purge all vestiges of the unused `fdroid stats`, closes #839

* for f in locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.po; do msgattrib --set-obsolete --no-wrap --ignore-file=locale/fdroidserver.pot -o $f $f; done
* sed -i 's, \.\./fdroidserver/stats\.py,,' locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.po
This commit is contained in:
Hans-Christoph Steiner 2023-02-19 22:23:04 +01:00
parent 798fe90c67
commit b8f59097f7
46 changed files with 44 additions and 1012 deletions

View File

@ -261,12 +261,6 @@ __complete_nightly() {
__complete_stats() {
opts="-v -q -d"
lopts="--verbose --quiet --download"
__complete_deploy() {
opts="-i -v -q"
lopts="--identity-file --local-copy-dir --sync-from-local-copy-dir
@ -317,7 +311,6 @@ rewritemeta \
scanner \
signatures \
signindex \
stats \
update \
verify \

View File

@ -289,27 +289,11 @@
# configured to allow push access (e.g. ssh key, username/password, etc)
# binary_transparency_remote: git@gitlab.com:fdroid/binary-transparency-log.git
# Only set this to true when running a repository where you want to generate
# stats, and only then on the master build servers, not a development
# machine. If you want to keep the "added" and "last updated" dates for each
# app and APK in your repo, then you should enable this.
# If you want to keep the "added" and "last updated" dates for each
# app and APK in your repo, enable this. The name comes from an old
# system for tracking statistics that is no longer included.
# update_stats: true
# When used with stats, this is a list of IP addresses that are ignored for
# calculation purposes.
# stats_ignore: []
# Server stats logs are retrieved from. Required when update_stats is True.
# stats_server: example.com
# User stats logs are retrieved from. Required when update_stats is True.
# stats_user: bob
# Use the following to push stats to a Carbon instance:
# stats_to_carbon: false
# carbon_host:
# carbon_port: 2003
# Set this to true to always use a build server. This saves specifying the
# --server option on dedicated secure build server hosts.
# build_server_always: true

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ COMMANDS = OrderedDict([
("rewritemeta", _("Rewrite all the metadata files")),
("lint", _("Warn about possible metadata errors")),
("scanner", _("Scan the source code of a package")),
("stats", _("Update the stats of the repo")),
("signindex", _("Sign indexes created using update --nosign")),
("btlog", _("Update the binary transparency log for a URL")),
("signatures", _("Extract signatures from APKs")),

View File

@ -137,10 +137,6 @@ default_config = {
'current_version_name_source': 'Name',
'deploy_process_logs': False,
'update_stats': False,
'stats_ignore': [],
'stats_server': None,
'stats_user': None,
'stats_to_carbon': False,
'repo_maxage': 0,
'build_server_always': False,
'keystore': 'keystore.p12',

