Commit Graph

20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hans-Christoph Steiner 62c8fd5999
add Liberapay: field with username as data
Liberapay was originally included using a numeric ID, since they had
not yet finalized the public URLs.  Now it is a username.  So this
logic prefers the username in Liberapay: field, and keeps the old
LiberapayID: to ease migration.  LiberapayID: will not override
Liberapay:.  Clients are expected to prefer Liberapay: over LiberapayID:
2020-06-16 15:35:28 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner b63e9e68c5
move all test metadata files to .yml format
for f in metadata/*.txt; do ../fdroid rewritemeta --to yml $(basename $f | sed 's,\.txt,,'); done
2020-06-10 09:56:31 +02:00
Marcus 9d24f2e4a7 add opencollective metadata and index field 2020-03-10 14:56:03 +00:00
Michael Pöhn 55466f1166 fix fixtures in tests/metadata/dump 2018-08-07 00:02:07 +02:00
Marcus Hoffmann a4b6549927
tests: adapt to spdx v4.0.0 2018-05-16 22:49:57 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 05eef5a454 metadata: add new Translation app field for URL for contributions
This is a field requested from a bunch of translators so they can easily
find where to translate apps:
2018-02-05 15:45:12 +01:00
relan 86f34ee70a build: make per-build hard time limit customizable
Add "timeout=n" metadata field that overrides build timeout (in seconds).
The default is 7200, i.e. 2 hours.
2018-01-30 11:14:50 +03:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 513c95894c build: remove unused, unmaintained Kivy build method
This code has never been used and contains some insecure uses of shell=True
Building Kivy apps should be done with the buildozer=yes method.  The
buildozer method should probably be moved to a provisioner once that is in
2018-01-23 23:16:05 +01:00
Andrea Scarpino 19a83b6219 Add Liberapay support 2017-12-12 11:53:31 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner dfb07808d3 support configing buildserver VM per-build with sudo=
This adds the 'sudo' build field, which is just a script that is run as
root.  For more info, see the issue that this closes:

refs #318
closes #317
2017-07-06 17:29:23 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner df99c85ca6 support manually adding per-build antiFeatures in metadata
For cases like the OpenVPN vuln that was recently announced, it is useful
for fdroiddata maintainers to be able to mark builds that have known
2017-07-06 12:25:48 +02:00
lb@lb520 bab8f8ea02 Test metadata files updated. 2017-06-21 08:26:52 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 114d5dc8c6 make tests pass new lint rules 2017-05-26 21:03:38 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner cb49f57c06 support "Author Web Site" as metadata field
Fastlane Supply, Triple-T Gradle Play Publisher, and many app stores
include the possibility to specify a website for the author, as distinct
from the website for the app.

closes #204
2017-04-19 10:05:24 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 8b85c860a6 rename lastupdated to lastUpdated to match fdroid client
This lets index-v1 be parsed directly into class instances because the
field/instance var names match exactly.  The original index v0 element
must retain the 'lastupdated' name for backwards compatibility.
2017-02-28 12:08:04 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner c178cfb843 normalize Build TYPE_LIST data based on .txt
In the future, we should have better internal datatypes for this stuff,
i.e. instead of gradle: ['yes'] for True, actually use a boolean.  For now,
make the YAML and JSON metadata produce the same internal data as .txt.
2017-02-24 11:01:01 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner e0f39a7e7b rename Build fields: version -> versionName, vercode -> versionCode
Since the YAML/JSON/etc. field names are now exactly the same as the field
names used in the internal dict in the Build class, this is a global rename

This keeps with the standard names used in Android:
2017-02-24 11:01:01 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner c0bc3afda9 convert metadata.Build to a subclass of dict
Like with the App class in the commit before, this makes it a lot
easier to work with this data when converting between the internal
formats and external formats like YAML, JSON, MsgPack, protobuf, etc.

The one unfortunate thing here is Build.update. It becomes
dict.update(), which is a method not an attribute.
build.get('update') or build['update'] could be used, but that would
be oddly inconsistent. So instead the field is renamed to
'androidupdate', except for in the .txt v0 metadata files. This better
describes what field does anyway, since it runs `android update`.

Build.update is only referenced in two places right next to each other
for the ant builds, so this change still seems worthwhile.
2017-02-24 11:01:01 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner b7fc7f2228 convert App to subclass of dict to support parsing/dumping libs
Python is heavily based on its core data types, and dict is one of the more
important ones.  Even classes are basically a wrapper around a dict. This
converts metadata.App to be a subclass of dict so it can behave like a dict
when being dumped and loaded.  This makes its drastically easier to use
different data formats for build metadata and for sending data to the
client.  This approach will ultimately mean we no longer have to maintain
custom parsing and dumping code.

This also means then that the YAML/JSON field names will not have spaces in
them, and they will match exactly what it used as the dict keys once the
data is parsed, as well as matching exactly the instance attribute names:

* CurrentVersion: 1.2.6
* app['CurrentVersion'] == '1.2.6'
* app.CurrentVersion == '1.2.6'

Inspired by:
2017-02-24 11:01:01 +01:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner b1a943d562 convert metadata test dumps to YAML for easy comparison
When making code changes related to the metadata parsing, it is useful to
see how the internal format has changed by seeing the differences in the
dump files.  Those files are currently in the binary .pickle format.  This
just straight converts them to YAML, which is a text format, so that normal
diff tools work to see changes.

The dump files are named .yaml instead of .yml since .yml is used for hand-
edited YAML files for fdroiddata/metadata, while these dump files here are
a human readable form of a Python pickle.
2016-12-05 20:16:54 +01:00