisasi dengan gulp.js](
* [Tutorial Dasar Javascript untuk Pemula]( *(Dalam Proses)*
@ -144,6 +140,22 @@
* [Dokumentasi React Bahasa Indonesia](
### TypeScript
* [Belajar TypeScript]( *(Membutuhkan akun Leanpub atau email yang valid)*
#### Angular
* [Tutorial Angular Indonesia]( - Degananda Ferdian Priyambada (HTML)
* [Tutorial Series Belajar Angular 2019]( - Bewok Satu Kosong (HTML)
#### Deno
* [Belajar Dengan Jenius Deno]( - Gun Gun Febrianza (PDF)
### Vue
* [Dokumentasi Vue Bahasa Indonesia](

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@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
* [Sistemi](#sistemi)
* [Storia dell'informatica](#storia-dellinformatica)
* [Android](#android)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Assembly Language](#assembly-language)
* [BASH](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-plus-plus)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Database](#database)
* [NoSQL](#nosql)
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@
* [HTML](#html)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Kotlin](#kotlin)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Linux](#linux)
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [UML](#uml)
* [Visual Basic](#visual-basic)
@ -74,11 +76,6 @@
* [Guida Android]( (HTML)
### Angular
* [Guida di Angular 5]( - Fabio Guerrazzi (PDF)
### Assembly Language
* [PC Assembly Language]( - Paul A. Carter
@ -103,7 +100,7 @@
* [ABC# - Guida alla programmazione]( - A. Pelleriti (PDF)
### C Plus Plus
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Corso C++ standard]( - (PDF)
* [Il linguaggio C++]( - (PDF)
@ -140,6 +137,12 @@
* [Guida linguaggio SQL]( (HTML)
### Golang
* [Golang]( - V.Albertoni (PDF)
* [The Little Go Book]( - Karl Seguin, Francesco Malatesta ([HTML](
### HTML
* [Canoro sito]( (PDF)
@ -147,15 +150,10 @@
* [INFN di Milano]( (PDF)
### Golang
* [Golang]( - V.Albertoni (PDF)
### Java
* [Appendici del manuale di Java 9]( - C. De Sio Cesari (PDF)
* [Esercitazioni di Spring Boot]( - M. Cicolella (HTML)
* [Esercitazioni di Spring Boot]( - M. Cicolella (HTML)
* [Esercizi del manuale di Java 9]( - C. De Sio Cesari (PDF)
* [Esercizi di Java Avanzato]( - M. Faella (PDF)
* [Fondamenti di informatica - Java - Eserciziario]( (PDF)
@ -173,6 +171,15 @@
* [Corso completo Javascript]( - []( _Anno di pubblicazione_ 2005 (PDF)
* [Guida Completa sviluppo lato Client]( (PDF) (Includo anche Jquery)
* [Guida di riferimento]( (PDF)
* [Guida Javascript]( - Andrea Chiarelli, Davide Brognoli, Alberto Bottarini, Ilario Valdelli (HTML)
#### AngularJS
> :information_source: Vedi anche &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS, il supereroe dei framework JavaScript ...di Google]( - Andrea Chiarelli (HTML)
* [Guida AngularJS]( - Andrea Chiarelli (HTML)
### Kotlin
@ -243,6 +250,21 @@
* [Ruby User Guide](
### TypeScript
* [Guida TypeScript]( - Andrea Chiarelli (HTML)
* [TypeScript Deep Dive]( - Basarat Ali Syed, Luca Campana (HTML) (GitBooks)
#### Angular
> :information_source: Vedi anche &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Applicazioni con Angular e PHP, la guida]( - Lorenzo De Ambrosis (HTML)
* [Guida Angular 2]( - Andrea Chiarelli (HTML)
* [Guida di Angular 5]( - Fabio Guerrazzi (PDF)
### UML
* [Appunti di UML]( (PDF)

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@ -6,24 +6,25 @@
* [ガベージコレクション](#%e3%82%ac%e3%83%99%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b8%e3%82%b3%e3%83%ac%e3%82%af%e3%82%b7%e3%83%a7%e3%83%b3)
* [グラフィックスプログラミング](#%e3%82%b0%e3%83%a9%e3%83%95%e3%82%a3%e3%83%83%e3%82%af%e3%82%b9%e3%83%97%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b0%e3%83%a9%e3%83%9f%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0)
* [グラフィックユーザーインターフェイス](#%e3%82%b0%e3%83%a9%e3%83%95%e3%82%a3%e3%83%83%e3%82%af%e3%83%a6%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b6%e3%83%bc%e3%82%a4%e3%83%b3%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%83%95%e3%82%a7%e3%82%a4%e3%82%b9)
* [コンテナ](#%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%86%E3%83%8A)
* [セキュリティ](#%e3%82%bb%e3%82%ad%e3%83%a5%e3%83%aa%e3%83%86%e3%82%a3)
* [その他の話題](#%e3%81%9d%e3%81%ae%e4%bb%96%e3%81%ae%e8%a9%b1%e9%a1%8c)
* [ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ](#%e3%82%bd%e3%83%95%e3%83%88%e3%82%a6%e3%82%a7%e3%82%a2%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e3%82%ad%e3%83%86%e3%82%af%e3%83%81%e3%83%a3)
* [ソフトウェア品質](#%e3%82%bd%e3%83%95%e3%83%88%e3%82%a6%e3%82%a7%e3%82%a2%e5%93%81%e8%b3%aa)
* [ソフトウェア開発方法論](#%e3%82%bd%e3%83%95%e3%83%88%e3%82%a6%e3%82%a7%e3%82%a2%e9%96%8b%e7%99%ba%e6%96%b9%e6%b3%95%e8%ab%96)
* [ソフトウェア品質](#%e3%82%bd%e3%83%95%e3%83%88%e3%82%a6%e3%82%a7%e3%82%a2%e5%93%81%e8%b3%aa)
* [データベース](#%e3%83%87%e3%83%bc%e3%82%bf%e3%83%99%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b9)
* [ネットワーキング](#%e3%83%8d%e3%83%83%e3%83%88%e3%83%af%e3%83%bc%e3%82%ad%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0)
* [並列プログラミング](#%e4%b8%a6%e5%88%97%e3%83%97%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b0%e3%83%a9%e3%83%9f%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0)
* [機械学習](#%e6%a9%9f%e6%a2%b0%e5%ad%a6%e7%bf%92)
* [正規表現](#%e6%ad%a3%e8%a6%8f%e8%a1%a8%e7%8f%be)
* [理論計算機科学](#%e7%90%86%e8%ab%96%e8%a8%88%e7%ae%97%e6%a9%9f%e7%a7%91%e5%ad%a6)
* [組み込みシステム](#%e7%b5%84%e3%81%bf%e8%be%bc%e3%81%bf%e3%82%b7%e3%82%b9%e3%83%86%e3%83%a0)
* [並列プログラミング](#%e4%b8%a6%e5%88%97%e3%83%97%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b0%e3%83%a9%e3%83%9f%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0)
* [理論計算機科学](#%e7%90%86%e8%ab%96%e8%a8%88%e7%ae%97%e6%a9%9f%e7%a7%91%e5%ad%a6)
* [Android](#android)
* [AppleScript](#applescript)
* [AWK](#awk)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript)
* [Common Lisp](#common-lisp)
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
* [iOS](#ios)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Backbone.js](#backbonejs)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
* [Swift](#swift)
* [Tcl/Tk](#tcltk)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [VBA](#vba)
* [Vim](#vim)
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
#### グラフィックスプログラミング
* [DirectX プログラミング]( - Microsoft Docs
* [GLUTによる「手抜き」OpenGL入門]( - 床井浩平
* [GLUTによる「手抜き」OpenGL入門]( - 床井浩平
* [iOS OpenGL ES プログラミングガイド]( - Apple Developer (HTML)
* [はじめてのBlenderアドオン開発 (Blender 2.7版)]( - nutti
* [仮想物理実験室構築のためのOpenGL, WebGL, GLSL入門]( - 遠藤理平
@ -115,51 +117,57 @@
#### グラフィックユーザーインターフェイス
* [Qtプログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
* [Qtプログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
#### コンテナ
* [Docker-docs-ja]( - Docker Docs Translation Ja-Jp Project
* [チュートリアル | Kubernetes]( - The Kubernetes Authors
#### セキュリティ
* [RSA暗号体験入門]( - CyberSyndrome
* [RSA暗号体験入門]( - CyberSyndrome
* [ウェブ健康診断仕様]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [クラウドを支えるこれからの暗号技術]( - 光成滋生 (PDF)
* [セキュア・プログラミング講座]( - 独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)
* [はやわかり RSA]( - 山本和彦
* [クラウドを支えるこれからの暗号技術]( - 光成滋生 (PDF)
* [セキュア・プログラミング講座]( - 塩田英二 ([PDF](
* [はやわかり RSA]( - 山本和彦
* [安全なSQLの呼び出し方]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [安全なウェブサイトの作り方]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [暗号化アルゴリズム ([1])]( - Fussy ([2](, ([3](, ([4](
* [暗号化アルゴリズム ([1])]( - Fussy ([2](, ([3](, ([4](
#### その他の話題
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 1]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 2]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 3]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [川合史朗 翻訳集]( - 川合史朗
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 1]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 2]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [ケヴィン・ケリー著作選集 3]( - ケヴィン・ケリー, 堺屋七左衛門(翻訳)
* [青木靖 翻訳集]( - 青木靖
* [川合史朗 翻訳集]( - 川合史朗
#### ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ
* [ギコ猫とデザインパターン]( - 結城浩
* [デザインパターン]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
* [ギコ猫とデザインパターン]( - 結城浩
* [デザインパターン]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
#### ソフトウェア開発方法論
* [塹壕より Scrum と XP]( - Henrik Kniberg
* [塹壕より Scrum と XP]( - Henrik Kniberg
#### ソフトウェア品質
* [組込みシステムの安全性向上の勧め(機能安全編)]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発におけるプロジェクトマネジメント導入の勧め]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [バグ管理手法編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [ユーザビリティ編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [設計モデリング編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め(コーディング編)]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め[テスト編~事例集~]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [高信頼化ソフトウェアのための開発手法ガイドブック]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [高信頼化ソフトウェアのための開発手法ガイドブック]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みシステムの安全性向上の勧め(機能安全編)]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発におけるプロジェクトマネジメント導入の勧め]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [バグ管理手法編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [ユーザビリティ編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め [設計モデリング編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め(コーディング編)]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発における品質向上の勧め[テスト編~事例集~]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
#### データベース
@ -169,24 +177,17 @@
#### ネットワーキング
* [HTTP/3 explained]( - Daniel Stenberg
* [http2 explained]( - Daniel Stenberg
* [HTTP/3 explained]( - Daniel Stenberg
* [ネットワークプログラミングの基礎知識]( - 68user
#### 並列プログラミング
* [インテル コンパイラー OpenMP 入門]( - 戸室隆彦 (PDF)
* [これからの並列計算のためのGPGPU連載講座 [I]]( - 大島聡史 ([II](, ([III](, ([VI](, ([V](, ([VI]( (PDF)
* [連載講座: 高生産並列言語を使いこなす [1]]( - 田浦健次朗 ([2](, ([3](, ([4](, ([5]( (PDF)
* [ネットワークプログラミングの基礎知識]( - 68user
#### 機械学習
* [Jubatus : オンライン機械学習向け分散処理フレームワーク](
* [Mahoutで体感する機械学習の実践]( - やまかつ
* [Jubatus : オンライン機械学習向け分散処理フレームワーク]( - Jubatus
* [Mahoutで体感する機械学習の実践]( - やまかつ
* [機械学習 はじめよう]( - 中谷秀洋,恩田伊織
* [強化学習入門]( - 小南佑介 (PDF)
* [機械学習 はじめよう]( - 中谷秀洋,恩田伊織
#### 正規表現
@ -197,18 +198,25 @@
#### 組み込みシステム
* [【改訂版】 組込みソフトウェア向け 開発プロセスガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [【改訂版】 組込みソフトウェア開発向け コーディング作法ガイドC言語版]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [【改訂版】 組込みソフトウェア開発向け 品質作り込みガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア向け プロジェクトマネジメントガイド[計画書編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア向け プロジェクト計画立案トレーニングガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア向け 設計ガイド ESDR事例編]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア開発向け コーディング作法ガイドC++言語版]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [【改訂版】 組込みソフトウェア開発向け 品質作り込みガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [【改訂版】 組込みソフトウェア向け 開発プロセスガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [【改訂版】組込みソフトウェア開発向け コーディング作法ガイドC言語版ESCR Ver.3.0]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) ([PDF](
* [【改訂版】組込みソフトウェア開発向けコーディング作法ガイド[C++言語版] Ver. 2.0 ESCR C++ Ver. 2.0]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) ([PDF](
* [組込みソフトウェア向け プロジェクトマネジメントガイド[計画書編]]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア向け プロジェクト計画立案トレーニングガイド]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
* [組込みソフトウェア向け 設計ガイド ESDR事例編]( - 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構(IPA) (PDF)
#### 並列プログラミング
* [インテル コンパイラー OpenMP 入門]( - 戸室隆彦 (PDF)
* [これからの並列計算のためのGPGPU連載講座 [I]]( - 大島聡史 ([II](, ([III](, ([VI](, ([V](, ([VI]( (PDF)
* [連載講座: 高生産並列言語を使いこなす [1]]( - 田浦健次朗 ([2](, ([3](, ([4](, ([5]( (PDF)
#### 理論計算機科学
* [計算機プログラムの構造と解釈 第二版]( - Gerald Jay Sussman et al.
* [計算機プログラムの構造と解釈 第二版]( - Gerald Jay Sussman et al.
### Android
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### AppleScript
* [Applescript のごく基本的なサンプル]( - Okamoto
* [Applescript のごく基本的なサンプル]( - Okamoto
* [AppleScript 言語ガイド(改訂版)](
### AWK
* [AWK の第一歩]( - 小栗栖修 (PDF)
* [AWK リファレンス]( - SUNONE
* [AWK リファレンス]( - SUNONE
* [Effective AWK Programming]( - Arnold D. Robbins
### Bash
* [BASH Programming - Introduction HOW-TO]( - Mike G, 千旦裕司(翻訳)
* [Bash 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:nattou\_curry
* [BASH Programming - Introduction HOW-TO]( - Mike G, 千旦裕司(翻訳)
* [Bash 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:nattou\_curry
* [Bashのよくある間違い]( - GreyCat, @yakstcom(翻訳)
* [The Art of Command Line]( - Joshua Levy, Hayato Matsuura(翻訳)
* [UNIX & Linux コマンド・シェルスクリプト リファレンス]( - SUNONE
* [UNIX & Linux コマンド・シェルスクリプト リファレンス]( - SUNONE
### C
* [Cプログラミング診断室]( - 藤原博文
* [Cプログラミング診断室]( - 藤原博文
* [C言語]( - Wikibooks
* [C言語プログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
* [C言語のドキュメント]( - Microsoft Docs
* [C言語プログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
* [お気楽C言語プログラミング超入門]( - 広井誠
* [ゲーム作りで学ぶ実践的C言語プログラミング]( - @nishio_dens
* [猫でもわかるプログラミング]( - 粂井康孝
* [ゲーム作りで学ぶ実践的C言語プログラミング]( - @nishio_dens
* [苦しんで覚えるC言語]( - MMGames/森口将憲
* [計算物理のためのC/C++言語入門]( - 渡辺尚貴
* [計算物理のためのC/C++言語入門]( - 渡辺尚貴
* [猫でもわかるプログラミング]( - 粂井康孝
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++11の文法と機能(C++11: Syntax and Feature)]( - 江添亮
* [C++入門]( - 小林健一郎
* [C++入門]( - 小林健一郎
* [cpprefjp - C++ Reference Site in Japanese](
* [Google C++ スタイルガイド 日本語全訳]( - Benjy Weinberger, Craig Silverstein, Gregory Eitzmann, Mark Mentovai, Tashana Landray, ttsuki(翻訳)
* [Standard Template Library プログラミング]( - επιστημη
* [Standard Template Library プログラミング]( - επιστημη
* [お気楽C++プログラミング超入門]( - 広井誠
* [ロベールのC++教室]( - ロベール
* [江添亮のC++入門]( - 江添亮
* [ロベールのC++教室]( - ロベール
* [江添亮のC++入門]( - 江添亮
### Clojure
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### CoffeeScript
* [CoffeeScript 言語リファレンス](
* [CoffeeScript基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:bokuweb
* [The Little Book on CoffeeScript]( - Alex MacCaw, Narumi Katoh(翻訳)
* [基本操作逆引きリファレンスCoffeeScript]( - 飯塚直
* [正規表現リファレンスCoffeeScript)]( - 飯塚直
* [CoffeeScript基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:bokuweb
* [The Little Book on CoffeeScript]( - Alex MacCaw, Narumi Katoh(翻訳)
* [基本操作逆引きリファレンスCoffeeScript]( - 飯塚直
* [正規表現リファレンスCoffeeScript)]( - 飯塚直
### Common Lisp
* [Common Lisp 入門]( - 広井誠
* [Google Common Lisp スタイルガイド 日本語訳]( - Robert Brown, François-René Rideau, TOYOZUMIKouichi 他(翻訳)
* [LISP and PROLOG]( - 畝見達夫
* [On Lisp (草稿)]( - Paul Graham, 野田開(翻訳)
* [マンガで分かるLisp(Manga Guide to Lisp)]( - λ組
* [LISP and PROLOG]( - 畝見達夫
* [On Lisp (草稿)]( - Paul Graham, 野田開(翻訳)
* [マンガで分かるLisp(Manga Guide to Lisp)]( - λ組
### Coq
* [ソフトウェアの基礎]( - Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Vilhelm Sjöberg, Brent Yorgey, 梅村晃広(翻訳), 片山功士(翻訳), 水野洋樹(翻訳), 大橋台地(翻訳), 増子萌(翻訳), 今井宜洋(翻訳)
* [ソフトウェアの基礎]( - Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Vilhelm Sjöberg, Brent Yorgey, 梅村晃広(翻訳), 片山功士(翻訳), 水野洋樹(翻訳), 大橋台地(翻訳), 増子萌(翻訳), 今井宜洋(翻訳)
### D
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### Elixir
* [Elixir 基礎文法最速マスター]( - niku
* [Elixir 基礎文法最速マスター]( - niku
### Emacs Lisp
* [Emacs Lisp基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:rubikitch
* [Emacs Lisp基礎文法最速マスター]( - るびきち
* [GNU Emacs Lispリファレンスマニュアル](
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### Git
* [git - 簡単ガイド]( - Roger Dudler, @nacho4d(翻訳)
* [Git ユーザマニュアル (バージョン 1.5.3 以降用)]( - Yasuaki Narita
* [git - 簡単ガイド]( - Roger Dudler, @nacho4d(翻訳)
* [Git ユーザマニュアル (バージョン 1.5.3 以降用)]( - Yasuaki Narita
* [GitHubカンニング・ペーパー]( - Tim Green, marocchino(翻訳)
* [Pro Git]( - Scott Chacon, 高木正弘 他(翻訳) ([PDF](, [EPUB](, [MOBI](
* [Steins;Git 第二版]( - Shota Kubota
* [サルでもわかるGit入門]( - 株式会社ヌーラボ
* [Steins;Git 第二版]( - Shota Kubota
* [サルでもわかるGit入門]( - 株式会社ヌーラボ
* [デザイナのための Git]( - はてな教科書
* [図解 Git]( - Mark Lodato, Kazu Yamamoto(翻訳)
* [図解 Git]( - Mark Lodato, Kazu Yamamoto(翻訳)
### Go
* [Goプログラミング言語のチュートリアル]( - 株式会社エイベル
* [Tour of Go 日本語版]( - atotto
* [お気楽 Go 言語プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [はじめてのGo言語]( - 株式会社ユニリタ
* [実践Go言語]( - 株式会社エイベル
* [Go Codereview Comments]( - Kenshi Kamata
* [Go Web プログラミング]( - AstaXie
* [お気楽 Go 言語プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [サンプルで学ぶ Go 言語]( - Mark McGranaghan, spinute(翻訳)
* [テスト駆動開発でGO言語を学びましょう]( - Christopher James, andmorefine(翻訳)
* [はじめてのGo―シンプルな言語仕様型システム並行処理]( - Jxck
* [プログラミング言語 Go ドキュメント]( - The Go Authors, SHIBUKAWA Yoshiki 他(翻訳)
### Groovy
* [JGGUG G*Magazine]( - JGGUG(日本Grails/Groovyユーザーグループ) (PDF, EPUB)
* [JGGUG G*Magazine]( - JGGUG(日本Grails/Groovyユーザーグループ) (PDF, EPUB)
#### Gradle
* [Gradle 日本語ドキュメント]( - Hayashi Masatoshi, Sekiya Kazuchika, Sue Nobuhiro, Mochida Shinya ([PDF](
* [Gradle 日本語ドキュメント]( - Hayashi Masatoshi, Sekiya Kazuchika, Sue Nobuhiro, Mochida Shinya ([PDF](
* [ビルドツールGradleスタートアップガイドの紹介]( - 鈴木雅貴
#### Grails
* [Grailsフレームワーク 日本語リファレンス]( - T.Yamamoto & Japanese Grails Doc Translating Team. Special thanks to NTT Software.
* [Grailsフレームワーク 日本語リファレンス]( - T.Yamamoto & Japanese Grails Doc Translating Team. Special thanks to NTT Software.
* [Grailsを用いたファイルアップローダ作成]( - 須藤悠
#### Spock Framework
* [G*ワークショップZ May 2013 - Spockハンズオンの資料]( - Kazuki YAMAMOTO
* [Spock Framework リファレンスドキュメント]( - Peter Niederwieser, Kazuki YAMAMOTO
* [Spock Framework リファレンスドキュメント]( - Peter Niederwieser, Kazuki YAMAMOTO
### Haskell
* [Haskell のお勉強]( - 紫藤貴文
* [Haskell のお勉強]( - 紫藤貴文
* [Haskell 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:ruicc
* [Haskellでわかる代数的構造]( - aiya000
* [Haskellでわかる代数的構造]( - aiya000
* [お気楽 Haskell プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
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### Java
* [Java基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:nattou\_curry
* [お気楽 Java プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [Java基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:nattou\_curry
* [お気楽 Java プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [頑健なJavaプログラムの書き方]( - Scott W. Ambler, 高橋徹(翻訳) (PDF)
### JavaScript
* [Airbnb JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Airbnb, 小川充(翻訳)
* [Google JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, Robby Walker, aiaswood(翻訳)
* [JavaScript Garden]( - Ivo Wetzel, HIRAKI Satoru(翻訳)
* [JavaScript Plugin Architecture]( - azu
* [Airbnb JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Airbnb, 小川充(翻訳)
* [Google JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, Robby Walker, aiaswood(翻訳)
* [JavaScript Garden]( - Ivo Wetzel, HIRAKI Satoru(翻訳)
* [JavaScript Plugin Architecture]( - azu
* [JavaScript Primer]( - azu, Suguru Inatomi
* [JavaScript Promiseの本]( - azu
* [JavaScript Promiseの本]( - azu
* [JavaScript style guide]( - MDN
* [JavaScript 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:gifnksm
* [JavaScript 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:gifnksm
* [JavaScript 言語リファレンス]( - MSDN Library
* [Mozilla Developer Network 日本語ドキュメント]( - MDN
* [The little book of Buster.JS]( - azu
* [The little book of Buster.JS]( - azu
* [お気楽 JavaScript プログラミング超入門]( - 広井誠
* [一撃必殺JavaScript日本語リファレンス]( - 古籏一浩
* [中上級者になるためのJavaScript]( - Kenju
* [とほほのJavaScriptリファレンス]( - 杜甫々
* [一撃必殺JavaScript日本語リファレンス]( - 古籏一浩
* [中上級者になるためのJavaScript]( - Kenju
#### Angular.js
#### AngularJS
* [Angular Docs](
* [AngularJS 1.2 日本語リファレンス]( - @tomof(翻訳)
* [AngularJS's tutorial - あなたとともにAngularJS]( - @hisasann
* [AngularJSスタイルガイド](
* [すぐできる AngularJS]( - @8th713
> :information_source: 関連項目 - [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS 1.2 日本語リファレンス]( - @tomof(翻訳)
* [AngularJS's tutorial - あなたとともにAngularJS]( - @hisasann
* [AngularJSスタイルガイド]( - Minko Gechev, Morita Naoki, Yohei Sugigami et al.
* [すぐできる AngularJS]( - @8th713
#### Backbone.js
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#### jQuery
* [jQuery UI API 1.8.4 日本語リファレンス]( - いけまさ
* [jQuery日本語リファレンス]( -
* [jQuery UI API 1.8.4 日本語リファレンス]( - いけまさ
* [jQuery日本語リファレンス]( -
#### Node.js
* [Felix's Node.js Style Guide]( - Debuggable Limited., @popkirby(翻訳)
* [Felix's Node.js Style Guide]( - Debuggable Limited., @popkirby(翻訳)
* [node.js 怒濤の50サンプル!! socket.io編]( - omatoro
* [Nodeビギナーズブック]( - Manuel Kiessling, Yuki Kawashima(翻訳)
#### React
* [React 0.13 日本語リファレンス]( - @tomof(翻訳)
* [React チュートリアル]( - Facebook Inc.
* [React 0.13 日本語リファレンス]( - @tomof(翻訳)
* [チュートリアルReact の導入]( - Facebook Inc.
### Julia
@ -439,32 +452,33 @@
* [Julia 0.3.8]( - 孫建強
* [Julia Language Programming]( - 広井誠
* [実例で学ぶ Julia-0.4.1]( - Yuichi Motoyama (PDF)
* [物理で使う数値計算入門Julia言語による簡単数値計算]( - 永井佑紀
### LaTeX
* [TeX/LaTeX入門]( - Wikibooks
* [TeX入門]( - 酒井高司
* [TeX入門]( - 酒井高司
* [TeX入門 TeX Wiki]( - 奥村晴彦
### Linux
* [Linux Device Driver]( - 熊谷正朗
* [Linux from Scratch (Version 7.4)]( - Gerard Beekmans, 松山道夫(翻訳)
* [Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO]( - David A. Wheeler, 高橋聡(翻訳)
* [Linux Device Driver]( - 熊谷正朗
* [Linux from Scratch (Version 7.4)]( - Gerard Beekmans, 松山道夫(翻訳)
* [Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO]( - David A. Wheeler, 高橋聡(翻訳)
### Lua
* [Lua 5.2 リファレンスマニュアル]( -, PUC-Rio.
* [Lua Programming]( - 広井誠
* [Luaプログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
* [Luaプログラミング入門]( - @nishio_dens
### Maven
* [Maven]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
* [Maven]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
* [What is Maven?]( - Kengo TODA
@ -476,20 +490,20 @@
### ML
* [ATSプログラミング入門](
* [ATSプログラミング入門](
### NoSQL
* [Hibari アプリケーション開発者ガイド](
* [MongoDBの薄い本]( - Karl Seguin, 濱野司(翻訳) (PDF)
* [Hibari アプリケーション開発者ガイド](
* [MongoDBの薄い本]( - Karl Seguin, 濱野司(翻訳) (PDF)
* [The Little Redis Book]( - Karl Seguin, @craftgear(翻訳)
### Objective-C
* [Google Objective-C スタイルガイド 日本語訳]( - Mike Pinkerton, Greg Miller, Dave MacLachlan, Takashi Sasai(翻訳)
* [Objective-C 2.0 基礎文法最速マスター]( - @_marycore
* [Objective-C 2.0 基礎文法最速マスター]( - @_marycore
* [Objective-C によるプログラミング]( - Apple Developer (PDF)
* [Objective-C プログラミングの概念]( - Apple Developer (PDF)
* [Objective-C プログラミング言語]( - Apple Developer (PDF)
@ -507,7 +521,7 @@
* [2時間半で学ぶPerl]( - Sam Hughes, Kato Atsusi(翻訳)
* [Perl]( - Wikibooks
* [Perl でのデータベース操作]( - はてな教科書
* [Perl のコアドキュメント]( - 一般社団法人 Japan Perl Association (JPA)
* [Perl のコアドキュメント]( - 一般社団法人 Japan Perl Association (JPA)
* [Perl 基礎文法最速マスター]( - 木本裕紀
* [お気楽 Perl プログラミング超入門]( - 広井誠
@ -515,15 +529,15 @@
### PHP
* [PHP によるデザインパターン入門](
* [PHP マニュアル]( - The PHP Group
* [PHP 基礎文法最速マスター]( - 新原雅司
* [PHP マニュアル]( - The PHP Group
* [PHP 基礎文法最速マスター]( - 新原雅司
* [PHP4徹底攻略改訂版](
* [PSR-2 コーディングスタイルガイド]( - maosanhioro
#### Symfony
* [Symfony 5: ファストトラック](
* [Symfony 5: ファストトラック](
### PowerShell
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### Processing
* [Processing クイックリファレンス]( - 株式会社武蔵野電波
* [Processing クイックリファレンス]( - 株式会社武蔵野電波
* [Processing 学習ノート]( - @mathatelle
* [Processing 入門講座]( - maeda
* [Processing 学習ノート]( - @mathatelle
### Prolog
* [LISP and PROLOG]( - 畝見達夫
* [Prolog プログラミング入門]( - 田村直之
* [お気楽 Prolog プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [Prolog プログラミング入門]( - 田村直之
* [お気楽 Prolog プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
### Python
@ -552,89 +566,90 @@
* [Google Python スタイルガイド]( - Amit Patel, Antoine Picard, Eugene Jhong, Jeremy Hylton, Matt Smart, Mike Shields, Kosei Kitahara(翻訳)
* [Notes on scientific computing with python]( - 花田康高
* [php プログラマのための Python チュートリアル]( - INADA Naoki
* [Python 2.7.16 ドキュメント日本語訳]( - Python Software Foundation
* [Python 3.4]( - 孫建強
* [Python Scientific Lecture Notes]( - 打田旭宏(翻訳)
* [python で心理実験]( - 十河宏行
* [Python で音声信号処理]( - id:aidiary
* [Python による日本語自然言語処理]( - Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper, 萩原正人(翻訳), 中山敬広(翻訳), 水野貴明(翻訳)
* [Python の学習]( - KITAZAKI Shigeru
* [Python ヒッチハイク・ガイド]( - Kenneth Reitz, Tsuyoshi Tokuda(翻訳)
* [Python プログラマーのための gevent チュートリアル]( - Stephen Diehl, Jérémy Bethmont, sww, Bruno Bigras, David Ripton, Travis Cline, Boris Feld, youngsterxyf, Eddie Hebert, Alexis Metaireau, Daniel Velkov, methane(翻訳)
* [Python Scientific Lecture Notes]( - 打田旭宏(翻訳)
* [Python で音声信号処理]( - id:aidiary
* [python で心理実験]( - 十河宏行
* [Python ドキュメント日本語訳]( - Python Software Foundation
* [Python による日本語自然言語処理]( - Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper, 萩原正人(翻訳), 中山敬広(翻訳), 水野貴明(翻訳)
* [Python の学習]( - KITAZAKI Shigeru
* [Python ヒッチハイク・ガイド]( - Kenneth Reitz, Tsuyoshi Tokuda(翻訳)
* [Python プログラマーのための gevent チュートリアル]( - Stephen Diehl, Jérémy Bethmont, sww, Bruno Bigras, David Ripton, Travis Cline, Boris Feld, youngsterxyf, Eddie Hebert, Alexis Metaireau, Daniel Velkov, methane(翻訳)
* [Python 基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:dplusplus
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Alan MacEachern, @moroshigeki(翻訳), @historyanddigi(翻訳), @Say\_no(翻訳), @knagasaki(翻訳), @mak\_goto(翻訳)
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Alan MacEachern, @moroshigeki(翻訳), @historyanddigi(翻訳), @Say\_no(翻訳), @knagasaki(翻訳), @mak\_goto(翻訳)
* [Think Pythonコンピュータサイエンティストのように考えてみよう]( - Allen Downey, 相川 利樹(翻訳)(PDF)
* [お気楽 Python プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [お気楽 Python プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [プログラミング演習 Python 2019]( - 喜多一 (PDF)
* [みんなのPython Webアプリ編]( - 柴田淳
* [機械学習の Python との出会い (Machine Learning Meets Python)]( - 神嶌敏弘 [PDF](, [EPUB](
* [みんなのPython Webアプリ編]( - 柴田淳
* [機械学習の Python との出会い (Machine Learning Meets Python)]( - 神嶌敏弘 [PDF](, [EPUB](
#### Flask
* [Flask ドキュメント]( - Armin Ronacher, Tsuyoshi Tokuda(翻訳)
* [Flask ハンズオン]( - INADA Naoki
* [Flask ドキュメント]( - Armin Ronacher, Tsuyoshi Tokuda(翻訳)
* [Flask ハンズオン]( - INADA Naoki
### R
* [R]( - 孫建強
* [R-Tips]( - 舟尾暢男
* [R 入門]( - W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳) (PDF)
* [R 基本統計関数マニュアル]( - 間瀬茂 (PDF)
* [R 言語定義]( - R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳) (PDF)
* [R 入門]( - W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳) (PDF)
* [Rチュートリアルセミナーテキスト]( - 小杉考司, 押江隆 (PDF)
* [Rによる統計解析の基礎]( - 中澤港 (PDF)
* [Rによる保健医療データ解析演習]( - 中澤港 (PDF)
* [Rによる統計解析の基礎]( - 中澤港 (PDF)
* [無料統計ソフトRで心理学]( - 奥村泰之
* [統計解析ソフトRのスクリプト集]( - 石井秀宗 (PDF)
* [統計解析フリーソフトRの備忘録]( - 竹澤邦夫 (PDF)
* [無料統計ソフトRで心理学]( - 奥村泰之
### Ruby
* [Ruby on Rails ガイド]( - Michael Hartl, 八田 昌三(翻訳), 安川 要平(翻訳)
* [Ruby on Rails チュートリアル]( - Michael Hartl, 八田 昌三(翻訳), 安川 要平(翻訳)
* [Ruby ソースコード完全解説]( - 青木峰郎
* [Ruby リファレンスマニュアル]( - まつもとゆきひろ
* [Ruby 基礎文法最速マスター](
* [TremaでOpenFlowプログラミング]( - 高宮安仁, 鈴木一哉, 松井暢之, 村木暢哉, 山崎泰宏
* [Ruby ソースコード完全解説]( - 青木峰郎
* [Ruby リファレンスマニュアル]( - まつもとゆきひろ
* [Ruby 基礎文法最速マスター]( - yhara
* [TremaでOpenFlowプログラミング]( - 高宮安仁, 鈴木一哉, 松井暢之, 村木暢哉, 山崎泰宏
* [お気楽 Ruby プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [つくって学ぶプログラミング言語 RubyによるScheme処理系の実装]( - 渡辺昌寛
* [ホワイの(感動的)Rubyガイド]( - why the lucky stiff, 青木靖(翻訳)
* [ホワイの(感動的)Rubyガイド]( - why the lucky stiff, 青木靖(翻訳)
* [実用的Rubyスクリプティング]( - 広瀬雄二 (PDF)
### Sather
* [Sather を試そう]( - 紫藤貴文
* [Sather を試そう]( - 紫藤貴文
### Scala
* [Effective Scala](
* [Learning Scalaz](
* [tetrix in Scala](
* [Effective Scala]( - Marius Eriksen, Yuta Okamoto(翻訳), Satoshi Kobayashi(翻訳)
* [Scala で書く tetrix]( - Eugene Yokota
* [独習 Scalaz]( - Eugene Yokota
### Scheme
* [Gauche プログラミング(立読み版)]( - 川合史朗(監修), Kahuaプロジェクト
* [Gauche ユーザリファレンス]( - 川合史朗
* [Gauche ユーザリファレンス]( - 川合史朗
* [Scheme]( - Wikibooks
* [Scheme 入門 スーパービギナー編](
* [お気楽 Scheme プログラミング入門]( - 広井誠
* [もうひとつの Scheme 入門]( - 紫藤貴文
* [もうひとつの Scheme 入門]( - 紫藤貴文
* [入門Scheme]( - 犬飼大
### Scratch
* [炎の型 With Scratch (ゲームプログラム入門)]( - kyorohiro
* [炎の型 With Scratch (ゲームプログラム入門)]( - kyorohiro
### sed
* [SED 教室]( - 仙石浩明
* [SED 教室]( - 仙石浩明
### Smalltalk
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### SQL(実装非依存)
* [SQL]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
* [SQLアタマ養成講座]( - ミック WEB+DB Press Vol.44 (2008) p.47-72 (PDF)
* [SQLプログラミング作法]( - ミック
* [SQL]( - シナジーマーケティング株式会社
* [SQLアタマ養成講座]( - ミック WEB+DB Press Vol.44 (2008) p.47-72 (PDF)
* [SQLプログラミング作法]( - ミック
### Standard ML
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### TypeScript
* [TypeScript Deep Dive 日本語版]( - basarat, yohamta(翻訳)
* [TypeScriptの為のクリーンコード]( - labs42io, 酒巻 瑞穂(翻訳)
* [TypeScriptの為のクリーンコード]( - labs42io, 酒巻 瑞穂(翻訳)
#### Angular
> :information_source: 関連項目 - [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular Docs](
* [Angular Tutorial](
### VBA
* [Excel 2013 で学ぶ Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)]( - 金丸隆志
* [Excel 2013 で学ぶ Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)]( - 金丸隆志
* [VBA基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:nattou\_curry
* [Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) の言語リファレンス]( - Microsoft Docs
### Vim
* [Vim スクリプトリファレンス]( - 小見拓
* [Vim スクリプトリファレンス]( - 小見拓
* [Vim スクリプト基礎文法最速マスター]( - id:thinca
* [Vim スクリプト書法]( - Bram Moolenaar, vimdoc-ja プロジェクト(翻訳)