View File

@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# stats.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-13, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import traceback
import glob
import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import paramiko
import socket
import logging
import subprocess
from collections import Counter
from . import _
from . import common
from . import metadata
def carbon_send(key, value):
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((config['carbon_host'], config['carbon_port']))
msg = '%s %d %d\n' % (key, value, int(time.time()))
options = None
config = None
def most_common_stable(counts):
pairs = []
for s in counts:
pairs.append((s, counts[s]))
return sorted(pairs, key=lambda t: (-t[1], t[0]))
def main():
global options, config
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-d", "--download", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Download logs we don't have"))
parser.add_argument("--recalc", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes "
"have been made that would invalidate old cached data."))
parser.add_argument("--nologs", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Don't do anything logs-related"))
options = parser.parse_args()
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
config = common.read_config(options)
if not config['update_stats']:
logging.info("Stats are disabled - set \"update_stats = True\" in your config.yml")
# Get all metadata-defined apps...
allmetaapps = [app for app in metadata.read_metadata().values()]
metaapps = [app for app in allmetaapps if not app.Disabled]
statsdir = 'stats'
logsdir = os.path.join(statsdir, 'logs')
datadir = os.path.join(statsdir, 'data')
if not os.path.exists(statsdir):
if not os.path.exists(logsdir):
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
if options.download:
# Get any access logs we don't have...
ssh = None
ftp = None
logging.info('Retrieving logs')
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(config['stats_server'], username=config['stats_user'],
timeout=10, key_filename=config['webserver_keyfile'])
ftp = ssh.open_sftp()
files = ftp.listdir()
for f in files:
if f.startswith('access-') and f.endswith('.log.gz'):
destpath = os.path.join(logsdir, f)
destsize = ftp.stat(f).st_size
if not os.path.exists(destpath) \
or os.path.getsize(destpath) != destsize:
logging.debug("...retrieving " + f)
ftp.get(f, destpath)
except Exception:
# Disconnect
if ftp is not None:
if ssh is not None:
knownapks = common.KnownApks()
unknownapks = []
if not options.nologs:
# Process logs
logging.info('Processing logs...')
appscount = Counter()
appsvercount = Counter()
logexpr = r'(?P<ip>[.:0-9a-fA-F]+) - - \[(?P<time>.*?)\] ' \
+ r'"GET (?P<uri>.*?) HTTP/1.\d" (?P<statuscode>\d+) ' \
+ r'\d+ "(?P<referral>.*?)" "(?P<useragent>.*?)"'
logsearch = re.compile(logexpr).search
for logfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(logsdir, 'access-*.log.gz')):
logging.debug('...' + logfile)
# Get the date for this log - e.g. 2012-02-28
thisdate = os.path.basename(logfile)[7:-7]
agg_path = os.path.join(datadir, thisdate + '.json')
if not options.recalc and os.path.exists(agg_path):
# Use previously calculated aggregate data
with open(agg_path, 'r') as f:
today = json.load(f)
# Calculate from logs...
today = {
'apps': Counter(),
'appsver': Counter(),
'unknown': []
p = subprocess.Popen(["zcat", logfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
matches = (logsearch(line) for line in p.stdout)
for match in matches:
if not match:
if match.group('statuscode') != '200':
if match.group('ip') in config['stats_ignore']:
uri = match.group('uri')
if not uri.endswith('.apk'):
_ignored, apkname = os.path.split(uri)
app = knownapks.getapp(apkname)
if app:
appid, _ignored = app
today['apps'][appid] += 1
# Strip the '.apk' from apkname
appver = apkname[:-4]
today['appsver'][appver] += 1
if apkname not in today['unknown']:
# Save calculated aggregate data for today to cache
with open(agg_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(today, f)
# Add today's stats (whether cached or recalculated) to the total
for appid in today['apps']:
appscount[appid] += today['apps'][appid]
for appid in today['appsver']:
appsvercount[appid] += today['appsver'][appid]
for uk in today['unknown']:
if uk not in unknownapks:
# Calculate and write stats for total downloads...
lst = []
alldownloads = 0
for appid in appscount:
count = appscount[appid]
lst.append(appid + " " + str(count))
if config['stats_to_carbon']:
carbon_send('fdroid.download.' + appid.replace('.', '_'),
alldownloads += count
lst.append("ALL " + str(alldownloads))
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'total_downloads_app.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write('# Total downloads by application, since October 2011\n')
for line in sorted(lst):
f.write(line + '\n')
lst = []
for appver in appsvercount:
count = appsvercount[appver]
lst.append(appver + " " + str(count))
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'total_downloads_app_version.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write('# Total downloads by application and version, '
'since October 2011\n')
for line in sorted(lst):
f.write(line + "\n")
# Calculate and write stats for repo types...
logging.info("Processing repo types...")
repotypes = Counter()
for app in metaapps:
rtype = app.RepoType or 'none'
if rtype == 'srclib':
rtype = common.getsrclibvcs(app.Repo)
repotypes[rtype] += 1
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'repotypes.txt'), 'w') as f:
for rtype, count in most_common_stable(repotypes):
f.write(rtype + ' ' + str(count) + '\n')
# Calculate and write stats for update check modes...
logging.info("Processing update check modes...")
ucms = Counter()
for app in metaapps:
checkmode = app.UpdateCheckMode
if checkmode.startswith('RepoManifest/'):
checkmode = checkmode[:12]
if checkmode.startswith('Tags '):
checkmode = checkmode[:4]
ucms[checkmode] += 1
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'update_check_modes.txt'), 'w') as f:
for checkmode, count in most_common_stable(ucms):
f.write(checkmode + ' ' + str(count) + '\n')
logging.info("Processing categories...")
ctgs = Counter()
for app in metaapps:
for category in app.Categories:
ctgs[category] += 1
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'categories.txt'), 'w') as f:
for category, count in most_common_stable(ctgs):
f.write(category + ' ' + str(count) + '\n')
logging.info("Processing antifeatures...")
afs = Counter()
for app in metaapps:
if app.AntiFeatures is None:
for antifeature in app.AntiFeatures:
afs[antifeature] += 1
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'antifeatures.txt'), 'w') as f:
for antifeature, count in most_common_stable(afs):
f.write(antifeature + ' ' + str(count) + '\n')
# Calculate and write stats for licenses...
logging.info("Processing licenses...")
licenses = Counter()
for app in metaapps:
license = app.License
licenses[license] += 1
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'licenses.txt'), 'w') as f:
for license, count in most_common_stable(licenses):
f.write(license + ' ' + str(count) + '\n')
# Write list of disabled apps...
logging.info("Processing disabled apps...")
disabled = [app.id for app in allmetaapps if app.Disabled]
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'disabled_apps.txt'), 'w') as f:
for appid in sorted(disabled):
f.write(appid + '\n')
# Write list of latest apps added to the repo...
logging.info("Processing latest apps...")
latest = knownapks.getlatest(10)
with open(os.path.join(statsdir, 'latestapps.txt'), 'w') as f:
for appid in latest:
f.write(appid + '\n')
if unknownapks:
logging.info('\nUnknown apks:')
for apk in unknownapks:
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -652,10 +652,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -669,10 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -836,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1582,10 +1574,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2060,10 +2048,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -662,10 +662,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "ཊར་བོལ་གྱི་འབྱུང་ཁུངས་མ་བཟོས། འདིས་ཐོན་སྐྱེད་ཚོད་ལྟ་བྱེད་པ་ལ་ཕན་ཐོགས།"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "ཐོ་གཞུང་དང་འབྲེལ་བ་ཡོད་པའི་རིགས་ལ་གང་ཡང་མ་བྱེད།"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "མཛོད་ཁང་སྐྱར་སོས་མ་བྱེད། དྲྭ་རྒྱ་མེད་པའི་སྐབས་ལ་ཐོན་སྐྱེད་ཚོད་ལྟ་བྱེད་པར་ཕན་ཐོགས་ཡོང་།"
@ -679,10 +675,6 @@ msgstr "rsync ཡིག་ཚགས་བརྟག་དཔྱད་ཀྱི་
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "ཐོ་གཞུང་ཕབ་ལེན་ང་ཚོར་མེད།"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -850,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr "'{apkfilename}' ཆེད་དུ་མིང་རྟགས་འཚ
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1606,10 +1598,6 @@ msgstr "ཐུམ་སྒྲིལ་གྱི་མིང་ཀློག་བ
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "སྦས་ཁུང་ནས་ {apkfilename}ཀློག་བཞིན་པ།"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "ཕྱོགས་བསྡོམས་བྱས་པའི་གྲངས་ཐོ་རྣམས་སྐྱར་རྩིས་བྱེད། -བསྒྱུར་བ་འགྲོ་བའི་སྐབས་ལ་བེད་སྤྱོད་བྱེད།."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "དམིགས་སྟོན་བྱས་པའི་ཡིག་ཆ་རྣམས་མེད་པ་བཟོ་བཞིན་པ།"
@ -2084,10 +2072,6 @@ msgstr "ཐུམ་སྒྲིལ་གསར་པའི་ཆེད་དུ
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "URLཆེད་དུ་ཨང་གྲངས་ཀྱི་ཐོ་གཞུང་གསར་བསྒྱུར།"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "རེ་པོའི་གྲངས་ཐོ་རྣམས་གསར་བསྒྱུར་བྱེད།"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "ཝི་ཀི་གསར་བསྒྱུར་བྱེད།"

