Hans-Christoph Steiner 06fb855a27 common: tighten up regexs when searching for version name/code and appid
This should have less of a change of matching bad things.
thanks to @stf for the report.  I ran tests comparing the original vs these
new patterns, and it was a 100% match. So at least it didn't make things

Here's the test script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import re

old_vcsearch_g = re.compile(r'''.*[Vv]ersionCode[ =]+["']*([0-9]+)["']*''').search
old_vnsearch_g = re.compile(r'.*[Vv]ersionName *=* *(["\'])((?:(?=(\\?))\3.)*?)\1.*').search
old_psearch_g = re.compile(r'.*(packageName|applicationId) *=* *["\']([^"]+)["\'].*').search
new_vcsearch_g = re.compile(r'''.*[Vv]ersionCode\s*=?\s*["']*([0-9]+)["']*''').search
new_vnsearch_g = re.compile(r'''.*[Vv]ersionName\s*=?\s*(["'])((?:(?=(\\?))\3.)*?)\1.*''').search
new_psearch_g = re.compile(r'''.*(packageName|applicationId)\s*=*\s*["']([^"']+)["'].*''').search

old = re.compile(r'.*(packageName|applicationId) *=* *["\']([^"]+)["\'].*').search
new = re.compile(r'''.*(packageName|applicationId)\s*=*\s*["']([^"']+)["'].*''').search

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('build'):
    for f in files:
        if f.endswith('.gradle'):
            with open(os.path.join(root, f)) as fp:
                for line in fp:
                    for old, new in ((old_vcsearch_g, new_vcsearch_g),
                                     (old_vnsearch_g, new_vnsearch_g),
                                     (old_psearch_g, new_psearch_g)):
                        found_old = old(line)
                        found_new = new(line)
                        oldresult = None
                        newresult = None
                        if found_old or found_new:
                            if found_old:
                                oldresult = found_old.groups()
                                #print('OLD', oldresult)
                            if found_new:
                                newresult = found_new.groups()
                                #print('NEW', newresult)
                            if oldresult != newresult:
                                print(f, oldresult, newresult)
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