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### Index
* [수학](#%EC%88%98%ED%95%99)
* [Amazon Web Service](#amazon-web-service)
* [Assembly Language](#assembly-language)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [GIT](#git)
* [Go](#go)
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* [Swift](#swift)
### 수학
* [기초정수론: 계산과 법연산, 그리고 비밀통신을 강조한]( - William Stein
### Amazon Web Service
* [아마존 웹 서비스를 다루는 기술](
@ -34,16 +40,16 @@
### Assembly Language
* [PC Assembly Language]( - Paul A. Carter
* [PC Assembly Language]( - Paul A. Carter (PDF)
### C
* [BeeJ's Guide to Network Programming - 인터넷 소켓 활용](
* [씹어먹는 C]( - 이재범 (PDF)
* [BeeJ's Guide to Network Programming - 인터넷 소켓 활용](
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [씹어먹는 C++]( - 이재범 (PDF)
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### GIT
* [깃허브 치트 시트](
* [Git - 간편 안내서](
* [Pro Git 한글 번역]( - 최신 버전
* [깃허브 치트 시트](
### Go
* [가장 빨리 만나는 Go 언어](
* [Go 언어 웹 프로그래밍 철저 입문](
* [가장 빨리 만나는 Go 언어](
* [The Little Go Book. 리틀 고 책입니다]( - Karl Seguin, Byounghoon Kim ([HTML](
### HTML5
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### JavaScript
* [JavaScript Garden](
* [JavaScript로 만나는 세상](
#### Node.js
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### Python
* [A Byte of Python 한글 번역 by Jeongbin Park]( (PDF)
* [PyQt5 Tutorial - 파이썬으로 만드는 나만의 GUI 프로그램]( - Dardao (HTML)
* [내가 파이썬을 배우는 방법](
* [모두의 파이썬: 20일 만에 배우는 프로그래밍 기초](
* [왕초보를 위한 Python 2.7](
* [점프 투 파이썬 - Python 3](
* [파이썬을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서!](
* [파이썬을 이용한 비트코인 자동매매]( - 조대표
* [A Byte of Python 한글 번역 by Jeongbin Park]( (PDF)
* [PyQt5 Tutorial - 파이썬으로 만드는 나만의 GUI 프로그램]( - Dardao (HTML)
#### Django
* [장고걸스 튜토리얼 (Django Girls Tutorial)]( (1.11) (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [장고걸스 튜토리얼 (Django Girls Tutorial)]( (1.11) (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [점프 투 장고]( - 박응용

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### Index
* [HTML](#meta-lists)
* [Go](#golang)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Python](#python)
* [Web Development](#web-development)
### Linux
### <a name="golang"></a>Go
* [Ubuntu Linux for You]( - Ei Maung
* [The Little Go Book]( - Karl Seguin, Naing Lin Aung ([HTML](, [PDF](, [EPUB](
### HTML
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* [HTML]( - Saturngod
### Linux
* [Ubuntu Linux for You]( - Ei Maung
### Python
* [Programming Basic For Beginner]( - Saturngod

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#### Latex
[LATEX for nybegynnere]( (PDF) - Dag Langmyhr
[LATEX for nybegynnere]( - Dag Langmyhr (PDF)

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* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Common Lisp](#common-lisp)
* [Coq](#coq)
* [CSS](#css)
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### Android
* [O Androidzie ludzkim głosem]( - Andrzej Klusiewicz
* [O Androidzie ludzkim głosem]( (PDF)
* [Przybornik pragmatycznego programisty Android]( (PDF)
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
* [Beejs Guide to Network Programming - U˙zywanie gniazd internetowych]( - B. Hall, Przełożył Bartosz Zapałowski (PDF)
* [Kurs C](
* [Kurs języka C]( - Mateusz Piaszczak
* [Kurs programowania w języku ANSI C pod systemem UNIX]( - Janusz Przewocki, Adam Narbudowicz
* [Podstawy programowania Unixa/Linuxa](
* [Programowanie w C]( - Wikibooks (PDF)
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* [Wstęp do programowania w C#]( - Anna Kempa, Tomasz Staś (PDF)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++]( - Wikibooks
* [Język C++ podstawy programowania]( - Paweł Mikołajczak (PDF)
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### CSS
* [Kaskadowe Arkusze Stylów]( - Sławomir Kokłowski
* [Kurs CSS]( - Arkadiusz Michalski
* [Moja pierwsza strona internetowa w HTML5 i CSS3]( - Damian Wielgosik
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* [Kurs Perl]( - Marek Zając
* [Perl]( - Wikibooks
* [Samouczek Perl]( -
### PHP
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* [Biblioteka Pythona]( - Piotr Maliński
* [Podstawy Pythona]( - Piotr Maliński
* [Python dla wszystkich: Odkrywanie danych z Python 3]( - Charles Russell Severance (PDF, HTML, EPUB, MOBI)
* [Zanurkuj w Pythonie](

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### Índice
* [Agnósticos](#agnosticos)
* [Agnósticos](#agnósticos)
* [IDE / Editores](#ide--editores)
* [Programação](#programação)
* [Sistemas Operacionais](#sistemas-operacionais)
* [Android](#android)
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [Engenharia de software](#engenharia-de-software)
* [Arquitetura de Software](#arquitetura-de-software)
@ -19,8 +21,7 @@
* [HTML / CSS](#html--css)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Backbone.js](#backbonejs)
* [Ember.js](#emberjs)
* [Express.js](#expressjs)
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* [RegEx](#regex)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Shell Script](#shell)
* [Vim](#vim)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### Agnósticos
#### IDE / Editores
* [Visual Studio Code: Produtividade infinita]( - Felipe Cabrera Ribeiro dos Santos
#### Vim
* [O Editor de Texto Vim]( - Sérgio Luiz Araújo Silva et al.
* [Vim para Noobs]( - William Oliveira Souza (HTML, PDF, EPUB) (*Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo*)
#### Programação
* [Introdução a Algoritmos e Programação]( - Fabricio Ferrari e Cristian Cechinel (PDF)
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* [Google Android: Uma abordagem prática e didática]( - Rafael Guimarães Sakurai - (Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo nos formatos PDF, EPUB, MOBI ou pelo próprio site)
### Assembly
* [Assembly x86]( - Luis Felipe, Mente Binária (gitbook)
### C
* [Apostila Linguagem C]( - Silvio Lago (PDF)
@ -82,7 +100,7 @@
* [C# e Orientação a Objetos]( - Caelum
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Apostila Linguagem C++]( - Silvio Lago (PDF)
* [Estrutura de Dados]( (PDF)
@ -91,6 +109,7 @@
### Docker
* [Descomplicando o Docker]( - Jeferson Fernando
* [Docker para desenvolvedores]( - Rafael Gomes *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
@ -114,6 +133,7 @@
* [CI - Integração Contínua Sem Desculpa](
* [Deploy em produção para desenvolvedores]( - Rafael Gomes *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
* [Engenharia de Software Moderna]( - Marco Tulio Valente (HTML)
* [Primeiros passos com Padrões de Projeto](
@ -134,6 +154,7 @@
* [Aprenda Go com Testes]( - Lauren Ferreira
* [Go - hands on](
* [Go por Exemplo]( - Mark McGranaghan, Jeremy Ashkenas, golangbr, Daniela Tamy Iwassa (HTML)
### Haskell
@ -175,17 +196,13 @@
* [You Don't Know JS: Tipos & Gramática](
#### Angular
#### AngularJS
* [Angular 2 - Criando sua primeira aplicação no Visual Studio Code](
* [Implemente um aplicativo de página única com o Angular 2](
> :information_source: Veja também &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
#### Angular.js
* [Criando uma aplicação simples com AngularJS](
* [Criando uma aplicação Single Page com AngularJS](
* [Entendendo as diretivas e fazendo abas com AngularJS](
* [Criando uma aplicação simples com AngularJS]( - Davi Ferreira
* [Criando uma aplicação Single Page com AngularJS]( - Lucas Caprio
* [Entendendo as diretivas e fazendo abas com AngularJS]( - Diego Eis
#### Backbone.js
@ -256,6 +273,7 @@
### Kubernetes
* [Descomplicando Kubernetes]( - Jeferson Fernando
* [Introdução ao Kubernetes no Azure](
@ -310,6 +328,7 @@
#### Django
* [Desenvolvimento Web com Python e Django]( - Vinícius Ramos (endereço de e-mail *solicitado*, não obrigatório)
* [Documentação do Django](
* [Tutorial Django Girls](
@ -341,11 +360,16 @@
* [Shell Script do Zero]( (PDF)
### Vim
### TypeScript
* [Editor VI - Guia de Referência]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [O Editor de Texto Vim]( - Sérgio Luiz Araújo Silva et al.
* [Vim Avançado]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim Básico]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim Médio]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim para Noobs]( - William Oliveira Souza
* [Iniciando no TypeScript - Guia prático para os primeiros passos da linguagem]( - Maicon Silva (HTML)
* [TypeScript Documentação](
* [TypeScript: O guia definitivo]( - Eduardo Rabelo (HTML)
#### Angular
> :information_source: Veja também &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 2 - Criando sua primeira aplicação no Visual Studio Code]( - José Carlos Macoratti (HTML)
* [Implemente um aplicativo de página única com o Angular 2]( - IBM, Babu Suresh (HTML)