View File

@ -670,10 +670,6 @@ msgstr "Nemazat soukromé klíče vygenerované z keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Nevytvářet zdrojový tarball, užitečné při testování sestavení"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Nedělat nic, co souvisí s protokoly"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Neobnovovat repozitář, užitečné při testování bez připojení k internetu"
@ -687,10 +683,6 @@ msgstr "Nepoužívat kontrolní součty rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Stáhnout kompletní mirrory malých repozitářů"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Stáhnout protokoly, které nemáme"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -858,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "Načteny podpisy pro {apkfilename} -> {sigdir}"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Soubor zmizel při jeho zpracování: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1604,10 +1596,6 @@ msgstr "Čtení packageName/versionCode/versionName se nezdařilo, APK nepatné:
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Čtení {apkfilename} z mezipaměti"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Přepočítat souhrnné statistiky - používá se, pokud byly provedeny změny, které by zneplatnily stará data uložená v mezipaměti."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Odebírání určených souborů"
@ -2090,10 +2078,6 @@ msgstr "Aktualizujte informace o repo pro nové balíčky"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Aktualizujte protokol binárního průhlednosti pro adresu URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Aktualizovat statistiky repozitáře"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Aktualizovat wiki"

View File

@ -666,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -683,10 +679,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -850,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1596,10 +1588,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2085,10 +2073,6 @@ msgstr "Diweddaru gwybodaeth ystorfa am becynnau newydd"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Diweddaru ystadegau'r ystorfa"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -683,10 +683,6 @@ msgstr "Entfernen Sie die vom Schlüsselspeicher erzeugten privaten Schlüssel n
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Keinen Tarball vom Quellcode erstellen, nützlich bei Test eines Builds"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Mache auf Logs bezogen nichts"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Keine Aktualisierung des Repositorys. Nützlich, wenn ein Build ohne Internetverbindung getestet wird"
@ -700,10 +696,6 @@ msgstr "Keine rsync-Prüfsummen verwenden"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Komplette Spiegel von kleinen Paketquellen herunterladen"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Herunterladung von Logs welche wir nicht haben"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -871,7 +863,7 @@ msgstr "Signaturen für {apkfilename} -> {sigdir} abgerufen"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Datei verschwand während der Verarbeitung: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1617,10 +1609,6 @@ msgstr "Lesen von packageName/versionCode/versionName fehlgeschlagen, APK ungül
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lese {apkfilename} aus dem Cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Sammelstatistik neu berechnen - nach Änderungen anwenden, die alte zwischengespeicherte Daten entwerten würden."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Entferne angegebene Dateien"
@ -2102,10 +2090,6 @@ msgstr "Paketquelleninformationen zu neuen Programmpaketen aktualisieren"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Binäres Transparency-Log einer URL aktualisieren"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Repository-Statistik aktualisieren"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Wiki aktualisieren"

