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# F-Droid metadata template
# See https://f-droid.org/docs/ for more details
# and the Metadata reference
# https://f-droid.org/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/
# Fields that are commented out are optional
# Single-line fields start right after the colon (with a whitespace).
# These items are the metadata for the app. Please fill as many as possible.
Categories: # Use those which apply
- Connectivity
- Development
- Games
- Graphics
- Internet
- Money
- Multimedia
- Navigation
- Phone & SMS
- Reading
- Science & Education
- Security
- Sports & Health
- System
- Theming
- Time
- Writing
License: (identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses)
# AuthorName: (web link)
# AuthorEmail: (web link)
# AuthorWebSite: (web link)
# WebSite: (web link)
SourceCode: (web link)
# IssueTracker: (web link)
# Changelog: (web link)
# Donate: (web link)
# FlattrID: (number)
# LiberapayID: (number)
# Bitcoin: (bitcoin address)
RepoType: (git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr)
Repo: (repo url, preferably https)
Binaries: (Upstream binary link for reproducible build)
# At least one for new apps
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: v1.0
subdir: app
# submodules: true
# output: some.apk
# prebuild: sed -i -e
# build: make
# For a complete list of possible flags, see the docs
# MaintainerNotes: |-
# Here go the notes to take into account for future updates, builds, etc.
# Will be published in the wiki if present.
# The following options are described at this location:
# https://f-droid.org/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#UpdateCheckMode
AutoUpdateMode: Version
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1