View File

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### Index
* [0 - Language Agnostic](#0---language-agnostic)
* [Open Source Ecosystem](#open-source-ecosystem)
* [Облачные Вычисления](#Облачные-вычисления)
* [Парадигмы Программирования](#Парадигмы-программирования)
* [Работа c cетью](#Работа-с-сетью)
* [Управление конфигурациями](#Управление-конфигурациями)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Open Source Ecosystem](#open-source-ecosystem)
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript)
* [Elasticsearch](#elasticsearch)
@ -53,7 +52,6 @@
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [R](#r)
* [Reverse engineering](#reverse-engineering)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [RSpec](#rspec)
* [Ruby on Rails](#ruby-on-rails)
@ -63,9 +61,11 @@
* [Scratch](#scratch)
* [Smalltalk](#smalltalk)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [FirebirdSQL](#firebirdsql)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [Swift](#swift)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Unix](#unix)
* [Vim](#vim)
@ -73,9 +73,7 @@
### 0 - Language Agnostic
* [3D-моделирование в Blender]( - C. Шапошникова
* [ Сборник алгоритмов с примерами на C++]( (PDF)
* [Scrum и XP: заметки с передовой]( (PDF)
* [Введение в структуры и алгоритмы обработки данных]( - Михаил Курносов (PDF)
* [Введение в методы машинной обработки данных]( - Курносов М.Г. (PDF)
* [Занимательное программирование. Самоучитель]( - Мозговой М.В. (PDF)
* [Операционные системы]( - Всеволод Дёмкин (PDF)
* [Параллельные технологии](
@ -85,18 +83,8 @@
* [Структура и интерпретация компьютерных программ]( - Гарольд Абельсон, Джералд Джей Сассман (PDF)
* [Тестирование программного обеспечения. Базовый курс.]( - Святослав Куликов (PDF)
* [Эффективные алгоритмы и сложность вычислений]( - Кузюрин Н.Н., Фомин С.А.
#### Работа с сетью
* [IPv6 для знатоков IPv4]( - Ярослав Тихий (PDF, HTML, EPUB)
* [Наука о Сетях]( - Альберто Лазло-Барабаси
* [Разъяснение HTTP2]( - Даниэль Штенберг (PDF)
#### Open Source Ecosystem
* [Архитектура приложений с открытым исходным кодом](
* [ Сборник алгоритмов с примерами на C++]( (PDF)
* [Scrum и XP: заметки с передовой]( (PDF)
#### Облачные вычисления
@ -110,15 +98,21 @@
* [Практика функционального программирования]( - журнал
#### Работа с сетью
* [Наука о Сетях]( - Альберто Лазло-Барабаси
* [Разъяснение HTTP2]( - Даниэль Штенберг (PDF)
* [IPv6 для знатоков IPv4]( - Ярослав Тихий (PDF, HTML, EPUB)
#### Управление конфигурациями
* [Пособие по Ansible]( - Michel Blanc
#### Angular
#### Open Source Ecosystem
* [Angular 5. Полное руководство]( - Maximilian Schwarzmüller
* [Руководство по Angular]( - Евгений Попов
* [Архитектура приложений с открытым исходным кодом](
### Assembly
@ -137,24 +131,24 @@
### C
* [Заметки о языке программирования Си/Си++]( - Денис Юричев (PDF)
* [Сетевое программирование от Биджа - Использование Интернет Сокетов]( - B. Hall, Перевод Андрея Косенко (PDF)
* [Краткое руководство Beej к GDB]( - (HTML)
* [Особенности языка C. Учебное пособие]( - C. Шапошникова (PDF)
* [Разработка сетевых приложений]( (PDF)
* [Руководство по языку программирования C]( - Евгений Попов
* [Сетевое программирование от Биджа - Использование Интернет Сокетов]( - B. Hall, Перевод Андрея Косенко (PDF)
* [Си/Си++. От дилетанта до профессионала]( - Романов Е.Л.
* [Язык Си в примерах](Язык_Си_в_примерах) - Викиучебник
### C Sharp
* [Design Patterns via C#]( - Александр Шевчук, Дмитрий Охрименко, Андрей Касьянов (PDF) *(Требуется аккаунт)*
* [Паттерны проектирования в C# и .NET]( - Евгений Попов
* [Полное руководство по языку программирования С# 7.0 и платформе .NET 4.7]( - Евгений Попов
* [Сетевое программирование в С# и .NET]( - Евгений Попов
* [Design Patterns via C#]( - Александр Шевчук, Дмитрий Охрименко, Андрей Касьянов (PDF) *(Требуется аккаунт)*
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Введение в язык программирования С++]( - Бьерн Страуструп
* [Введение в язык Си++]( - Андрей Столяров (PDF)
@ -171,8 +165,8 @@
### CoffeeScript
* [The Little Book on CoffeeScript]( - перевод Андрея Романова
* [Документация CoffeeScript]( - Jeremy Ashkenas
* [The Little Book on CoffeeScript]( - перевод Андрея Романова
### Elasticsearch
@ -192,38 +186,38 @@
### Git
* [Pro Git](
* [Волшебство Git]( - Ben Lynn
* [Простое руководство по работе с Git](
* [Руководство по Git]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Pro Git](
### Go
* [Go в примерах](
* [The Little Go Book (перевод)](
* [Введение в программирование на Go]( - Калеб Докси
* [Руководство по языку Go]( - Евгений Попов
* [Эффективный Go](
* [Go в примерах](
* [The Little Go Book (перевод)]( - Karl Seguin, Roman Dolgolopov, Evgeny Popov, Alexander Dunin ([HTML](, [EPUB](
### Haskell
* [Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod]( - Майкл Сноймен
* [Haskell: введение в функциональное программирование]( - В.Н. Власов
* [О Haskell по-человечески]( - Денис Шевченко
* [Учебник по Haskell]( - Антон Холомьёв
* [Язык и библиотеки Haskell 98]( - Simon Peyton Jones
* [Язык программирования Haskell: Учимся быть ленивыми]( - Г. Коваленко
* [Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod]( - Майкл Сноймен
* [Haskell: введение в функциональное программирование]( - В.Н. Власов
### HTML / CSS
* [Руководство по HTML5 и CSS3]( - Евгений Попов
* [Справочник по HTML]( - Влад Мержевич
* [Справочник CSS]( - Влад Мержевич
* [CSS и CSS3]( - Елена Назарова
* [HTML и HTML5]( - Елена Назарова
* [Руководство по HTML5 и CSS3]( - Евгений Попов
* [Справочник CSS]( - Влад Мержевич
* [Справочник по HTML]( - Влад Мержевич
#### Bootstrap
@ -233,18 +227,18 @@
### Java
* [Java Basics](
* [Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents]( - Yakov Fain
* [Руководство по языку программирования Java]( - Евгений Попов
* [Руководство по Java Core]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Руководство по Servlets]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Руководство по языку программирования Java]( - Евгений Попов
* [Самоучитель по Java с нуля]( - Vertex Academy
* [Собеседование по Java Core](
* [Собеседование по Java EE](
* [Учебник Java 8]( - Фёдор Урванов
* [Учебник по Java 8]( - Vertex Academy
* [Учебник по Java 9]( - Vertex Academy
* [Учебник Java 8]( - Фёдор Урванов
* [Язык Java 8](
* [Java Basics](
* [Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents]( - Yakov Fain
#### Android
@ -260,38 +254,36 @@
#### Hibernate
* [Hibernate](
* [Руководство по Hibernate]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Hibernate](
#### JDBC
* [JDBC и Spring JDBC](
* [Руководство по JDBC]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [JDBC и Spring JDBC](
#### JUnit
* [JUnit 4](
* [Руководство по JUnit]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [JUnit 4](
#### Maven
* [Apache Maven](
* [Руководство по Maven]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Apache Maven](
#### Spring
* [Spring Framework](
* [Руководство по Spring]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Spring Framework](
### JavaScript
* [JavaScript Garden]( - Иво Ветцель
* [JavaScript и jQuery]( - Елена Назарова
* [Вы не знаете JS (серия книг)]( - Кайл Симпсон
* [Выразительный JavaScript]( - Marijn Haverbeke
* [Курс современного JavaScript]( - bxnotes
@ -299,26 +291,29 @@
* [Паттерны для масштабируемых JavaScript-приложений]( - Эдди Османи
* [Руководство по JavaScript]( - Евгений Попов
* [Современный учебник JavaScript]( - Илья Кантор
* [JavaScript и jQuery]( - Елена Назарова
* [JavaScript Garden]( - Иво Ветцель
#### AngularJS
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [Онлайн-руководство по AngularJS]( - Евгений Попов
* [Перевод документации](
* [Русская версия документация Angular 10]( - Алексей Охрименко
#### jQuery
* [jQuery для начинающих]( - Антон Шевчук
* [Онлайн-книга "Изучаем jQuery"]( - Евгений Попов
* [Русская документация по API jQuery](
* [jQuery для начинающих]( - Антон Шевчук
#### Node.js
* [Node.js для начинающих]( - Manuel Kiessling
* [Руководство по Node.js]( - Евгений Попов
* [Node.js для начинающих]( - Manuel Kiessling
#### Nuxt.js
@ -332,7 +327,7 @@
* [Путь к изучению React]( - Алексей Пыльцын (PDF, ePub, MOBI) *(Требуется аккаунт на Leanpub или действительный адрес электронной почты)*
* [Руководство по React]( - Евгений Попов
* [Уроки по React](
* [Учебник по фреймворку React](
* [Учебник по фреймворку React](
#### Vue.js
@ -349,8 +344,8 @@
### LaTeX
* [LaTeX, GNU/Linux и русский стиль (сборник статей)](
* [LaTeX за три дня]( - Андрей Столяров (PDF)
* [LaTeX, GNU/Linux и русский стиль (сборник статей)](
### Lisp
@ -384,24 +379,24 @@
### Objective-C
* [Become an XCoder](
* [Хрестоматия iOS паттернов]( (PDF)
* [Цикл статей разработки под Apple iOS](
* [Become an XCoder](
### Perl
* [Pragmatic Perl]( - журнал
* [Введение в Perl]( - Маслов Владимир Викторович
* [Краткий экскурс в Perl-программирование]( - Докучаев Дмитрий
* [Pragmatic Perl]( - журнал
### PHP
* [PHP: Правильный Путь](
* [Руководство по PHP](
* [Руководство по PHPUnit](
* [Самоучитель (учебник) по PHP](
* [PHP: Правильный Путь](
#### CakePHP
@ -427,24 +422,24 @@
### Python
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
* [Python. unittest]( - Абдрахманов М
* [Python. Введение в объектно-ориентированное программирование]( - C. Шапошникова
* [Python. Введение в программирование]( - C. Шапошникова
* [Python. Уроки]( - Абдрахманов М.И.
* [Tkinter. Программирование графического интерфейса]( - C. Шапошникова
* [Вглубь языка Python](
* [Основы программирования на Python]( - Дмитрий Фёдоров (PDF)
* [Руководство по языку программирования Python]( - Евгений Попов
* [Самоучитель Python]( (PDF)
* [Укус Питона]( - Swaroop C H
* [Учебник Python 2.6](Учебник_Python_2.6) - Викиучебник
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
* [Python. Введение в объектно-ориентированное программирование]( - C. Шапошникова
* [Python. Введение в программирование]( - C. Шапошникова
* [Python. Уроки]( - Абдрахманов М.И.
* [Python. unittest]( - Абдрахманов М
* [Tkinter. Программирование графического интерфейса]( - C. Шапошникова
#### Django
* [Руководство Django Girls]( (1.11) (HTML) (:construction: *в процессе написания*)
* [Руководство по веб-фреймворку Django]( - Евгений Попов
* [Руководство Django Girls]( (1.11) (HTML) (:construction: *в процессе написания*)
### R
@ -453,18 +448,13 @@
* [Рандомизация и бутстреп: статистический анализ в биологии и экологии с использованием R.]( (PDF)
### Reverse engineering
* [Введение в reverse engineering для начинающих]( - Денис Юричев (PDF)
### Ruby
* [Ruby]( - Викиучебник
* [Ruby Book]( - Круглов А.
* [Ruby за двадцать минут](
* [Руководство пользователя]( - matz
* [Учись программировать]( - Крис Пайн
* [Ruby]( - Викиучебник
* [Ruby за двадцать минут](
* [Ruby Book]( - Круглов А.
#### RSpec
@ -474,23 +464,23 @@
#### Ruby on Rails
* [Ruby on Rails Tutorial. Изучение Rails на Примерах]( Майкл Хартл
* [Ruby on Rails по-русски](
* [Ruby on Rails Tutorial. Изучение Rails на Примерах]( Майкл Хартл
### Rust
* [Rust на примерах](
* [Растономикон](
* [Язык программирования Rust](
* [Rust на примерах](
### Scala
* [Effective Scala]( - Marius Eriksen
* [Scala Школа!]( - Twitter
* [Путеводитель неофита по Scala (перевод серии статей Даниеля Вестсайда)]( - Антон Холомьёв
* [Руководство по Scala]( - Евгений Сулейманов
* [Effective Scala]( - Marius Eriksen
* [Scala Школа!]( - Twitter
### Scilab
@ -517,40 +507,58 @@
* [Язык SQL. Базовый курс]( (PDF)
#### FirebirdSQL
* [Краткое руководство по миграции на Firebird 4.0]( - Denis Simonov (PDF)
* [Руководство по аппаратному обеспечению для Firebird]( - IBSurgeon (PDF)
* [Руководство по написанию UDR на Pascal]( - Denis Simonov ([PDF](, [:package: code examples](
* [Руководство по языку Firebird 3.0]( - Denis Simonov, Paul Vinkenug, Dmitry Filippov, Dmitry Emanov, Alexander Karpeikin, Dmitry Kuzmenko, Alexey Kovyazin (PDF)
* [Руководство по языку Firebird 4.0]( - Dmitry Filippov, Alexander Karpeikin, Alexey Kovyazin, Dmitry Kuzmenko, Denis Simonov, Paul Vinkenoog, Dmitry Emanov, Mark Rotteveel (PDF)
#### PostgreSQL
* [PostgreSQL для начинающих]( (PDF)
* [Документация]( (PDF)
* [История о PostgreSQL]( - Linux Format
* [Работа с PostgreSQL - настройка и масштабирование]( - А. Ю. Васильев
* [PostgreSQL для начинающих]( - Luzanov Pavel Veniaminovich, Rogov Yegor Valerievich, Levshin Igor Viktorovich (PDF)
### Swift
* [Documentation](
* [Документация и туториалы](
* [Documentation](
### TypeScript
* [Перевод официальной документации Typescript](
* [Перевод официальной документации Typescript]( - George Kiselev
* [Руководство по TypeScript]( - Евгений Попов
#### Angular
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Руководство по Angular]( - Евгений Попов
* [Русская версия документация Angular 10]( - Alexey Okhrimenko
* [Angular 5. Полное руководство]( - Maximilian Schwarzmüller
### Unix
* [Beyond Linux From Scratch (version 2011-12-30)](
* [Linux From Scratch (version 6.8)](
* [The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide]( - Peter Jay Salzman, Michael Burian, Ori Pomerantz
* [Архитектура операционной системы Unix]( - Maurice J. Bach
* [Введение в Linux. Руководство по работе]( - Machtelt Garrels
* [Beyond Linux From Scratch (version * [Архитектура операционной системы Unix]( - Maurice J. Bach
* [Введение в системное администрирование UNIX]( - Мошков Максим Евгеньевич
* [Введение в Linux. Руководство по работе]( - Machtelt Garrels
* [Внутреннее устройство Ядра Linux 2.4]( - Tigran Aivazian
* [Перевод Linux kernel and C library.](
* [Программирование в Linux с нуля]( - Nikolay N. Ivanov
* [Руководство программиста для Linux]( - Sven Goldt, Matt Welsh
* [Энциклопедия программиста Linux]( - Алексей Паутов
* [Энциклопедия разработчика модулей ядра Linux]( - Ori Pomerantz
* [Linux From Scratch (version 6.8)](
* [The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide]( - Peter Jay Salzman, Michael Burian, Ori Pomerantz
### Vim

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### Index
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [PHP](#php)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* [C-programmering]( - Wikibooks
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Programmera spel i C++ för nybörjare]( - Wikibooks