View File

@ -666,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -683,10 +679,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -840,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1571,10 +1563,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2040,10 +2028,6 @@ msgstr "Ενημέρωση πληροφοριών αποθετηρίου για
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Ενημέρωση των στατιστικών του αποθετηρίου"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -676,10 +676,6 @@ msgstr "No elimine las claves privadas generadas del almacén de claves"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "No cree un tarball de origen, útil al probar una compilación"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "No haga nada con registros relacionados"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "No actualizar el repositorio, útil al probar una compilación sin conexión a Internet"
@ -693,10 +689,6 @@ msgstr "No use rsync checksums"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Descargar réplicas completas de repositorios pequeños"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Descargar registros que no tenemos"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -864,7 +856,7 @@ msgstr "Firmas obtenidas para '{apkfilename}'-> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "El archivo desapareció al procesarlo: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1610,10 +1602,6 @@ msgstr "Falló lectura de packageName/versionCode/versionName, APK inválida: '{
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Leyendo {apkfilename} desde caché"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalcular agregación de estados - usar cuando se hacen cambios que invalidarían los datos antiguos cacheados."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Removiendo archivos especificados"
@ -2095,10 +2083,6 @@ msgstr "Actualizar la información del repositorio para nuevos paquetes"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Actualizar el registro de transparencia binario para una URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Actualizar las estadísticas del repositorio"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Actualizar el wiki"

View File

@ -671,10 +671,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "No crear el tarbal de codigo fuente, útil cuando se esta probando la construcción"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "No hacer nada que refiera a los registros relacionados"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "No refrescar el repositorio, útil cuando se esta probando la construcción y no se tiene conexión a Internet"
@ -688,10 +684,6 @@ msgstr "No usar sumas de validación de rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Descargar los registros que no faltan"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -847,7 +839,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1582,10 +1574,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalcular agregación de estados - usar cuando se hacen cambios que invalidarían los datos antiguos cacheados."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2052,10 +2040,6 @@ msgstr "Actualizar información del repositorio para paquetes nuevos"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Actualizar el registro de transparencia binario de un URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Actualizar las estadísticas del repositorio"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Actualizar la wiki"

View File

@ -657,10 +657,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -674,10 +670,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -831,7 +823,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1562,10 +1554,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2031,10 +2019,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -651,10 +651,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -668,10 +664,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -825,7 +817,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1556,10 +1548,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2025,10 +2013,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -654,10 +654,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -671,10 +667,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -828,7 +820,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1559,10 +1551,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2028,10 +2016,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -653,10 +653,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -670,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -837,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1583,10 +1575,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2061,10 +2049,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -653,10 +653,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -670,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -837,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1579,10 +1571,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2057,10 +2045,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -765,10 +765,6 @@ msgstr "Ne pas supprimer les clés privées générées par le keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Ne pas créer un tarball avec les sources, utile pour tester un build"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Ne pas toucher aux journaux d'applications (logs)"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid ""
"Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet "
@ -786,10 +782,6 @@ msgstr "Ne pas utiliser les sommes de contrôle rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Télécharger une image complète des petits dépôts"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Télécharger les journaux que n'avons pas"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -973,7 +965,7 @@ msgstr "Récupération de la signature pour '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Le fichier a été supprimé au cours du traitement : {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1770,14 +1762,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lecture de {apkfilename} à partir du cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid ""
"Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would "
"invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
"Recalculer les statistiques agrégées — à utiliser quand les modifications "
"faites peuvent invalider les anciennes données en cache."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Suppression des fichiers spécifiés"
@ -2315,10 +2299,6 @@ msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
"Mettre à jour le rapport de transparence des fichiers binaires pour une URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les statistiques du dépôt"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le wiki"

