
215 lines
8.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ipaddress
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import urllib.parse
from . import _
from . import common
from . import index
from . import update
options = None
def _run_wget(path, urls):
if options.verbose:
verbose = '--verbose'
verbose = '--no-verbose'
if not urls:
logging.debug(_('Running wget in {path}').format(path=path))
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
urls_file = '.fdroid-mirror-wget-input-file'
with open(urls_file, 'w') as fp:
for url in urls:
fp.write(url.split('?')[0] + '\n') # wget puts query string in the filename
subprocess.call(['wget', verbose, '--continue', '--user-agent="fdroid mirror"',
'--input-file=' + urls_file])
def main():
global options
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("url", nargs='?',
help=_('Base URL to mirror, can include the index signing key '
+ 'using the query string: ?fingerprint='))
parser.add_argument("--all", action='store_true', default=False,
help=_("Mirror the full repo and archive, all file types."))
parser.add_argument("--archive", action='store_true', default=False,
help=_("Also mirror the full archive section"))
parser.add_argument("--build-logs", action='store_true', default=False,
help=_("Include the build logs in the mirror"))
parser.add_argument("--pgp-signatures", action='store_true', default=False,
help=_("Include the PGP signature .asc files in the mirror"))
parser.add_argument("--src-tarballs", action='store_true', default=False,
help=_("Include the source tarballs in the mirror"))
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", default=None,
help=_("The directory to write the mirror to"))
options = parser.parse_args()
if options.all:
options.archive = True
options.build_logs = True
options.pgp_signatures = True
options.src_tarballs = True
if options.url is None:
logging.error(_('A URL is required as an argument!') + '\n')
scheme, hostname, path, params, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse(options.url)
fingerprint = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query).get('fingerprint')
def _append_to_url_path(*args):
'''Append the list of path components to URL, keeping the rest the same'''
newpath = posixpath.join(path, *args)
return urllib.parse.urlunparse((scheme, hostname, newpath, params, query, fragment))
if fingerprint:
config = common.read_config(options)
if not ('jarsigner' in config or 'apksigner' in config):
logging.error(_('Java JDK not found! Install in standard location or set java_paths!'))
def _get_index(section, etag=None):
url = _append_to_url_path(section)
data, etag = index.download_repo_index(url, etag=etag)
return data, etag, _append_to_url_path(section, 'index-v1.jar')
def _get_index(section, etag=None):
import io
import json
import zipfile
from . import net
url = _append_to_url_path(section, 'index-v1.jar')
content, etag = net.http_get(url)
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(content)) as zip:
jsoncontents = zip.open('index-v1.json').read()
data = json.loads(jsoncontents.decode('utf-8'))
return data, etag, None # no verified index file to return
ip = None
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(hostname)
except ValueError:
if hostname == 'f-droid.org' \
or (ip is not None and hostname in socket.gethostbyname_ex('f-droid.org')[2]):
print(_('ERROR: this command should never be used to mirror f-droid.org!\n'
'A full mirror of f-droid.org requires more than 200GB.'))
path = path.rstrip('/')
if path.endswith('repo') or path.endswith('archive'):
logging.warning(_('Do not include "{path}" in URL!')
elif not path.endswith('fdroid'):
logging.warning(_('{url} does not end with "fdroid", check the URL path!')
icondirs = ['icons', ]
for density in update.screen_densities:
icondirs.append('icons-' + density)
if options.output_dir:
basedir = options.output_dir
basedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), hostname, path.strip('/'))
os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True)
if options.archive:
sections = ('repo', 'archive')
sections = ('repo', )
for section in sections:
sectiondir = os.path.join(basedir, section)
urls = []
data, etag, index_url = _get_index(section)
if index_url:
os.makedirs(sectiondir, exist_ok=True)
for icondir in icondirs:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(sectiondir, icondir), exist_ok=True)
for packageName, packageList in data['packages'].items():
for package in packageList:
to_fetch = []
keys = ['apkName', ]
if options.src_tarballs:
for k in keys:
if k in package:
elif k == 'apkName':
logging.error(_('{appid} is missing {name}')
.format(appid=package['packageName'], name=k))
for f in to_fetch:
if not os.path.exists(f) \
or (f.endswith('.apk') and os.path.getsize(f) != package['size']):
urls.append(_append_to_url_path(section, f))
if options.pgp_signatures:
urls.append(_append_to_url_path(section, f + '.asc'))
if options.build_logs and f.endswith('.apk'):
urls.append(_append_to_url_path(section, f[:-4] + '.log.gz'))
_run_wget(sectiondir, urls)
for app in data['apps']:
localized = app.get('localized')
if localized:
for locale, d in localized.items():
urls = []
components = (section, app['packageName'], locale)
for k in update.GRAPHIC_NAMES:
f = d.get(k)
if f:
filepath_tuple = components + (f, )
_run_wget(os.path.join(basedir, *components), urls)
for k in update.SCREENSHOT_DIRS:
urls = []
filelist = d.get(k)
if filelist:
components = (section, app['packageName'], locale, k)
for f in filelist:
filepath_tuple = components + (f, )
_run_wget(os.path.join(basedir, *components), urls)
urls = dict()
for app in data['apps']:
if 'icon' not in app:
logging.error(_('no "icon" in {appid}').format(appid=app['packageName']))
icon = app['icon']
for icondir in icondirs:
url = _append_to_url_path(section, icondir, icon)
if icondir not in urls:
urls[icondir] = []
for icondir in icondirs:
_run_wget(os.path.join(basedir, section, icondir), urls[icondir])
if __name__ == "__main__":