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This list, organized by subject, is for books that cover a programming-related subject in a programming-language agnostic way.
Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE file]( list.
### Index
* [0 - Meta-Lists](#0---meta-lists)
* [Algorithms & Data Structures](#algorithms--data-structures)
* [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
* [Cellular Automata](#cellular-automata)
* [Cloud Computing](#cloud-computing)
* [Competitive Programming](#competitive-programming)
* [Compiler Design](#compiler-design)
* [Computer Science](#computer-science)
* [Computer Vision](#computer-vision)
* [Containers](#containers)
* [Database](#database)
* [Datamining](#datamining)
* [Game Development](#game-development)
* [Graphical user interfaces](#graphical-user-interfaces)
* [Graphics Programming](#graphics-programming)
* [Information Retrieval](#information-retrieval)
* [Licensing](#licensing)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Mathematics](#mathematics)
* [Mathematics For Computer Science](#mathematics-for-computer-science)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [Networking](#networking)
* [Open Source Ecosystem](#open-source-ecosystem)
* [Operating Systems](#operating-systems)
* [Parallel Programming](#parallel-programming)
* [Partial Evaluation](#partial-evaluation)
* [Professional Development](#professional-development)
* [Programming Paradigms](#programming-paradigms)
* [Regular Expressions](#regular-expressions)
* [Reverse Engineering](#reverse-engineering)
* [Search Engines](#search-engines)
* [Security](#security)
* [Software Architecture](#software-architecture)
* [Standards](#standards)
* [Theoretical Computer Science](#theoretical-computer-science)
* [Web Performance](#web-performance)
* [Web Services](#web-services)
* [Workflow](#workflow)
### 0 - Meta-Lists
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### Algorithms & Data Structures
* [A Field Guide To Genetic Programming]( - Riccardo Poli et al. (PDF)
* [Algorithm Design]( - Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos (PDF)
* [Algorithmic Graph Theory](
* [Algorithms]( - Wikibooks
* [Algorithms, 4th Edition]( - Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
* [Algorithms and Automatic Computing Machines (1963)]( - B. A. Trakhtenbrot
* [Algorithms and Complexity]( - Herbert S. Wilf (PDF)
* [Algorithms Course Materials]( - Jeff Erickson
* [Algorithms Notes for Professionals]( - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
* [Analysis and Design of Algorithms]( - Sandeep Sen, IIT Delhi
* [Animated Algorithm and Data Structure Visualization]( (Resource)
* [Annotated Algorithms in Python: Applications in Physics, Biology, and Finance]( - Massimo di Pierro
* [Binary Trees]( (PDF)
* [Data Structures]( - Prof. Subhashis Banerjee, IIT Delhi
* [Data Structures (Into Java) - Paul N. Hilfinger]( (PDF)
* [Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples]( - G. Barnett and L. Del Tongo
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 1, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 2, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Elementary Algorithms]( - Larry LIU Xinyu
* [Foundations of Computer Science]( - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
* [Geometry Algorithms]( - Dan Sunday
* [Lectures Notes on Algorithm Analysis and Computational Complexity (Fourth Edition)]( - Ian Parberry (use form at bottom of license)
* [LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing]( - K. Mehlhorn et al.
* [Linked List Basics]( (PDF)
* [Linked List Problems]( (PDF)
* [Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code]( (PDF)
* [Open Data Structures: An Introduction]( - Pat Morin
* [Planning Algorithms](
* [Problems on Algorithms (Second Edition)]( - Ian Parberry (use form at bottom of license)
* [Purely Functional Data Structures (1996)]( - Chris Okasaki (PDF)
* [Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms](
* [Text Algorithms]( (PDF)
* [The Algorithm Design Manual](
* [The Art of Computer Programming]( - Donald Knuth (fascicles, mostly volume 4)
* [The Design of Approximation Algorithms]( (PDF)
* [The Great Tree List Recursion Problem]( (PDF)
* [The Kademlia Protocol Succinctly]( - Marc Clifton
* [Think Complexity]( - Allen B. Downey (2nd Edition) (PDF, HTML)
### Artificial Intelligence
* [Introduction to Autonomous Robots]( - Nikolaus Correll (PDF)
* [The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements]( - Nils J. Nilsson (PDF)
### Cellular Automata
* [A New Kind of Science]( - Stephen Wolfram
### Cloud Computing
* [AWS Well-Architected Framework]( (PDF, HTML)
* [Azure for Architects, Third Edition]( (PDF) *(email address or account required)*
* [Azure Functions Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
* [Cloud Computing for Science and Engineering]( - Ian Foster, Dennis B. Gannon (:construction: *in process*)
* [Cloud Design Patterns](
* [Designing Distributed Systems]( *(account required)*
* [Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches]( - Iain Foulds (PDF)
* [Monitoring Modern Infrastructure]( *(account required)*
* [Multi-tenant Applications for the Cloud, 3rd Edition](
* [OpenStack Operations Guide](
* [Streamline microservice management with Istio Service Mesh]( *(account required)*
* [The Developers Guide to Azure](
### Competitive Programming
* [Competitive Programmer's Handbook]( - Antti Laaksonen (PDF)
* [Competitive Programming, 1st Edition]( - Steven Halim [(PDF)](
* [Competitive Programming, 2nd Edition]( - Steven Halim [(PDF)](
* [Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving]( - Johan Sannemo (PDF)
### Compiler Design
* [An Introduction to GCC]( - Brian Gough
* [Basics of Compiler Design (Anniversary Edition)]( - Torben Mogensen
* [Compiler Design in C (1990)]( - Allen Holub, Prentice Hall
* [Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples, C/C++ Edition]( - Seth D. Bergmann (PDF)
* [Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples, Java Edition]( - Seth D. Bergmann (PDF)
* [Compiling Scala for the Java Virtual Machine]( - Michel Schinz (PDF)
* [Compiling Techniques (1969)]( - F.R.A. Hopgood, Macdonald
* [Crafting Interpreters (:construction:)]( - Bob Nystrom (HTML)
* [Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial]( - Simon Peyton Jones, David Lester
* [Let's Build a Compiler]( (PDF)
* [Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction]( (class lectures and slides)
* [The ANTLR Mega Tutorial](
### Computer Science
* [Computational Thinking]( - Jeannette Wing, Carnegie-Mellon University (PDF)
* [Computer Science I - Draft]( - Dr. Chris Bourke (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Computer Science II - Draft]( - Dr. Chris Bourke (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [CS Principles: Big Ideas in Programming]( - Mark Guzdial and Barbara Ericson (HTML)
### Computer Vision
* [Computer Vision]( - Dana Ballard, Chris Brown
* [Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications]( - Richard Szeliski
* [Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference]( - Simon J.D. Prince
* [Programming Computer Vision with Python]( - Jan Erik Solem
### Containers
* [Docker Jumpstart]( - Andrew Odewahn
### Database
* [Database Design, 2nd Ed.]( - Adrienne Watt, Nelson Eng (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle)
* [Database Explorations]( (PDF)
* [Database Fundamentals]( (PDF)
* [Databases, Types, and The Relational Model: The Third Manifesto]( (PDF)
* [Foundations of Databases](
* [Readings in Database Systems, 5th Ed.](
* [Temporal Database Management]( - Christian S. Jensen
* [The Theory of Relational Databases](
### Datamining
* [A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining]( - Ron Zacharski (Draft)
* [Data Jujitsu: The Art of Turning Data into Product]( (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Data Mining Algorithms In R]( - Wikibooks
* [Internet Advertising: An Interplay among Advertisers, Online Publishers, Ad Exchanges and Web Users]( (PDF)
* [Introduction to Data Science]( - Jeffrey Stanton
* [Introduction to Data Science]( - Rafael A Irizarry *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Mining of Massive Datasets](
* [School of Data Handbook](
* [Statistical inference for data science]( - Brian Caffo
* [The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimensionality Reduction Techniques (with Python codes)]( - Pulkit Sharma
* [Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining](
### Game Development
* [2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero]( - Daniele Penazzo (HTML, [PDF, EBPUB, Kindle...]( (:construction: *in process*)
* [Coding With Minecraft]( - Al Sweigart
* [Designing Virtual Worlds]( - Richard A. Bartle (PDF)
* [Game AI Pro]( - Steve Rabin
* [Game Design with AGS]( - Dave Ensminger, A. G. Madi
* [Game Programming Patterns]( - Bob Nystrom
* [Procedural Content Generation in Games]( - Noor Shaker, Julian Togelius, Mark Nelson
### Graphics Programming
* [3D Game Shaders For Beginners]( - David Lettier (Git) [(HTML)](
* [Blender 3D: Noob to Pro]( - Wikibooks
* [Blender Manual](
* [Computer Graphics from scratch]( - Gabriel Gambetta (:construction: *in process*)
* [DirectX manual]( (draft)
* [GPU Gems](
* [Graphics Programming Black Book]( - Michael Abrash
* [Introduction to Modern OpenGL]( - Alexander Overvoorde (HTML, EPUB, PDF) (C++)
* [Introduction to TouchDesigner 099]( *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!]( - Scratchapixel (:construction: *in process*)
* [Learn OpenGL]( - Joey de Vries
* [Learn OpenGL RS]( - Benjamin Wasty et al. (:construction: *in process*) (Rust)
* [Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming]( - Jason L. McKesson (draft)
* [Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course]( - Dr. Steve Cunningham (PDF)
* [OpenGL]( - Concepts and illustrations.
* [Ray Tracing in One Weekend]( - Peter Shirley (HTML)
* [ShaderX series]( - Wolfgang Engel
* [Tutorials for modern OpenGL](
* [WebGL Insights]( - Patrick Cozzi and Contributors
### Graphical User Interfaces
* [Programming with gtkmm 4](
* [Search User Interfaces]( - Marti A. Hearst
* [The GLib/GTK+ Development Platform]( - Sébastien Wilmet (PDF)
### Information Retrieval
* [Information Retrieval: A Survey]( (PDF)
* [Introduction to Information Retrieval](
### Licensing
* [Creative Commons: a user guide]( - Simone Aliprandi
* [Open Source Licensing Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law]( - Lawrence Rosen
* [The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind]( - James Boyle
### Machine Learning
* [A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers]( - Osvaldo Simeone (PDF)
* [A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks](
* [A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning]( - Soroush Nasiriany, Garrett Thomas, William Wang, Alex Yang (PDF)
* [A Course in Machine Learning]( (PDF)
* [A First Encounter with Machine Learning]( (PDF)
* [A Selective Overview of Deep Learning]( - Fan, Ma, and Zhong (PDF)
* [Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning]( - Csaba Szepesvári (PDF)
* [An Introduction to Statistical Learning]( - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani
* [Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning](
* [Deep Learning]( - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
* [Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch]( - Jeremy Howard, Sylvain Gugger (Jupyter Notebooks)
* [Deep Learning with PyTorch]( - Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, Thomas Viehmann (PDF)
* [Dive into Deep Learning](
* [Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of Models, Programs, and Exercises]( - James L. McClelland
* [Foundations of Machine Learning, Second Edition]( - Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar
* [Free and Open Machine Learning]( - Maikel Mardjan
* [Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning](
* [IBM Machine Learning for Dummies]( - Judith Hurwitz, Daniel Kirsch
* [Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms](
* [Interpretable Machine Learning]( - Christoph Molnar
* [Introduction to CNTK Succinctly]( - James McCaffrey
* [Introduction to Machine Learning]( - Amnon Shashua
* [Keras Succinctly]( - James McCaffrey
* [Learn Tensorflow]( - Jupyter Notebooks
* [Learning Deep Architectures for AI]( (PDF)
* [Machine Learning](
* [Machine Learning for Data Streams]( - Albert Bifet, Ricard Gavaldà, Geoff Holmes, Bernhard Pfahringer
* [Machine Learning from Scratch]( - Danny Friedman
* [Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification](
* [Mathematics for Machine Learning]( - Garrett Thomas (PDF)
* [Mathematics for Machine Learning]( - Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong
* [Neural Networks and Deep Learning](
* [Probabilistic Models in the Study of Language]( (Draft, with R code)
* [Python Machine Learning Projects]( - Lisa Tagliaferri and Brian Boucheron (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
* [Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction]( - Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto (PDF)
* [Speech and Language Processing (3rd Edition Draft)]( - Daniel Jurafsky, James H. Martin (PDF)
* [The Elements of Statistical Learning]( - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman
* [The LION Way: Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization]( - Roberto Battiti, Mauro Brunato (PDF)
* [The Python Game Book](
* [Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms Every Engineer Should Know]( - Binny Mathews and Omair Aasim
* [Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms]( - Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David
### Mathematics
* [A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra]( - Victor Shoup
* [A First Course in Complex Analysis]( - Matthias Beck, Gerald Marchesi, Dennis Pixton, Lucas Sabalka
* [A First Course in Linear Algebra]( - Rob Beezer
* [A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic]( - Christopher C. Leary and Lars Kristiansen
* [A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics]( - Joseph E. Fields
* [A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics]( - Jeremy Kun
* [Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications]( - Tom Judson
* [Active Calculus]( - Matt Boelkins
* [Advanced Algebra]( - Anthony W. Knapp (PDF)
* [Algebra: Abstract and Concrete]( - Frederick Goodman
* [Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part I (1904)]( - G. Chrystal (PDF)
* [Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part II (1900)]( - G. Chrystal (PDF)
* [Algebraic Topology]( - Allen Hatcher (PDF)
* [An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers]( - Leo Moser (PDF)
* [Analytic Geometry (1922)]( - Lewis Parker Siceloff, George Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (PDF)
* [APEX Calculus]( - Gregory Hartman, Brian Heinold, Troy Siemers, and Dimplekumar Chalishajar
* [Applied Combinatorics]( - Mitchel T. Keller and William T. Trotter
* [Applied Discrete Structures]( - Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur
* [Basic Algebra]( - Anthony W. Knapp (PDF)
* [Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis]( - Jiří Lebl
* [Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus]( (PDF)
* [Bayesian Methods for Hackers]( - Cameron Davidson-Pilon
* [Beginning and Intermediate Algebra]( - Tyler Wallace
* [Book of Proof]( - Richard Hammack [(PDF)](
* [Calculus]( - Gilbert Strang
* [Calculus I]( - Jerrold E. Marsden and Alan Weinstein
* [Calculus in Context]( - James Callahan
* [Calculus Made Easy]( - Silvanus P. Thompson (PDF)
* [Category Theory for the Sciences]( - David I. Spivak
* [CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced](
* [CLP-1 Differential Calculus]( - Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager
* [CLP-2 Integral Calculus]( - Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager
* [CLP-3 Multivariable Calculus]( - Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager
* [CLP-4 Vector Calculus]( - Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager
* [Collaborative Statistics](
* [Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery]( - Kenneth Bogart
* [Complex Analysis]( - George Cain
* [Computational and Inferential Thinking. The Foundations of Data Science](
* [Computational Geometry](
* [Computational Mathematics with SageMath]( - Paul Zimmermann et al.
* [Concepts & Applications of Inferential Statistics](
* [Convex Optimization]( - Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe
* [Coordinate Geometry (1911)]( - Henry Buchard Fine and Henry Dallas Thompson (PDF)
* [Differential Equations]( - Paul Dawkins (PDF, use download menu to download)
* [Differential Equations (1922)]( - H. B. Phillips (PDF)
* [Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction]( - Oscar Levin
* [Discrete Mathematics: First and Second Course]( - Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson
* [Elementary Differential Equations]( - William F. Trench (PDF)
* [Elementary Differential Equations (with Boundary Value Problems)]( - William F. Trench
* [Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets]( - William Stein
* [Elementary Real Analysis]( - Brian S. Thomson, Judith B. Bruckner, Andrew M. Bruckner
* [Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra]( - E. H. Connell
* [Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus (1911)]( - William Anthony Granville (PDF)
* [Essentials of Metaheuristics]( - Sean Luke
* [First Course in Algebra (1910)]( - Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton (PDF)
* [Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications]( - Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson
* [Foundations of Constructive Probability Theory]( - Yuen-Kwok Chan (PDF)
* [Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology]( - Michael P. Hitchman
* [Graph Theory](
* [How We Got from There to Here: A Story of Real Analysis]( - Robert Rogers and Eugene Boman
* [Introduction to Probability]( - Charles M. Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell
* [Introduction to Probability and Statistics Spring 2014](
* [Introduction to Proofs]( - Jim Hefferon
* [Introduction to Real Analysis]( - William F. Trench
* [Introduction to Statistical Thought]( - Michael Lavine
* [Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences]( - Julie Vu and David Harrington
* [Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python](
* [Knapsack Problems - Algorithms and Computer Implementations]( - Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth
* [Lecture Notes of Linear Algebra]( - Dr. P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur (PDF)
* [Lies, Damned Lies, or Statistics: How to Tell the Truth with Statistics]( - Jonathan A. Poritz (PDF)
* [Linear Algebra]( - Dr. Arbind K Lal, Sukant Pati (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Linear Algebra]( (PDF)
* [Linear Algebra]( - Jim Hefferon
* [Linear Algebra Done Wrong]( - Sergei Treil
* [Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple]( - James Herod
* [Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics]( - Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod
* [Magic Squares and Cubes (1917)]( - W. S. Anderson (PDF)
* [Math in Society]( - David Lippman
* [Mathematical Analysis I]( - Elias Zakon
* [Mathematical Discovery]( - Andrew M. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson, and Judith B. Bruckner
* [Mathematical Logic - an Introduction]( (PDF)
* [Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof]( - Ted Sundstrom
* [Mathematics, MTH101A]( - P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur
* [Modern Statistics for Modern Biology]( - Susan Holmes and Wolfgang Huber
* [Multivariable Calculus]( - George Cain and James Herod
* [Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation]( - Luc Devroye (PDF)
* [Notes on Diffy Qs]( - Jiří Lebl
* [Number Theory]( - Holden Lee MIT
* [Number Theory: In Context and Interactive]( - Karl-Dieter Crisman
* [Odds and Ends: Introducing Probability & Decision with a Visual Emphasis]( - Jonathan Weisberg
* [Online Statistics Education]( - David Lane
* [OpenIntro Statistics]( - David M. Diez, Christopher D. Barr, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
* [ORCCA: Open Resources for Community College Algebra]( - Portland Community College
* [Ordinary Differential Equations]( - Wikibooks
* [Plane Geometry (1913)]( - George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith (PDF)
* [Planes and Spherical Trigonometry (1915)]( - George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith (PDF)
* [Precalculus]( - Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager [(PDF)](
* [Probability and Statistics Cookbook](
* [Probability and Statistics EBook](
* [Probability: Lectures and Labs]( - Mark Huber
* [Recreations in Math]( - H. E. Licks (PDF)
* [Sage for Undergraduates]( - Gregory Bard
* [Second Course in Algebra]( - Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton (PDF)
* [Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory]( - Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak (PDF)
* [Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century]( - Russell A. Poldrack
* [Statistics Done Wrong]( - Alex Reinhart
* [SticiGui]( - Philip Stark
* [Tea Time Numerical Analysis]( - Leon Q. Brin
* [The Joy of Cryptography (2020)]( - Mike Rosulek (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers]( - Allen B. Downey (using Python)
* [Vector Calculus]( - Michael Corral
* [Yet Another Introductory Number Theory Textbook]( - Jonathan A. Poritz (PDF)
### Mathematics For Computer Science
* [A Mathematical Theory of Communication]( - Claude E.Shannon
* [Discrete Structures for Computer Science: Counting, Recursion, and Probability]( - Michiel Smid
### Misc
* [10 Keys to Great Landing Pages]( - iThemes Media (PDF)
* [2016 European Software Development Salary Survey](
* [2016 Software Development Salary Survey](
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended]( *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [A MACHINE MADE THIS BOOK ten sketches of computer science]( - JOHN WHITINGTON (PDF)
* [Ansible Up & Running (first three chapters)]( *(account required)*
* [Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide](
* [Barcode Overview]( (PDF)
* [Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies]( - Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder (PDF)
* [Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts](
* [Communicating Sequential Processes]( - Tony Hoare (PDF)
* [Confessions of an Unintentional CTO: Lessons in Growing a Web App]( - Jack Kinsella
* [Culture \& Empire: Digital Revolution]( (PDF)
* [Design With FontForge](
* [Designing Interfaces]( - Jennifer Tidwell
* [DevDocs]( - Documents for Developers in 1 place
* [DevOps For Dummies (IBM Edition)]( (PDF)
* [Digital Signal Processing For Communications](
* [Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists](
* [Digital Signal Processing in Python]( - Allen B. Downey
* ["DYNAMIC LINKED LIBRARIES": Paradigms of the GPL license in contemporary software]( - Luis A. Enríquez
* [Essential Image Optimization]( - Addy Osmani
* [Foundations of Programming]( (PDF)
* [Getting Real]( - Basecamp, 37signals ([HTML](, [PDF](
* [Google Maps API Succinctly]( - Mark Lewin
* [Hacknot: Essays on Software Development]( - Ed Johnson
* [Hello SDL]( - Lazy Foo' Productions
* [High-Performance Scientific Computing]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Holm School (You Might Learn Something) - How to Teach Yourself To Be A Computer Scientist for Hamiltons a Month]( - Ryhen Holm
* [HoloLens Succinctly]( - Lars Klint
* [How Computers Work]( - R. Young
* [How to Become a Programmer]( (PDF)
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist]( - Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers
* [Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images]( - Dwayne Phillips
* [Information Technology and the Networked Economy]( (PDF)
* [Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++ and Fortran]( - Victor Eijkhout (PDF)
* [IRPF90 Fortran code generator]( - Anthony Scemama
* [Learn Programming]( - Antti Salonen
* [Learn to Program](
* [Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge]( - Shekhar Gulati
* [Linked Data Patterns: A pattern catalogue for modelling, publishing, and consuming Linked Data]( - Leigh Dodds, Ian Davis
* [Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface](!/MagicInk) - Bret Victor
* [Mastering Bitcoin - Unlocking digital currencies]( - Andreas M. Antonopoulos
* [Mobile Developer's Guide to the Galaxy]( *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts](
* [MSIX Succinctly]( - Matteo Pagani
* [Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World](
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns]( - Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz
* [Open Government; Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice]( - Daniel Lathrop, Laurel Ruma
* [PDQ: Pretty Darn Quick: An Agile, All-Purpose Methodology]( - Jeff Franz-Lien *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Philosophy of Computer Science]( (PDF)
* [Playtime with Hyperledger Composer]( - Shubham Chadokar (PDF)
* [PNG: The Definitive Guide](
* [Pointers And Memory]( (PDF)
* [Principles of Computer System Design]( (PDF)
* [Programming with Unicode](
* [Real-World Maintainable Software]( - Abraham Marin-Perez
* [Record-Playback Test Automation: Sahi & Selenium IDE: Critical Evaluation of Record-Playback Automation Tools]( - Shashikant Jagtap *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture]( - Divakar Viswanath
* [Signal Computing: Digital Signals in the Software Domain]( - Michael Stiber, Bilin Zhang Stiber, Eric C. Larson (PDF)
* [Small Memory Software](
* [Web Almanac]( (PDF)
* [Writing Native Mobile Apps in a Functional Language Succinctly]( - Vassili Kaplan
### Networking
* [An Introduction to Computer Networks]( (HTML, PDF, Kindle)
* [Bits, Signals, and Packets: An Introduction to Digital Communications and Networks](
* [Code Connected vol.1]( (PDF) (book on ZeroMQ)
* [Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice]( (HTML, ePub, PDF, Kindle)
* [Computer Networks: A Systems Approach]( - Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie (HTML, epub, mobi, PDF)
* [Distributed systems for fun and profit](
* [High-Performance Browser Networking]( - Ilya Grigorik
* [How HTTPS Works]( - DNSimple
* [HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [HTTP2 Explained]( - Daniel Stenberg
* [Introduction to HTTP]( - Launch School
* [IPv6 for IPv4 Experts]( - Yar Tikhiy (PDF)
* [Kafka, The definitive Guide]( - Neha Narkhede (PDF)
* [Network Science]( - Albert-Laszló Barabási
* [The TCP/IP Guide](
* [Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know]( (PDF)
* [ZeroMQ Guide](
### Open Source Ecosystem
* [Data Journalism Handbook](
* [Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman and the free software revolution]( - Sam Williams (PDF)
* [Free for All]( - Peter Wayner
* [Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman](
* [Getting Started with InnerSource]( (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Getting started with Open source development]( (PDF)
* [GitLab Handbook](
* [How to get started with open source]( (ePub & ODT)
* [Innovation Happens Elsewhere]( - Ron Goldman, Richard P. Gabriel
* [Introduction to Networking]( - Charles Severance (PDF)
* [Open Advice: FOSS: What We Wish We Had Known When We Started](
* [Open source in Brazil]( - Andy Oram
* [Producing Open Source Software]( - Karl Fogel
* [The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Vol. 1: Elegance, Evolution, and a Few Fearless Hacks; Vol. 2: Structure, Scale, and a Few More Feerless Hacks](
* [The Art of Community]( - Jono Bacon (PDF)
* [The Cathedral and the Bazaar]( - Eric S. Raymond
* [The Future of the Internet]( - Jonathan Zittrain
* [The Open Source Way](
* [The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom]( - Yochai Benkler
### Operating Systems
* [A short introduction to operating systems (2001)]( - Mark Burgess (PDF)
* [Computer Science from the Bottom Up](
* [How to Make a Computer Operating System]( (:construction: *in process*)
* [How to write a simple operating system in assembly language]( - Mike Saunders (HTML)
* [Operating Systems and Middleware]( (PDF and LaTeX)
* [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces]( (PDF)
* [Practical File System Design: The Be File System]( - Dominic Giampaolo (PDF)
* [Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System, a Compiler, and a Computer]( - Niklaus Wirth & Jürg Gutknecht (PDF)
* [The Art of Unix Programming]( - Eric S. Raymond
* [The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels]( - Antti Kantee
* [The little book about OS development]( - Erik Helin, Adam Renberg
* [The Little Book of Semaphores]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems]( - Allen B. Downey (PDF)
* [UNIX Application and System Programming, lecture notes]( - Prof. Stewart Weiss (PDF)
* [Writing a Simple Operating System from Scratch]( - Nick Blundell (PDF)
* [Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system](
### Parallel Programming
* [High Performance Computing]( - Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd (PDF, ePUB)
* [High Performance Computing Training]( (LLNL materials)
* [High-Performance Scientific Computing]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing]( - Victor Eijkhout
* [Introduction to Parallel Computing]( - Blaise Barney
* [Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?]( - Paul E. McKenney
* [Programming on Parallel Machines; GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More]( - Norm Matloff
Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [The OpenCL Programming Book](
* [Using Concurrency and Parallelism Effectively I]( - Jon Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Using Concurrency and Parallelism Effectively II]( - Jon
### Partial Evaluation
* [Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation]( - (PDF) Jones, Gomard and Sestoft
### Professional Development
* [Clean Code Developer: An initiative for more professionalism in software development]( (:construction: *in process*)
* [Confessions of an IT Manager]( - Phil Factor (PDF)
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice]( - Neil Davidson (PDF)
* [How to Do What You Love & Earn What Youre Worth as a Programmer]( - Reginald Braithwaite
* [Professional Software Development For Students]( - Mike G. Miller
* [What I've Learned From Failure]( - Reginald Braithwaite
### Programming Paradigms
* [Flow based Programming]( - J Paul Morrison
* [Introduction to Functional Programming]( - J. Harrison
* [Making Sense of Stream Processing]( - Martin Kleppmann (PDF)
* [Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming]( - Mostly Adequate Core Team
* [The Pure Function Pipeline Data Flow v3.0 ---- the Grand Unified Programming Theory]( - Lin Pengcheng
* [Type Theory and Functional Programming](
### Regular Expressions
* [JavaScript RegExp]( - Sundeep Agarwal
* [Python re(gex)?]( - Sundeep Agarwal
* [Regular Expressions for Regular Folk]( - Shreyas Minocha
* [RexEgg](
* [Ruby Regexp]( - Sundeep Agarwal
* [The 30 Minute Regex Tutorial]( - Jim Hollenhorst
* [The Bastards Book of Regular Expressions: Finding Patterns in Everyday Text]( - Dan Nguyen *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
### Reverse Engineering
* [BIOS Disassembly Ninjutsu Uncovered 1st Edition]( - Darmawan Salihun (PDF)
* [Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering]( - Andrew "bunnie" Huang
* [iOS App Reverse Engineering]( (PDF)
* [Reverse Engineering for Beginners]( - Dennis Yurichev (PDF)
### Search Engines
* [Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide]( ([fork it on GH](
* [Solr for newbies workshop (2019)]( - Hector Correa ([PDF](
### Security
* [A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography](
* [Crypto 101 - Crypto for everyone](
* [CryptoParty Handbook](
* [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](
* [How HTTPS works]( - dnsimple
* [How to deal with Passwords](
* [Intrusion Detection Systems with Snort]( (PDF)
* [OpenSSL Cookbook](
* [OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide]( - Bernhard Mueller et al.
* [OWASP Testing Guide 4.0]( (PDF)
* [OWASP Top 10 for .NET Developers](
* [Security Engineering](
### Software Architecture
* [Agile Planning: From Ideas to Story Cards]( - Launch School
* [Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures]( - Roy Thomas Fielding
* [Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review](
* [Building Secure & Reliable Systems]( - Heather Adkins, Betsy Beyer, Paul Blankinship, Piotr Lewandowski, Ana Oprea & Adam Stubblefield (PDF)
* [Data-Oriented Design](
* [Developing Reactive Microservices]( (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Domain Driven Design Quickly](
* [Domain-Driven Design: The First 15 Years. Essays from the DDD community]( - Domain-Driven Design Europe ([HTML, PDF, ePub]( *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [DSL Engineering: Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages]( - Markus Voelter
* [Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing]( - Dominic Betts, Julián Domínguez, Grigori Melnik, Mani Subramanian, Fernando Simonazzi ([EPUB, PDF]( - [code samples](
* [Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge]( (email adddress *requested*)
* [How to Design Programs](
* [How to Write Unmaintainable Code](
* [Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both](
* [Kanban for skeptics]( - Nick Oostvogels *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls]( (PDF)
* [Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture]( (PDF)
* [Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures]( (email address *requested*) (PDF)
* [Naked objects]( - Richard Pawson (PDF)
* [OAuth - The Big Picture]( (email address *requested*)
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns]( - S. Demeyer, S. Ducasse and O. Nierstrasz
* [Practicing Domain-Driven Design - Part 1]( - Scott Millett *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Reactive Microservices Architecture]( (email address *requested*)
* [Reactive Microsystems: The Evolution of Microservices at Scale]( (email address *requested*)
* [Scrum and XP from the Trenches](
* [Serverless apps: Architecture, patterns, and Azure implementation](
* [Serverless Design Patterns and Best Practices]( - Brian Zambrano (Packt account *required*)
* [Shape Up - Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters]( - Ryan Singer (PDF)
* [Site Reliability Engineering](
* [Software Architecture Patterns]( (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Software Engineering for Internet Applications](
* [Source Making Design Patterns and UML](
* [Test Driven Development, Extensive Tutorial]( - Grzegorz Gałęzowski
* [The Site Reliability Workbook]( - Betsy Beyer, Niall Richard Murphy, David K. Rensin, Kent Kawahara and Stephen Thorne
* [Web API Design]( - Brian Mulloy (PDF)
* [Working with Web APIs]( - Launch School
* [Your API Is Bad]( - Paddy Foran
### Standards
* [Linux Standard Base](
* [UNIX - The POSIX Standard - IEEE Std 1003.1](
### Theoretical Computer Science
* [Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science]( - Margaret M. Fleck
* [Category Theory for Computing Science]( (PDF)
* [Category Theory for Programmers]( - Bartosz Milewski (PDF)
* [Design of a Programmer]( - Prakash Hegade (PDF)
* [Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics]( (PDF)
* [Introduction to Computer Science]( - Prof. Subhashis Banerjee, IIT Delhi
* [Introduction to Computing](
* [Introduction to Theory of Computation]( - Anil Maheshwari and Michiel Smid (PDF)
* [Models of Computation]( - John E. Savage
* [Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, Preview]( - Robert Harper (PDF)
* [Principles of Programming Languages]( - Scott F. Smith
* [Programming and Programming Languages]( - Shriram Krishnamurthi
* [Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory]( - Bengt Nordstroem
* [Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (2nd Edition)]( - Shriram Krishnamurthi
* [Programming Languages: Theory and Practice]( - Robert Harper (PDF)
* [Semantics with Applications: A Formal Introduction]( - Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson (PDF)
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [The Black Art of Programming]( - Mark McIlroy
* [The Craft of Programming]( - John C. Reynolds
* [Think Complexity]( - - Allen B. Downey (2nd Edition) (PDF, HTML)
### Web Performance
* [Book of Speed]( - Stoyan Stefanov
* [Designing for Performance]( - Lara Hogan
* [High Performance Accelerated Websites]( - Anshul (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [High Performance Browser Networking]( - Ilya Grigorik
* [Mature Optimization]( - Carlos Bueno (PDF)
### Web Services
* [RESTful Web Services]( (PDF)
### Workflow
* [Declare Peace on Virtual Machines. A guide to simplifying vm-based development on a Mac](

