
184 lines
7.0 KiB

# Required vars
# - checkcompose_amqp_queue
## string - Message queue name for the consumer. To use the
## fedora-messaging scheduler with public authentication
## on the Fedora production AMQP broker (which is what
## you'd typically want), you only need to set this.
## This should be a unique and private string; the
## official recommendation is to use a random UUID
## generated by uuidgen.
# Required vars with defaults
# - checkcompose_prod
## bool - whether this is the production instance. **SHOULD ONLY
## default - False
# - checkcompose_amqp_passive
## bool - If true, passive_declares will be set true in all the
## fedora-messaging consumer configuration files. This
## is needed for private authentication on the Fedora
## brokers.
## default - False
# - checkcompose_amqp_url
## string - AMQP broker URL for fedora-messaging report sender.
## The role default for this is the Fedora production
## broker with the shared 'fedora' username.
# - checkcompose_amqp_cacert
## string - CA certificate file to use for authenticating with
## AMQP broker for fedora-messaging report sender.
## The role default for this is the CA cert file for the
## Fedora production broker.
# - checkcompose_amqp_cert
## string - Certificate file to use for authenticating with AMQP
## broker for fedora-messaging report sender. The role
## default for this is the certificate file for the
## public 'fedora' account on the Fedora production
## broker.
# - checkcompose_amqp_key
## string - Private key file to use for authenticating with AMQP
## broker for fedora-messaging report sender. The role
## default for this is the key file for the public
## 'fedora' account on the Fedora production broker.
# - checkcompose_amqp_routing_keys
## list - List of routing key names for the fedora-messaging
## scheduler to subscribe to. The role default for this
## is the appropriate keys for the Fedora production
## broker.
# - checkcompose_amqp_mailfrom
## string - From email address for error report emails. Defaults
## to "root@{{ external_hostname }}". Only relevant if
## checkcompose_amqp_mailto is set.
# - checkcompose_amqp_smtp
## string - Hostname of SMTP server to use for sending consumer error
## emails. Defaults to 'localhost'. Only relevant if
## checkcompose_amqp_mailto is set.
# Optional vars
# - checkcompose_server
## string - hostname of openQA server to connect to (if not set, openQA
## client configuration will determine this, default will be
## localhost)
# - checkcompose_url
## string - base URL for openQA result links (if not set, will be
## the URL the client actually wound up connecting to)
# - checkcompose_wait
## string - (digits) time in minutes to wait for openQA tests to complete
## before sending the report (defaults to 480)
# - checkcompose_emailfrom
## string - Email address to send reports from (if not set, no reports
## sent)
# - checkcompose_emailto
## string - Email address to send all reports to. Split multiple
## addresses with spaces
# - checkcompose_subvariant_emails
## dict - Per-subvariant recipients foe check-compose emails. Should
## be a dict of dicts like this:
## {
## 'Workstation': {
## 'all': ['foo@workstation.com', 'bar@workstation.com'],
## 'error': ['error@workstation.com'],
## },
## 'Server': {
## 'all': ['foo@server.com'],
## 'error': ['error@server.com'],
## },
## }
## Split multiple addresses with spaces
# - checkcompose_smtp
## string - SMTP server to use for sending the report
# - checkcompose_json
## string - File to append JSON-formatted report summary to
# - checkcompose_loglevel
## string - log level
# - checkcompose_amqp_mailto
## list - List of email addresses to email errors to. If set,
## the email log handler will be configured.
# NOTE: this is missing /etc/openqa/client.conf configuration, for now;
# we're assuming it'll be deployed on the openqa server boxes and hence
# client.conf will be in place (and localhost default would be correct
# anyhow). We also get lazy and assume fedora_openqa will be installed
# by openqa/dispatcher role; ideally we should factor this out into a
# shared task or something.
#- name: Install required packages (testing)
# dnf: name={{ item }} state=present enablerepo="updates-testing"
# with_items:
# - python3-fedfind
# tags:
# - packages
- name: Install required packages
name: ['fedora-messaging', 'python3-fedfind', 'python3-openqa_client', 'python3-setuptools']
state: present
- packages
- name: Check out check-compose
repo: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/check-compose.git
dest: /root/check-compose
register: gitcc
- name: Install check-compose
command: "python3 setup.py install --nodeps"
chdir: /root/check-compose
when: "gitcc is changed"
- restart check-compose
- name: Create /etc/pki/fedora-messaging
dest: /etc/pki/fedora-messaging
mode: 0775
owner: root
group: root
state: directory
when: "deployment_type is defined"
- config
- name: Deploy the Fedora infra fedora-messaging cert
src: "{{ private }}/files/rabbitmq/{{checkcompose_env}}/pki/issued/openqa{{checkcompose_env_suffix}}.crt"
dest: /etc/pki/fedora-messaging/openqa{{checkcompose_env_suffix}}-cert.pem
mode: 0644
owner: root
group: root
- config
- name: Deploy the Fedora infra fedora-messaging key
src: "{{ private }}/files/rabbitmq/{{checkcompose_env}}/pki/private/openqa{{checkcompose_env_suffix}}.key"
dest: /etc/pki/fedora-messaging/openqa{{checkcompose_env_suffix}}-key.pem
mode: 0600
owner: root
group: root
- config
- name: Configure fedora-messaging check-compose consumer
template: src=check-compose.toml.j2 dest=/etc/fedora-messaging/check-compose.toml owner=root group=root mode=0640
- restart check-compose
- config
- name: Wipe the old fedmsg consumer config file
file: path=/etc/fedmsg.d/checkcomp_consumer.py state=absent
- restart fedmsg-hub
- config
- name: Install config file
template: src=check-compose.conf.j2 dest=/etc/check-compose.conf mode=0644
- config
- name: Enable and start fedora-messaging check-compose consumer
service: name=fm-consumer@check-compose enabled=yes state=started