View File

@ -652,10 +652,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -669,10 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -836,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1582,10 +1574,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2060,10 +2048,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -652,10 +652,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -669,10 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -836,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1582,10 +1574,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2060,10 +2048,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -667,10 +667,6 @@ msgstr "Ne távolítsa el a kulcstárolóból előállított privát kulcsokat"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Ne hozzon létre forráscsomagot, ez egy összeállítás tesztelésekor hasznos"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Ne tegyen semmilyen naplózással kapcsolatos dolgot"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Ne frissítse a tárolót, hasznos ha internetkapcsolat nélkül tesztel egy összeállítást"
@ -684,10 +680,6 @@ msgstr "Ne használja az rsync ellenőrzőösszegeit"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Kis tárolók teljes tükrének letöltése"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Helyben nem meglévő naplók letöltése"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -856,7 +848,7 @@ msgstr "A(z) „{apkfilename}” APK aláírásai lekérve -> „{sigdir}”"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "A fájl feldolgozás közben eltűnt: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1605,10 +1597,6 @@ msgstr "A packageName/versionCode/versionName olvasása sikertelen, az APK érv
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "A(z) {apkfilename} olvasása gyorsítótárból"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Aggregált statisztikák újraszámítása akkor használja, ha a változtatások érvénytelenítenék a régi gyorsítótárazott adatokat."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Megadott fájlok eltávolítása"
@ -2085,10 +2073,6 @@ msgstr "Tárolóinformációk frissítése az új csomagoknál"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "A bináris átláthatósági napló frissítése az URL-nél"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "A tároló statisztikáinak frissítése"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -657,10 +657,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -674,10 +670,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -831,7 +823,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1562,10 +1554,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2030,10 +2018,6 @@ msgstr "Perbarui informasi repo untuk paket yang baru"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Perbarui log transparansi biner untuk URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Perbarui status repo"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -676,10 +676,6 @@ msgstr "Non rimuovere le chiavi private generate dal keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Non creare un tarball sorgente, utile per testare una build"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Non fare niente sui log"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Non aggiornare il repository, utile per testare una build offline"
@ -693,10 +689,6 @@ msgstr "Non usare checksum rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Scarica mirror completi di piccoli repository"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Scarica registri che non abbiamo"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -864,7 +856,7 @@ msgstr "Firme recuperate per \"{apkfilename}\" -> \"{sigdir}\""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Il file è scomparso durante l'elaborazione: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1610,10 +1602,6 @@ msgstr "Lettura di packageName/versionCode/ ersionName non riuscita, APK non val
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lettura di {apkfilename} dalla cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Ricalcola statistiche aggregate: da utilizzare quando sono state apportate modifiche che invaliderebbero i vecchi dati memorizzati nella cache."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Rimozione dei file specificati"
@ -2088,10 +2076,6 @@ msgstr "Aggiorna le informazioni del repository coi nuovi pacchetti"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Aggiorna il log di trasparenza binario con un nuovo URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Aggiorna le statistiche del repo"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Aggiorna il wiki"

View File

@ -650,10 +650,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -667,10 +663,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -834,7 +826,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1580,10 +1572,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2057,10 +2045,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -655,10 +655,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -672,10 +668,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -839,7 +831,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1586,10 +1578,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2064,10 +2052,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Leqqem tidaddanin n ukufi"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Leqqem awiki"

View File

@ -657,10 +657,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -674,10 +670,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -841,7 +833,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1588,10 +1580,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "집계 통계 재계산 - 오래된 캐시된 데이터를 무효로 하는 변경사항이 있을 때 사용합니다."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2065,10 +2053,6 @@ msgstr "새 패키지를 위한 저장소 정보를 업데이트합니다"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "URL을 위한 바이너리 투명성 기록을 업데이트합니다"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "저장소의 통계를 업데이트"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "위키를 업데이트합니다"

View File

@ -676,11 +676,6 @@ msgstr "Ikke fjern de private nøklene generert fra nøkkellageret"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Ikke opprett en kildetjæreball, nyttig når et bygg skal testes"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Ikke gjør noe relatert til logging"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
@ -695,11 +690,6 @@ msgstr "Ikke bruk rsync-sjekksummer"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Last ned fullstendige speilinger av små pakkebrønner"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Last ned logger som ikke finnes lokalt"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -875,7 +865,7 @@ msgstr "Hentet signaturer for '{apkfilename}' → '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "En fil ble borte mens den ble behandlet: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1654,11 +1644,6 @@ msgstr "Kunne ikke lese packageName/versionCode/versionName, APK ugyldig: \"{apk
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Behandler {apkfilename}"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
#, fuzzy
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Rekalkuler resultatmengdestatistikk - bruk når endringer har blitt gjort som ville ha gjort gammel hurtiglagringsdata ugyldig."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Fjerner angitte filer"
@ -2148,10 +2133,6 @@ msgstr "Oppdater repo informasjon for nye pakker"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Oppdater binær gjennomsiktighetslogg for en URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Oppdater pakkebrønnens status"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Oppdater wiki-en"