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### Java
* [Java Programming Concept]( - Rungrote Phonkam
* [โครงสร้างข้อมูลฉบับวาจาจาวา]( - สมชาย ประสิทธิ์จูตระกูล
* [Java Programming Concept]( - Rungrote Phonkam
### Python

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* [Algoritma ve Veri Yapıları](#algoritma-ve-veri-yapilari)
* [Android](#android)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CSS](#css)
* [D](#d)
* [Dart](#dart)
@ -44,11 +44,10 @@
### C
* [Beej'in Ağ Programlama Kılavuzu - Internet Soketlerini Kullanarak]( - B. Hall, Çeviren Emre "FZ" Sevinç (HTML)
* [C Programlama Diline Giriş]( - Ahmet Bingül
* [GNU C Kütüphanesi Basvuru Klavuzu](
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ Dersleri]( - Yusuf Sezer
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### Go
* [Go El Kitabı]( - Karl Seguin, Umut Işık tarafından çevirildi
* [Go El Kitabı]( - Karl Seguin, Umut Işık tarafından çevirildi ([HTML](, [PDF](, [EPUB](
### Güvenlik ve Gizlilik
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### iOS
* [iOS Geleceği Yazanlar](
* [iOS Geleceği Yazanlar](
### Java
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### Python
* [Bilgisayar Bilimcisi Gibi Düşünmek-Python3 ile Öğrenme]( - Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey ve Chris Meyers
* [Python Programlama Dili]( - YazBel Yazılım Belgelendirme Projesi - Python 3
### Django

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### Index
* [Go](#golang)
### <a name="golang"></a>Go
* [The Little Go Book]( - Karl Seguin, Naing Lin Aung ([HTML](

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## 目录
* [语言无关](#语言无关)
* [版本控制](#版本控制)
* [编程艺术](#编程艺术)
* [编辑器](#编辑器)
* [编译原理](#编译原理)
* [操作系统](#操作系统)
* [程序员杂谈](#程序员杂谈)
* [大数据](#大数据)
* [分布式系统](#分布式系统)
* [管理和监控](#管理和监控)
* [函数式概念](#函数式概念)
* [计算机图形学](#计算机图形学)
* [其它](#其它)
* [软件开发方法](#软件开发方法)
* [设计模式](#设计模式)
* [数据库](#数据库)
* [项目相关](#项目相关)
* [在线教育](#在线教育)
* [正则表达式](#正则表达式)
* [智能系统](#智能系统)
* [IDE](#ide)
* [Web](#web)
* [WEB服务器](#web服务器)
* [其它](#其它)
* [函数式概念](#函数式概念)
* [分布式系统](#分布式系统)
* [在线教育](#在线教育)
* [大数据](#大数据)
* [操作系统](#操作系统)
* [数据库](#数据库)
* [智能系统](#智能系统)
* [正则表达式](#正则表达式)
* [版本控制](#版本控制)
* [程序员杂谈](#程序员杂谈)
* [管理和监控](#管理和监控)
* [编程艺术](#编程艺术)
* [编译原理](#编译原理)
* [编辑器](#编辑器)
* [计算机图形学](#计算机图形学)
* [设计模式](#设计模式)
* [软件开发方法](#软件开发方法)
* [项目相关](#项目相关)
* [语言相关](#语言相关)
* [Android](#android)
* [AWK](#awk)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript)
* [Dart](#dart)
* [Elasticsearch](#elasticsearch)
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
* [Shell](#shell)
* [Swift](#swift)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Deno](#deno)
* [VBA](#vba-microsoft-visual-basic-applications)
* [Vim](#vim)
* [Visual Prolog](#visual-prolog)
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## 语言无关
### IDE
* [IntelliJ IDEA 简体中文专题教程](
### Web
* [3 Web Designs in 3 Weeks](
* [Chrome 开发者工具中文手册](
* [Chrome扩展及应用开发](
* [Chrome扩展开发文档](
* [Growth: 全栈增长工程师指南](
* [Grunt中文文档](
* [Gulp 入门指南](
* [gulp中文文档](
* [HTTP 接口设计指北](
* [HTTP/2.0 中文翻译](
* [http2讲解](
* [JSON风格指南](
* [Wireshark用户手册](
* [一站式学习Wireshark](
* [关于浏览器和网络的 20 项须知](
* [前端代码规范 及 最佳实践](
* [前端开发体系建设日记](
* [前端资源分享(一)](
* [前端资源分享(二)](
* [正则表达式30分钟入门教程](
* [浏览器开发工具的秘密](
* [移动Web前端知识库](
* [移动前端开发收藏夹](
### WEB服务器
* [Apache 中文手册](
* [Nginx开发从入门到精通]( - 淘宝团队
* [Nginx教程从入门到精通]( - 运维生存时间 (PDF)
### 其它
* [SAN 管理入门系列](
* [Sketch 中文手册](
* [深入理解并行编程](
### 函数式概念
* [傻瓜函数编程](
### 分布式系统
* [走向分布式]( (PDF)
### 在线教育
* [51CTO学院](
* [Codecademy](
* [CodeSchool](
* [Coursera](
* [Learn X in Y minutes](
* [shiyanlou](
* [TeamTreeHouse](
* [Udacity](
* [xuetangX](
* [慕课网](
* [极客学院](
* [汇智网](
* [计蒜客](
* [黑马程序员](
### 大数据
* [Spark 编程指南简体中文版](
* [数据挖掘中经典的算法实现和详细的注释](
* [面向程序员的数据挖掘指南](
### 操作系统
* [Docker —— 从入门到实践](
* [Docker中文指南](
* [Docker入门实战](
* [FreeBSD 使用手册](
* [Linux Documentation (中文版)](
* [Linux Guide for Complete Beginners](
* [Linux 构建指南](
* [Linux 系统高级编程](
* [Linux工具快速教程](
* [Mac 开发配置手册](
* [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
* [The Linux Command Line](
* [Ubuntu 参考手册](
* [uCore Lab: Operating System Course in Tsinghua University](
* [命令行的艺术](
* [嵌入式 Linux 知识库 ( 中文版)](
* [开源世界旅行手册](
* [理解Linux进程](
* [鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜 基础学习篇](
* [鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜 服务器架设篇](
### 数据库
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### 智能系统
* [一步步搭建物联网系统](
### 正则表达式
* [正则表达式-菜鸟教程](
* [正则表达式30分钟入门教程](
### 版本控制
* [沉浸式学 Git](
* [猴子都能懂的GIT入门](
* [学习 Git 分支](
* [Git - 简易指南](
* [Git 参考手册](
* [Git-Cheat-Sheet]( - flyhigher139
* [Git Community Book 中文版](
* [git-flow 备忘清单](
* [Git magic](
* [Git Magic](
* [Git 参考手册](
* [Git教程]( - 廖雪峰
* [Github帮助文档](
* [GitHub秘籍](
* [Git教程]( - 廖雪峰
* [Got GitHub](
* [GotGitHub](
* [HgInit (中文版)](
@ -225,9 +108,51 @@
* [Pro Git](
* [Pro Git 第二版 中文版]( - Bingo Huang
* [svn 手册](
* [学习 Git 分支](
* [沉浸式学 Git](
* [猴子都能懂的GIT入门](
### 编程艺术
* [编程入门指南](
* [程序员编程艺术](
* [每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 (第一部分)](
### 编辑器
* [笨方法学Vimscript 中译本](
* [所需即所获:像 IDE 一样使用 vim](
* [exvim--vim 改良成IDE项目](
* [Vim中文文档](
### 编译原理
* [《计算机程序的结构和解释》公开课 翻译项目](
### 操作系统
* [开源世界旅行手册](
* [理解Linux进程](
* [命令行的艺术](
* [鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜 服务器架设篇](
* [鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜 基础学习篇](
* [嵌入式 Linux 知识库 ( 中文版)](
* [Docker — 从入门到实践](
* [Docker入门实战](
* [Docker中文指南](
* [FreeBSD 使用手册](
* [Linux 构建指南](
* [Linux 系统高级编程](
* [Linux Documentation (中文版)](
* [Linux Guide for Complete Beginners](
* [Linux工具快速教程](
* [Mac 开发配置手册](
* [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
* [The Linux Command Line](
* [Ubuntu 参考手册](
* [uCore Lab: Operating System Course in Tsinghua University](
### 程序员杂谈
@ -235,6 +160,18 @@
* [程序员的自我修养](
### 大数据
* [面向程序员的数据挖掘指南](
* [数据挖掘中经典的算法实现和详细的注释](
* [Spark 编程指南简体中文版](
### 分布式系统
* [走向分布式]( (PDF)
### 管理和监控
* [ElasticSearch 权威指南](
@ -245,24 +182,9 @@
* [Puppet 2.7 Cookbook 中文版](
### 编程艺术
### 函数式概念
* [每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 (第一部分)](
* [程序员编程艺术](
* [编程入门指南](
### 编译原理
* [《计算机程序的结构和解释》公开课 翻译项目](
### 编辑器
* [exvim--vim 改良成IDE项目](
* [Vim中文文档](
* [所需即所获:像 IDE 一样使用 vim](
* [笨方法学Vimscript 中译本](
* [傻瓜函数编程](
### 计算机图形学
@ -271,10 +193,11 @@
* [OpenGL 教程](
### 设计模式
### 其它
* [史上最全设计模式导学目录](
* [图说设计模式](
* [深入理解并行编程](
* [SAN 管理入门系列](
* [Sketch 中文手册](
### 软件开发方法
@ -283,17 +206,96 @@
* [硝烟中的 Scrum 和 XP](
### 设计模式
* [史上最全设计模式导学目录](
* [图说设计模式](
### 数据库
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### 项目相关
* [编码规范](
* [开源软件架构](
* [让开发自动化系列专栏](
* [追求代码质量](
* [GNU make 指南](
* [Gradle 2 用户指南](
* [Gradle 中文使用文档](
* [Joel谈软件](
* [selenium 中文文档](
* [开源软件架构](
* [编码规范](
* [让开发自动化系列专栏](
* [追求代码质量](
### 在线教育
* [51CTO学院](
* [黑马程序员](
* [汇智网](
* [极客学院](
* [计蒜客](
* [慕课网](
* [Codecademy](
* [CodeSchool](
* [Coursera](
* [Learn X in Y minutes](
* [shiyanlou](
* [TeamTreeHouse](
* [Udacity](
* [xuetangX](
### 正则表达式
* [正则表达式-菜鸟教程](
* [正则表达式30分钟入门教程](
### 智能系统
* [一步步搭建物联网系统](
### IDE
* [IntelliJ IDEA 简体中文专题教程](
### Web
* [3 Web Designs in 3 Weeks](
* [关于浏览器和网络的 20 项须知](
* [浏览器开发工具的秘密](
* [前端代码规范 及 最佳实践](
* [前端开发体系建设日记](
* [前端资源分享(二)](
* [前端资源分享(一)](
* [一站式学习Wireshark](
* [移动前端开发收藏夹](
* [移动Web前端知识库](
* [正则表达式30分钟入门教程](
* [Chrome 开发者工具中文手册](
* [Chrome扩展及应用开发](
* [Chrome扩展开发文档](
* [Growth: 全栈增长工程师指南](
* [Grunt中文文档](
* [Gulp 入门指南](
* [gulp中文文档](
* [HTTP 接口设计指北](
* [HTTP/2.0 中文翻译](
* [http2讲解](
* [JSON风格指南](
* [Wireshark用户手册](
### WEB服务器
* [Apache 中文手册](
* [Nginx教程从入门到精通]( - 运维生存时间 (PDF)
* [Nginx开发从入门到精通]( - 淘宝团队
## 语言相关
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### AWK
* [awk中文指南](
* [awk程序设计语言](
* [awk中文指南](
### C
* [新概念 C 语言教程](
* [Beej's Guide to Network Programming 簡體中文版]( - B. Hall, 廖亚伦译 (PDF)
* [C 语言常见问题集](
* [Linux C 编程一站式学习](
* [新概念 C 语言教程](
### C Sharp
@ -329,30 +331,30 @@
* [精通C#(第6版)](
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [100个gcc小技巧](
* [100个gdb小技巧](
* [简单易懂的C魔法](
* [像计算机科学家一样思考C++版)]( (《How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version》中文版)
* [C 语言编程透视](
* [C/C++ Primer]( - andycai
* [C++ 并发编程指南](
* [C++ FAQ LITE(中文版)](
* [C++ Primer 5th Answers](
* [C++ Template 进阶指南](
* [C++ 并发编程指南](
* [CGDB中文手册](
* [Cmake 实践]( (PDF)
* [GNU make 指南](
* [Google C++ 风格指南](
* [ZMQ 指南](
* [像计算机科学家一样思考C++版)]( (《How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version》中文版)
* [简单易懂的C魔法](
### CoffeeScript
* [CoffeeScript 中文](
* [CoffeeScript 编码风格指南](
* [CoffeeScript 编程风格指南](
* [CoffeeScript 编码风格指南](
* [CoffeeScript 中文](
### Dart
@ -368,8 +370,8 @@
### Elixir
* [Elixir Getting Started 中文翻译](
* [Elixir 编程语言教程]( (Elixir School)
* [Elixir Getting Started 中文翻译](
* [Elixir元编程与DSL 中文翻译](
* [Phoenix 框架中文文档](
@ -386,24 +388,25 @@
### Golang
* [Go Web 编程](
* [Go 入门指南]( (《The Way to Go》中文版)
* [Go 官方文档翻译](
* [Go 指南]( (《A Tour of Go》中文版)
* [Go 简易教程]( (《[The Little Go Book](》中文版)
* [神奇的 Go 语言](
* [学习Go语言](
* [Go 编程基础](
* [Go 官方文档翻译](
* [Go 简易教程]( - Song Song Li (《[The Little Go Book]( - Karl Seguin》中文版)
* [Go 入门指南]( (《The Way to Go》中文版)
* [Go 语法树入门](
* [Go 语言实战笔记](
* [Go 语言标准库](
* [Go 语言高级编程Advanced Go Programming](
* [Go 语言实战笔记](
* [Go 指南]( (《A Tour of Go》中文版)
* [Go Web 编程](
* [Go命令教程](
* [Go实战开发](
* [Go语言博客实践](
* [Java程序员的Golang入门指南](
* [Network programming with Go 中文翻译版本](
* [Revel 框架手册](
* [学习Go语言](
* [神奇的 Go 语言](
* [The Little Go Book 繁體中文翻譯版]( - Karl Seguin, KevinGo, Jie Peng ([HTML](
### Groovy
@ -419,6 +422,9 @@
### HTML / CSS
* [前端代码规范]( - 腾讯AlloyTeam团队
* [通用 CSS 笔记、建议与指导](
* [学习CSS布局](
* [Bootstrap 4 繁體中文手冊]( - 六角學院
* [CSS3 Tutorial 《CSS3 教程》](
* [CSS参考手册](
@ -426,31 +432,30 @@
* [HTML5 教程](
* [HTML和CSS编码规范](
* [Sass Guidelines 中文](
* [前端代码规范]( - 腾讯AlloyTeam团队
* [学习CSS布局](
* [通用 CSS 笔记、建议与指导](
### iOS
* [网易斯坦福大学公开课iOS 7应用开发字幕文件](
* [Apple Watch开发初探](
* [Google Objective-C Style Guide 中文版](
* [iOS7人机界面指南](
* [iOS开发60分钟入门](
* [iPhone 6 屏幕揭秘](
* [网易斯坦福大学公开课iOS 7应用开发字幕文件](
### Java
* [阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册]( (PDF)
* [用jersey构建REST服务](
* [Activiti 5.x 用户指南](
* [Apache MINA 2 用户指南](
* [Apache Shiro 用户指南](
* [Google Java编程风格指南](
* [H2 Database 教程](
* [Java Servlet 3.1 规范](
* [Java 编码规范](
* [Java 编程思想]( - quanke
* [Java 编码规范](
* [Java Servlet 3.1 规范](
* [Jersey 2.x 用户指南](
* [JSSE 参考指南](
* [MyBatis中文文档](
@ -461,56 +466,50 @@
* [REST 实战](
* [Spring Boot参考指南]( (:construction: *翻译中*)
* [Spring Framework 4.x参考文档](
* [用jersey构建REST服务](
* [阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册]( (PDF)
### JavaScript
* [命名函数表达式探秘]( - kangax、为之漫笔(翻译) (原始地址无法打开所以此处地址为justjavac博客上的备份)
* [你不知道的Javascript](
* [深入理解JavaScript系列](
* [学用 JavaScript 设计模式]( - 开源中国
* [Airbnb JavaScript 规范](
* [ECMAScript 6 入门]( - 阮一峰
* [Google JavaScript 代码风格指南](
* [JavaScript Promise迷你书](
* [Javascript 原理](
* [JavaScript 标准参考教程alpha](
* [《JavaScript 模式》]( (《JavaScript patterns》译本)
* [javascript 的 12 个怪癖](
* [JavaScript 秘密花园](
* [JavaScript核心概念及实践]( (PDF)
* [《JavaScript 模式》]( (《JavaScript patterns》译本)
* [Javascript 原理](
* [JavaScript Promise迷你书](
* [Javascript编程指南]( ([源码](
* [你不知道的Javascript](
* [命名函数表达式探秘]( - kangax、为之漫笔(翻译) (原始地址无法打开所以此处地址为justjavac博客上的备份)
* [学用 JavaScript 设计模式]( - 开源中国
* [深入理解JavaScript系列](
* [JavaScript核心概念及实践]( (PDF)
#### AngularJS
* [AngularJS入门教程](
* [AngularJS最佳实践和风格指南](
* [在Windows环境下用Yeoman构建AngularJS项目](
* [构建自己的AngularJS](
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [构建自己的AngularJS]( - Xu Fei (HTML)
* [在Windows环境下用Yeoman构建AngularJS项目]( - Way Lau (HTML)
* [AngularJS入门教程]( - Yan Qing, Hou Zhenyu, 速冻沙漠 (HTML) (:card_file_box: *archived*)
* [AngularJS最佳实践和风格指南]( - Minko Gechev, Xuefeng Zhu, Shintaro Kaneko et al. (HTML)
#### Backbone.js
* [Backbone.js中文文档](
* [Backbone.js入门教程]( (PDF)
* [Backbone.js入门教程第二版](
* [Backbone.js中文文档](
#### D3.js
* [Learning D3.JS]( - 十二月咖啡馆
* [楚狂人的D3教程](
* [官方API文档](
* [张天旭的D3教程](
* [楚狂人的D3教程](
#### Deno
* [Deno 钻研之术](
* [Deno进阶开发笔记]( - 大深海
* [Learning D3.JS]( - 十二月咖啡馆
#### Electron.js
@ -531,26 +530,26 @@
#### jQuery
* [How to write jQuery plugin](
* [简单易懂的JQuery魔法](
* [How to write jQuery plugin](
#### Node.js
* [express.js 中文文档](
* [Express框架](
* [koa 中文文档](
* [Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! (中文版)](
* [Node debug 三法三例](
* [Node.js Fullstack《從零到一的進撃》](
* [Node.js 包教不包会](
* [Nodejs Wiki Book]( (繁体中文)
* [nodejs中文文档](
* [Node入门](
* [The NodeJS 中文文档]( - 社区翻译
* [七天学会NodeJS]( - 阿里团队
* [使用 Express + MongoDB 搭建多人博客](
 * [JavaScript全栈工程师培训材料](
* [七天学会NodeJS]( - 阿里团队
* [使用 Express + MongoDB 搭建多人博客](
* [express.js 中文文档](
* [Express框架](
* [JavaScript全栈工程师培训材料](
* [koa 中文文档](
* [Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! (中文版)](
* [Node debug 三法三例](
* [Node.js 包教不包会](
* [Node.js Fullstack《從零到一的進撃》](
* [Node入门](
* [Nodejs Wiki Book]( (繁体中文)
* [nodejs中文文档](
* [The NodeJS 中文文档]( - 社区翻译
#### React.js
@ -559,8 +558,8 @@
* [React-Bits 中文文档](
* [React Native 中文文档(含最新Android内容)](
* [React webpack-cookbook](
* [React.js 中文文档](
* [React.js 入门教程](
* [React.js 中文文档](
#### Vue.js
@ -575,9 +574,9 @@
### LaTeX
* [LaTeX 笔记](
* [一份不太简短的 LaTeX2ε 介绍](
* [大家來學 LaTeX]( (PDF)
* [一份不太简短的 LaTeX2ε 介绍](
* [LaTeX 笔记](
### LISP
@ -593,8 +592,8 @@
### Markdown
* [Markdown 語法說明](
* [献给写作者的 Markdown 新手指南](
* [Markdown 語法說明](
### MySQL
@ -605,13 +604,13 @@
### NoSQL
* [带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 代码](
* [带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码](
* [Disque 使用教程](
* [Redis 命令参考](
* [Redis 设计与实现](
* [The Little MongoDB Book](
* [The Little Redis Book](
* [带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 代码](
* [带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码](
### Perl
@ -623,14 +622,14 @@
### PHP
* [深入理解 PHP 内核](
* [CodeIgniter 使用手冊](
* [Composer中文文档](
* [Phalcon7中文文档](
* [PHP 之道](
* [PHP中文手册](
* [PHP标准规范中文版](
* [PHP中文手册](
* [Yii2中文文档](
* [深入理解 PHP 内核](
#### Laravel
@ -658,38 +657,38 @@
### Python
* [简明 Python 教程]( - Swaroop C H、沈洁元(翻译)、漠伦(翻译)
* [人生苦短我用python]( - (内含丰富的笔记以及各类教程)
* [深入 Python 3](
* [像计算机科学家一样思考Python]( - Allen B. Downey、大胖哥(翻译)
* [Matplotlib 3.0.3 中文文档]( - (Online)
* [Numpy 1.16 中文文档]( - (Online)
* [Python 3 文档(简体中文) 3.2.2 documentation](
* [Python 3.8.0a3中文文档]( - (目前在线最全的中文文档了Online)
* [Python Cookbook第三版]( - David Beazley、Brian K.Jones、熊能(翻译)
* [Python 中文学习大本营](
* [Python 最佳实践指南](
* [Python之旅]( - Ethan
* [Python Cookbook第三版]( - David Beazley、Brian K.Jones、熊能(翻译)
* [Python教程 - 廖雪峰的官方网站](
* [Python进阶]( - eastlakeside
* [Python之旅]( - Ethan
* [Tornado 6.1 中文文档]( - (网络上其他的都是较旧版本的Online)
* [人生苦短我用python]( - (内含丰富的笔记以及各类教程)
* [像计算机科学家一样思考Python]( - Allen B. Downey、大胖哥(翻译)
* [深入 Python 3](
* [简明 Python 教程]( - Swaroop C H、沈洁元(翻译)、漠伦(翻译)
#### Django
* [Django 1.11.6 中文文档](
* [Django 2.2.1 中文文档]( - (这个很新也很全Online)
* [Django 搭建个人博客教程 (2.1)]( - (杜赛) (HTML)
* [Django book 2.0](
* [Django Girls 教程 (1.11)]( (HTML)
* [Django 搭建个人博客教程 (2.1)]( - (杜赛) (HTML)
### R
* [153分钟学会 R]( (PDF)
* [R 导论]( (《An Introduction to R》中文版) (PDF)
* [用 R 构建 Shiny 应用程序]( (《Building 'Shiny' Applications with R》中文版)
* [统计学与 R 读书笔记]( (PDF)
* [用 R 构建 Shiny 应用程序]( (《Building 'Shiny' Applications with R》中文版)
* [R 导论]( (《An Introduction to R》中文版) (PDF)
### reStructuredText
@ -699,20 +698,20 @@
### Ruby
* [笨方法学 Ruby](
* [Rails 风格指南](
* [Ruby 风格指南](
* [Ruby on Rails 实战圣经](
* [Ruby on Rails 指南](
* [Ruby 风格指南](
* [Sinatra](
* [笨方法学 Ruby](
### Rust
* [通过例子学习 Rust](
* [Rust 官方教程](
* [Rust 语言学习笔记](
* [RustPrimer](
* [通过例子学习 Rust](
### Scala
@ -734,10 +733,10 @@
### Shell
* [shell-book](
* [Shell 编程基础](
* [Shell 编程范例]( - 泰晓科技
* [Shell 编程基础](
* [Shell 脚本编程30分钟入门](
* [shell-book](
* [The Linux Command Line 中文版](
@ -748,9 +747,26 @@
### TypeScript
* [TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版](
* [TypeScript 中文网](
* [TypeScript 入门教程](
* [TypeScript 教程]( - runoob (HTML)
* [TypeScript 入门教程]( - runoob (HTML)
* [TypeScript 中文网]( (HTML)
* [TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版]( - 三毛 (HTML)
* [TypeScript Handbook中文版]( - Patrick Zhong (HTML)
#### Angular
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 文档简介]( - Wang Zhicheng, Ye Zhimin, Yang Lin et al. (HTML)
* [Angular Material 组件库]( - Wang Zhicheng, Ye Zhimin, Yang Lin et al. (HTML)
* [Angular Tutorial (教程:英雄之旅)]( - Wang Zhicheng, Ye Zhimin, Yang Lin et al. (HTML)
#### Deno
* [Deno 钻研之术](
* [Deno进阶开发笔记]( - 大深海
### VBA (Microsoft Visual Basic Applications)
@ -765,8 +781,8 @@
### Visual Prolog
* [Visual Prolog 7初学指南](
* [Visual Prolog 7边练边学](
* [Visual Prolog 7初学指南](
### WebAssembly

