
110 lines
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# New tasks to spin up instance in https://fedorainfracloud.org
- include_vars: dir=/srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/all/ ignore_files=README
- name: check it out
local_action: shell nc -w 5 {{ inventory_hostname }} 22 < /dev/null
register: host_is_up
ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
- name: spin UP VM using nova_compute
become: False
module: nova_compute
auth_url: "{{os_auth_url}}"
login_username: "admin"
login_password: "{{ADMIN_PASS}}"
login_tenant_name: "{{inventory_tenant}}"
name: "{{inventory_instance_name}}"
image_id: "{{ image|image_name_to_id('admin', ADMIN_PASS, inventory_tenant, os_auth_url) }}"
wait_for: 600
flavor_id: "{{ instance_type|flavor_name_to_id('admin', ADMIN_PASS, inventory_tenant, os_auth_url) }}"
security_groups: "{{security_group}}"
key_name: "{{ keypair }}"
nics: "{{ cloud_networks }}"
user_data: "#cloud-config\ndisable_root: 0"
- "{{public_ip}}"
register: nova_result
when: host_is_up is failed
# instance can be both id and name, volume must be id
# volume must be id
# Check that the volume is available
- local_action: shell nova --os-auth-url="{{os_auth_url}}" --os-username="admin" --os-password="{{ADMIN_PASS}}" --os-tenant-name={{inventory_tenant}} volume-list | grep ' {{item.volume_id}} ' | grep 'available'
with_items: "{{ volumes|default([]) }}"
register: volume_available
failed_when: volume_available.rc == 2
changed_when: volume_available.rc == 0
ignore_errors: True
when: volumes is defined
check_mode: no
# If it is attach it.
- local_action: shell nova --os-auth-url="{{os_auth_url}}" --os-username="admin" --os-password="{{ADMIN_PASS}}" --os-tenant-name={{inventory_tenant}} volume-attach "{{inventory_instance_name}}" "{{item.volume_id}}" "{{item.device}}"
with_items: "{{ volume_available.results|default([]) }}"
ignore_errors: True
failed_when: False
when: volumes is defined and volume_available is defined and item.changed
- name: wait for he host to be hot
local_action: wait_for host={{ public_ip }} port=22 delay=1 timeout=600
when: host_is_up is failed
# SSH is up and running, however cloud-init still did not deployed ssh keypair
# we have to wait some time. 10 sec is usually enough, but not always.
- name: waiting for cloud-init
pause: seconds=30
when: host_is_up is failed
- name: gather ssh host key from new instance
local_action: command ssh-keyscan -t rsa {{ inventory_hostname }}
ignore_errors: True
register: hostkey
when: host_is_up is failed
- name: add new ssh host key (until we can sign it)
local_action: known_hosts path={{item}} key="{{ hostkey.stdout }}" host={{ inventory_hostname }} state=present
ignore_errors: True
- /root/.ssh/known_hosts
when: host_is_up is failed
# Next we try and gather facts. If the host doesn't have python2 this will fail.
- name: gather facts
check_mode: no
ignore_errors: True
register: facts
# If that failed, then we use the raw module to install things
- name: install python2 and dnf stuff
raw: dnf -y install python-dnf libselinux-python
when: facts is failed
# TODO - somehow guess when keypair is finally deployed and return little bit earlier
## We need to specify user, here we trying with fedora or root
#- name: wait until ssh is available
# # local_action: shell false; until [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; do sleep 2; ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no fedora@{{ public_ip }} 'echo foobar' || ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no root@{{ public_ip }} 'echo foobar'; done
# # local_action: shell false; until [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; do sleep 2; ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no fedora@{{ public_ip }} 'echo foobar'; done
# local_action: shell whoami && ssh -vvvv -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no fedora@{{ public_ip }} 'echo foobar'
# # async: 20
# # poll: 5
# ignore_errors: True
- name: Include SSH config
import_role: name=basessh