View File

@ -654,10 +654,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -671,10 +667,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -838,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1584,10 +1576,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2062,10 +2050,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -670,10 +670,6 @@ msgstr "Nie usuwaj kluczy prywatnych wygenerowanych z magazynu kluczy"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Nie twórz archiwum źródłowego, przydatnego podczas testowania kompilacji"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Nie wykonuj żadnych czynności związanych z logami"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Nie odświeżaj repozytorium, przydatne podczas testowania kompilacji bez połączenia z Internetem"
@ -687,10 +683,6 @@ msgstr "Nie używaj sum kontrolnych rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Pobierz pełne mirrors małych repozytoriów"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Pobierz dzienniki, których nie mamy"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -858,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "Pobrane podpisy dla '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Plik zniknął podczas przetwarzania go: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1604,10 +1596,6 @@ msgstr "Nie można odczytać packageName/versionCode/versionName, niepoprawny pa
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Czytanie {apkfilename} z pamięci podręcznej"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Przelicz statystyki zagregowane - użyj kiedy wprowadzono zmiany, które unieważniłyby stare dane z pamięci podręcznej."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Usuwanie określonych plików"
@ -2090,10 +2078,6 @@ msgstr "Zaktualizuj informacje o repozytorium dla nowych pakietów"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Zaktualizuj dziennik przejrzystości plików binarnych dla adresu URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Zaktualizuj statystyki repozytorium"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Zaktualizuj wiki"

View File

@ -667,10 +667,6 @@ msgstr "Não remover as chaves privadas geradas do keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Não criar um tarball da fonte; útil quando testando uma compilação"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Não fazer nada relacionado a registros de alterações"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Não atualizar o repositório; útil quando testando uma compilação sem conexão com a internet"
@ -684,10 +680,6 @@ msgstr "Não usar as somas de verificação (checksums) do rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Descarregar espelhos completos de repos pequenos"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Descarregar os registos que nós não temos"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -855,7 +847,7 @@ msgstr "Assinaturas obtidas para '{apkfilename}'-> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "O ficheiro desapareceu enquanto era processado: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1601,10 +1593,6 @@ msgstr "A leitura de packageName/versionCode/versionName falhou, APK inválido:
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lendo {apkfilename} do cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalcular estatísticas agregadas - use quando foram feitas alterações que invalidariam os dados cache antigos."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Apagando ficheiros especificados"
@ -2086,10 +2074,6 @@ msgstr "Atualizar a informação do repositório para novos pacotes"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Atualizar o registo de transparência de binário para um URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Atualizar as estatísticas do repositório"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Atualizar a wiki"

View File

@ -673,10 +673,6 @@ msgstr "Não remova as chaves privadas geradas do keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Não criar um tarball da fonte; útil quando testando uma compilação"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Não fazer nada relacionado a registros de alterações"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Não atualizar o repositório; útil quando testando uma compilação sem conexão com a internet"
@ -690,10 +686,6 @@ msgstr "Não usar as somas de verificação (checksums) do rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Faça o download de espelhos completos de pequenos repositórios"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Baixar os registros de alterações que nós não temos"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -861,7 +853,7 @@ msgstr "As assinaturas buscadas para '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "O arquivo desapareceu enquanto era processado: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1607,10 +1599,6 @@ msgstr "A leitura de packageName/versionCode/versionName falhou, o APK inválido
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lendo {apkfilename} do cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalcular estatísticas agregadas - use quando foram feitas alterações que invalidariam os dados cache antigos."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Removendo arquivos especificados"
@ -2092,10 +2080,6 @@ msgstr "Atualiza as informações do repositório para novos pacotes"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Atualiza o log de transparência de um binário para um URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Atualiza as estatísticas do repositório"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Atualizar a wiki"

View File

@ -668,10 +668,6 @@ msgstr "Não remover as chaves privadas geradas do keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Não criar um tarball da fonte; útil quando testando uma compilação"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Não fazer nada relacionado a registros de alterações"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Não atualizar o repositório; útil quando testando uma compilação sem conexão com a internet"
@ -685,10 +681,6 @@ msgstr "Não usar as somas de verificação (checksums) do rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Descarregar espelhos completos de repos pequenos"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Descarregar os registos que nós não temos"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -856,7 +848,7 @@ msgstr "Assinaturas obtidas para '{apkfilename}'-> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "O ficheiro desapareceu enquanto era processado: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1602,10 +1594,6 @@ msgstr "A leitura de packageName/versionCode/versionName falhou, APK inválido:
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Lendo {apkfilename} do cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalcular estatísticas agregadas - use quando foram feitas alterações que invalidariam os dados cache antigos."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Apagando ficheiros especificados"
@ -2087,10 +2075,6 @@ msgstr "Atualizar a informação do repositório para novos pacotes"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Atualizar o registo de transparência de binário para um URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Atualizar as estatísticas do repositório"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Atualizar a wiki"