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
### Index
* [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
### Miscellaneous
* [null++: بالعربي]( - Mohamed Luay & Ahmad Alfy (podcast)
* [The Egyptian Guy]( - Mohamed Refaie (podcast)

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* [Android](#android)
* [C#](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [Common Lisp](#common-lisp)
* [CSS](#css)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Elm](#elm)
* [Ember.js](#emberjs)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
* [How to program in C# - Beginner Course \| Brackeys]( (screencast)
### C++
### <a name="cpp"></a>C++
* [C++ Programming Video Lectures]( (screencast)
* [C++ STL]( (screencast)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
* [Build webapp without using a framework]( (screencast)
* [Go An Introduction]( (screencast)
* Go and AngularJS (screeencasts)
* Go and AngularJS (screencasts)
* [Part 1 - Hello World](
* [Part 2 - Websockets](
* [Part 3 - REST and ngResource](
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
### Haskell
* [Haskell Tutorial]( - Derek Banas (screencast)
* [HaskellRank]( Tsoding (screencast)
* [HaskellRank]( - Tsoding (screencast)
* [The Haskell Cast]( (podcast)
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
* [The Javascript Show]( (podcast)
#### Angular.js
#### Angular
* [Angular Air]( (podcast)
@ -226,6 +226,8 @@
* [Developer On Fire]( (podcast)
* [Developer Tea]( (podcast)
* [DevelopersHangout]( (podcast)
* [Domain Driven Design Europe]( (screencast)
* [Domain Driven Design Europe - 2017]( (screencast)
* [FLOSS WEEKLY]( (podcast)
* [Frontside the Podcast]( (podcast)
* [Full Stack Radio]( (podcast)

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
### Desarrollo Web
* [Codalot Podcast]( (podcast)
* [Hablando.js]( - Carlos Azaustre (podcast)
* [La Web es la Plataforma]( (podcast)
* [República Web]( (podcast)
* [Web Reactiva]( (podcast)
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
### Juegos
* [Aquelarre of Games]( (podcast)
* [Diógenes Digital]( (pdocast) (Última Actualziación, Octubre, 2019)
* [Diógenes Digital]( (podcast) (Última Actualziación, Octubre, 2019)
### Programación
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
* [Aprende de los expertos en The Dojo MX]( (screencast)
* []( (podcast) (Última Actualización, Julio 2020)
* [Descargas de mi mente]( (podcast)
* [Domain-Driven Design]( (screencast)
* [La Buhardilla Geek]( (podcast)
* [Maestría JS]( (podcast) (Última Actualización, Mayo 2020)
* [Programar es una Mierda]( (podcast)
@ -55,7 +57,10 @@
### Variados
* [Code on the Rocks]( (podcast)
* [Codely.TV screencasts]( - Codely.TV (screencasts)
* [Cosas de Internet]( (podcast)
* [Día30]( (podcast)
* [Doomling & Chill]( (podcast)
* [Educando Geek]( (podcast)
* [Frikismo Puro]( (podcast)
@ -64,7 +69,7 @@
* [La Tecnologería]( (podcast)
* [Más allá de la innovación]( (podcast)
* []( (podcast)
* [NoSoloTech]( (podcast)
* [Red de Sospechosos Habituales]( (podcast)
* [Reescribiendo el Código]( (podcast)
* [UGeek]( (podcast)

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
### Index
* [Algoritmos](#algoritmos)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Databases](#databases)
* [DataScience](#datascience)
* [Game development](#game-development)
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@
* [PHP](#php)
* [Python](#python)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
@ -22,11 +22,6 @@
* [Portugol Studio]( (screencast)
### Angular
* [Loiane - Angular 4]( (screencast)
### Databases
* [Bóson Treinamentos - Curso de Modelagem de Dados]( (screencast)
@ -114,6 +109,11 @@
* [TypeScript - Aprendendo Junto]( (screencast)
#### Vue.js
#### Angular
* [Loiane - Angular 4]( (screencast)
### Vue.js
* [Série de vídeos sobre Vue.js]( - Origem: Vedovelli (screencast)

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
### Index
* [Информационные технологии и безопасность](#Информационные-технологии-и-безопасность)
* [Новости и Разработка ПО](#Новости-и-Разработка-ПО)
* [Android](#android)
* [Flutter](#flutter)
* [Golang](#golang)
@ -8,14 +10,39 @@
* [Java](#java)
* [Spring](#spring)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [.NET](#net)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [PHP](#php)
* [QA](#qa)
* [React.js](#reactjs)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Webpack](#webpack)
* [Информационные технологии и безопасность](#Информационные-технологии-и-безопасность)
* [Новости и Разработка ПО](#Новости-и-Разработка-ПО)
### Информационные технологии и безопасность
* [Квант безопасности]( (Podcast)
* [LinkMeUp]( (Podcast)
* [Noise Security Bit]( (Podcast)
* [uWebDesign]( (Podcast)
### Новости и Разработка ПО
* [Две Столицы - Уютный подкаст IT панков]( (Podcast)
* [Как делают игры]( (Podcast)
* [Новый подкаст (2)_после правок.final.doc]( (Podcast)
* [Радио-Т]( (Podcast)
* [Разбор полётов]( (Podcast)
* [Развлекательный IT подкаст]( (Podcast)
* [Слава + Паша]( (Podcast)
* [CTOcast]( (Podcast)
* [DevZen Podcast]( (Podcast)
* [Frontend Weekend](
* [Mobile People Talks]( (Podcast)
* [Podlodka]( (Podcast)
* [Software Development podCAST]( (Podcast)
* [The Art Of Programming]( (Podcast)
### Android
@ -56,14 +83,21 @@
### JavaScript
* [Фронтенд юность]( (Podcast)
* [CSSSR]( (Podcast)
* [Devschacht]( (Podcast)
* [Frontflip]( (Podcast)
* [JavaScript для начинающих]( (Screencast)
* [RadioJS]( (Podcast)
* [UnderJS podcast]( (Podcast)
* [Webstandards]( (Podcast)
* [Фронтенд юность]( (Podcast)
* [CSSSR]( (Podcast)
### .NET
* [DotNet & More]( - Александр Кугушев и Артём Акуляков (Podcast)
* [RadioDotNet]( - Анатолий Кулаков и Игорь Лабутин (Podcast)
* [Solo on .NET]( - Дмитрий Нестерук (Podcast)
### Node.js
@ -78,8 +112,8 @@
### QA
* [QAGuild]( (Podcast)
* [Подкаст тестировщиков]( (Podcast)
* [QAGuild]( (Podcast)
### React.js
@ -105,27 +139,3 @@
* [Скринкаст Webpack]( - Илья Кантор (Screencast)
### Информационные технологии и безопасность
* [LinkMeUp]( (Podcast)
* [Noise Security Bit]( (Podcast)
* [uWebDesign]( (Podcast)
* [Квант безопасности]( (Podcast)
### Новости и Разработка ПО
* [CTOcast]( (Podcast)
* [DevZen Podcast]( (Podcast)
* [Frontend Weekend](
* [Mobile People Talks]( (Podcast)
* [Podlodka]( (Podcast)
* [Software Development podCAST]( (Podcast)
* [The Art Of Programming]( (Podcast)
* [Две Столицы - Уютный подкаст IT панков]( (Podcast)
* [Как делают игры]( (Podcast)
* [Новый подкаст (2)_после правок.final.doc]( (Podcast)
* [Радио-Т]( (Podcast)
* [Разбор полётов]( (Podcast)
* [Развлекательный IT подкаст]( (Podcast)
* [Слава + Паша]( (Podcast)

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@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
### Index
* [Algorithms & Data Structures](#algorithms--data-structures)
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
* [C](#c)
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [Clean Code](#clean-code)
* [Databases](#databases)
* [NoSQL](#nosql)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [Game Development](#game-development)
* [Git](#git)
* [HTML / CSS](#html--css)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Gulp.js](#gulpjs)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
* [PugJs](#pugjs)
* [React.js](#reactjs)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
* [.NET](#net)
* [PHP](#php)
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [Flask](#flask)
* [R](#r)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### Algorithms & Data Structures
* [CS Master - Level 1- Algorithms & Data Structures الخوارزميات وهياكل البيانات]( - KMR Script
* [CS Master - Level 2- Dive into the Computer كيف يعمل الكمبيوتر]( - KMR Script
* [CS50 in Arabic]( - KMR Script
* [CS50 In Arabic]( - Coders Camp
* [Data Structure]( - Hard Code
* [Data Structure C++]( - Mega Code
* [Data Structures Full Course In Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
* [Problem solving (Arabic)]( - Muhammed Afifi
* [Standard Template Library (STL) Full Tutorial Using C++ In Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
### Assembly
* [x86 Assembly Language - لغة التجميع]( - Ahmed Sallam
### Bootstrap
* [Bootstrap 3 In Arabic]( - Elzero Web School
* [Bootstrap 4]( - Elzero Web School
### C
* [Introduction to Programming ( C Language - مقدمة في البرمجة ( لغة السي]( - Ahmed Sallam
### C Sharp
* [C#]( - 6wrni
* [C# Programming Course Level 1 Basics By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [C# Programming Course Level 2 Object Oriented Programming By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [Unit Testing in C# [Arabic]]( - خالد السعداني
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Arabic C++ For kids & beginners (برمجة لصغار السن والمبتدئيين)]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Intensive - برمجة الحاسوب]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Object-Oriented Design and Programming]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Programming Course Level 1 Basics By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [C++ Programming Course Level 2 Object Oriented Programming By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [C++ Programming From Scratch In Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
* [CS Master - Level 0 - Intro to CS مقدمة لعلوم الحاسب]( - KMR Script
* [CS Master - Level 4 - Object Oriented Programming & Design Patterns]( - KMR Script
* [Object-Oriented Programming C++ in Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
* [Object-Oriented Programming with C++]( - Ahmed Sallam
* [Programming 1 - Programming For Beginners - C++]( - محمد الدسوقي
* [Programming 2 - Object Oriented Programming with C++]( - محمد الدسوقي
### Clean Code
* [Clean Code Book - بالعربي]( - Omar Ahmed
* [Declarative Programming]( - درة الاكواد لابن حماد
### Databases
* [CS Master - Level 3 - Databases قواعد البيانات]( - KMR Script
* [Database 1 - المقرر النظرى - Fundamentals of Database Systems]( - محمد الدسوقى
* [Database Design]( - تخاريف مبرمج
#### NoSQL
* [Mongodb - دورة تعلم]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Mongodb - دورة قواعد بيانات(للكفيف)م]( - TheNewBaghdad
* [Mongodb - شرح قواعد البيانات]( - Emam Academy
#### SQL
* [Arabic MySQL Essentials مبادئ ماي سكوال]( - KMR Script
* [Database 1 - المقرر العملى - Learn SQL In Arabic]( - محمد الدسوقى
* [Learn MySQL]( - Elzero Web School
* [MySQL tutorials || بناء قواعد البيانات بكفاءة عالية]( - TheNewBaghdad
### Game Development
* [Godot - تعلم الأساسيات لتصميم الألعاب]( - SpriteSheet
* [Godot Engine]( - Whales State
* [Unity 2D Game]( - 6wrni
* [Unity 3D Game]( - 6wrni
### Git
* [Basic course for Git]( - أكاديمية ترميز
* [Git and Github]( - Elzero Web School
* [GitHub - تعلم العمل المشترك على]( -TheNewBaghdad
* [Learn Git in Arabic]( - Algorithm Academy
### HTML / CSS
* [CSS In Arabic 2021]( - Elzero Web School
* [HTML In Arabic 2021]( - Elzero Web School
* [Sass]( - Elzero Web School
* [Sass - Create a website]( - Elzero Web School
### Java
* [JAVA Course Level 1 Basics By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [JAVA For Beginners - Course 1 - in Arabic]( - محمد الدسوقى
* [Java FX]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
* [JAVA Programming Course Level 2 Object Oriented Programming By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [JAVA Programming Course Level 3 Graphic User Interface By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [JAVA Programming Course Level 4 Connect Database and JAVA By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [JAVA Programming Full Project by Arabic (uni_staff project) |(المشروع الختامي بالجافا كاملا بشرح عربي )]( - محمد شوشان
* [Learn JAVA Programming From Scratch In Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
* [Object-Oriented Programming JAVA in Arabic]( - Adel Nasim
* [Programming 2 - Object Oriented Programming With Java]( - محمد الدسوقى
### JavaScript
* [Arabic JavaScript]( - KMR Script
* [Arabic JavaScript ES6 الاصدار السادس من الجافاسكربت]( - KMR Script
* [Javascript]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript AJAX]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript Application]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript Canvas]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript ECMAScript 6]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript Files API]( - برمجيات حسان
* [JavaScript JSON API]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript OOP]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript Unit Testing With Jest]( - Elzero Web School
#### Gulp.js
* [Basic of Gulp.js]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Gulp.js - Workshop]( - Algorithm Academy
#### jQuery
* [Basic of jQuery]( - Elzero Web School
* [jQuery - Practical Examples and Create Apps]( - Elzero Web School
#### NodeJS
* [Arabic Dive into Node JS Development الغوص في النود جي اس]( - KMR Script
* [Learn Basic of NodeJS]( - Emam Academy
* [Learn NodeJS from zero to hero]( - Algorithm Academy
* [NodeJS - From Zero To Hero]( - تخاريف مبرمج
* [NodeJS Advanced Topics]( - تخاريف مبرمج
* [NodeJS Course (2017 - عربي)]( - برمجيات حسان
* [NodeJS Create App]( -
Emam Academy
* [NodeJS Express]( -
Emam Academy
* [REST API Node.js]( -
Emam Academy
#### PugJs
* [Learn PugJs]( - Elzero Web School
#### React.js
* [React.js]( - Algorithm Academy
* [React.js Hooks]( - Algorithm Academy
* [React.js Todo App]( - Algorithm Academy
#### Vue.js
* [Basic of Vue.js]( - Elzero Web School
* [Vue.js Apps and Practical examples]( - Elzero Web School
* [Vue.js Composition API]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Vue.js Router Tutorial]( - Algorithm Academy
### .NET
* [Arabic C# .NET]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
* [ASP.NET Core Fundamentals]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
* [ASP.NET Identity]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
* [ASP.NET Identity Arabic]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
* [ASP.NET MVC From Scratch]( - Khalid ESSAADANI
### PHP
* [Arabic PHP]( - Elzero Web School
* [Learn Object Oriented PHP]( - Elzero Web School
### Python
* [Learn Python3]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Mastering Python]( - Elzero Web School
* [Python Beginners Tutorial]( - محمد الدسوقي
#### Django
* [Arabic Django]( - Elsafy Hegazy
* [Django 2.x]( - شبكة علوم
* [Django Create Blog]( - شبكة علوم
#### Flask
* [Flask]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Flask - Project]( - Algorithm Academy
### R
* [R Tutorial For Beginners]( - محمد الدسوقي
### TypeScript
* [TypeScript tutorial Arabic]( - Hussein Al Rubaye (YouTube)
#### Angular
* [Arabic Angular 7 from A to R احتراف الانجولار]( - KMR Script (YouTube)
* [Arabic Angular and Firebase App تطبيق انجولار وفايربيز]( - KMR Script (YouTube)
* [Arabic NgRx (Angular + Redux)]( - KMR Script (YouTube)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
### Index
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c++)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* [Spieleentwicklung](#spieleentwicklung)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ Grundlagen Tutorials von Pilzschaf]( - Pilzschaf

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@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
### Index
* [0 - MOOC](#0---mooc)
* [Algorithms & Data Structures](#algorithms--data-structures)
* [Android](#android)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [AutoIt](#autoit)
* [Bash / Shell](#bash--shell)
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [Compilers](#compilers)
* [CUDA](#cuda)
@ -28,9 +29,8 @@
* [iOS](#ios)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [D3.js](#d3js)
* [DenoJS](#denojs)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [Next.js](#nextjs)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
@ -45,12 +45,13 @@
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Markdown](#markdown)
* [Matlab](#matlab)
* [Mercurial](#mercurial)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [.NET](#net)
* [OCaml](#ocaml)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [PHP](#php)
* [PLC - Programmable logic controllers](#plc---programmable-logic-controllers)
* [Processing](#processing)
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [Flask](#flask)
@ -64,10 +65,27 @@
* [Vapor](#vapor)
* [Theory](#theory)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Deno](#deno)
* [Verilog / VHDL / SystemVerilog](#verilog--vhdl--systemverilog)
* [Web Development](#web-development)
### 0 - MOOC
* [Coursera](
* [edX](
* [freeCodeCamp](
* [FutureLearn](
* [MIT OCW](
* [](
* [NPTEL](
* [openHPI](
* [openSAP](
* [Platzi](
* [Udacity](
### Algorithms & Data Structures
* [Algorithms]( - Abdul Bari
@ -117,15 +135,6 @@
* [Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems: Concurrency](
### Angular
* [Angular 6 Tutorials]( - codedamn (YouTube)
* [Angular Courses]( - Programming with Mosh
* [Angular Fast Crash Course]( - Edwin Diaz, Coding Faculty Solutions (Udemy)
* [Angular for Beginners]( - Angular University (Udemy)
* [Angular Tutorial For Beginners]( - Codevolution (YouTube)
### Assembly
* [Binary Exploitation / Memory Corruption by LiveOverflow]( - LiveOverflow
@ -133,6 +142,11 @@
* [Introductory Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications, & Alliteration](
### AutoIt
* [AutoIt Scripting Tutorial]( - TutsTeach (YouTube)
### Bash / Shell
* [Bento Shell Track]( (Bento)
@ -168,7 +182,7 @@
* [Learn how to program: C#]( - Epicodus Inc.
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ For Programmers]( - Catherine Gamboa (Udacity)
* [C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners (For Absolute Beginners)]( - ProgrammingKnowledge
@ -176,10 +190,7 @@
* [C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course]( - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
* [Google's C++ Course](
* [Introduction to C++]( (MIT's opencourseware)
* Microsoft edX Courses:
* [Advanced C++](
* [Intermediate C++](
* [Introduction to C++](
* [Introduction to C++]( - Microsoft (edX) (:card_file_box: *archived*)
### Clojure
@ -213,7 +224,6 @@
* [Data Visualization by Alexis Cook at Kaggle](
* [Datavis 2020]( - Curran Kelleher
* [Introduction to Data Science in Python]( - Christopher Brooks (Coursera)
* [Introduction to Python for Data Science](
* [More Data Mining with Weka MOOC](
* [The Analytics Edge](
@ -281,7 +291,19 @@
### Game Development
* [[Beginner] Make an RPG]( - HeartBeast
* [2D Hack-n-Slash Course (Complete Course) - GameMaker Studio 2]( - HeartBeast
* [CS50 2019 - Games Track]( - David J. Malan (Harvard OpenCourseWare)
* [GameMaker Studio 2]( - HeartBeast
* [GameMaker Studio 2 - Action RPG Tutorial]( - Shaun Spalding
* [Getting started with the Godot game engine in 2021]( - GDQuest
* [Godot 3 2D Platform Game]( - HeartBeast
* [Godot 3 Tutorial Series - Create a Simple 3D Game]( - BornCG
* [Godot Action RPG Series]( - HeartBeast
* [Godot Space Sidescroller Tutorial Series]( - PlugWorld
* [Godot Wave Shooter Tutorials]( - PlugWorld
* [Make a Platform Shooter - GameMaker Studio 2]( - HeartBeast
* [Multiplayer Shooter Tutorials - Godot]( - PlugWorld
* [Unity Beginner Fundamentals]( Learn)
* [Unity Beginner Tutorials]( (Brackeys)
* [Unity User Manual](
@ -366,7 +388,9 @@
* [Java for Mobile Devices - Introducing Codename One](
* [Java Online Training \| Edureka]( - (Edureka)
* [Java Programming]( - Angie Jones (Applitools)
* [Java Programming]( - University of Helsinki
* [Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software]( - (Coursera)
* [Java tutorial for beginners]( - Bro Code (YouTube)
* [Learn how to program: Java]( - Epicodus Inc.
* [Object-Oriented programming with Java, part I](
* [Object-Oriented programming with Java, part II](
@ -381,36 +405,35 @@
* [Beginner's Series to: JavaScript]( - Microsoft Developer (YouTube)
* [Bento JavaScript Learning Track]( (Bento)
* [](
* [ES6 and Typescript Tutorial]( - Codevolution
* [ES6 and Typescript Tutorial]( - Codevolution, Vishwas Gopinath (YouTube)
* [Intro to JavaScript ES6 programming](
* [Intro To JavaScript Unit Testing & BDD]( - Traversy Media
* [Intro To JavaScript Unit Testing & BDD]( - Traversy Media
* [Javascript course]( - Hitesh Choudhary
* [Javascript Essentials]( - Lawrence Turton (Udemy)
* [Javascript30]( - Wesbos
* [Learn how to program: JavaScript]( - Epicodus Inc.
* [Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners]( - Beau Carnes, (YouTube)
* [Learn modern JavaScript]( - Beau Carnes (Scrimba) (Scrimba account *required*)
* [learn:query](
* [Namaste 🙏 JavaScript: An In-Depth JavaScript Fundamentals Course]( - Akshay Saini (YouTube)
* [Programming Foundations with Javascript, HTML and CSS]( - Owen Astrachan, Robert Duvall, Andrew D. Hilton, Susan H. Rodger (Coursera)
#### Angular.js
#### AngularJS
* [CodeCademy Angular](
* [ - AngularJS]( - John Lindquist
* [Shaping up with Angular.js](
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [ - AngularJS]( - John Lindquist (YouTube)
* [Learn AngularJS 1.X]( - Codecademy (Codecademy account *required*)
* [Shaping up with Angular.js]( - Codeschool (Codeschool account *required*)
### D3.js
#### D3.js
* [D3 101]( - Curran Kelleher
* [Learn D3]( - Codecademy *(account required)*
#### DenoJS
* [Deno Beginner]( - Ahmad Awais - *(email required)*
#### jQuery
* [Bento jQuery Track]( (Bento)
@ -425,6 +448,9 @@
#### NodeJS
* [Beginner's Series to: Node.js]( - Microsoft Developer (YouTube)
* [Building a RESTful API with Node.js]( - Academind (Youtube)
* [Express JS Crash Course]( - Brad Traversy, Traversy Media (Youtube)
* [Node and Express Tutorial]( - John Smilga, Coding Addict (YouTube)
* [Node.js API Development for Beginners]( (Udemy)
* [Node.js Basics]( - Java Brains (Youtube)
@ -508,7 +534,6 @@
* [Machine Learning Tutorial Python \| Machine Learning For Beginners]( - Dhaval Patel
* [Machine Learning with Python by Saeed Aghabozorgi]( (
* [Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning](!prml-book)
* [Principles of Machine Learning By Microsoft](
* [PyTorch tutorials by](
* [Stanford University Machine Learning](
@ -526,13 +551,9 @@
* [MIT 18.S997 Introduction to MATLAB Programming](
### Mercurial
* [Hg Init: a Mercurial Tutorial]( - Joel Spolsky
### Misc
* [Advanced Adobe XD (Web Design)]( - Adi Purdila
* [Advanced Data Structures](
* [Advanced NLP using spaCy]( - Ines Montani
* [AI Courses]( - Intel Corporation
@ -548,7 +569,7 @@
* [Computer Graphics](
* [Elements of AI](
* [Embedded Software Safety]( (P. Koopman)
* []( - Index of conference talks by language / topic
* []( - Index of conference talks by language / topic (:card_file_box: *archived*)
* [Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with David Silver]( - David Silver
* [LouvainX Paradigms of Computer Programming Abstraction and Concurrency](!)
* [LouvainX Paradigms of Computer Programming Fundamentals](
@ -560,6 +581,7 @@
* [MIT's Mathematics for Computer Science](
* [Principles of Reactive Programming](
* [Robotics I]( - (A. De Luca)
* [Shawn Hymel Presents: Introduction to RTOS]( - Digi-Key (Youtube)
* [Stanford Cryptography I](
* [Stanford Cryptography II](
* [Stanford SEE 229 - Machine Learning](
@ -593,6 +615,13 @@
* [PHP Tutorials]( - Dani Krossing
### PLC - Programmable logic controllers
* [Learning motion control and IO with Beckhoff TwinCAT PLCs]( - Evan Jensen (YouTube)
* [Learning PLCs with Structured Text]( - Evan Jensen (YouTube)
* [PLC programming using TwinCAT 3]( - Jakob Sagatowski (YouTube)
### Processing
* [Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction]( - The Coding Train
@ -603,32 +632,34 @@
* [An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)]( (Coursera)
* [An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)]( (Coursera)
* [Bento Python Learning Track]( (Bento)
* [Berkeley's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Berkeley's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Codesdope](
* [Fork Python]( (GeeksForGeeks)
* [Google's Python Course](
* [Introduction to Computer Science and Programming]( (MIT's opencourseware)
* [Introduction to Computer Science and Programming]( (MIT's opencourseware)
* [Introduction to Programming Using Python]( (edX)
* [Introduction to Python]( (Microsoft Docs)
* [Introduction to Python Basics for Data Science]( (DPhi)
* [Introduction to Python Programming]( (Udacity)
* [Introduction to Scripting in Python Specialization]( (Coursera)
* [Learn Python](
* [Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial](
* [Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial](
* [Learn Python From Scratch]( - MD. Hasanur Rahaman Hasib (Udemy)
* [Learn Python Tutorial]( (Kaggle)
* [Learn to program in Python](
* [Learn to Program: The Fundamentals]( (Coursera)
* [Practical Python Programming]( - David Beazley
* [Programming Foundations with Python]( (Udacity)
* [Python 3]( (SoloLearn)
* [Python And Cryptocurrency: Build 5 Real World Applications]( Ian Annase (Udemy)
* [Python Built in Functions A to Z Tutorial and Examples]( - Brainy Things
* [Python Course](
* [Python Course](
* [Python Course from scratch]( - Olaf Paulson (scrimba)
* [Python Data Analysis]( - Scott Rixner, Joe Warren (Coursera)
* [Python for Everybody]( (Coursera Reading Materials with YouTube Videos)
* [Python Learn Course]( - Colin Morris (Kaggle)
* [Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes]( - Corey Schafer
* [Python Pandas For Your Grandpa]( - Ben Gorman
* [Python Programming Essentials]( - Scott Rixner, Joe Warren (Coursera)
* [Python Programming Language]( (Geeks for Geeks)
* [Python Programming Tutorial](
@ -680,10 +711,10 @@
### Rust
* [Intro to Rust]( - Tensor Programming
* [Rust Basics]( - Engineer Man
* [Rust Basics]( - Engineer Man
* [Rust Crash Course]( - Traversy Media
* [Rust Projects]( - Tensor Programming
* [Rust Tutorial]( - Doug Milford
* [Rust Tutorial]( - Doug Milford
### Scala
@ -721,10 +752,27 @@
### TypeScript
* [ES6 and Typescript Tutorial]( - Codevolution, Vishwas Gopinath (YouTube)
* [Introduction to TypeScript]( - Daniel Stern (Udemy)
* [TypeScript Fast Crash Course]( - Edwin Diaz, Coding Faculty Solutions (Udemy)
#### Angular
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 6 Tutorials]( - codedamn (YouTube)
* [Angular Courses]( - Programming with Mosh (YouTube)
* [Angular Fast Crash Course]( - Edwin Diaz, Coding Faculty Solutions (Udemy)
* [Angular for Beginners]( - Angular University (Udemy)
* [Angular Tutorial For Beginners]( - Codevolution (YouTube)
#### Deno
* [Deno Beginner]( - Ahmad Awais (email address *required*)
### Verilog / VHDL / SystemVerilog
* [SOC Verification Using SystemVerilog](
@ -739,10 +787,11 @@
* [Discover Flask - Full Stack Web Development with Flask](
* [Flask(A Python Microframework) Tutorial](
* [Free Code Camp](
* [Full stack open]( - University of Helsinki
* [Full stack open]( - University of Helsinki, Houston Inc., Terveystalo, Elisa, K-ryhmä, Unity Technologies, Konecranes
* [Learn web development]( - Mozilla Contributors
* [Python Web Scraping & Crawling using Scrapy](
* [The Odin Project - Learn Web Development for Free](
* [Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum]( - Microsoft
* [Web Devevelopment Tutorials for Beginners]( -
* [Web Information Retrieval]( - L. Becchetti, A. Vitaletti (University of Sapienza Rome)

