
120 lines
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# This playbook lets you safely reboot a virthost and all it's guests.
# requires --extra-vars="target=somevhost fqdn"
#General overview:
# talk to the vhost
# get back list of instances
# add each of their hostnames to an addhoc group
# halt each of them in a second play
# wait for them to die
# third play, reboot the vhost
# wait for vhost to come back
# TODO: Figure out how to compare virt info pre and post boot.
- name: find instances
hosts: "{{ target }}"
gather_facts: False
user: root
- name: get list of guests
virt: command=list_vms
register: vmlist
# - name: get info on guests (prereboot)
# virt: command=info
# register: vminfo_pre
- name: add them to myvms_new group
local_action: add_host hostname={{ item }} groupname=myvms_new
with_items: vmlist.list_vms
- name: halt instances
hosts: myvms_new
user: root
gather_facts: False
serial: 1
- name: schedule regular host downtime
nagios: action=downtime minutes=30 service=host host={{ inventory_hostname_short }}
delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org
ignore_errors: true
when: inventory_hostname.find('.stg.') == -1
- name: schedule stg host downtime
nagios: action=downtime minutes=30 service=host host={{ inventory_hostname_short }}.stg
delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org
ignore_errors: true
when: inventory_hostname.find('.stg.') != -1
- name: halt the vm instances - to poweroff
command: /sbin/shutdown -h 1
ignore_errors: true
# if one of them is down we don't care
- name: wait for the whole set to die.
hosts: myvms_new
gather_facts: False
user: root
- name: wait for them to die
local_action: wait_for port=22 delay=30 timeout=300 state=stopped host={{ inventory_hostname }}
- name: reboot vhost
hosts: "{{ target }}"
gather_facts: False
user: root
- name: tell nagios to shush
nagios: action=downtime minutes=60 service=host host={{ inventory_hostname }}
delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org
ignore_errors: true
- name: reboot the virthost
command: /sbin/shutdown -r 1
- name: wait for virthost to come back - up to 15 minutes
local_action: wait_for host={{ target }} port=22 delay=120 timeout=900 search_regex=OpenSSH
- name: wait for libvirtd to come back on the virthost
wait_for: path=/var/run/libvirtd.pid state=present delay=10
- name: look up vmlist
virt: command=list_vms
register: newvmlist
- name: sync time
command: ntpdate -u
- name: serverbeach hosts need a special iptables config
command: /root/fix-iptables.sh
when: inventory_hostname_short.startswith('serverbeach')
- name: tell nagios to unshush
nagios: action=unsilence service=host host={{ inventory_hostname }}
delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org
ignore_errors: true
- name: Fix unbound if necessary
# intersection - hosts that are in our dynamic group and also in unbound-dns
hosts: "myvms_new:&unbound"
user: root
- /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml
- /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- include: "{{ tasks }}/restart_unbound.yml"
# - name: get info on guests (postreboot)
# virt: command=info
# register: vminfo_post