View File

@ -669,10 +669,6 @@ msgstr "Nu eliminați cheile private generate din keystore"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Nu creați un tarball sursă, util atunci când testați o construcție"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Nu faceți nimic legat de jurnale"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Nu reîmprospătați depozitul, util atunci când testați o construcție fără conexiune la internet"
@ -686,10 +682,6 @@ msgstr "Nu folosiți sumele de verificare rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Descărcați oglinzi complete ale depozitelor mici"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Descărcați jurnalele pe care nu le avem"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -857,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr "A preluat semnăturile pentru '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Fișierul a dispărut în timpul procesării acestuia: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1603,10 +1595,6 @@ msgstr "Citirea packageName/versionCode/versionName a eșuat, APK invalid: '{apk
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Citirea {apkfilename} din memoria cache"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Recalculează statisticile agregate - se utilizează atunci când au fost efectuate modificări care ar invalida vechile date din memoria cache."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Eliminarea fișierelor specificate"
@ -2089,10 +2077,6 @@ msgstr "Actualizarea informațiilor repo pentru noile pachete"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Actualizarea jurnalului de transparență binară pentru o adresă URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Actualizați statisticile repo-ului"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Actualizarea wiki"

View File

@ -677,10 +677,6 @@ msgstr "Не удалять сгенерированные приватные к
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Не создавать архив с исходниками. Ускоряет тестовые сборки"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Не писать никаких логов"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Не обновлять репозиторий. Упрощает тестовые сборки при отсутствии интернета"
@ -694,10 +690,6 @@ msgstr "Не использовать контрольные суммы rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Полностью загружать зеркала для небольших репозиториев"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Загрузить отсутствующие логи"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -865,7 +857,7 @@ msgstr "Получены подписи для '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Файл исчез во время обработки: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1611,10 +1603,6 @@ msgstr "Не удалось извлечь packageName, внутреннюю и
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Чтение {apkfilename} из кеша"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Пересчитать совокупную статистику. Используйте эту опцию, когда свежие изменения конфликтуют с прежними закешированными данными."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Удаление выбранных файлов"
@ -2097,10 +2085,6 @@ msgstr "Обновить информацию о репозитории для
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Обновить лог степени прозрачности (binary transparency log) для URL-адреса"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Обновить статистику репозитория"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Обновить вики"

View File

@ -653,10 +653,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -670,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -837,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1583,10 +1575,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2062,10 +2050,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -665,10 +665,6 @@ msgstr "Mos i hiq kyçet private të prodhuar nga depo kyçesh"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Mos krijo një paketë tar burimi, e dobishme kur testohet një montim"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Mos bëj gjë që lidhet me regjistrat"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Mos rifresko depon, e dobishme kur testohet një montim pa lidhje internet"
@ -682,10 +678,6 @@ msgstr "Mos përdorni checksum-e rsync-u"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Shkarko pasqyra të plota deposh të vogla"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Shkarkoni regjistra që si kemi"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -853,7 +845,7 @@ msgstr "U sollën nënshkrime për '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Kartela u zhduk teksa përpunohej: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1599,10 +1591,6 @@ msgstr "Leximi i packageName/versionCode/versionName dështoi, APK e pavlefshme:
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Po lexohet {apkfilename} prej fshehtine"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Rinjehso statistika përmbledhëse - përdoreni kur janë bërë ndryshime të cilat mund të bënin të pavlefshme të dhëna të vjetra të ruajtura në fshehtinë."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Po hiqen kartelat e treguara"
@ -2085,10 +2073,6 @@ msgstr "Përditësoni të dhëna depoje për paketa të reja"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Përditësoni regjistrin e transparencës së dyorit për një URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Përditëso statistikat e depos"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Përditësoni wiki-n"

View File

@ -655,10 +655,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -672,10 +668,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -830,7 +822,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1561,10 +1553,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2030,10 +2018,6 @@ msgstr "Uppdatera förrådinformation för nya paket"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Uppdatera binärens genomskinliga logg för en URL"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Uppdatera repostatistik"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -666,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr "Anahtar deposundan oluşturulan özel anahtarları kaldırmayın"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Bir kaynak tar dosyası yaratma, bir inşa sınanırken yararlıdır"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Günlüklerle ilgili bir şey yapma"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Depoyu yenileme, bir inşa internet bağlantısı olmadan sınanırken yararlıdır"
@ -683,10 +679,6 @@ msgstr "Rsync sağlama toplamlarını kullanma"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Küçük depoların tam yansımasını indir"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Bizde olmayan günlükleri indir"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -854,7 +846,7 @@ msgstr "'{apkfilename}' için imzalar alındı -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Dosya işlenirken kayboldu: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1600,10 +1592,6 @@ msgstr "packageName/versionCode/versionName okuma başarısız, APK geçersiz: '
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "{apkfilename} önbellekten okunuyor"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Toplam istatistikleri yeniden hesapla - eski önbelleklenen veriyi geçersiz kılacak değişiklikler yapıldığında kullan."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Belirtilen dosyalar kaldırılıyor"
@ -2085,10 +2073,6 @@ msgstr "Yeni paketler için depo bilgisini güncelle"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Bir URL için çalıştırılabilir şeffaflık günlüğünü güncelle"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Depo istatistikleri güncelleştir"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Viki'yi güncelle"