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@ -201,9 +201,11 @@
* [Aplicaciones Web Avanzadas (2014)](
* [Aprende a programar aplicaciones móviles](
* [CSS Básico a Avanzado]( - Juan Díaz (Píldoras Informáticas)
* [Curso JSON. De Novato a Experto]( - Camilo Martínez "Equimancho"
* [Desarrollo de servicios en la nube con HTML5, JavaScript y node.js](
* [Detección de objetos](
* [Diseño web con HTML5+CSS](
* [Full Stack open: profundización en el desarrollo web moderno]( - Universidad de Helsinki, Houston Inc., Terveystalo, Elisa, K-ryhmä, Unity Technologies, Konecranes
* [HTML 5]( - Juan Díaz (Píldoras Informáticas)
* [Introducción a HTML & CSS]( (HTML)
* [PHP MySql Módulo 1]( - Juan Díaz (Píldoras Informáticas)

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* [C, C++](#c)
* [Git](#Git)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [PHP](#php)
@ -31,14 +32,19 @@
* [آموزش جاوا - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
* [آموزش جاوا از صفر]( - Mohammad Ghari
* [برنامه نویسی پیشرفته(جاوا)]( - Gholamali Nejad Hajali Irani
* [برنامه‌نویسی حرفه‌ای تحت وب در جاوا]( - Gholamali Nejad Hajali Irani
* [برنامه‌نویسی حرفه‌ای تحت وب در جاوا]( - Gholamali Nejad Hajali Irani
### JavaScript
* [آموزش جاوا اسکریپت برای مبتدیان]( - Mansour Kalagar
### Linux
* [آموزش لینوکس - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
* [LPIC-1]( - Peyman Hushmandi Rad
* [LPIC-2]( - Jadi Mirmirani
* [آموزش لینوکس - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
### Machine Learning
@ -49,26 +55,26 @@
### PHP
* [آموزش OOP در PHP - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
* [آموزش پی‌اچ‌پی - سکان آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
* [آموزش OOP در PHP - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Behzad Moradi
#### Codeigniter
* [طراحی وب Codeigniter]( -
* [طراحی وب Codeigniter](
#### Laravel
* [آموزش OAuth و Laravel Passport - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Sokan Academy
* [آموزش کاربردی پکیج Laravel Excel - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Sokan Academy
* [آموزش لاراول]( - Hesam Mousavi
* [آموزش لاراول]( - Abolfazl Talebi
* [آموزش OAuth و Laravel Passport - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Sokan Academy
#### Yii
* [آموزش yii framework 2]( - Mehrdad Seifzade
* [آموزش yii framework 2]( - Mehrdad Seifzade
### Python
@ -77,11 +83,6 @@
* [آموزش پایتون مقدماتی]( - Jadi Mirmirani
### SQL
* [آموزش SQL و MySQL - سکان‌آکادمی]( - Ali Asadi
### Web Development
* [برنامه نویسی وب]( - Mohammad Salehe
* [برنامه نویسی وب]( - Mohammad Salehe

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
### Bash / Shell
* [Apprendre à utiliser le shell Bash]( - Pierre Giraud
* [Exercices shell scripts]( - Idriss Neumann
* [Quelques bonnes pratiques dans l'écriture de scripts en Bash]( - Idriss Neumann
### C

View File

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
* [Android](#Android)
* [C](#C)
* [C++](#C++)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Data Structures](#DataStructures)
* [DevOps](#DevOps)
* [Java](#Java)
* [Javascript](#Javascript)
* [Next.js]((#NextJS)
* [React](#react)
* [Python](#Python)
* [R](#r)
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
* [C Language Tutorials In Hindi]( - CodeWithHarry
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ Full Course | C++ Tutorial \| Data Structures & Algorithms]( - Apna College
* [C++ Programming in Hindi]( - Sumit Bisht (Edutainment 1.0)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
### Java
* [Java + DS + Algorithms]( - Apni Kaksha (Anuj)
* [Java Tutorials For Beginners In Hindi]( - Harry
* [Java Tutorials For Beginners In Hindi]( - Harry
* [Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginners (in Hindi)]( - ProgRank
* [The complete Java tutorial \| Hindi]( - Harry
@ -61,6 +62,11 @@
* [JavaScript Tutorial \| Hindi]( - Harry
#### Next.Js
* [NextJS Tutorial In Hindi]( - Vinod Bahadur Thapa (Thapa Technical)
#### React
* [ReactJS Tutorial in Hindi 2020]( - Vinod Bahadur Thapa (Thapa Technical)
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@
### Python
* [Class 12 Board | Python \| Computer Science]( - Apni Kaksha
* [Complete Python Tutorial in Hindi (2020)]( - Harshit Vashisth
* [Python Programming in Hindi]( (Great Learning) *(account required)*
* [Python Tutorial For Beginners \| Hindi (With Notes)]( - Harry
* [Python Tutorial in Hindi]( - edureka! Hindi

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* [Java](#java)
* [Spring](#spring)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Node](#node)
* [React](#react)
* [Vue](#vue)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
### Desain dan Arsitektur
* [Belajar Prinsip Pemrograman SOLID]( - Dicoding, membutuhkan registrasi
* [Belajar Prinsip Pemrograman SOLID]( - Dicoding, membutuhkan registrasi
### Docker
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
* [Belajar Java - Object Oriented Programming Bahasa Indonesia (Lanjut)]( - Kelas Terbuka
* [Belajar Java Bahasa Indonesia (Dasar)]( - Kelas Terbuka
* [Belajar Java Lambda Expression]( - Programmer Zaman Now
* [Memulai Pemrograman dengan Java]( - Dicoding, membutuhkan registrasi
* [Memulai Pemrograman dengan Java]( - Dicoding, membutuhkan registrasi
### Spring
#### Spring
* [Spring Framework and Spring Boot Tutorial (Project CRUD)]( - Mastahcode
@ -140,16 +140,15 @@
* [Belajar es6 - javacsript gaya baru]( - Sekolah Koding
* [Belajar JavaScript Async]( - Programmer Zaman Now
* [Belajar TypeScript Untuk Pemula]( - Programmer Zaman Now
* [Dasar Pemrograman dengan JavaScriipt]( - Web Programming UNPAS
* [JavaScript dan DOM (Document Object Model)]( - Web Programming UNPAS
* [JavaScript Lanjutan]( - Web Programming UNPAS
* [Main Main JavaScript]( - Sekolah Koding
#### Angular
#### AngularJS
* [Tutorial AngularJS Indonesia]( - Windu Purnomo
* [Tutorial AngularJS Indonesia]( - Windu Purnomo (YouTube)
#### Node
@ -198,6 +197,7 @@
### Machine Learning
* [Belajar Dasar Visualisasi Data]( - Dicoding, membutuhkan registrasi
* [Tutorial Belajar Machine Learning Dasar \| Python Scikit-Learn]( - Setia Budi, Indonesia Belajar (Youtube)
### Microservices
@ -286,6 +286,6 @@
### TypeScript
* [Belajar TypeScript Untuk Pemula]( - Programmer Zaman Now
* [OOP TypeScript]( - Nusendra Hanggarawan
* [TypeScript Dasar]( - Nusendra Hanggarawan
* [Belajar TypeScript Untuk Pemula]( - Programmer Zaman Now (YouTube)
* [OOP TypeScript]( - Nusendra Hanggarawan (YouTube)
* [TypeScript Dasar]( - Nusendra Hanggarawan (YouTube)

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@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
### Indice
* [Algoritmi e Strutture Dati](#algoritmi-e-strutture-dati)
* [Android](#android)
* [Architettura degli Elaboratori](#architettura-degli-elaboratori)
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [C](#c)
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Database](#database)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [Delphi](#delphi)
* [DevOps](#devops)
* [Embedded](#embedded)
* [Arduino](#arduino)
* [Erlang](#erlang)
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
* [Java](#Java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
* [Mobile](#mobile)
* [Networking](#networking)
* [Pascal](#pascal)
@ -30,7 +33,12 @@
* [Maven](#maven)
* [Web](#web)
* [Vue](#vue)
* [Workshop](#workshop)
* [Workshop](#workshop)
### Android
* [Corso Java - Android]( - F. Camuso (YouTube)
### Algoritmi e Strutture Dati
@ -58,10 +66,10 @@
### C Sharp
* [Programmazione ad oggetti in C#]( - G. Pellegrini Parisi
* [Programmazione ad oggetti in C#]( - G. Pellegrini Parisi
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ 11]( (F. Camuso)
* [C++ libreria QT - playlist 1]( (F. Camuso)
@ -83,6 +91,11 @@
* [Videocorso Delphi/Lazarus]( (F. Camuso)
### DevOps
* [Docker - EmmeCiLab]( (M. Cicolella)
### Embedded
#### Arduino
@ -102,7 +115,7 @@
* [Automi e Linguaggi Formali]( - Bresolin e Filè (Università di Padova)
* [Fondamenti di Informatica]( - C. De Stefano (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale)
* [Informatica]( - M. Mezzalama (Politecnico di Torino)
* [Informatica di Base - Corso intensivo]( - G. Pellegrini Parisi
* [Informatica di Base - Corso intensivo]( - G. Pellegrini Parisi
* [Informatica I - Modelli dell'Informatica]( - A. Marchetti Spaccamela (Università La Sapienza Università di Roma)
* [Sistemi di Calcolo]( - C. Demetrescu (Università La Sapienza di Roma)
* [Teoria dell'informazione]( (F. Camuso)
@ -124,7 +137,12 @@
### Machine Learning
* [Machine Learning in italiano col Pollo Watzlawick]( (P. Savastano)
* [Machine Learning in italiano col Pollo Watzlawick]( (P. Savastano)
### Miscellaneous
* [Programmazione Basic Commodore 64]( - M. Cicolella
### Mobile
@ -134,7 +152,7 @@
### Networking
* [Advanced Networking 2016]( (Hacklab Cosenza)
* [Advanced Networking 2016]( (Hacklab Cosenza)
### Pascal

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* [iOS](#ios)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angular.js)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Node.js](#node.js)
* [React.js](#react.js)
* [Linux](#linux)
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
### Android
* [Do it! 안드로이드 앱 프로그래밍](
* [안드로이드 스튜디오 강좌](
* [안드로이드 스튜디오 실전 프로젝트](
* [안드로이드 프로그래밍 고급]( (T 아카데미)
* [안드로이드 프로그래밍 응용]( (T 아카데미)
* [안드로이드 프로그래밍 중급]( (T 아카데미)
* [안드로이드 프로그래밍 초급]( (T 아카데미)
* [Do it! 안드로이드 앱 프로그래밍](
### Arduino
@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
### C/C++
* [두들낙서의 C/C++ 강좌](
* [박정민의 C 언어본색](
* [씹어먹는 C]( - 이재범
* [씹어먹는 C++]( - 이재범
* [최호성의 C 프로그래밍](
* [C++ 프로그래밍 강좌](
* [C언어 기초 프로그래밍 강좌](
* [C언어 코딩도장](
* [두들낙서의 C/C++ 강좌](
* [박정민의 C 언어본색](
* [씹어먹는 C++]( - 이재범
* [씹어먹는 C]( - 이재범
* [최호성의 C 프로그래밍](
### C Sharp
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
### Deep Learning
* [C++로 배우는 딥러닝]( - 홍정모
* [모두를 위한 딥러닝 시즌 1]( - Sung Kim
* [모두를 위한 딥러닝 시즌 2]( - Sung Kim
* [C++로 배우는 딥러닝]( - 홍정모
### Flutter
@ -125,22 +125,22 @@
### Java
* [Do it! Java 프로그래밍 입문](
* [Java with 인크레파스](
* [Java 기초 프로그래밍 강좌](
* [Java 리듬게임 만들기 강좌](
* [Java 입문수업]( (생활코딩)
* [Java with 인크레파스](
### JavaScript
* [JavaScript for Web Browser]( (생활코딩)
* [JavaScript 입문 수업]( (생활코딩)
* [모던 웹을 위한 JavaScript + jQuery](
* [JavaScript 입문 수업]( (생활코딩)
* [JavaScript for Web Browser]( (생활코딩)
#### Angular.js
#### AngularJS
* [AngularJS](
* [AngularJS]( - 양재동 코드랩 (YouTube)
#### Node.js
@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
### Machine Learning
* [Python tensorflow & 머신러닝 기초 강좌](
* [머신러닝/딥러닝 입문](
* [파이토치(PyTorch) 튜토리얼 한국어 번역]( (HTML) (:construction: *in process* - *번역 진행 중*)
* [Python tensorflow & 머신러닝 기초 강좌](
### Mathematics
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
### Spring
* [Spring 강좌](
* [스프링 입문 - 코드로 배우는 스프링 부트, 웹 MVC, DB 접근 기술]( (김영한)
* [Spring 강좌](
### Swift
@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
### Web Development
* [웹 프로그래밍](
* [HTML5&CSS3 기초]( (T 아카데미)
* [Web1-HTML]( (생활코딩)
* [Web2-CSS]( (생활코딩)
@ -253,7 +254,6 @@
* [Web2-PHP]( (생활코딩)
* [Web2-Python]( (생활코딩)
* [Web3-PHP & MySQL]( (생활코딩)
* [웹 프로그래밍](
### Windows

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* [Brainfuck](#brainfuck)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CSS](#css)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Java](#java)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* [Podstawy programowania w języku C#](
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Kurs C++](
* [Podejście obiektowe dla znających już podstawy C++ (VIDEO)]( - Mirosław Zelent, Damian Stelmach

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
### Index
* [Android](#android)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [C](#c)
* [C Sharp](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Dart](#dart)
* [Database](#database)
@ -28,30 +27,23 @@
* [Markdown](#markdown)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [PHP](#php)
* [CodeIgniter](#codeIgniter)
* [Python](#python)
* [React Native](#react-native)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Sass](#sass)
* [Shell](#shell)
* [Swift](#swift)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
### Android
* [Android Start - Curso Android - Java Kotlin e Flutter]( - Buno de Libero Ferreira (Udemy)
* [Desenvolvedor Android Iniciante]( - Gabriel Ferrari, Adriano Sacardo (Udemy)
* [Introdução ao Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Android]( - Unicamp (Coursera)
### Angular
* [Começando com Angular]( - Andre Baltieri (
* [Curso Angular 9]( - Cod3r (YouTube)
* [Curso de Angular]( - Loiane Groner
### C
* [Aprenda C e C++ - Fundamentos Para Lógica de Programação]( - One Day Code (Udemy)
@ -67,7 +59,7 @@
* [Manipulando Listas Genéricas em C#]( - Gilseone Moraes, Training4All Cursos (Udemy)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Curso de C++ - A linguagem de programação fundamental para quem quer ser um programador]( - Canal Fessor Bruno (CFBCursos)
@ -151,6 +143,7 @@
* [Curso de Java Básico]( - Loiane Groner
* [Curso de Java Intermediário]( - Loiane Groner
* [Curso de Java para Iniciantes - Grátis, Completo e com Certificado]( - Gustavo Guanabara (YouTube)
* [Curso de Programação Orientada a Objetos em Java - Grátis, Completo e com Certificado]( - Gustavo Guanabara (YouTube)
* [Desenvolvedor Funcional com Java 8]( - Fernando Franzini (Udemy)
* [Desenvolvimento Ágil com Java Avançado]( - Eduardo Guerra e Clovis Fernandes - ITA (Coursera)
* [Desenvolvimento Ágil com Padrões de Projeto]( - Eduardo Guerra e Clovis Fernandes - ITA (Coursera)
@ -222,7 +215,9 @@
* [Boas práticas em PHP]( - Diego Mariano (Udemy)
* [Curso Básico de Bootstrap 4 , PHP e MySQL]( - Ricardo Milbrath Gonçalves (Udemy)
* [Curso de CodeIgniter para iniciantes]( - RBtech
* [Curso de PHP para Iniciantes]( - Gustavo Guanabara (Curso em Video)
* [Curso Introdução ao Laravel 8]( - Carlos Ferreira (Especializati academy)
* [Introdução à Criação de Sites Dinâmicos com PHP]( - Diego Mariano (Udemy)
* [Introdução ao PHP orientado a objetos]( - Diego Mariano (Udemy)
* [Lógica de Programação com PHP]( - Curso Zend Framework (YouTube)
@ -232,11 +227,6 @@
* [PHP para quem entende PHP]( - Alexandre Cardoso (Udemy)
#### CodeIgniter
* [Curso de CodeIgniter para iniciantes]( - RBtech
### Python
* [Algoritmos em Python]( - Douglas do Couto
@ -258,6 +248,7 @@
* [Programação em Python: O Guia para Iniciantes]( - Jones Granatyr (Udemy)
* [Python 3 na Prática]( - João Batista (Udemy)
* [Python 3 na Web com Django (Básico e Intermediário)]( - Gileno Alves Santa Cruz Filho (Udemy)
* [Python Básico]( - Guilherme Junqueira (Solyd Offensive Security)
* [Python Fundamentos para Análise de Dados]( - Data Science Academy
* [Python para Competições de Programação]( - Adorilson (YouTube)
* [Python para Iniciantes]( - Tiago Miguel (Udemy)
@ -294,6 +285,19 @@
* [Aprendendo Swift do Iniciante ao Avançado. (Mac e Windows)]( - Lucas Alencar (Udemy)
### TypeScript
* [TypeScript - Aprendendo Junto]( - DevDojo (YouTube)
* [TypeScript, o início, de forma prática]( - Rocketseat, Diego Fernandes (YouTube)
#### Angular
* [Começando com Angular]( - Andre Baltieri (
* [Curso Angular 9]( - Cod3r (YouTube)
* [Curso de Angular]( - Loiane Groner
### Vue.js
* [Minicurso: Vue.js - O basicão]( - Tony Lâmpada (Evolutio)

