modify the install commanda bit - and make the monitoring make more sense

This commit is contained in:
Seth Vidal 2013-05-02 04:02:13 +00:00
parent 6c10232619
commit 977f3b2d38
2 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ install_command: /usr/sbin/virt-install -n ${inventory_hostname} -r ${mem_size}
--vcpus=${num_cpus} -l ${ks_repo} -x
"ksdevice=eth0 ks=${ks_url} ip=${eth0_ip} netmask=${nm}
gateway=${gw} dns=${dns} console=tty0 console=ttyS0"
--network=bridge=br0 --network=bridge=br1 --vnc --noautoconsole
--network=bridge=br0 --network=bridge=br1 --graphics none
--autostart --noautoconsole
# for systems that do not match the above - specify the same parameter in
# the host_vars/$hostname file

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@ -35,15 +35,19 @@
shell: ${install_command}
delegate_to: $vmhost
- name: wait for the install to finish - by watching the vnc port
local_action: wait_for delay=180 host=${inventory_hostname} port=1 state=stopped timeout=900
- name: wait for the install to finish - by watching the domstate
# this just keeps checking the domstate until it stops running
shell: while `/usr/bin/virsh domstate ${inventory_hostname} | grep -q running` ; do sleep 20; done
delegate_to: $vmhost
async: 1200
poll: 10
- name: start the vm up
action: virt state=running name=${inventory_hostname}
delegate_to: $vmhost
- name: wait for ssh on the vm to start back
local_action: wait_for delay=30 host=${inventory_hostname} port=22 state=started timeout=1200
local_action: wait_for delay=10 host=${inventory_hostname} port=22 state=started timeout=1200
# include postinstall playbook