View File

@ -652,10 +652,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -669,10 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -836,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1582,10 +1574,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2060,10 +2048,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -653,10 +653,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr ""
@ -670,10 +666,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -837,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1583,10 +1575,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr ""
@ -2061,10 +2049,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr ""
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -672,10 +672,6 @@ msgstr "Не вилучайте приватні ключі, утворені у
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "Не створюйте вихідний код, корисно під час тестування створення"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "Не робіть нічого пов'язаного з журналами"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "Не оновлюйте репозиторій, корисно під час тестування створення без з'єднання з Інтернетом"
@ -689,10 +685,6 @@ msgstr "Не використовуйте контрольні суми rsync"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "Завантажувати повноцінні дзеркала невеликих репозиторіїв"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "Журналів завантаження у нас немає"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -860,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr "Отримані підписи для '{apkfilename}' -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "Файл зник під час його обробки: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1606,10 +1598,6 @@ msgstr "Помилка packageName/versionCode/versionName, APK недійсне
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "Читання {apkfilename} з кешу"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "Перерахуйте сукупну статистику - використовуйте, коли були внесені зміни, які призведуть до втрати старих кешованих даних."
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "Вилучення вказаних файлів"
@ -2092,10 +2080,6 @@ msgstr "Оновіть дані репозиторію для нових пак
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "Оновити бінарний журнал прозорості для URL-адреси"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "Оновити статистику репозиторію"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "Оновити вікі"

View File

@ -708,10 +708,6 @@ msgstr "不要从密钥库删除已生成的私钥"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "不创建源码 tarball 文件,便于内部版本测试"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "请勿做任何日志相关的操作"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid ""
"Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet "
@ -727,10 +723,6 @@ msgstr "请勿使用 rsync 校验和"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "下载小型仓库的完整镜像"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "下载当前没有的日志"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -903,7 +895,7 @@ msgstr "获取了'{apkfilename}'的签名-> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "文件在处理时消失: {path}"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1658,12 +1650,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "从缓存读取 {apkfilename}"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid ""
"Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would "
"invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "重新计算聚合统计数据-当已经做出更改而导致旧的缓存数据无效时使用。"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "删除指定文件"
@ -2166,10 +2152,6 @@ msgstr "更新新包的存储库信息"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "更新 URL 的二进制透明度日志"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "更新存储库统计信息"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "更新维基页面"

View File

@ -675,10 +675,6 @@ msgstr "不要移除從金鑰儲存生成的私密金鑰"
msgid "Don't create a source tarball, useful when testing a build"
msgstr "不要建立 tarball在測試一個構建時很有用處"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Don't do anything logs-related"
msgstr "不要做任何與日誌有關的事情"
#: ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Don't refresh the repository, useful when testing a build with no internet connection"
msgstr "不要更新軟體庫,在沒有網路連線時測試構建很有用"
@ -692,10 +688,6 @@ msgstr "不使用 rsync 檢驗和"
msgid "Download complete mirrors of small repos"
msgstr "下載小型軟體庫完整的鏡像"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Download logs we don't have"
msgstr "下載我們沒有的日誌"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
#, python-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
@ -865,7 +857,7 @@ msgstr "抓取 '{apkfilename}' 的簽署資料 -> '{sigdir}'"
msgid "File disappeared while processing it: {path}"
msgstr "檔案 「路徑: {path}」在處理過程中消失了!"
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/stats.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/verify.py ../fdroidserver/update.py
#: ../fdroidserver/rewritemeta.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
#: ../fdroidserver/checkupdates.py ../fdroidserver/scanner.py
#: ../fdroidserver/install.py
@ -1633,10 +1625,6 @@ msgstr "讀取套件名稱/版本代碼/版本名稱 失敗APK 無效:'{apk
msgid "Reading {apkfilename} from cache"
msgstr "從緩存讀取 {apkfilename}"
#: ../fdroidserver/stats.py
msgid "Recalculate aggregate stats - use when changes have been made that would invalidate old cached data."
msgstr "重新計算集合統計 - 使用時進行更改,這會使得舊的快取資料無效。"
#: ../fdroidserver/common.py
msgid "Removing specified files"
msgstr "移除指定檔案"
@ -2119,10 +2107,6 @@ msgstr "為新的套件包更新軟體庫資訊"
msgid "Update the binary transparency log for a URL"
msgstr "為網址更新二進制的透明日誌"
#: ../fdroid ../fdroidserver/__main__.py
msgid "Update the stats of the repo"
msgstr "更新軟體庫的統計"
#: ../fdroidserver/update.py ../fdroidserver/build.py
msgid "Update the wiki"
msgstr "更新維基百科"

View File

@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ class CommonTest(unittest.TestCase):
config = fdroidserver.common.read_config(fdroidserver.common.options)
def test_with_zero_size_config(self):
@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ class CommonTest(unittest.TestCase):
config = fdroidserver.common.read_config(fdroidserver.common.options)
def test_with_config_yml(self):

View File

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):