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@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
### Cодержание
* [C++](#C++)
* [Дизайн и Aрхитектура](#design-architecture)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Dart](#dart)
* [Go](#go)
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [HTML](#html)
@ -11,12 +13,12 @@
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [React](#react)
* [Kotlin](#kotlin)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [PHP](#php)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [Python](#python)
* [R](#R)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Дизайн и Aрхитектура](#design-architecture)
### Уровни
@ -26,7 +28,12 @@ INT - Cредний. Расширенные возможности.
ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
### C++
### Дизайн и Aрхитектура<a ref="design-architecture" />
* [Туториал по SOLID]( - Саша Беспоясов и Артём Самофалов (INT)
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Введение в программирование (C++)]( - Stepik (BEG)
@ -41,9 +48,16 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
* [CSS для начинающих]( (BEG)
### Dart
* [Основы Dart]( - Анна Музыкина (Stepik) (BEG)
* [Основы Dart]( - Станислав Чернышев (Stepik) (BEG)
### Go
* [Программирование на Golang]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [Go (Golang) - первое знакомство]( - Stepik (BEG)
### Haskell
@ -59,14 +73,14 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
### Java
* [Курс тест по Java]( - Пётр Арсентьев (BEG)
* [Легкий старт в Java. Вводный курс для чайников]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [Java для начинающих]( (BEG)
* [Java. Путь от ученика до эксперта.]( - Пётр Арсентьев (INT)
* [Курс тест по Java]( - Пётр Арсентьев (BEG)
### JavaScript
* [JavaScript для начинающих]( (BEG)
* [Алгоритмы и структуры данных]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
* [Асинхронное программирование]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
* [Метапрограммирование и мультипарадигменное программирование]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
@ -79,6 +93,7 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
* [Технологический стек NodeJS]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
* [Функциональное программирование]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
* [Шаблоны проектирования]( - Тимур Шемсединов (INT)
* [JavaScript для начинающих]( (BEG)
#### Node.js
@ -88,9 +103,9 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
#### React
* [React.js курс для начинающих]( (BEG)
* [Роутинг в react-приложениях]( (INT)
* [Туториал по Redux]( (INT)
* [React.js курс для начинающих]( (BEG)
### Kotlin
@ -99,11 +114,16 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
* [Разработка Android-приложений на Kotlin]( - Stepik (BEG)
### Perl
* [Введение в Perl]( - Stepik (BEG)
### PHP
* [PHP - первое знакомство]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [PHP для начинающих]( (BEG)
* [PHP: Основы]( - Hexlet (BEG)
* [PHP - первое знакомство]( - Stepik (BEG)
### PostgreSQL
@ -116,12 +136,13 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
### Python
* [Основы программирования на Python]( - Coursera (BEG)
* ["Поколение Python": курс для начинающих]( - Stepik (BEG)
* ["Поколение Python": курс для продвинутых]( - Stepik (INT)
* [Программирование на Python]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [Python: быстрый старт]( - Дмитрий Фёдоров (BEG)
* [Python для начинающих]( (BEG)
* [Python: основы и применение]( - Stepik (INT)
* [Основы программирования на Python]( - Coursera (BEG)
* ["Поколение Python": курс для начинающих]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [Программирование на Python]( - Stepik (BEG)
### R
@ -133,12 +154,8 @@ ADV - Продвинутый. Тонкости.
### Ruby
* [Ruby - первое знакомство]( - Stepik (BEG)
* [Введение в Ruby]( - Hexlet (BEG)
* [Путь Rubyrush]( (BEG)
* [Ruby - первое знакомство]( - Stepik (BEG)
### Дизайн и Aрхитектура<a ref="design-architecture" />
* [Туториал по SOLID]( - Саша Беспоясов и Артём Самофалов (INT)

View File

@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Git](#git)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
* [React](#react)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
* [Python](#python)
* [Ruby](#Ruby)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### C
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
* [ภาษา C#]( - MarcusCode
### CPP
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [ภาษา C++]( - MarcusCode
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@
### Git
* [มาเรียนรู้ Git แบบง่ายๆกันเถอะ](มาเรียนรู้-git-แบบง่ายๆกันเถอะ-427398e62f82) - Ake Exorcist
* [สอน git และ github เบื้องต้น]( - prasertcbs
* [สอนใช้ Git - Version Control System]( - CMDev
* [สอน git และ github เบื้องต้น]( - prasertcbs
### JavaScript
@ -42,11 +43,6 @@
* [สอน JavaScript]( - Zinglecode
#### Angular.js
* [มือใหม่หัดใช้ Angular]( - Priefy Dev.
#### NodeJS
* [สอน Node.js เบื้องต้น]( - pracertcbs
@ -61,8 +57,8 @@
#### Vue.js
* [เมื่อได้รับภารกิจสร้างระบบเข้าร่วม Event ผ่าน Line Liff]( - CodeTraveler
* [สอน VueJS + NuxtJS ตั้งแต่ 0~99]( - Geekstart
* [สอนเขียน VueJS]( - CMDev
* [สอน VueJS + NuxtJS ตั้งแต่ 0~99]( - Geekstart
### Python
@ -75,3 +71,13 @@
### Ruby
* [สอน Ruby on Rails ตั้งแต่ 0~99]( - Geekstart
### TypeScript
* [สอน TypeScript Basic to Advance]( - Kong Ruksiam (YouTube)
#### Angular
* [มือใหม่หัดใช้ Angular]( - Priefy Dev.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
### Index
* [C++](#C++)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Java](#java)
* [Python](#python)
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [Мова програмування C++]( - Stepik

View File

@ -2,20 +2,19 @@
* [AJAX](#ajax)
* [Android](#android)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [ASP.NET](#asp)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [CSS](#css)
* [ES6](#es6)
* [Git](#git)
* [Go](#go)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [MongoDB](#mongodb)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
* [Objective-C](#objective-c)
@ -27,6 +26,9 @@
* [SQL](#sql)
* [Swift](#swift)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Unity](#unity)
* [Vue](#vue)
* [Wordpress](#wordpress)
* [Xcode](#xcode)
* [XML](#xml)
@ -39,26 +41,16 @@
### Android
* [Lập trình Android - Android Widgets - Các điều khiển]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android - Menu - Context Menu - Dialog]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android - Xây dựng bố cục giao diện với Android Layout]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android cơ bản]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Android với Kotlin]( - KhoaPham
* [Lập trình Android - Android Widgets - Các điều khiển]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android - Menu - Context Menu - Dialog]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android - Xây dựng bố cục giao diện với Android Layout]( - ZendVN
* [Lập trình Android A-Z]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Lập trình Android cơ bản]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Android với Kotlin]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Lập trình Android với new Firebase]( - Khoa Phạm
### Angular
* [Angular 2 Cơ Bản]( - TEDU
* [Angular 4 Cơ Bản]( - KhoaPham
### AngularJS
* [AngularJS Cơ Bản](
* [AngularJS Cơ Bản]( - TEDU
### ASP
### ASP
* [Khóa học ASP.NET Core cơ bản]( - TEDU
@ -71,8 +63,8 @@
### Bootstrap
* [Twitter Bootstrap](
* [Tự học Bootstrap 4 cơ bản]( - VIETPRO
* [Twitter Bootstrap](
### C
@ -90,29 +82,31 @@
### C-Sharp
* [C# Căn Bản](
* [C# Căn Bản]( - TEDU
* [C# Căn Bản]( - Kteam
* [C# Nâng Cao]( - TEDU
* [C# Nâng Cao]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình C# Winform cơ bản]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình game Caro với C# Winform]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình hướng đối tượng trong C#]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Key logger với C# Console Application]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình phần mềm Quản Lý Quán Cafe với C# Winform]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Selenium với C# - WPF]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình ứng dụng Lập Lịch với C# Winform]( - Kteam
* [C# Căn Bản](
* [C# Căn Bản]( - TEDU
* [C# Căn Bản]( - Kteam
* [C# Nâng Cao]( - TEDU
* [C# Nâng Cao]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình C# Winform cơ bản]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình game Caro với C# Winform]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình hướng đối tượng trong C#]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Key logger với C# Console Application]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình phần mềm Quản Lý Quán Cafe với C# Winform]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình Selenium với C# - WPF]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình ứng dụng Lập Lịch với C# Winform]( - Kteam
### CSS
* [CSS Cơ Bản](
* [CSS Cơ Bản]( - ThachPham
* [CSS Cơ Bản]( - Thạch Phạm
### ES6
### Git
* [ES6 Cơ Bản](
* [Cách sử dụng Git trong THỰC TẾ | Github]( - Ông Dev
* [Git - from Zero to Hero]( - CodersX
* [Từ gà tới pro Git và Github trong 20 phút - Tự học Git siêu tốc]( - Phạm Huy Hoàng (toidicodedao)
### Go
@ -124,65 +118,87 @@
### HTML
* [HTML Cơ Bản](
* [HTML Cơ Bản]( - ThachPham
* [HTML Cơ Bản]( - Thạch Phạm
### Java
* [Học Lập Trình Java Cơ Bản]( - thân triệu
* [Khóa học lập trình JavaFX]( - Kteam
* [Học Lập Trình Java Cơ Bản]( - Thân Triệu
* [Khóa học lập trình JavaFX]( - Kteam
### JavaScript
* [ES6 Cơ Bản](
* [JavaScript A-Z 2020]( - CodersX
* [JavaScript Advanced 2020]( - CodersX
* [JavaScript Cơ Bản]( - TEDU
* [JavaScript Cơ Bản](
### jQuery
#### AngularJS
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [AngularJS Cơ Bản](
* [AngularJS Cơ Bản]( - TEDU
#### jQuery
* [jQuery Cơ Bản](
* [jQuery Cơ bản]( - TEDU
* [jQuery Cơ bản]( - TEDU
### MongoDB
* [Giáo trình tự học NoSQL - MongoDB]( - ZendVN
* [Giáo trình tự học NoSQL - MongoDB]( - ZendVN
* [Mongo DB cơ bản]( - RHP Team
* [MongoDB 2020]( - CodersX
### NodeJS
* [Lập Trình Nodejs Cơ Bản Tại Khoa Phạm]( - Trung Tâm Đào Tạo Tin Học Khoa Phạm
* [NodeJS Cơ Bản](
* [NodeJS Cơ Bản]( - Ide Academy
* [NodeJS Cơ Bản]( - RHP Team
* [NodeJS Cơ Bản]( - Ide Academy
* [NodeJS Web Server Sử Dụng Express 2020]( - CodersX
### Objective-C
* [học lập trình objective-c miễn phí]( - Kênh học miễn phí qua video trên youtube
* [Học lập trình objective-c miễn phí]( - Kênh học miễn phí qua video trên youtube
* [Objective-C Cơ Bản](
### PHP
* [PHP Cơ Bản](
* [Tự học PHP - Các đối tượng khác trong PHP]( - ZendVN
* [Tự học PHP - Căn Bản]( - ZendVN
* [Tự học PHP - Làm việc với ASNT]( - ZendVN
* [PHP Cơ Bản]( - RHP Team
* [Tự học PHP - Các đối tượng khác trong PHP]( - ZendVN
* [Tự học PHP - Căn Bản]( - ZendVN
* [Tự học PHP - Làm việc với ASNT]( - ZendVN
### Python
* [Lập trình website với Python Django]( - Kteam
* [Lập trình website với Python Django]( - Kteam
* [Python Cơ Bản](
* [Python Cơ Bản]( - DayNhauHoc
* [Python Cơ Bản]( - Kteam
* [Python Cơ Bản]( - Dạy Nhau Học
* [Python Cơ Bản]( - Kteam
### React
* [React.js Cơ Bản](
* [Học lập trình React JS - Redux - NodeJS qua dự án thực tế]( - Thầy Nguyễn Đức Việt
* [Học React Hooks cơ bản (2020)]( - Easy Frontend
* [Học redux cơ bản 2020]( - Easy Frontend
* [Khóa Học Lập Trình React.js - Redux]( - nghiepuit
* [Lập trình ReactJS với Redux]( - Khoa Phạm
* [React.js Cơ Bản](
* [ReactJS - Demo các project trong khóa học]( - ZendVN - Học Lập Trình Online
* [Redux Cơ Bản]( - CodersX
### Ruby
@ -192,37 +208,69 @@
### Sass
* [Sass Cơ Bản]( - KhoaPham
* [Tự Học Sass]( - ZendVN
* [Sass Cơ Bản]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Tự Học Sass]( - ZendVN
### SQL
* [Học SQL Cơ Bản]( - thân triệu
* [Học SQL Cơ Bản]( - Thân Triệu
* [SQL Cơ Bản](
* [SQL Cơ Bản]( - Kteam
* [SQL Cơ Bản]( - Kteam
### Swift
* [Hướng dẫn làm app bản đồ với MapKit]( - Ide Academy
* [Kỹ thuật làm app camera scan QR code]( - Ide Academy
* [Swift 3 Căn Bản]( - Ide Academy
* [Swift Căn Bản]( - Gramy
* [Tổng hợp các vấn đề mới và hóc búa trong Swift]( - Ide Academy
* [Tổng hợp kỹ thuật làm app với Swift 3.x và XCode 8]( - Ide Academy
* [Hướng dẫn làm app bản đồ với MapKit]( - Ide Academy
* [Kỹ thuật làm app camera scan QR code]( - Ide Academy
* [Lập trình iOS cơ bản với Swift 3 và Xcode 8]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Swift 3 Căn Bản]( - Ide Academy
* [Swift Căn Bản]( - Gramy
* [Tổng hợp các vấn đề mới và hóc búa trong Swift]( - Ide Academy
* [Tổng hợp kỹ thuật làm app với Swift 3.x và XCode 8]( - Ide Academy
### TypeScript
* [TypeScript căn bản]( - ZendVN
* [TypeScript căn bản]( - ZendVN
* [TypeScript căn bản (ES6)]( - TEDU
### Workpress
#### Angular
* [WordPress Nâng Cao]( - ThachPham
* [Xây dựng Plugin Wordpress căn bản]( - ZendVN
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 2 Cơ Bản]( - TEDU
* [Angular 4 Cơ Bản]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Tự học Angular 2020]( - CodersX
* [Tự học Angular 5]( - Nguyen Duc Hoang
### Unity
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Cơ Bản]( - K team
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Cơ Bản]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Cờ Vua 3D]( - The Brown Box
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Doge Game]( - K team
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Flappy Bird]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Flappy Bird]( - K team
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Game Sprider Cave]( - Khoa Phạm
* [Học Lập Trình Game Unity3D - Zombie Hunter]( - K team
* [Lập Trình Game 2D Trên Unity3D]( - U DEV
### Vue
* [Học Vue js trong một video duy nhất]( - Lập trình viên TV (Bùi Văn Nguyện)
* [Lập trình VueJS]( - ZendVN - Học Lập Trình Online
* [Vue JS cơ bản]( - RHP Team
### Wordpress
* [WordPress Cơ Bản]( - Thạch Phạm
* [WordPress Nâng Cao]( - Thạch Phạm
* [Xây dựng Plugin Wordpress căn bản]( - ZendVN
### Xcode

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@ -2,23 +2,27 @@
* [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#C)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [Data Science](#data-science)
* [Git](#git)
* [HTML / CSS](#html--css)
* [Java](#Java)
* [IDE / Editors](#ide--editors)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
* [Kubernetes](#Kubernetes)
* [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
* [Language Translations](#language-translations)
* [Markdown](#markdown)
* [MATLAB](#matlab)
* [MongoDB](#mongodb)
* [Perl](#Perl)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [Python](#python)
* [R](#r)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Rust](#rust)
* [SQL](#sql)
@ -35,12 +39,13 @@
### C
* [C Reference Card (ANSI)]( (PDF)
* [Systems Programming Cheat Sheet](
* [The C Cheat Sheet: An Introduction to Programming in C]( - Andrew Sterian (PDF)
### C++
### <a name="cpp"></a>C++
* [C++ Quick Reference]( (PDF)
* [C++ Quick Reference]( - Hooman Baradaran (PDF)
### Clojure
@ -56,6 +61,9 @@
### Git
* [Git Cheat Sheet]( - GitHub (PDF)
* [Git Cheat Sheet]( - Jan Krüger (PDF, SVG)
* [Git Cheat Sheet]( (PDF)
* [Git Cheat Sheet - extended]( (PDF)
* [GitHub Cheat Sheet]( - Tim Green (Markdown)
@ -64,9 +72,19 @@
* [CSS CheatSheet]( (HTML)
* [CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet]( - Chris Coyier (HTML)
* [CSS Grid Cheatsheet]( - Chris House (HTML)
* [FLEX: A simple visual cheatsheet for flexbox]( - Chris Malven (HTML)
* [GRID: A simple visual cheatsheet for CSS Grid Layout]( - Chris Malven (HTML)
* [HTML CheatSheet]( (HTML)
### <a name="ide--editores"></a>IDE / Editors
* [Editor VI - Guia de Referência]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim Avançado]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim Básico]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
* [Vim Médio]( - Aurelio Marinho Jargas
### Java
* [Java]( (PDF)
@ -105,6 +123,11 @@
* [Markdown Here]( - Adam Pritchard
* [MATLAB Basic Functions Reference Sheet]( - MathWorks (PDF)
### MongoDB
* [Quick Cheat Sheet for Mongo DB Shell commands]( - Michael Treat's Quick Cheat Sheet
@ -120,19 +143,31 @@
* [Comprehensive Python Cheat Sheet for Beginners](
* [Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet]( - Jure Šorn (HTML)
* [Learn Python in Y minutes](
* [Official Matplotlib cheat sheets]( - (LaTeX, PDF)
* [Python Cheat Sheet](
* [Python Cheatsheet for beginners]( - Codeacademy (HTML)
* [Python Crash Course Cheatsheet]( - Eric Matthes (HTML)
* [Python Data Wrangling with pandas]( - Pandas (PDF)
* [Python for Data Science Cheatsheet]( - DataCamp (HTML and Image)
* [Python Regex Cheatsheet]( - Debuggex (HTML)
* [Python WorldWide Cheatsheet]( - Cheatography (Python)
### R
* [All RStudio cheatsheets resources]( - (HTML site with PDF links)
### Ruby
* [Ruby Cheat Sheet]( - (PDF)
### Rust
* [Rust Language Cheat Sheet]( (HTML)
### SQL
* [MySQL Cheatsheet]( - Database Star (PDF)

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [Cloud Computing](#cloud-computing)
* [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [React](#react)
* [Kotlin](#kotlin)
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Rust](#rust)
* [Scala](#scala)
* [Selenium](#selenium)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [Vim](#vim)
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
### Android
* [Android Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [Javatpoint Android Tutorial](
@ -65,13 +67,14 @@
### C Sharp
* [C# Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [C# Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [Codeasy](
* [Learn C#](
* [Learn C#]( - Codecademy
### C++
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [C++ Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [CppKoans](
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
* [Try Clojure](
### Cloud Computing
### Cloud Computing
* [AWS API Gateway]( - *registration required*
* [AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)]( - *registration required*
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@
### Go
* [Go Koans](
* [Start using Go]( - Microsoft
* [The Go Tutorial](
@ -140,11 +144,14 @@
* [CSS Diner](
* [CSS Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [Flex Box Adventure]( - Nick Bull
* [Flexbox Defense](
* [Flexbox Froggy](
* [FreeCodeCamp: Responsive Web Design Course](
* [Grid Attack]( - Nick Bull
* [Grid Garden](
* [HTML Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [Knights of the Flexbox Table](
* [Learn by doing beginner projects](
* [Learn HTML & CSS interactively](
* [Prototyping a professional website](
@ -152,6 +159,7 @@
#### Bootstrap
* [Bootstrap Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [Front End Libraries: Bootstrap](
@ -159,7 +167,7 @@
* [CodingBat code practice](
* [Java at Codecademy](
* [Java Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [Java Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [Learn Java](
* [Learneroo Java tutorial](
@ -182,11 +190,12 @@
* [Try jQuery](
#### Angular.js
#### AngularJS
* [Angular Basics](
* [Angular Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [AngularJS - Step by Logical Step](
* [AngularJS - Step by Logical Step]( - Nicholas Johnson
* [AngularJS Basics]( - Chris Smith
* [AngularJS Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [AngularJS Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [ Learn AngularJS with Tutorial Videos & Training](
* [Learn AngularJS with free interactive lessons](
@ -239,6 +248,7 @@
### Node
* [Node School](
* [Node.js Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [Node.js Tutorial]( - W3Schools
@ -279,6 +289,8 @@
* [Python for Everybody - Interactive]( - Barbara Ericson
* [Python Koans](
* [Python Pandas Tutorial: A Complete Introduction for Beginners]( - George McIntire, Brendan Martin, Lauren Washington
* [Python Programming Language]( - GeeksforGeeks
* [Python Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [Python Tutorial]( - W3Schools
@ -292,6 +304,7 @@
### Rust
* [Rust Quiz](
* [Rustlings](
@ -310,6 +323,7 @@
* [Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data]( - Khan Academy
* [SQL at Codecademy](
* [SQL Server Tutorial]( - tutlane
* [SQL Tutorial]( - W3Schools
* [SQLBolt](

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
### Índice
* [Python](#python)
### Python
* [Guia de Instalação do Kivy](

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@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
### Index
* [Веб-разработка](#Веб-разработка)
* [Git](#git)
* [Python](#Python)
* [SQL](#SQL)
* [Веб-разработка](#Веб-разработка)
### Веб-разработка
* [Учитесь веб-разработке бесплатно!](
* [Open source воркшопы](
### Git
@ -21,7 +27,3 @@
* [SQL упражнения](
### Веб-разработка
* [Open source воркшопы](
* [Учитесь веб-разработке бесплатно!](

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
### Index
* [Golang](#golang)
### Golang
* [Start using Go]( - Microsoft

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
### Index
* [Angular](#angular)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#csharp)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [ClojureScript](#clojurescript)
* [Crystal](#crystal)
* [CSS](#css)
@ -15,6 +17,7 @@
* [Ionic](#ionic)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Kotlin](#kotlin)
* [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
* [.Net](#dotnet)
@ -34,12 +37,22 @@
* [Svelte](#svelte)
* [Swift](#swift)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### Angular
### <a name="c"></a>C
* [Plunker](
* [StackBlitz](
* [SoloLearn](
### <a name="csharp"></a>C#
* [SoloLearn](
### <a name="cpp"></a>C++
* [SoloLearn](
### ClojureScript
@ -60,6 +73,7 @@
* [CSSdesk](
* [Dabblet](
* [Flexy Boxes](
* [SoloLearn](
### Dart
@ -98,6 +112,7 @@
### Go
* [Go Playground](
* [SoloLearn](
### Haskell
@ -113,7 +128,7 @@
### Java
* []( (_including a separate Java/Swing_)
* [SoloLearn](
* [SoloLearn](
### JavaScript
@ -124,13 +139,21 @@
* [JSBin](
* [JSFiddle](
* [Plunker](
* [SoloLearn](
* [SoloLearn](
#### AngularJS
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [Angular](#angular)
* [StackBlitz](
### Kotlin
* [Kotlin](
* [Kotlin Playground](
* [SoloLearn](
### Kubernetes
@ -147,6 +170,7 @@
### NodeJS
* [Ideone](
* [SoloLearn](
### OCaml
@ -165,6 +189,7 @@
* [ExtendsClass](
* [PHPFiddle](
* [PHPTester](
* [SoloLearn](
### Python
@ -173,13 +198,14 @@
* [Python Trinket](
* [ Shell](
* [ - NiceDualPoin](
* [SoloLearn](
* [SoloLearn](
### R
* [R-Fiddle](
* [Rextester](
* [SoloLearn](
### React
@ -197,13 +223,13 @@
### Ruby
* [Codepad](
* [Sololearn](
* [SoloLearn](
* [TryRuby](
### Rust
* [Rust Playground](
* [Rust Playground](
### RxJS
@ -233,6 +259,7 @@
### Swift
* [Online Swift Playground](
* [SoloLearn](
### TypeScript
@ -241,4 +268,9 @@
* [StackBlitz](
#### Angular
> :information_source: See also &#8230; [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Plunker](
* [StackBlitz](